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Till- eighth annual meeting ol the Cantor bury A*«ociat inn «u held on the Redc'iff." range on Saturday The niertinfl «<*• the m--«t successful yet *tagod by th# A*»«> ciatii-n. Tbcre waw a record entry, >k» d 6i,lundid weather cond.tioua prevailed during tho dav. In the morning ft light oor'-o«.«» proved" nomewhat deceptive, and in the late aiumnon Iho light w»» nther trying, Hit us a whole tho condition# w«r« very good lowing to the reo>rd on try, th« firit match commenced at 8 a.m. and the U»t •hoi wai lard about a. 45 p.m. Th«» mooting was well *rr»ng**<t, and u>r the smooth running credit if du* to Lieut. Colonel K. B. Cre unwell, V.I), Chief K«nt;» Officer, .Sergeant-M;ijor F. Brown, in chaiK* i>f the butts, and Mr H. H. Neill, the h 0... #ec ret an'. Lieut.-Colonel Crew well »*' sisted by Major J. F. Oakes and Mr W. .< "Wharton. An interested apectator during '.he day wis Brigadier M. M. Curd ner, K.N.Z.A., A.D.C., who owinß <o "light in U.-1 -.s.t 1--J1 waa unable to pet-sent th* pm«» After the last in*Uh had h»on tir*d, M»jor J. i . Oaken presented the tropins* to the winners. Rowults: — A \o. 1 SERVICE MATCH, .**> yards Bn»p--shootinfr. £1 - Rifleman W. Heney (Rangiora) •'!» lis—Rifleman 11. Mae.u (Chorlton) S6 15s—Rifleman K. A. B. Kingsburn (Cul verden) . • . 36 l(m—President I). F. Koir (Aihbttrton) »* 10*-- Rifleman W. Wilnon (Sydenham) 34 10»—Major H. V. Searle (Nelson College) R« IG«—Kifloman 11. Reynold* (Sydenham) |W 10s —Rifleman (J. Cromie (Ashbui-ton) 33 ,j»—Rifleman J. Bryden (Kaiapoi) 84 r,» Rifleman E. R. Tinman (Ashburton) 31 5s —Rifleman O. Hepburn (Cbrietchuron) «0 No. 2 CANTERBURY MATCH, 300 T»rd». Ten ehots. £3-Rifle man W. Henley (Rangiova) 4* 11 Kib—Rifleman F. Hodue (Sydenham* « £l—Rifleman C. Glasaey (Ashburton) 4« 10s —Rifloman J. Bryden (Kaiapoi) .. it 10s- Rifleman V. Tim» (Sydenham) 40 10«—Rifleman J. Edmonds rChrietehurch) 46 Hie- Rifleman 11. Biggina (Sydenham) 4C 1 o»—Rifleman E. R. Tinman (Ashburton) 45 10s—Rifleman F. Clark (Asbburton) .. 4.* 10*— Rifleman Q. Stark (Kaiapci) •• 45 10a—Rifleman D. Harriee tChiisV.hurvh) *i Counted out: Vice-president W. E. Jonee (Timaru). Tvro Priiew Rifleman C. H. M aeon (Choi lion), in*; Rifleman W. Oakley (Chriatchurcb), 10a; Mr* J. Ca'dwell (New Brighton), 1C«; Rifleman J. WilJocli* (Cliriatchurch) 10*. Counted out: Rifleman H. Craw (Chorlton).

No. 3-SOUTH CANTERBURY MATCH, 600 yarda. £3 -President IX F. Keir (Aahburton) 4« £1 lOs—Riflonian C. Johnston (Timaru) 4« X! Rifleman O. Hepburn (Chiintchurch) 4H 10a— Rifleman J. Buschl (Sydenham) 4S ll'a—Major H. V. Searle (NeWa Colleen 48 10s— Rifleman C. OIa««ey (Atliburton) 47 10a-Rifleman H. Biggins (Sydenham) . 47 l»'s—Vice-president W. E. Jones (Timarn) 47 lfia—Rifleman J. Wattara (Culverdsn) 48 10a—Rifleman J. Chapman (Christchurch) 40 Ida—Kifleman H. Hopkins 0">«»»ri) * 6 Counted out Ririeman W. R. Barren t (Svdenham), Rifleman V. Tims (Sydenham). Tvro Prizes—Rifleman J- Edmonds (Christchurch), 40, 10a; Rifleman R. (Culverden). 43, 10a: Rifleman H Thorn (Sydenham), 44, ;0»: Rifleman J. McCarthy (Sydenham), 44, 10». No 4—NORTH CANTERBURY .MATCH. 600 yards. £3—Rifleman J. Chapman (Christchurth) 48 £1 10s—Rifleman R. Piper (Chnntchurchl 47 £l—Rifleman K. Glynn (Christohurrh) • 46 10s--Major H. V. Sesrle (Nelson College) 46 10s--Rifleman C. Johnson (Timaru) 40 10s—President O. r*. Keir (Ashburton) 4* Ks--Riflcman F. Porter (Ashburton) 45 10s— Rifleman H Reynolds (Sydenham* 4ft IDs—Rifleman A. H'arn* (Culvcrden) 44 10n— Vice-president \V. K. Jonca (Timaru) 41 13s~ President N. Wwk) (ChrsUhurchi .. 4§ Counted out: Rifleman IX Harries tChristchuiob). Tvro Rifleman J. Roud (Ashburton), 42, K-s; Rifleman J. Gilbert (Chrislchrrchl, 41, 10s; Rifleman 11. Donaldson fAßbburton). 41, 10a; Rifleman J Willocks (Christchnrch), 41, *.os. Counted <ttt: R;tVman H. Big-Rins (Sydenham . NO. r,- PENINSULA MATCH. <looVl>r> ia—Rflmn. W. Uradshaw (Timsru) .. 34 i'l Km —Knnm H, Harries ( Chriatehurch ) i«4 11 — Kflmn. C. Cromic ( Anhburton \ .'l4 r«-l(flmn. s. H CWrlt i'C),n«t<-)nirr)i > :):» l"s—Kflmit. R. P.per (ChriiUhtirch > ':S K.s—Hflinn. V, Dark (Anhlmrtnn) "« in Viee Pre*. I>. >". Keir (Ashburtwn) vri l'ls -Kflmn. W. Henev (Raneiora) '■<•- In.- Tirlmn \V I'slnier < Culverden ) . . 310h—Pre«. N Wood (Christchnrch . .. X? 10s—Krlmn. H. Cromie (A.hburion > ."til Counted out \ re i'<-nt W. K Jonei (Tmuirui.

Tyro prucK— Ki.nm 11. Hi|r*.n« <Kj aVnhain) 81. 10s; Kflmn. 11. .lonPi (CuWerdeii) 30. 10*: Kflmn. K William* < f'uN.-rdiT > :in. li»s; Kflmn. H Hopkin* (Tlnieni) SO, I 0« Counted out: Rflmn. J W»Uer« M'ulterdeu P, 11. Craw (Chorltoo). (HAMI'IONSHIP TEAMS MATCH (Afitr* KMe of the Oauterburj, Houth Canter bur;-, ami Norih tantitrbury inal.-he* K'ni-h t'am of fire men, the wmnnf •■•urn to hold the Canterbury K'fli- At .-.i-i.ii.on'i riiampionahip shield for twelve monlln). CtinMihu. h Defence R.C, No. I. 04.". jo'int". . . 1 H.I! C, No. 1, t»4H ptont" AHl.burtnn IVK.C. So. 1. 6*o poind* .. 1 A-i.burton D.R.C. Mo. 'l. «i 37 point* . . 4 Ksinpii liR.C, €H7 point* ~ ft Timar-i D.R.C.. C3O points . . « Sv.i. tl v.»,n, n ': r <,:.", |,,,i.,u 1 1 t.r sfrl-.nrrh P.Rr No. 2, Bin r.oT'» * CuiviT'lun li.U 1 .V.iK i.O'Ptu M The (oilnwine were the winner* of the »»ri on- T:-,-'. ■ * ..r,,! .up- - The Can'erbury rifl<> cbetrp:otvihtp b»!t »r..! gold medal—Pre». Ti F. KCr (Aihbur ton"<. The Goodhart <"np for h.Rh»«t •(rr*r*t* 18 the Canterbury, South Cftatarbvrr, and ?aala> •i:U m»t*hf»—l) I". Krir (A*hburton> and "«". Heney (Rantiora) equal Eaeh win a»ld th* cap for mx mon'hi, •» thfra *aa tot time to ho'.d a ihnot off. The Tyro Cup pretenied hy Major .1 *> PaJiet, Vi)., 10; higbrat -."ro i»

~.,. v.. • •» 4 iint ". .'l'- '' '» *i «• (Mid-iil»ni h.l. r. t . ,-i i- •-■ •■! • v ■ ' ■■ • ■ n-,.i » ~.• 'I >• • (»( i •<" ■ ■' »■'"_ * * f.i- I hi" tii£tu«* tlioii'- » '•*■* "* L "~'* '"' " * maM.ri. in.lndnu- 'l' •«' * '*'• * ,ifl * W lienor fltn-icu-ri 1 , ~.i > ).•■«. i.'.d I « « _' ' dii'l»<. I. *■ 1r« -III.! J' 1 K. fur the lv«».««t »Kirr»««ii* ,-. •• r \ ■ p ■ f 1 rhnry ami ]>t> inil* «■<■ '"• H<tm- i, V per ifhri'f our. I ' Tr>n-t.» pre-er'rd t> ■ Vi.t » •■ o.l>--t<» tnttll»-mi'r «n ak> n c I ■- rioil i-nf • »»•• » all mrtt. in » p«i'v' '*>e ' Jl h *<«»* \V llmri' 1 -'in' »> ■! f- - iKr'r •\- Mi'irt. ti' em-nt NORTH ISLAND MEETING. BEIT WON BY CAPTAIN NWIJ*ON i,rail.!*« nmnuiii", »■■■.»•■> W \Ni, \M 1 I» -m. •- ■" The North l»lm.d .!nmi .-m-i r '•• '«' iiif mueling *»« < ■•«■ 1 ■! »«• •*>* !'■••• ri»r>ire yeeterda-. A hr* ■■■ ■■* ««■ » ■-4 made shooting dtffi--.H «"•' •■«'•* T ** Itooil nenre* were rei-irniMt i'>|><«it I >» I »on of Napier, retained »ft<- i-h»n>i—i«»» -• bait with Ml |»in|. K«»wen 1 "\. ' Oreytowu. was »«*«■•"! »''l« *' :t> - •** *■■• mm J. Pattursoii iVtipiuii 0- m •»"«*» 317. _ Tn the Manansru *••<•►• J « T..-«l» .*> (New Plymouth* ett.l v J «■•** mi»».t were equal «r«t «lth IB Jwi' (• !■. * »'4 » (Afc»r»nn> *■« IMrd The lUwke's I*» 7 *!•»■■ !■-•■■ ■'-* <-•»■• for r. <\ Ili»rc irfmnmil T "tt «r» town) «■»■ steond and !» I" T • •*•*»•■ (Rnhurka) third. The optiotiftl »eit>»i.»t» .-nded ii= « !(.••* for o»puln A J f.'t»f«»» (Wiromil) "■•« •»'«"■) »•••' T Orr iO»> town > third. Thf Norlh Inland Twtn> M»i.t. -..*»»4 " r victory for th»- W»-t»'-it t«v«»» ?*•-»■• Mrr» hhkihl iitd t>|«ki third T. Orr of tir*j-Hr»n. » «•" <k» M»r-*»k sur«Bitl«. Tli» tyro el»»?iii>tiniilit>" »«» •»•»•> »» * *» Bnrryncn, i»f I.>»nn«»h'lcr.

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19814, 30 December 1929, Page 13

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RIFLE SHOOTING. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19814, 30 December 1929, Page 13

RIFLE SHOOTING. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19814, 30 December 1929, Page 13