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A. & P. SHOW - 1928.

yearling,class "lodieei three good n&* n wvllie's Bol( ? tak " ! award and with it the I gSsF# St ' *"& h foal at foot. Threeproduced an attractive <"»■ ".«? ■l&fJdlT good youngsters paraded. ■feSSXngiora) took the mam the Association s Chal■lSf for the female draught ownHfiifjefctbited by th e mating breeder. well grown of outstanding qualKSlSree yearlings came forward, BPff/jT /Lincoln) Doreen securing BIISj The Clydesdale Horse Somedal for the best colt ME hrf by exhibitor was taken by mßJsm'i any- Dr y marcs ma( ! e 311 strong class of half a dozen, ||s§FtL .Grant 'a imported Craigio the premier ticket, and of the section. r Pf,«ry stylish moving mare. SecWl't&o went to J. Lowery's JHf iji if fl y ]>nrie. In the class for 'TfifflLfft J - D * w y llie scored from iSfgftla, opinion of the judges that JS five geldings that faced jftj&nwlnT was one of the best that jPrLme before them in the show "JPS&« were a really outstanding kated that if the numbers nnghts are decreasing there iut In that direction in the lity. First award went to „t with a fine stamp of a i and second to H. &. two-year-olds and the any not draw strong com- ; here again quantity was ÜBg. John Wyllie and Anrapectively won m these drew Grant also scored in for a pair of geldings and n team of geldings. %pESS -COBS' AND §Bf*, PONIES. and pony classes BflErt totalled 55, the .all-round iijlHifvwhieh was nothing short of . m&jg aaj was a credit to the Pro|E/Ointerbnry'has always been faEiieUier parte of the Dominion for bßSawm »uc£ animals and the preetoily 'maintain the Pro--' gEw.Wige.' all classes.being wor- !£ represented « a generally produc-SK-nett 'keen' competition that the Sp (Hr Oi'NeJwn, 'of Hastings), a naeh siperience and one who Shews"all over the DominK r > rr >««i'tlihftaf- as being much display. All classes, "With anything ®n*MeafinVmßvioS ß y earS and he Pussyfoot, across. the Show year which all respects - fhu the recent > I J or | h - f features - of great revivdtiiyt|imtemplatein/the exhibiting ponies which riyal of enthusiasm among I CHtag'fo the vogue of ijHpoke'd for some years owiiof, this? class would lifting of the'pasfc. This rEftkereforo be taken tut> tiese. classes, easily uore.of 'ihe whole Show i%]ienil t public are conthe lost JStiip'' of this class was Gee's Pussyfoot. vdiiia been allocated it of the horses, Qqe, to whom the made, thereupon hand? the stewards and, judged, when he not over 15 : \Wtre .seven entries, M* " nnfnrh " rv proving BBromigHPfJ' L. Donald's King l . Mr E. J. Bulmer's not over. 14 hands. HjTiim .T. Maginness's first prize against WWBBißH£'atiM Hilda Montgomsecond and MrsS. Of the three ennot ovet 14 hands nHbfP»lane'B Response was HK@ralue'and Mr Ken Boyle's aßjfprig" were'twelve entries ■Hj||jM|*for ponies not' over 13 which was "won by Fantail, the secto 'Mr Bobin Lochhead's third to Mr B. J. Bui.Mr Thos. Gee secured the f class not over 13 Mr H. S. S. Kyle's aHKW>g tnaner-nn. and Mr D. W. Flinders third. Two hRM; in the class for a oriponies not over 14 hands property of one owner, MB W* attached to a vehicle, Mr F. Truscott's PleaPleasant Queenie, and Mr VET. Scoon's Borneo ■HpfXr D. G. Stalker's Tinofirst prize in the pony ..not oyer 12 hands, and H|^pby's.Ponty was second. Mr won the class for not over 12 hands. HORSES. 'Were of a very high so that the judge, Mr Feilding, expressed stating that it was days of motor transmany ~ fine animals of exhibition. "It would this," he said, "that are coming back into favnine entries ringed in reharness horse class, Mr°J. C. Guinness's class for dog-cart were seven entries, Miss awarded the first place D. W. Westenra comBroadwood, and Mr B. Hfflgpjnrd with Darkie. The class HHNfjfjteaipa attracted four en:Z. D. Ferriman's Dußky first place with Mr 0. E. Shirley filling .the second W..Kennedy's Bipgen HRMpPfct best of the class for HHnlkUh drew an entry of nine. BBBHpEniei'B Picador secured the With Mr W. Z. D. Ferri--Boy in the third position.

JUMPING events: The jumping events on the first day's programme have for many years beenregarded as among the most spectacular of the, ring items, and yesterday they proved as popular as ever. Some splendid concerted work was shown by' military units in the three events in which they participated. In the event to determine the best section over hurdles the jumping was of a high order, reflecting credit on the three entrants. The winning section was the C.Y.C. team No. 2 Ashburton, with the No. 3 team, Methven, second. The Lloyd-Lindsay competition, in which three men engaging the enemy had their mounts brought to them by one of their unit, the four men then riding to the finishing point over two sets of hurdles, provided another good exhibition of combined work. It was won by the C.Y.C. team No. 1, Ashburton, the No. 2 team Methven, being rnnner up. In tho Victoria Cross race, involving the rescue of a trooper supposed to be in danger, twelve entries were received, the winner befng Lance-Corporal C. Begg (N.Z.M.R., C.Y.C.), Sergeant L. L. Buttriek (C.Y.C.) being second, and Captain G. 0. Gray (C.Y.C.) third.

PONY JUMPING AND TROTTING. The ringside was well lined with spectators when the pony jumping and trotting events were being held. The jumping was very creditable, the girl riders in most cases keeping better seats than the boys and' generally showing a better knowledge of equestrianism. Eight entries were received in respect of the pony jumping for animals not over 14 hands, ridden by boys or girls' under 17 years of age, the first prize being secured by N. Hadfield on Miss Avro, the second by G. Stalker on Alert, and the third by John Hampton on Zilly. In the class for ponies not over 14 haiids 2 inches, ridden by boys or girls under 17, N. Hadfield was first on Hotch and T. Masefield second on Peter. The class for ponies not exceeding 14 hands, for riders under 17, was won by N. Hadfield on Htotch, T. Masefield heing second with Peter, and R. H. Bennetts third with Helen. The handicap trot was won by P. L. Donald on Barney, the second place being filled by Jas. Tomkinson on Tom,' nnd the third by T. Truscott on Pleasant John. Miss Margaret Mac Gibbon, on Fancy, annexed the handicap pony trot,l3 hands or under, ridden by boys 'or girls under 14., Keith Bailey being second with Charming Prince, and F. Truscott third with Trixey. The go-as-you-please event, for ponies 12 hands of under, for riders under 12 years, was won by Geo. Hutton on Polly, the second placing being F. Truscott '.on Jim. and the third Keith Bailey on Charming Prince. A similar event for ponies 11 hands and under was won by T. Pheloung on Tommy, Miss Kathleen Rutherford, on Connemara Pat, being second, and-F. Truscott, on Billy, third. There were no fewer than' twenty entries for the maiden hunter event, which was won by Mr B. C. Rutherford's Diamond, Mr H. V. Warning's Tutane coming second and Messrs Black Bros.' Gold Cloud third;. Fourteen entered for the competition for the test actioned horse, which went to W. Kennedy's Bingen Brook, Miss A. Ensor's Surprise beme next, and Mr J. 0 Guinness's Moorefield third. \

pigs: '' There was-a shortage of • 27 in the total eiltry oXpig ß aa compared with the nuinber at ..the Royal Show held last year, but an' increase of 33 -over the total of the ordinary show held in 1926; It waa also highly gratifying to notice that among the exhibitors there were several who had not previously been exhibitors at the Christchurch Metropolitan Show, thus in a measure replacing those who "had ceased to be exhibitors either through death or through having gone out of rearing and the getting up of pigs for public competition at such magnificent displays as one has the pleasure of-seeing at such an important figure as the Christchurch Show. ; There were no exhibits either in the large Black Devon or in the -Yorkshire classes, but there was by a long way the best exhibition of Large Whites ever seen at any show held in the South Island of the Dominion, and this may be .accounted for in a great measure to the prominence has been given to this breed and tp their suitability either for export or for the Home market. ■ "In the opinion of the judge, Mr J. A. Eussell, of Palmerston North, the Large Whites were of fairly good quality generally, but there was nothing of outstanding merit about them. The Berkshires, however, were of great merit, and were still a notable and high-ly-commendable feature at the show. The Tamworths were as a whole a particularly good, well-bred lot, and a better show of this breed had never been seeh'in Christchurch. It was very noticeable, too, that many of the young pies were particularly good, and bore ample evidence that the Canterbury breeders are still aware that it pays handsomely to bTeed the best of stock, and also to feed and bring them out W Jn the aged boar Berkshire class there were only three entries. The first ticket was awarded to the estate of G. H. Barnett, with a great, well-bred imported pig Meadowbank Newcastle, bred by E. C. Hair, Australia, and J. D. Galpin's Lymington Lad 10th was second. There was keen competition in the class boar 14 months and under, G. H. Barnett's estate was first with Meadow Derby, and was bred by tne late G. H. Barnett. F. G. Hemdge s Millbrook Prince was second. in tne class boar under four months, the Barnett Estate was first and second. The same estate was again first m the sell-ing-class sow under four months, ihe same estate again scored in the class for sow under four months, with J. Galpin second. J. Chilton scored a good win with a first for sow with Utter of her own pigs. It was an .exceptionally good litter, too, ™th, nine remarkably well-grown pigs. The class for sow 14 months and under was the strongest in the Berkshire sections, • D Galpin coming first with Lymington Model Lass, and F. G. Hei idge second with Milbrook Princess. Tho Barnett Estate was first and second in tne class for sow eight months and' under. There was good competition m the class for Tamworths eight months ana under, and J. D. Galpin was first in the class for boar eight months ana under, in the class for sow any age in pig or with litter, J. D. McEvedy gained a first and a special, together with a commended. The class for sow bight months and under was the strongest in the Tamworth section, ana J. I). Galpin won a first and specialfor a ww eight months and under, with

Dromoreland Lass Bth, and J. D. McEvedy was awarded a highly-commenti ed ticket. The Largp White sections, in which special interest was centred, were to a certain extent a novel feature at the Christchurch show, though at a number of the North Island shows the Large Whites have for some years past been one of the principal features in so far as bacon pigs are concerned. There was good competition in the class for boar over 14 months. A monster of a boar, Bianca Governor sth, and bred by R. Guthridge, Victoria, and exhibited by the Canterbury Agricultural College, gained a first and a special, J. E. Ashworth a second and a special with Blythewood Bonanza, bred by J. A. Bus sell, of Palmerston North, gained a second and a special. J. D. Galpin was the first and second in the selling class for boar under four months, and C. Morgan Williams gained a commended and a highly commended ticket. R. J. Fleming gained a first and a championship in the class breeding sow in pig or pigged, since August 3rd, and -J. E. Ashworth was second, with the reserve championship. The Canterbury Agricultural College wSs awarded the first and a championship with sow with litter of not less than six, eight months and under, and J. D. Galpin was first and second in the class for sow eight months and under 14 months. , C. Morgan Williams was first in the class for sow eight months and under. He also was second, and added to these two honours with one of the principal championships of the show, together with a reserve champion honour. He was also successful in the class for some under four months, with J. D. Galpin third. There was a .highly creditable display of porkers and baconers, and competition was fairly keen.

IMPLEMENTS AND MACHINERY. IMPROVEMENTS AND INNOVATIONS. Every Show produces an improvement in the exhibit of implements and machinery, and it was not surprising therefore to find this section claiming the attention of a very large number of people who found plenty to interest them in the comprehensive displays of contrivances and applianoes for lightening the burden of toil on the land and increasing the productivity of agriculture. It is doubtful whether any previous Show has resulted in such a great staging of new departures. By the use of motors many of the machines were demonstrated in motion, and binders moved in their endless circles behind the tractors which drew them. A stripper drum with chains for beating out the seed attracted many farmers. High above the tent tops and blowers of the harvesters, the "prongs" of the stackers pointed skyward. One of the new devices was Wearn s automatic drive for separators and all classes of machinery operated direct from an electric motor. Messrs Booth, Macdonald and Co. showed a combination" road-grader and scarifier, an improved imported hay press, and a lime distributor attached to a farm dray. Messrs P. and D. Duncan's improved potato planted appeared in the demonstration of its working to give complete satisfaction, and it was the oentre of a large' crowd all day. This firm had its best exhibit for years, and its new machinery included a double box ' slag sower and a large range of inacmnery suitable for use by local bodies. On display was a comprehensive selection of cast and wrought iron ploughshares;. A Sunshine pea harvester shown by Messrs Andrews, and Beaven cut, threshes, cleans, and delivers the . crop, the motive power being applied through a take-off from a tractor, which also supplies the locomotion. A 60 horsepower wheel tractor was stated to be the most powerful of its type in the Dominion. The Sunshine wheat harvester of the type used in Australia is coming into greater use in Canterbury, and one of these machines Was On exhibit. Complete with wire rope drum, a big tractor specially designed for replacing steam traction engines interested many fanners and others engaged in local body work. There were numerous types of threshers and motor trucks, and Messrs Mason, Struthers and Co.'s stand was taken up with a wide range of exhibits, including a shearing plant, motor mowers, and separators. The uses for which concrete may be utilised: were shown by a display of tanks, troughs, and other farm requirements made in this permanent material. .. The judges, Messrs G. W. Osborne, R A. Fougere, and D. Gillanders, met in the afternoon and made the following awards:—Messrs H. Oakley . and Sons, Ltd., pumice boiler—certificate of merit; .Messrs Brown Bros., Thermo electric water heater, automatic electric cellar draining pump, Orion electric range—certificates of merit; Messrs Taylors, Ltd., iron fireman mechanical stoker —certificate ■ of Singer Sewing Machine Co., electric motors for afl classes —certificate of merit: Messrs H. Vale and Co., Premier and concrete tubs —certificate of merit; Messrs Booth, Macdonald and Co., Boothmac-Dunn grass harrow—silver medal, subject to trial; Messrs P. and D. Duncan, double bag slag and lime sower—gold medal; Messrs John Chambers and Son, 22 by 36 case thresher —certificate of merit for improvements; International Harvester Co. of New Zealand, McCormick-Deer-ing power drive tractor binder (10ft), McCormick-Deering triple power 15-30 tractor MtCormick-D:ering ball-bearing cream separator—silver medals; International 6-speed special motor truck—certificate of merit; Messrs Andrews and Beaven, Hart-Pan" special contractor's model tractor. Sunshine pea harvester, Bamblett mower and Red River steel thresher—certificates of merit; Messrs T. and S. Morrin and Fenwick, Wood Bros.' thresher—certificate of merit: stooking machine—gold medal, subject to trial; Mr C. E. Wroth, fibre cemeAt tank—certificate of merit.

motor-cars and cycles. Although the Olympia Motor Show attracts the bulk of the exhibits of new models in motor-vehicles, nevertheless a fair number are to be seen every year at the A. and P. Show. This year there are some attractive cars; motor-cycles, and trucks on view, and as many of the exhibits are of the type to appeal especially to farmers they were inspected yesterday by country visitors, who found , a great deal to admire about them. . . MANUFACTURES. In an age in which the complexities of life are rapidly increasing the manufacturer has great scope, and the 1928 show has seen additions to the displays of nearly every firm. The function is regarded by firms which have been exhibiting for many years as one of their best modes of advertising. Not only has the range of the display widened, btit the staging has shown a constant improvement.


SHEEP. MERINOS. The awards were as follows: — (Judge: Mr F. H. Smith, Albury.) Merinos, fine combing, ram, above *-° months (6): N. Rutherford 1 and champion, J, Stevenson 2 and reserve champion, BlacKford Estate v h c, Sir George Clifford h e. Ram, above 16 months and under 28 months (4): J. Stevenson 1, Sir George Clifford 2. Ram, under 16 months (2): Sir George Clifford 1 and 2. Two rams, under 16 months (2): Sir George Clifford 1, J. Stevenson 2. Ewe, above 28 months, with lamb at foot (4): N. G. Bruce 1 and reserve thampion, J. Stevenson 2, Sir George Clifford v h c. **we, above sixteen months and under 28 months (5): N. Rutherford 1 and champion. W vv. Mcßae 2. Ewe, under 16 months (*'• "• Rutherford 1, Sir George Clifford 2 and v h c. Two ewes, under 16 months (2): Sir George Clifford 1, J. Stevenson 2. _ „ Merinos, medium combing (Judge, jJr K. Charters, Waikaia) —Ram, above 16 months and under 28 months (11): W. W. McSao 1, N. Rutherford 2, F. H. Smith 3, Blackford Estate v h c. Ewe, above 28 months, wiin lamb at foot (3): J. Stevenson 1, N. G. and R. H. Bruco 2, W. W. Mcßae v h e. Ewe, above 16 months and under 28 months (10): N. G. and R. H. "Bruce 1 and 2, W. W. Mcßae 3, v h c, and h c. Ram, under 16 months (7): J. Stevenson 1 ana 2, L. Macfarlane v h c, W. W. Mcßae h c. Ewe, under 16 months (9): N. Rutherford 1, N. G. and R. H. Bruce 2, F. H. Smith 3, W. VV. Mcßae v h c, J. Stevenson h c.\ Merinos, strong combing—Ram, above <s months (12): J. Stevenson 1 and "lampion and champion shield, Blackford Estate A *»• W. Mcßae 3 and v h c, L. Macfarlane h e N. Rutherford c. Ram, above 16 months ana under 28 months (15): J. Stevenson l, Sheepbreeders' special and reserve champi ■ Blackford Estate 2, F. H. Smith 3, W. W. McKae v he, N. G. and R. H ; Brace he and c. Ram, under 16 months (10). l>um gree Estate 1. F. H. Smith 2, L. Macfarlane 3, N. G. and R. H. Bruce vh c. Two rams under 16 months. (4): F. H. Smith 1, D gree Estate 2, W. W. Mcßae 3. Ewe, above 28 months, with lamb at foot (4j. • and R. H. Bruce 1, J. Stevenson 2 W. W. Mcßae 3 and v h c. Ewe, above and under 28 months (19): Dumgree Estate 1 and champion, N. G. and K. H. Bruce 2 and reserve champion and 3, N. v h c and h c, W. W. Mcßae c. Ewe, under 16 months (18): N. G. and R. H. Bruce 1, Sheepbreeders' shield, Beath b special trop y. 2, v h c, and hc, F. H. Smith c Two ewes, under 16 months (4): F. H. Smithl , h. Macfarlane 2. Ram, above lCmonthsand under 28 months, shorn on or after Oct°Der Ist, 1928 (3): J. Stevenson 1 and A vv. W. Mcßae 3. Ram, under 16 months, shorn on or after October Ist, 1928 (4): L. Macfarlane 1, N. G. and R. H. Bruce 2.

ENGLISH LEICESTERS. (Judge: Mr H. T. Little.) Ram, above 28 months (10): Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 1 and champion, A. S. Elworthy <2 and reserve champion. ,W. J. Kelland 3 and hc, J. Reid vh c. Ram, above months and under 28 months (8): J. Rejd 1, A v h c, h c, and c. Ram, above 16 months and under 28 months, shorn on or after October let, 1928 (4): W. J Ke land l jnd , J. Reid v h c. Ram, under > 16 months (6). Canterbury Agricultural College 1, J. Keia 2 and v h c. Ram, under 16 months,, shorn (10): W. Letbam 1, 2, and h c, J. ® e,a 3 v h c, Canterbury Agricultural College c. Two rams, under 16 months_(3): Canterbuy Agricultural College 1, W. J. Kelland 2, J. R Ewe's h (judge, Mr J B. Blenheim) Kwo, above 28 months, with latnb VJ) • w. J. Kelland 1, 3. Reid 2 and h c. Sir K. Heaton Rhodes v h c. Ewe, abovi> 16 and under 28 months, with lamb (8). W. J. Jenkins 1, W. J. Kelland 2 and v h c. Ewo, under 16 months (15): W. Letham 1 ® n ° ?• R J. Low 3, J. Reid v h c, Sir R. Heaton Rhodes h c and c. Ewe, under 16 months, shorn (11): W. Letham 1 and 3, Sir K. Heaton Rhodes 2, J. Reid v h c, W. .L h c and c. Two ewes, under 16 months (7). W. Letham 1, Canterbury Agricultural 2 Sir R. Heaton Rhodes v h c, W. J. Kelland h'c. , ' .

BORDER LEICESTER. (Judge: Mr D. J. Ross, Hillgrove.) Ram, above 28 months (10): T. S. Little 1 3, and c, R. J. Low 2, 0. Grey v h c, d P. Johnston h c. Ram, above 16 ana under 28 months (14) : T._iS. Little, 1 and 2,, O P. Johnston 3, R. J. Low v h p,^nd_c P W Kennedy h e. Ram; above 16 and under 28* month's, shorn (7): R. J. Low 1 a T S. Little vh c. Ram, under 16 months <i7): Canterbury Agricultural College 1 ana 2 T. S. Little 3 and c, G. P. Johnston v* h c, R. J. Anderson h p. Ram, under 16 months, shorn (18): T. 8. Little 1 2, H. Ruddenklau. v h c,. Canterbury Agricultural College h c, Lyndon Estate o. Two rams, under 16 months (8): W. Kennedy l, G. P. Johnston % 0. Grey v h c, Canterbury Agricultural College h c.^H. Ruddenklau ,c. Ewe, above 28 months, with -lamb -(8). 1. ». Little 1. R. J. Low 2 and v h c, W. O. Rennie t c. Ewe, above 16 and unde * 28 months, with lamb (14): H. Ruddenklau 1, T. S. Little 2 and v h c, 0. Grey 3 and he, B. J. Anderson c. Ewe, under l®™"?. 4 . I }® (18) r H. Ruddenklau 1 and c, T.S. Little 2 and h c, W. Kennedy 3, Canterbury Agricultural College vh c. Ewe, underl6 months, shorn (16): W. Kennedy 1, H. Ruddenklau 2„ T, S. Little 8 and v h c, R. J. Anderson h e, R. J. Low c. Two ewes, under 16 months (11): T. S. Little 1, H. Ruddenklau 2_ and c, Canterbury Agricultural College 8, it. J. Anderson he. 1 LINCOLNS. (Judge: Mr W. H. GaisfOrd. Danhevirke.) Ram, above 28 months (3): Canterbury Seed Co., Ltd. 1 and champion, N.Z. and Australian Land Co., Ltd. 2. Ram, above 16 and under 28 months (2): N.Z. and Australian Land Co.. Ltd. 1, reserve champion and JRam, undfer 16 months (3): N.Z. and Australian Land Co., Ltd., 1 and 2. Two rams, under 16 months (1): Canterbury Seed Co., Ltd., 1. Ewe, above 16 months, with lamb (3): N.Z. and Australian Land Co., Lta ? :i and champion and 2 and reserve champmn. Ewe, under 16 months (3): N.Z. and Australian Land Co., Ltd., 1 and 2. T w o ewe s , under 16 months (1): Canterbury Seed uo., Ltd., 1.

ROMNEY MARSH. (Judge: Mr E. E. Short, Feildlng.) Ram, above 28 months (2): A. S. ®' wo . r '^ 1, Ram, above 16 and under N 2B months J. Mosley and Sons 1 and y h e, R. J. Anderson 2. Canterbury Agricultural College h c. Ram, above 16 and under 28 months shorn (2): A. S. Elworthy l.i . Ram, under 16 months (9): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, A. S. Elworthy 2, J. Mosley and Sons v h e, R. J. Anderson h c. Ram, under lo months, shorn (8): J. Mosley and Sons 1 and 2. Two rams, under 16 months (5). Uanier bury Agricultural College 1, B - v^ltr 2, J. Mosley and Sons v h c. Ewe, above! months, with lamb\ (1): W. Kennedy 1. Ewe, under 16 months (S): Canterbury Agricul tural College 1 and v h c, R. J- And ®I aO 2„. Ewe, under 16 months, shorn (2). W. Jie nedy 1. . Two eweß, under 16 months {*) • Kennedy 1. SOUTHDOWNS. (Judge: Mr S. J. Goulter, Blenheim.) _ Ram, above 28 months (4): H. J - A -2™ 1, Canterbury Agricultural College 2. caJ 2 l above 16 and under 28 months (5): a- » Andrew 1 and champion and h c, va bury Agricultural College 2. Ram, abov and under 28 months, machine-shorn MJ- ■ W. Adams 1. H. J. Andrew 2. Ram, under 16 months (J 6): H. J. Andrew 1, reserve champion. Southdown challenge a&iem v h c" and hC, J. Brook 2, A 8. Elworthy 3, Canterbury Agricultural College c. > under 16 'months, machine-shorn (iuj.. »• W Adams 1 and 2, Canterbury Agricultural College 3 and v hc. Two rams, under id months (5): H. J. Andrew 1, J. ' Canterbury Agricultural Colle?e vh o. , above 16 months with lamb (6): w. J. kins 1. H. J. Andrew 2 and v he. Ewe, above 16 months, machine-shorn <2). tt- • Andrew 1. Ewe, under 16 months (10) ■ • J Andrew 1 and 2 and reserve chMipion. Canterbury Agricultural College 3 vho, A. W. Adams he, J. brooks c. Ewe. under 16 months, machine-shorn ' • J Brooks 1, A. W. Adims 2, H. J Andrew 3 and v h c. J. H. no. ewea, under 16 months (6): H. __p 1 and 2. Southdown Challe ge Cup (9): H J. Andrew 1. SHROPSHIRE®. (Judge- Mr D. Neilson, Bulls.) Ram, above 28 months X D: Sir Geo g Clifford L Ram, above 16 and under so months (4)« Canterbury Agricultural Co S 1, R. Parry 2. Ram, above 16 and under 28 months, machine-shorn (1) : Clifford 1 Ram, under 16 months (8): canterbury Agricultural College 1, R- t 7?_. and v h c. Ram, under 16 months, mach shorn (4)- Canterbury Agricultural LoU ° 1. Sir George Clifford 2 Two rams, under 15 month 3 (4): Sir George Clifford 1,, • Parry 2, Cochrane Bros. vhc. Ewe, * 16 months, with lamb at foot (4): »■ 1 and 2. Sir George Clifford v h e. » above 16 months, machine-shcn (2): _ rane Bros. 1, Sir George Clifford 2. ' under 16 months (7): Canterbury Agncui tural College 1. R. Parry 2 and 3. Kwe, under 16 months, machine-shorn (3)' terbury Agricultural College 1, Sir y eor f? Clifford 2 and vh c. T*o ewes, nnder 16 months (3): Sir George Clifford lj R* P* 11 ? 2 and r h •.

! RYELANDS. (Judge: Mr L. B. AveriLl, Hastings.) Bam, above 28 months (6): J. Brook 1, W. 0. Bennie 2, J. F. Hayhurst y ho. Bain, above 16 months and under 28 (6): B ' Withell X • and champion and h c, J, Brooks 2 and The, Bait, under 16 months (12): J. F. Hayhurst 1 ana v h c, J Brooks 2 and 3 and reserve champion, T. A, Stephens hc, W. O. Bennie c. Bam, under 16 months, machine-shorn (4): W. O Bennie 1, T. A. Stephens V J. Brooks vh o. Two rams, under 16 months (4): W. 0. Bennie 1, J. F. Hayhurst 2, J. Brooks v h e. Ewe, above 16 months, with lamb at foot (6): B Withell 1 and champion, 2 and reserve champion, J. Brooks v h c, J. F. Hayhurst h o Ewe, under. 16 months (10): 'J. Brooks 1 and champion, B. Withell 2 and vh c, F, F. Hayhurst 3, J. Brooks h c. Ewe, under 16 month 3, .machine-shorn (6): J. Brooks 1 and v he, B Withell 2, W. O. Bennie h o. Two ewes, under 16 months (4): John Brooks 1. Jos. Brooks 2, B. Withell v h c.

CORRIEDALES. (Judge: Mr S. W. Ayson, Waikaka.) Bam, above 28 months (19): J. A. Johnstone 1 and v h c, H. T. Little 2 and 3, H. Ensor ho, 0. T. Evans c. Kam, above 16 montha and under 28 (29): H. T. Little 1, 2, and 3, J. A. Johnßtone vhc; New Zealand and Australian Land Co. h c, J. Reid c. Ram, above- 16 months and under 28, machine-shorn (6): J. A. Johnstone 1, 2, and h c, H. T. Little v h c, O. T. Evans he. Earn, under 16 months (31): H. T. Little 1, 2, 3, and c, D. J. Ross vhc and h c. Ram, under 16 months, machine-shorn (8): O. T Evans 1, J. A. Johnstone vhc, and hc, H. T. Little 2. Cochrane Bros c. Two rams, under 16 months (12): H. T. Little 1 and 2, N. D. Campbell 8, D. J. Ross vh c, J. Beid h c, H. Ensor c. Ewe, above 28 months, with lamb at foot (12): J. A. Johnstone 1 and vhc, 0. T. Evans 2 and 3, H. Ensor h c and c. Ewe, above 16 and under 28 months with lamb at foot (16): J. A. Johnstone 1, 2, 3, and hc, New Zealand and Australian Land Co., Ltd. vhc, H. Ensor c. Ewe, under 16 months (37): J. A. Johnstone 1, 2, 3, vh c, and ho, O. T. Evans c. Ewe, under 16 months, machine-shorn (11): H. Little 1 and vhc, J. A. Johnstone 2, 3. and h c, Cochrane Bros. c. Two ewes, under 16 months (17): J. A. Johnstone 1, H T. Little 2 and h o, O. T. Evans 3 and v h c, N. D. Campbell c. Five ram hoggets (4): H. T. Little 1, H. Ensor 2 and 3. Kam over 16 monthß (8): H. T. Little 1, H. Ensor 2. HALFBREDS. (Judge: Mr W. Anderson, Waiau.) Ram, above 28 months (2): B. S. Trolove 1 and champion, Sir George Clifford 2 and reserve champion. Ram, above 16 and under 28 months (5): B. S. Trolove 1, Sir Geo. Clifford 2 and vhc. Ram, above 16 and under 28 months, machine shorn (3): Sir Geo. Clifford 1 and 2. Ram, under 16 months (4): Sir Geo. Clifford 1 and 2, W. Deans vhc. Ram, under 16 months, machine shorn (2): Sir Geo. Clifford 1 and 2. Ewe, above 16 months, with lamb at foot (4): Sir Geo. Clifford 1 and champion, 2 and reserve champion. Ewe, under 16 months (3): Sir Geo. Clifford 1 and 2. Two ewas, under 16 months (2): Sir Geo. Clifford 1. PAT SHEEP. (Judge: Mr J. Heasby, Hawarden.) Three- short-woolled, purebred or crossbred wethers, Down, Ryeland, or Dorset Horn, above 16 months and under 28 months (4): G. E. Thompson 1, J. Brooks 2. Three short-woolled wethers, under 16 months (4): R. McClelland 1, J. Brooks' 2. Three shortwoolled ewes, under 16 months (2): Jos. Brooks 1, Jqjin Brooks 2. Three longwoolled wethers, above 16 and under 28 months (2): G: E. Thompson 1, Jos. Brooks 2. Three long-woolled wethers, under 16 months (4): R. McClelland 1 and 2. Three Corriedale or halfbred wethers, above 16 months (2): G. E. Thompson 1, Jos. Brooks 2. Three.Corriedales or halfbreds, under 16 months (3): G. E. Thompson 1, Jos. Brooks 2. Three wethers, for frozen meat trade (5): John Brookß 1 and 2. Three wethers, for frozen meat trade, in wool (3): John Brooks 1, Jos. Brookß 2. Three ewe or wether long-woolled lambs (1): R. McClelland 1. Three ewe or wether short-woolled lambs (3): W. E. Candy and Son 1 and 2. Three long-woolled lrtmbs, for frozen meat trade (2): R. McClelland 1 and 2. Three short-woolled lambs, for frozen • meot trade (2): R. McClelland 1, W. E, Candy and Son 1.

WOOL. (Judge: Mr S. Howarth, Belfast.) . Merino (2): J. Stevenson 1, T. Stevenson 2. . English Leicester (3): J. Reid 1, T. Stevenson 2 and v h c. Border Leicester (4): W. O. Rennie 1, J. Stevenson 2. Romney Marsh (1): W. Kennedy 1.. Southdown (I): J. Stevenson 1 and 2. Shropshire (3): R. Parry 1, 2, and vh c. Ryeland (1): O. Rehnie 1. CorrledaleT (12): Rydal Downs Estate 1 and 2, N.r P. Campbell vhc,o. T. Evans he, Halfbred (3): J. Stevenson 1 and 2. . CATTLE. SHORTHORNS. (Judge: Mr M. F. Donovan, Hawke's Bay.) Bull Syrs and Over (7) : J. A. Johnstone 1 and champion, 2, 3, and reaerve champion. BulL 2yrs (1) : D. G. Wright 1. Yearling bull (5) : J. A. Johnstone 1 and, 2, Canterbnry Agricultural College 3. Bull calf (2). W. Scoop 1, J. 'A. Johnstone 2. Cow or heifer, 4yr» or over, in milk or in calf (6): J. A. Johnstone 1 and champion ana 2 w. B. Cunningham Estate v h c, Scott s Estate h c. Heifer, 3yrs old, in milk or in calf (1): J, A. Johnstone 1. Two-year heifer (4): J. A. Johnstone 1 and reserve champion and v h c. J. 0. Chamberlain 2. Yearling heifer (7): J. A. Johnßtone 1, 2, and v h c, H. C. Barton h c, P, G. Herridge e. Heifer calf (5): J. A. Johnßtone 1 and 2 and v h c, W. G. Cooper h e, F. G. Herridge c. Three bulls, any age, bred J? ® xh ' b I ' t °f (3): J.. A.. Johnßtone 1, 2, and 3. - Three cqws or heifers, any age (12): J, A, Johnstone 1. 2, and v h c. t Pedigree Dairy Shorthorns— Two-year bull (6): Canterbury Agricultural College 1, J. 0. Chamberlain 2, R. Peach v h c, H. E. Chamberlain h e, Scott s Estate c. Yearling bull (8): W. B. Cunningham Estate 1 and I, F. G. Herridge v h c, J. O. Chamberlain h c, Canterbury Agricultural College c, U Peacb c. Cow or heifer, 4yrs, m milk (5). R. Peach 1, F. G. Herridge 2,, Black Bros. V h c, Canterbury Agricultural College no, D. G. Wright ho. FRIESIANS. (Judge: Mr . 0. E; Banks, Matamata.) . Three-year bull (5): G. H. Hassall l, ?. Stalker 2, J. I. Royds v h e. Two-year bull (I): T. Sheriff 1. Yearling bull (4). F. Crump 1, 2, and v h c. Bull calf (3). L. H. Leslie 1, J. Briggs 2, J. st ? l^ w H T | ®; Cow or heifer, 4yrs, m calf (5) . G. H. Has sail 1 and 2. Cow or heifer, 4yrs, in milk (9): L. H. Leslie 1 and 8, F. Crump 2, T. Sheriff v h c. Three-year heifer, in milk or in calf (6): T. Sheriff 1, G. H. Hassall 2, F. Crump v h c. Two-year heifer, in milk or in calf (4): G. H. Hassall !• ? H. Leslie 2, P. Crump vk e. Yearling heifer (II): G. H Hassall 1, L. H. Leslie 2 T. Sheriff 8, P. Crump v h c and h e. Group of three cows or heifers (6): G. H. naasaii 1, J. I. Royds 2. MILKING SHORTHORNS. , (Judge: Mr -R. V. Brown, Weraroa.) t Three-year bull (3): W. Bowis 1, R. '• Edgar 2. Two-year bull (4): G. Jones 1, 8.J. Edgar 2. Yearling bull (6): W. iScoon I, It, Peach 2. Bull calf (5): W. Bowis 1, R. J. Low 2. Cow or heifer, 4yrs, in calf (7): F, E. Jones 1, 2, and 8. Cow or heifer, 4yrs, in milk (5): W- Bowis 1, R. Peach 2. Two-year heifer, in milk or in caU (3): R. Peach 1, R.-J. Edgar 2. Yearling heifer (6): W. Bowiß 1, B. J. Edgar 2. Heifer calf (8): R. Peach 1, W. Bowib 2. Bull whose dam has been tested and given stated amounts of butter-fat (6): W. Bowis 1, G. Jones 2. Cow or heifor which has been tested and given a stated amount of butterfat (5) : F. E. Jones 1, W. Bowis 2. BED POLLS. (Judge:' Mr B. V. Brown.) Bull, 3 yeara or over Sir K. Hmton Rhodes 1. Cow or heifer, Syrs, in milk or in calf (2): Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 1 end_2. Yearling heiier (2): Sir R. Heaton Rhodes 1 and 2. JERSEYS. (Judge: Mr W. J. Hall, Matakoki.) Three-year bull (6): C. H. Watßon 1, A. D. Silcock 2, J. Fleming v h c. Two-year bull (5): F. E. Martyn 1, P. O. Lush Z Ur. R. Crawford v h e. Yearling bull (»). iWatson 1, J. Fleming 2,. H. T. Butterick 3. . Four-year cow or heifer, m calf .(ofW. H. Jakins 1 and 2. Four-year cow or heiier, in milk (6): J. Chapman _J> Silcock 2, R. Maddren The. Three-year heifer, in calf (1): A. Pulford 1. W. a. Jakins 2. Two-year heifer, in mil* JJ r 1 calf (5): J. Fleming 1, 3. Johnson_z, a. O. Silcock v h e. Yearling heifer (9). f Maddren 1, 0. H. Watson 2, J. Fleming 3, A. 0. Silcock v h e, F. E. Martyn n e. GUERNSEYS. ■ (Judge: Mr W. J. Hall. Matatoki.) Three-year cow or heifer, in nu J? 0 ... calf (3): H. S. S. Kyle 1 and 2. Two-year cow or heifer, in milk or in ca ' f ' ',,,7". S. S. Kyle 1 and 2. Yearling heifer • H. S. S. Kyle 1 and 2. AYRSHIRES. (Judge: Mr J. U. G. Slack.) _ Three-year bull (1): J- Parlane 1. Yearling bull (1): J. Parlane 1 and championship. Four-year cow or heifer, in call \*) ■ J. Parlane 1 and 2. Four-year cow or beiler, in milk (1): J. Parians 1. 2, and 3. Threeyear heifer, in milk or in calf (2): lane 1 and 2. Two-year heifer, in milk or in calf (2): J. Parlane 1 and 2. Yearling heifer (3): J. Parlane 1 and Ayrshire Breeders' Challenge Cup (2): J* Parlane and 2. FAT CATTLE. (Judge: Mr A. W. Grimmer.) Bullock, any age (2): G. D. Stalker land 2. Cow, any age (1): G. Stoddart 1. Two year heifer (1): J. 0. Chamberlain 1.

HORSES. DRAUGHTS. (Judges: Msssrt John Tiedall, Oamara, John Maedonald, Timaro, and 3. W. Blair, Otago.) Entire horse, foaled prior to June, 1925 (4): A. Grant 1 and champion, P. Shearer 2 and reserve champion. Entire, foaled since Jane, 1925 (2): Jenkins and Leslie 1, J. Wyllie 2. Entire, foaled since, Jnne, '1926 (4): 0. B. Thomas 1, G. Hampton 2 and vh o. Colt, foaled aince Jnne, 1927 (5): J. Barr 1, 0. Hale 2, J, Young vh c, N. E. Richards h c. Mare in foal (3): J. D. Wyllie 1 and reserve champion, H. E. Cook 2, J. Lowery vhc. Mare with foal at foot (1): J. Young 1, J. Hampton 2. Filly, foaled since June, 1925 (3): 0. Hale 1, J. Hampton 2. Filly, foaled since Jane, 1926 (6): E. J. Grimsey 1, J. D. Wyllie 2, H. E. Fincham v h c, 0. Hale h c. Filly, foaled since June, 1927 (3): J. Rickerby 1, J. Benny 2, P. Shearer vhc. Clydesdale Society's silver medal (3): J. Wyllie. Dry mare, any age (6): Andrew Grant 1 and champion, J. Lowery 2, P. Shearer vhc, J. D. Wyllie h c. Pair of mares, three years old (6): J. D. Wyllie 1, J. Lowery 2, J. H. Hampton vh c. Four mares or fillies (4): A. Grant 1, H. E. Cook 2, D. Gillanders vhc. Gelding, foaled since Jane, 1925 (5): A. Grant 1, H. E. Cook 2, D. Gillanders vhc. Gelding, foaled since June, 1926 (1): J. Wyllie 1. Gelding, of any age (4): A. Grant 1 and vhc, F. Carter 2. Pair of geldings, three years (6): A. Grant 1, D. Gillanders 2, F. Carter h e. Three-horse team of geldings (6): A. Grant 1, F. Carter 2. HARNESS COBS AND PONIES. (Judge: Mr H. E. Hocken, Feilding.) Oob, not over 15 hands (7): K. Calder 1, D. W. Westenra 2, R. J. Bulmer 3. Cob, not over 14 hands 2 inches (5): Miss J. Maginness I,' Miss H. Montgomery 2, Mrs S. J. Bushell 8. Pony, not over 14 hands (3): J. Parlane 1, K. Boyle 2. Pony, not over 13 hands 2 inches (12):. G. - 0. Rutherford 1, R. Lochhead 2, R. J. Bulmer 3. Pony, not over 13 hands (8): T. Gee 1, H. S. S. Kyle 2, D. W. Westenra 3, !; M. Price ▼ho. Pair of cobs or ponies (4): W Scoon 1, F. Truscott 2. Pony stallion (4): D. G. Stalker 1, O. Digby 2. Pony brood mare (2): F. R. Morrow 1. HARNESS CLASSES. (Jndge: Mr R. H. Bissett, Nightcaps.) Maiden harness horse (9): J. 0. Guinness I, Miss E. Jones 2, R. H. Monnte 8. Dogcart horse (7): Miss A- Ensor 1, D. W. Westenra 2, R. H. Mounce 3. Tandem team (4): W. Z. D. Ferrimnn 1, 0. E. Skevington 2. Gig horse (9): W. Kennedy 1, Miss E. Jones 2, W. Z. D. Ferriman 8. PIGS. BERKSHXRES. (Jndge: Mr J. A. Russell, Palmerston North.) Boar, any age (3): G. H. Barnett Estate 1 and champion, J. D. Galpin 2. Boar 14 months and under (5): G. H. Barnett Estate 1 and v h c, F. G. Herridge 2, J. D. Galpin c. Boar, 8 months and under (6): G. H. Barnett Estate 1 and 2, F. G. - Herridge vhc, J. D. Galpin he and c. Boar, under iour months (4): G. H. Barnett Estate 1, 2 and v. hc,J. D. Galpin.h c. Sow, under four months (5): G. H. Barnett Estate 1 and v h c, J. D. Galpin 2. Breeding sow in pig or pigged since August 31st (4): J. D. Galpin 1 and champion, 2 and reserve champion, G. H. Barnett Estate vhc and h c. Sow and litter (3): J. Chilton 1, J. D. Galpin 2. Sow, 14 months and under (9): J. D. Galpin I, F. G. Herridge 2, v h c, and h c, G. H. Barnett Estate c. Sow, eight months ■ and under (8): G. H, Barnett 1, 2, and vhc, J. D. Galpin h c and c.

TAMWORTHS. Boar, 8 months and under (4): J. D. -Galpin 1, J. P. McEvedy 2, J. E. AshwOrth v h c. Sow, any age, in pig, or with,,litter (2): J. P. McEvedy 1 and champion, 2 and reserve champion. Sow, eight months and under (6): F. H. Arnst 1, J. D. Galpin 2, J, E. Aahworth v h c, J. P. McEvedy, h c. LARGE WHITES. Boar, over 14 months (4): Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and champion, J. E. • Ashworth 2 and reserve champion, 0. Morgan Williamß v h c. Boar, 8 months and under (8): J. D. Galpin 1, J. E. Ashworth 2 and v h c. Boar, under 4 months (5): J. D. Galpin 1 and 2, 0. Morgan Williams The and h c. Breeding sow, any age, in pig, or pigged since-August 31st (4): R. J. Fleming 1, J. E. Ashworth 2, C. Morgan Williams v h o and h c. Sow and litter (2): Canterbury Agricultural College 1 and champion. . Sow, over 8 and under 14 months (2): J. D. Galpin 1 and, 2. Sow, 8 months and under (0): 0. Morgan Williams 1, and 2, J. E. Ashworth. v h e, h c, and e. Sow, under 4 months (3): 0. Morgan Williams 1 and 2, 3. D. Galpin v k c. •• Porkers and Baconers, any breed or cross —Throe porkers, not exceeding. - 1201b (4): J. Simpson 1, J. D. Galpin 2, 0. Morgan Williams v h e, Canterbury Agricultural' College h e. Three bacon pigs, not exceeding 2001b (2): iCanterbury Agricultural College 1, J. Simpson- 2. -Three .bacon pigs, .- not exceeding 2501b (BJi- J., Simpson- 1, J. D. Galpin 2. Three bacon pigs mqst, suitable, for/export (2): J. Simpson 1, Canterbury Agricnltnral College- 2. Three- porkers, most suitable for. export (5): 3. Simpson. 1, F. G. Herridge 2, C. Morgan Williams 8 and c, Can-terbury'Agricultural-College h c. DAIRY JPRObUCE. FACTORY-MADE BUTTER., (Judges: Officers oi the J&iiy Division, . Department of Agiicuiture.) Fresh table butter (2): Canterbury Central Co-op.' Dairy Co., Ltd., 1, Mid-Canter-bury Dairy Co., Ltd., 2. Butter for export (2): Mid-Cantorbury Dairy 00., Ltd., 1, Canterbury Central Dairy Co., Ltd., 2. Fresh ,table butter, for farmers only (18): Mrs H". J, Fleming 1, Mrs E. H. Boyce 2, ; Mra R. Chisnall v h o, Mra H.. E. Flesher h o. Table butter, made on farms hot exceeding 200 acres (5): Mrs E.' H. Boyce 1, . Mrs R. W. Wilson 2, Mise L. Hayward t h o, " CHEESE. Factory-made chcceo (1):- tittle Akaloa Dairy Co. 1. Cheese, farmers onlv_(4): •P. Cunningham 1,. H." Hairrington' 2/Whole-' milk, soft, mild (1): P. Cunningham 1. Cream cheese (1): P. Cunningham 1. HONEY. (Judge: Mr W. B. Bray, Barry's Bay.) Light amber, liquid (4): Mra *C. M. Sar-, geant 1, A. H. Emerson 2. Light amber, • granulated (4): Mrs T.' Pearson 1. Medium amber, liquid (4): Mrs C,-,M. Sargeant .1, A. H. Emerson 2. Medium amber 13): Mrs T. Pearson 1, Mis E. Proffitt 2. White (6):. Mrs T. Pearson 1, A. H. Emerson 2. White, liquid (?): J. S. Cook 1, A. H; -Emerson 2. Creamed (6): Mrs C. M. Sargeant 1, Mrs T: Pearson 2. Coinb (2): J. S. Cook 1, M»' T. Pearson 2. Full frame comb (8): Mrs T. Pearson 1 and 2. Half-frame comb (4): ;A HI Emerson 1 and 2. Yellow beeswax (5): Mrs T.. Peareon 1. Bleached beeswax (4): Mrs J. Pearson 1 and 2. - Light honey vinegar (3):' Mrs H. Sohnelle 1 and 2. Medium vinegar (5): Mrs H. Schnelle 1, J. E. Ashworth 2. Light amber, for export (3): Mrs T. Pearson 1 and 2. • Medium amber. for export (4): Mrs T. PearaMi l and 2. Honey containers (1): and Co., Ltd., 1. Beekeepers' # supplies (2). B. Ecroyd 1. Display of apiary produce. (1):, M. A« Shepherd l. , EGGS.-: / ' r '-' Dozen hen eggs, white: (3): C. Sanderson I. Miss M. Morton. 2. Hen eggs, tinted (2): C Sanderson 1, Miss M. Morton 2. Duck eggs (6): Miss E. Francis 1 and 2. . BREAD, SCONES, CAKES, AND preserves. (Judge: Mrs Anderson.) ' __ Loaf home-made white bread (2): Miss Ward-Smith 1, Mrs D. Finlay 2: Loaf homemade white bread, opan competition (6). Mrs J. Russell 1, Mr? T. McDowell 2 and v b c..Mrs H. H. Busch.B, Miss J. Cradock h c. . Bermaline bnid 1. Mrs H. H. Bilsch 2, Miss C.-^ A. 8. Mrs F. Dunshea v;h-c. Nut loaf (15): Mra P. F. Roper 1, Mm G. Radford 2, Mrs H. S. Wilson 8. Mise-, I. Beaumont t h c, Mrs G. Moor h c, Mrs J. cSix oven soones' (15) r Mra H. H. 1, Mrs D. Finlay 2, Mrs H. lira T. Crawford v h o, Mrs G. c, Mrs E. C. Burtt o. Six wholemeal wones (6): Mrs J. Palmer 1, Mrs H. H. Busch 2,! Mra E. C. Burtt-3, Mrs P. F. Roper v h c, Mrs A. McCullough h o. B «.P r 4l e scones (9): Mrs H. H. Busch ' 1, Mrs H. J Fleming 2, Miss C. A. Bnlmer S, Mrs D Finlay t h c, Mrs . B. C. Shearer h C Six oat cakes (7) :. Mrs- A, E. Beamn°nt l, Mm D Brown 2, Mite A. Bradley 8, Mm E A. Emmett v h c. Home-made oven scones (4): Miss A. Bradley 1, Miss R. Murray 2, Miss P. Palmer S. Misb G. Cra4ock v h c. Sponge cake (11): Mm S. Webb 1 and h c, Mra D. Finlay 2, Mrs A. H. Hays 3, Mrs A. Beaumont v h e, Mm E. C. Burtt c. Sponge Mndwcb (13). Mm A. Beaumont 1, Miss Ward-Smith 2, Mm D. Finlay 8, Mm H. S.WUson c, Mm E. Gregory h e, Mrs L. B. Rich fruit e»ke (16): Mrs W. J. Gamble 1 Mm R. C. Shearer 2, Mm F. Dunshea 3* and vhc. Mra P F. Roper h_c.' Mrs H H. Busch e. Plain fruit cake (16). I Mrs W. J. Gamble 1, Mm D. M. Martin 2, Mm G. Radford 3, Mra D. Finlay v h e, Mrs R. C Shearer h c, Mm T. A. Stewart c. Madeira cake (14): Mrs 8. H. Webb 1 and 3 Mm D. Finlay 2. Mrs E. C. Bmrtt the, Mrs J. B. Baxter h c, Mm J. Webster c. Seed cake (16): Mra D. Finlay 1, Mra JWebster 2, Mm H Nolßon 8, Mm E. C. Burtt v b c, Miss L. Kevern h i. Mra A. Beawmont c. Plain biscuits (8): Mrs T. A. Stewart I', Mrs J. Palmer 2, Mra G. ford 3, Mrs D. Finlay v b c, Mrs D. Mcintosh h c, Mrs G. "Moor c. Phortbread (18): Mrs G. Radford 1; Mrs S. .H. Webb. 2 and 3, Mrs E. Gowland v h c • and c, Miss N. E. Osborne h c. Plum pudding. (5): Mra J. Thomas 1 and 2. Mro H. Farj row 3,' Mrs D. Finlay v h o, Mra W. Sand--1 fori £ •. Three jars home-made jam (4):

Mra F. W. Crockett 1, Un P. F, Roper 3, Mrs J. L. Oox 8, Mrs D. M. Martin ▼ he. Preserved fruits (5): Mrs D. Finlay 1, Mrs D. M. Martin 3, Mrs J. L. Cos 3, Mrs M. Shand v h c. Pickles (6): Mrs D. Finlsy 1, Mrs F. W. Crockett 3, Mra J. L. Cox 8, Mrs H. Sohnolle The, Mrs D, M. Martin h o. Best sprioots (3): Mis D. Finlsy 1, Mrs H. Schnolle 3. Bl#oJt currant jam (7): Mrs D. Mcintosh 1, Mrs F. W. Crockett 3, Miss C. A. Bulmer 8, Miss A. Beaumont v h c, Mrs H. Schnelle h c. Raspberry jam (6): Mra F. W. Crockett 1,. Miss C. A. Bnlmer 9. Mrs 1). Finlsy 8, Mrs M. Shand v h o, Mrs D. Mcintosh h c. Apple jelly (7): Mrs F. W. Crockett 1 and 3, Mis D. M. Mnrtin 8, Mra D. L. Fox v h e, . Miß' J. L. Co* h o. Apple and blackberry inrn (4): Mrs H. PchntOle 1 and S, Mrs A. Beaumont 3. Mrs D. M. Martin 3. Apricot ?am (3): Mrs F. W. Crockett 1. Mrs D. Finlay 2. Plum iara (5): Mrs F. W. Crockett 1, Mra H. Sr.hnelle 3. Mrs 15. Finlfiv S. Mrs D M. Martin v h o, Mrs T) Mcintosh h c. P<>ach jam <Sf|: Mrs F. W. Crockett 1. Mis D. Finlsy 3. Mrs H. Schnelle 3. MarmMade (11^: Mrs D. M. Martin 1, Mrs J. Gillwders 9 and 3. Mrs H. J. Fleming the, Mis P. F. Boner h c, Mrs H, NeWn c Hcme-mado w>ne fffl: Mrs H. J Fleming 1, M : ss L. Kevern 3, Mrs H. Schnolle 3. v h c, and o, G. Grear c. Best collection home-mado wines (91; Mrs H. Schnelle 1 and 2. , CURED AND 'PRESERVED MEATS AND' SOAP. (Judge: Mr Frank A. Cook.) Ono ham, unamoked (2): Mis P. F. Roper 1 and 2. Bacon, unsmoked (1): Mrs P. F. Roper 1. Lard (51: Mrs P. F. Roper 1, Mrs C. Jones 2, Mrs H. Schnelle 3. Plain soap, home-made (4): Mrs P. F. Roper ■l, Mrs J. L. Cos 2,. Miss L. Hay ward 3. Sand--soap (2); Mrs J. L, Cos 1, Mrs -P. F. Roper 3. PHOTOGRAPHY. (Judge: Mr Claude Ring.) . Over half-plate—Landscape. ,(1): H. 0. Milne. 1. Portrait or figure study. (3) : D. B. Mackersey 1 and 2. Firm Scene- (X): H. 0. Milne 1. Marino or shipping (1): H. 0. Milne 1. Open subject (3): J. A. Monohan I, D. B. Mackersey 3. Half-plate and under—Landscape (4) : Miss Daisy Tinney X, E. C. Milne 2. Portrait or figure Btudy (8) : D. B, Mackersey 1, H. C. Milne 2. Farm scene (2): H. C. Milne 1, Miss D: Tinney 3. Marino or shipping (2): H. 0.-Milne 1, Miss D. Tinney 2. Open subject (4): Miss D. Tinney 1, D. B. Mackersey 2. Kodak (Australasia), Ltd. prize (6): Miss A. Gottenneyer.

ART. (Judge: Mr McGregor Wright.). Painted study of. head from life,, in colour. (3): "Miss R. Turner 1, Miss 0. ■ SpencerBower vh c. Painted study of head frpm life, black and white (3): Miss M. <T. Calder 1, Miss R. 2. Model Btudy. of head from life (3): M. Berry 1 and 2.Landscape from Naturo, in oil colour (2): Miss P.'tAkins 1. Landscape in water-colour (7): Miss R. M onc k-Robinson 1, Miss T. M. Taylor 1' and ;2, 'Miss M. G. Hogg 3, MisS' 0. Spencer-Bower v h o. Animal Btudy from life (5): Miss L. Wotton 1, Miss R. MonclfRobinson 2. Caricature of prominent ' citi-" zen (3): 0. O'Malley 1. Two studies of plant form (6): Miss '"B. Monck-Roblnson 1, Miss M. J. Calder 2,. Miss M. Rasmussen 3, Miss T. Robinson v e. ._ • ART HANDICRAFT. Open Classes (judge, Miss McNie) —-Fanoywork (9): Mrs E. Fine 1. Miss E. Kevern 2, Mrs F. T. Martin 3, Miss T. Christeiisen h c and c. Embroidered table-runner (4) j.j Miss V. Ellison "1. Embroidered . .tea-cosy (10): Mrs E. Shurrock l. Mlss F. Mi'Dotiald 2, Mrs S. R. Evison 3. Nightdress (9): Miss G. Rennie 1. Mrs S. M. D'mond 2, Miss D. Laird 8. White Richelieu embroidery (12): Miss D. Nixon 1, Miss D. Smyth 2, Mrs 5\ T. Martin 3. Cushion (8): Miss T. Stephenson 1, E..E. Cox 2, Miss P. Sherwood ' 3.; Crocheted trky or table-cover (18): Mrs M. Nicholls 1, Mrs D. H. Faulkner 2, Miss L., Hopkins 8, Miss E. Horsley, c. . Stencilling, large (-3): Miss E. Ogilvie 1. Stencilling, small (2): Miss M. J. Calder 1. Bedsnread (7): Mrß R. Turner 1, Burwood Gir's' Home 2, Miss G. McCaw 3. Tablecloth (3): .-Miss D." Smvth 1, -Mrß G. Bank 2. Fancy knitting (5): Miss M. Severn 1, Mrs E. A. T. Johns 2. Child's • knitted jacket (6):. Mrs L. Thomas 1, Miss M. Severn 2, Miss M. San- , ders 3. Hand-made frock (8): Mrs 0. Gott 1, Miss R. Green 2. Child'B frock (7)i Mrs G. Gibson 1, Miss M. Kei*rn 2, Mra H.. Chalmers 8. Two specimens raffia work (5): Mrs F. T. Martin l. Miss M. Ingley 2, Nurse Francis 8. Fancywork, coloured (24): Miss G. Smith 1, Miss M. Pender 2, Mlbs Christens 3, Mrs R. J. Nicholson h :c. Foncyyrork, white (9): Mrs R. J. Nicholson 1, Mtb L. Chapman 2, Mrs P. Bruce 8. - Open to. Girls,' 17 years * and. under—Embroidered tablo-runner (3): Miss P. Sherwood' 1, Miss K. Cos.-2. Tea-cosy. (6): Mlbs T. Stephenson 1, Miss K. Cox 2, Hiss Kohurn 3. • Knitted scarf (1): Miss M. Toro,. ■ . A) GATES. i '-(Ttidgefe: Messrsß'.' 11. <D. > Morten 'alid, ■ E. G. Robinson.) Two planks (1): Win. Gosa, Ltd. Two pieces;" different ' varieties (1) : Wm. Gobs,. Jitd. Two pieces,. Bft - long, 6in by li» (1) :• Wm. Goss, Ltd. Farm gate (1): Wm. Goes, Ltd. ' - CHAMPIONSHIPS. The following are ' the championship awards:— SHEEP. Merino, Fine Combing*—Ram, N. Rutherford; reserve,. J. Stevenson. Ewe, N, Rutherford ; reserve, N.' G. and B.> H. Bru'ce. Strong Combing—J. Stevenson, champion and reserve. Ewe,< ; Dumgree Estate; re«erve, N. G. and R. H. Bruce. . English Leicesters—Earn, . Sir R. Heaton Rhodes;, reserve, A...5. Elwofthy. . Ewe, W. J. Eelland; reserve," W. ' Border Leicesters—'Ram,- T. S. Little; re* serve, R. J. Low. Ewe, T. S. Little; re-•serve,-H. Ruddenklau. . , _ ; Lincolns-r-Sam, Canterbury Seed Go, Ltd.: reserve, New Zealand and Australian Land C 0.,, Ltd. .Ewe, New . Zealand and Australian LandXlo., Ltd.', and reserve. \ X ■ Romney Marsh—Ram, J. Mosley• and- Sons;.. reserve, Canterbury Agricultural. . College. Ewe. W. Kennedy; reserve, Canterbury Agri-. cultural College. ; ■ ■ .■ ::■* ,_j Southdowns—Ram, H. J. Andrew, and reserve. Ewe, H. J. Andrew; aM reserve, Shropshires—Ram, Canterbury Agricmtnxa! College; reserve, R. 'Parry. Ewe,.R. -Parry;. reserve, Canterbury Agricultural College. - •., • Ryelands l —Ram,,,B. Withell.;. reserve, Jowl Brooks. Ewe, B. Withell, and reserve. Corriedalesr—Ram, : r H.' 'T. Littte; ■ rfisetvej'j J. A. Johnstone. Ewe, J. A. Johnstone,'and reßerve. '' v .- : ; HaUbreds—Ram,, B' s - "'SJS' Sir George Clifford. Ewe,# Sir George Gill'ford, and reserve. : CATTLE. Shorthorns—Bull, J. ; johnstone's Bushey Park Augusta's Hero: • ' reserve,, Bushey Park Ringlander. Cow.' or heifer, 'J. A. Johnstone's Bushey Park Tea 'Bose. 2nd, reserve, Bushey Park Tea Rose 6th. Friesians —-Bull, ,G. H. ; Hassall »_ Netherland Butteirboy; reserve, J. Stalker i Choice. Cow or heifer, L. H. Les-, lie's Colinton Pietie Las*; reserve, 81.B 1 . Crump s Fernleigh/Colantha. „ L. Milking Shorthorns^-Biill,. W. - Bojrta ■ Auchengarn Mac; reserve, R. J- Edgar • Pine Farm Mack Ist. ' or heifer, W. Bowis'i' Caroline Brd V. E: Jones's Mstangl Winsome Wonder. >■ • Jersoys—Bnll, 0. H. Watson's Star of. Donard Lodge; reserve, Silcock Lad.. Cow or heifer: J. : ■bury Silver Fly; reserve, A. O. Slleoclt Collingwood's Gladiola. _ < , _ • Ayrshires—Bull, X Parlane Snowball, Cow, J. Parlane'a Gowan Bani Phoebe 8 th., , ; HORSES, Drahehts—Entire, A. Grant's Desire;. re* B P 3hearer's ' Fabricator's frame. E J. i). Bold, reserve. Mare, A. Grant's Craigie Ella.^ Harness -Pony'—T. Qe© m Pussyfoot.^ PIQS. . .V Rflrlcfihlres—-Boar. G. £L- Barnott's Estate BMeadowbank; Newcastle. Sow, J. D. G»|P l n,» Lymington Lass 13th; reserve, J. D. Galpin i moreland Lass 3rd; reserve, J. ?. McEvedy.» Dromoreland Lass-4th. /'* ■« „« ■ Large Whites—Boar, Canterbunr., Agricultural College's Bianca Governor sth; reserve, J. E. Ashworth's Blythewood Bonsnzs. .Sow, Canterbury Agricultural-. Colleges • Freesla Coralie. . ' . • DAIRY PRODUCE. In the farm and dairy; produce seotion the entries were well op to the average, and the. quality was favourably commented upon by the judges. There was'.an increase 'of 100 per cent. ' in the number, of entries of art andiart, handicraft, and the display rof needlework has surely never been expelled. Almost every :class was productive of keen competition. Among the port* 5 raits in the art section were"carica- : tares of two men much-in the public eye just now, the - Prime Minister (Mr, Coates) and the Mayor of Christchurch (Mr J. K. Archer). Right through the section the competition was . good and the quality high., - These remarks apply also to photography, in which there were 34 entries. Unfortunately thew was no competition in the timber and gates in vwhich- all- the entries were from <me timber: firm. -

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19463, 9 November 1928, Page 13

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A. & P. SHOW – 1928. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19463, 9 November 1928, Page 13

A. & P. SHOW – 1928. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19463, 9 November 1928, Page 13