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The lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Womcn'B Corner" items of social or personal news. Such items BhOQld be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatured of both parties. Correspondence is •, invited on , any matters affecting, or of interest to, women. Mr and Mrs Charles Clifford, and their daughter and son, who have been visiting Sir George and Lady Clifford, are leaving on Monday for the North island. They will visit Rotorua before leaving on January 2nd for Australia, en route for England. Mr and Mrs A. J. Dunn (Christy College) will spend the Christmas holidays at Plimmerton. Mr and Mrs Gt»rge Gerard and family (Fendalton) are leaving this ' week "to spend the holidays at "Snowdon." j Mrs W. S. Crichton and Miss Eileen Crichton 'have left for the south. j Miss Ella Bull is leaving on Tues- j day to visit relatives in Hawke's Day. j Mrs H. Murray-Aynsley is leaving J on Tuesday to visit friends in Eketa- j huna. ] Mr and Mrs B. Pearse (Ealing) are j arriving in Christ-church from Eug- j land on Sunday and will stay with j their niece, Mrs Percy Overton, Fen- j dalton. | Miss Irving, who has been visiting Akaroa with her sister, Mrs "Willis, is at present the guest of the Misses Sanders, Worcester street West. Mrs Kenneth Gresson and her children are spending a holiday in Sumner, i Miss Eva Butts (Wellington) is arriving in Christchurch early next week to spend Christmas with Mrs Murray Gard'ner, Cashel street West. Mr and Mrs B. G. Booth (Webb street) are leaving next week for Wellington, where they will in future reBide. Mrs and Miss Margaret McCallum j (Cashmere Hills) are leaving on Tuesday for Greymouth, where they will be'joined by Mr N. B. McCallum, who will accompany them to the Franz Josef Glacier. Mr and Mrs J. Lyon and Miss Gertrude Miller have returned _ from a visit to the Franz Josef Glacier. Mr and Mrs Louis Campbell (Happy Vallev) are coming to Christchurch to day and will stay at Warwick House. Mr and Mrs Norman Kingdon (New Plymouth) are spending the holidays with Mrs Kingdon's parents, Mr and Mrs H. H. Allison (Opawa). Mrs J. Russell Brunt and Miss Beatrice Brunt returned home yesterday from Nelson and West Coast. Mrs A. J. Clarke, who has been the guest of her parents, Mr and Mrs J. Butterfield, Springfield, has returned to her home in Woodville street. • -Miss Hinemoa Hole left last evening on a holiday visit to Auckland. Mrs C. W. LeMay (New Plymouth), and Mr and Mrs H. Carruthers (Sydney), are among the guests at the Clarendon Hotel. Sir Bruce and Lady Stewart (Pigeon Bay) 'are staying at the United Service Hotel. Among the guests at the United Service .Hotel are Mrs Gray (Pigeon Bay), and Mr and Mrs A. J. McMasters (Pigeon Bay), Recent arrivals at Warner's Hotel include Mr and Mrs E. Rutherford (Inverness), Mrs G. L. Rutherford (Connemara), Mrs G. L. Rutherford, and Miss B. Rutherford* (Macdonald Downs), Mrs S. Douglas (Ethelton), Miss Jean Newton (Ashburton), Mrs B. W. Wilmurt and Miss L. P. Knight (England), and Miss P. Murray (Marlborough). * . FLAPPERS AND VERBENA. To the Flapper revelling in her dainty summer frocks let us commend the good soap Verbena, which will wash her clothes quickly and so easily and leave them fragrant and fresh and just like new. Grocers everywhere are proud to sell Verbena. —6 "I have given Duckham's N.P. 5 a good trial in my Case Tractor and found it to exceed all expectations," writes Mr Wilf. Lill, Laghmor, Ashburton. "I ran the tractor for 535 hours on full'load without changing the. oil and without stoppage of any kind. I do not know of any other oil to equal this test of over 500 hours at a temperature of 180 degrees to consume 10 gals, of oil and still retain a good compression, which is equal to a car doing 30,000 miles on the same consumption. —3 AN IDEAL WATER HEATER. The ideal -ay of keeping a constant supplv of hot water during the summer months is with the Mercer Vacuum Electric Cylinder. The Mercer is the only Vacuum Electric Cylinder on the market, and is most efficient, giving 50 gallons of hot water for only 4d per day. Call in for demonstration at J. Mercer and Sons, Ltd., 54 Oxford terrace (near Montreal street bridge). Something worth knowing.—Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street, make to order, all' classes of surgical footwear, and keep in stock good fittings with special waist supoorts, which give ease and comfort to tired feet. We invito inspection. —6

Miss Mary King will accompany Sir Trubv King on a trip to England. On their return journey, Miss fattrick, Director of Plunket .Nursing, will join Sir Truby at Honolulu, and there they will attend a conference. Recent arrivals at the Hotel Federal include: Mr and Mrs Milburn (Auckland), Mrs Heath (Hanrner) Mr and Mrs A. S. Shuttleworth (Chorion), Mr W. K. Barker (Peel Forest), Mr and Mrs J. Steer (Grey-mouth), Mr A M. Spooner (Auckland), Mr R, JPaul (Dunedin), and Mr D. H. Roberts (Greytnouth). At the Girls' High School yesterday afternoon, a presentation of a so 1Q leather suit-case, initialled in gold, was made to Captain Farthing who is severing his connexion with tho school, after "twenty-six years' serviceMiss M. V. Gibson spoke eulogistically of Captain Farthing's great interest in the school, and of the success achieved by him as a drill instructor. After the recipient had expressed thanks, lusty cheers were given by tho girls for Captain Farthing. To-morrow, a sale of cakes and produce will be conducted in the vestibule of Everybody's Theatre by the ladies of the RiccaVton Catholic parish. A splendid supply of goods will be offered for salo at reasonable prices. Much interest is already being evinced in the New Year dance, which is being organised by the ladies of the Darfield Catholic Church. Many attractive novelties will bo introduced to add to the carnival spirit of the gathering. A sale will be held in St. Peter's Vicarage grounds. Upper lticcarton, on Tuesday, December JJOth, beginning at 2.30 p.m. If wet, tho salo will be held in the Sunday schoolroom. Children of'deceased soldiers and of soldiers receiving treatment _ in tho various hospitals, together with their mothers, will be entertained by the Christchurch Returned Association to-morrow afternoon in the Jellicoe Hall. A Christmas tree, well laden, will be a prominent featuro of tho proceedings, and Father Christmas will dispense the toys, each child receiving a present. On the lawn there will be all sorts of amusements for the youngsters and good supplies of icecream, soft drinks, etc. Tho mothers will be provided with afternoon tea. On Monday the St. George's Hospital lady workers will put the finishing touches upon the sisters' Community House, which is now finished. The sisters themselves will arrive in Christchurch next Friday, audi to provide them with food Monday is also being observed as "pound day." Miss Hiatt will bo in attendance at tho Community House all day to receive the gifts. A Christmas stall for the Xray fund is being held at Everybody's Theatre on tho morning of Friday, December 23rd. A surprise party visited the residence of Mr and Mrs J. F. Sendall, Cashel street, where an enjoyable evening was spent in music, games, competitions, and dancing. Items were given by Miss Mavis Sendall, Messrs Trevlyn ' Sendall, Leo Mallouk, and Jack Clague. Those present included: Mr and Mrs J. F. Sendall, Misses Mavis Sendall, Jean Timms, Alice Taylor, Doris Mallouk, Reita Mallouk, Ivy Robinson, Mavis Murray Messrs Wallace Smith, J, Blake, S. Morrish, 'Hadeai Cheesman, Leo Mallouk, J. Clague, T. Noonan, and Trevlyn Sendall.


Tli© annual exhibition of handwork done during the year by pupils of the, Girls' High School was held yesterday afternoon, and proved interesting and cheering The quality and variety of the work carried out in conjunction with solid study, for which tho High School is justly famed, completely negatives the theory that modern girls, or at least tha* section of them who are attending the High School, are being educated on lines likely to unfit them for domestic duties in after-life. In the needlework section, which is in charge of Mis,s A. Alexander, there was shown a great collection of traycloths, d'oyleys, guest-towels, supper cloths, and various articles of underclothing, trimmed with hand-embroid-ery, scalloping, eyelet embroidery or handsome Richelieu work. Especially attractive were some examples of willow patterned embroidery, cut net work, Roman cut work, effective lazydaisy work and colourful cross-stitch darning on huckaback. In the exhibits done by the cookery classes, for which Miss A. M. Watson is responsible, was a summer-time meal for a convalescent—savoury fingers, orange jelly, whole-meal wafers and fruit dfrink—all most temptingly arranged, and beside it was an array of appetising dishes all made of wholemeal. Sweets of all kinds, including professional-looking marzipan lollies, preserved fruits and vegetables, Christmas cakes, beautifully iced, and birthday cakes, complete with tmy candles or lucky black cats, gave further proof of the girls' skill, while a Christmas dinner, the most ambitious menu yet attempted by the pupils, showed that each year they are profiting by experience and gaining confidence in themselves. Many mothers must feel indebted to Miss McNee, the teacher of dressmaking, for, so quickly do the girls acquire proficiency under her tuition, that they must relieve their mothers of much of the family sewing. Girls in their first j-ear exhibited pretty little summer frocks, and second years' pupils had . made charming dresses, pleated, smocked, and embroidered, as fancy dictated, but all neat and well finished. The exhibits in the drawing division were excellent. Examples of original designs in colours for wallpaper and book covers, drawings illustrating poems and fairy talcs, imaginative drawings from set subjects showed that Miss A. Gibb expended much time and thought on the work which she loves. Nature study work is, Miss Gibb says, very popular with the girls, arid the museum studies, which are done on wet days, and the out-of-door sketches were remarkably good, the beauty spots of Redcliffs, Sumner, Cracroft Bill, Hagley Park, being favourite subjects. This year, for the first time, the pupils have begun drawing from life, and the standard already attained seems to indicate that Miss Gibb has in her classes some girls of outstanding ability in this direction.

SUNBEAM KINDERGARTEN. Tho schoolroom at the Sunbeam Kindergarten was crowded yesterday morning with parents and friends of the little children, who had assembled in their numbers for their annual Christmas party. The visitors were delighted with the programme of action songs, drill, and games provided by the little ones. Then a gracious and generous Father Christmas, who had come from Wales, arrived, and distributed the gifts from the heavily laden tree, a gift for every child, and also a gift for each member of the commitee. After delicious morning tea had been served by the mothers, Mrs J. R. Evans, in a charming little speech, thanked the mothers for all their help during the year, particularly in connexion with the morning and afternoon teas. Mrs H. T. J. Thacker then made a presentation to Miss Hull, the Principal, paying a glowing tribute to her work for the little ones, which was suitablv acknowledged br Miss Hull. ". . . . * During the morning a telegram of greeting "was received from Miss Gorrie who is at present spending Bick leave at Palmerston North.


SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. Mrs O'Cdllaghan (Selwyn street) is visiting Ash burton. Archdeacon and Mrs J. A. Julius leave Timaru for Christchurch to-day. Mrs A. Grant (Wai-iti road) has returned 'from Hanmer. Mrs Radcliffe (North street) is visiting Dunedin. Mrs J. Mowbray Tripp ("Silverton") is visiting her mother, Mrs Williams (Christchurch). Miss Z. Rutherford (Blenheim) arrived yesterday to stay with Mrs C A. Paterson (Sefton street). Miss M. Blandl'ord (Theodocia street) ii visiting Mrs A. Mackenzie (Fairlie). Dr G. Hasscll and Miss D. ReesDavies (Wellington) arrived in Timaru yesterday to stav with tho Misses Hasscll (Nile street). Mrs Hay and Mrs Fearso (Timaru) left yesterday on a visit to Lake Tekapo. Recent arrivals at the Grosvcnor Hotel include: Messrs E. Doucet, H. Hargreaves, H. G. Illraith, T. BClark (Christchurch), IT. Young (Christchurch), C. J. Ferrier (Christchurch), G. 13. Vial (Dunedin), G. Taplev (Dunedin), J. H. Duncan (Dunedin), H. Hill (Christchurch), R. H. Hill (Christchurch), W. I. Carney (Christchurch), and W. M. Luke: (Christchurch). Thoso who left for the Hermitage, Mount Cook, yesterday, included: Mr and Mrs Speirs, Mrs Brook, Miss Thomson, Miss Baillie, and Mr J. Peters. Recent arrivals at the Hydro Grand Hotel include: Messrs G. It. Story (Dunedin), Turvey (Christchurch), Paterson (Christchurch), and Macadam (Christchurch). Recent arrivals at the Dominion Hotel include Messrs C. J. dimming (Dunedin), E. J. Hunt (Christchurch), A. E. McDonald (Dunedin), W. E. Paterson (Christchurch), J. W. Thompson (Christchurch, and B, Miller (Oamaru). Recent arrivals at the Empire Hotel include: Messrs R. J. Glen (Christchurch), J. E. Scott (Sherwood Downs), W. H. Cooke (Fairlie), J. Wilkes (Christchurch), and G. Cowio (Christchurch). WEDDINGS. KOFOED—UPRITCHARD. A very pretty wedding was solemnised on Wednesday at St. Michael's Church, when Miss Mary Upritchard, of Domett, was married to Mr A. L. Kofoed, of Dunedin. The bride, who was given away by her brother, wore a charming frock of beaded georgette over ivory satin, her veil being held in place by a pearl ornament. A beautiful bouquet added to tho charm of her toilet. The bridesmaids, Miss Eleanor Upritchard and Miss Myrtle Thompson, woro dainty frocks of mauve georgette and carried pink and mauve flowers. After the ceremony a reception was held in the Farmers' Tearoom, where the guests sat down to a deliehtful wedding breakfast. 'Mr and Mrs Kofoed's future home will be in Dunedin. Something cosily covered up in her '•'pram" attracted a Grey Lynn (Auckland) mother on Wednesday, and on liftino- tho coverlet she was horrified to see a hairv littlo face and two rows of sharp teeth. Her cry of astonishment resulted'in a small monkey bounding forth and making with alacrity for the backyard. It appears that the monkey has been seen by other Grey Lynn residents. Some have fed it and others have chased it. The Zoo authorities say that the nioiroky is not theirs-.—Press Sen-ice.

CHRIST'S COLLEGE. Tho Memorial Hall afc Christ's Collego was crowded limi, night when tho annual distribution of prizes was held. Tho proceedings wore considerably brightened by tho spirited .strains of the. school orchestra, which, under the baton of Mr O'Donol Davis, rendered the following programme: —"Pine Trees and Shadows'' (Alooro), "The World is Waiting for tho Sunrise" (iSeitz), ''Song of tho Volga Boatmen," "Poet and Peasant," overture. (Suppe), "In a Persian Market" (Ketclbcy), "lvanhoc,'' overture (Hazel). Amongst tho many present were:—> Mrs George Harper, Mrs and Miss Itoylo, Mrs Percy Cox and Miss Cox ; Mrs 15. L. Blunilen, Mrs Percy Overton, Mrs 0. C. Davis, Mrs Joseph Todlmnter, Mr and Mrs Maurice Gresson, Mrs T. H. Bruce, Mrs Cecil Ollivier, Mrs J. H. Williams, Mrs Teschemaker, Mrs J. H. Grigg, Mrs Bloxam, Mrs V. Smyth, Mrs Dawson, Rev. and Mrs Orbell, Mrs E. Harris, Miss Julius, Miss Somcrs Cocks, Miss Irving, Mr and Mrs Keith Ollivier, Mr and Mis George Buchanan, Misses Heywood (2), Mr inid Mrs George Merton, Dr. and Mrs J. Guthrie, Miss Ncave, Miss L. Gates, Dr. and Mrs Denham, Mrs lo Mav (New Plvmouth), Mrs G. ]x?slio Rutherford, Mr and Mrs J. G. L. Vernon, Mr and Mrs Leonard Clark, .Miss K. Gresson, Mrs W. Day and Miss Dorothy Day, Miss Alice Pascoo, Mrs J. E. Russell, Mrs V. N. 'Taylor, Mrs W. S. Bean and Miss Mollie Bean, Miss Nellie Reeves, Mrs AV. B. Clarkson, Dr. and Mrs Richard_ Anderson, Mrs Percy Wynn-WiJHnms, Mrs Murray (Woodbank), Mr and Mrs Hiatt, Mr and Mrs A. McKellar, Mrs Gcorgo Weston, Mrs Algar Williams, Misses Nancy Gard'ncr, Betty Overton. Norah Hoare, Gertrude Browne, S. Dampier Crossley, B. Hnbbs, Messrs Gilbert Reeves, H. R. Sellars, IT. M. Chrystall, Donald Dobson, P. Boyle. Dr. O'Brien, Dr. Frank Scott.

WEDDINGS. KINMONT—LLOYD. r A T«y pretty wedding was solemnly ncently in St. Andrew's Church, Wlbnrton, whon Miss Nena Lloyd, OM daughter of Mr and Mrs H. A. Ifart of Ashburton, was married to Kf T. A. Kininont, youngest son of §» Kinmont and the lato Eov. A. of Dunedin. Tho Rev. fi 0, Irvine officiated, and was as*W'by tho Rev. Dr. Dickie, of jtadin. Ml ehurch was beautifully decorated P tones of blue,, silver, and white. *Htt bride/who was given away -by W father, wore a charming model w fit white georgetto heavily emVmti In crystal and silver. Her PWoUtwd-embroidered veil fell to m% long train, and her bouquet was jPtoft roses with touches of blue, fflf'tbrea-bridesmaids, Misses Ethel IftUMaret Lloyd, and Miss Maud SWmß;> of Hastings, were dressed IP in frocks of pastel-shaded lace •W turquoise blue, with coloured Wk «d streamers of peach velvet. *K/ pifitnreaque crinolines were W with a large flower and peach 29* ribbon, and they carried bouggW tone. The. two little trainJjOte, Mary and Nancy Bruce, wore jjffif frocks of turquoise blue crepe 2$P» with posies and stroamcrs. T *P aeid-bands were of peach-vclvot •HttUe. ,W bridegroom was attended by Mr W. Korth, Mr G. M. Salmond, and **'• W. Eustace, all of Dunedin. ■ *«« the ceremony a reception was J! 1 * 8t Andrew's Hall, where Mrs rJJ neeived her guests. She wore a *w ot petunia georgetto trimmed with "fllJUe, nnj er a black satin coat and J™<* hat with ornament. Mrs Kmtte bridegroom's mother, wore 3*J eM 6etto with a black hat iSi With grey osprcys. ipTt Mr and Mrs Kinmont left i£si. for tha nortn » the bridc wcarhlg ,3°* of navy crepo do chine with 3** Md hem of bois do rose, a navy Mat with touches of crocodile «»d a navy silk straw hat. ■' BUSCH—- ••» Presbyterian Church at 'Ainberj^^** 8 'the scenes of an inV? 11 ? redding recently, when of Mr 3 Brownlee, was Sf *°' Hans Henrv Busch, secont! 2«™ « <wd Mrs H. H. Busch, 3J7' the church had been urtisS?V tte corated with roses and arum fjgj «" Wends of the bride. The ffFv was performed by the Kcv. Stow!*' and Miss Rhodes played JgWMe music. who was given away by Nil ♦J? 8 wore a charming WL? oclt of b,uc Keorgetto and %IIL* ttd & blu <> crochet straw hat *W t w f 1^0 " and a large IjjtJGWJJk rose at the side. She tyiJZ B * (,wter bouquet of pink a toucll ° f b^ue of blue georgetto and ISmS^ maidenhair fern. KJgfJdeanaid, Miss Petty Clarko frock of bright fSln«. B ' Q^ ett * with a corsage of "tf-W R » ai swathed %,*"* ■.-■• nd finished wit"

apricot flowers. She carried a bouquet of shaded roses and maidenhair fern. Tho bridegroom was attended by Mr Jack Busch. (Newlands) as best man. After the ceremony a reception was held in the Aniberley Hall, when about two hundred guests wero entertained at supper. The tables wero gaily decorated with roses and pink sweet peas and • a floral bell bung over the bridal couple. The mother of the bride received the guests wearing a black georgette frock with touches of gold, black silk coat and black hat trimmed with a gold rose. She carried a bouquet of roses and ferns. The bridegroom's mother wore a black georgette frock with stiver lace, black satin coat, and black hat with white ospreys. Her bouquet was of red roses and fern. \fter the usual toasts were honoured dancing was enjoyed. The bride travelled later in a beige three piece costume and hat en suite. HARTLEY SMITH-BENNETT A pretty wedding took place at St--Unrv's Geraldine, recently, when vSe'rite Gladstone, daughter ol M? and Mrs H. C. Bennett, was marSd to Edward Hartley, son of the ££ Mr and Mrs J. Hartley Smith, of %?ch U 3i had been beautifully decorated by the girl friends of the bridT and the ceremony was performed by Archdeacon Purcnas. The bride wore a becoming frock e* white taffeta, with petal edged flounces, and her tulle, veil tall from a coronet of orange blossom. t»e ™ro a long rope of pearls, and carSa beautiful Wet of white roses .Miss Lois Wade, Jl\ nrettv pink ace trock with ffik tulle'Vand carried a pink man were carried out by Mr Derisley Hobbs After the ceremony Mr and Mrs Bennett hold a reception. Mrs Ben net" wore a black silk marocatn frock pa Kerned with large, wnk ■*"*>«*£ pink crochet straw hat trimmed witn roses to match. invited Mr andMr, Arthur. Mr .ml Mrs Al.n NicMlß, Mr and Mr. kirka, Dr. and Mrs Hilgendorf, Mr and Mrs S^-aVdE.'-H When Mr and Mrs Hartley South left Tt tho wedding tour, the bride wis wearing a ™«™™^J r l o.ul ruffs Her hat Wot ojsier-iu. BOWERS-DOBBIN. lo if y ;vncn Sre'n " 'lciond daughter Zly was performed by Rev. 0. Titz cpvnld Avonsido. . , g 'lhe bride, who was g.yen nway bj m t <+,,arfc wore a dainty trock ot 'chine, scalloped at the W or> c,o p, ~n ci i„ se ts with silver !?ce EachscaUcJ was 'beautifully em?fu sofS from a coronet of orange blsson buds' and her bouquet was o Sand pink hot-house fleers and m S£ B S Snded by Miss J-ie

Stuart as bridesmaid, who wore a pretty frock of pink crepe de chine, scalloped at the waist and trimmed with silver lace. Her hat was a pink silk crinoline trimmed with a large blue rose and she carried a shower bouquet of pink and- blue flowers and maidenhair fern. Little Dawn Lawrence, the dainty flower girl, wore palo blue crepe do chine with an overdress of silver lace and a bandeau of blue and silver. She carried a Victorian posy of blue and pink flowers. Mr J. Lang carried out the duties of best man. Afterwards the guests were entertained at the Cadena, which was decorated in pale pink and blue, and tho tables were arranged to form a horseshoo. Later in the day the happy couple left for Akaroa, the bride wearing a model frock of mushroom repp with accordion pleated front panel, a smart tailored coat and hat to match, and a handsome fox fur, the gift of the bridegroom. SEARELL—McDONALD. At St. Andrew's Church, a pretty wedding was solemnised, when Annie Ewan, second daughter of Mr and Mrs R. B. McDonald, of Snowdon road, Fendalton, was married to Ernest Carlyle, youngest son of Mrs C. P. Searell, of North Linwood, and of the late Mr A. Searell, of Cust. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Vf. T. Todd, assisted by tho Rev. J. V. Jacobson, and Miss H. A. Searell, aunt .of the bridegroom, presided at the organ. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, by whom she was given away, wore a dainty sleeveless frock of ivory taffeta, the scalloped skirt being trimmed with exquisite silver lace, and the bodice finished with two picot-edged! taffeta ribbons falling from the shoulder, where thev were held in place by a brilliant buckle. Her veil of fine tulle, daintilv embroidered in true lovers' knots, 'was softly folded and held at the sides with sprays of orange blossom. Her shower bouquet was of pale pink and white roses and carnations. The bride's sisters, Misses Ivy and Daisy McDonald, were bridesmaids. They were dressed alike in pretty slosvoless frocks of cyclamen taffeta, tho bodices being finely rucked and the skirts having insets of hand-em-broidered net. They also wore diamante and pearl coronets, and wrist bands of ruched tulle to match their frocks. They carried bouquets of pink roses and mauve sweet peas. Tho duties of best man were carried out by Mr C. Wayland, of Gust, and Mr A. H. Hepworth was groomsman. As the bride left the church she was presented with a beautiful flower horseshoe by little Ella Caithness. Mr and Mrs McDonald later entertained their guests at a reception and dance at the Winter Garden. The hostess's becoming dress was of navy blue georgette, trimmed with lace and cherry-coloured georgette. Her hat of navy crinoline was trimmed with narrow velvet ribbon and rich velvet flowers to tone. Her bouquet was of cream and red roses. Mrs Searell, the bridegroom's mother, wore a smart frock of black crepe de chine, trimmed with red and relieved with a red chain belt. Her black hat was relieved with a red ornament to match her frock. She carried a bouquet of red roses. When leaving for the north on her wedding tour Mrs E. C. Searell wore a smart ensemble suit of Princess Mary blue crepe de chine, with dress and coat and crinoline hat to match. Good health in children is impossible with worms. Wade's Worm Figs promptly expel the parasites. Wonderful worm worriers. All chemists and stores. —3

W.C.T.U. The annual meeting of the Christchurch Branch of the W.O.T.U. was held recently, when Miss Henderson presided over a splendid attendance. Votes of sympathy were pased to Mesdames Nicholls and bootham and Miss Earnshaw. Apologies were received from Mesdames. W. J. «« liams, Adkins, Boag, and Geo. Burn. Letters of thanks for sympathy were £dU Mrs Nicholls and Muj Earnshaw. Thanks for a donation iron tho Union was received from the «" lard Home and from Matron IruinlMe tt? R, C) for a parcel of clothing sent bv members ofthe Fresh-Au Home Tbe hou. secretary's report showed th«t in all departments splendid »«*«»! been done by members during tho ye* for various deserving causes and ckarit4 especially for the Unemployment Belief Depot Fresh, Air' Hone, Jubilee Home, back-blocks, Bible-in-Sohffi, etc. The financial statement, made by the hon. treasurer, was satisThe'following officers and superintendents for the coming year were «wn elected Miss Henderson vinenpresidents. Mesdames A. S. Adams, T E Taylor W. J. Williams, Erwra, Adkins. Richards, Whetter, Wicks, ana Price; lion, secretary, Mrs Ruth Day, hon. roc. secretary, Miss M. MThomas: hon. treasurers. Mrs Ririiaras and Miss Gordon; Good Citizenship and Bible-in-Schools, Miss Blackwell; Legal and Parliamentary, Miss Henderson; philanthropic, Mesdames Israelson ana Pedler and Miss L. Bishop; Fresh-A r Home, Mrs Suckling; Press, Miss Jessie McKay; Cradle Roll, Mrs Fraser, jun ; Notable Days, Miss Gordon; Evangelistic, Mrs Richards; back-blocks Miss W W. Lovell-Smith and Mrs Lishman; White Ribbon, Mrs Ruth Day; music and literature, Miss M. M. Stephens; Social Committee, Mrs Hayes (convener), Mrs Hawkins, Misses Sargent, and Whyte; Ways and Means Mrs Richards (convener), Mesdames Adkins, Suckling, Price L Woods,' Misses Gordon and Wilkie; Birthday League, Miss Wilkie; Visiting Committee, Miss Bishop (convener); Richmond, Mesdames Woods and Shand; Linwood, Mesdames Patchett and Geo. Burn; Addington. Mrs Pedler; St. Albans, Mrs G. B. Nicholls, Misses Gordon and Bishop; Christchurch North, Mesdames Adkins and Gilpin, Landery, and Miss Sargent; Svdenham, Mesdames Hoddiiiott and' Glen. Afternoon tea was then served by the Social Committee. A bring-and-biiy sale added £4 10s to the funds.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19185, 16 December 1927, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19185, 16 December 1927, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 19185, 16 December 1927, Page 2