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The Lady Editor will be to receive lor publication In> ''Women's Corner" items of social or personal tews. Such should be fully authenticated and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. 0 respondence Is lnvlt S <, lnt °? a . t to matters affecting, or of Uitereßt to, women. _____ Mrs James Palmer (Casliel-street West) is leaving in a fortnight fwa nine months' visit to England and the Continent. Mrs Laurie Wilson (Cashmere Hills) and her nieco, Miss Eileen Wilson (Hoaton street) are leaving New <6eal'atid on March Ist by the Rangitane for England. Mrs Wilson will probably bo absent from Christchurch for three years and Miss Wilson for one year. Mrs Moore (Timaru) is visiting her parents. Sir Joseph and Lady Kinsey, I'apanui road. Mrs Charles Murray (Wharanui, Marlborough) intends leaving for England by the Tamaroa on March 12th. Mrs Stronach Paterson (Wellington), who has been visiting Dunedin, left Christchurch last evening on her return to Wellington. Mrs Vivian (Dunedin) is spending a short holiday in Christchurch, and is staying at "Khandallah," Papanui road. Mr and Mrs G. A. 0. Tapper, who have been in England for the past few years, are expected to return to Christchurch in about five Weeks. Mrs Thomas Remviek ("Dumgree,'' Marlborough) is leaving by the Rangitane on March Ist for a trip to Britain. Mrs G. Roberts, Mrs I>. E. Shaw, and Mrs Ramsay Copland arrived by the Wahine yesterday morning. Professor and Mrs Hewitson were passengers from the north by yesterday'morning's ferry steamer. • Mrs John Winchester (Irwell) and Mrs L. \W. Prosser (Leeston) have returned home from a holiday spent at Hanmer Springs. Mr and Mrs S. J. Gordon, who have let their house at Fendalton for six months, left yesterday for Timaru. Later they will journey to Auckland, where they will spend tho winter months. Miss Mary Martin, of Greymouth,_who has been awarded a two years' violin scholarship at the Royal Collego of Music, London, was a passenger by the Wahine last night. She leaves Wellington to-day to connect with the Otranto, sailing from Sydney on the 26th; She is accompanied by her parents, Mr and Mrs J. T. Martin. Miss Kathleen Price (Fendalton) returned yesterday from a holiday visit to Rotorua and Auckland. Mrs W. H. Blundell Price, who has been spending a month in the North Island, is returning to Christchurch to-nk>rrow. Mrs XV. Mcßae Peacock, of Auckland, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs J. If 1 . Green, Merivale, is leaving for England early next month. She will be accompanied by her daughter, Mrs Kissling. Mr and Mrs Ramsay Copeland are leaving on Monday for the North Inland. Mrs Aufrere Fenwick (Dunedin) will be amongst New Zealand passengers to England by the Rangitaue early next month. Miss Norah Haggitt (Merivale) has left- for Timaru, where she Will act as relieving games mistress at Craighead Diocesan School. Mrs Horatio Brown is a guest at The Lodge, Hereford street. News has been received that Miss Elsa M. Thomas, second daughter of the late. Dr. Walter Thomas, of Christchurch, was elected to the position of under-secretary to Miss. Duranty at the Overseas Club in Paris on January 15st last. A resident for the last five years at Rouen and in Paris, Miss E. Thomas has given much of her time to the studjf of the French language. . Mrs Templeman and Misses Molly and Monica Temjpleman returned yesterday from a trip to England. Miss Margaret Brodie (Timaru) and Miss Ethel Giddings (Fairlie) are at present paying a> short visit to Christchurch. The following are the latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal: Mr and Mrs T. A. Fairburn (England). Mr and Mrs Langdale-Hunt (Christcliurch), Mr and Mrs Thos. York (Taranaki), Mr G. Roulston (Toronto, Canada), Mr and Mrs J. A. Mullins (Timaru), Mr A. L. Bizett (Dunedin), Misses 0. and M. Joyce (Queensland, Australia), Miss W. Curtis (Australia) ,and Mr and Mrs W. J. Taylor (London). . Guests at the United Service Hotel include Mrs H. S. Wisdom (Suva), Mr and Mrs W. Gregory (Wellington), Mrs •R. Copeland (Lond6n), Mrs G. Shan, Miss M. Allen, Mrs F. Wilkins, and Miss E. Aickins (Toronto), and Mrs F. V. Northcote (Waiau): Mr and Mrs F. Halloran, Mrs Murray, Mrs Hain, and Mr Sneddon (Dunedin), Mr J. D. Baldwin and Miss Charlotte Baldwin (Worcester, U.S.A.), Mrs W. Bramwell (Feilding), and Mrs H. Travers (Wellington) are staying at the Clarendon Hotel. Superfluous hair destroyed by "Rusma" (Regd.). Signed, stamped guaranteed cure, £5 12s 6d. Florence Hnllen, C.M.D., 7 Courtenay place, Wellington. Send stamped addressed en velope for particulars. '■ g PRISCILLA GOES VISITING. Priscilla was visiting yesterday and could not resist asking her hostess just how she obtained that glistening sheen on all her table linen. Priscilla learned the secret. It was in her hostess's own words: "I use only Dove Brand Starch." Priscilla, particularly prim and proper, will always use Dove Brand—the pure rice starch. —1 NEW BEAUTY FOR HAIR. New beauty for your hair can be secured by means of the Eugene Permaent Wave; but such requires to be obtained by recognised experts like R. and M. Beattie, 748 Colombo street north. The reason is that it is a process that calls for experience, skill, and the utmost care. R. and M. Beattie announce new reductions in Eugene permanent wave charges. —2 EXQUISITE FURS. The beautiful' and desirable sable squirrel coat is the newest thing in fur garments, and together with the old favourite —the Musquash, and an extensive range of stoles and fox neckwear, is on display in onr showroom, at summer prices, at VAUGHAN'S, 124 Cashei street, next Ballantynea. —2

Mrs H. Boucant and Miss Duncan, of Dunedin, are registered at Warner's Hotel. Among recent arrivals at the United Service Hotel are Messrs L. H. Jones, F. W. Downs, V. H. Waters, V. Hutchinson, A. D. Binnie, J. Ferris Browne (Wellington), B. E. Henty, T. Graham (Melbourne), W. H. Roughton (Sydney), T. W. White (Hawke's Bay Aero Club), R. Goldingham (Palmerston North), G. J. Hassall, J. Bassett (Auckland), E. Penny, L. E. Dix, and D. Gordon (Blenheim). Messrs H. Smith and 0. Bendall (Wellington) are guests at Warner's Hotel.


Mrs Hallows Wood, who is spending some weeks at Sumner, gave a small luncheon party yesterday in honour of Miss Kathleen Bristed. As tho weaWier was beautiful, the guests spent tiie morning bathing at sumner, and luncheon was served at Mrs Wood's house high on (Jlilton Hill. The guests included Miss Kathleen Bristed, Mrs i<\ G. Bristed, Mrs Guy Cotterill, Mrs John Moore, Miss Maberley Beadel, Mrs Lionel Cooke, Miss Molly Black, Mrs Ivan Wood, Mrs T. F. MGibson, Miss Margaret Stevenson, and Miss Barbara Gibson. CRICKET MATCHES. Each year, in February, the different groups of men interested in the wool business —the brokers and auctioneers who sell the wool, the buyers, many of whom come from overseas for the sales, and the shipping agents, who arrange for the transport of the exported wool —meet at Hagley Park in friendly rivalry on the cricket field, and the worries of "the season are forgotten in the pressing anxiety of getting runs and holding catches. For years past the weather has been good for this annual fixture, and yesterday, when the 1930 matches were played, conditions were ideal. In the afternoon the many visitors seated under the trees watched the matches — Brokers versus Buyers, and Buyers versus Shipping Officers—and later tea and ice-creams were served out-of-doors to the players and their friends. Amongst the visitors were Mr R. P. Tapley and Mr Guy Tapley (Dunedin), Mr Beaven (Shaw, Savill, and Albion Company, Wellington), Mr Charles Turrell (New Zealand Shipping Company, Wellington), Mr Fred Wood (Canadian Steam Ship Company, Wellington), Mr 11. B. Teaklo (director, Canadian Steamship Company), and Mr Warwick Gregory (Commonwealth and Dominion Company), who had come from Wellington to captain the shipping companies' team. Amongst the ladies present were Mrs H. T. Milnes, Mrs J. G. Herdman, Mrs E. B. Teakle (Montreal), Mrs Fred Wood (Wellington), Mrs Warwick Gregory (Wellington), Mrs Tartakover, Mrs T. Lascelles, Mrs Herbert Hill, 1 Miss Kathleen Lascelles, Mrs Stewart Mair, Mrs Cyril Ward, Mrs Eawei Hill, Mrs Irving Carney, Mrs Cecil Ollivier, Mrs Stronach Paterson (Wellington, Mrs Mooro (Timaru), Mrs Leicester Matson, Mrs Stanley Howarth, Mrs Euan Macfarlane, Mrs D. D. Bailey, Mrs H. J. Butler, Mrs Philip Hume, Mrs Edwin Milnes, Mrs J. A. firown (Waitara), Mrs Allan Matson, Mrs Gladstone Ward, Miss Marjorie Sheridan, Mrs Sidney Warburton, Mrs R. Copeland, Miss May Andrew, Miss Kathleen Price, Mrs Ben Anderson, Mrs W. M. Cotter, Miss Rosindale, Mrs S. Wade, Miss Suckling, Mrs Wyri Irwin, Mrs Brooksbank, Mrs Linton Gardiner, Miss Edridge, Miss Pigott, Miss Matson, Miss Moray Smith, Miss Janice Blunden, Mi.s« Rata Tribe, Mrs W. C. Brydon, Mrs Walter Williamson, Miss Brydon, Mrs Rigby, Miss Doreen Watkins (New Plymouth), Mrs T. H. Baker, Mrs R. I. Brake, Mrs Rickard, Mrs Avent, Mrs Phil Brown, Mrs Dawson, Miss Cray, Mrs John Hutchinson, Miss Tench, Miss Suckling, Mrs Novello Andrews, Miss Andrews, Miss Joy Tennent, Miss Frances White, Miss Marjorie Moon, Miss Mona Ardagh, Miss Isabel Ashworth, Miss Margaret Bruce, Mjss Anne Quinn, Miss M. Maxwell, Miss M. Stocker, and Miss V. Bloor.

OBSTETRICAL ENDOWMENT APPEAL. A meeting of the Canterbury (New Zealand) Obstetrical Endowment Appeal was held in the Mayoress's room, City Council Buildings, yesterday morning, when there were present: Mrs Cracroft Wilson (in the chair), Mesdames Archer, Tomlinson, Newman, Chilton, Wales, G. P. Smith, Aitken, Wood, T> acker, Boyle, W. Bean, R. Anderson, Wright, Averill, Dr. Jessie Scott, Kyle, E. F. Grigg (Blenheim), and Miss Havelaar. An apology was received from Mrs J. F. Studholme. Mrs Cracroft Wilson welcomed Mesdames Archer, W. Bean, Wright, Averill, and Aitken as of the committee. Correspondence was received from country branches, and details concerning the two meetings (February 20th and February 27th) were discussed. The meeting of the 20th will be at 8 p.m., with his Worship the Mayor in the chair; the meeting of the 27th will be held at .3 p.m., with the Mayoress of Christchurch in the chair. To arrange the details of the mass meeting on the 27th in the City Council Chamber a small committee, consisting of Mesdames Thacker, Kyle, Wales, and Newman, was appointed. The next meeting of the committee will be held on Monday, February 17th, at 10.30 a.m., when Dr. Doris Gordon will be present.

A FAREWELL PARTY. Mra Stephen Weld, Miss Budge (Oxford), and Miss Budge (Riccarton) were the hostesses at an enjoyable garden party given on Tuesday, at the home of Mrs Stephen Weld, Rugby street, in honour of Miss May Cradock (Avonside), and Miss F-eda Freeman (Riccarton), who are leaving shortly for a trip to England. The trim lawn, the shady trees, and the gay flower-gardens, provided an ideal setting for the gatherir~, and the weather was perfect. The guests of honour were the recipients of a large gaily-patterned deck-eushion each, together with books and chocolates, presented by Mrs Wilfred Bull and Miss Rankin, on behalf of their friends. Mrs Weld wished them an enjoyable holiday and a,safe return. The afternoon was spent with music, competitions, and a treasure-hunt. Afternoon tea was Berved under the trees the chief feature being a large iced cake decorated with tiny Bhips and boats! Amongst those present were: Mesdames Weld, Wills, Baxter, Gorton Johnston, Livingstone, Kesteven (2)' Rankin, Clarke, Maginness, Freeman Oppenheim, Bull, Hunter, Pearson Wotherspoon, Keys, Misses Cradock' (2) Freeman (3), Gilmore (2), Comer, An-' derson, Budge (2), Frazer, Foster (2) Johnson, Livingstone, Hill, Taylor Lunn, Rankin (2), Clarke, Pearson, Maginness, Baxter, Wotherspoon, and Freeman (Wellington). Guard your children's health. Spray all rooms with Flytox—the swift, sure safe insecticide. _ g

WEDDINGS. MARSH—THORNE. The wedding was solemnised at the Woolston Methodist Church on Wednesday afternoon of Amy Doris Elizabeth (Doris), only daughter of Mr and Mrs M. G. Thorne, of Princes street, Woolston, and Ernest Richard, second son of Mr and the late Mrs R. Marsh, of Christchurch. The Rev. Harold Sharpe, of Linwood, was the officiating minister. The bride, who was given away by her father, wore an attractive frock of pale pink georgette with silk lace yoke and full skirt drooping slightly at the sides. She wore an embroidered tulle veil of the same shade arranged with a coronet of orange blossom and she carried a shower bouquet of pale pink begonias, carnations, and maidenhair fern. She was attended by her cousin, Miss Ethel Thorne, of Hororata, who wore an apple green georgette frock with yoke of embossed georgette of the same tone. The full skirt, which was edged with tulle, fell in four points to the ankles. Her hat was of cream lace straw and her bouquet of deep pink begonias and maidenhair fern. The flower girl, Miss June Anderson, wore pale apricot georgette edged with lace frills and a bandeau of gold leaves. She carried a basket of flowers. The bridegroom was attended by Mr Jack Hore as best man. After the ceremony the guests were entertained at the home of the bride's parents, Princes street, the bride's mother wearing a smart frock of navy blue silk charmeuse and lace with becoming hat to tone. She carried a bouquet of red begonias, carnations, and maidenhair fern. When the bride left for the wedding tour she was wearing a model frock of nnvv blue crepe charmeuse and Bangkok hat to match.


MRS T. H. DRABBLE. Mrs T. H. Drabble, who died at her residence, Cookson street, Kaiapoi, on Friday last, was born in Dalton, Lancashire, England. She arrived in New Zealand in the year 1879 by the sailing ship, Hereford. Mrs Drabble, whose maiden name was Thurlow, was married to Mr Thomas H, Drabble in 1899. A husband and five children survive her. One son. Tom, was killed in action in 1917. The other children are Mrs J. Brown (Kaiapoi), Mrs B. Hopkins (Christchurch). Mr F. Drabble (Christchurch), Mrs J. Cowan (KaiaDrabble (Kaiapoi). Mrs Vy ilhscroft (formerly of Kaiapoi) is a sister. ,burial service was conducted by the Rev. W. H. A. Vickery at the Anglican Cemetery at Woodend on oundav afternoon. The pall-bearers were Messrs J. Cowan, and J. Brown (sons-in-law), F. Thurlow (a nephew), and Solomon. . Wreaths were sent by the followlnK:—Husband, Frank and Nan, Jock and Louie, Roy, Winnie, Elsie, and Heather, Will and Sarah Christie

(Masterton). Annie and Hercus and Elinor Mrs Williscroft, Annie and Sam, (Ohoba), Bill and Sarah (Belfast), Harry, Lizzie, and Jack (Lyttelton), Mr and Mrs W. J. Williams, Mr and Mrs J. D. Williams (Christehurch), Mrs Eastgate, and Mrs Morgan (Christehurch), Mr and Mrs L. J. Fulton (Christehurch), Mr and Mrs J, McGarry, Don Neale, Min and Len Cade (Chaney's), Mrs Clark and Edie, Mr and Mrs J. Taylor, jun., Mrs George Blackwell, Katie Eobb, Mrs Row and Walker, Ensign Ferguson, Mrs Seaward and family, Mr and Mrs Hutchison (Christehurch), the Taylor children, Mrs Borrell, and Mrs Bert Waters, Esme and Mavis (grandchildren), Mr and Mrs Kitson, Mrs Sandford, Mrs Thornley, Mr and Mrs Rinaldi and Leslie, Eaiapoi Rugby •Football Club, the twist frame workers and winders (Kaiapoi "Woollen Mills), Mrs Seeker and family, Mrs Martin, Tina and Mrs Roughan, Mr and Mrs A. Green, C. and J. Nicholson, Mr and Mrs Jack Tait, and Misses Bunting Olga Hickinbotham, Barney and Harold Green, Mr and Mrs J. Huria. Mr and Mrs J. P. S. Huria, Min, Len, Alice, and Andy (Belfast), Baptist Church, and Christian Endeavour, Ada, Albert, Rita, and Eve, Mr and Mrs G. Gordon and family, Mrs Cowley and Florrie, Mr and Mrs George Green, Mr and Mrs Cecil Green, Mr and Mrs Peterson (Sumner).

fit' 1 ' AVIATION GALA DAN®|^ At the Caledonian evening, Mr Reg. StillweU Assembly will hold a specia gala dance, in honour "v-yii pageant, when twenty-four ffl planes will I»e given for J prizes. Mr Herb. Walton eight instrumentalists music, and the gallery wJI » able to spectators. -

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Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19853, 14 February 1930, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19853, 14 February 1930, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXVI, Issue 19853, 14 February 1930, Page 2