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TURF GOSSIP. Nominations for the Woodville Di«trict Jockey Club's Autumn Meeting close to-day. Acceptances for tiif Wanganui J.C'.'j Autumn Meeting fall due to-day. Acceptances for the Wnngnnui Jorkey Club's Autumn Meeting, ami the Tolaga Buy Jockey Club's Annual Mo-.ting cioso to-day. The Canterbury Jockey Club lias rereived a satisfactory list uf nominations for its Summer Meeting, to be held on Saturday, February I'Jth. The Hornby Handicap lias drawn only seven nominations, as against fourteen Inst year, but for tho other events the figures are very encouraging, tho numbers being as follows, with those for last year shown in parentheses:—Trial Handicap I." (18); Midsummer Handicap II (9); Lyttelton Handicap 14 (12); Craven Plato 15 (11); Haiswcll Handicap 22 (12); Post Handicap 14 (M), the total being 98, as against 100 last year. Ricrarton stables provide most of tho competitors, hut there is a fair representation of horses from otliei; centres. The Middle Park I'late provides tlie material for a hlgh-eliißS contest, six different owners being represented. Agrion is the best of tho two-year-olds engaged, hut Silver Coot and Ark Royal have shown useful form, and Papcrcliasc is a smart threc-ycar-old. At the conclusion of I lie Dunedin C'up yesterday, J. Bcalc, rider of Rapier, lodged a complaint against F. C. Porter, rider of Count Cavour, for crossing at tho five furlongs post, as a result of which Rapier nearly fell and Bcalc was thrown from the saddle. Aftc hearing the evidence of F. E. Jonc?, A. E. Didliam, F. C. Porter, and J. Beale, the Judicial Committee decided that no action was necessary, it being their opinion that Beale's account of the incident was not supported by the evidence. Radiac developed lameness on Wednesday at Wingatui due, it is thought to injuring a tendon on tho track. Ho was, however, started in tho hurdlo raco yesterday, but ho showed signs of the trouble before going to the post. Ho made tho enrly pace in tho event but gradually fell back, and was a good way from tho placed horses at the finish. Radnio was very soro after tho race, and will not bo produced to-morrow. The mishap to Rapier in tho Dunedin Cup yestefday robbed tho raco of a largo amount of interest, as at tho time ho was going very strongly, and his tider was about to act off after tho leader Vaward. It is probable that ho was galloped on, as ho showed marks on ono of his hind legs when brought in. Bcalo was thrown clear, and he returned to tho cnclosuro apparently uninjured, but after riding Silver Coot in tho folldfring event ho suffered pain In the foot, which was injured at tho last Banks Peninsula Meeting, and medical examination rovcaled a fractured ankle. Ho was, thereupon, compelled to forego his mount on Gold Mint in tho Berwick Handicap, and on Ohickwheat in tho coneluding race. Ho was admitted to tho Duqedin Hospital for treatment. Rapjcr's injury was not sovcre, and should not affect him in to-morrow s engagement. Mr O. 0. Dalgcty, owner of Footfall, ' was presont at Vfingatui yesterday to leo his consistent performer annex the Cup honours, and had tho pleasuro of receiving tho handsomo Gold Cup attached to the raco from tho ptesident, Mr A. C. Hanlon. At tho Taranaki Meeting yesterday P. Towler was severely injured when Take Tako crashed through tho fonco at the bottom of tho straight tho fifst timo round in tlx© Wnitara Hurdle*. I%* horse's hind feet caught tho rolling jockey on the head, inflicting serious injuries. Towler was at onco conveyed to hospital in nn unconscious condition. His condition is serious. ■ Sayonara registered a good performance yesterday by finishing close up to thi 'placed division m the Autumn llurdle Rncc. He looked on tho bitf cicte as a result of his enforced spell during the past few months, and tho mm should do him nn immense amount ofjgpod. Bonomel, who had been recording exceptionally good track work prior to the Dunedin Meeting, looked like play- \ ing an important part in tho hurdlo rfctt yesterday and was in a good posi- . tiott approaching tho last fence, but hO failed to respond to tho rider's effort in the run home and only gained third money, after being ridden hard. It ia evident that tho Uoniform gelding is a moody performer, but if he ahould on some occasion take it into his head to give of his best, ho cannot fail to securo a winning bracket. ' Ma Mai. a three-year-old filly owned by Mr J. 8. Barrett, was given an outing in the Trial Stakes at AVingatuj ' yesterday, but failed to finish in, the first half dozen. Brightling was again well supported at Dunedin, but although he was one of the forward division over tho greater part of the President's Handicap, he failed to see out tho mile and a quarter. He will improve with tho laoe and should be seen to advantage ovor a milo task to-morrow. Olentruin was giv4n every chance to run up to her track form in the Publicanto Handicap, but the faded out of tM tussle and finished well back. Apparently she can now be definitely classed as on the down grade. < Countersign was not favoured with tho test of passages in the open sprint mo* at Wingatui. She was pocketed in tho centre of the field from tho dispatch; and it was not until well tnsidf tho distance that she received an opening. She then showed a bunt of speed and was close in behind tho third horse at tho post. She will command support in the Hazlctt Memorial Plate over eight furlongs. Nincompoop was goir.g well thrco furlongs from homo in tho Publican's Handicap at Duaedin yesterday, but then evidently showed n disinclination to continue his run as he lost his position. He galloped generously again, however, in the run to the post and finished close to the leaders. Ho will probably show improvement in his effort, to-morrow, « His stable-mate, Precious, also galloped well for five furlongs in the Berwick Handicap, but —compounded wjicn tho pressure wns applied. Young Lochinvar looked well when produced in the Publican's 'Handicap at/Wingatui, but he was never prominent and was one of tho rear division at the finish. There is no doubt that, judiciously handled, .Vaward would have rewarded Mr J. 31. SamM>n with the valuable Itanedin Cup yesterday. He was easily sik itehgths in front of Footfall at the diltiioce post, but his rider at this point drew I hie whip and that was his downfall. If more patience had been displayed, it-is hard to say what he would have Itad in hnnd at the pott. The victory of Jcrichn in the Cham-1 pag»6 Stakes at Dunedin yesterday | nas very pleasing to the owner, Mr G. Gould, of Christchurch, who bred tho colt. Jericho exhibited his usual lamne« over the first halt "f the journey, and it trna only atrons Horsemanship on the part of his pilot that made hiftu Show his powers over the de- ' elding itagea.

Gold Mint wa3 again the medium of [•ublic support in tho Lerwick Handicap at ,o'inedin yesterday, but with ;i Mrange horseman up lie did not enjoy a favourable run. He got away on good terms but fell back to the rear division after a furlong had been covered. He made up a iittlo ground before the straight was entered, but in tho run home he put in a strong run and wa« finishing l>ctt<jr than anything in the r.iee. His turn is not far distant. Sjiean was considered the best of propositions in the Berwick Handicap ;u Wingatui yesterday, but she was hemmed in on the rails throughout :;)id ncre:- an opportunity at any part of securing an opening. Ophir was responsible for a remarkable finishing effort in the final event at Dunedin vosterday. He was not Mghtcd on tlio voyage until tho post was well within reach, but he then camo from tho ruck and beat everything but the winner. CroF.sbow was considered a possibility in the Berwick Handicap and was sent out third favourite. He t'.ot away fairly well, but after covering a furlong, he was knocked back to the rear of tlie field and was unablo to up tho lost ground. TROTTING NOTES. Acceptances for the Otr.huhu T.C.'s Summer Meeting close to-day at o p.m. The Addington course was in good order yesterday. The weather conditions wcro favourable, and training operations were much more interesting than of late. K. C. McDermott drove Master Audo two miles, and the son of Great Audubon accomplished his task in a satisfactory manner. Ho looks bright and well despite tho racing and travelling that he has dono this season. Talaro and Bonny Logan were companions in a fast-run mile. Both horses nr.; very well at present and will assist at Addington to-morrow. Mas de Oro led Pat Dillon, Cotiarn, and School Maid over a milo. AH four horses paced soundly and pleased tho critics. Hold Bill and the trotter Queen Ida went alwut a mile and n quarter, but at no stage of the journey were they asked to" do their best. Littlo Logan trotted evenly over a milo and a half, while the pacer, Dusky Pointer, covered a similar journey at a sound prcc. lloso Pointer (in worked n inile. Tho pace was solid in the early stages, consequently the marc did not finish too well. Amazon started with hi* stable companion, but mixed his pait repeatedly and made a poor showing. Three of W. J. Tomkinson's team, Hblly Boy, Bell Harold, and Napland, were on the track, but were not worked fast. Sarella paced evenly over two miles. She was assisted by Nourmnhal over the last mile and five furlongs, and both horses finished strongly and on even t«rms. • Frisco Beau, I'eter the First, and Trampcrisp started from tho two miles post and raced in close company for a mile and a lialf, when the latter was cased up, and tho other two continued for n further four furlongs and finished full of running. Frisco Beau was well out from tho mils and trotted faultlessly. Peter tho First only made 0110 mistake, while Trampcrisp gave a really fine display and should soon be found on tho winning list. Silk Thread and. Logan I.ou were associated in a work-out over two miles. Tho former worked in hopples and acquitted himself .well, whilo tho timo registered was good. Pluto was given useful exercise over a journey. Tne son of Denver Huon is now sheltered in W. J. Tomkinson's stable and is fast getting into racing condition. St. Maura, Honour Bright, and the three-year-old Roy Logan wero associated in a work-out over a mile and a half, and although not extended it was n nico effort on the part of all thrco horses. Tho Recfton-owned and trained Golden Devon paced two mites in good style. Ho looks bright and well and appears none the worse for his recent racing at Forbury Park. Others that did useful exercise wcro Exclusive, Trimmer, Springtime, Haunui', Lady Wild wood, Direct Wood,' Stunt Artist. Todd Bingon, Nelson Boy, Peter Eyre. Wild Hebe, Garbardin'e, Logan Park, Logan Holme, and Stormy. Parkwood, Talaro, Bonny Logan, and Deanwood will not fulfil their engagements at tho Otahuhu T.C.'s Summer Meeting. C. R. Hadfield is expected to arrive from Dunedin to-morrow with Inglo Binccn r.nd Some Wilkes, en routo tor Auckland to insist tit Otahuhu. DUNEDIN J.C. FOOTFALL WINS CUP. PUBLICS' TO COMIC SONG, (rattt AisocuTtoa tblkmax.) DUNEDIN, February 10. The Dunedin Jockey Club'a Cup Meeting was opened to-day in fine weather, with the courso in excellent order. Thero was a largo attendance and the racing was interesting. In the Cup, Vaward proved a mrpriie, and alter reaching tho straight with four length*' advantage was only beaten » short length by Footfall, with tho rest well back. Comio Song won the Publicans' Handicap with comparative ease and returned a good price. The totaliistor handled £26,841 10s for the day, compared with £36,473 {or the first day lait year, which wj« Exhibition year. Results AUTUMN HURDLES HANDICAP, ef 250 •ova; lim-5 COASTGUARD 10-0 C. Daweon 1; 1 Kaikahu 10-fi 2; 0 Bouomcl 0-9 3. 8 Adjutor 11-4; 4 Badiac 11-1; 3 Sayonara 10-13 alao started. Radiac uud Sayonara mad* the running to the six furlongs poet, whftrs Coastguard took charge and beat the farourita hv two lengtbi; earns distance second and* third. Sayonira was fourth. Time, 3.10. TRIAL STAKES, of SCO aovs; special weight*; 7f-l MASTER CLARENCE 8-2 C. Emerson 1; 4 lloyal Saxon 8-3 2; 7 Eyed Ova 8-3 8. 0 Great Spear 8-2; 3 Princess Mefslda 8-1; Ma Mai 7-13; 5 "Wild Work 7-13; 8 Raineioud 7-13; 3 Lucy Lockett 7-13 also started. Wild Work made the early running from Master Clarence and Great Sj,oar. In the run home the favourite won by over a length from Royal Saxon, who beat Eyed Ova by half a length, with Wild ■Work fourth. Time, 1.20 1-5. PRESIDENTS HANDICAP, ef 330 eove; Urn—o FLAMING RAY 7-10 A. Eastwood 1; 3 Calcite 7-8 1; 1 Thorn dale 8-13 3. 8 Roman Archer 8-8; 2 Brightling 8-3: 4 Gay Sonnet 8-0; 8 Boughlcen Dhoun 6-0; •7 Jolly Glad 8-0; S Wise Counsellor 7-12; 10 Kapuna 7-10 also started. Flaming Ray set a strong pace and led into the straight from Calcito, Thorndale, and Brightling. In a fighting finish Flaming Ray got the verdict by a note, with the favcunto three lengths away, followed by Brightling. Time. 2.8 4-5. PUBLICANS' HANDICAP, of 500 soys; second 100, third 50. 6f. 2. A. H. Fisher's b g COMIC SONG by Winkie—Scotch Melody. sym R-12 P. Powell 1 9. 3, Lindsay'# ch f Solrose 4yrs 7-0 .. 2 6. J. M. Samson's b m Lata syrs 7-8 .. 3 4 G lent rein 9-7; 12 Nincompoop 8-9: 7 Young Lochinvar 8-3;" 13 Father ,0 Fly nn 8-3; 3 Corn Money 8-1; 1 Countersign .-1 ; 15 Miw Winkie 7-8; 8 Bugle Note 7-.; 11 Arprnt 7-4; 14 Bright Mark 7-2: 16 Eaton Belli 7-0; 5 Black Duke 7-0; 10 Dinfing Days 7-0; 17 -Rob 7-0; 18 Valdamo <-0 also JHtwini? Days iris first out, and led into the straight from. Bright Mark, Comic Song, Olentruin. and Lava. Once in line for home Comic Bong drew away and won caiilv by two length* from Sol roue. with Lav» hall a length away, followed by Countersign. Time, US U.

DUNEDIX CUP HANDICAP, of 1230 eovj. including trophy value 100 sovs; second 230, third 123. IJm. 5. C. G. Dalgctv's b g FOOTFALL by Autumnus—Warstcp syrs 8-11 F. Voisht 1 10 J. M. Samson's b g Vaward 4yrs " T. Mctcnlf 2 9. J. A. Aingc's b g Pink I«"otc tyrs 7-3 C. Eastwood .'I .1 Count Cavour I')- 11 : 2 Rapier "-T; 6 Cfnlrepicce S-5; 1 Overdrawn 7-13 and Circulation 7-1 bracketed: 7 Baldowa 7-13; t Battlement 7-0; 8 Ccurlly Rose 7-0 also started. Overdrawn kd out fiom Kapier, Raldown, and Vaward, and at the mile pvst \_awurd took charge. Going down tbc back award opened up a gap ot six lengths fiom Battlement, Overdrawn, Rapier, Footfall, and Count Cavour. Vaward reached the straight four lengths jn front of footfall. Battlement. Count Cavour, Overdrawn, and Baldowa, and in the run to tho pest Footfall all out beat Vaward by a short neck, with Pink Note nearly six lengths away, followed by Baldowa, Centrepiece, and Battlement. Time, 2.32. Rapier lost his rider, .T. Beale, at the far turn, and as a result Beale made a complaint, alleging the crossing by F. C. Porter on Count Cavour. After hearing evidence the stewards decided to tako no action, as Bealc's statement was unsupported. CHAMPAGNE STAKES, of 730 sovs; second 130, third 73. For two-year-olds. Colts and geldings 8-10, fillies 8-7, with penalties. Gf. 1 G. Gould's b c JERICHO by Archery —Judith 9-1 .. •• C. Emerson 1 1. G. J. Barton's b c Ark Royal by Kilbroncy— Lady Violet S-0 •• 2. F. A. and V. N. Price's br g Arrowy bv Archerv—Miss Signal 9-1 3 1 Silver Coot 9-S and Don Jose S-10 bracketed; G Stringbow 8-10; 6 Broadmoor £-10 al*o started. . Ark Royal led into tho straight, l)iit in the run homo Jericho got up to win by half a length, with Arrowy a head awov. Time, 1.16 2-5. BERWICK HANDICAP, oi 223 eovs; 7f—--11 OVERHAUL 8-3 J. Campbell 1; i Wingatui S-7 2; 7 King Balboa S-a 3. 13 Precious 9-12; 3 Gold Mint 0-1; G Jholoinon 9-0; 8 Serotinft 8-12; 9 Paris - 8-12; 6 Sliandre 8-9; 1 Spcan Bridgo 8-7; 3 Crossbow 8-6; 12 Royal Kilt 8-G; 10 AVatcrlow S-3 also started. Overhaul, who was always well placed, led into tho straight from Scrotina King Balboa, and Precious, and won by a neck from Wingatui, who beat King Balboa by a neck. Tholomon was fouitli. Time, 1.29 -1-5. STEWARDS' HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; lm-1 JOHN BRADBURY 9-3 W. Cooper 1; 5 Ophir 8-5 2; 2 Bilbo 8-1 3. 1 C uckwheat 9-10; 3 King Sol 9 0; 11 Happy V »r----rior 8-7; 6 Fairy Herald 8-t; 13 Hurdy Curdy 8-2: 10 All British 8-1; 7 Bluo Dragoon 8-0; 12 San Salvador 8-0; 9 Guncase 8-0; 8 Sommo 8-0 also started. Hurdy Gurdy mado tho early running nnd led into the straight from Blue Dragoon and John Bradbury. In the run o tho post John Bradbury won by » length Irom Ophir, who beat Bilbo by ft J 1 ®™* British was fourth. Time, Ml 3-5-NOTES ON THE RACING. (SPECIAL TO THE PRESS.) The day's programme was opened with the Autumn Hurdlo Handicap, fr»'' l " v 1 " ol, K '- i n Routo and Guncaso were withdrawn. Kkahu was a slightly better favourite than Sayonara. Radiac was tho early leader and passing tho stand tho first timo sl.owecl tho way to Sayonara. with tho remainder well strung out. Radiac was Btill in front as the back stretch was reached, but at tlio Rix fu • long post ho was supplanted b> Kalkahu ami Coasteunrd. The latter took charge at tho second to last fence, nnd led into tho "tnußlit from Kalkahu. Radiac, and Bonomel. with Adiutor last. Tho Hold closed up approaching the last fence, but Coastguard maintained i s advantage, and despite a challenge b\ the favourite, Sayonara, and Bouomcl. lie won h two lengths from Kaikahu, who was a length and a half in front of Bonomel. Sj.younra and Bonomel fought out n ! mrd ,. flnlfi ' 1 r(li "r third money, tho latter pnimnjr tho verdict bv a narrow margin. Radiac, who pulled up showing signs of lameness, and Adjutnr voic together last. The raco wns run at a fast paco throughout, tho time, being onl> a fifth of a second outsido tho courso reiord established by Bora in 1910. lho had not been showing much promise in mk track essays, but in to-day's rnv* ho jumped woll, and had tho race won a long »n> fr n home. His last win over hurdles was n lho Spring Hurdle Handicap fit tho Dunedin Spring Meeting in October last. A Popular Win. X,ady Tractor was tho only defection from the Trial Stakes, and the public at once installed tho Riccarton-owned nnd trained Master Clarence a pronounced favourite. Ho was always in the leading position, ami, ridden a vigorous finish by C. Lmcrson, ho duly landed tho stake from Royal Saxon, who lasted long enough to beat Eyed Ova and the G'hokeboro representative, Wild Wm*- The last-named took cliargo when tho field settled down from tlio dispatch, and sho nnd MaMor L'larcnco wcro on terms as tho straight was entered, with Princess Mafalda and Koyal Saxon next. Master Clarence was in fron at the distance post from Wild AVork, Royal Saxon, and Princess Mafalda, and, sticking to his task over tho deciding stages, had ti length's advantage as tho post was reached. Wild Work failed in tho last hundred yards and finished fourth in front of Lucv Locket. Groat Spear, Ma Mai, and Raineioud. Hie winner, who had been giving good displays in his recent track essays, was having only his third appearanco in public, and the victory for his owner, Mr A. Louisson, and trainer, U. Kmcrson, was well received. Another Blcearton Success. The President's Handicap was a fair betting race, the public making Tliorndnlo a better favourlto than Brightling nnd Calcite. Tho result was In the nature of a surprise, as Flaming Ray, owned, bred, and trained by the/Iliecarton owner, Trainer J. H. lro«ser, shot to tho front as soon as the tapos were released and lod throughout, to win by a narrow mnrgin. As tho straight was entered, Flaming Ray was clear of Calcito. Thorndale, Brightling, and Jolly Glad. Calcito finished-very strongly, nnd appeared to have tho leader's measure, but young hastwood kept at his mount and secured the judge's decision by"T» nose. Calcito run a creditable raco In spite of not being ablo to do much work lately owing to slight soreness. Th® race should b« of benefit to the handsomo English-bred mare. Thorndale'a namu was proclaimed Bt the top of thestrniglit.hiit he failed to.sustain his run, whilo Brightling did not sco out the distance. Roman Archer finished in fifth place, with Jolly Glad, Kapuna, Gay Sonnet, and Boughleen Dhoun next. The winner wa» successful at tho Grcymontli Summer Meeting, and was well supported by her connexions, who invariably participate in substantial dividends. She was ridden a patient race by Eastwood, who nursed his mount with good judgment and rode n vigorous finish when challenged by Calcito, nnil it waa probably a caso of tho youngster outriding his more experienced opponent on Mr Knight's mare. Comic Song Again. Tho good Hold of eighteen contested the Publicans' Handicap, all tho acceptors going to tho post. In a good betting pool. Countersign carried ovor 200 tickets more than Comic Song and Corn Money. A splendid start was effected. Dsncins Days at onco took chnrge and piloted the flold along tho back stretch, his nearest attendants being Bright Mark, Comic Song, Olentruin, and Corn Money, with the romalnder bunched. Dancing Days was In front at the distance from Comic Song, Bright Mark, and Lava, with Glentruiu, Countersign, and Corn Money next. The leader retired from the contest In tho run home, and Gomio Song, finishing in good style, won comfortably by two lengths from Solroie, who was always well placed and mustered a lot of pace a hundred yards from the post, beating Lava for second money by half a length. Countersign was another half, a length away in fourth position, tho next to finish being Corn Money, Nincompoop, Rob, and Bright Mark, with Bugle Noto last. Comic Song's performanco was full of merit, as he was not actually troubled when the final run was undertaken. He was ridden by P. W. Powell, who piloted him to victory in tho Stewards' Handicap in November last. Lava ran her best race for some time, and was always In tho picture. Countersign was In tho centre ot tho field for the greater part of tho journey, and was not prominent until the concluding stages wcro reached. Footfall's Cnp. Set Sail who was suffering from the effects of running a nail into her foot a week ago was the only withdrawal from the Dunedin Cup, for which the bracketed pair, Overdrawn and Circulation, were , the public selection, carrying 400 tickets moro than Kapier. From an even dispatch Overdrawn wag the first to break the line with Kapier, Battlement, and Vaward at tlio head of the remainder. Vaward took command passing the stand and piloted Battlement, Overdrawn, Footfall, Rapier, Count Cavour, and Centrepiece going out of the straight. At the six furlongs post Vaward was eight lengths ahead of Battlement, Overdrawn, Footfall, Bapier, and Count Cavour. with Pink Note a long way back last. Vaward still held his advantage at the far turn from Footfall, who was slightlv in front of Count Cavour, Battlement, Kapier, and Centrepiece. Kapier met with interference at this point and lost hit rider. Vaward had -a (pur lengths advantage from Footfall at the straight entrance, with Count Cavour, Centrepiece, Baldowa, and Pink Note next. When heads were turccd for home Footfall set off in pursuit of Vaward, and in a sterling finish gradually overhauled the leader and crossed tho line with a abort neck advantage. Pink Note, who made up his leeway in a remarkable manner, secured third money, aix lengths behind Vawtrd. Baldowa was close up fourth, tbc next to finish being Centrepiece, Battlement, Count Cavour, Overdrawn, Circulation, nnd Courtly Hose. . Footfall was responsible for a magnificent effort, aa at the distance post his ißh Mtching Vaward appwred hopelew,

but ho unwound one of his characteristic finishin" runs, and worried the ieadc.- cut of the honours. His recent track work lind been rather disappointing, ntul on this account ho was allowed to return a lcmuncrative price. Vawurd ran liis best race to date, and the fast pace ho set nceounted for the pood time registered. Balciowa finished on well, lmt Count favour, who was in a good position ut the distance, failed to run rn, and the same remark applies to Centrepiece. Battlement's display was quite satisfactory, and lie is evidently roturmnp to form. The time, 2.32. wn, a second below the course record. The first two furlongs were covered in .'l6, four in jo';, five in 1.3, six in 1.15, seven in 1.27, eight in 1..19 1-5, and ten in 2.5 2-5. Jericho Wins Classic. The seven acceptors for the classic event, the Champagne Stakes, went to the post, Jericho being entrusted with 51 tickets •ncic til-'" Ariowv. Ark Tiovnl assumed command after the field had covered a furlonc, and at the far turn led Broadmoor, Arrowy, and Jericho. The order was the same at tho straight entrance, hut at the distance post Jericho joined Ark lioval, with Arrowy closo in behind. Jericho, hard ridden, pot his nose in front opposite the tte.nd, nnd, «t a lling of! challenges bv Ark Itoyal and Arrowy, won a pood race by half a length. Arrowy endeavoured to get up between Jericho and Ark Roval in the run to the post but failed, nnd wr.s only a head away in third position. Broadmoor was four lengths hack clear of Silver Coot, Don Jose, and Stringbow. The winner justified the toad opinion formed of him at Kiccarton, and with more racing looks like developing into a smut performer. Silver Coot and lion Jose were never in the danger zone, and their displays were very disappointing. Broadmoor was not disgraced, and showed promise of improvement in the near future. Outsider Wins. Martis and Wise Counsellor were the defections from the Berwick Handicap the English niaro Kpcan Bridge bcmi; made favourite with atronfi support also for Gold Mint and Crossbow. Another surprise, however resulted in Ihe httlo fancied Overhaul burvinj the. opposition in the run home Serotina and Km? Balboa were the carb leaders, but at the six furlong post Overhaul went to the front and led into the ■traieht from Serotina, King Balboa, rholo* nlon, and I'recious. Overhaul ridden by J. Campbell, an apprentice attached to 1 - Shaw's stable, finished well to beat Winpntui who cainn from the middle of the field, by' a neck, with Kins Balboa a neck awav third Tholomon was a close fourth, in front'of Gold Mint, Spean Bridge, and Serotina Overhaul, who it) owned nnd trained liv iho well-known Wincatui mentor Slmw won two races at the recent liipanm Meeti'nc, but, despite this fact, he was not seriously considered by investors, and paid n good double-figuro dividend. Favourito Prevails. Tink Xoto and Queen Balboa declined their encasements iii the concluding event, the Stewards' Handicap, which ended in ft popular victory for a staunch favourite in John Bradbury after an intercstine Hurdv Ourdy and All British were in the , ' ii|| the run home was commenced, Xro John Bradbury and Blue Dragoon wcro his nearest attendanls. The favourito Took chars* inside tho diatanco "n'l went „n to win by a length from the fasl-finishing ing in thftt SECOND DAY'S WEIGHTS. (IT.ES3 ASSOCIATION TEI.E(Ut,VU.) DUSKUIN, February 10. The followlns handicaps have been declared for tho second day s races on Hijturda. . nwitlltO HURDLE HANDICAP, of 22.i sovs ljin-—Kainiua 11-4: Adjutor 1 IMS Uadiae 11-0: Route 10-lU; Coastguard 1 ) ' l ,-• in"t----10 0 - Happy Warrior 1(). I: L..<ly (■*> 1 Cailoon IC-0; Honomcl 0-2; J-uthmakcr 0- , Hard Prince 0 0. HOPEFUL HANDICAP. »t 250 sovs; for two-vcar olds; sf—.lerlclio 0-7; Arrowy 81... Htar'ftißht ft-!': Sih'cr font S;0: ,0U ' n ' !C fl.ll- Broadmoor 8-2: MrlnEb'W 81. hajrap K » ('lipid's Dart 8 0; Miss Camouflage geld-7-7. W MIIIINGTON HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; Im—Thorndslo 0-2; Pluming B ' 3: B " u ° Colours 8-7; Brlghtllng 8-7; Wlngatul 8-0; Caleito 8-a; 1 arls 8-., 8-2; 0»y Sonnet 8-0; Boughleen l'"o"U 7-13; Rippling Lako 7-12; Hnxctto 7-1-, Itoya! Kilt 7-12; Top Gear 7-11; , sellor 7-10; Ascetic 7-10; kapuna 7- 0 Real Olnd 7-n; Royal Despatch 7-it; } Vl,to^ w 7-0; Lady Dilatory 7-8; Prophet's Mark <-i; Lucy Locket 7-7; Hyperion 7-7; Dark fpot 7. r -; Ma Mio 7-7; Eyed Ovn 7-7. FLYING HANDICAP, of 350 rovs: fit— Paperchase tl-0; Nincompoop 8-10; loung Lochinvar 8-5; Nino of Spades 8-3; Corn Monev 8-2; Father O'Flyun 8-2; Receipt 7-111; Lava 711; Miss Winklo 7-0; Holroso 7-8; Bugle Note 7-8; Anient 7-7; Bright Mark 7-3; DUmantle 7-:t; Eaton Bells 7-1; Hlnck Duke 7-0; Cernnlal 7-0; Rob 7-0; Mima 7-0; Danciiit; Days 7 0; Hold Mint 7-0; (.lood as llnld 7-0; Dangle 7-0; Wild Work 7 0; Violet 11. 7-0. DUNEDIN JOCKEY CLUB HANDICAP, of 500 sovs; lim —Count Cnvour 10-11: Footfall 0-8; ltaplor 8-8; Centrepiece 8-ti; Rnvenna 8-5; Spt Kril 8-5; Baldowa'B-4; Overdrawn 8-3; Pink Note 8-2; John Bradbury 7-12; Fresco 7-11; Circulation 7-8; Vsward 7-7; Battloment 7-fi; Corn Money 7-4; Front Rank 7-! l; Pink 'l'erraeo 7-1; Receipt 7-1; Mountain Lion 7-0; King Sol 7-0; Cupldon 7-U: Ophir 7-0; Tnboo 7-0; IJilbo 7-0: Courtly Hoso 7-0: Roman Archer 7-0; High Gear 7-0; Brlghtllng 7-0; (Jcrnnlul 7-0. WAIHOLA HANDICAP, of 200 sovs; Gf —Precious 0-10; Thorndalo 0-8; Mime 0-7: Martis 0-5; Cold Mint 0-1; Ovorhnul 0-".; Tholomon tl-0; Serotina 8-11; Paris 8-11; Coch-y-Bondhu 8-0; (Jay Sonnet 8-9; Spean Brldgo 6-8; King Balboa 8-8; Caleito 8-8; Master Clarcneo 8-0; Royal Kilt 8-(i; Violet 11. 8-0; Crqßsbow 8-5; Top Clear 8-1; Jolly Glad 8-.1; Purplo Iris 8-: i; Wnlcrlow 8-: i; Royal Saxon 8-2; Royal Despatch 8-1; Solila 8-1; Lody Dilatory 8-0; Credit 8-0; Dark Spot 8-0; Wild Work 8-0; Lucy Locket 8-H; Illldroth 8-0; Raincloud 8-0; Syinons 8-0; Ma#t«r John 8-0; Great Spear 8-0j Mimic 8-0; Lady Tractor 8-0; Craiguioru 8-0. ABBOTSFORD HANDICAP, of 230 sovs; 7f—Nincompoop 0-7; Economist 9-8; Young Lochinvar !l-l; Nino of Spndcs 9-0; Corn Money 8-13; Father O'Flynn 8-1U; Chickwheat 8-12; Itoscda.v 6-12; Keceipt ,8-10; Pink Terrace 8-8; Miss Winkie 8-0; Solrosc 8-3; Mountain Lion B-5; Itiigle Noto 8-5; King Sol 8-1; Ophir 8-3; Anient 8-2; Dismantle SO; Taboo 8-0; Bright Mark 8-0; Bilbo 7-13; Eaton Bells 7-12; Scion 7-11; Black Duko 7-10; All British 7-8; Ilurdy Ourdy 7-7; Fairy Herald 7-7-Courtly Roso 7-7; Mime 7-7; Bloom 7-7- ?" nn ' a ' . 7 ' 7: Br j« ,,llin K 7-7; Battlo Colours <•7; Tholomon 7-7;_ Serotina 7-7; Shandre 7-7; Jolly Olnd 7-« : Blue Dragoon 7-7; San Salvador 7-7; Valdamo 7-7; Some Kid HAZLETT MEMORIAL PLATE, of GOO sovs; wclght-for-aßc; lm—Footfall >i-R; Count Cavour 9-8; Comic Song 9-8- im.inr 9-8; Centrepiece 9-7; Pink' 9.5" Sef Sail 9-5, Circulation 9-2; Loughrea ti-1-Ravenna 9-1; Baldowa 9-1; Vnward 1-0 : Glentrufn 8-12; Battlement 8-12 Counter'sign 8-9; Dismantlo 8-!); Battle 8-8; High Gear 8-5; H,. PP y \v"r rior 3^. l0U " POVERTY BAY TURF CLUB. FIRST DAY'S RESISTS. (rness assocutios telegram.) m, GISBORNE, Februarv 10 n k' e c l ' ' v " lc Poverty Bay Turf weathnr l Th Cr Mcc,ln| ? °P cnt,a in ideal weather. There was a large attendance, and the going was good. TIIO totallsator invest,o,a,,e<l compared with H r-™ r* '. C dsy '"J 3<?ar - 11 decrease ot i<39. I'ollowing were the resultsj' 1 -7 Daly 1; 1 Royal Diadem 2; i Princess Ngata 8-12 3. 5 Mountain 0-0: f Gold Dot 9-0; 7 Westerner 8 7 : « I orest Gold 8-0 also started. Won bv threo- ' 1 tW ° IC " Stlla aCI -' olul nnd FIRST HURDLES HANDICAP of 150 sovs; 1 Jm—2 COPPER NOB P-rj (j o och 1 ■ 4 Many Colours 11-13 2; 1 Highway 11-ri 5 Oood Mark 9-0; 3 Monte 9-0; « Mataurangi " I rtcd ' W .°" b >' n length; one anil a half lengths cecond and third. Time, 3.15. TELEGRAPH HACK HANDICAP of 130 f 0 V 3 ; G Jf—J ST A N U S U It Ii 8-1 Trillo 1; 1 Superb King 9-8 2; -I Golden Autumn 7-0 .1 Mon Mint 8-13; 5 Singer Boy 8-3; 0 Gold Streak 7-12; 8 Merchant 7-9: 7 Hakuwai 7-7 also started. Won by a neck; a head second and third. Time, 1.22 3-3. TAURANGA STAKES HANDICAP of 300 sovs; second 50. third 20. ljm. 2. Allen and b ~ SCOTCH MIXTURE by Heather Mixture Tapora nffcci 8-10 .. Kronrc 1 3. H. Norffrove a b m Princcsa Konnic 3yrs 9-2 . . .. .. 2 1. W. J. Craig's b g Perlo do Leon aged 8-10 .. .. .. n 4 Merry Day 8-12; 5 Pita S O; 8 Haurangi 7-5 nlso started. Won by a short head; a neck tccoad and third. Time, 2.10. SUMMER HACK STAKES, of 150 tovs: weight-for-sge; 61—2 ATUMLAD 7-10 Daly 1; 3 L'Autumn 8-4 2; 4 Autumina 6-11 3. 1 Tan 9-0 also started. Won by one and n hslf lengths; a neck second and third. Time, 1.18. MAIDEN SCURRY, of 130 sovji; 6f—l MISB WILLONYX 8-0 Wiggins 1; 2 Wilfred 8-0 2; S Ngflhuru 8-0 3. 7 Night Nurse 8-0; 8 Polytivious 8-0; 4 Polydorns 8-0; 3 Perle d« Rouge 8-0; 6 Prince Nrihere 8-0 alio

started. Won by two and » h«lf_ lengilbs; a Bo,e second and third. Time. 1.15 4-5. vrviVC, HANDICAP, of 150 sots; 6f—- , miv vL DAMON 0-13 Trillo 1; 3 Startle h " 4 - 2 Good Sport 9-0 I ".tartpit Won by half a length; three lengths second and third. Time. 1.14 4-5. tjitirOUß HACK HANDICAP, of 130 FIRST PRINCE 7-0 Daly 1; 4 sovs: -f—« , jk g.- n 3 Cohesion si9;»R.kaupango 7-0; 7 T • \'«tumn 7-0 also started. J 1 ? ® .'.'l ' a i.c' k second and third. Time. 1-32 o-o. acceptances for second day. (rniss association tzleoram.) C.ISBORNE, February 10. Following are tho acceptances for the second day: — vpspM HANDICAP, of 150 sovs.; lrn— M ..niniii Tun 812; Otbon 8-12: Royal Diadem 8-10: I'll a pi in 8-9: Serenade 8-5; ColicLion 7-1-; Crishnn 7-10; Rakaupango .-<• (SECOND HURDLES; HANDICAP .of 330 i i m Blue Jav 1013; Coppernob l(»-8: '"ar/on 10-3: Good Mark 0-0; Monte 9-0; Marie Over 9-0. COOK HACK HANDICAP, of 130 sovs: Of— Cold Dot 10-6: Sandburr 8-12; Singerßoy 8-1: Vm« Willonyx 7-13: Goldstreak 7-10: Golden Autumn 7-To ; Tan 7-5; 1/Autumn 7-5; Night Gambler 7-3. SUNDERLAND STAKES HANDICAP, of i m —Scotch Mixture 9-8; Princess Ronnie 0-3 Merry Day 8;13: Gold Dot 8-0: Roval Diadem 7-12: Pita 7-11; Cohesion <-0. ti-RLICAN'S' PURSE HANDICAP, of 150 sovs f —■ Roy a 1 Damon 10-13: Ngaw.ti 9-2; .'i« « i'i* iiold Box 8-2: Serenade 7-12; Wilneka Jack 7-10; Nlghtsong 7-9; Royal Klfih? T-»r Klbs-. Dream 7-0; Tan 7-0; Coming Home 7-0. „., nr v HANDICAP, of 130 sots: 6f — Mi'V w'flonvx 9-0; King's Dream 8-9; Wilfred 8-7; L'Autuinn 8-5; Ngahuru 8-5; Prince L' ».«™ « Polvdoru# 8-0: Perlo do Rougo «^. h pol,tiTious 8-0; Loci. Lyon 8-0; Coming Iloiiio 8 0; Autonus 8-0; Master Damon 8-0, Rouge 8-0. ROSKLAND HACK HANDICAP, of 130 vs . fif—Sandburr 8-11: Cohesion 8-11. Vnn'-Mint 8-10; Sunlike 8-9; Royal Flight I 1?. First Prince 7-12: Hinekapu. 7-10; Uolclstrcak 7-9; Ngahuru 7-4; L Autumn i-0. wVREWELL HANDICAP, of 175 sovs: Cf —Royal Damon 1010; Scotch Mixture 9-lOj Sno" t°« S l oSw BoxVl2[ Westerner 7-10; Serenade 7-9. . TARANAKI J.C. I'IUTHAIR SCORES IN CUP. (rni:3S associatiok teliobam.) NEW PLYMOUTH, February 10. The Taraneki J.C. Autumn Meeting opened to-day In showery weather. 1 hn attendance was largo and the going good. The lotalisator investments vero f l*». 780. ascompared with *27,115 on iho llrst day of last Tear, Results: — WAITARA HURDLES, of 225 sovs; 11m nnd 100yds—1 LITTLE RIVER 10-3 A. McDonald 1: 3 Rehutai 0-13 2; - Pcndennls 10-8 3. 0 Passln' Through 10-10. 4 Tako Take 9-8; 5 Undo Dave 9-0 also sUrted. \Um Tftko°fcH, and'his sustained serious injuries to tho bead. His condition is critical. NGAMOTU JUVENILE HACK, of 225 «>vs- 51-2 MELISSA 8-3 L. George. 1; 4 Dibv Bun 8-2 2; 1 Sllvormine 9-1 rf. 0 M} 8 " Pat 7-0 also started. Won by a head. Time, FLYING HANDICAP, of 400 sots: Of—--1 IJENZORA 8-1 W. S. Babgy 1; 6 Galllard - ii o. *i rimtion 7-10 D. 2 First Acre 8-l.s, V Pouma 7-11; 4 Nadarlno 7-5; 7 Tip Tree 7-n also started. Won by half a length. Time, 1.14 2-5. MOUTUROA ELECTRIC HACK RACE; weirht 8-0; Of—3 BAURYANDA J. Barry 1; 4 Erin-go-Bragh 2; 1 Royal Aero 3. 5 Atone, n Turkish Fire, 13 Whakahlhl, U Temana, n Skypolnt, 7 Mendlp, 8 Midnight Camp, 10 I'm aw hn to, 12 Glencoe fl Advanco Camp also started. Won by half a. neck. Time, 1-5. TARANAKI CUP HANDICAP, of 900 sovs. including cup valued 100 sovs; second Jt!o, third 80. ljm. 1. H. A. IfcKeniie's bf ? PIUfHAIR by Kiihruney—Blackada 4;rs 8-7 T. Green 1 2. Mrs W. I>. Graham's br h To Monanui t!yr» 9-9 . . • • _• • * 0. W. (i. Kmcny's I) c Mint 4yrs i-0 3

8 Town Bank 7-9; 5 Opt T-T; 4 Mint Lcif 7-0 aleo started. Wen by a neck; two lengths between second and third. lime. 2.38. OKATO HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sots; 8»f-7 BLUE PETER 7-0 T. Bound 1: 0 Airtight 7-2 2; 4 Partaga 8-1 3. 1 Blend 8-1; 2 Asleep 713; 8 Ctoscflro 7-8; 3 Always 7-7; 5 Analo 7-4 also started. Won by' half a length. Time. 1.51 2-5. MIMI HIGH-WEIGHT HANDICAP, of 250 sovs; 7f—4 LADY BKNTINCK 8-7 J Barry 1* 3 Vivo 8 0 2; 1 The Lamb 9 U 3. 2 Bonhommo 8-13; 5 Troilub 80; .<'• Crossfire 8-0 also started. Won by two lengths. Time, 1.28 3-5. TIMARU HACK HANDICAP, of 200 sots; Cf—l ORAZONK 6-2 T. Green 1; 4 F«itomi 7-5 2; 5 Bllliklns 8-0 3. 3 Manly 8-2: 7 Quillfire 8-2; 2 Onward 80: 8 Toapniti 7-10; fi Sea Star 7-1 also started. Won by a short head. Time, 1.15.

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Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18923, 11 February 1927, Page 12

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SPORTING. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18923, 11 February 1927, Page 12

SPORTING. Press, Volume LXIII, Issue 18923, 11 February 1927, Page 12