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The Lady Editor «U1 b« pleased to receive for publication In the "Women'e Corner" Item* of social or personal news. Such Item* •hould be (all; authenticated, and engagenent notices oust bear tne signatures of both parties. Correspondence is Intited on any matters affecting* or of interest to, women. f Miss Montgomery Moore (Wanganui) ' L; the <;ucst of Airs John Montgomery, j "Holmbrook," Ifendaltou. Prufei-sor unci Mrs Salmond have returned from a holiday visit to Arthur's Pass. Mr< and Airs C. C. Davis, who been absent from Christchurch for two voara in Australia and Africa, have returned to their home at "Fcrndale, Avonside. Airs S. S. Robinson returns from Wellington and Auckland to-morrow morning. • Miss Al. 0. Stoddart (Cashmcro Hills), who has been visiting Otira, has returned to Christchurch. Miss Cora Wilding ("Fawnhope," Opawa), who has been .sketching at Otira. has now gone to Waiho, South West-land. Hie Alisses Alanifold and Aliss Harvey are leaving next month for a trip to America and Britain. Mr nnd Mrs Brownloe (Havelock), and Aliss E. Chapman (Auckland) arc staying at the Royal Hotel. Mr and Airs Little (Hui Ilui), Alius M. and 11. Little (Hui llui>, Mr and Airs I. W. Stratton (U.S.A.), and Mr and Airs G. Croll (Dunedin) are among the guests at Warner's Hotel. Dr. and Airs Young, Dr. and Airs Eliott, and Miss Eliott are staying at Warner's Hotel. Dr. and Aire Lipscomb, of Sydney, aro among tho guests at Warner's Hotel. Sir Gordon Campbell, Lady Campbell, and Aliss Campbell (England) aro staying at tho United Service Hotel. /Jr. and Airs E. Fcnwick (Wellington) aro staving at tho United Service Hotel. Dr. and Airs D. Stout, of Wellington arrived in Christchurch yesterday and aro among the guests at the United Service Hotel. Dr. and Airs J. Ramsay (Tasmania) are staying at tho United Servico Hotel. Airs E. W. Krichauff and Aliss Krichauff, of South Australia, are staying at tho United Service Hotel. Airs Rankin Brown (Wellington), Aliss Yates (Englatvd), Airs A. M. AlcGovern (Australia), Aliss Barry (Australia), Mr and Airs G. Sheriff and Alisses Sheriff (Dunedin) aro among the gueste at the Clarondott. The engagement is announced of Alaxjne, only daughter of Mr H. H. McGill and the late Mrs McGill, Christchurch, to David Rhoderick, only son of Mr and Airs J. A. Rolls, "Cairn Vale," Hawarden, North Canterbury. The engagement is announced of Nancyo H., racond daughter of Air and Airs E. P. Cerr, Sumner, to Frank T. H.. only son of the lato Air and Mrs F. Bell, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England. Aliss Kathleen Scottcr, who lias been visiting friends at Fernside and Rangiora, returned to Wellington on Tuesday. Guests at the Hotel Federal includo the following:—Air L. Hart (Auckland), Airs D. Brown and Airs Eliott (Gcraldine), Aire and Aliss Hawkins (Wellington), Air and Airs Gemmoll (Wellington). Mr J. Waddell (Wellington), Miss C. Iverach (Dunedin), Aliss C. Shirris (Dunedin), Air C. Twinamo (Auckland), Air R. AlcCallum (Timaru), Mr Sedgwick (Hastings), Mr W. Singleton (Hastings), Mrs AlaeAlillnn (Hastings), Air and Airs Smith (Westport), Miss K. AlcFarlane (Sumner), and Air A. Itonayne (Wellington). The monthly meeting of the Spreydon W.C.T.U. was held on Tuesday, Airs E. Burle.v presiding in the übsenco of Airs Nairn. Votes of sympathy were passed with Airs E. Teshenfeld and Mrs, Sykes in their bereavements, also witn Airs Hall in her illness. It was decided to purchase lor feix months one hundred copies of tho Young People's Supplement for distribution. A collection was taken up for Frances Willard Day. A monster garden fete, in aid of the Lewisham Sisters' Rest House on Cashmere Hills, will be held in the Lewisham Hospital grounds, Bealey avenue, on Friday evening, February 25th, and Saturday afternoon and evening, February 2Cth. There will be a number of well-stocked stalls. Derry's Band will be in attendance, and a baby show will bo included on the programme. The fete will be opened by his Worship the Mayor. Air J. K. Archer. Guests at "View Brae," Hanraer Springs, are:—Air and Airs H. Steel, Airs Routledgc, Air R. Alurray (Dunedin). Airs Tulley (Christchurch), Airs E. Drake (St. Albans), Air R. Russell, Airs Af. J. Rudge and Aliss L. Rudge (Rcdcliffs), Mrs C. Al. Charleson (Beckenliam), Aliss Al. Walker (Waikari), Air nnd Airs F. Tucker and Aliss Joyce Tucker, Aliss C. Bradley, Air F. Blake (Christchurch). Airs and Aliss O'Neill (Central Otago), Air and Airs Connor (Dunedin), Alessrs C. and I. Cooper (Alnsterton), Air and Airs S. Al. Desmond. Air and Airs F. Al.- Thomas. Airs C. Toomer, Air and Airs B. Freeman 'C'ristcliurch). Mr Bedell (Wairoa, R.B.V and Airs Hollander (Christchurch). A half-price Sale is now attracting much attention at "Alinerva" Salon. This is truly a bargain week, where ! choice in Frocks, for afternoon and j evening wear, is limitless. Outsizes a speciality. Ten per cent, off all orders. Casliel street (over Jones, AleCrostie). 'phoiKV 3483. —6 Lire!!! Be vital, magnetic, and successful. Aladame Alwyn's method of Psycho-Physical Culture will make every day a red letter dav. Studio, corner of Alanehestcr and Worcester streets. 'Phono 5157. —6 For this week only: Sale of Oddments in Ladies' Glace Luce and 2-Bar ?boes, also in Coloured Suede, 1-Bar and Lace, to clear (Is 6d. 11. Pannell and ' Co., 105 Alanchestcr street; 'Phone 694. P7214 MOTHER WORRIED. Now that tho holidays are over, mother is once again worried about bow to keep the children In clean dresses for school. "It Is not as easy as one thinks," she says, "but I have beard •o Much about thu cleansing powers of.Varberta Bn»p that I am goiog to give it * trial," Wntrb this psper and see the result.

The ladies in charge of the produce stall at the Lewisham Garden Fete, to be held on the 3oth and 2Gth, inst., are holding a sale of home-made cakes, sivouries. produce, and vegetables, "l the vestibule of Everybody s Iheatre to-morrow morning. Amongst the guests at "St. Elmo" are:—Miss Marie Burke, Miss Marie Eaton, Miss Babette Odeal, Mr Ward, and Mr Barrett-Lcnnard (all of the "Katja" Company), Miss Woolevrav (London), Mr and Mrs Coup-Nicols, Miss Colborne-Veel (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Savwell (Hokitika), Miss Sim (Nelson), Miss Hnddleston (Blenheim), Miss Porter (Wellington), Misses Vickcrv (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Jacobsen (Wellington), Miss Pollett (Sydney), Mr and Mrs Laird and family (Argentine). Miss Anderson (Wellington), Miss Burton (Gcraldine), Mrs Eawson (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Dawson (Wellington), Miss Comerford (Sydney). Air and Mrs Hiatt (Hororata), Mr. Mrs. and Miss Bruce (Wellington), Mr and Mr W. Raymond (Timaru), Mr and Miss Tatterson (Dunedin). Mrs Moscoviteh (London), Mrs C. Miller (Gcraldine), Mrs Xat Madison (London), Mr and Mrs Goodchild (Sydney). On Wednesday afternoon the Rev. Mother Elizabeth of the Order of St. Elizabeth, addressed a well-attended meeting of lady members of St. Bartholomew's Church, Kaiapoi, in the cliurch schoolroom. Tire speaker was listened to with considerable interest, and dealt with the aims and objects of St. George's Hospital, at present in course of erection. Canon Wilford also addressed the meeting. W.C.T.U. The Christchurch branch of the W.C.T.U. was held at the Union's rooms on Wednesday. Miss Henderson presided over a splendid attendance. Congratulations were offered to three members who had been appointed Justices of tho I'eaec. I'lio balance-sheet was read and deemed moved and seconded that Mrs Suckling be the Union's delegate at the forthcoming W.C.T.U. Dominion Conference, to be held at Auckland nest month. It was decided that the syllabu3 for tho year be drawn up for the use of members. Miss Black well was chosen for superintendent for the Bible in Schools. .Airs Israelson presented some books to tho Branch Library. Members were reminded that the second meeting this month will be observed on Frances Willard Day. Tho North Canterbury District W.C.T.U. Executive was held on WedVtPsday, February, in the W.C/l.JJlooms, 217 Manchester ttrect. Mrs T. K. Taylor (president) presided over representatives from Belfast, Christchurch, Kaiapoi, ltangiora, Sprcydon, New Brighton, Opawa, South Brighton, North Brighton, Sydenham, Kiccarton, Templeton, and Styx. Apologies for absence were received from Lyttclton, Sefton, and Springston-Lincoln. Sympathy was expressed with Mrs Stewart in her illness, and the secretary was asked to write to the relatives ot the late 51 rs Horton. Miss Henderson, in tho name of the executive, congratulated Mrs Taylor on her appointment as Justice of the Peace. Miss Harband also proposed that a letter of congratulation be font to Mrs McCombs on her appointment. A letter was read from Miss Anna Gordon, the world's president, testifying to tho great success of Prohibition in America. In the recent election, with the exception of Montana, nil the States had again confirmed their vote in its favour. A number of Unions reported that meetings had been held and work commenced for the year. Now Brighton reported a new Union formed at South Brighton. The president (Mrs Weaver) was welcomed, also Mrs Clarke and Miss Closs as new officers of the Templeton Branch. A number of remits from the National Council of Women were read, discussed, and passed for the further consideration of the National Council. During the morning tho Hon. L. M. Isitt gave a brief outlino of tho Religious Exorcises Bill and the reasons of its defeat last session, also pointing out the great danger of children being brought up without any religious training. Tlie majority of parents were in favour of the Bill, 81 per cent, voting for it in Otago when a plebiscite was taken. Sir Isitt was thanked for his address, tho Unions promising their help and co-operation in every way possible. Miss Harband was appointed to represent tho North Canterbury District at tho annuat contention at Auckland in March. Should she Iks tillable to attend, Miss Lovell-Smiih, MissGordon, or Mrs Richards was appointed. PRIVATE DANCE. . On Wednesday evening at her home on Cashmere Hills. Miss Rona Faville was hostess at a delightful little dance. The room was beautifully decorated with gladioli and sweet peas and the music was supplied by Mr L. Mars ton. Miss Faville'a dainty frock was of cyclamen georgete trimmed with frills of taffetas of the same shade. Those present were: Mr and Mrs T. O. Faville, Mrs W. A. Scott, Mr and Mrs F. I. Scott (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs H. B. Duckworth, Mr and Airs Allan Satterthwaite, Mr and Mrs Buller Jocobi (Auckland), Mr and Airs Lance Jewell, Aliases Tui Barnett, Jill Carrick, Pessy Hollander, Eve Lynsky, Phyllis Hamilton, Doris Lowry, May Grover (Wellington), Jessie Slocombe, Dorothy Blunt, and Tilly Patrick; Aleesrs A. P. Taylor, C. Collins, R. Wilson, J. A. B. Carrick, Alax Whatman, Thco Turner. Lester Newton. D. Wilson, R. Rigfjy, E. C. Satcliell, L. Cooper, and Blunt. j PHILLIPSTOWN KINDERGARTEN. The committee of the Phillipstown Free Kindergarten met at the school last Tuesday. Airs T. E. Taylor presided. There were, present:—Mcedames Griffiths, Williams, Leaver, Wyatt, Yates, Arnold, Dunbier, Misses Gordon and Thomas. An apology was received from Mrs J. A. Empsom. A report of the school children's very successful picnic held on December lltli, was read, also a report from the Parents' Committee re the putting in of the electric light. Mrs J, A. Empsom wrote regretting that she would not be able to continue any longer as honorary secretary, which position she has filled for three years. Her resignation was received with great regret. It was moved and seconded that she be asked to continue on the committee if possible as a vice-president. It was decided to hold the annual meeting on tho last Tuesday in Fehruarv. Aliss Scott reported that school subscriptions this month amounted to £1 12s 9d, and that Miss Labatt had not returned, but Mi«« Donaldson had taken her place, and Miss Adkins was giving her services for six month*.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18923, 11 February 1927, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18923, 11 February 1927, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18923, 11 February 1927, Page 2