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RANGIORA. Mr C. W. Bell, a former resident of TJangiora, and an ex-Mayor of the Borough, but now residing in the North of Auckland, is on a visit to Rangiora. Mr 0. W. Tvler, Superintendent of the Bangiora v olujiteer Firo Brigade with Miss D. Tyler, left by ferry last evening, for Whangarei. to attend the United Fire Brigades' Association Conference. The annual meeting of the Dudley Park Control Committee was he]d on Saturday night, Mr C. W. Tyler presiding. The financial statement presented by the secretary showed the receipts for the year to have been £55 16s 7d j and the expenditure £l 2s 6d, leaving u credit balance of £sl 14s Id. It was decided to apportion this sum as follows: Ladies' and Men's Hockey Clubs £2 each; Football Club, £6 towards the rent of its playing grounds, and £7 lQs towards the cost of improvements made tc the Park by the Club; Borough Council, £3j! lOjj; and the balance of £1 14 s Id was carried forward. At the annual meetings of the Sports Clubs, delegates Will be appointed to constitute the Control Committee for the ensuing year. At Everybody's, Town Hall, this evening, Clara Bow, the premiere comedienne of the screen, will appear in "Get Your -Man," a light, amusing, frivolous comedy of to-day, in which Miss Bow has the role of a girl who goes to a weok-epd house party, meets i} youpg man whom she" rather imagines in the light of a future husband, hut is not a whit perturbed to find he belongs to someope else. Sho Iperely sets out to "sot" tlie wretched and helpless, nude, after thp maimer of women from the dnv Eve decided to vamp Adam. It is all very droll and mildly wicked, and is sophisticated comedy in the best American manner. On Thurgdav. Pola Negri will play the lead in <''fhe Troves of an Actress," in which tjiis brilliant star brings to the screen the colourful figure of the great Rachel, the French actress who held _ sway in the days of the Sepond Empire. Tt is a romance that teems with intripue, drama, colour, the excitement of that hectic period, and Pola Negri giyes a superb performance. Nils Aisthfir is leading man. On Snti)rflf)y the great Emil Jannings will appear in "The Command." a drama of a Russian general exiled after the 1917 Revolution; this is one of the greatest films ever made in tfollvwood a drama without n trace qF in it. Box nlans are at T''<? Bristol, and day sales i<ro at thP Golden Gate. Orders for advertisements and for delivery of Thb Prmn mnv he telephoned to or left at our lp"al office, Hirrh street, Rfipgjnra. Telephone 65]\I. _2

KAIKOURA. The Kaikoura Trotting Club entpj-. tained visiting owners and trainers at supper in the band room, on Saturday night, when about 150 were present.

Mr S. Bennett (president) presided, and, in presenting thp trophies to the wipners, said he appreciated very much what they had done to assist the clqb and make the Meeting such a success. Mr D. Rodgers, in replying, said he treasured the trophy won by him just as much as the cup, and he hoped to be able to come along again, and, perhaps, win the cup. He spoke in praiseworthy terms of the manner in which the Meeting had been conducted, of the excellent transport arrangements for hordes, and the hospitality extended tP the visitors. M*" R Morfell (Seddon) congratulated the club and the winners of the trophies, and said he would be pleased to present a cijp for the nejjt Meeting! The gathering w,-is a one, and all present thoroughly epjoyea themselves.

| The deat)j occurred, at the Kai- | konra Hospital pn Sunday. <>f Miss Edit}) Nijsen, the age of 17 years, i after a severe illness. She wqs the 1 daughter of Mr anci Mrs Charles Nilsep, to whom the sincerest sympathy is esljentfed. Op Saturday night a Chevrolet c&r owned by Mr Iy. Kennedy, anc| a f?ig driven by Mr W. Thompson, had a head-on collision in the vipinity of Kowhai Thompson sustained ponoHSsion anij minor injuries and hftd tq bp ta!?»»i to the hospital for attention. Mr Kennedy's cflf was knocked about, considerably, l?r- Pop's Gordon fa t#> visit J£air koura on Friday next in connexion with her campaign for tfie rr)of funds to secure n chair of midwifery at she Dinedin Upiyersfty. A tweeting is to be held at th« PuWfe'Tiijirarv on Friday morning in furtherance of the enmpajorn. Entries for tho Kajkoprft A. and P. Show clov or Wednesday next, February 2(>th- There are some valuable troohies to be competed for. The Kaikoura Trotting dunce held in the Drill Hall on Saturday night was a most pronoijnped sijccess, the hall being crowded. Music wjis supplied b? Mr W. Thomas (piano), Mr C. W. Reeves (drums), an 4 Mr E. Mprrip (cornet). Extras were plaver} by Miss M. Smith, Miss _IS. Maekle, and Mr It Clarke. Mr J. A. JoJimston officiated ns Hf.C. St. Michael's Tennis Club held a d;jnPP in the T)rill Rail on Thursday night, when thare was a good attendance, notwithstanding that rain fe|l during the evening. The Monte Carlo waltz was won by Miss N. field and Mr G. Wallace, the lucky supper tjfkefc by Miss Currie. and the lucky spot waltz bv Miss Norpen WaU lace and Mr M Mncklf. The music was sunnlied by Mrs H Chapman, Misses 1). GiKson. and Eva, Monica, and Mary Mackle. Mr A. Gibson acted as M.O. An excellent supper was provided by the ladies.

OXFORD. The Oxford W.C.T.U. met in the Coronation Hall. A letter was received thanking the Union for the parcel of clothing sent to the Willard Home. It wgs decided to send a delegate to the convention, Mrs_ Jones being asked to act in that capaeity. A lengthy discussion took pUce with regard to the refreshment tent, and it was deeided to send the damaged part to town to ascertain if it was worth the expanse of repairing, and also to consult the A- &nd P. Committee on the subject.


Mr and Mrs J, B. Graves and family are spending a holiday at New Brighton. Mrs P. Breckon, who has been away in the north, has returned to Hannier. Mr E. F. McKay (postmaster), with Mrs MeKivy and family, are away for their annual holiday. Mr W. Hastings ig acting-postmaster during their absence. Messrs Bruce Bums and A. ,T. FielcJ, who have been gaining practical for- ( estry experience here in the Stfjte Forest Service, are leaving this week tp take a two years' course at the School of Forestry, Canterbury College. The Golf Club played the second round for the Rutherford Cleek during the week-end. The positions of the leading players now are:Miss Dorig Mansfield .. 135 Mr W. Hunter .. 13(5 R. G'Loijghlin 137" A. Paterspn .. 130 E. Norman Smith .. 1-10 G. Nicholls .. .. 140 D. Milligan .. .. 141 The final round will be played during the next week-end, in conjunction with the medal match.

CHEVIOT. The first meeting of the Cheviot branch of the Y.P.C.T.U. wgß held in the Presbyterian Hall, the president (Mr T. J. Simpson) presiding. The secretary was instructed to write to the North Canterbury "Y" Executive regarding a circular letter received. A syllabus for the year was presented, and with some minor alterations, wa? adopted, The president consented to give an address at the next meeting, on "pitizenship." The treasurer was requested to procure six badges. The annual meeting of subscribers to thp Cheviot Publia Library was hpld in the Library, the chairman, Rey. G. Widdup, presiding over a small attendance. The balance-sheet was presented raid a number of small accounts wero passed for payment. Owing to tho small attendance the election of officers for the coming year was deferred until the next meeting, which is to be held within a mqnth. A very hearty vote of thanks was pased to Mrs C. F. Holton, for the manner in which she had attended to the books in the Library, during yepr. Mr A. L. Hendren, who has been in charge of the Bpotswood School for a considerable period, has resigned the position, and is to be entertained at a social evening in the Bpotswood Hall on Wednesday.

CUST. A meeting of the committee of the Oust Tennis and Croquet Club was held pn Saturday evening, Mr J. Gilbert presiding. The captain oi the crpquet section (Mr C. B. Forbes) presented the prizes tp the winners of the rgcent croquet tournament, Mrs Bain I, and Mr S. Wpo4 2. It was decided to hold another tournament as soon as arrangements could pe made.

Accounts amounting to £7 6s 9d ■were passed fpr payment. The treasurer, in his statement, reported that subscriptions for the year to qat® amounted to £26 Qs 3d ?md the expenditure tp £34 ISs 9cJ, leaving a deceit of £8 18s 6d, which was quite satisfactory, considering the heavy expenditure. It w»s decided to hold a tennis §'lg!es tournament during the coming montli for si tpophy given by Mr U. Kennfi'y.

Ihwy was a jarge attendance of members of the Guild in the Parish Hall on Pricjay afternoon, to bid farewell to AJrs fjanby, who has fieted as president fpr spme consider? able tjme. Mrs Allison (vice-presidents expressed regret, at the departure ~0l Mrs Han by and wished her good luck in her new homq. Hra Hanby suitaoly replied. Mrs Hanby was also the recipient of a pyres clisjh from the seeing lacjies of tlie guilt}. On Sunday evening the Rev H. O. flan by preached his farewell sermon at St. James's Chijrch. There \rss a large congregation. After the service, Mr D. Chapman (warden) expressed the regret felt at the deparr tyre of Air and Mrs Hqnby. He also spplre of the good work that had been done by Mr Hanby cjuring his stay in the parish. Mr Hanby suitably replied.

ASHLEY BANK, The weather during the last fortnight, with the exception of a few showers, has been icUal, and every available ' man has been engaged m harvesting the cereal crops, only a small percentage of wheat being left out. Some threshiqe has been done in the district, and wnjle some fair yields have been obtained the average is not up to expectations, nor is it equal to last year. Peas and linseed are looking very well, having benefited by the heavy rain in January. The potato crop has recovered marvellously and promises well. Owing to an abundance of feed, farmers are purohasing store lambs to fatten and the cream supply for the dairy factories is being kept up.

LEITHFIELD. The quarterly meeting of the Loyal Leithfield Lodge was held on Saturday, pro. J. E> em mocks presided over ft largo attendance. A letter of recommendation was received from the Aehburton Lodge, on behalf of Bro. D. Johns who is now residing in the district. A hearty , welcome was extended to Bro. Johns. Application forms were received frpm the district secretary for the appropriation of the surplus capital. P.D.G.M. Bro, W. Fletcher, P.G. Bro, (*. A- McLean, and P.G. Bro. \V. .Hugsell were appointed as delegates to represent the lodge to the district conference on Maroh Ist. Through the bursting of a tyre, a thrce-seater Vauxhall car, driven by It. Lueas, pf Nelson, overturned near Leithfield, and the driver was badly injured, necessitating his removal by ambulance to the Lewishqm Hospital, Christehurch. Mr H. Cotton, who waa also in tho car, escaped with a few bruifees.

AKAROA. A pennant match was played between United and Akaroa Croquet Clubs on Friday. The visitors won the contest by 6 gapies to 8. The results were (United players limned first): — Singles—Mrs Palmer beat Miss E. •M. jacobson, Mrs Had field beat Miss M. Jacobson, Mrs Slcerrett lost to Mrs W. Green. Mrs Williamson beat Mrs A. H. Williajns, Miss Belj beat Mrs R. L. Paterson, Mrs Williamson lost to Mrs A. V. Lelievre ppubles—Mesdames Pplmpr and Hadfield beat Misses Jacobson, Mesdames Skerrett and Williamson beat Mesdames Green and Williams, Miss Hell and Mrs Williamson lost to Mesdames Paterson and Lelievre. The first game of the third round of the Peninsula Cricket Association's competition was played between Little liivetf .and Akaroa at Little River on Saturday. The vis tors won by 181 to 129 runs. The principal scorers for the winners wero E. Armstrong 39, W. B. Ramsey 33, T. Masefield 82, R. Masefield 29, and H. J. Pool 13. The best batsmen for the losers were A. Hutchinson 46, G. E. Murray 26, H. J. French 21, T. S. Ma skew 11, R. Parrisnn 11.

YAJJDHURST. On Saturday evening a large gathering of friends, organised by Misses M. Jfolan and A. Laskey, visited the residence of Miss Mary Kavanagh, Yaldliurst, to give her a kitchen evening prior to her approaching marriage. A very pleasant evening was spent ip musical items, games, dancing, and oardpjaying. Much amusement was created py the opening of the numerous gifts by the bride-elect. Mr W. Barnett, on behalf of his fiancee suitably responded. Apiong those present were:-r-Mes-dapies Kavanagh, Nolan, Lynskey, Barnett, Duder, Dunne, O'Brien, Hutton, Misses Mary Kavanagh, Florence Nolan, Nolan, Agnes Lynskey, Kathjecu O'Brien, Maisie O'Brien, Minnie Dunne, Mona Dunm, Malcolm, Addie Preston, Vera Langv- Nora Lange, Maureen Lynskey, Alice Eivers-, Nita Worjiall, McGurk, Dorothy Eivers, Myra Dunne, P. Messrs W. A. Barnett, PKavanagh, B. Duder, W. p. Nolan, TBq,rflett, G, Pollock,' M. Lynskey, J. Dunne, J. Roach, E. Lvnskey, NGillespie, M. Kayanagh. H. Harnett, F. Eivers. R. Graham. J. Sweeney (Wellington), 11. Eivers, D. Kavanagh, Hutton, and J. Kavanagh.

PREBBLETON. A pleasant time was spent by a number of ladies who were entertained by Mr? R- McPherson at her home Ot Prebbleton. Several amusing competitions were held, the winners toeing Mrs McKie, AJjs A. Gallagher, Mrs Johns, and Mrs £l. Prebble. Enjoyable musical items were contributed by Mrs McKie, Miss Als. Jones, and Mrs McPherson. Other ladies present were Mrs H. B. Jones, Mrs J. MeNally, Mrs J. Giles, and Mrs C. Hands. The repairs and alterations which hqve recently been effeotad at the vicarage have resulted in a great imr provement in the appearance of the exterior of the building and ftdded comfort and convenience inside.

WEST MEIiTON. At a meeting of the West Melton Porticultural Society, Mrs A. Langdale Hunt presided over a good attendance. Final arrangements lor nie forthcoming show, to be held on March Bth, were niado and tlie following additional special prizes were nfllotted: (5. P. Kissel, Ltd-, trophy for most points in sweet peas; Wright, Stephenson and Oo 's special for runner-up in vegetables; Dixon Bros.' special for runner-up in home industries. The Society awards a silver cake basket for most points in homo industries. It was decided to hold the annual dance and prize-giving on March 20tli. It was also decided to ask Mr R. W. Hawlte, M.P., to open the show in the afternoon.

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19862, 25 February 1930, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19862, 25 February 1930, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19862, 25 February 1930, Page 3