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- , • *■' .•h —• JISHBURTON. ' ' . ' V; personal: ' Ut W. Bryant left last evening on two wa>ks' holiday to the North Island. v ' Vi|al' Statistics. '".. The''vital statistics fo?'last ..mongh, Compared with April, l!&&& r ,ten aa follows.—Deaths IS (12), births 21 (18),- ; marriages 10 (11). ' ! . Bankruptcies. One,petition-in bankruptcy was field ) la Ashburtori last month, .while there t) was none for the corresponding month of last year. Fot the first four months of this year'there have been eight bankruptcies in Ashburton, which is equal ; to.the total'for'the whole of 1929. > Ttock Ewe Competition. The first day's judging in connexion * with the flock ewe competition conduct- - #d by th,e Ashbortyn and Methven " 7* * ud '?* Associations, was held yesterV * day. Gbod entries Lad been received jn '. ' tseh of the six classes'. The judges woro «essrs S .Andrew, F. L. McGregor, and w. B. Andrew. The judging of the Jwrles ia the Ashburton district was y«"terday, and to-day will be •PWt jn the Methven district. Eleven '( wis were made yesterday. ' Bain and Frost. i£ U ? i *?- A P ra *• total .rainfall wasr »J7. inches; the heavier "fall for any" «e day being .47 inch«s"on April 11th. £?„rS? W< ? e Entered, the heaviest vs.£ji e^e «V*>corded on April 12th. W*yH2£c& day broke fine ' but xan^s#%^ ralll commenced to "° lbMea "P»l*ittl (Rebekah) Lodge. (Bebekah) Lodge, No. 34, tbi«W* ;^ d itfl meeting in ' ffialsPS?f% Btwet Ha] l on Wednesday ■ , S'JTT Three candidates were initi- ■ '?fcl A »«agements were made to hold '*• 2^2^^i ball ott M »y 27th » an * it 2***f* t0 hold a 80cial nexfc Lod e e mktii *y tp invite members of - the ; . '"■ - '-', Golf Club. *! f , ' for the medal match to- ' «;£S r ? w ''> iß: —E. A. Cockroft and S. J. ' - xPff** A ' Boshell and F. W. Watt, '<' MrJr^" and Dr - Fulton, Dr. H. S. I fW* and c - A. Cuff, F. M. Brodie f*./-»«./• Connor, D. C Wilson-and B, B. fJ v sji^ b «t» A, Dunlop.and S;- Graham, ft 7?3 ** la « s »d. B. Macgregor, E. H. Orr 6 JP r - G ' L Millw > D - M. Christie I v '*«*rTi B ' Con dell, W. Thomas and G. I X&l**®*™ 8 ' A - Laa« and C. J. Bell, T. |;-V«»t and C. H. Carson, D. A. Lawson W tiSr °-Bonnington, J. Sinclair and C. 8.W# Bussell and H - E - Bonningfe <* ?» G « Bonnington and H. G. Kemp, Ir'^t? 0 and L ' A * Charle8 ' H - M. 1 : A « L - Joneß » s - H. Truman 9? &% H - 6 - Ferrier, W. Birnie and A. W. Hedges and-B. McSherry. Saturday, when players will tnfeir OWII P ar * nCrß an d oppohto tne * nc^ement weather the match, which was to ■■^*J fl . heen.played among members of Ashburton Ladies' Golf Club yester-"

day afternoon, was postponed till i Thursday next, -when it will be played in conjunction with the qualifying round of the knock-out competition. The I draw for yesterday's match will Btand. ' Savage Olnb. The annuaLmeeting of the Ashburton Savage' Club was held hurt evening,'the Great Chief, .Savage A. H. Todd, presiding. The annual report referred to the success of the past year. An excellent standard of programme had been maintained, and in this respect gratitude was expressed to- the orchestra and. perfdrmers during the season. made io Oamarn, Waimate, ;°h" Btchurcb, 8 tchurcb, and'Timaru, and Colonel J.'Fiudlay's/JBiffelton. The financial statement showed/a credit balance of £42' 6s'4d. ' ' / ■ The election of office-bearers Ye'außed'aa follows i-rQtaa.t Chief, Savage P.' H. Smith; - chief-scribe, Savage J. Hanratty; scalp hunter, Savage W. C. J. Osman; musical director, Savage W. Woods; auditor, Savago J. W. Bowden; braves, Savages M. J. Burgess and J. Hanratty; conncil, Savages w. H. Amos, A. L. Jones, F. Chambers, F. Pritchard, A. C. Wilson, J.i Brown, Drs. N. Pulton and G. I. Miller. The opening night was fixed for May 15th. - „ Allenton Amalgamation.

There was a largely-attended meeting of Allenton residents in the school last evening to-discuss-a'proposal to amalgamate with the Borough' of Ashburton, but at the outset it was evident-that a - section Was out to stonewall the efforts "of those who had initiated the scheme, and interjections were frequent; Mr D. A. Morgan was elected chairman. There was, he said, an effort some years ago in> the -direction of amalgamation. It was a matter for the greatest good for the greatest number. The mode of procedure' would be a petition, followed by an Order-in-Council, to have a portion of the district incorporated in the borough. At the present time they were under dual control in Allenton, some rates being paid to the Ashburton County Council and some to the Upper Ashburton Boad Board. . He favoured a system of a loan for, improvements', so that those who came later-would share in the cost. He read a letteT from the Borough Council, which stated that it would be agreeable to take in Allenton, if a petition waspresfented to the Governor-General. The area set out was agreed to. The annual value' was to. be based, at four per cent, of the capital value with no revaluation except in the case of added improvements for a period of five years. The., basis of charge for water supj?ly : for present consumers on high pressure supply would be 6 per cent, of the annual value. The Council would give fire protection where water .was available, would make a regular rubbish removal, give better street lighting, erect street name signs, and would give more attention to -the Alford Forest road water-race.

A comprehensive'report, which was presented by Mr H. G. Kemp, showed that the area of Allenton which was proposed to be included in the borough was 349 acres. The capital value was £231,000. There were 312 rateable properties, 265 ratepayers, 244 residential, and eight business premises. The average saving to present Allenton house-, holders- supplied with the borough supply would be £1 3s sd. The Borough sanitary charge was 20s, compared with 30s in Allenton at the presenttime, he said. The rate was three farthings and £920 was realised, «350 of which went to the Road Board, and 5670 to the County Council. .... ... Mr W.-Acton said he thought that before the gone_to the Borough Council to; discuss terms it should have Bad the authority of the

-ratepayer* to* dp so. He was'closely associated with a stailar-lmovement nine years ago/ when thei Borough Council was. putting, down its drainage scheme. He thought that the Borough's present water, supply was just adequate for its own requirements, and If Allenton wanted more water or sewerage it. would have to -pay for it. He was an advocate of amalgamation nine years ago, when there was a possibility of connecting 'with the sewerage, system, but he couldnot see any advantage at the -present, time:. The> County Council was in. a better position to improve the Alford Forest road' :than< the Borough Council ' ' .'-'_" _'./.'.- Mr L. E. Clarice said lie thought that it would be better for Allenton to remain as it was at present, and press „fojvmore of, the money ihat was raised ;ln'the' district bein'g spent. . ; The chairman said that if a petition was presented to the Governor-General a Commission would be set up to decide the; point. . Mr Acton moved that the ratepayers approach the County Council and Upper Ashburton Road Board, to ascertain if they were prepared to provide the conveniences that the district required, before making any further move. The chairman held that more than half the people present could not vote on the proposal because they were not in the.area affected. At this stage the meeting reached a deadlock as to the eligibility" of those outside the area to vote on the question. On a vote of the residents inside the area as to whether a committee should be appointed to go further into the,matter the proposal was lost. Tho chairman said that a petition would now be circulated, and those who had objections could place them before the Commission if it was set up. He declined to accept Mr Acton's motion at this stage; stating that the meeting had closed. St. Stephen's Church. The annual meeting of parishioners of St. Stephen's Anglican Church was held last evening, when the Rev. A. J. Petrie presided over a good attendance. The annual report stated that there had been definite progress in, the parish during the year. The attendances at all services had been 25,615, while 3098 Communions had been made. There were 51 baptisms, 17 marriages, and 43. burials.* ■ « ; The churchwardens, Messrs E. C. Bathurst and T. H. Willis, submitted a comprehensive report on the year's operations. the debt on the section had been reduced to £154 3s 6d. The balance-sheet showed that the year commenced . with a debit, balance of £64 Is 2d, and ended with a debit balance of £37 17s Bd. The following church oflicers were elected? Vicar's-warden, Mr E. CBathurst; - parishioners' warden, Mr T. H. Willis; vestrymen, Messrs W. H. Woods, T. S. J. Dbherty, W. H. Amos, L. A. Charles, W. P. Childs, R. H. Biggar, R. Stephenson, W. C. J, Osman, A. M. Meredith, and Dr. N. E. Fulton; auditor, Mr A. Bushell. • Trotting Club. A meeting of the Ashburton Trotting Club was held last evening, Mr F. B. Robilliard presiding. . the: financial statement in connexion with the recent autumn Meeting disclosed a satisfactory profit. The programme for the winter Meeting was drawn up, and, £2250 was allotted in stake-money. The class for New Zealand Sapling Stakes, to be decided at this Meeting, was fixed at 3.40. ■ Att the date of the CanteTbury-Bntish football match clashes with the winter Meeting, on June 7th, it was decided r.o approach tihe Qamaru Jockey Club, whose Meeting takes place on June 14th, with a view to making an exchange in the dates. It was decided to apply for tho

same dates as last year for' this Season's fixtures. Mr F. B, Robilliard was appointed the club'e delegate to the New Zealand Trotting Conference, A. sum of tea guineas was given to the Plunktt Society's building fund. METHVEN. With a view to assisting to raise the Mount Hutt quota of the Cancer Research Campaign Fund, the First Ranger ..Troop of. the Me thv en Girl Guides arranged a very enjoyable and successful social and dance, which was held in the Anglican Hall on Wednesday evening. There was a good attendance and as a result of the effort the fund will benefit considerably. A number of novelty dances were held and a 'lucky one step" was won by Miss B. Berry and Mr Wiely: a Monte Carlo waltz by Miss Avis Scoon and Mr W. Duff: while Mr P. Watson secured the "lucky hat." . The following are the meteorological observations for the month of April as recorded by Mr James Carr, "Rudstone," Methven: —Rain fell on 10 days, the maximum fall being 17 points on the Bth. The total for the month was 2.22 inches as against 2.51 inches for April last year. The total for the year to date is 14.64 inches, while for the same period of 1929 the total rainfall, recorded was 9.66 inches. The highest value of the barometer was 30.34 on the Ist and the lowest reading, 29.58, on the 10th. The highest reading of the maximum thermometer was 74 on the 15th and the lowest minimum • was 31 on the 12th. The lowest reading on the grass was 25 on the 13th. Frost was recorded on 11 nights during April. Mr R. F. Renai, -manager of the Methven Branch of the Bank of New Zealand, left this morning for Wellington, en route for Sydney on an extended holiday tour. Mr C. C. Leys is relieving during the absence of Mr Renai. • ■ . ' Miss Johnston, Mayfield, is the guest of Mrs W. Morgan, "The Towers,' Methven. . HINDS. The following team will represent Hinds against Old Boys in the opening round of the football competition at Hinds on Saturday:—C. Elms, A. Lowe, T Lowe, V. Graham, M. Rickard, B. Burnett, A. Geddes, Honeymead, A. Hawke, R. Marsden, F. Hood,-A. Hood, J McCormick,- S. Lister, L: Olliver, W.Jones, L. Husband, H. Donaldson, H. Coyle, and A. Lamont. . , ''■ During April the rainfall totalled 2 21 inches. Rain fell on ten days, the heaviest fall (78 points) being registered on April 7th. _ Mr J. Brown, the Education Boards chief agricultural instructor, visited the school yesterday. RAKAIA. At the Rakaia Football Club's social, held on-Wednesday evening, compete tions were 'won by Miss L-Snutb, Mrs H. r Smith, and Messrs T.. Clark and J. Kifkland. ~.. . The sum of £6 6s which was collected at the memorial service on Ansae Day was sent to the Rantlerdale 11->me by Mr M P. Crooke, who has received a letter from the secretary, Mr Tosswill. In thanking the Rakaia people, Mr Tosswill stated that the monev was welcome, as the /adio set at the institution was in urgent need of repairs. RUAPUNA. There, was a fair attendance at the first social evening organised by the Sail trustees'in aid of the hall. Prizes, were won by Mrs J. MoOre and Mr J. Conway. The annual meeting of householders to elect a school .committee, which was

to be"- held on Monday night, lapsed through Jack of support. Another meeting is to be held later. A total of 230 points of rain, which fell on five occasions, was registered during April.; The weather during the month has. been fairly, warm with a prevalence of overcast days. Several severe frosts were recorded. Easterly winds have prevailed. Another social evening in aid of the hall will be held on the 13th. ROKEBY. On Wednesday evening, in Mr J. C. Irwin's granary, -an- enjoyable dance was held*in honour of Miss Amy Hooper, who is leaving the district to reside in Dunedin. There' was a large attendance of the residents of Rolteby and the surrounding districts. Mr J. C. Irwin presided, add on ' behalf of ' those present presented Miss Hooper with a Kaiapoi travelling rug. Mr T. Hooper returned thanks on behalf of bit, sister. Afterwards a .pleasant evening was spent in dancing. Music was supplied; by Miss Jean MacDbnald and extras were played by Miss Caskey and Mr Douglas Stewart. Mr Small was..M.C. >.....:. WILLOWBY. __ The meteorological report for April is as follows:—Rain fell?6n eight occasions, the maximum fall occurring during , the night of the. Bth, when. sft Points fell in twelve hours. The minimum fall was six points on the 10th. The total for the month was inches, compared with 1.85 inches for April, 1929. The registration' 'for"-the first four months of 1930 is 9.43 inches, while 6.72 inches were recorded du r"ig ; the corresponding period of } -V >.SQveral frosts varying, in intensity frqni two degrees to six degrees* /were experienced.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19917, 2 May 1930, Page 13

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MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19917, 2 May 1930, Page 13

MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19917, 2 May 1930, Page 13