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AUCTIONS. H. JdATSON ANE CO. WHEAT OB LIVE STOCK? BANBURY F.U. CHAIRMAN CRITICISES fiEAWJUABTEBS' BECOMMEMDATIOin B. was criticism of ti»e N.F.U. policy resolutions when, the Banbury F.U. luct on April 3rd, Mr A. P. McLougal pre- • tiding. The secretary ro»d the resolut.ons passed at the Council meeting in London, the. first being that the Union should remain unconnected with political parties; with this Ihc meeting agreed. Whan it came to the one advocating a 55b guarantee for wheat, the chairman said he regretted to say he felt in a di&icult position because, as their chairman, he could not accept that resolution. At any rate, ho could not give his personal support tq it. He was very well aware that at the present moment wheat was becoming very much in the political and agricultural outlook, but it did not loom in the statistical output. Only 6 per cent, of the total produce of Ihe farm was represented in wheat, whereas live stock Was represented by 7Q per cent. His strong opinion was that, though live stock may be joss unremunerative than wheat growing at 86s or 363 a quarter, he had no assurance that it would lons remain loss unremunerative on the output. HARMFUL TO AGRICULTURE. The fact was they had allowed wheat to become oi no consideration to the average farmer, and even it they got wheat prices guaranteed to 655, the result would be very harmful to agriculture in general. Be, believed it would be the means oi creatine a prairie system of farming on lands in the eastern •orjntties and on the"downlands, where they could produce wheat with motor power and lather modern methoda of machinery at »■_.!_ i 'prices and get a very i lands would be turned ... ~, 3 with about one man to SOQ acres He asked, what did wheat represent tq the average farmer? Most of "the idvantage wouUT go to the eastern counties. Mr George Gibbard said he waa sorry to totally disagree with* practically everything tfcfl <Jh»irman had said. He was at the Council meeting in London when the resolution' was'passea "with great unanimity. They ■were often told that agriculturists did not know what they wanted, that they had got »il *ort»qf policies, but at this council meeting, at which every county in England was represented, they passed that resolution un•nimoufly. After further discussion, it was decided to take a vote, and Mr Baker proposed that the policy propounded by headquarters bo •porpved. The resolution, when put to the meeting, •was carried unanimously;, the chairman not taking part ty the voting. DO NOT FORGET THE OLD FIRM. -THEIR EXPERIENCE IS KNOCKING AT YOUR DOOR AND THEIR CAPABILITIES ARE AT *QUR DISPOSAL. H. MATSON and CO., CHBISTGHURCH. A&RIGpLTURAL A PROFIT- OF $83,6,00 IN THE PERIOD OQVBBEI} BS'THB, fIRST ANNUAL report: ' '■ 'W Ifst bslancarsheet has been Issued of the Agricultural Mortgage Corppration, Ltd., the company fpruled in }BB£| to hapdle the tatio'nal' scheme for agricultural credits, 'he company began business' On January 14th, 6nd b* tb.e fiddle oi May the whole of its capital available for lending h»d been p>jd out in long-term loans, and in June art issue of £5,000,006 6 per cent, debenture stock was made. ' The profit "for' this first period of 15 •pntba was m,034. Of this 1« transferred to general reserves, £26f)4 tq epiejal reserve, £g9rß allocated for preliminary' espouses, £7BOI for expenses of «}« de%ntuW stock i«si}6, iß2lCitr"«iit of Jurmture and fittings, and £2401 is carried farwarq. Up to Mareh Ist, 1880, the total of mortgage loans, complied wis,'J4; 188,590. the ♦aluatidn' qf tfce properties cqmprislpg the security for tHese ldany totalling £0,005,495. ?naddition, loans for £1,137,655 had been approved, subject to completion of legal Th;» advances h»yj» been •Ts*iß» Ishojp (Souflftrg; afcd hiqtse been granted'". q$ properties la' every oqttnty of England sad "Wales," with" one "etc^ptlotf. The amoupts reejblyeii in payment of Interest £nd repayment' of principal were *57,873 v and rj>t}ssU}ent instalments overdue »°je ttraji'fojrpg tfaji'*eiß'tes» thap *PSO. Ih the course-of hie speech at the first •MH-' 1 ISPS**' meeting qn; Wednesday. Sir Wlianv (Jbsch« said that, up to the end m' i—. »..i u._ vXtUi. tFiuuea aavonces on lana in every county in' England and Wales except one. Lincolnshire, Torksbire, Somerset, Nqrthuraberland. and Cambridgeshire bad perhaps ap- . precis ted the facilities offered to a greater than other districts. Advances had been made on properties as small as two *r three acres. Up to the; close of thejr financial sear |BB2 applications were received, 248 were Applications continued to reach them' by ,«T«ry post, and be ventured Jo tl>)njc (hat the experience; of their first year had show's that (he formation of 'this Corporation bad ftSoortant and hardly pressed iecflon of our iWMtn.eik" -■.....- There are many qccupjers i i may pqrssppnr to reahie ypsr . your full position I*olJ into it and report. It costa hqtbinjf!" " wpRS ~iRfNGa"" wikat. period fob Bons™ ~.^,^.™. BiiiMillSliW f arljanierit h|B extehded the period during leuiefc bqunftr is payable on the wheat exported from" France." tt will be recalled, for expotta'jjnd allowing 14 order to enable the I tq be' dumped' elsewhere. 'A "period oFtfjjipe. montlis via flxe-'d, expiring qn' March 8»d last. Bineq .this has net sufficed7 T ty> to since the „ . , ~ , , ~... >e end of P»bra»r* the quantity pf vhqat shipped from French ports amounts to 1,742,(J8p" quintals, or-approximately 8,4?1.9Q00wt.\' The ' whoat hes '>lftced'' la »nd Holland. ?/ . . j . ■ n r* _, H. MATSON and 00. I fried, trusted, and true to the In- I teresfs of the primary pr< therefore" consign" "your o- : OATTLB, WOOIIbIDBS, SHEEP: SKINS, TALLOW, PIGS, afld ■ CALVES, ETC., TO H. MATSON and GO. Bx. 'JPiess." .. RETALIATION. ? E A *e ]»y the: qnestloh time, In reply tq Senator JS.A.J, thVLeadw of the GqVeru- »*« Djfy) s»ld s»at since &l pre«*nt Spvernment tabled its' tariff, the duty Pf,*?**?* 1 !" whw) ifnpcjr>(Bd into fttqtie bid been increased from Is 3d per bushel tq frfS Ur: bujueV »»rthe fan on -AjHlnr li|» Butter from 16s 4d per owt to 49s per eelved as C?"'),..., aukin* representations to tl flrflroent. so that Australia wquld g«t the WW. obtained by fndfa and fop Arf»ij!nf p Sir Georee Peerce commented:' We are Cfttihf • bit of oar own back. SpeaMnf pn thj» mfltiqn fqr the adjonrnJMpV^ftHp'#fttH9WPi i S-A-r "objected to lire reio«rk, fhieh. he said, -might create an Sir Pe«i«;> promptly quoted a news; paper f'epSrt of « statement made by the Australian tr»de representative in France tq thfl effe'et that the duties were' irnposed in '.'; ' Daly said that Ausfraliii's export of wheat and butfer to Trance am»unted •s|y |q #6oo,pop annually.' Her principal ex-pqrts-—*ool and ' sheepskins- 1 -amounted tq mqre than £13,000.000, and these had l>°t fceiin affected by jPrancp'i! pUm4 policy, Australia, pn Jhe q|her hand, had hiaen imr | jtorflnf Irqm »ueh goods as spirituous i ItqUOrjj, • njis, pickles, clothing, olive oil, tyVon, If they could pot be produced, ip Austr.flla,jipuld b» made la some other part of th« Empire. The 4psf»»ljan butter and vh»»t which had gone to pay for these goods shjuld hj.vjp k»ptt used to puirehaje articles o' greater faJne to the Commonwealth er else, toW»rd» paying"th e oVersoas'interest bill. irgely eliminated ailments. . With the low thermometer' the vitality of stock suffers (Kitoilar to assail pe'Bgs, With TMJf ,»n each paddock, your sheep, cattle, houses. Wge. f'en your dog*, will benent beyond bel'ef, fh!s gjreat remedy hj»« be»n tried by qiir g*e»ttest aifr'fultural snd pastwal oulhorities, and is used from Auckland to the Bluff. I» f««e of heavy comnetitlon It has proved a boon and ft blessin* to stock owners. M. MATSQ* uA CO.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19941, 30 May 1930, Page 22

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Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19941, 30 May 1930, Page 22

Page 22 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19941, 30 May 1930, Page 22