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Position at Rothbury Colliery VOLUNTEERS AT WORK Compulsory Conference Opened The position at Rothbury coal mint', which u.i> the kcene of rioting on Monday, was reported .0 be quiet vestenUv The mine was opened a day earlier than was planned, and the work of hewing and handling coal was commenced by volunteer miners. A point of interest in the day's developments wa> the opening of the compulsory con terence. ordered bv the Commonwealth Government, and which the Stair Premier hid refused to attend. Proposals were made there far the reopening of the mines and the holding 01' an enquirv, .ind the conference adjourned. There were stormy mchu* in the Assembly when the Leader of the Opposition (Mr j T. Lang) moved a motion of censure on the Government, but it was ruled out as being sub judice.

U'N'liri.) I'RKfiS ASKOI lATIOX HY tl.lillW TELEuaATH tOrVRI(.Hr 1 (Hi-ccivf'] DoivmlH-i' 17th, pm.i SVDNKY, lK'ccmWi- 17. All uiis (jiiK-t jit Itdtliltnrv td-diiy. ft ciiiiijilotf cii'iii iiltrr tlie >toitti. Tin 1 colliery fJii-.tlo blow lm 1 li«> liv-l t mi<* for many mouths, iiltrr w hi: h tin- niiti,' lTiLitiiijlvrs dcst'omlcl into thr- nunc ait'l m;idr ;i <;ii't'l'nl inspi'i'tion. 'llmv tmni'l oviMvtlimy; quid.' nornnl. \ Ulund-ir-went to work and tin- tirnt owl was li.-iuli'd .1 f,-« hours l;id>r. 'lho Miuistor for Aim,'. (.Alt AA« n vor) roiuiiini'd tor h tuno and then h'tt in tin fitflo.srd on, I'stortod liy tin|Miliro, for Sydney, in order to he prrsvnt :it I'm linnu-n t thih tvi'iunn. Thf IVi'inirr (Mr T If. llnvin) m*i Cahiiiol. to-dny and «limii»mml \ThU>i'da\ 'r> cvrnU. I.ntor In- inttih" « Htatonu'ii' in the I.(<|{ii.hitiv(> Assoinhly on tlic subject and nlao t'Nplaitit'd the (iovt'iniiK-nt's it'imon tor reinsure to l.i> ropii'scniol at the compulsory eonl i onli'ii'lio' wlueli opened at Sytluty toduy. Kt hoes of yeHterday's senstit ioiml rotind the Hotlihury Pit are revel her it iii(t through the whole of the South Aiiiitlnnd coalfields. Ilroken fences, ('pitted white »»»)li<<' helmets, and hefty sticks tell of the fury of the onslalight, by the miners uitniTtHt the police. The funeral of Nnimiui Itrown, the victim of the shooting, wa* held tins afternoon at. (>rctii. Tliere was b liiik'' gathering of comrades, who marched ahead of the heaiHO. Two other miner*, David Drown ami AA'alter Woods, tint still in a critical condition following ttperat ions for th«' extraction of bullets All the other injured miners, as well an the wounded police, are making a speedy recovery. Tlioma, Fhinnery. a«ed *>7, one "1 the oldest cmnlovees at Uothhitry Colliery, dropped tlend while discussing the riot* yestm'dny. The Sooth Coast eoal mines were idle to-day as n protest nptinst the shootiiitf of Brown. Fooling is tunttinff high, tlie opinion being that the miners must now fight to the hitter end. POLICE WITHOUT AMMUNITION. TWO CRITICAL HOURS. RESPONSIBILITY FOR HOSTILITIES DISPUTED. SYDNEY, Denembcr 17. It is now revealed thnt the police dclendinjj; Rolhhnrv colliery yestentay tnorning were without ammunition from 9.30 until 11.30. The police wore issued a very amoll Hiipply, >t never beiii£ anticipated thnt they would need' to adopt thin last roaort. During the two hours' nu§pcnne, thou sands of miners swarmed in a threaten inn masß round the fence of the colliery, and. had the miners known the truo position, there is no toiling what might have happened in the tem per thev were in. . All police leaw has been cani*|le<l and the police already on leave have been recalled. The Minister for Mine*. Mr It. «■ D. Weaver, says that the attacking miners began hostilities hy iinng shot*.' but Inspector James Cottnell, ropre sentina: the Miners' Federation. *»w! that Mr Weaver was entirely respon sible for the outbreak. He as.«rrt.-l that the men who were taking no port in the attaiks upon the polite w,i'shot down. The niincrs will withdraw tmni at' the mines in New South Wnlr.% in sympathy with the killed and wounded Rothhury men Mr T. R. R.IMH Mlie Prrnuen atatnl that if nece**nry the hotels in the Rothhury district would be i" diminish the danger of violence anil lawlessness, and lolnntcer jiolire wonlti be sworn in Arrangements ha\e been made to start work at Ilothbntv tins morning. a dnv earlier than was antieinnted. To protest against the Itothhiiry shooting, a monster demonstration . has been arranged bv the I.altonr Council to take plaee in Hyde Park to-night. It is .>xpeoted that at least ."'0 C/X) unionists will attend. CENSURE MOTION PROPOSED. STORMY DEBATE IN ASSEMBLY. (Received December 17lh 10.40 ptn i SYDNEY, lXuceml>er 17. 1 The atiiiosphoie in Parhnment was ehctncal when Mr .1. T. Lang, Ix'.-kl't lof the Opposition. finally tinned "That tins House deplore* the 10-.sot J lit",' at Rothhury \e-tenlay ami ceni sine- the (iovei nim nt tor permitting ! the use of Slate polic* in tiirthering j the effort- of the niincow iters m their I attitude of open defiance against '•"■ | law." j The deflate thereafter was -torniy j Mr Lang's censure motion m the ! Assembly had not been debuted tar j ttlicn a member, on a point of onlet j declared that tin motion itjul,) not t«' [ disi'i.-'ed pending tic.! Coroner'* in qniry int-> Brown's death and that the matter was sun judir«» The point **s 1 upheld.


I'OI.H'E 1,l ABU PUtLIAMENT HOI SK. Jd'HC',! I'V. •'..,. • I 'V.,.. !13 ~ ,:»»,) >\ i>\ t;v i>.". ,-,nt>.T ;:. At iii«*,l iiiiiihihl,' ,l."i»'i.,ii«lr»lion tn niglit in ll},t>" Pa-k. mttit »»..,• tlll'V >pooclie«i nrn- ►■ ■■> tl." !\* »'••» lliliuisl lender* Hi'iiTf »tt* a , n»w4 Of L'O.OHil onlooker*, but the iwn |«WHy wove pi'i-s, til «<ilt ol" »h>'»'" riifin*ll>, r«potnig noting. Fi\, Snmdted iimi'tTMi'tl mi'l pUda.lollies poti.-e jjiuinlcl P alii situ* til ll.hi.m-. The situation »;i!. i«*m»»» *«4 large ni.iwlt lined Hie footpath* in tit* hope "I* witnessing .1 . tacit. \ »n»»W number of kothoatis frwm tla Hytto l'jirk meeting whirl. ««» tiearlifr, cvcnlullHv tried t„ for, r their W*¥" !»!• Hie quickly repented I',' !»••■ I'nli'f, *tww< then Imtnin tin,l ti'tiik- tarn* a-mtffc Tin" injure,! vivir ' :•■, 'it'll nf ** *■ «i *t» y Hospital, which »il)i>i«» I *ar It* •»«••» Iloime. Tin 1 poli'f then marrhed t» llvde Pari, dispersed tt..- idler*, m»«l eomplcto ..i.t.'t w:.o» .'"(.««.»>".» m H».» p.m. COMPULSORY CONFERENCE OPENED. PROPOSALS MAIIR KOR tIPRNIWtt MINKS. (H weired l)«HvtnWr tali, HI. W p.«.) SYDNI-Y. IfcwNrmtwf IT Tin- compulsory i»>i»l iiiiiwratf *•# presided over l>v .linlicv Bf*»t>j ««l tfc« Federal \t biti ntum Court ll* »«- noiiliced that a tiirmlirr «* the <*wa>-monwi-nlili (»ii\rrnm-'nt ha.! "tifcitiitt*** oorlaiit pi oposals tut ibe i t»»mlt»t* opening i>l ihv iimiw - nml ***** C«*»rt would eolliimiHo tin- m*aii»g "f *"**- donee nit-. tin- dispute n«»i Wtrr (»*• •laiiu.'iry JJ"n<l KuliaUtilinl't tin pi'ii»»itS« artTlmt the mint* *<r opiemnl »t> *«.tJM**turner as fm*>~-i'>N «>n «lm * *«** a*** condition-* |,i'i'» admg tw-tiin* i** mtwm worn chiM-d That lli.' M-llirm pi uv <*f -xal *"" wdueed Jinn shillings |* < «'»• *««*<* »*- iliiitiuii Hi Ih- nut i-» a it-#M|Mo*»r* Kcilci-wl •.i|l«.ji>t nl «nw 'lnlt>»g p** ton. n p« r inn l»" »l>* «*»«< i*. ami i«n fchtlhm;- i* r i«»« H» ttw s >** Smtli Wale* lli'tnniiiMl l»v m*»*a of 1-p.lnrtions in rtfi «>l ****** rliar^t'^ Tin- umlrK'H" »i!t<«ir«*fl «*«•• tmo morrow to rim! '< ilt* t» r«»sulrr tl«' propi-','-THE PREMIER'S BTATBMKNT UOVBRNMINTS ACTKW OBPBNDBD. (U.rri-ifd IV, rmhrr !7!k. l»W r ß\l SVPNKV, l*r*fmh*>r It The J'r.-nni't. Mr |!*tm. i* •** rf)iir»«> of ht» atatrwifßt tn tk* !j*o»InUvr A«»riul)U llu« »ft«*Taw». *»till «>•* it wnnliT b*- an sMsr»ti«a «>t tfca f*»* tioa of thr <;o*rr»m**nl tfe b» *»fl»«'ta»i liy a pulirr of threat* »f -s («!*«*<'. (iovcinmtut w»» r-Bi sa«-*>i tfcat t%" ■•ait majunlT »f »*>*- «itis<-n* ki*4 a* sjnipathy wstb thp mtth >ii» iwt :ini! revotution \-r~itit9r ' »f*l»*-4*i T*t whnlp rrapi,>-*H>it;tv f"* tlwrta *i Norm-ill Ilrnarn an,i tfcr gallant pnlirrmr-B » % !fc th* Ww who rtiri>urai; r 'l *' ■ i' f 't*- ! ifea wasa* I ** f,> viol#n<-r. an»l. l-at f*r tfe* •«"!*•« •* ll.f poller, thf *mi» if i•• ',<*»?*. r •••» rit ttOul.l '.m- i ril..i gt r, it Mi li.-i- ,n .1---1.1 thai 'V. *••»«"* incut uilfi tn :, p:o''»• tttre a*a*»«" ile frit I'ui.i •) '" -av t>«t th* p«*rtt«>« wh» ma-ii in-"-- ~irtt. ;i'* ty -rrway'** Mlilf Ft nifits i>i««t.' (•• nt**fti*«** •»' tl.r fV i' rsl t.ii;' NO WORK AT COAL VIKB*. (R o» ■rlt ■ <•>! 1 I>rr fm I ft' 1: t l"i 1: ft tf) || at • >\ I)\F \ 1m...« *r 1? \ rrp'>rl t'r,„i i-j >. > -it b«-f» •»-■■ Wi'tftn « 0.l • ■>( ..-■',, *»..»»» tt<>«(jt itgC". In \iftiitn, a' i It'**.- 4 * <J»r*»» Itintl' ill-r-ilir* <! tt i' l!-. (nll,r»» |Tfr i<ll( ti»-<l-it 1".. )•■*■!■ i'w* «t»rf •tartar- 1 tr>M>|iition> 'lipliMi' ■ 'l,f .« ihr ii'inT' ;•• lE'tl-' -\

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19805, 18 December 1929, Page 11

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QUIET AFTER THE RIOTS Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19805, 18 December 1929, Page 11

QUIET AFTER THE RIOTS Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19805, 18 December 1929, Page 11