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RANGIORA. The weight-guesshitr competitions at the Poultry Club's show resulted: — Bag of potatoes, 2061b 4oz, Mr W. JGraham, 3061b; weight of sheep, 701b tioz, W. J. Martyn, 701b Boz. In order to raise funds tor the ne w Tennis Club, a carnival was held in . the Drill Hall yesterday. Produce, sweets, sewing, and cookery were displayed for sale in the different stalls, and there was aiso an aiternoon tearoom. The bazaar was opened by the Mayor. Mr G. is. Ayers, who congratulated the committee on the effort being made to put the club on a sound footing, and trusted that the financial results would reach expectations. The president of the club. Mr E. D. K. Smith, congratulated the committee on the excellence of the arrangements, and the line display of goods. Brisk business was done during; the day, and in the evening a lnrge number of side shows were in full swing. In the evening the Scouts, Guards, and Cubs paraded, and preceded by the Rangiora Brass Band, marched to the hall. The Cubs gave their call and the Scouts sang their chorus, after which the Band played a number of selections. The success of the arrangements were due to an energetic committee, of which Mr "W. C. Prosser was secretary. A party of brethren of the Loyal Cust Lodge attended the meetins ot the Loyal Rangiora Lodge of Manchester Unity Oddfellows on Monday evening, and were welcomed by Bro. G. Ridout, N.G. Bro. Walter Johnson, P.D.G.M., wrote, thanking the members for their expression of sympathv with him in his illness. The secretary, Loval Ohoka Lodge, advised that July 22nd was a suitable date- for the cards match between the lodges. One member applied for payment of the maternity allowance A motion of sympathy was passed to Bro. T. A. Prior on the death of his son. The usual toasts were honoured, that of ''The Visitors" being responded to by Bros. G Bennett, N.G. (Cust Lodgo), and D. T. Paterson, P.D.G.M. (Hinds Lodge). At the conclusion of the business a cards match was played, the local memhers and iadv friends defeating the visitors by 985 points to 948. After supper a social hour was spent, songs being contributed by Sisters Clark and Richardson, and Bros. J. Cooke. Or. Ridout, and M. Richardson. Orders for advertisements and for delivery of The Press may be telephoned to or left at our local office, Hish street, Rangiora. Telephone 65M. —2 OXFORD. In Pearson Park a basketball match was played between Leithfield and the Oxford "senior team. The game was undoubtedly the fastest and most exciting of the season and resulted in a win for Oxford by 12 goals to 8. Miss S. M. Ruddock was referee. FERNSIDE. A social and dance was held in the school by the Tennis Club. A presentation was also made to Mr and Mrs Kenyon who are leaving the district. After a short speech Mr Hewitt presented Mr and Mrs Kenyon with a silver teapot and coffee-pot. Mr Kenyon suitably responded. A trophy in the form of a fountain pen, given by Mr Iloseveare for the most improved junior player was won by Peter Lill. Prizes were Won by Mrs Kenyon, Mrs Milne, Messrs C. Evans, and L. Kerr. Music for the dance was played by Miss M. M. Sutherland and Mr S. Innes with extras by Mr F. Evans. Lucky-spot waltzes were won by Misses L. Cox, <M. Dixon, Messrs R. Morris, and W. sßmith. Mr R. Sutherland was M.C. The Cust school children played competition matches against Fernside school. The Cust boys won the football, 5 to nil and the Fernside girls won the basketball 20 to nil. # Afternoon tea was served by the ladies. WAIKUKU. j At a dance in aid of the hall funds I music was supplied by Mr and Mrs Breech. Novelty dances Were held and I supper was supplied by the ladies. i At the Waikuku Methodist Women's Union annual meeting the election of officers resulted as follows: —President, Mrs J. Nelson; secretary and treasurer, Mrs J. Morriss. It was decided to send some clothing to the Rev. L. B. Neale's Telief depot. Each member of the Guild gave little gifts towards Christmas boxes for the Solomon Island children. The pupils of St. Barnabas's Sunday school held a social in the hall on Friday. Items were given as follows: Chorus, pupils; nursery rhvmes, Misses O. Cross, j. Stokes. N. Dymock, and Masters P. Stokes and R. Sincock; recitation, Miss L. Morriss; son°:, Miss O. Cross: dialogues, Misses R. MoDonald. M. Tomlinson, J. Dvmock, and Mr R-. M. McDonald; recitation, Mr J. King; dialogues. Misses J. Judson,A. Dvmock, I. La Petit. Messrs A. King and A. La Petit. A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs J. Stokes for helping to coach the children for the concert. The sum of £9 was raised. Winners of eomnetitions were : —Weight of cake. Miss S. Lesrpett and Mr J. Wesley (eaual); weight of walnuts, Mr La Petit. Miss Cross was" accompanist. The money raised goes towards buyine jrifts for the Melanesian Mission children for Christmas. Supper was handed round. Miss A. TuTI, Coldstream, i= spending a holiday with friends at Cheviot. LEESTON. A full house at the Leeston Town ! Hall on Monday night greeted the Rev. | A. J. Seamer, superintendent of the Methodist Home and Maori Missions, and his Maori musical party, who concluded a series of successful meetings held in the Leeston circuit. The performers were accorded generous applause. Mr A. E. Brown, on behalf of Leeston residents, extended a welcome to Mr Seamer and his companions, and with several others greeted the visitors in accordance with Maori custom. At the conclusion the visitors were accorded a vote of thanks on the motion of Messrs P. Birkett and A. S. Lyons. On Sunday the party held services at Taumutu in the morning and afternoon, there being good congregations on both occasions. They were hospitably entertained by the residents. In the evening Mr Seamer preached at the Leeston Church. DARFIELD. To assist in augmenting the hospital radio fund, a hockey match, married v. single women, was played and resulted in a win for the single women, goals being scored by Misses R. Redmond, L. Taylor, and R. Stewart. Mr T. Hennessey was referee. Mrs H. A. Knight presided over the monthly meeting of the Darfield subbranch of the Plunket Society. Nurse Finlayson was in attendance. Afternoon tea was served. The bachelors and spinsters held their annual ball in the Memorial Hall. The music was supplied by Withers's Orchestra and extras were played by Messrs fitimmett, McDonald, and Cox. Messrs J. Reid, H. Gillanders, and R. Bedford were M.C.'s. The success of the function was largely due to the work of an energetic committee with Mr L. West wood as chairman and Miss M Bradlev and Mr F. P. Brown as joint secretaries. Mrs J. O. Redfern arranged the decorations.

OKAIN'S BAY. The Okain's Bay Ladies' Hockey Club held a very successful ball m the hall. Music was supplied by Mrs Bailey, with extras bv Miss A. Craw and Mr C. Holstein." A waltzing competition was won by Miss I. Waghorn and Mr G. Waghorn, the judges being Messrs L. Spurr and P. Waghorn. The club will benefit to the extent ot £t. Mr L. Spurr acted as M.C. The Chorkon Rifle Club has completed the new range at Stoney Bay, and the official opening will take place within a few davs. The range has been passed bv the inspector, who expressed the opinion that it was one ot the best he had seen. At the fortnightly meeting ot the Loyal Hand of Friendship Lodge, 1.0.0. F., M.U., Bro. J. Hunt, N.G., presided and welcomed Bro. A. King, P.P.G.M.. of the Loyal Perseverance Lodge. Mr and Mrs Jack Mason have returned home from a tour to the Nortn Island. . ~, , Mrs White, with her children has returned to Christchurch after a holiday spent with her sister, Mrs McKay. Mrs Spurr, Christchurch, is staying with Mrs Corrigall. . , Mrs R. Haines is on a visit to Christchurch. , ... Mrs Cummings has been staying witn her daughter, Mrs Pidgeon, Little River. „,. . _ Miss L. Moore and Miss A. Ware have returned from a holiday spent in the North Island and Fiji. Mr P. Cummins has returned home from the Akaroa Hospital after a serious illness. SOUTHBROOK. The Southbrook branch of the W.C.T.U. held its monthly meeting in the Methodist Schoolroom. Mrs C. K. Thwaites presided. It being "T. E. Tavlor Dav/' the president read a paper on" the life and work of T. E. Taylor. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Thwaites for her paper. It was left to the president to procure a speaker for the August meeting. More "bricks" for the "Million Shilling Fund" were distributed. KIRWEE. At the monthly meeting of the Mothers' Union Mrs A. Anderson presided. A motion of sympathy was passed with Mesdames Lee, Fairbairn, and Frizzell, who are ill. Mrs Menzies gave an address, and on the motion or the Eev. G. W. Christian a vote of thanks was accorded to her. It was decided to ask the Eev. Theo. Paterson to give an address at the next meeting of the union. Afternoon tea was dispensed. Some hard frosts have been experienced, but on Saturday night light rain fell, six points being registered on Sunday morning. A cold easterly wind blew all dav on Sunday, and rain came on at night from the south-west, 28 points being registered on Monday morning. The Springfield and Kirwee Football Clubs plaved a match in the Kirwee Domain on Saturday. The visitors won by 11 points to 3. The Eev. Theo. Paterson was referee. HORORATA. The Benedicts held a meeting in the hall on Monday night, when the following committee was elected to carry out the arrangements for the annual ball. —Chairman, Mr W. R. Oliver; hon. secretarv, Mr F. S. Barrett; committee, Mesdames E. Fleming and F. S Barrett, Messrs J. Oliver, E. Fleming, R. Felton, P. Phillips, and 1Adams. Last Sunday a collection was taken up in aid of the Earthquake Relief Fund at St. John's Anglican Church, and next Sundav a similar collection will be made at the Presbyterian Church. , .._ Mrs B. C. Rutherford spent the week-end with her parents, Mr and Mrs G. C. Derrett. LINCOLN. There was a large attendance at the Recreation Ground Committee's Dance. Stace's Band, augmented from the Woolston Band, supplied the music. The committee have decided to hold a special dance on the 20th inst. and gjye the proceeds to the Earthquake Disaster Fund. . . Special services of thanksgiving for the restoration of the King to health were held in Anglican and Presbyterian Churches on Sunday. A meeting of the Lincoln Ploughing Match Committee was held, in the Coronation Library on Monday night, Mr P. V. Bailey presiding. Over 40 entries have been received to date. It was reported that Mr H. Pearson would supply the sheep for the weightguessing competition. The president reported that cups had been presented by Mrs Boyle for boys' classes and Messrs Wills and Watson for most points in harness, grooming, and decoration. It was decided to allot the Ellesmere A. and P. Association's Cup to Class B, Mr Lowden's Cup to Class C, Messrs Ashbv, Bergh's Cup to Class D, the President's Cup to Class A, Messrs Pearson Bros.' Cup to district class, Mr J. H. Pannett's Cup to Class G (district tractor class). A sub-committee consisting of Messrs Bailey and Rickerby was appointed to interview owners of teams for use at the match. The following sub-commit-tee was appointed to allot special prizes: Messrs Bailey, Pearson, Watson, and Rickerby. It was decided to give prizes of £1 and 10s for firsthand second respectively where no trophies were allotted. It was agreed that the Ground Committee meet on the ground on Friday nest, to mark and measure the ground. The following were elected a Postponement Committee: Messrs Bailey, Benny, Pearson, Carpenter, and Simpson. SPRINGSTON. On Friday a meeting was held in the hall for the purpose of starting a Girls' Club. The Rev. A. H. Acheson occupied the chair and outlined the proposal. It was decided to form a club to be called the Springston Sunshine Club, open to all girls over 13The election of officers resulted: Leader, Mrs Acheson; sub-leader, Miss West; hon. secretary, Miss Vera Hewitt; hon. treasurer. Miss Ida Thomas; committee, Misses Nancy Heinisch, Milly Greenslade, Alison Woods, Shirley Hewitt, Audrey Witte. The girls decided to carry out a "catch-my-pal' ! campaign during the week, and have a full membership. It was decided that the club colours be fold and green Next week thev are olding a debate on the subject "Should Education be Compulsory." The secretary and the treasurer will lead the teams. In addition, the girls are going to have a course of eurhythmies, under the direction of Miss West. At the quarterly meetincr of the Springston Methodist Circuit, the Rev. A. H. Fowles presided. The balancesheet showed a debit of 12s. The membership was reported to be the same as last quarter. The chairman said the Foreign Mission services would be held during the coming quarter and that the Rev. Mr Goldie and a Native would bo visiting Springton. Anniversary collections were granted to Templeton and Weedons. Spiritual inspiration services would be held throughout the circuit in the near future. The circuit rally was fixed for Springston on September 3rd. It was decided to invite the following speakers: Revs. B. Metson. Aitelun?on, and Naylor, Mr R. S. D. Rowe Was ap-

pointed society steward at Burnham. The resignation was received of Mr D. Butcher as local preacher and society steward. Letters of sympathy are to be sent to Mrs T. Blay and family and to Mrs Mander. On Friday last the local schoolboys met the Halswell boys in a game of football, which resulted in a win for the Springston team by 9 points to 3. Mr A. C. Barr controlled the game. A brine: and buy afternoon was held in the Methodist schoolroom, there being a good attendance. The proceeds were in aid of the sewing stall for the coming spring fair. Miss M. Taylor, of Riccarton, is spending a holiday with her cousin, Mrs W. H. Tyson.

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19667, 10 July 1929, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19667, 10 July 1929, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19667, 10 July 1929, Page 3