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The Lady Editor will t>« pl»*wl to receivo Jot publieaUoc. in tb« "Women's Corner" ltema of social personal news. SucS Item* should be lullj authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of botb parties. Correspondence is Invited on anj matters aflectinj, or of interest to, •women.

•Mr and .Mrs C. G. Ualgety, who have boon visiting Dunedin, arc returning in (.'hristchurch to-day. 'l'lio Misses Hullcn and .Mrs Hugonin arc leaving shortly for a trip to Britain.

Mr and Mrs George Murray-Avnslcy (I'cndaltoiO, who have been in Dunedin lor the K.kcs, are returning to Christelutuh to-dnv.

Mrs It. A. Stedman, who is at present the guest of .Mrs George Weston, Park terrace, is leaving on Thursday for Wellington.

Mrs Gcoi-fro Gerard (Kendalton) is Ira ring to-inorruw for Snowdon. The Rev. Vincent Gerard and Mrs Gerard arc arriving from Timaru to-day and will bo her guests at Snowdon.

Mrs Bonar Lindsay and Mrs Wales have returned to Christchurch from Dunedin.

-Mr and .Mrs W. llevington (.Merivnle) arc leaving to-morrow for a short visit to Greymoutli.

Dr. J. Leslie Will and .Mrs Will have returned from a visit to Dunedin.

Mrs and Miss Tipping, having sold their home, "Wcsthavcn," in Upper Ricenrton, liarc morcd into their new home in Shirley. Mrs Maurice Macfarlane (North Canterbury) and Miss Dotty Rutherford (Maedonald Downs) aro coming to town to-day for a short visit. Mifs Janet Clarksoii is leaving today for a short visit to Dunedin.

Miss Dorcen Kirer is leaving to-day for Wellington. Miss Marjory Reid ([Wellington), who has been visiting friends in Christchurch, leaves to-night for Wellington. Mr and airs R. W. Hawke, Papanui, who are learing early next month on a visit to England, will bo the guests at a farewell gathering to bo hold in the Utility Poultry Club's rooms on the 22nd, and Mr Hawke has been appointed the official delegate from New Zealand to the World's Poultry Congress, which is to be hold in Canada.

Mr and Mrs G. Rolton, who have been the guests of Mrs AVm. Henderson, Pleasant View, Cheviot, returned to Dunedin to-day. Mr and Mrs McClurg (Dallington). Mrs J, Niqol (Westport), and Mr and Mrs J. Hazlett (Fondalton) are motoring to Goose Hay, where they will camp for a week's fishing.

Mr H. D. Acland and Miss Adriennc Aelnnd are leaving to-night en route for Auckland.

Mrs E. do C. Driiry (Hewjtt's road) is leaving to-day for a visit to Mrs Donald Maedonald (Scargill).

Miss Phyllis Owcr hns been selected as maid of honour for the ChristchurchRiccarton district in connexion with the Canterbury A. and P. Association's farmarV queen. Miss JMty N Hobbs has returned from a visit to Tolaga Bay. The Engagement is announced of Annette. Den (Nancy), youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs Herbert Brown (Mount Thomas, Rangiora), and Henry Warburton Fitzgerald (Gerald), third son of Mr and Mrs F. J. Hamilton (Redcliffs, Christchurcli). Miss Williams (Auckland). Mis.: McEachran (Sydney), Mr and Mrs McKay (Nelson), Mrs I>. M. Robertson, Mr A. S. Robertson (Gieymouth), Mr and Mrs Moody, Miss Moody (Capo Town), Misses G. and V. Watson (England), Mr and Mrs Brown and Mr Iredale ("Katja" Company) are staying at StcneJiurst Prirato Hotel.

Visitors at the Itotel Federal include Messrs IJ. T. Whittaker (Wellington), W. J. Hunter (Nelson). E.' Hunter (Invercarcill), Mrs Bond (Ashburton), Miss Miller (Waimate), Dr. H. M. Wilson, Mrs Wilson. Mr and Mrs C. Hamlin (Palmerston North), Mr S. M. Moscrip (Gisborne), Mr J. G. Prior (Melbourne), Mrs .T. Thompson (Dunedin), Mrs Fabian, Mr McDonald (Sydney), Mr A. 8. Warwick (Wellington). Mr Chas. B. Brady (Perth), Mr 0. K. Steele (Wellington), Dr. Hogg and party (Invercargill). Mr and Mrs Manning (Brisbane). Miss E. McMahon (Sydney), Mr Frank T. Brown (Wellington), Mr Southern (Benmore), Mr T. Scott (DunedinV Miss H. M. Beresfnrd (Eketahuna), Mr FT. R. Smith (Eketahuno). Mr John Nichol (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Foirg (DunedinV Mr Peel (Dunedin). and Mrs Smith (Dimedin).

For this week only: Sale of Oddments in Ladies' Glaco Lace and 2-Bar Shoes,' also in Coloured Suede, 1-Bar and La<;e, to clear fis 6d. H. Pannell and Co., 10!>/Manchester street; 'Phone G94. P7214 See "NeweyV* for Travellinc Goods —their own make. Netve.v was the sole New Zealand Exhibitors at Wembley and Toronto Exhibitions. Sec the larce assortment, at 679 Colombo street (next door -ucklins's). Splendid selection. —f FOR ALL CLOTHES. From Baby's rompers and little socks, To kiddies' clothes and pretty frocks, No need to despair and jjirc up hope, All ran be washed with Verbena Soap —8 Physical Culture. Weight. Reducing, Corrective Exercises, Calisthenics, Grocian Deportment. Madame Alwyn has resumed teaching. Studio, corner of Manchester and Worcester .streets. 'Phone 51-37. —6

Misses Norrie Fcnwick and June Ratchelor (Dunedin) arc the guests of Mrs Percy Overton (Fendalton) for Miss Joyce Gibson's wedding this ivrrl;.

.Miss Flsi'' Morrah is leaving tomoriow en route for Svdncv and Enclan:l. Mr and Mrs G. C. Roger (I)unediu), Mi and Mrs Wakefield i Wakefield, Ma«, 1"..5. A.i, Miss G. M. Boydcll (Sviinev) are staving at 'he Rovnl Hotel. '

Mrs A. Mnckay (Blenheim', Dr. mid Mrs C. S. Murray (Dunedin). and Br. and Mrs Latham (.Sydney) are staying at the Clarendon Hotel.

Mr and Mrs Sydney Smith ( Kngland '. Mr and Mrs G. <>aig (Sydney'). Mr and Mr? and Miss D. Flufchings (London >, Pr. and Mrs A. S. Brewis (Hamilton) are among the guests at the United Service Hotel.

Mrs Askew (Nelson Miss K. Richmond (Nelson), Professor and Mrs Windever (Sydney). Dr. and Mrs G. Sheahnn and Mr ,T. P. Shcnhan (Mel bourne), Mr and Mrs T. Heslop and Pr. and Mrs K. MacCormick (Auckland) arc among the guests at Warner's Hotel.

Pr. and Mrs Pavid McMillan have re turned to Darfield after spending a ho",i day at Gore Bay, Cheviot.

Pr. Joan Williams, who has been acting as locum tenens for Pr. McMillan at Darfield, has returned to the south.

A very successful and enjoyable dance was held at Dixieland on Saturday night, when L. Marston's Orchestra supplied spirited music for a large number of guests. At lier beautiful home in Fendalton, M iss Betty Overton gave a charming party in honour of Miss Joyce Gibson, who is to bo married this week. Kadi guest brought for the bride-elect cither a dainty pair of shoe-trees or a pretty coat-hanger to serve as a reminder of her many friends in 'Christchurch after sho has gone to her new home in the south. The guests were : Hisses Joyce and Barbara Gibson, Fay and .Nancy Gibson, Mrs Peter Hall, Misses Lottie Williams (Dunedin), Betty and Mollie Black, Adrienne Acland, Mcta Nixon, Joan Maling. Peggv Norton, Jean Newton, Ruth Wynn Williams. Isabel Turrell, Elizabeth Harris, Alice Pascce. and Margaret Stevenson. A meeting of ladies interested in the work and progress of St. George's Hospital in Christchurch was held at the vicar.ige, Prebbleton, on Friday afternoon, when the Rev. H. Jones introduced to thoso present the Rev. Mother of the Order of St. Elizabeth, and Canon Wilford, botli of whom spoke at some lengtii upon the work which they .hoped to do. An appeal for practical 'assistance was made, and it was decided to have a Prebbleton produce stall at the St. George's market nest October. A committee to work for this ptril duiing the intervening months was formed, the members being Mosdamcs FT. Jones. IT. Cherry, H. To-.1. G. Walker. .J. Harton, L. ( Owen, J. McNally. H. Prebble, and Miss Carpenter. Afternoon lea was served, and the speakers wore thanked for their addresses.

LATE LADY WARD. THE FUNERAL. (PRSSS ASSOCIATION TKLTORAI!.) INVERCARGILL, February J2. The burial of Lady Ward took plate at tho Bluff this afternoon in the presence of tho largest and most representative gathering that lias assembled under such circumstances in Southland. It included representatives of the Government and of all local bodies. The Boy Scouts formed a guard of honour at the station, whence the cortege left after the arrival of tho train from Invcrcargill. Girl Guides also paraded, each Scout and Guide carrying a wreath from tho station to the cemetery. Tho chief mourners were: Sir Joseph Ward and Mr and Mrs Cyril Ward, Mr and Mrs Gladstone Ward, Mr Pat Ward, Sir Francis and Lady Boys, Mr and Mrs B. B. Wood (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs C. A. Tipping (Bluff), Mr Walter Henderson and Mrs Henderson (Invercargill). Telegrams and cablegrams have continued pouring in during the past fow days, including messages from all.part 3 of tho world, even from China. The number exceeds 2000, nnd upwards of 100 beautiful floral tributes have been received.

TROTTING MEETING AT ADDINGTON. Wonderful weather prevailed on Saturday for the Metropolitan Trotting Club's Meeting at Addington, where the appearance of the crowd was gladdened by the gay colours of the women's pretty summer dresses, brightly patterned voiles and crepe do chines being particularly attractive, while becoming and shady crinoline hats gavo an added note of festivity. The racing was good, with some really exciting finishes, but even those on whose betting transactions Fortune failed to smile had,the satisfaction of knowing that ther were deriving benefit from the violet rays of the sun, which shone benignly on the lucky and unlucky alike. Amonest the ladies present wero Mrs J. IT. Williams, Mrs C. 51. Ollivier, Sirs Frank Graham, Mrs W. Hayward, Mrs C. Piper, Mrs A. Smith, Mrs R. M. Morten, Hire Harrison, Miss Nancarrow. Mrs George Clarkson. MrsBruce Norton. Mrs H. Harley, Mrs W. llevington, Mrs L. V. Comerford, Mrs A. McKillop, Mrs Peter Wilson, Mrs Herbert P. La wry, Mrs H. Y. Widdotfson, Mrs Henry Harris, Mrs A. H. Rotlipnberg, Mrs Davidson, Mrs J. Macintyre, Mrs J. B. Catherwood, Mrs Ryan (Riccarton), Mrs J. O. Lord, Mrs -T. Dwver, Mrs A. C. Nottingham, Mrs Ramsay (Rangiora). Mies Lynskey, Mrs F. J. Murray, Mrs Erasmusscn, Mrs J. Martin, Sirs J. Kinley, Mrs Lindsay Russell, Mrs A. McClatchie, Mr* Watts Ryan, Mrs Crozier, Mrs P. 11. Hume, Mrs L. Matson. Mrs Fran!; Wade, Mrs Tosswill, Miss Farrow. Mis? Hurse, Mrs E. 0. McOullough. .Mrs I'. Burke, Mrs A. Heaps, Mrs Ostler. Mrs J. R. Delahunty, Mrs Phipps-Blnck. Mrs G. Coupcr. Mrs W. G. Ives, Mrs McOwen, Mrs Thornhill Cooper. Mr* J. Hasolden (New Plymouth!. MiWs Peger Norton, Aroha Clifford, Xuti. M. MeCulloiich, Mercia Barrett, Eileen Harker 'Melbourne), Burke, Havward, Pengeliy, and Cohen.

HEATING WATER. —_# THE EASIEST WAY. During, the summer months, when the heat is oppressive and the air is thick with dust particles, how refreshing it is to jump into a nice hot bath, rhat "tired ' feeling vanishes like magic, and your whole system feels Ijenefited. Sea bathing is all very well, but a hot bath at least once aweek is essential to the health, so medical men tell us. The easiest, most convenient, and cheapest way to obtain this is by means of an Electric Heater. Just press a switch and hot water is yours in any quantity for the small cost of about one-third of a pennv per hour. These heaters are real laboursavers. and no home should be withoutone. They are obtainable from the Municipal Electricity Department, or from any other Electrical Contractor. —7

THE LATE MRS BURNS. THF. FUNERAL. The funeral of the late Mrs Burn?, wife of Mr Ales. M. Burns, manager of the • Christchurch Tress Company, took flare on Saturday, the cortege leaving her late residence in Manchester street, at 12..10 for the Bromley cemetery. A short service was conducted in thr house by the Rev. L. D. Webster, who also officiated at the graveside.

The chief mourners were: Messrs A. M. Burns and his two sons, Mr M. J. Bums and Master Graeme Burns, his father. Mr Burns (sen.), of Wellington, his brother-in-law, Mr John Brown, of Wellington, and his thrpf brother.*, Messrs Andrew Burns 'Wellington), John Burns (rctonc), and Xelsor. Burns (Wellington). The pall-bearrrs were: Messrs M. f\ Kcane. A. Cant. A. M. Hester, ft. Clifford, S. I/. Partridge, and A. 11. Shanks.

Though the funeral was priv::ie. an unusually large number of beautiful wreaths bore eloquent testimony to the nffectionatc esteem In which the late Mrs Burns was held by tlie community, and of til.; deep sympathy frit for her husband and family, in nil parts of the Dominion. Those who sent ureal;;* were:

Mr and Mrs George Uhoiios, Mr and Mrs C. L. Hart, Mrs V.', .1. Wratt, Mrs Drury, lliffc Lawrence, Miss F. Macbean Stewart, Mr and Mrs J. P. Lawrence, Mr and Mrs A. B. Lane, Dr. and MrsT. Mill, Mr and Mrs A. G. Henderson, Mr and Mrs E. do C. Prury, Mr and Mrs .T. J>. GifTord, Mr anil Mrs F. ('. Cother, Mr and Mrs R. V. White, Mr Arthur ! Cant, Mrs Maubean Stciviirt and family, Mrs and ATiss I lord man, .Marv and Xonio Enright, Mr and Mrs William Simm (Wellington), Mr anil Mrs .T. R. Olliver, Mr aijd Mrs W. H. Atack (Wellington), Mr and Mrs It. A. Home, Mr and Airs C. C. Davis, Mr J. A. Jewell, Mrs D. M. Harper, Mr and Mi£ Oliver Puff, Mr and Mrs Alf. Dickson, Mr and Mrs W. P. Tracy, Mr and Mrs George Weston, Mr and Mrs F. Howell, Mr and Mrs S. Hassell, Mr and Mrs Geoffrey Harper, Mrs W. Wilding (Theatre Royal), Mr and Mrs J. M. McLean (Wellington), Mr and Mrs M. C. Keanc, Sister McClatchic, Mr G. C. Codlin (Auckland), Mr and Mrs S. L. Partridge and family, Mr and Mrs J. M. A. Ilott (Wellington), Mr and Mrs C. 8. Thomas, Mr and Mrs V. J. Byrne (Waipukurau), Mr Claude Haigh, Mr and Mrs Cook, Mr and Mrs W. E. Perry, Mr and Mrs Andrew Bums, Dr. and Mrs E. Douglas Pullon, Mr and Mrs A. J. Benzie, Mr J. E. Henrys (Wellington), Mr L. N. Scholfield, Mr and Mrs P. R. Climie, Mr and Mrs Keith Hadfield, Mr Harrv Waters, Mr and Mrs C. R. Kivcr, Mr J. D. Mitchell (Wellington), Mr and Mrs G. J. Birch (Kapuka), Mr and Mrs Fred Wilson (Auckland), Mr and Mrs John Montgomery, Mr and Mrs L. A. Ablett (Hawcra), Mr C. S. Tindall (Auckland), Mr and Mrs A. F. Wilson ("Katja" Co.), Mr aud Mrs M. B. Esson (Wellington), Mr and Mrs W. P. Guiney, Mr and Mrs Percy Bond (Hawcra), Mr A. H. Shanks, Mr and Mrs Arthur Rose, Mrs J. R. Evans, Mr and Mrs W. H. Price and Jack, Mr N. H. Skinner, Mr W„ C. Cargill (Morrinsvillc), Mrs A. J. McCrcdie and Dulcie and Phyllis, Mrs 11. R. T. Spanjcr, Mies Jessio King, Mr and Mrs 0. E. Jones, Jack Lawrence, Mr R. H. Parton (Sydney), The Board of Directors. Christchurch Press Company, Limited, the Factory staff Christchurch PrcHS Co., Ltd., The Advertising staff Christchurch Press Co., Ltd., tho Engineering Department Christchurch Press Co., Ltd., the editorial staff "Weekly Press and Referee," tho Literary staff of The Press, tho Commercial Department Christchurch Press Co., Ltd., the Reading Btaff Christchurch Press Co., Ltd., The Press Chapel, the Directors and staff of the Suu Newspapers, Ltd., the Directors of the Lyttelton Times Co., Ltd., the staff of the Lyttelton Times Co., Ltd., Literary staff Lyttelton Times and Star, tho New Zealand Master Printers' Federation, Wimbles, Ltd. (Sydney), Storer, Meek, and Co. (Wellington)", Lithograph and •Process Departments Christchurch Press Co., Ltd., tho Literary staff of the " the Brethren Pacific Lodge, No. 137 (Wellington), tho President and members of tho Canterbury Employers' Association, members of tho Christchurch Savage Club, the Katja Company (J. C. Williamson, Ltd.), Middows Bros., and Taylor (Wellington), tho Directors of tho "New Zealand Herald," Messrs Wilson and Horton Ltd. (Auckland), tho President and members of the United Commercial Travellers' and Warehousemen'i Association, of New Zealand.

) - VALEDICTORY. 8 ' Signor Antonio Notariello, who for , tho past four years has been teacliiug * singing in Christchurch, and who is leaving to-morrow night en route for ! Italy, was the guest of honour at a • farewell party given in the Winter ! Garden on Saturday night by his . pupils and friends. The memhers of tho social comroit- ' tee—Misses Gladv Lorimer, G. Mere-dith-Kayo, U. Wilkinson, Dr. J. C. . Pairman. Mr A. L. Cropp, and Mr Hugh Hobbs, who, as honorary secretary. was unquestionably the right man in the rigbt place —had made splendid arrangements for tho gathering, and a very pleasant timo was spent liy the guests. During supper, Dr. Pairman, on behalf of Signor Notariello's pupils, presented him with a handsome initialled Kaiapoi rug, and Mr A. L. Cropp presented him with a suede covered autograp' book containing the signatures of his pupils. An excellent musical programme was I greatk enjoyed. Miss Lorimer sang ! "Caro Nome" and "I've Been Roaming," and Miss Grace Wilkinson contributed "O, Could I but Expross in Song'"' (Malashkin) and "Eventide" (Mallinson). Dr. Pairman sang with fine effect "Xcmico Delia Patria" j (Andrea Chenier) and "I Blame Thee i Not" (Schuman), and with Signor Nnta- ! rielb sang fro dixts. the first from i Apt 1 La Boheme (Puccini), and in 1 resnonso to an emphatic encore, an I excerpt from "The Pearl Fishers" ] (Bizet). The guest of honour sang dc- | '.ightfully, and was generous in his re- j sponse to encores, llis numbers in- j eluded "Che _ Gelida Manina" (La J Bohcmc) (Puccini'. "La Kerenata" fl'". i Pavlo TcstH. "A Vwrccliolia" 'F. Pavhi Tosti). "The Star" (.Tames Rogers), 1 "I.e Soi - /' (A. do Lamartitwi, "U : Primavera" (P. A. Tirindelli), j | TVir. Tu M'ami" (Fraincesco Qnar- , antav "Luna I>' Estate" (Stornello). ! ( Mies Pollard was accompanist. The gue«ts included Dr. and Mrs ; Pairman. Mr arid Mrs Hugh Hobbs, j Sir and Mrs A. I/. Cropp, Mr and Mrs i 11. A. Horiic. Mrs James Hight and : Miss Doreen Hieht. Dr. and Mrs Man- ; ning and the Misses Manning (!'). Sirs j Ernest Empson. Mr and Mrs D. E. 1 Wood. Mr and Mrs Wray Wilson. Mrs j Alfred J. Huns. Mr and Mrs A. Lori- ! tncr. Mr and Mrs A. C. Kain. Mr and ; Mrs A, S. N'ieholls, I>r. and Mrs A. B. O'Brien, Mr and Mrs Ralph Sierakowski. Mrs Percy Thompson, Mrs Eokfnrd. Miss Prettijnhns. Miss Dorothy Eibv. Mi<s Bessie Pollard. Mr and Mrs Richard McLaren. Mrs D. J. Shea. Mrs Walter Woodward. Mrs Sweetland. Mrs j John Renrv. Mr and Mrs Wilfred Owen. Mrs Anjnis Donaldson and Miw Edna Donaldson. Miss Helen Macmillan Brown, Missea Meredith-Kays,

Gladys Lorimer, A)ic« Carter, Mor--kane (2), Irene Thompson, Nutfc (2), Monica Petre, Connelly, Dr. Cecil Mo>--kane. Dr. C. F. Morkane, Mr Leslio Fleming, Mr L. H. Booth, aud Mr G. A. G. Connnl. Miss Madeline Vyner I-ott Christch'irch on Saturday lor Wellington, where she intends to liyo in future and to establish herself as a teacher of dancing. Her partner. Miss Iris Montgomery, will remain here in charge of the Christdiurch studio.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18925, 14 February 1927, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18925, 14 February 1927, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18925, 14 February 1927, Page 2