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Mr Lindsay Eoss, the professional coach for the New Zealand Golf Union, is at present on a visit to Ashburton. Mr W. Bryant leaves this morning for Dunedn to represent tho Ashburton County Hospital Board, on the Vt'aipiata Sanatorium Committee.

A Daring Robbery,

A daring robbery, was committed in Ashburton on Friday night, when the premises of Mr H. O. Percy, tobacconist, East street, wero entered and the sum of £3O in cash and notes and £5 in cheques stolen from a safe. None of the stock or £2 10s in small change, left in tho cash register, was missing or disturbed.

The circumstances of the robbery are unusual, as the burglar made his entry through a front room window of Mr Percy's residence, removed a heavy palmstand to ono side, and stole down the passage into the bedroom where Mr and Mrs Percy wero sleeping. The keys, which were in a coat pocket not a yard', away from the head of tho bed, wero removed, and afterwards returned when the intruder had effected an entry to the shop, and removed the' contents of the. safe.

Mr Percy closed his business at 9.30 o'clock on Friday night, and did. not notice anything amiss until he. was at work half an hour on Saturday morning, and on 6pening the safe discovered that the money which he had deposited there the previous night had been removed. On Saturday morning Mrs Percy discovered one of the front room windows open, and noticed that tho palmstand had been removed to ono side. She also mentioned that she had beon awakened during the night by faint noises, but although, slio had been startled, ; she attributed them to tho tapping of a blind, and Mr Percy was not awakened. At one time she thought she heard the rattling of keys. No news of the affair was made known during the week-end. The payment of one of the missing cheques, amounting to £3, has been stopped.

500 Tournament,

There was an attendance of about forty people at a five hundred tournament held in the St. Andrew's Parsh Hall, Tinwald, on Saturday evening, to supplement the Anglican Church funds. The prizes were won by Miss Jones and Mr T. Gudsell.

Outing for Old Men,

Inmates of the Ashburton Old Men's Home were treated to a motor tour of Ashburton and tho surrounding suburbs by the proprietors of Gould's Omnibus Servico on Sunday afternoon. The old men, many of whom had not the Opportunity of visiting various parts ot tho towii for a number of years, expressed pleasure at tho outing.

Card Social and Danco,

Under tho auspices of tho Hampst.ead Football Club a card social and danco was held in tho East Ashburton Memorial Ilall on Saturday night. There were about forty, couples-present atithe dance, music for which was supplied by Miss E. Ibcll, and Mr A. Gourlay was M.C.

Band of Hope.

Thcro was a large attendance at the monthly meeting of the Baring square Church Band of. Hope, which was-held on Saturday night, and over, which. Mr A. Smith presided. An interesting address was delivered by tho Rev. B.- B. Tinsley, and items 'Were given by the following:—Douglas . Osborne,- Gerald Griffiths,, Kenneth Carter, Joyce Dunham, Mary Carter, Jean Keir, Tom Pcthic, and Jessie Smith, recitations; Nancy Bishop and Sylvia . Griffiths, songs; little girls, dialogue; "The Little Flower Sellers," a song. •At the conclusion of tiie function, Mr Ci P. Horrill moved a hearty vote of thanks to the performers, and. the Rev. Tinsley closed tho meeting with the Benediction.


Miss Campion. (Auckland) is spending a holiday with her sister, Mrs H. Goldsmith.

Tlie annual meeting of the local returned soldiers is to be hold this week when among other things they will make arrangements for their eighth annual ball.

The two electric street lights are for the first time giving trouble. One gave out about a fortnight ago, and the other at the beginning of last week. Fortunately a,good moon made the loss scarcely Noticeable. Weather, in spite of threatening otherwise on Friday nighty was fine for Saturday's functions, which in the local districts included two hare drives and two euchre tournaments. At midday the sun had a spring-like warmth, which made the pessimist say : "this cannot last," and. sure enough, rain fell on Saturday night. Sunday was a dull, damp day. A hare drive was held in.Staveley on Saturday. A start was made from the lime kiln road across Bowyer's stream and over the downs to, Taylor's 'stream, and back to Staveley through Mr Fittock's property and Mr H. T. Smith's bush. There were too few guns to make a very successful shoot, only 15 being out, but they succeeded in getting 80 hares. The billy was boiled at Mr J. Gundry's house. The hares are to be sold for the Hall funds.

The first of a series of fortnightly progressive euclire tournaments run by the Hall Committee in aid of its funds, was held on Saturday night, when there was a good muster of players. The lady's prize was won by Mrs J. T. Hooper, with 14 games, while Mrs WGundry and Mrs E. Aldridge were nest in order with 12 games each. The men's prize went to Mr E. Aldridge with 16 games, while Mr M. Johnstone and Mr A. Bentley were next with 14 games each. Miss Ada Aldridge and Mr J. tVolfrey received the consolation prizes. In . presenting the prizes Mr G. L. Bufton announced that besides the prizes, each fortnight there would bo a good prize given for the greatest aggregate number of points at the end of the season. He also announced that Sirs Bufton was giving the lady's prize fon the, next tournament. and Mr A. Bentley the men's. Mr W. Eagle managed the games. A lis;ht supper was served, after which Mr E. Wolfrey played for a few dances. Mr Eaglo was M.C.


A concert and dance was held in the school on Friday evening in aid of the school funds, and although the night was not all that might be desired, it proved a very successful function.. Items were given as follows: The school children sang choruses; recitations, Dorothy Ashton, Dierdre Mulligan, Evelvne Skilling, and Colin Parker; Misses E. Fleming and A. Fleming, and. Mr M. Farrell, 6ongs; Misses Bell and "R. Fleming, duet; Mr H. Beaumont. recitation. Mr C. Parker. proDosetl • a vote of thanks to the teacner" for-preparing the children, and. also to the performers. Afterwards a dance was, field, the music being supplied bv the Misses Addises and •Mr.W. Cormick. The. singing of "Auld Lang Syne" brought a pleasant ' evening to a close.


Tho Miniature Eiile Club held the first of a three nights' shoot on Saturday evening, for a trophy given by Mr F. Peter. There was a good muster, and shooting was of a highclass order, in view of the fact that' it was the first shoot on their new range. Tito range (electrically lighted) and shooting gallery i 3 enclosed under ono roof, and lias been comfortably arranged as well as providing spacious accommodation for members. Best 6eores during tho evening were:—lt. llix 33-33, E. Gifkins 33, G. Morgan 33-32, Hugh Morgan 33-32, G, Bland 32-32, J. Gorrio 32, J. Clinch 32-31, Law. Hood 32. At a general meeting of members, over which tlie club captain, Mr J. Gorrie, presided, Mr F. W. Gifkins reported having examined tho "left" rifle, as a result of complaints made by members, and found tho sight, and swivel, iu a loose state, which would probably account for the poor shooting of somo members in the recent trophy shot. Tho matter Irad been satisfactorily adjusted, and members accepted tho explanation. The observations of meteorological conditions is a subject of. special study at tho local school, for which purpose the Education Department have granted a number of instruments, amongst which aro maximum and minimum thermoters, wet and dry bulbs, and a hydrograph sheet, which is patented by the headmaster,' Mr P. H. Jones, who .is a keen student of meteorological matters. Storms are frequently forecasted by these budding weather prophets, and the time may not bo far distant Vrhen the schools' forecasts will gain a higher degree of reliability when further knowledge and observations haVe been gained. The succession of frosts was broken on Friday night, when fourteen frosts had been recorded, being one less than the previous record earlier in the month. The weather on Friday and Saturday was mild and cloudy, the sun shining for a short duration each day.' Light rain commenced to fall Saturday evening and continued at intervals throughout Sunday, 6 points being recorded on Sunday morning.


At a meeting of the Mayfield Plunket Society there were presentMesdames Austin (in the chair), Patterson, Barton, Wardell, Scown, Fleming, L- RHarrison, Mabley, H. Deliow, J. Murdoch, and White. Apologies were received from Mesdames C. Sewell and D. J. Morrow. In the absence of the secretary (Miss Corbett) Mrs White took her place. After a good deal ot discussion it was finally decided to ho.d the annual Plunket ball on July 15th, and to engage Mrs A. Mitchell's Orchestra. It was decided to have novelty dances, the prizes to be given by tho committee. The secretary was instructed to writ© to Mrs. D. J. McIlraith, who is ill, wishing her a speedy recovery. The local football team met the Hinds juniors at Mayfield on Saturday. Hinds showed that they were a much improved team in that Mayfield only beat them by two points. S. Holland scored the try for Hinds, which was not converted, and J. Winchester scored Mayfield's try, which J. McLauchlan converted. Mr W. Burrows, postmaster of Mayfield, who has been on his annual holiday, returns to Mayfield to-day. Mr Burrows has been relieved by Mr E. F. Codyne, of Christchurch.


A danco in aid of the school funds was held in the schoolroom on/Friday night,- when; in spite of the threatening weather, there was a splendid attendance. Mtisio was supplied by Mrs R. Grieve and Messrs D. A. Syme, F. Fagan, E. Wolf rev, E. Naumaim, and T. .Hutt. Mr R. Grieve was" M.C. and Mesdames G. L. Bufton, T.Hutt, and L. B. Syme attended to' tho suppcf. ' •


The third hare drive held this month by the Ashburton Forks-Greenstreet branch' of the Farmers' Union was held on Saturday. A start was made from the old "Spread"' corner, up between the Forks road and the North Asht burton River, as -far as Mr M. W. P. Blathwayt's property, then after lunch back through "Alford" and the final round up was in Mr F. G. Evan's riverbed. Twenty-five sportsmen, including a number from Ashburton, were out, and 120 hares were accounted for.' At the two previous shoots 250 hares were shot.


Ideal weather favoured the Methven Golf Club for the playing of the qualifying round of tho Club Championship on Saturday afternoon. Tho links were in splendid order, and an enjoyable afternoon's play was experienced. The cap-, tain (D. 51. Christie) gave a prize for tho winner of tho 18-holo stroke competition, which was held iu connexion with the qualifying round, and this was won by A. Lawrenco with a net score of 72. The following qualified:— A. Lawrence !>B, handicap 26, net 72; T. Forrest, 101—28—73; G. Hcney, SG—l2 —74; T. Macartney, 97—22—; E. 1). Thomas, 96—20—76. Also qualified: .T. F. Stone, M; A. Stone, P. Cookson, W. A. Hadeti, P. Harris, .T. Campbell, G. Cookson, A. -Baxter, G. "Waddington, and A. White.

Tho Ladies' Club held an open day and many of their members were present and spent a pleasant afternoon on the links.

Tho Methven Miuiaturo Eitlo Club held its weekly shoot ou Saturday evening. Members wero present in strong force, and good shooting was tho order of the evening. Tho first of the two shoots competed for was for a trophy presented by Mr J- McD. Anderson (Methven), the following being_ flie best scores recorded: S. Hyland 35, W. M. Holland 35, J. E. Carr 34, E. L. Haskett 34, H. Noble 34, G. H. Nicholls 33, E. Fuller 31. The liotty button competition was won by S. Hyland with a. possible," other good scores being: H. Noble 34, J. E. Carr 33, G. H. Nicholls 33, W. Jackson 32, J. Wightman 31, W. M. Holland 31, E. Fuller 31, E. L. Haskett 30.


The weather on Saturday was line without wind, but late in tho evening rain began to fall, continuing in heavy showers until morning. Sunday forenoon was dull and showers of misty rain fell at intervals. In tho afternoon a south-easterly wind brought heavy clouds, and rain set in and fell steadily throughout tho evening. Early yesterday morning tho weather cleared, and the day was fine and aunny. The rainfall for the past 48 hours was 42 points.


There was another good attendance at tho weekly progressive euchre tournament on Saturday night. Mrs L. J. Early, with 24 • points, secured the lady's prize, after a play-off with Mrs Noonan, and Mr E. Grieve, with 23 points, secured" the man's prize, after a play-off with Mr R. Houston. The consolation prizes went to Miss Clifton and Mr L. Williams.

Unlike tlio,other traffic bridges in the locality, the Black bridge over the North Ashburton River, has yet to be re-decked, which it badly needs, as a crossing will make evident. An old resident • of the locality says the decking has been down twenty years.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18730, 29 June 1926, Page 6

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MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18730, 29 June 1926, Page 6

MID-CANTERBURY Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18730, 29 June 1926, Page 6