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_<► WELCOME TO VISITING CREWS. CIVIC RECEPTION. The local and visiting crews who will compete in the Zanders Cup contest, which will commence at Lyttoltou today, were last night tendered a civic reception in the City Council Chambers in the presence oi a largo attendance. In the absence of the Mayor '.Mr J. K. Archer) and the DeputyMayor iCr. C. I'. Agar\ Cr. D. 0. Sullivan welcomed the yachtsmen. He "■as afraid, he *aid, that the pxoplo ol Christchurcli had not shown tne interest in the contest that they should, but he thought tlmt when they saw the first race they would rise to the occasion as tho people in other centres had done. The ladies ought to take an interest iu . .e contest owiuc to the number of leminine names represented among the competing vessels. There was every reason why a country like New Zealand should take an interest in yachting, and it seemed natural that a great proportion of its population would ultimately find its. avocation on the .-en. He paid a tribute to the memory |>t the late Lt.-Commander ►Sanders, Y.C. r D.5.0., alter whom the cup bad been named. He hoped that the con-t.-t would be won by the best skipper and crew and the best craft, regardless oi where they hailed from, and ho trusted that the visiting crews would enjoy their sojourn in Christchurcli and Lyttelton.

M r J. J. Dougall, president of the Canterbury branch of the Navy League, said that the apparent apathy of the citizens of Christchurch, so far as the Sanders Cup contest was concerned, was no doubt due to the fact that the Citv «as not a port, like other places in t'.io Dominion, nnd consequently few of its population had been gircn the opportunity of seeing a yacht race." Ho thought ho would be safe in prophesying that after the contest the Christchurch people would be as enthusiastic as those ot other centres about yaehtMr A. B. Johnson, president of the Auckland Yachting Association, in responding, said that the reason somo of the competing yachts wore named after ladies was that a boat was tho most graceful thing created by man, nnd a womnn the most graceful creation of God. In visiting tho rooms of the skippers of the various crews that afternoon, he had noticed that, with the exception of the Auckland skipper, nil of them had little boxes with them which were of a sixe just to fit the cup. He wns afraid that when the time came for the Auckland crew to leave for home thev would bare to borrow such a box. (Laughter.) He congratulated Canterbury on- its win last venr. a win, he could assure those present, which wns a popular one. The winnine of the cup mattered little: what dV matter was the spirit in whiqh the races were contested. , » The crews afterwords left by motor for Lyttelton. where they.were accorded another reception.

AT OTTELTON. ' OPEN-AIR CEREMONY. It was intfended to hold the civic reocption at Lyttelton in the Council Chambers. However, so great was the .gathering of residents and yachtsmen, that tho reception had to bo hastily arranged outside tho Chambers, at the corner of tho street.' Whilo waiting for the arrival of the visitors from ffie civic reception at Christabnrch?. the Lyttelton Marine. Band played selections. ■. ....... The Mayor (Mr F. E. Sutton) welcomed the visitors, and dutlincd the history of tho Sanders' Cup and ' the Cornwell Cup. On behalf of tho visi- f tors, Mr J. B. Johnston, president of tho Auckland Yacht and Motor Boat Association, thanked the citizens ' of Lyttelton for their welcome.

To-day •» Programme. High water at Lyttelton, .12,44 p.m.; 2.15 p.m.—First Sanders Cup Race, 2.45 p.m.—First race for Cornwell Cop. The first race will start at 2.15 p.m. to-day, the second race at 2.15 y>.m. on Monday, the third race at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, and the fourth race nt 2.15 p.m. on Tuesday. WELLINGTON CREW ARRIVES. The Sanders Cup contestants ' were completed yesterday morning by the arrival at Lyttelton of the Wellington crews, with their representative, Peggy. The Sanders Cup crew is as follows: A. Sterling (skipper), F. Harlcn (forward hand), X. Itountree, B. Rountree, and R. Berg. The Cornwell Cup crow is: F. Hnrlen and J. O'Brien. The Hawke's Bay Cornwell boys, T. Gillies and M. Hutchinson, also arrived.

BETTY ARRIVES. Betty, the holder of the Cup, has arrived at Lyttelton and is looking fine. She is highly polished, and many hours of painstaking work liave evidently been expended upon her. With Betty arrived also a beautiful new Takapuna punt, Gad Fly, built by Mr George Andrews for I. Treleaycn, of the Christchurch Sailing and Power Boat Club. She will be used in the Cornwell Cup contest. PREVIOUS WINNERS. Previous holders of the Sanders Memorial Cup are as follows: — J921, at Auckland, Heather (Otago). 1922, at Duncdin, Desert Cold (Auckland). 1023, at. Auckland, Bona (Auckland). 1924, at Wellington, Rona (.Auckland). 192", at Auckland, loua (Otago,. 1926. at Duncdin. Betty ('Canterbury'.. CONFERENCE MEETS.

The annua! meeting of >hr Zanders Cup Conference wa« held i:i the t'ouncii Chambers, al I.yttelton. Inst evening. Tlie following delegate "ere \m sent:—Messrs J. T. I'aul an J A. E. Davys (Otago). J. B. Johnston ainl W. A. Wilkinson (Auckland), C. Hansen and A. B. Moffett (Southland'). L. A. Turvillc and X. Gillies (Hawke's Bay-, .1. Moffatt and G. Groves (Wellington;. Officials were appointed as follows: Chairman, Mr W. T. Lester: judges, Messrs E. A. Davys. J. Moffatt. W. T. Lester; secretary, Mr J. D. MrColl; measurers, Messrs J. B. Johnston, E. A. Daws, and Magnus Smith; starter and time-keeper, Mr W. A. Wilkinson (Auckland). It was decided that the first race he held this afternoon, commencing at 2.15 over a wind ward and leeward course. A remit from the Otago Association, that future contests be decided on the points system, was discussed. . Mr J.*T. Paul spoke in favour of t-tic points-system, »s tending to increase interest in the contort. Mr A. B. Moffett spoke against the proposal, and

] .will it- would b<« powrble for * boat j to win tho Cup without securing a first . place.

Mr A. B. Moffctt (Southland) opposrd the remit. Ho said that the contest had always liccn run satisfactorily. It was finally decided that tho present system be adhered to, with tho exeep rion (hat four eliminating races b.» iir.'d instead of three.

A lengthy disenssion on a remit from the Wellington Association, that all fn ttiro contests !><• confined to Rona typ«> boats, ensued. Mr N. Gillies (Howke'« Hay) moved that the remit bo adoptc;!. Tho motion was opposed by Messrs Paul and Paws < Otago >. and Moffetr (South land', and supported by the chairman. .Mr .1. 1!. .lohnston (.Auckland). Tho motion was lost.

THE PROSPECTS. HETTY, THE CANTERBURY FAVOURITE. The sol.- topic of conversation in port at presni! is the prospects for the Sanders Cup contest. Of course, Betty. the Canterbury representative, is first favourite. She made a wonderful dhowiug in the trials, and the, Canterbury crew arc very confident. Whether it is due to the masterly work of the builder and skipper, Mr George Andrews, or his wizardry in handling bis beautiful craft, probably to a combination of both, Betty so far has more than held her own with any boat against which sho has sailed. Of the other contestants, Murihiku's chances are most favoured by local yachting men, and a wiu for Southland would be very popular. The genial <rcw from Stewart Island have been hard triers since they first entered the race with the old Murihiku at Duttedin in 19'2'2. in that year Southland Won two races, as did Desert Gold and Heather. The deciding raeo wai won by the Auckland boat. Murihiku qualified for the finals at Auckland in 1923, and again at Wellington in 1024,. and ' at Auckland in 1925. Last year at Duncdin Murihiku failed for tho first tlmo to get in the Duals, tho boat being completely outclassed by tho two beautiful models, Avalon nnd Betty, produced by . Auckland and Canterbury respectively. At the conclusion of tho Dunedin eontest Mr A. B. Moffett immediately plated an order with Mr Chat: Bailey, of Auckland, for a now boat, to be built to tho Rona plans,'expense not to be considered. Tho result of tbat order is tho beautiful Murihiku .tho Second, which yachting experts proclaim,at one of the finest models of a fourteen footer , ever turned out of a New Zealand ship- » yard, '.,■■. .• • • . ■ .','/..'• In a light wind, however, there la unquestionably, nothing to toueb. the American designed Winifred,.'Otago's challenger for the Cup. Winifred has probably more wins to In «lnb 'rallies and regattas than any other boat of her site in New Zealand. tha 'chntaipion light-weather' boat of Otago Harbour, and she proved her sailing qualities iu the Uavonsbourite Regatta held at Dunedin immediately after the last Sanders Cup contest, by heating Betty by fourteen minutes. Winifred represented Otago in tbe JU23 contest at Auckland, when she qui lined, for tho finals. The boat .was built ;tb the order of Mr 0. Speight, of Dnhcdin, who subsequently banded I to her present owner and skipper, «;& Kelictt. .-. ... .-.'. .

. [a another beautiful example et the ship-builder's att. She is alio from the yards of Mr Chas. BoUcy, Auckland. She made her first'appearance .as Aucp' . land's representative, at Dunedln list year, where sir* created ntmwMfnlttt,' able hnpWsiori jrithjfitr Iriattttfallinef. Sho .wop. "two ; faces in that oeejJßtoh. Subsequently her owner, Mr P» CL Qloke, ttas transferred»tb Btyrka'aVßityJUid ho handed Avalon 'ovnt to thlflfojior ' Sailing Club.'. ThaHafrka '*&?&**** most keen and Avalon's efcaaew «• considered "brigUV: ■ r •>!' Hona,kno>n throughout tika gonUnion as Auckland'a champion l««)|»i has an outstanding, word. She had a decisive victory lnrtha MM contestat Auckland, arid again at Wellington tha ( following year. In 1925 Bona -wti auperacded by Queen March. Boa* hta won moro club raeea at Auckland than any other boat of her ei». Peesy. on© of the unrestricted «•»> i, Wellington'« J2» bunt k in 1922. She is rwWgnftea Uv * W* weather boat and ha» repreaentad her province on two previous oceajona, at Wellington in 1923, and at Btinadin tt 1925.

CORN wifci' ; Ctl' annual CONFEBENCB. 77~.t <■ The was held »k"'-tjtfcUoir . jrtUfW; afternoon. .Hie following delegates were —Messrs O. Moller (Auckltnd), N. 011li„ (Kapier),'JW. T. Lester (Lyttelton), (Christchurch), A. B- Cttjlr Moon Bay). Mr 0. Moller was ,fwm to TJw°chafrman congratulated l K e - d jJ®' galea on the progress mado to ■U» Takapuna Class. It was «ratifyiujr to find that thu jear thero were Bweh ports ia»»ppntest. The Sanders Cup cont«W:Would undoubtedly benefit later, as a rwult of tlio interest of tho boys m tha contest for tlio Tnkapuua Class, u? relieved in looking afteir the letting tlio seniors look afterj.tlieinselves. The thanks oMh® |»nfM<*ico wcro due to Mr A. K. Smith for J>reliniinan' organising v.-ork in connexion with the present contest. Officers were elected as follows.— Chairman, Mr 0. Roller: Mr A. K. Smith; "idee, Mr W. Rid<loll; starter and timekeeper, Mr tt. Toamey. The delegates were appointed a sailing committee. , . Hie sccretarv reported that in accorunnco with the rules of the conteence In- had issued notices to each of tn« (cut)* ■'< that the conference would iiiP»t L'J hours prior to the first race. Puiicdiu had replied that their dele--ntes would not arrive until last night and stiasested that the meeting should he held this morning. . ft was decided to proceed wrtli f tho iiK"tiiiß in accordance with theindea. It was agreed that the conference «lwnld c iiitrol the Cornwell Cup.'cfettte«t, and that the first race should be lu!d this afternoon at 2.30 plm.. '11,.. meeting decided unanimously that in the event of any member af a ('oniwell Cun crew being required to nitik'j up a Sanders Cup crew, substitutes should be allowed in the Cornwell Cup crews. The chairman .reminded delegates that crews must weich 17st or over. If «iece«i»ary the weight roiisfcho'tnad© up witli wood ballast, hut ithia. total weight in that case roust not exceod l" s ». ■ , • The two courses, a triangulir and n windward and l£ew*rd one. ppeparwl liv the Harbourmaster, Captain T. Hunter, were approved of. The draw for boats, for .tha first race resulted a* .follows:—Auckland, Wee Mar; Christ church, Wit"-#; Iffttek tnn; Winsome: Napier. Comet s'-JWli* ; rdin, fiea Pte»rl ;• Half 1 Moon Bay, W® , Flv: Wellington,' Kai-Iwi; sparrWM* ' •n-o.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18924, 12 February 1927, Page 15

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SANDERS CUP. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18924, 12 February 1927, Page 15

SANDERS CUP. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18924, 12 February 1927, Page 15