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AXTOTIONS. H. MATSON AND CO. FARMS AND PROPERTIES FOR SALE. M ATSPNS' ALPHABET OF BARGAINS. A KAIAPOI DISTRICT-SO »*»•. *M4*A A into 3 paddocks. All waited by attesisn water. Half In crop, half m pasture. Six-roomed houie, eOWahed, separator reow with wattr laid on. r Four-stalled stable. ohaffhoUßa, end < uMDMhtd. PRICE i« (-'"g; ■ carrying 33 head of cattle. *ol. 1083 H. MATSON and CO. r SIX MILES FROM CITY-43 acres, 10 * paddooke, half pasture, half «°p. Two windmill* and dreek. Fourroomed houat, dairy, fout-atalled stable, implement shads, pigsties, Separator hoUBa, goptie tank PRICF. £6o per acre. £IOOO deposit, balance . 51 nar cent. Fol. 110 ° ] 1 P H. MATSON «.ad CO ri LEASE—JIG acres, North Canterbury, 8 i three years to run. Rent 80s per acre; 38 al'rta in wheat, 160 in croppin- and feed PRICE J3IOOO. ineludinp 196 .sheep. _ Fol l2so H MATSON and CO, : D LEASE—IIO aorta, kaiapoi. Tip-top - Dairy Farm Wall watered, foncad, and capable of milking 05 cow*. Five-roomed bouse, four-eow z«a» p landla milkina plant, electric motati c On-Kttllon AHa Laval separator RENTAL £4 p*» acre fot 60 »erea, £3 per acrt for 50 acres. PRICE / ±'2oo for goodwill. _ " H MATRON and CO. B S W LEASE—23O acres, 17 veera to run J Good cropping and sheep land Seven-roomed house, h attd c. 6.1.. 'phone, 13 stalled stable, brick flttbr j in eew-balla Alonpriiclf- railway ana g school Poet office otte trill* away g Cream cart calia Permanent »ue*m <; Baa grown 70 bushel* of wh*at, 100 i bushels of oats, 1 ton 6f linseed to i thi acia. SMo.B carried. 8 ab>ep to ( the aore PRICE «800 ft clear of I ■ cropi, or Would consider Exchange ( fbr good house propei'ty in town ( Fol 1347 I H. MATSON and CO ( 1? L.1.P.-840 acrea, North Canterbury on '< niiSirl road Fifteen oaddl.ekt Suit* able lot grazliig afid propping Carrisd last year 750 ewe* and l«J 'hog; cata and fattened all latnba PRICE ] £26 par acre Rent o* pa/ tor* • £3ono caab required M "Li 44 * tf MATSON and CO . I LEASE~i)o6 acrea, Oxford, 18 rear* to KX run. Marked out buah land Planty of tfotaf,-8 paddooka -Oarfiea 600 ■ ewaa all th 4 year round Good h<ni»6, ahaarina *had. vnara, tnd bo*»hed One mil* itdtb railway PRICE «So6o Rautal 12* (id Pet acre. Oepoalt OMb caah IHi" .H MATSON and CO H LITTLE RIVES Seven lota, comprising 1 aora, 9 aeraa. l aoraa, Id aerea. 10 aiiraa, 49 adraa, itid £9 aorofl All flrat-blaia grating land Mutt be aold to wind up Truat Eatata. H MATKON and CO. NQfiTB CANTERBtJRt-a9BO acta*, good eraisinß Mid fattening cftuntry I Woolahed, whire, «heep varda. ato and everla«tln«[ Will «Wfl »h*«P to the acr«. Bata had 106 pat ceftt lambs PRICE £8 par ««hjWOOO caab required. p ? H i A 4W H. MATSON wd CO T NEAR RANGIOSA-200 »or*a. good J building* and fanoaa. orappins and grazing; K» acrea in crop ?"♦*,« ' et<K.k 400 ewaa on turnip*! PKTCE £3a per acre. . 98 H. MATSON atid CO. r* RANGIORA DISTRICT-MS aerea, ,&nMn rtf earn/ins 600 ahceo. Has iuat rdnw baak on to briginaf owner'a handa. PRICE £2a par acre Folio 1899 H. MATSON. and CO. EXCHANGE~67 aorea for 100 acrea or I more. There are 20 acrea leasehold, 47 freehold, Rangicrt district RENTAL on laaaahold S3 10* per acre. Six-roomed house and all buildings. Twenty acrea in plantation. PRICE 41900. Folio MO2 H. MATSON and CO. EXCHANGE—43O acrea in North Canterbury tor City property Owa« intend* to rati**. Good oroppi" and gnwing tend. S*wmoo»-- , Bungalow, aaptio tank. Mlla from | railway, achool, *nd craamary: 88 i aoraa renawabla leaaa at |« Ud, teaa wataredj' 18 pa4dock«. wire fen«* Will carry ft awe and a nail. witn« out crop. PEIOE iBSOO. 43000 caah required," or will ■?"•».» going: concern. folio 1886 H. MATSON and CO. NSO MILES FROM CHRISTOHtJECH--119 acres, = cropping end graxuse land. Fiva-roomed lwuso, b and c, e.l. Soldier'* mortgaoe. C«sn reouired £IOOO. Folio 1887 H. MATSON and CO. OOXFORD— 175 acrea. Splendid land. Sli paddock*, well watered and anel-threa-year-old grass. Nino-rootaed o hoiiae, five-ettfled eUble, implement ahed, and iheep yard*. PRICE flf per acre. Crop* at valuation. • 26 por cent, deposit, balance 8} per cent. ■ « «*. H. MATSON and CO. POXFORD-rfO acrea, nearly reduced. Seven paddocka, 6-roomed dwelling, 1 dairy, coweied, atable, and chaffhouse, etc. PRICE £BO pet _aore. - JCSOO cash. . EoL 7*> H. MATSON and CO. if\ GRAZING LAND-438 acres, well fenced. The land i» clean, tho poaition ia warm, handv to Bcbool, post office, and yards. PRICE «26 per H. MATS-3N ond CO. > MALVERN DISTRICT-180 acrea, 6 \) paddocka, 40 acrea crops, balance pasture Five-roomed house, b and c, stable, chaffhonae, and implement shed. PRICE m per acre Mortgage X 3600. 0 per EC. JIATSON and CO. Q LEESTON DISTRICT--U7 acre*, on acO count deceased estate. PRICE iU per acre. 20 per cent deposit bas. ance Ist Feb., 16-28 _ F^" tt H. MATSON and CO. TBOUTHP.RIDGE-49 acre*. B°Ww*'f mortgage. Dairy Farm. Milka 18 co w a Half in crop, half in paaturo Five-roomed honae. e.1., h ana c., new outbuildings Rant £29 halfyear. Mortgage £7JO. 33 year* to run. £I4OO for goodwill. H MATSON and CO. . . RANGIORA DISTRIOT-140 acres. U cropping land Two and a half miles from post office, eto Five-roomed honae. gas, bathroom, hr and 0., and 'phone All down land and ploughable. PRICE ««■«»» cash required. ■ \ H. MATSON »nd CO. ' HOOSIER LIME SOVS[ER— Has only selling. Coat £35. will take £2O. H. MATSON and CO. 7 SWEDES—We can quote Imperial VV Purple Top £2 10a per ton on j trucks. Superlative £2 10» on tracks H MATSON and CO. ■ ' MILK ROUND—We have for Sale a us at once regarding this H. MATSON and CO. Y SHIRLEY—4 acrea and cottage, *i chains frontage PRICE £1350. H. MATSON and CO. EXOHANGE Town and Suburban Property for 20 to 40 acre*, iu:table for Market Gardening. .04 H. MATSON and CO.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18725, 23 June 1926, Page 20

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Page 20 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18725, 23 June 1926, Page 20

Page 20 Advertisements Column 7 Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18725, 23 June 1926, Page 20