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(THE PRESS Special Service.] DUNEDIN, February 14. The opening event, the Autumn Hurdles, was a fairly easy proposition for Lancer, who was Bent ont a good second favourite. Amorist and Heisler showed ont from the start, and led to the first fence, where the latter fell. Amoriit was then left in charge, and going out of the straight the first time was fully eight lengths clear of Lancer, iunamoe, ana Kangataiu, with the favourite last. Amorist increased his lead entering -the back stretch, but weakened after making a faulty jump at the f»r turn, and Lancer drew up to him. The pair were on terms at the second last fence, but again Amorist struck heavily and Lancer led into the Btraight from him and Tunamoe. Lancer was tackled by Tunamoe after crossing the final obstacle, who appeared to have his measure, but Lancer finished on. the better and won by two lengths. Amorist gained third money a length and a half away, and six lengths in front of Rangatahi. Gunease, Shandre, and Gayoma finished in that order. Lancer ran a Bolid race throughout, and showed marked stamina. He gave a clever exhibition of jumping, and promises to be a useful performer in the winter. Tunamoe went down sore and ran a creditable race under the circumstances. Amorist gave a most promising display considering he has not been in work long after a spelL With more schooling he will soon make a return. Bangatahi failed to race np to recent form, while Gayoma, who was heavily supported, tailed the field throughout. An Impressive Performance. Paquito and Starshooter monopolised the betting in the Trial Stakes, carrying close on half the total between them, and they returned the dividends. Membo was the early leader from Rigmarole and Starshooter, Paquito being slow to move off. Rigmarole took charge at the fay turn and led into the Btraight from Starshooter and Paquito, who moved up to the leaders rounding the home turn. Rigmarole was in distress at the distance, and Starshooter and Faqnito setled down to an interesting finish. The favourite had his companion beaten a hundred yards off the post, and won by a short half length. Rigmarole was a little over a length away, followed by Membo, Umtali, Salmo Salar, Night Effort, and Red Boa. Paquito was again m a rear position over the early stages, but with a clear run on the outside he made up his ground after two furlongs had been and, ridden a confident race, won in an easier manner than the deciding margin indicated. Starshooter did well in his first race since October Isst, and will be seen to better ad- : vantage later. Rigmarole showed her usual early speed, but was in trouble at the end ! of six furlongs. The remainder made a poor showing. j Amor Surprises. Toavrai was considered a good proposition for the President's Handicap, and carried slightly over a third of the investment!, but be was responsible for a poor performance, and finished near the tail of the fitW. Royal Flower and Red Racer acted as pacemakers over three parts of the journey, and led to the straight from Tardy, Green Cloth, Amor, and Tembroney- Amor made a forward move commencing the run home and gathered in the leaders inside the distance. He was then challenged by Tembroney and Tardy, and, hard ridden, gained the honours by a head from Tembroney, who beat Tardy by a like distance. Royal Flower failed to see out the journey, and was three lengths away next, and then came Green Cloth, Evening, and Bed Racer.

The reeent track wor * V. ' evilly Urn » h. paid ability »to°d to Mm- Nothing h,d a , chance with the three placed horses ToaL.i w«« one of the last to leave the mark, < and only Unproved his position slightly st imr turn wh«n h 0 drew up to tbo field, but the effort was ehortrlived, arid from that onwards he never threatened danger. Auute Baa ten. The field for the Publicans' Handicap was reduced to twelve ru " ne " l £? o . dflfßc "on of Royal Tractor and Battle ijag. ihe public voted solidly for Aussie, who earried over a third of the machine total of close on £4OOO, but he had to submit to a decuive defeat after making a B»me effort. He drew No. 2 at the barrier, and got away well, but drifted in behind the field after a furlong had been covered. iie then moved up gradually, and was_ tucked in on the rails at the home turn behind the leaders— Rin Tin Tin Silver Coot, budden Stonn, Meadow Lark, and Money Mine. Rin Tin Tin was the only one of this bunch to carry on in the straight, and Aussie forced his way through in pursuit. He did good work but was unable to make much impression 'on the leader, who crossed the line with a length and a half to spare. Money Mine finished on the best of the remainder, and gained third money, two lengths away, with Black Duke, Paperchase, Wmgatui, Meadow Lark, and Sudden Storm next, the last to finish being S'lver Coot, .Nincompoop, Rapier, and Dancing D ®y s - . The winner's effort was full of merit, and he outclassed the favourite in the run home. He was acquired late last year by hia present owner, and this was his second victory for him. Aussie had every chance, but h IS bie weight told over the final stages. Money Mfne surprised by his place at the finish, »tter always being one of the front divis.on. I Sudden Storm, Meadow Lark, and Silver ; rnnt closed up very quickly in the straight, j while Paperchase, although finishing in fifth place never looked a winner. Rap ie r tailed thefield shortly after the start and was several lengths in the rear t.ll well into the straight, where he put .n a good run. Easy for Nltfhtmareh. The Dunedin Cup provided a good pool, totalling well over £4OOO, Pink Note being made a seven hundred ticket better favourHe than Nightmarch. The contest wa. fairly interesting for the greater part of the journey but there was not much excitement in the'finish, except for the fact that the two most favoured made the returns. the field settled down, CircuUtmn rushed to the front, and going out of straight had a five lengths' break from Royal march Bean Geste, Pink Note, and Prickles. Circulation wa* jonied by Beau (ieste going the far turn Papatu falling back to last at leading ft **"pair^° UI '""and leading p»» Notc took c harge "«BKrv££'ffis nlftce closely attended by Zapata. march soon collared Pick Note and had him beaten long before the post w " r ®®,° ' f lh cording an easy win by three lengtLs, favour Prickles, and Beau Geste. By his decisive victory Nlghtmarehproved that the season's three-year-old fonn is better than generally " n "l de^ c „o n who ridden a splendid race by C. wno nr«wioul»y won the event on Rorlte Drift ln 1916 Pink Note had every opportunity but was no match for the winner. Panatu ran hi* race in patches, and ira proved from last to third place in the course of a furlong. These tactics left him with little fight at the finish. Rotor was at the tail of the field approaching the straight, and put in some telling work in the run to ° le ; finishing on resolutely. Royal Baton pulled very hard over the fir.t mite. "d fa.!ed to run out the journey. Count Jll , never prominent, while Prickles faded out "( the picture three furlongs from home o„ n Geste was np with the leader for mile, but then drifted back to last place and stayed there, A Poor Contwt. The Champagne Stakes provided the favourite, Pink Coat, with a hollow victory- He drew the rails, and bopping oat smartly soon established a lead from Stealth and Oo\d Tinge. The last-named was done with at the turn for home, and Stealth challenged the leader, but the latter, without being sen ously troubled, left his pursuer and had three lengths to spare at the finub. Gold Tinge was a poor third, and the rest were strung ont down the straight, the last to finish being Leading Boy and Jaxs Lady. In spite qf this being the winner s second appearance only, he outclassed the more seasoned Stealth. He was the first horse sold privately when Mr J. M. cided to quit his team, and at the lOOOgns paid for him he certainly looks well worth the money. Gold Tinge crashed up when showing promise of being prominent at the finish. Jalenx gave a poor display, and was never within striking distance of the leaders. The race was most disappointing, and at one stage the strung-out new extended over half a furlong of ground. Star Said Tails. In the face of outstanding track work. Star Raid was installed a good favourite for the Berwick Handicap, but oace more he failed to make good. Killoma and Court Jester were the first to break the line. Waving Corn being the slowest to find her feet. Impertinence had a slight advantage from a close-running fietd rounding the home turn, and was the first to enter the straight from Sweet Refrain, b'tar Raid, and Killorna. Waving Corn appeared on the scene at the distance post and quickly placed the issue beyond doubt, running home an easy winner by two and a half lyigths from Impertinence, who stayed on to beat Killorna by half a length. Star Raid was another half length away clear of Cupid's Dart, Court Jester, and Sweet Retrain. Waving Corn registered a good performance after losing ground st the start, and buried the rest of the field for pace over the last fnrlong. Impertinence showed promising form, and will do better later. Cupid's Dart stumbled badly at the far and Star Raid was sent, back, which probably helped to settle his chances. Court Jester was prominent to the straight, but died ont at the bnsiness end. Plying Mist Frmili. The concluding event, the Stewards' Handicap, was productive of a close finish is which the Ellis brothers had a stirring struggle. Flying Mist and Pangolin piloted the field to the tnrn, where the latter retired and Flying Mist entered the straight ahead of Full Feather, Water low, and Camisader. Full Feather and Waterlow drew up to the leader inside the distance, and the former actually headed her, bnt Flying Mist made a final spurt and snatched victory by a short head. Waterlow was only half a length away, with Camisader close np next, followed by Overhaul, Pangolin, Arrowy, and Martis. This was the best finish of the day, the honours being with Full Feather, who waa conceding the winner 211b. He was always in a handy position, and finished on generously under punishment.

ABBOTWOBD HANDICAP. Of 210 »0T«. 7f. Black Duka 910 Kilmoytar .. * 8 Jul! Teatlier 9 6 Marti* .. r 11 Tommy Dodd » 2 Winjatai .. 718 Nincompoop 9 1 £.toa BelU . . f 12 Overhaul 8 0 Watarlow .. 711 Ark Royal 813 Oamitader .. 7 8 Snddan Storm 8 7 King Sol ..7 8 Front R«nk • • 8 8 Bright!in* .. T 7 Tripaway . . 8 5 Arrowr .. 7 7 Flying Mist 8 4 Toawai .. 7 7 Pangolin • • 8 4

HANDICAPS FOR SECOND DAT. OwHIRO HURDLES, of 200 *ovs. lira. Rangatahl 11 2 Erin-go-bragb 9 « Tunsmoe 11 0 Amorist 9 2 Troilua 10 11 Umtali 9 O Lancer 10 10 S hand re .. 9 0 Guncase 10 7 Heicler 9 0 Gayoma 9 13 WARRINGTON HANDICAP, of 210 aon. lm. Amor 10 3 Bur Raid .. 7 18 Page Boj .. 9 X Louise 7 13 Tardy 9 0 Swoopalong .. 7 10 Arrowy 8 IS Membo 7 9 Cttpid' s Dart 8 6 Lady MeKenna 7 9 Sweat Refrain 8 6 Salmo Salar 7 9 Toawai 8 6 Royal Flower 7 8 Filoaol 8 6 Evening 7 8 Killorna 8 4 Miss Marco .. 7 8 Court Jester 8 8 Green Cloth .. 7 7 Star Shooter 8 a Gay bird 7 7 Tembroney .. 8 l Fairone 7 7 Bad Racer .. 8 0 Rotorex 7 7 JOCKEY OLUB HANDICAP, of 42 o aova. lim. Rapier 10 0 Beau Geite .. 7 7 Count Cavour 0 3 Circulation .. 7 4 Footfall 9 2 Full Feather 7 4 Pink Note .. 9 0 Rotor ,. 7 1 Nightmarch . . 9 0 Front Rank .. 7 0 Battle Colours 8 2 Prickles 7 0 Royal Saxon 7 13 Amor 7 0 Silver Paper 7 13 Town Bank .. 7 0 Sir Roy 7 13 Pangolin 7 0 Queen Balboa 7 13 Waterlow 7 0 Papatu 7 12 Inoe 7 0 FLYING HANDICAP, of 800 iots. «f. Silver Paper 9 0 Kilmoyler 7 7 Black Duke 9 0 Coom&saie 7 s Paperchase . . 8 13 Royal Tractor 7 5 Full Feather 8 7 Marti* 7 3 Tommy Dodd a 6 Wingatnl 1 3 Meadow Lark 8 3 Battle Ray .. 7 3 Overhaul 8 - Margaret Sudden Storm 7 11 Birney 7 3 Silver Coot . . 7 10 Eaton Bells .. 7 a Money Mine . ■ 7 6 Dancing Daya 7 0 WAIHOLA HANDICAP, of 175 aova. Sf. Camisader >.. & 10 Money Mint .. a 2 Waving Corn Sweet Refrain 9 9 9 2 Twang Assemble • 8 0 0 Paquito Killorna 9 2 Red Box a 0 9 O Lady Liazie .. 8 0 Court Jester a 13 Nanette 8 0 Impertinence a 10 Wig Wag .. 8 0 Greyfinch ' . - 8 9 Battle Screen 8 0 Lucky Light a 7 Night Effort 8 0 Mis* Marco 8 2 Larkaway 8 0 Town Major 8 2 Beat Policy . . 8 0 Star Barney Google 8 0 Stranger II. » S Kilplaidie filly 8 0 HOPEFUL HANDICAP. ef 200 aova. 8f. Pink, Coat .. 9 * Leading Boy Joek o' 7 0 Francolin 9 1 Aapiring 9 1 Haseldean 7 0 Stealth 8 n Colonel Quex 7 0 Night Lad 8 it Academy 7 0 The Graphic T 4 My Counsel . . 7 ft S«mper Paratu* 7 c. Tormenter 7 0 Blue Metal 7 0 Positive .. 1 0

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19545, 15 February 1929, Page 14

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NOTES ON THE RACING. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19545, 15 February 1929, Page 14

NOTES ON THE RACING. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19545, 15 February 1929, Page 14