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SOME FINE MATCHES. HORNBY BEAT MARIST. Results: — Hornby 15 beat Marist A 13. Waimairi 18 beat Sydenham 17. Addington 30 beat Linwood 3. Woolston 17 boat Marist B 12. The competitions of the Canterbury Kugby Football League were continued oil Saturday in perfect weather, and ou hard grounds. A cood crowd assembled on Monica Park, where the two matches were very evenly contested. Hornby and Marist A provided a gamtf full of thrills. Tho light Marist backs played very well together. and made the bigger Hornby men fight hard for every point. The issue of the Waimairi-Sydcnhnm game was in doubt right to the end, two fast sets of backs mal'in? the play open, and the scoring frequent. Addington wore too fast for the Linwood thirteen, and won by a big margin. 'l-ie other senior fixture, between Woolston anu Marist B, was closely contested in tlic first half. I>ul AS oolston proved superior towaris '-lie, end. Hornby (15) v. Marist A (13). When Hornby and Marist" A lined out .into tho field it was noted that the former had a big advantage in weight, especially in ihe forwards, but Marist nullified this l>y fast hooking—ol'ten too fast, before the ball was realiy in the scrum —and gave their youthful and speedy backs plenty to do. W ilsonliall was very closely watched, and was smothered when lic got near the ball. Hornby kicked off against the sun. and immediately made things merry, but A. Mackie, the versatile Hornby captain, received a bad knock which stopped play for a time. W. Davis replaced hiin, the backs being rearranged. Mason stopped a hard kick by Burns right in the face, but was apparently not hurt. Marist swung plav back quickly from a forward onslaught, and Robins, when over the line, was called back for a forward pass. Mason, Hornby's 18stono forward, broke through, but was well stopped by C. Fitzgerald. A rush, started by Wilson-Hall, was carried on by le Warne, who sent L. Vivian away, and ho fended O. Fitzgerald off to score. lleury converted. Two nippy back rushes by Marist were held up by N. Vivian, who was playing well in his new position as a winger. K. Fitzgerald set his men away well, but tho tackling was safe. Then J. Mundy and Davis fumbled in turn, and Marist wero in in a flash. E. Fitzgerald sent on quickly to Robins, who ran into position, and handed to Brittenden, who scored aTter a pretty cutin. C. Fitzgerald goaled, evening tho scores. A shot from near halfway by Henry was short, and C. Fitzgerald kicked clear, but the Hornby forwards, working like tigers, carried play back to tho Greens' end, where Masou kicked a fino goal from well out. Mason missed two long shots from penaltlos, and Henry a fairly oasy one. This was a stroke of luck for Marist, and left the balf-timo scores: Hornby 7, Marist 5. J. Mundy nearly let Polaschek in by fumbling light after tho start, but WilsonHall was there to clear. A Hashing drivo down tho side-line by Hornby was spoilt by a weak kick by U. Mackie, and Burns returned with a tremendous sprint, and had the "crowd on their feet when Wilson-Hall upset him in tho corner. It was a close shave for Hornby. After a series of scrums, which Marist wero hooking and then losing tho ball, tho Hornby backs set off in a hard rush started by Wilson-Hall and A. Mundy, who both ran cleverly. The ball travolled on to Mason, who sent L. Vivian off, and ho brushed C. Fitzgerald aside, and scored his second try. Wilson-llall kicked tho goal. Marists now rearranged their backs by sending Brittenden to full-back, and bringing O. Fitzgerald up to first fiveeighths, all the centre backs moving out. Hornby were attacking when suddenly Marist took tho ball downfleld by clover dribbling and short punts, till Hornby were all out of position, then Crocker picked up and sent Polaschek on to scoro under tho posts. C. Fitzgerald goaled, leaving tho scores: Hornby 12, Marist 10. The excitement was now intense, especially when aftor a sortie in Hornby's twenty-five Batcman sccurod and dashed over fairly wide out. 0. Fitzgerald missed, leaving the Greens one point ahead. Hornby had another big effort left, however. The clever Wilson-Hall set off through the Marist backs, and when in trouble handed to Henry, to Warr, who streaked for the corner, E. Fitzgerald just failing by inches to catch him. Henry's kick was poor. Again the crowd were on their toes when Brittenden, Robins, and E. Fitzgerald got over, but tho whistle had gone for a forward pass, and Hornby supporters breathed more freely. ' Henry and Warr had Hornby attacking again when the bell sounded, with the scores: Hornby 15, Marist A 13. ilr J. J. Stevens was referee. Addington (30) v. Linwood (3). Addington and Linwood met in the Addington Reserve, where tho home team were too speedy and too clever at the passing gam'e. Linwood kicked off and quickly ran play to their opponent's end, a force-down resulting. A combined movement gave Addington first blood, Mayne scoring in_ the corner. The kick missed. Linwood quickly got going again, and Murray, by a fast dribbling rush scored a try which was not converted. Falgar scored from fullback by sprinting and handing out a few "dummies." Sanders converted. The Linwood backs were not combining well, and were leaving openings, through one of which McLeod dived to score in the corner. The kick was wide. Parkes looked troublesome for Linwood till O'Malley upset him and sent Symlster on to score, but again Sanders's kick missed. Oollio scored another try for Addington before halftime, which left the scores: Addington 17, Linwood 3. . • , Play was slow for a time in the second half till the Addington backs set off in a pretty rush which ended in O'Malley. scoring and Collie kicking a goal. After a lot of midfleld play Falgar dashed through «tn opening, and after a forty yards' sprint was well tacked by Parkes. Amos was the next scorer, getting over after some scrambling. Collie again goaled. A fast Linwood rush had Addington in trouble, and after a lot ol even play Addington had to force to relieve the pressure. Symister was the last getter for Addington, the kick being wide, thus leaving the scores: Addington 30, Linwood 3. Mr C. Allen was referee.

Waimairi (19) v. Sydenham (18)

Magpies fielded an evenly-balanced team aeainßt Sydenham, and, after a stern encounter, "in which tho scores see-sawed -throughout, secured the verdict by a single point. The game was watched by ft tair crowd of Bpeetatorß,' but the claims of the match on the A ground, where Marista and Hornby met in a terrific encounter, proved too strong on occasions. Waimain owed their win to the bustling tactics of their forwards—The Red and Blue backs were, it anything, slightly superior to their opponents, especially in enterprise, initiative, and combination. , The win will do the northern suburbs club quite a lot of good, and Magpies may yet prove a thorn in the side of any one of the three teams whose prospects are most favoured. For the winners, E. Spencer and C. Sisson were the beat in the pack, but the others were all geod. Pahi made few mistakes at half, and th£ other backs were all sure handlers, although lacking tho speed of S. Clcgg and P. O'Connor, in the opposing rearguard. The first-named represented Inangahua and the West Coast laflt year. He gave a fine display, and, with O'Connor, was responsible for most of the Sydenham scores. J. Monrce and F. Green were the best Sydenham forwards. The ground was in good order, and ehould stand wet weather well this winter.

Sydenham invaded at once, and after a few minutes a Waimairi forward was penalised for a breach of the play-the-ball rule, Smith landing a neat goal from an angle. Sydenham 2, Waimairi 0. After good work b v Hi? \Vnimairi forwards. Spencer flashed a'cng the touchline, attended by Pahi. The latter accepted a clean transfer at tho twenty-five, «nd finished of! the movement. With a essay, E. Pearce just failed to add major points. Waimairi 3, Sydenham 2. Good tackling and even play made the game interesting for spectators. Presently Falgar and O'Connor dodged, side-stepped, and dummied their way to tho Magpie twenty-five, where C'egg gathered in a neat pass, and flashed over in a fair position. f*'d no good with the kick. Sydenham 5. Waimairi 3. Clegs, Sydenham's skipper, threaded his way through half a score of Magpies, but Pahi carried back, and for a time the thirteen from the southern suburb were strenuously resisting hot thrusts, from their opponents' rearguard. For ten minutes they withstood the scige, but, the backs potting out of position, H. Mcllroy outpaced his pursuers, and brought Waim&iri's score up to 6. Pearce improved with an accurate goal kick. Waimairi 8, Sydenham 5. The southerners battled their wav into Magpie territory, on resuming, and O'Connor ended up a brilliant effort, which started at the twenty-five, with a touchdown behind the uprights. Smith made no mistake, giving his side the lend once more. Sydenham ID, Waimairi 8. Boon required the attention of ambulance men af this stage, suffering a cut in the head, but ho played on. Falgar and O'Connor, the latter of whom mu3t surely find his way into any jeprcsentativa tram, were responsible, through their association in a brilliant parsing movement, for the conquest of much Waimairi territory, but they spoiled i', I'll with a forward pass. The second epell was rathar brighter than the first, and Waimairi once more took the lead, when D. churned down a kick by H. Dymond. He lasted just long enough to score, and E. Pearce notched another conple with g, fine kick. Waimairi 13,

Sydenham 10, It wa3 now neck-and-neek. Clcgg ran along touch and whipped in to O'Connor, who clove through for a try wide cut. No addition resulted from Smith's attempt. Waimairi 13, Sydenham 13. Play was now from end to end. Stern struggles finally terminated inside Sydenham's twenty-five, when E. Spencer secured, and hurled himself through the met:. Pearce failed to convert hi? try. Waimairi 16, Sydenham 13. Mcllroy menaced the Blue and Red lino with a speedy run, and, after a scrum, E. Kirton picked lip and successfully dived for the objective. The attempt at goal brought no increase in the score, Waimairi 19, Sydenham 13. H. O'Neill (Sydenham) was beaten for pace, when it was only a matter of running in. Clcgg did better, ar.d sent on to F. Tonkin. Sydenham's captain beat several opponents, who were probably tiring badly, and transferred to H. Dawssn, this forward scoring in the best position. Smith converted. Pearce had three shots, two of which struck an upr'Rht. and O'Connor ran forty yards, but Waimairi still held a point lead when the referee pounded "no side." Waimairi 19, Sydenham 18. Mr H. W. Lawrence gave satisfaction with the whistle. Woolston (17) v. Marist B (12). Woolston and Jfarist B met at Woolston Park, the former winning the toss. Marisi attacked early, and play was in the Woolston twenty-five, but infringements were frequent. The Blues then attacked, and Marist were penalised, but Hern's kick was fruitless. Carroll and O'Shaughnessy then headed tho Marist forwards, and later H. Blazey's effort to improve from a penalty failed. Marist were awarded another free kick, but G. Blazey failed with the kick. The Woolston forwards headed by Hern and Watson swept down on the Greens' line, and Marist wero compelled to force twice in quick succession. From the kick Marist took play to the Woolston twenty-five, where ft passing rush between Connolly, G. Blazey, and Mollov resulted in the last-named scoring wide out. G. Blazey failed to improve. Woolston then pressed hard, but the handling of their backs was not certain, with the exception of Papps, who was playing a good game. G. Blazey dribbled through tho Woolston backs, and, picking the ball up on the bounce, passed to Holland who Ecored. G Blazey failed with the kick. After a tussle on tho Woolston line, Flood passed to Crowo, who scored wide out. G. Blazey's kick failed. The Blues then rallied and, headed by Harris, took all before them, the sanio player picking up and going over unopposed. Watson goaled. Armstrong then let the ball out to Papps who beat at lease three men to score wide out, but his kick failed, nalf-timo camo soon after with the score: Marist B 9, Woolston 8. On the resumption of play, Papps gave Woolston position, but O'Shaughneasy and H. Blazey headed a counter-rush. Tho Woolston backs kept on attacking, but tho Marist defence held them until Ferris picked up near half-way, and with a good burst of spcod, ran on to scorn under tho posts, Watson adding tho extra points, and putting Woolston in the lead. Tho Greens then compelled Woolston to force twice., Holland later being held up on the. line, and Glynan, the Marist fullback made a good effort to pot a goal from the field. The Blues- were awarded a penalty from which Watson goaled. Connolly, the Marist half, then obtained from a scrum and passed to H. Blazey, who put in a long run before passing to Molloy, who scored at the corner. The kick faiied. In the concluding stages, Woolston held tho advantage, and the Greens being penalised, Ferris kicked a good goal, as the final whistle sounded, with the score: Woolston 17, Marist B 12. Referee, Mr H. Road. OTHER MATCHES. Second Grade. Sydenham 5 (scored by Matthews) defeated Waimari 3 (try by Lyons); Referee, Mr 0. Johnson. Addington 10 beat Hornby 8. Referee, Mr 0. Tilleyshort. Marist 13 beat Linwood 3. Referee, Mr P. Kirton. Woolston 14 beat West Coasters 2. Reforce, Mr D. McCrao. Third Grade. Hornby 11 beat Templeton 0. Referee, Mr A. Davis. Marists 80 beat Woolston 0. Referee, Mr B. Stapley. The Linwood-Sydenham game was not played. Fourth Grade. Addington 17 beat Sydenham 3. Referße, Mr A. Leitch. Hornby 62 boat Marist 0. Referee, Mr A. Cox. Fifth Grade, Addington and Woolston B drew, each scoring 16' points. Referee, Mr R. Keller. Waimairi 2d beat Marist 0. Referee, Mr 0. S. Johnßton. Sixth Grade. A Section—Hornby 6 beat Sydonham 0. Referee, Mr M. Davis. Woolston A 24 beat Addington 0. Referee, Mr D, Wilson. Marist 5 beat Linwood 0. Referee, Mr 3. OMbbs. B Section —Addington 8 beat Waimairi 0. Referee, Mr W. Smith. Linwood 8 beat Marist 0. Referee, Mr W. Desmond. The HornbySydenham game was not played. 0 Section—Linwood 60 boat Marist B 32. Referee, Mr 0. Kerr. Addington won by default from Marist 0. WEST COAST GAMES. (special to "the press.") GREYMOUTH, April 25. At the Grcymouth Recreation Ground yesterday, before a record attendance, Runanga lowered their colours to Marists, in one of the best eenior games, witnessed on the Coast since the, inauguration of the League code, the final soores being Marista 11, Runanga 9. In the first spell, Mouatt scored, an unconverted try for Marists. Runanga then commenced to pile up points, Ami- ■ strong leading off by kicking a good penalty goal. Another try, scored by B. Cust and converted by W. Armstrong, put Runanga in the lead at the half-time whistle by 7 points to 3. In the second half Marists started to even up matters, and W. Kennedy notched an unconverted try for the Greens. Another attack on tho visitors firing line resulted in Griffiths getting over and N. Mouatt converting. RunttUga's only ecore in the second soell waa a penalty go&i piloted by W. Armstrong. For the Greens, P. Doogatt was the best back, while Dunn and Griffiths were always prominent, Mouatt shone out in the forwards and Bissell and Larcombe both plaved well. Cust and Pinn were the piok of the Runanga backs, and Fallentyre and Griffiths were the best forwards. Marists fourths defeated Groy in a cur-tain-raiser by 27 to 10. IN OTHER CENTRES. (MESS ASSOCIATION. TELEGRAMS.) AUCKLAND, April 25. The senior League football competition started on Saturday. The results were as follows: —■ Ponsonby 31 v. Devonport 21. City 39 v. Newton 16. Richmond 23 v. Grafton 3. Ellerslie 3 v. Parnell 2. Mangere 37 v. Northcote 8. Kingsland 5 v. Otahuhu 3. DUNEDIN, April 26. City 35, Christian Bros. 5. Athletic 23, Kaitangata 2. Pacific 13, Kaikorai 9.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18675, 26 April 1926, Page 13

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RUGBY LEAGUE. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18675, 26 April 1926, Page 13

RUGBY LEAGUE. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18675, 26 April 1926, Page 13