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AUCTIONS. H. MATSON AND CO. H MATSON AND CO. REPORT OH . ADDINGTON MARKET AS FOLLOWS: — STOKE SHEEP, II MATSON and CO. report: LAMBS—In this section there w«8 quits a bi* r entry and according to our figure* tne tatat offered was 10,170. The greater portion cf the entry shoved tile siyM of the Kflsoo f being somewhat backward in condition. Attractive lots in many case* were somewhat email, and reviewing tie market aa a who.o the catalogue was about on the basis 01 the previous week as regards quality, with the exception that there was a much larger percentage of crossbred and long-wool lambs offering, and these undoubtedly were readily snapped* up. AS the sale progressed the attendance increased, and we are of the opinion that from start to finish the enquiry wai» on all fours with the previous week. Best lambs sold anywhere from 23a to 255, a few exhibition lots perhaps a shade higher. Ewe lamb# were keenly enquired for throughout. The B grade of lambs were sellin** anywhere from round aboat 18a to 22f1. The demand for lamb* for holding over Was responsible for keeping a steady rate for the O grade offerings, and these sold anywhere from 16s to 17s. Culls sold from 12s to 15s 6d. . The market was consistent throughout, and practically all lota were scld under the hammer. ADULT SHEEP—There was a heavy entry in this Section, and according to our estimate the entry comprised 10,400, of which you might say by far the greatest portion were shipped consignments. The attendance wis email, and it would not appear, with the exception of one or two who wanted yottng North Island ewes, thai the buying- power was ready to make purchases of adult sheep. Good two-tooth halfbred, ft very attractive line, sold exceedingly well at 44s 6d; crossbred two-tooths sold from 30a for small ones, and mixed wools and fair exhibits up to «Se; •bc-tootll ewee from 31s to 365; eight-tooth ewes from 25s to 82s The above price, with, tne exception of the two-tooth halfbreds, represented mostly North Island Sales. Local ewes sold, as four and five-year-old g°od-condition ewes were selling anywhere, from 18s to 355, one or two extra lota selling up to 28s 6d. There appeared to be a fair number of withdrawals, and a fair portion of the attendance beyond watching the seem to be Interested in making purchases The bMia of prices was somewhere round about all lours with the previous? week, hut apparently a greater portion of *ke e nfery had their values regulated by reserve®, and ifenisssSr 15? r-ss&'.'sS " Results consign STOCK TO H. MATSON and CO., ALDINGTON. H. MATSON and CO. report:— The yarding for the fat eh«st» depSrtmsnt •ku» a large one, thote being abottt 12 forward, ana the largeet yarding foi• soa»« coiisiderable time. Tie made np chiefly of ewes, and lSOth iot ewes and wether* wa* Vlry mixed, *»«*£ light sorts being penned. Pri®6S otf the •whole showed a decline on last Z and especially iot M of the ewes and wethwa, but vendor* ieeffled to Tuivlise this Jnust be the case, as large - quantities came forward. The freezing buyers were buying fairly freely throughout the bale, which kept both <Htes and wet Mr* up to schedule rates. One ifthe" market WSo ft line oi «oM JWr H. MATRON and CO. sent In by ft Island client, 110, ringing from 32sld to 34s 10d "We quote: Beat wethers ftom 32s 33s ?d, me3ittta M, h|tt and plain 28a to W», «*tr» good e*es ff* J® 4d, heavy 26a to 27s 6d, medium 24s to 55s 6d light and plain 18* to 2la. H. MATSON and CO.'S principal sales were:—On of Mr H. Butcher, wethera to Sib 7d> le w jsrifis s BEST RESULTS CONSIGN YOUR H : MATSON a ' fAX LIMBS. H. MATSON and CO. report that there was imSt «kss? A ™ -.saras •#»# bttdlttft frttfly. On* well-known «tock attftt mad* tkt remark that the price iot mj4iMt lamb in A4tln|toa far «mm« 4 the Ittttlltf lovttu at. MATSON ana <3O, 4not« thb <oUo#i»fc mac* of values: —lelt heavy lsiiib* Mj 44 lilt ifld -nrime 29ft tOs 32s 9d, mfctlttita Jei to {iL 64, tnl tfllniiliftd &9ft 04 tP "k'ItATSON aid CQ.'i »«***«" en bfefcaM of Mr W. Botfrfsit (Lyttelten), to SOI lOd; Mi P.I Mcprtry &tdbrooks) to 80S Bd; Mr J. F. NickfitK ("STaldhurst) to 32* 4d; West Cos«t client to 31» 4d; Te Xinga Ltod Company to 31* 10a; Mental H FOR*BBST , CONSIGN YOUR STOCK TO S. XitlON and CO., AD IJTON. dA/tTht. MATSON and CO. report that there watTa bigger yarding to-day than baa bean the case for some considerable time, 550 he*d being Jteftfa*4 «**inst l**t Wednesday s 49ft. JSC. MATSON tad CO.'a antry complied 120 head. The general quality ira* miigd, there being an* or two splendid lines ot cattle forwtftd ol batlt Ilexes and, as is usually the «a«e at ttta time of the year, a large irt the ptanlß* *a ß made up of cow bed from ltt-Al <atwfcsrs. The market opened ttfllkideNHly «aU«f t but competition improved alter tfe* Jl**t «ad« and throughout the dai bidding *as brisk. Owing to the fceattaf yttfiikft, prices e ß sed somewhat# And W« Mttiiiaef tlt« Approximate drop in stMr bm Otitß 44 pfl* 1001b lor all classes; this was more evident in the heavier weiehts. One or two jyasiers were competing, Vttt fee ««« insllned M hold off anticipating tut ih«r* would be a further decline in values. COWS and heifers sold as well aa could be and anything but aatter anatity was easier by about IBs to ite per head. Best. eajficially as itgtm belief*, did not « deeHne, •yproximately 10s pet ft th.ifilt, f«l4 eover it. . , H. MATSON and CO. quote the following tthae tfticea ?«* ittftfhi— STESttS—r&ttra teftty Am to 37i, extra aft to itfsTßatfd# *rtVht(i 49s to p#|mo 42s to 45k. medium 40s to 435. light BBS to 40s. COWS AJtD HEIFERS: Best 40s to 495, prime 37a to 40a, othere m down to Ui) extra heavy eewa ill tft tit, otters 4e*h to 27a fid. Prices per head—Sxtra heavy steers <lB to jili fa 64, heavy fit ISs to £1? Si, handy weights <l4 10a to £l6 16s, medium £l3 W 114 j*J tt*fct iM *lB M IIS &sa, extra heavy cows il4 to £l6 12s-M, frima £9 Its to £l2, medium £8 Ss to I# lis, light M to £7 Bs. extra heavy lleiftta • *l4 Bs to Aid it *L JttifnS «3i 1« t« Aid •s, Medium M§ 10* le £lO 19% otierl frdttt ir m£s iss.' -' rOfc BEST RESULTS CONSIGN YOtJR iTOCK TO H. KATSOK dad C©.» H. MATSOk and bO.'I priAclial tales wate is foJWws:—Oh Mcouni it Mr & Crfcv (Ohorlton), 12 two-year-old heifers £ll 12s •d to £l4. 8a 6d, 0 eewa £lO 7a «d to &tl §7s fid; client, £ liten.jif lit fld; Messrs teenan Bfttt. (Little Rltdf), 8 steers iW Vs Od to £l7 17s 6d; Mr H. Bennett (ByfeIbn), § sHeri £lB HI «d, 1 eowii £5 Its <d td £6 17a id) lit Ilex (Teddiagtoa), 1 heifer £l3 2s 6d, 1 cow £il fa edi 1 steer M 9 7s M; Mr fa*. Cavplon (P#e*iMt«a), 6 steers M 0 tijSA t« £iß £s Od; eliUilt i heifers £ll 171 td to 414 i9s Id; (liefttt 4 «owe £lO t» 6d «4 £|3 I7t tid; ltr 3. W. Mithef (Saltwater (%«ek), 2 heifSrs £ll 7a fid to £l2 7s Sd, 4 eows £lO 17s #d to £l3 Its 6d. _ IFOR BEST RESULTS.' CONSIGN TOtti TOOK TO H. MATSOX and CO., ddinoton. , H. MitTSON afcdOO. BBPOI* the entry In this ieotion wll the for solid time, only 165 head being penned, of which fi. MATSON and Co7s quota waa 71, «oiiH4«U!«tlY all lota mi it 4 ahktp nMt «k late rAtek, «9peddUy <nr heat «uiUty. _ t H. MATSON and 00. quote the foltowl&g tatlfee of values:—Small calvee S3e to Ms, taedttiia calves 86* to good calves ISS to H», bett ealvei mV* M to 43 19s 6d, mediiim funMHt Mttf MIM, |odd tttnnert <S 1M to «7. bept ttt&sera 47 fia to JB opwsidN torn, 9 :.PW SI 4 J . FAT a. wamm and CO. RKPOBT ther% wa* it fair-aiaed yarding a good oon< kidtUqeftt from the Weat Ooaat. Po kigtUqeftt liom th* Weat Ooaat. PorhM* met with 4 0«)tf d«U4«d 41 slightly better prioee than thoae ruling at late sales, BaMWI weTe a shade easier. Valuee: DhcrpneM Wa to M fc, lltfht baton s?s fid to £3 lis ad, heavy bacon « t» to i* 16a ftd, st4»|» U to Ofd* lifht pork 88s to its 6d, pork 49s to 471, heavy 47* 6d to s4s 6d, average 6]d to 7d. STORE PIGS. H. XATBQN And 00, R«POfeT there was a very aattil tatry, Snd competition *W at at Slightly bbtttt prions. throttghoui sliaall 18* to oi»,' W*an*M Valtu*: storee 28a to 31a 6d, medium Stock TO H. MATSON and CO. ADSINGTON. v. them hM • yatdifig IB thia degartment, '#7 h*d being forward, of which H MAT- . ,m& >MM CO.'* Mfcta W4* 97. Th*rt w*a »' 9 foe 4 u att«adai«e* of buyers, and prices uw m**

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19544, 14 February 1929, Page 20

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Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19544, 14 February 1929, Page 20

Page 20 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19544, 14 February 1929, Page 20