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j FIRST RACE TODAY, j PRORATIONS COMPLETED. j (ircoa ro tms rases, i | A K.AKOA, February 13. I All pivpu*Uou kii* l*ea cooi pletcxl for the first mom in tht is«i*d«r» S Cup contrtt, which will b* held st i Akxroa to-morrow. The «.r**» h**c I been busy during ti«e p**i days ix» S overhauling tbeir gear and giving * 1 tinil polish to the bust*. \ cry utile ! uihag ha» been dome owing u> the j abw nc« of wind. Thif morci»g Kiloea. I Chile and Colleen *«» «>t 10 » i wind. * The wind freshened thgbVr l» j the nfie-rnooc »b*n A valuta aad Murthiku joined the otber* in prart.c* wuling. AvaJon looked a p*n-ur« with hex hull policed U» a mirror-Uke aurieoe. Both th« Auckland mt*l Canterbury j rr««> are tt-rj oontidrct. la the pr**ti« rvu Muribiku showed the eomid I oot« well in light airs, j A tmis£ttUf runrw hi* been buojed * aS. From the main wharf it proofed* I art Hind & buoy ofi Gwes Pont. tliwi'* •round a buoy off R*-d Point, and back to the ktartmg line tfcree time* aroutd. So f*r * cry lifiil *>« d» have prevailed and the harbemr will undoubtedly be a flukey one as regards wind. Mr G. Andrew* » among the v>*>W>re to Akaroa, and be hopes to hav« Betty hero id time to Mil in the champion-t-bip rat* ot» Saturday. Akaroa people, especially the boy*, are rauoh interest**! in Takaputta sailing boat*. two <4 which arrived from Lyttelum ti>i» mornta*. This afternoon they were out in the harbour. and the eaae and (kill «:th which tber w*« bandied j iiupmwed th«* onlooker*. Akaroa would be aa ideal harbour for thu type < of craft.

Jjact evening the Aoroa. a motor cruiM-r owned by Mr J. T. Paul, of Ihinediii, preside £»t of the Otago Vacting Association, arrived from the south. She made a good passage, and popped at Oamaru and aa route.. The Ripple, also from Dtmedia, and owned by Mr K. Cards®, arrived this morning. Mr L. A. Cortia '• Pacific, of New Brighton, arrived about I.M this moraine from Lyttellon. She had ia tow Mr A. Round's yacht Sea Kid. The latter had been becalmed off Ofcaia '• Bay, **"* had experienced trouble with the ignition of her auxiliary •'MP®* when she waa lighted by the PaeilSa, and towed for 14 miles into Akaroa The Taranui, owned by Mr J. C. Hajr, of Pigeon Bay, i* also moored off the boatshed*. The Ripple, with Mr J. Jtffrir* and party, arrived from Ijytt«toc yeaterday. Tha Roamer (Mr F. Friedman), of BadcliS*. ia another traitor. Farther motor boa Is and yaara are expected from LytUlU* befora tha week-end. Coofarcaca a t The tenth Sander*. Oop ccef«w»o» met w-night, when ajsd yachtamen w*re wekxmett W «• Mayor (Mr G- Axmstovw). J*** courae of hi* welooiae Mr Arattttwe said that alth«»«h not waa done ia Akaroa now, th«.ra * time when the mMm ***** large eatriaa at *1» In thoae day» there were cotter «•« arhooner race, tod, whaleboat «oea, tween rival tnm *X Maoria, therefore th* fwndera Cap oootort at A*a^«*»«»J a revival of aaitafc f* *• "fW J* would cauae »ore uitereat to !»• in sailing Be wetocmed tfca visitor* and hoped ®Be em*** be moat aoc«»W *P d .. ttMrt ,*j?LTrS tad the harhonr all *h*y «P*»" m W. Ihmcaß (Wetingtew) oo behalf of the apprwaafaoo of th».TMi|ora_ delight of Akaroa aad xU IwaoMnl w. D. WUMmaoa {A»ekl»«), | X T. Pan! (Dnnedin), O. j (Southland), «d H. O. JMmb (Oawter- J bury) *l*o replied- i Mr J. !>*»*** (Wellin«t4«), »*• «** | elected ehalrmaa, «aid he the proeeedinga wonli b» «»4»et«4 J amicably, and that may dinwaaw# , ■i would be aetata* *t the confereguau He aiao honed that the tmnom Awoaanam* | the actioa of ttarir ~ j 1 cpective when they re warned. , Mr W. D. Wilkinaon (Aneklaad) waa , appointed aeeretary in. th# «< , Mr 0. Moltor. Mr F. Ook* "ted « j the other delegate for Awldaai j The prpooaal to i*a*««rata a Domimion fund to build aix boata, one for euh, waa brtefly Aiapomi of, all the delegates wttag agaiM* i*. « was stated that all the Aaaoeiations had turned dow« the piopaaal j The proposal to tightea ap the lationa ia regard to meaa«re«neala of ] boat* was tntrodaeed by the ehalrasaa. Mr Wilkimaoa <A»ekJa*i) **id kis Assoc iatioa waa of tha opinion that th« present regulations *m w®"** l . •** cept that there should bo » : weight. The proposal «m dropped. A remit waa received from the Canterbury Aasociatioa asking that the regulation* be altered so that boat* should be mdhanred prior to eaeh eoatest. Mr F. Morrison (Caaterbwry) movi that a set of moulda ahoald he im*A» three-quarters of aa inch larger j the inside moald* to allow for tha j thieknaM of the planking. The motion waa aeeoadad. by Mr £L G. Lamb (Canterbury). j Mr T. Anderson (Otago) aaid he did not aee that aay adTaatag* ©ouM b* gained by measuring the boat* frm» the outside moulds. Mr Paul (Otago) aaid tfcis waa a* important question, and if carried would completely revolutioaiaa existing eonditiona.

At this stage the ehairma* rated that the remit was out of order, aa tha Aasociatioa* had not received esipfM ia the proper time. The prpooaal will probably he dealt with at a 'later stage of the eoaferenoe. The Soya) New Zealand Yacht Oq—droa cobmitled * pro forma remit Is the effect that the age of all fitar* Sanders Cup erews 'be restricted to 21 years. Mr Wilkinaoa aaid he would have to support the remit. He wa* ia a vary awkward poaitioa, bat he was la daty bound to move the msit pre forma. He wished, to take aa ezpreasiea of opiaioa hack to AaeUaad.

| After the remit had bees dieeuaaad i the chairmaa aaid that the geaerai ; opinion throughout the Doauaioa waa | against such a proposal.

The remit waa loot, the docMoa beiag unasimotts.

! Mr Wilkiaaoa aaid he was «f the < cpini&n that alt the boats should be ! allowed to compete in each raoe aatil

; one boat aecured three win*, i Mr Anderson expressed the same | opinion.

! Mr Wilkinson the* submitted his **ggeetloa ia the form of a reaelatiea, which was carried ntaaiaaouslv.

The foUowiag eoataet aAei.aU w»i* elected:—Jadgea, Maaars H. Ckmp, G. Andrews, and W. Duncan; mMaawrs, Mceere T. Anderson aad. W. Jl Wil kinsoa; starter and tiaMkoener, Mr W. Wilkinaoa.

It wma daeidad tltat tfca 11m rae* start at f pJK. tMMTO», aad lk(t t«« racw 1m Mil«i oa Friday, atartlmg at 10 a.*. a*d p.«_ rw^mltjly. It wm i<m4 tkmt tkm tim* tuait for «acfc raca b« tkrm haw*. Tk« eomnw for t*M»arr«rw% I* la vMvtird and la*, ward., whila ilia •w* mm mm 'wiH 'be ovar a teiuplw <»aiaa

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Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19544, 14 February 1929, Page 12

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SANDERS CUP. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19544, 14 February 1929, Page 12

SANDERS CUP. Press, Volume LXV, Issue 19544, 14 February 1929, Page 12