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Tho lad; Editor will bs pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items ol social or personal news. Such items should be full; authenticated, and engagement notices must bear tho signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters a&ectlng, or of interest to, women.

Miss Ethel Overton (Hereford street AVest) left last night for a holiday visit to friends in i-lawke's Bay. Mr and Mrs Fred M. AVard (AA'ai-iti road, Timaru) are leaving Auckland on Monday by the Aorangi for a trip to Sydney and Melbourne. Mrs Leon Wilson, late of Westminster street, St. Albans, is spending a holiday in Auckland, and is the guest of Mrs Hood, of Kipling avenue, Epsom. Captain and Mrs Watts-Ryan (Fendalton) have returned from the Southern Lakes, where they have been spending a holiday, camping. Miss Annette Rattray (Auckland), Mrs Watts-Ryan's sister, is at present her guest.

Mr and Mrs E. E. Nutt and the Misses Nutt have returned from a visit to Mount Cook.

Mrs N. A. Hem us (Rugby street, Merivale) has returned to Christchurch from the south.

Miss Marjorie Mauger has been advised by Trinity College, London, that she has been successful in gaining her A. Mus. T.C.L. diploma. Miss A. Chamberlain ("Hadstock," Ellesmere), and Mrs A. M. Carpenter (Fernside) are paying a holiday' visit to Queenstown.

On Friday, April 20th, a Children's Plain and Fancy Dress Ball, in aid of Nazareth House, will be held at the Caledonian Hall. Fifteen valuable prizes ha,ve been offered to the committee for competition. From 10 p.m. until midnight, a danco for adults will be held.

Mrs Rollo and Miss Von Pein (Christchurch) have returned from a short visit to • Gainsborough House, Governor's Bay. Miss Helen 0. Imric, who recently returned to New Zealahd after many years residence in London and Scotland, is to give an address to the Combined Bible Classes at the- Oxford Terrace Baptist Church to-morrow after.noon. While in London Miss Imrie was a member of the committee of the literary club in connexion with the well-known Scottish Church, St. Columbus. "Miss- Imrie's subject to-morrow afternoon will be the "Spirit of tho Woman, or the Woman's Discovery that there was no Wine at the Wedding." . All young women are> cordially invited.

"EVINGTON" REST HOME, CLIFTON, SUMNER. With panorama of ocean _ and _ plains, bracing sea breezes, and hill air, An ideal situation and climate for convalescents and those in need of quiet rest. Proprietress, Mrs E. M, Gill. Telephone: 2526 R. _ —752

Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street; 'Phone 694. Latest arrivals in Ladies' Smart Evening Shoes, coloured sequins in Gold, Silver, Green, Mauve, and Opal; . Gold Kid with hand-painted floral designs, Black Satin with jewelled heels; Coloured Brocades also in Silver and Gold, Blonde Satins. We invite inspection. P7214

' CAN WOMEN KEEP SECRETS P ' With all due regard to the fairer sex we say emphatically that women can NOT keep a secret. Take the cftse of Sno-AVite £joap Powder. Only recently it was unknown. To-day it enjoys wide popularity. The good qualities of Sno-Wite alone could not have done this, it was the enthusiastic talk of satisfied users. —1

WOMEN SHOTJLD THANK SCIENCE. What a tremendous debt housewives owe to science. Think of the old-time ironing day—heavy iron and a roaring Bweltering fire. Now ironing is done electrically. In starching, too, great strides have been made. Dove Brand, the pure rich Starch makes ironing ever so easy and moreover it does not rot the linen. —6

FOR EASTER TRAVELLING. Those who are travelling at Easter will be keenly interested in„the fine display of travelling goods and novelties, embracing soaps, com-, pacts, miniature manicure sets, sponge bags, hair brushes, face flannels, etc., which are being offered at E. Cameron Smith's, Chemists, Cathedral square, at unusually low prices. Inspection cordially invited. —6 Many women taking up the "Dressmaking and Designing Course" of the Woman's Institute, taught them by mail in their own homes, have learnt to make charming clothes so quickly and easily that many of them wishing to make money began to do so before they had half • finished the lessons. Write for full particulars of course to P.O. Box 26, Te Aro G., Wellington. —2 Mr and Mrs Napier are still conducting. "Te Kiteroa," the popular Guest House and Health Resort at Waimate; modern house, with electric light and drainage. Ideal winter climate, beautiful garden, extensive view. For illustrated descriptive circular containing full particulars, address Mr W, D. Napier, P.O. Box 10, Waimate (telephone 151, Waimate).

Miss Cicely O'Borkc is the guest of Lady Rhodes, "Otahuna."

Mr and Mrs N. M. Campbell (Hawke's Bay), who have been in Christchurch for the polo tournament, returned north last night. Mr and Mrs T. C. Robinson (Jit. Palm), Mrs E. D. Newton and Miss Jean Newton (Ashburton), Mrs P. A. Edverton (Ashburton), Miss McCullock (Ashburton), Mrs G. Douglas (Ethelton), Mr and Mrs Moody (Timaru), and Mr and Mrs Trap (Holland) artguests at "Warner's Hot-el.

Mr aud Mrs Glenn (America) arc guests at the United Service Hotel. Mrs Milton Manning (Auckland) is spending a holiday in Christchurch and is the guest of Mrs M. S. H). Manning, Papanui road. The engagement is announced oi Kathleen Margaret, younger daughter of Mr J. H. Thomas, Richmond avenue, Sumner, to Eric Harwood, third son of Major and Mrs Browne, Riccarton. Latest arrivals at the Hotel Federal include:—Mr and Mrs C. A. Shallcrass (Albury), Mr J. R. Collins (Wellington), Mr and Mrs C. Ellis ("Wellington), Miss G. E. Taylor (Patca), Mr and Mrs Bartosh (Taihape), aud Mr and Mrs Findlay (Blenheim). Early in May, a, cabaret will be held in aid of the Anglican Orphanages of Canterbury. Sir Meatou and Lady Rhodes have been asked to be patrons of the gathering and the hostesses will be Mrs George Gould, Mrs 11, Cotterill, Mrs G. P. Ilutton, Mrs "W. Deans, Mrs E. J. Cordner and Airs J. IT. Watherston.

The monthly meeting of the Riccarton Branch of the W.C.T.U. took the form of a briug-aiid-buy afternoon. The tables were well laden with a number of saleable goods which realised a fair profit. Mrs Hercus gave an address on ''Missionary Life in Peru, Chile, and the Argentine Republic." Afternoon tea was dispensed by the Social Committee.

On Wednesday evening a surprise party from Messrs J. Ballantvne and Co. : s visited the residence of Mr and Mrs Barrow, Randolph street, where a pleasant evening was spent. Amongst those present were Mr and Mrs Barrow, Mrs Hall, Misses E. Midgley, E. Smith, L. Smith, D. EHis, E. Dean, M- Clempson, A. Hewitt, M. Risely, L. Fairthorne, Messrs Kettle and Dauneville. Winners of the competitions were Misses E. Midgley; M. Clempson, E. Dean, and L. Fairthorne.

PARTING GIFTS. MISS M. S. SCOTT HONOURED. Just before the Canterbury Education Board went into committee yesterday morning Miss M. S. Scott, who has resigned from tho staff of the Board after 13 years' service to take up missionary work in tho Solomon Islands, was called in to the meeting to accept from the Board a token ot their appreciation of her services. Tho chairman (Mr C. S. Thompson), in presenting Miss Scott with a travelling rug, referred to her 13 years of conscientious service and 'expressed their deep regret at her impending departure. She was, however, to answer a higher call, and every member was of the opinon that the service she would give to the Great Master would be of very real value. Other members of the Board paid tributes to Miss Scott's work and her character and joined with Mr Thompson in wishing her success in her new life. . Miss Scott, in thanking the Board for their gift and for the spirit which had prompted the occasion, expressed her ■warm appreciation of tho treatment she had received as one of its servants. At the Education Board office yesterday afternoon the staff entertained Miss Scott at afternoon tea. The £uest was presented with a gold wristlet watch, a camera, and a manicure set. All branches of the service, including the inspectors, spoke in the highest appreciation of Miss Scott's excellent work tmd the cheerfulness with which she hadl always carried out her duties. Her .willingness to oblige and give assistance whenever > .required had conduced ir no small way to make things run smoothly, and her deportment generally had been an inspiration. and a shining example to her colleagues. Miss Scott, in replying, stated that, while she was sorry to leave the Board, she felt that she co'ild not ignore a higher call, and had therefore taken the step that meant severance from friends and! scenes of a lifetime.

Tea was served in the Board room, which had for the occasion been turned into a miniature banqueting hall, in which the colour scheme was Brown .and gold.

LECTURE DEMONSTRATION. Jellicoe Hall was packed to its doors on Thursday evening when Madame Alwyn gave her farewell lecture demonstration: Madame spoke on "Nature Cure and the Road to Health." • "There is no secret of health—it -is a curtained truth, and everyone's health'," said the speaker, "i 3 a matter of individual effort." Ten demonstration girls went through a series of exercises and tho time, rhythm, and general deportment of the pupils were very good. The Baldock Bros., two stalwart physical culture exponents, gave an exhibition of classical posing, displaying ease and grace of movement, especially creditable in the poses "Wounded," and "Hercules Crushing Anthee .to Death.'' A parade of mannequins displayed some beautiful gowns. The deportment of the wearers, pupils of Madame Alwyn, enhanced the effect of the gowns. The last item, a Grecian set, showing group work, was most pleasing and the colours of the Grecian frocks and the picture poses . and frieze work were most effective.

PALAIS ROYAL CABARET. All jazz dancing will be held to-night at the New Palais Cabaret (corner of Cashel street and Linwood avenue). Teddy .Jones's full cabaret orchestra will supply the latest dance numbers. Miss Mavis Smithers (solo dancer), pupil of Miss Dorothy White, will give an exhibition dance. For the" convenience of patrons a free tram will leave the cabaret for Cathedral square at midnight.


The most important social function connected with the exciting polo tournament, which has been causing much interest during the week, wag held at the Caledonian Hall last night, and was a most delightful, and particularly enjoyable gathering. The members of the committee responsible for the excellent arrangements were: Sir and Mrs Derrick Gould, Mrs G. F. Hutton, Miss Joan Fulton, Miss Betty Macdonald, Messrs H. G. Livingstone, G. H. Grigg, and Harmar Macdonald, and to them the greatest credit is due, for they certainly had a very clear conception of their duties, and attended to them assiduously. The hall was uncommonly decorated with mural panels of modern futuristic art. carried out in the colours of the various clubs, whoso representatives aro taking part in the tournament. The stage and lounge were gay with Michaelmas daisies and lovely fuchsias. Spirited music was supplied by Margaret Middleton's Band. The members of the Christchurch A and Christchurch B teams, bearing their blushing honours thick upon them, were present in full force, and were receiving congratulations on the notable successes achieved, by them during the week.

Mrs George Gould wore a beautiful frock of pervencho blue georgette, with long pointed side panels and handsome circular motifs of silver and crystal beads; Mrs George Hutton's effective frock of geranium red georgette with uneven hem, had long floating panels at the side, and a diamente ornament at the waist; Mrs Derrick Gould's charming frock of blush pink georgette was trimmed with embroidery of large silver beads, and the uncommon fringe of georgette was" weighted with the scintillating beads; Miss Joan Fulton wore a distinctive frock of oak-apple georgette with pink shell flower on the shoulder; Miss Betty Maedonald's pretty frock of white georgette was mounted on blush pink and finished with girdle and conventional embroidery in crystal and black beads.

The one debutante, Miss Ethel Gebbie, wore an attractive frock of white georgette with crystal bead embroidery and carried a bouquet of shaded pink flowers.

Other present were: Lady Rhodes, Mrs J. F. Studholme, Lady Fergusson, Mesdarnes Kenneth Macdonald, Roger Gould, Randel Burden, R. McKelvie (Feilding), Bruce Murray, H. G. Livingstone, Roger Johnson, Percy Baines, Herbert Elworthy, J. C. Miller, Harold Barker, T. F. M. Gibson, Arthur ElWorthy, Gerald Gerard, William Deans, Denis Chapman, Peter Hall, J". H. Grigg, Leslie Orbell, Hugh Ensor, J. Lyons (Hawke's Bay), J. Gatenby (Hawke's Bay), Hewitt (Wairarapa), J. Watherston, C. M. Rout (Auckland), Eric Millton, R. L. Levin (Feilding), H. Menzies, F. Mackenzie (Havelock North), Lady Stewart, Mesdames Geoffrey Grey, Frank Wilding, Rossraore Cracroft Wilson, Charles Macfarlane, Maurice Macfnrlane., D. C. Collins (North Island), Jack Matson, Claude Piper, H. A. Nickolls (Ralcaia), W. Querec and M. Whitty, Misses Y. Hvnes, P. Boyle, C. O'Rorke Barbara Gould, Nancy Gibson, Mary. Bond,_ Barbara Gibson, Nancy Bond, Marjone Studholme, Lorraine Orbell, Marjorie Moon, Nancy Gillies (Mayfield), Norah Hoare, Meta Nixon, Maude Nicholls (Oamaru), M. McKel<Feildii,g), Fergusson, Ethne Lloyd (Auckland), Ella Macgibbon, Margaret and Rosa ,Tripp, Ann Ensor, B. Monger (West Australia), Shona DampierrCrossley, Stella Edwards, Betty Rutherford, Sally Holmes, Adrienne Acland, Mary Morrsion, Perry (Wairarapa), Margaret Stevenson, Dora Warren, Milda Montgomery, M. Grose, and Olga Raphael.

PLAIN AND FANCY SOCIAL. An enjoyable time was spent at the Sydenham Methodist Schoolroom on Thursday evening, when the Ladies' Guild held a plain and) fancy dress social in aid of the "mile of pennies" campaign. Musical and elocutionary items were given by the Misses Bessie Pollard, N. Turner, M. Johns, Messrs Instone and Cowell. Miss Bessie Pollard was accompanist. The grand march of-those in fancy costumes was Misses Bell and Smith, Mrs Martin and Mr R. B. Hean being the judges. e The prize-winners were as follows: i Best jessed, Miss Myra Pollard (Harlequin); most original, Miss Uona Maddlren (Luggage); cheapest, Mrs Johnson (Sack of Potatoes); specks, Mrs Odell (Copper Day) Miss Kay (Sambo*). Girls: Best dressed, Nancy Lade (Queen of Hearts); most original. Phyllis Good (Basket of Poppies): special, Hillary'Good (Welsh Girl). Men: Best dressed, —. Cowell (Indian Prince); cheapest, S. H. Maddren (Waiter in Borrowed Plumes). Boys: best_ dressed, K. Lee (Bridegroom); original, Alan Odell (Bruce's Biscuits). I hose present in fancy costumes were:—Misses A. Bell (Night), J. Smith (Pierrot) E. Kay (Rainbow), I. Corey (Gipsy), M. Pollard (Harlequin), V. Pollard (Italian Gipsy) W. Peacock (Eyes), N. Turner (Gipsy), A. Allfrey (Hawaiian Girl). R. Maddren (Luggage), K. Lee , (Bridegroom), B. McCaughern (Bride), P. Woodcock (Chinaman), D. Murray (Night), E. French (Dutch Girl), Eva Smith (Dutch Boy), R. Billens (First Penny), G. Good (Bovril), P. Good (Basket of Poppies), N. Hancock (Good-night), B. Odeli (Kate Greenaway), N. Cade (Queen of Hearts), H. Cadle (Welsh Girl) W. Irwin <Gipsy), D. Gibson (s.s. Remuera), Me'sdames Odell (Copper Day), McCaffrey (Golly wog), Siri ett \ <Nu rse ). Johnson (Sack of Potatoes), Messrs McCaffrey (Regimental), n ■ > y T (May 01 *). Cowell (Indian Prince), Jamie Maddren (Page), Alan Odell (Bruce s Biscuits).

SPREYDON TENNIS PARTY. At the Spreydon tennis courts on Wednesday, a most enjoyable all-day tournament took place between members from the St. Martins, Edgeware, St. Philips, Barrington, and Spreydon C i mes were won by Mrs Uren and Mrs Good. A delicious luncheon and afternoon tea were served in the pavilion. Those taking part in the tournament were: Mesdames Elmes, Moore, Brown, Andrew, _ Williams, Nolan, Beaufort, Bloor, Gibson, Mcßae, Hassall, Thomson, Balfour. Clements, Carroll, Howartli, Bradford, Gordon, Fox, Fowler Burborough, Winny, Uren, Baggs, Mc> Dougall, Good, Sinclair, Sangster. Misses Mnir, Good, Dorothy Borrell Dorothy Moore, G. Fffetwell, Runa Streeter, Joyce Streeter, Hutton Fullwood, Menzies, and J. Gordon. ' HANDKERCHIEF TEA. Mrs W. A. Barnes and Miss A. Johnston were joint hostesses at a pleasant "handkerchief tea" given at Ballantyne's in honour of Miss Elizabeth Johnston, whose marriage takes place* shortly. Amongst those present were Mrs i W. A. Barnes, Miss A. Johnston, Miss Elizabeth Johnston, Mrs A. Johnston, Mrs F. Travers, Mrs M. S. Johnston, Mrs H. Bleasdale, Mrs H. S.- Feast, Mis§ E. Winny, Miss E. Travers, and Miss Jean Johnston'


SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Miss E. Wilkin (Dunedin) arrived in Timaru yesterday. Mr and Mrs Hunter-Weston v"id ighthorne") are visiting Lake Tekapo.

Mrs C. W. Rudkin and! Miss E. Rudkin (Christchurch) are visiting Timaru.

Mrs Russell and party (Auckland) arrived in Timaru yesterday. Mrs S. Mackenzie and Miss J. Mackenzie ("Otumarama") have returned from a visit to Christchurch Mrs E. Reid and Miss J. Reid returned from Mount Cook yesterday. Mrs and Miss Gascoigne, who were the guests of Mrs C. J. le Cren (Grey road), have returned to Waimate. Mr and Mrs W. Hall, who were staying at the Dominion Hotel, have returned to Christchurch.

Miss Ford and Miss McDougali (Dunedin) left Timaru for Lake Tekapo yesterday. Recent arrivals at the Grosvenor Hotel include: —Mrs Aitkenson (Melbourne), Messrs E. B. S. Hill (Auckland), J. M. Saunders (Wanganui), L. 0. L. Craine (Melbourne), W. W. Kaye (Christchurch), A. EE. Talbot (Christchurch), G. A. Lomas (Auckland), G. R. Ritchie (Dunedin), and W. 0. McKellar (Dunedin). Those who left for Mount Cook yesterday included: —Mrs Aitkenson (Melbourne), Mr Saunders (Dunedin), Mr Parker (Dunedin), and thirty-nine Dunedin Girls' High School pupils. Recent arrivals at the Hydro Grand Hotel include: —Mrs and Miss Stephens (England), Miss Seaton (Dunedin), Messrs L. Kelly (Christchurch), R. N. Sinclair (Christchurch), H. S. Shacklock (Dunedin), and P. W. Shacklock (Dunedin). Those who have registered at the Dominion Hotel include:—Miss J. S. Ford (Dunedin), Miss R. McDougali (Dunedin), Messrs R. H. McLean (Motueka), J. C. Ivory (Christchurch), D. E. Martin (Dunedin), W. E. Squire (Dunedin), E. J. Nelson (Christchurch'), R. M. Sinclair (Christchurch), and A. H. 'Williams (Christchurch).

VALEDICTORY. A pleasant social evening was tendered to the Rev. W. H. Speer, Mrs, and Miss Joan Speer in the Woolston Methodist School Hall on Saturday evening, when Mr S. McHarg presided over a large attendance of members and friends.

Musical items were rendered by Mrs Berg, Misses Lucas, Meg King, Edna Grenfell, Messrs Busing and Wilkinson, Mr R. McHarg playing the accompaniments. Addresses were given by Revs. Ache* son (Anglican); McMasters (Presbyterian), Harris, Pratt, Penn (Methodist), Messrs Blazey, Burnell (Heathcote) all bearing testimony to the faithful work that had been done and the good feeling that existed. Mr Makin, on behalf of the Woolston congregation, presented Mr and Mrs Speer with a suitcase and wallet. Mr McHarg, on behalf of the Sunday school, choir, and Young Worshippers' League, presented Miss Joan with a hat-box, with every good wish for her future welfare.

Taking advantage of the occasion, Mr Townshend, on. behalf of the choir, presented the leader, Mr Busftig, with a set of gramophone records in recognition of liis work in the choir. Mr Busing, who was much surprised, thanked the choir for their goodwill towards him as expressed in the gift. ■ Mr Speer, who was giveh a very cordial reception, replied for Mrs Speer, Joan, and himself, and in a very touching address thanked one and all for their kindness, shown by the gifts, and also for the good feeling which existed among the people. At the close of the meeting supper was served.

On Sunday evening Mr Sp.eer conducted his farewell service in Woolston, taking for his subject "Memory." After the Benediction the choir and congregation joined in singing "God Be With You Till We Meet Again," thus bringing to a close a very impressive service.

, BALL AT RANGIORA. The annual St. Patrick's ball, organised by the Catholic parishioners, was hold in the Parish Hall, and proved a very successi ful function. Music was supplied by Hunt nibell's Orchestra, and the' extras were contributed by Misses F. Knight, Z. Lynskey, Messrs A. Beattie, T. Joyce, Wilkinson, and A. Wilks. A committee, with Mr J. Catherwood as chairman and Mr W. Coleman as secretary, were responsible for the details, and the' supper arrangements were in the hands of Mra F. Jackson and Miss G. Kennedy and many helpers. Messrs 'W. Coleman, S. McCarten, and M. Kennedy were M.C.'s* The lucky spot winners were Miss U; Croft sr.d Mr D. Mahoney and Miss Lintott and Mr K. McKay. Amongst those present were:—Mesdames F. Jackson, F. Miles, C. Lyons, Griffiths, J. H. Richardson (Christchurch), G. Brady, D. Blake, A. Ambrose, J. McMillan, T. McGrath, Irvine, J. McGrath, Moran, W. Lynskey, M. Murphy, Forest. (Hawarden), F. Murray, K. Bennet (Christchurch), J. Power, Misses D. Sutherland, Gibson (Auckland), F. Schluter, T. Hawkins, R. Rutherford, S. Power, M. Watkins, M. Croft, Farr, D. Hills, E. Prestney, M. Galletly, W. Collington, E. Miles, J. Fahey, P. Baxter, R. Mitchell, 0. Bowman, A. Hopkins (Akaron), M. Thompson, D. Lambert, L. Cox, M. O'Brien (Christchurch), D. Brittenden (Christchurch), A. Archer, H. ■ Archer, Martyn, J. _ Kennedy, K. McGrath, May Brick, M. Brick, M. Dwyer (Christchurch), G. Kennedy, E. Lintott, A. Lintott, M. McGrath, Schluter, L. Dwyer (Hawarden), M. Davies (Rothorham), G. Hand (Rotherham), L. Devlin, K. Cassidy,. M. Gallop (Ashley), G. Partridge, A. Kennedy (Loburn), N. Fitzgibbon, K. Kennedy, M. Lynskey, D. Lynskey, A. McGrath, K. McGrath (Sefton), Mona Fitzgibbon, 0. Murphy, M. Stewart. (Christchurch), Z. Lynskey, D. Fitzgibbons, M. Grimwood, E. Inch (Christchurch), C. Hunnibell, F. Knight, A. Newell, S. Hiatt (Loburn), M; Miller, R. Shilton. M. Hamilton, L. McGrath (Sefton), M. McGrath, E. Brady, Brady, T. Law, R. Prestney, M. Power, E. Power, M. Myers, A. McGrath, Z. Power, G. McMullan, T. Myers, B. Morrison, I. Morrison (Darfield), E. Galletly, W. Croft, J. Mathers (Whiterock), R. Mather, E. Ives (Christchurch), Sherbath, Fenner, N. Miles, E. Rowe, D. Shaw, E. Manson, R. Fitzgibbon, G. Ellmers, Noalls (Christchurch), Messrs F. Jackson, R. Irvine, G. Brady, J. Discaciati, P. Mcßrearty, V., Purcell, H. E. Thompson, D. Concannon," Catherwood (3), F. Myers, E. Dogget, Rex Sutherland, R. Morris, Griffiths, I. Morris, K. Hawkins, A. Ellmers, J. Mcßride, H. Gillespie (Christchurch), H. Power, Little, G. Brittenden (Christchurch), T. Robs, Moran (S), H. Schmidt, F. Cox, A. Cox, J. Ivory, C. Concannon, T. Smith, F. Carpenter, G. Young, C. Lyons, J. Kennedy, J. McMullan, \V", Coleman, S. McCarten, M. Kennedy, F. Mehrtens, McGrath (0), Beattie, J. Chapman, E. Pulley, C. Croft, E. Heney, V. Luisetti, A. Stalker l , C. Cook, T. Mcßrearty, T. Joyce, R. Smith, J. Clark, A. Howard, S. Inns, M. Cook, P. Mather, W. P. Co - criff, J. O'Loughlin, L. Fahey, A. Inch, B. Cook, C. Knight, L. Schluter, C. Hiatt, E. Moriarty, H. Ainsford, J. Blackaby (Christchurch), K. Kenyon, K. McKay, R. Lane, Henry, J. Galletly, A. Mcintosh, C. Pulley, Murphy (3), H. Claridge, E. McGrath, F. Murray, H. Lill, T. J. and C. Lynskey, Cosgrove, If. Skinner, Arps, Lilley (2), A. Wi!ks, Bowman, . Murphy, VT. Power, J. Power, A. Ambrose, B. Hack, Orchard, M. Fahey, D. Mahoney, R. Fahev, V. Lyn?key, "Wilkinson, A. Martyn, H. Jackson, Lillnv (2). D. Marshall, J. Pulley, J. Brown, 0. O'Neill, F. Gilmore, J. Burrell, J. Mann, B. Marshall. F. Tomlinson, S. Gibson, E. Rcswarick, and F. Amor. Have you anything to sell—Do you wish to buy? If so. a small advertisement in the classified section of The Press will be all you need. 12 words j le, three insertions 2s 6d. —6


LEEVES—WEASTELL. _At the Church of England. Gosford, New South "Wales, recently, Archdeacon Saxon officiated at the marriage of Thelma Olive, second daughter of Mr and Mrs J. G. Weastell, Glentunnel, Canterbury, New Zealand, and Herbert Percy, onlv son of Mr J. Leeves, Heathfield, England. The bride, who was given away by Mr Basil Topple, wore a picturesque frock of powder blue crepe de chine and hat to tone. She carried a shower bouquet of autumn-tinted asters. Mrs Topple, who acted as matron of honour, re a daint y of floral crepe de chine and carried a bouquet of pale asters and_ maidenhair fern. -Hkrry Grindlle acted as best man, anci Miss Wheeler presided at the organ.

On the return of the bride and bridegroom to the residence of Mr and Mrs_ Topple a very pleasant surpriso awaited them in the form of a guard of honour formed by thirty boys, members of the school gymnasium class trained by the bridegroom, who is responsible for the physical training and gymnastics of the three hundred and fifty boy 3in the school. Strange to say, the boys had been trainedl by the to form a guard of honour at the official opening of the Newcastle Show on Thursday, February 23rd, when they gave a gymnastic display there. A reception was held, and the dainty wedding breakfast was served on the spacious verandah, Mr and Mrs Leeves leaving shortly afterwards for Newcastle, where the honeymoon was spent.

WOODS—SCOTT. A very pretty evening wedding was celebrated at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church recently, when Mr Thomas Bolton Woods was married to Miss Nancy Scott. The bridegroom is the youngest son of Mrs Woods and the late Mr Thomas Woods, of Lincoln road, and the bride is the second daughter of Mrs Scott and the late Mr J. Scott, Uddingston, Glasgow. The bride, who entered the church with Mr Goodchild, who subsequently gave her away, was daintily gowned in a beautiful frock of ivory crepe do chine and' lace, and her embroidered •tulle veil was worn with a coronet of orange blossom. She carried a bouquet of palest pink and white' hothouse flowers.

The only bridesmaid, Miss Elsie Torrens, wore a model frock of Ffervenche blue crepe de chine, with picture hat of cream georgette and bouquet of delicate blue and pink flowers. Mr William Boon carried out the duties of best man. The Rev. Norman Webster performed the wedding ceremony, and the church organist presided! at the organ. ' As the bridal party left the church the bride was presented with a lucky horseshoe by little Miss Margaret Tackney, and with a black cat by Master Roderick Rennie.

The guests afterwards adjourned to the Coronation H!aJl, where about one hundred and fifty sat down to weddling breakfast, and the usual toasts were honoured. The bride's travelling frock was of navy and fawn crepe de chine, with which she wore a smart black coat, small fawn hat, and handsome fox fur.

TRINITY COLLEGE OF MUSIC CHRISTCHURCH SUCCESSES. •Advice has been received from the Trinity College of Music, Londlon, to the effect that Miss Kathleen M. M. Cassidy, L.T.C.L. piano and A.T.U.L. singing, s lias gained the Associate in Music Diploma (A. Mus. T.C.L.). Her teacher is Miss J. Black, Mus. Bad Miss Marjorie Mauger (teacher Mr T. Vernon Griffiths) has passed in the Associate in Music examinations. Miss Jean Cherry (Miss M. Ward, F.T.C.L.) has passed in rudiments of this diploma.' _ _ ■ ' This examination is strictly theory, the paper having to be passed in the art of teaching, rudiments, counterpoint, harmony, and history of music.

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Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19268, 24 March 1928, Page 2

Word Count

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19268, 24 March 1928, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIV, Issue 19268, 24 March 1928, Page 2