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ARRIVALS. Taaa4a/. March ltth.

Wahiyak. a-a. t>J» M" «<*»«. Cmmmrvn, trtm w#ilia(iM. Caion Steaia Ship Co.. ac*ata. Maal Pamar«. a»_*. (T aas ). > 159 to««, Mt Dona 14. froH Apia a»4 *!«« UUnd. *ia Aaeklaad. Ktea«T acd C«- Ltd.. ag«nt«. Pisa d.:s im» Bhttr. Anchored ta 'llia rtream.

DKPARTVRKS. Kareh !l(h

| Treworiaa. a.*. ' 5.10 p.m. J. 4692 ton*. " PtuJiipa, for I>«a*dim. Xta««7 aed t'o., Li<, { **»?!.!.». t Mast Pataara. «.*. (5.44 p at.). IIJ9 toaa, for W*i!.3«400. Kimmmy aad Co.. I LjA.. aaaata. i viiut. ».*. (I M p a..'. 443# toa«. I tor W"«Bti»ftoa. l"u«i> (fieaa Ship Ca . *<•««».

Expected Arrival*. ier*.. Wellington. Uit day. >.auu:«, Tiatn. lilt day. 1 ••. Tim-te i, :hi» 4*7. .*.>» »astpwrt* Uii 4*7v. Uuaedin. th 1* day. <J«.aa4i«, Tiwri. Skit Wa-ltae. Wellta#t»». March 1 Ilk re--. t March 14tk. Cirrax, wtivi. March 14th. X'.rrxs. We Ijogten, Mtnk 14th. % tll.tftM, Kink 141k M:44«es«x. W IUrU 141k. Cats*. Ts.»ar*. Ktrek litk. I.'--*.7 of N'er-*-c£, WelTiaftaa. Mareh IStfc. W!ag»s«ii, T.msra. Xwrfc 13a Jf>3l.s. W-tlrof-to*. Uiftk I G ill. Di'.ktnv M*rt& 16ta. W'lli&ftoo, Mareit 164k. Wair*? tftrtrli 1 TtJifcr*is4i*a W":aa«r. M»r:h ITtIL raim-nt *• * -<v«, March fTtfc. Wtipi*'.* Vt; «#?, I9**, T rc*r-. M*rr!» V * - '%., TT X 8 , Wt#*ik l rt I*Ua<!. Mir 20. TTawLra, 2Ssb. 3»f*nak*. K*rcfe 20U&. T*wei*~* V*! ir 4ftoa. Murclfc SOI St. Ka i& pm„ H *iV»c r l a •« U a.r« b 2ls I, 1. :»** S3s4, <>sl * **-.**6111. K*r*:& K*a :raaijf. VI # T * : s. ftor,, M*:r"h 27i11. V#i»;nrv«. M*reA 2'th. - HVf h A- k *rl Jcftr* 3?il H4i»f 4ik: **'»" nr»«j», C'.k H*ri2:v *iS'»- ■• ***■»* 2**.+. P»rt Cnrt,* w•"' tr. ft*wk»V«-lr. WV"*cs*-v Asril Tth. Ttia'-sH** *•' -■*'*"». As-fl 9th ' It »f p.*sti, T»' rro« Ar~i! I'th. r*o»-l a- Ch*"'- —r "■"»*' r-.rt«* *rr:t 23 1 ■ * ?vfc K m r-» m r»-i i*, April t' !h Va laka»> —f-~- 'f*» S«h_ tTtMit.m;- •'"- T' - V»» Mi v«*,k "S. -X-'- J**"* •ari'-i-t «>• nth. !' --i K xa V«t 3 lit. Rn»'P«S j r--- ' >* -♦r», *»T 2l»*

Fti art*d Doaartana. Ma---. -r-~" « d*Tf-» -(■•--•5. this day. *li -B-Js ' V. <■ . .f-.a. -.1 » day. I y -.5,.. -J-Jf, -,3;» d*7 i 1 » "I" -3*r-; -.» "lay this d*7vr. -ft Ma**h 14U» Ai> -f 14ta. a Mar.'i 14* a. ■ «.«- '••>* 1 "»*"*■ s i "?'• Tin Mtrch lS'h. 0«'»«a Bs*r 7 «r»r-» Msrrk *S{fc. 'w.-;-r. Vljir-- 111 h- ■ - 4 t \c»r-> ::tk .--1 . - ; • sf.oa. Msr-4 15*': , - r , , u> ' *g-«« Msrrh t j<k. .-A.' • -f'3 Msrca 14thT -«•--! l£sr-h Hth i->u • -»th. i Vl%rt'- l#tfc... .»». ti»-» W u.i Tmiru l»th- « »»-ijs Kl#t&. ■ * - *■-» tarcS l»tkK'aAUs U»rrh 3 >*. h. «sr-k 20lk. ■-- -.i zf r. Mir-a iO-.h. W si. tag vi a. March 345 th. •.» •-!»■ Ti-ms« V£sr>-S ;Ind -» - i \t -« Mar«h fith. H,-»- » ,-r— M»r:i S»t>Otira. Pni»4(» M*trh lot*. -- K»""- iSA - T T - - .' -* •.*-f . V " ■'■»•=-•• .15"! Jrd VTtx.-ii. it" I «:il. Hay T-ST-. - .r- € !>.-•<!--. l .r-n: »lh. Srw-i*fe-»'k. T*~.%a. A;irll iOth. P-s-l - *<l Apn*. Ittk r»n.»d'.*a Cha::e*g»r. Tiaiara. **»''■ t"»«t'srii;tg», r-TB-lis.. April sSth. K*ra»«*. Atti" JOtk. T -s:.«r« M»t Jtk. Vft- ii t a, Msy T *l." I"i ~ E MIJ - * •x* rjE.*, Mar l-"th- «.»•-«» Ni« Psymoiuh, May **Td ? r Iri P-rt CkalMT* fay 23th.

SHIPPING NOT®. Tte Mwtti ail task** Pm* ia 4»a »hi« ■kmi from Bint t* Ml l« Ttakaro. Tim »•!»*».;# hHawM »m*» trim Oo»«*hi »Ei Tta»*jra (km Mnlif. *»4 t* to uB t«t t(un<*t irlsS »»r(o for W»»Jiag**» *»• % *Jl|:*aT : • ?*« G* « i< <a« ins tti teack t!ki< mtmfmg y '-.ii 'or \V4ai Wnj|i#fi. T>« W* it •• »xj+ct*4 tof'rset *w4 Si* 4 *aj ioa i< aad M 10 »»il »te"WUI yri4j» * f-r ~ t* »—r i:i T%« ••* <»r f**" Iter i in -»»<■.--«. TV* V»aak» ■« <-• tnl SjfVsPijrT.*, *i» *a4 oTLSifdio. ofc* im M i*. ■ t>< ■« tir a «»* ' * *«! •• rraw Jt».Soiri;4 . . 'Tit# E«lm 1* «iy* »*>•€••• tro* W««lper» inJfc f»*i T%» SC»!uk» *i« ! 4 »"•»« 08 W*4n»»«#r 3*l'. '.tmrn Ous»«. *»'«« -'i* '<-«N *r »s< GiiWra*. m 4 »*«•* T:» S«: Sjfcl.

The John ahould ha here on batur.J»7 front WelUagtoo la take in cargo for WeiItaatos, Wanganui. ud No*- PSymoutb. Tha oil tanker Ar.rol!*ri» U to «»ii «hi» awralag (or Bali* Papan. Th* CjpO ia exr««*-ed to morrow night from Kaikoora aed Wellington, and i* to »*" «a th* mini trip on Friday olght. Th* Bt«r* ahould »rrn« to-morrow froia W*lltagton. 6ha ia to «*il in the afternoon fee Daaedia »t>d Timaru. Tba Calm ia timed to load at tbi* port fa-morrow for Wellington and Wiujjanuf. The Tour* t* npactad to-morrow from Wei:iB(!oo to take In cargo for New Plymouth. Sh« Mil* tU Wetlinaton. Tha Wiagain I ia due on Friday from th* iMtk to land for Auckland. *i» Wellington. Th* Kairang* it expected at Lyttelton about Satarlay from Portland *ia Wellington. Aftaf diachargjag cement ahe *lll load for Auckland direct, Tha Xakaraag* U to Mil to-day *>t* c*rgo fat Auckland. via Wellington. Tit* Tmi ia expactad hart a boat to* end of lb* week from the Chatham Islanda. The Sua*** ta to leare Calcutta early ne*t month for Fenang. Singapore, and Saroarang to complete loading for Auckland, Wellington, Lyctelton, and Dunedln.

Tlia C. and D. Lina chartered •faroer Tan pie Moat it to aail from Sew York toward* tbe aad of neat month for Auckland, Weiitagtao. Ljrlteltoti. and Danedin. Ttte Waiotapo i« to aall from Le* An (tele* wn April 6th for Papeete. Wellington, Lyttaltoa, Mtfbmime. and SydnarTha Fort Alma aail* (rota London on April llth (or Lrtteitoa. Port Chalrnera. Bluff. *oi Tlaiara. She it due al thla port on May Slat.

Th# »»• *o »»il (rom London on JUrcb 6tb tor Ba**, Port Ck*lmt*i, LjtteltOß, m>4 5«l«on. 8h« it txptrtcd to trrita at Pert ClulMn eo April 18th. Tl« Jforfo'.k I#**m Liverpool on S»tof 4»y for Auciclund, W«lltafton, Ljrtteltoa Tlnaro. *a4 Port Ch*!roeni. Bhe I* da* at AstUttd en April 33rd. Tk» Knlid( I* da« •( Aaeklaad on Sunday from New Tork. Bha will »l«o d:achar(« at Wvtiiofton. Ljttait«n. Dnoa4ln, and WaDgasai. Captain A. S. D>lcl«i»b haa raleivad Captela F. a. Hilton as bmw «( tha Katoa. Captain Billon ia mow ea holiday* at Aucktead.

Captain E. 3. McClellan l» ralieTinc Captmla W. H. D. Oarrfnor aa muter o( the Kai«*nf»ta~ Tha lat»«r ia proca«dtoc to Auckland on kolidaja. Captain A. T. Korton. of the motor-ship Ha crabs, »i granted bolidaja at 87dn«y raecntlr- CajKai» A. T. Totan haa bean appointed to command tha *«»» el. Ur W, Johnson, chief oSeer of the Walpaki. haa traaafarred to th« Kartifi io a aitnilar tapacitr, re'tiiting Mr S. E. Olaikin lor holidajru. Mr B. A.'itaoß, third ottctr of th« WalMhi, haa h««n appointed to the Katoa, r«litTinf Mr D. J. Bnttar for hobdayt. Captain T. V. BoW.» atill r«taint comBand of the Hcnniniot, which it bow loadtax in Naw Zealand for London. He haa the following o®e«r» with him:—Chief. Mr A. W. fclmnta-RaeTe: *aeoad. Mr O JicC»ilh; third. Mr 8. A. McGr*for; fraorth, Mr A. Blexham: anrfeoa. Dr. T. H bitnm 'nt: chief anciseer, Mr 8. A. Widdriofhaai; Mr J. Kidd: third, ilr Bertram: ! foarth. Mr 3. Lynch; ifth, Mr P. Plnnket: (tilth. Mr E. W. Howard; tavtnth. Mr E. Smith; rafriferatiaf e«it!«ie*rt. M«ur< A. F. B«fc«rt> and A. Linseii; ch;«f steward. Mr A. T. Bnrrefon, Tha O E. Tshlli. (.rom San Francisco, ria Pap»a«« and Baroto«i*». *'rivc) at Wellingtan yasferdtp morning. She aaila to-day at' 10 m.m. tor Kydr.»y. Tha R.M.®. Mskora, from Sydney for San Fraoeinco. *ia Wellington. Rarotonga. and PaM«l«. 1» doe at Sao, Francisco nest Friday, and will lea*# on th« return vo;-ag« <om H*reh 20tb. tv> hj«« h#en by N«rw Zmlaud fihi 1-pin* c. mpany that tha Tasmania < left Brtshaa# i»»t Thoraday »ft*moon for J We» Ky*oolK *ha •»< dot yesterday - attarnoM to com ma tea loading for New J York. Halifax. *sd W»«t Coa»t ports of Graat i* r 'S« , "Bhaw Sariti asd Aibton Co. ha*e W» notified by rabJe thst the _ Coptic Wfl (IS»d**'Ai>* tQ»e»n*l»nd) on Thursday ' wrmint <*>r 0!«S>"rn» to !oad:n* for I Kka «'*• doe at Oistinm# Testerday. ao-J i< to sail from th»r« on Friday for !*ew plTTßooth. Xh# S'W JSaaland Shipping Company hare notHed that their f' motor liner H«n«ililrl left ?is«ti last Thur«day for W«lHagtofi !n r«ntltio»ticß of her Tojragt from i London and Kon:katn»ir r. The »ea»c! is fdneat Wellington o« March sTth. i The A and A. Lin* charters! ste»m»r {city of S«T-«-ich »rri»»d tt WeHinatoji lata m «aturd*» right fr«tß Sew Tori. <ria Aacklund w onload par*, cargo. There are 1 heiag asade op of t.*«c»r» In !he stokehold and enfffno ro®'o». and Malays on deck. Captaiffl K. Jores !« in command and with Mm ■are Ih* following oilers:—<*Vef oflcer. Mr 'T N E*s«s: ©Beer. Mr A. G. Potter; ! third C«r»r Mr J. A. M-E*«y: chief enILZ, Mr w 3 second engineer. Mr 'it Acntsoß: thrid engineer. Mr C H. Hpl»l«g' • Mr B. Sheriff: wireless operator. Mr tl! T> eW€f » ,€WaT< - Ur H - F - Holiea.

vessels within wireless range of n.z.

I, ...fcifcud Fvpinki, Aorangi. CanaftM W'Jnu#* MA ToT»*. ®oH«B fOMit. €•»•- **'wJSStEZZ*""' W *« a '- T.n,hta fc ***!• Arsbam. W*. Kia«»r%, nnrcrrmt*. i*r. ' v-i w«ite*»tK. Omasa. Haul Pcio»m. Matafo*. Contie. P® l * AwT„!»—•*»****• CTt * " f Mr » Tork, TVmfrr,"~-'«T>k«b*<s«. Dsn«<!in, Labcmom. Tnwrnlc*. K»r*tn, Islssds - ™Otlrs* Kia Of*, V orth -

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19567, 13 March 1929, Page 17

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SHIPPING. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19567, 13 March 1929, Page 17

SHIPPING. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19567, 13 March 1929, Page 17