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The New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club .will commence its part in the Carnival Week proceedings today, when the New Zealand Cup and the Dominion Handicap will form the principal features of a first-class programme. Each year this fixture gains more and more in popular favour and nowadays creates interest in all parts of the Dominion. There was a time when the sport of trotting did not occupy a very exalted place in the estimation of the average sportsman and the present generation can well remember some very queer happenings that kept it from gaining in popularity. In later years, however, the scene has changed completely and the light harness sport has as big a following as any other in the Dominion and is ]ust as well conducted. A rigorous control by representatives appointe d by the various clubs has had much to do with the great improvement made and the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club has also done its part in no halfhearted manner. In the "bad pld days" the stakes that owners raced for were woefully small, and this was held up as an excuse for some of the practices that aroused suspicion. The New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club set out on a bold attempt to give owners something handsome to race for and it instituted in 1904 the New Zealand Cup Handicap previously run under the name of the New Zealand Handicap and carrying a stake of 150 sovs. A race bearing the name of the New Zealand Cup, it was thought, should carry a stake something more in keeping with its title, and when 310 sovs was advertised as the stake and the race confined to horses that could do 4.50 or better, owners and trainers found there was something attractive in the stake alone, and with the extra money came the extra public patronage. That was in 1904, and in less than 20 years the value of the stake was raised to 3000 sove and the class of horses eligible was gradually restricted. From a stake of 310 sovs for horses that could do 4.50 or better for two miles, the New Zealand Cup besides carrying a stake of 3000 sovs in addition to which a gold cup is attached, is now confined to horses that have done, or have been handicapped to do 4.26 or better for two miles, so that the horses engaged must have actually proved themselves great, and not alone great in the estimation of their owners. The restricted class naturally means a very short limit and in to-day's race there are engaged, with one or two exceptions, the sixteen best horses in New Zealand, the limit horses and the back-markers eparated by only 48 yards. No other race in New Zealand attracts the cream of the sport as this one does and the winning of the New Zealand Cup is the ambition of every owner, trainer, and driver in New Zealand. It is a race worthy the winning, for on this occasion the horses are expected to be in the pink of condition and ready to do better than ever before, and no quarter given or asked is the motto of every driver in the race. One mistake by either horse or driver will mean uhe difference between winning and losing, and so it is more to a driver than to anyone else that he should be associated with a Cup winner. In the matter of many of our fast-class hoppled pacers' races New Zealand reinsmen are put to the crucial test, and it says much for the ability of our 'rivers that accidents seldom occur. It takes a good driver to successfully handle a Cup winner, but each of the drivers engaged in to-day's race is of proved ability, and so there should be few excuses for defeat. Ever since the nominations were taken early in September the Cup has been the one topic of discussion in trotting circles, and though Padlock Was the very early choice, and is still one. or the prime fancies, there are a dosen others that will carry big supEort on the totalisator. Never before as such a field paraded for the Cup and never before has the result been so open. Besides providing the biggest race which naturally confines itself almost solely to hoppled pacers, the New Zealand Metropolitan Trotting Club also provides the best class race in New Zealand for the unhoppled trotters—the true love of the. light-harness sportsman. A few years ago a race, 4.34 class, for unhoppled trotters, was not dreamt of, but to-day we find more than a doaen horses that have actually registered this time and of the nine horses nominated for the race all have been accepted for. To many this race is the most interesting on the day's card, and it certainly looks like providing the good sport and the interesting race the Club hoped for when it placed it on the programme. It is a 8 open as the Cup, though the field will be a good deal smaller. Racing will commence at 12 noon, and the Christchurch Tramways Board haß arranged for the quick transport of patrons to and from the course. The day's programme ia as follows: — 12.0—SPUING/HANDICAP (in harness), of 800 sovs. [ Unhoppled trotters. 8.84 class, llw.

The üßeful and evenly balanced field engaged in the Spring Handicap looks like giving the programme a good start, and backers are already faced with a stiff proposition. The Australian-bred Tonic has yet to show winning form in New Zealand, but his track work has been at least promising. Nelson Boy on 12 yards benind has also been going attractively at Addington and a good beginner and a level-headed racehorse as he is, should require beating. Young Carbine has only to trot steadily to have a rare chance, but he is not always as reliable as he might be. Lady Fan and Mangoutu have not shown anv form for a long time, but Nelson McKinney on 48yds, Frisco Beau and Our Lady on 60yds, and Nourmahal on 72yds, all look as though they have come through a thorough preparation. A good race may find Nelson Boy, Our Lady, and Nourmahal handy at the finish.

.12.40 p.m.—ST. ALBANS HANDICAP (in saddle), ol 300 sovs. 2.14 class.

The Auckland" trained Amaris is bound to carry solid support in tbe St. Albans > Handicap, and he went pleasingly in his work at Addinpton on Saturday. Rebel's form at the last Meeting at Wellington was very impressive. and pati° handled on thi'« occasion, he must be regarded as a possibility. General Binaen is a c0n-

sistent performer in saddle, and Bessie Logan on 24yds is ft brilliant mare regaining her best form. Bessie Logan, Rebel, and Amaris look a trio worth following.

1.55 p.m.—NEW ZEALAND TROTTING CUP (in barneu), of 8000 ioti and gold cup. 4.26 class. 2m. R. Grant and H. Winter's blk g Black Admiral, by Brent ■ Locanda— Queen's Drive aged (M. B. Edwards) set G. McMillan's b g Machine Gun, by Machine Brick—Thora aged (R. B.

Berry) .. ' .. .. aor C. E. Lindsay's b g Talaro, by Great Audubon—Coin aged (M. Holmes) 12 J. J. Kennerlcy's b h Peter Bingen, by Nelson Bingen—Bertha Bell aged (Owner) .. .. ..12 R. 0. Fisken's ch h Peterwah, by Etawah

—Janova aged (Owner) , . 12 P. McCarthy's b g Terence Dillon, by Author Dillon—Teresita 6yrs (J. McLennan) .. .. 12 J. M. Samson's ch h Dalnahine, by Brent Locanda —Pleasant Drive aged (A. Butterfleld) .. .. .. 12 D. Spence's b m Queen's Own. by Adonis ■ —Country Queen aged (P. G. Holmes) .. .. .. 12 J. A. Mitchell's br g Padlock, by Hal Zolock —Rawene aged (W. Hughes) 12 Corrigan and Webb'3 br h Kohara, by Cathedral Chimes —Bright Alice

aged, inc. 12 pnn. (A. J. Corrigan) 24 H. W. Aker's b m Waitaki Girl, by Harold Dillon —Stanley's Child aged (P. Aker) .. .. ..24 T, B. Louisson's b g Imprint, by Denver Huon—Prince Imperial mare aged (J. Bryce, jun.) .. ..24 M. O'Brien's blk h Prince Pointer, by Logan Pointer—Princess Sherwood aged (W. J. Tomkinson) .. 24 A. Anderson's b h Jack Potts, by Walter Direct—Margaret Steiner aged (C. S. Donald) .. .. ..80 R. M. Morten's b h Ahuriri, by Cathedral Chimes—Muricota aged (J. Bryce) 86 J. R. McKenzie's br h Great Bingen, by Nelson Bingen—Bertha Bell aged . (D. Withers) .. ..48

With a short limit of 48 yards the Cup looks like providing a great race, ana speculation is likely to be well distributed. Great Bingen will have the sympathy of the public in the big task he is set, but he has attempted and has been successful in bigger before. If he has regained his best form—and his trainer, D. Withers, says he has—then he will make a great showing. He is in rare fettle and has come through a solid preparation Next to the back-marker is Ahuriri, who, coupled with Imprint, will probably go out favourite. Ahuriri has won the race twice previously, and if successful on this occasion he will have registered a record not likely to be surpassed for many years. J. Bryce is confident that Ahuriri will win, and no one knows better than he does the preparation necessary for a Cup winner. Jack Potts suffered a set-back last week as the result of a slight injury, but he will have a lot of supporters on the machine, and Prince Pointer, one of the outsiders «f the field when the handicaps appeared, has done such sterling work of late that his chances have been more and more thought of each day. At his best he will take beating. Imprint, bracketed with Ahuriri, will be best favoured by a heavy track, and the same remarks apply to Dalnahine, who will be bracketed with Terence Dillon. The latter is greatly favoured in certain quarters, and, a young horse, he looks the one most likely to improve on his previous best.

Waitaki Girl's chances do not appeal, but Padlock is a brilliant customer when conditions suit, and his best time of 4.26 3-6, registered on a lightning track, is still 1 3-6 seconds slower than he is now set to do.

Queen's Own always does well in her work, but she may find the opposition a bit too strong over the concluding stages, while last year's winner, Kohara, will have to be at his best to repeat the performance. A 12 yards penalty incurred for his Auckland win does not improve his chance. Peterwah, the greatest unhoppled trotter New Zealand has known, has only to trot steadily to finish in the money, but unhoppled trotters are at a disadvantage when racing against the pacers, and Peterwah has been known to make mistakes in his races.

Peter Bingen does not fill the eye as the ideal Cup horse, although he did win the National Cup. of two miles. He is handicapped right up to his best, but kept hard at it all the way he may feel the pinch. In a race run to suit him Peter Bingen may be troublesome. Talaro's recent efforts suggest him as a possible winner and distinctly likely to get at least a part of the stake. He is probably better now than ever before, and it must be remembered that he has an Auckland Cup to his credit. He will run a great race. Neither of the limit horses, Black Admiral or Machine Gun, has shown form suggesting him a winner, and when the allocation of prizes is made they may go to Ahuriri, Talaro, Padlock, and Great Bingen.

Although set to give away 36 yards in a mile and a quarter, Native Prince is bound to carry solid support in the Empire Handicap. 'He is a brilliant beginner, and a great finisher, ana he may expect most opposition from Golden Bubbles and Acre.

8.0 p.m.—RICOARTON HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 sots. 4.40 class. 2m. Ohhner .. Btf Genuine .. 24 Invader »<. scr Laplander inc. 86 Firelight .. 12 pen. ..86 Lingfleld .. 12 Snnfish lno. 48 The Abbey lne. pen .. 48 12 pen .. 12 Sarella .. 48 Bay Nut .. 24 Another Aucklander in The Abbey will be strongly supported in the Riccarton Handicap, for which a nicesized field will go to the post. Laplander and Firelight may prove his most formidable opponents.

8.45 p.m.—DOMINION HANDICAP (in hw ness), of 1000 sovs. For jinhoppled trotters. 4.34 class. 2m. Engagement (R. Townley) ... .. scr Kempton (C. S. Donald) .. .. scr Elzear (J. McLennnn) .. ; .. 86 Sister Beatrice (A. J. Corrigan) '.. 86 Native Star (M. B. Edwards) .. 48 Tratnpfast (W. T. Lowe) .. ..48 Young Blake (W. J. Tomkinaon) .. 48 Moneyspider (J. Bryee) .. .. 60 Peter Swift (D. Withers) .. ..60

The Dominion Handicap, although only contested by nine horses, will be one of the best betting races of the day. Eleear and Young Blake from W. J. Tomkinson's stable will be bracketed on the machine, and will probably provide the favourite selection. Kempton is a fast-improving young trotter, and both Native Star and Sister Beatrice have proved their ability at Addington. In what looks iike providing a great race. Native Star, Kempton, and Sister Beatrice should fill the places.

4.25 p.m.—VICTORIA HANDICAP (in harness), of 450 sovu. 4.35 ctass. 2m.

If Native Prince is started in the Victoria Handicap in preference to the Empire Handicap, he will be the favourite selection, but in his absence Jean McElwyn, Mate o' Mine, and Trimmer may be found taking a part in the finish.

5.10 p.m.—HAGLEY HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 sovs. 2.45 class, ljm.

F. Holmes has a useful pair in Bonny Logan and Logan Chief, engaged in the Hagley Handicap, but Western King and Jackie Audubon represent a formidable pair to dispose of, while Taurekareka is just about at the top of his form, and with any luck in the running may be found handy at the finish. Western King, F. Holmes's elect, and Taurekareka look possibili-


HANDICAPS. (mat assocutiow til*«uic.) AUCKLAND, Hov«nb« I. The following handicaps n»ve *•« «•* clared for th. Otahuhu Trotting OluV. Spring Meeting:— INTRODUCTORY HANDICAP (htawjii, rf 300 sovs. Trotter* only. 8.46 «lss».

Amberite ineligible. MANGERE HANDICAP (in harness), of 800 bovb, 2.56 i class. lim.

Royal Arcade and Queen Bettjr Ineligible. ONEHUNGA HANDICAP (In harness), of 850 sovs. 4.38 class. 2m.

TELLICOE HANDICAP (in harness), of 1000 sovs. 4.82 class. 2m.

STEWARDS' V ANDICAP (in nsrnesa )< of 300 sovV 3.28J class, ljm.

CAMPBELL HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 sovs. Trotters only. 4.42 class.

MASSEY MEMORIAL HANDICAP (In harness), of 450 sovs. 2.47J class. U™-

MANUKATJ HANDICAP (In saddle), of 850 sovs. 2.18 class. Im.


HANDICAPS. (PRESS association tbleokam.)


ACCEPTANCES. (PBESB ASSOCIATION TBLEQBAM.) AUCKLAND, November B. The following acceptances have been received for the Whangarei Spring Meeting:—

Dolores .> sor Nelson McKinney 48 Tonic ... acr Nighborn Frisco Beau .. 48 Nelson Boy ». 12 60 Sarsaparilla .. 12 Our Lady .. 60 Young Carbine 12 Nourmahal ,.. 72 Lady Fan .. 24 Little Logan .. 84 Mangoutu .. 86

lm. Amaris scr Shlfte Sonn 12 Rebel scr Auguste Dillon 24 Trimmer SM Bessie .. 24 Henry Logan .. scr Countryman 24 Dnrknite 12 Author Jinks .. <18 General Bingen 12

2.20 p.m.—EMPIRE HANDICAP (in bar ness), of 850 sove. 2.49 class. 11m. Sahib • ■ scr Jolly Chimes .. scr Avenger .. scr •Pageant .. 12 Dundas Boy .. scr Vesuvius -.. 12 William the Great scr Acre • • 12 Harold Burwood 12 Kotuku Jack .. scr Wharflpiana .. 24 Granite City .. scr Golden Bubbles »cr Audacious .. 24 Native Prince .. 36 Lady Matchlight sor

Ariki Rei.Tolly Pet 24 Ring Boy ser Event . 86 Glide Away Mate o' Mine . 12 Trimmer/ . 36 12 Countryman 36 Orphan « 12 Fight Ever 48 Vesuvius 12 Native Prince . 48 Jean McElwyn 24 Pluto 48

Quality Bcr Taurekareka 12 Talent scr Western King . 12 Bessie Logan .. 12 Golden Devon . 12 Jackie Audubon 12 Acron 24 fclpigram 12 Author Jinks . 24 Harold Thorpe 12 . Bonny tiOgan . 36 Imprint 12 Tjogan Chief . 36 Logan Park .. 12 Jewel Pointer , 60 St. Maura .. 12

J.JU1. Rangitoto •• Golden Hula .. Great Way Slofcanna Lady Stepney . • Colonel Thorpe iCT acr scr ecr 12 12 Royal Bob Direct Action . Billy Carbine .. Gold Star Gold Sovereign. Sfl 36 72 98 130

Halgana Horizon Koniniwood Warplone Lord Lu Charming Pronto Marlonfttte Nella Dillon .. Ursuline • • Oold Circle Profiteer Rose Marie St. Bridget Trustworthy • • scr acr Peter Orattan .. Concertina .. 13 13 scr scr scr scr scr ■cr Maid of the Mountains Travis Axworthy Bingen Starr .. Nelson Dillon .. Medusa .. 12 12 24 24 24 scr Red Star ... 24 scr scr scr Beremal •. Bankhead ■. Joybird t.. 86 36 48 scr Bingen King .. 48 12 Gold Dial 60 Lady Barrington 12

The Abbey . Bor Laplander . . 13 Lord Nope&n . . BW Dick Dillon , . 24 Llngfleld , sor Free Advie* < .. 86 Rockburn . BCT Taipare . . is Gold Dial . 12 Plorent . 48

The Shrew Billy Sea Orphan Hate o' Mine . . ser Dalmeny Z4 . scr Jackie Audubon 24 . scr Loch Moiffh 36 . scr Western Klnj 86 Trampfast . . 12 Machine Gun .. 60 Dillon Huon . . 12 Gold Jacket .. 6C Native Prince . . 12 Imprint 84 Audacious . . . 24 Jewel Pointer 108

Alice Axworthy scr Tony Victor . . 12 Dorljy Lynn .. scr Gold Dial . . 24 Evelyn Locanda Andover .. scr scr Daytime • Goldman » . 24 . 24 Dad's Hope scr Firelight . 24 Admiral Lock . • scr <,4reat Peter . 24 St. Bridget scr Van Rich ,. . 24 3himer •• scr Glandore . . 36 Van Cnp scr Anseltn . 36 Lingfield 12 Dick Dillon ,. . 48 Ribbonwood's Stanmoor . 48 Last 12

2m. Ngatira scr Mutn .. 1! Raima scr Great Changs .. 3f Peter McKinney scr Tradesman .. 8( The Tartar scr Tiger Salv» .. 8^

Nelson Tasker 8cr All Bell ;. 12 The Shrew scr Native Prince .. 12 Taipnrp Bcr King Eointer .. 12 Dillon Huon .. scr Dnlmeny 24 Atnaris • • scr Machine Gun .. 86 Lady Matehllght Golden Bubbles scr scr Gold Jacket .. Western King 36 SO Wharcpiana .. scr Jackie Audubon 48 Free Advice scr Jewel Pointer 84 Audacious 12

Bonny Bincen Charming Pronto scr scr Nelson McOonnaek 12 Abrndbanya scr Tony Victor .. 12 Rocfcaway scr Cute Lad c. 12 Blair Andubon Bcr Lingfield .. 12 Satinbird scr Mulwaree 12 Van Cap scr Lord Nepoan .. 24 Hohoro . • scr Anselm . • 24 Pitoroa • • 12 Firelight 24 Goldman t. • 12 Van Rich 24 Tho Abbey 12 Hnghie Wallace 24 Daytime 12 Uncle Bert 24 .loybird r«-.-12 Laplander ■.-• 24 Bankhead 12 Stanmoor «• 86 Hal Chimes .•. 12 Luvan • . 86

INVEROARGILL, November 5. The following weights have been declared tor the Winton Jockey Club's Meeting:— WINTON ODP, of 820 son. 1}B. 4 Celerity II. .. 9 9 Overdrawn .. 7 Celerity ..9 9 Bilbo .. 7 4 Booster .. 8 12 Apache .. 7 0 Queen Balboa 8 7 Lewis Gun .. 7 0 Lucy Locket 7 8 WINTON STEEPLECHASE, of 150 sots. About 2Jm. Jovial ..11 °8 Ellesmere .. 9 2 Nylotis .. 11 6 Soldier's Onssollg .. 10 10 Dream 9 a Windermere ..10 8 Miss Tattler 9 0 TunamoB ..10 4 Barn Door .. 9 0 Uncle Bob ..10 0 Apollyon .. 9 0 Calibration ..9 6 Blue Rock .. 9 0 Blazing Light 9 4

FLYIN0 HANDICAP, of 145 sovs. 6f. Booster 9 10 Flying Mist 1 8 King Balboa 9 2 Spean Bridge 7 0 Receipt 8 8 Battle Flag .. 7 0 Rin Tin Tin 8 4 Solzia 7 0 Father O'Flynn 7 6 Battle Maid .. 7 0 BARKLY HACK HANDICAP, of 115 sovs. 8£. Battle Flag .. Battle Maid 9 0 Tardy .. 8 B 8 11 Traction 8 8 Sparkling Eyes 8 11 Insolence .. 8 0 Despot 8 9 Money Mint •. 7 18 Cupid's- Dart 8 9 Ace of Heart* 7 18 Red Sea 8 8 Full Flight .. 7 10 Cetchela 8 7 King Cup .. 7 9 Red Racer *.. 8 8 Fenham 7 9 Takaka .. 8 6 French Fleet 7 9 Some Signal .. 8 5 Attractive Lady 7 9 Eliminator .. 8 8 Miss Fleete .. 7 9 TRADESMEN'S HANDICAP, of 145 eow.lm. King Balboa .. 9 0 Spean Bridge 7 0 Bilbo 8 6 Solzia 1 0 Some Rose .. 7 11 Divlnial 7 0 Flying Mist .. 7 2 HOKONUI TROT (in- harness), «f 1*1 tvn.

Black Friar .. scr Musical Chimes 48 Toxuedo •• scr Decoy Bells .. 60 Ohimes scr Shady Spot 60 Allegro * • scr Trerilllan • • 60 Erin's Fortune scr Kensitas .. 72 Sun Fire scr Sunshade .. 72 Southern Light scr Princess Thorp* 72 Le Thorpe sor Alva Lass .. 72 Peter Boy 12 Loath .. 84 Chiming Kinf .. 12 Kibirinrf Imperial Thorps 06 Jolly Maid .. 24 96 Eiffel Tower .. 24 Hylas 86 Jolly Girl 86 Uush-a-bye .. 108 Weary Dillon .. 86 Slump a. 166 Coy Bells .» . 86 Hartnea .. 166 Baker Boy 48 Miss Adonis .. 166 Tarndale • • 48 OTAPIBI TROT (in cat Idle), of MS sots, ljm, Country King scr Crown Jewel scr Baby Joan .. scr Erin's Pet scr Allegro • • ser Chimtngdalt .. 12 Aord • • scr Sonota .. 24 Campanula • • •or Suncross .. 86 pel win • • ser Wilma Dillon .. 86 Marvin DHlon .. scr Sea Hawk .. 86 Patch Pointer .. scr fountain Queen 86 Brown Pointer scr Princess Thorpe 60 Cream Ohimes .» scr Erin's Lynn 60 Last Bell scr Imperial Thorpe 84 Pleasant Ware .. scr Marines .. 10S

SPRING PLATE, of 120 gov*. Special weights. 61. Oynique Owairaka Lncklaine Echelon St. Ames ' Mussie Envoy Sunny Morn Snowdrift Fancy Boy Pane Viburnum Furore KENSINGTON HANDICAP, ef 140 »ot«. 6f. v»11ar .. 9 0 Segment .. 7 11 niinlar .. 8 11 Exalted .. J 5 Hone Heke .. 8 8 Torn .. 7 0 Air King ..8 8 Camp Prince 7 0 Mosaue ..8 8 Sulla ..7 0 Abbey Queen 8 0 Frothblower _ 7 0 HUANUI HACK HURDLES, of 165 sovs. Mnnirani ..11 7 Mangaiti ... 8 0 Mnn Abbey 10 * Lord Abbey & o Swork .. J""' Quietly » 0 Wenday •• « ® Miss Alma ..9 0 Mashoor ..93 WHANGAEEI CUP, of 500 sovb. ljm. r;*sL" ?.? s""™'.. ? 5 Sw •• j « e, "°> 1" ■■ ' 0 Papatu ..78 rnnNTT HANDICAP, of 125 sovs. 6f. 11 10 Michael .. 7 6 , j Left 8 12 Sunny Morn 7 0 R, e h t and Lett g g Gszerin ..7 0 £ ,e w„* ' 8 2 Viburnum .. 7 0 Exalted •• g 3 Furore .. 70 " 8 2 Blue Bonnet 7 0 Kaiwanga •• » Turn • • HIKTTCANGI HAOK HANDICAP, of HO "■ tovs. 71. 8 4 Segment .. 7 4 Illingar g j Q r(zn pton .. 7 1 Mosque •• jj jfassock .. 7 0 Bombarder •• < „,„. u HANDICAP, of 250 sow. 6f. MANAIA " g 4 Baiiymoy IL 7 0 '' 8 9 Serang .. 7 9 Oration •• ° „ Teatime ' HANDICAP, of 150 «6v«. lffl. PARAHAKI 6 Wenday ..85 5, „ c n i 9 2 Baby Bun .. 8 2 Sleepy Sol . g Master rlC Sl U n« 8 5 0'B«rt« 1 I yke Tliora . ? *-

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19460, 6 November 1928, Page 14

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TROTTING AT ADDINGTON. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19460, 6 November 1928, Page 14

TROTTING AT ADDINGTON. Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19460, 6 November 1928, Page 14