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THE POTATO MARKET. (BI OCR COMJtEHCIAL EDITOR.) Tuesdav Evening. The Kawatiri. is replacing; the Waikouaiti as the Lytteltou boat for Sydney, and,she is due to leave to-morro"'. ! The Waikouaiti is sailing direct from i Timaru. The Kawatiri's consignment is estimated at from 600 to7(XTtoiu,, and doubtless the Waikouaiti will add to this number. \\ ith the rush o\er to till the Kawatiri's consignment, there has l**n an easier tendency amongst f.o.b.s.i. operators, but ! prices on trucks arc still the sanie. I Auckland operators are still very quiet, [ but experience suggests that with the I high prices ruling at this early period of the season they will'continue their somnolence until ntocks in th? north .are practically bare . Early diggings round about Christchurch show fair yields, but a heavy proportion of small* tubers, the later sown crops showing a heavier proportion of_ table?. Quotations are £5 10s and £5 los on trucks. Onions. Onions remain at the week-end drop, and are quoted at £l3 a ton on trucks. Enquiries from the north are practically' negligible, but the shipment to Sydney of up to 200 tons by the Kawatiri is likely' to arouse interest; Active Demand for Peas. The .filling of orders by the Home boat this week caused a jurfnp fn prices, ; and un to 7s Bsd f.0.b., s.i., was paid [as a result. This is ahead of Home ! parity. Nominal prices on trucks are 6s 6d. Oats Cheaper. The absolute lack of demand for oats has ten reflected in a. pronounced recession in price. A 'Gartons are now about 4s f.0.b., s.i., and B's 3s 9d. The southern crop is affecting the silu.ition. . Quotations. The following are nominal quotations, free of commission, on trucks at way* side,stations, sacks extra, except where otherwise stated ; Wheat (new season)— Millers' tiers, 6s Bd, 6s lOd, and 7s f.0.b., sack 3 extra; fowl wheat, 7s. Oats —Gartons. 3s 6d to 3s 7d for A's, and 3s 3d to 3s 4d for B's; Algerians 3s 6d; Duns 4s ; f<sr good quality. Chaff—Good bright £5 10s to' £5 12s 6d White Clover ' (new season) —9d to lid. Barley—ss. Cowgrass—Bd to lOd. Italian Ryegrass—3s. Perennial Ryegrass—ls. Cocksfoot - (nominal) —7d to 7Jd. Partridge' Peas—To, 6s. Cd. . Onions—£l3. Potatoes—£s 10s to £5 15s;' Flour 1 -£lB a ton to.b. nearest port; smaller, packing, 1001b £l9; 50'?, £l9 12s 6d2o's, £2O. / ' . Pollard—£9 f.o:b. nearest-port, 10s extra for smaller packing. - v ' • per ton f.o.b. nearest 1 port, 10s extra for smaller packing. '.ASH3URTON SALE, . There was'a'big attendance at the Ashtrurton ealeyards yesterday,- and a large entry of sheep.. In the fat pens there were 678 ewes, 308 wethers, aftd 1892' lambs. Fat f ewes, sold -at about' equal to last week's I values, 'but there was a 'slight' easing in of fat wethers. All , the lambs '-were Eagerly bid for and 'sold at 'full schedule rates, 'though several lines of extra prime ones' Were' a' shsde abovei the schedule. The top price paid this season waa 31s 9d for a pen of three pets sold on account of Miss Ashton, of Asnburton, and 38s 3d was.realised for a'pen of three very prime maiden ewes eold on tocount of the Thomas Dowling Estate. The principal sales were:— Ewes—2o at 18s Id, 19 at 17s 7d, .16 at 17a .3d, .13 at 17s, 18 .at 17s fld, 7 at 17a 6d, 9 at 16s lOd, 24 at 17s 4d, 10 at 17s, 22 at 16s, 8 at 19a 3d, 9 at 31s, iat ffis Sd, 12 at 16s, 4 at lfis 6d, 13 at 16s 7d, 17 at 17a 4d, 16 at 17s 6d, 16 at 17» '4d, 16 at 17s 7d,'S at 19»,' 9 at 17s, 18 at 16a 10d, 16 at 17s Id,, 6 at, 20s 9d, .18 at 16s 9d, 67 at 17S 6d, 13 at 18s,. 14 at. 17s Bd, 14 at 20s ea, 14 at 28s Id, 16 at 15s 9d, 12 as 13s lid, 31 at 17a Id, 63 at 16s, 101 at 17s, 93 at Isa 7cL ' '■ at 30s, U at 30s, 33 at 27« Id, 24 at 375, 26 at 27s 7d, 21 at 28a 6d, 2 at 32a 9d, 11' at" 355/ 8 at 29s 3d,'B at 29s 4d, 27 at 39a 6d, 7 at 1 38s 4d, 50 at 38s 6d, 13 at 38a 9d, 2 at 31a 9d, 10 at 275. Lambs—3 at 34s' 9d; 33 at 37s 9d, 37 at 2Ss 3d, 30 at 29a, 40 at 28a Id, 53 .at 28e Bd, 60 at -24s 7d, 48 at'39s Sd. -40 «t OSm Bd. 80 •t 37s lid, 131 at 29s ed, 70 at 38s 4d. 33 at 38*, 43 at 38rld, 48 at 28s Sd, 54 at 28a 9d, 61 at 28s Sd, 106 it 29s Bd, 19 at 08s fld, 93 :at 37s Id,' 16 -at' 29s Id-. 24 at 38a 7d. . .Store*—Thers 'was. again a' large yarding of stores- and some, satisfactory prices wero r«alised, but there were many lines' passed in as not up to venAors' values.' Amongst the. prinoipal- sales wero:. 80 four, six, and «ight-toot£' forward halfbred wethers at 27a 'Bd, '79 ' wether lambs at 21s ,4d, .9. sqund-mouth. crossbred, ewes at JOSj 'lO2 failing-mouth halfbred ewea at 13s, 33 two, foiur, and six-tooth halfbred wethers at 355, 71 sound' and failing-mouth threequ'ar.t«rbred ewes at 14s 6d, 100' six and sight-tooth -three-quarterbred ewee at .30s, 82 sound-mouth three-quarterbred wethers at 27s 4d, 141 halfbred ewe hoggeU at 21s Bd, 14 purebred, aound-mouth, Southdown ewes »t 375, 51 aor.nd and fftiling.month purebred Boirder Leicester ewea (empty) at 83s 6d, 170 mixed sex halfbred lambs; at 21s 6d, 75 full and failing-mouth' Ihree-quarterbred ewes at 14s 3d. Cattlei—There was 'a'yarding cf 23 hesd of cattle .and' amongst them :there were a few nicely finished handy-weights for the local butchers. ' The .bidding for these was spirited. Heifers'sold from £6 to £ll 12s 6d, and cows. £9 to £9 sa. Cows 'in profit realised £3 to £6 ss,' and heifers :n profit £3 to £3 7s 6cU and three eight-months-cld calves -brought £1 each. .' PROPERTY SALE. The residence of the. ]at« Mrs E. Sec retan, 14 ° Rhodes street,. Merivals, . wag sold by. auction j-estenday, after'spirited bidding: The buyer was Mr W. "W. Pitcaithley, who secured the property : for £1325. ■ Charles R. Clark was the auctioneer. ' • ' Messrs Jones, MoCrostie Co , Ltd.; sold at the Bangiora Saleyards' to-day, on account, of the Official Assignee (in conjunction with Mr Devlin), the property situate at 1 Good 'street, Bangiora, comprising bungalow ol' 4. rooms and conveniences, together with 74 perches of land, to Mrs McMullan, at ths pries of £850; SALE OF FURNITURE. H. C. Smith, of the City Market, conducted an auction aale of furniture on if the District' Public Trustee in the estate of 'he late E. E. Irving: The following prices -Wero obtained: —Electrio iron 245, 7-piece suite £8 lQs, duchesss £2 10s, double iron bed. £2 17s, 6d, wardrobe £6 10s, sewing machin* £} ss, sidsboard £5 2s 6d, duchesse £3 6s, wardrobs £4 3a 6d, lino. £2 15s, mattress 265, colonial couch £3 7s 6d, chair £l, Cabinet £l. —7 EGG AUCTION. ! ; ■-- ' Messrs Harris Bros., Ltd., ftport that the usual weekly auction sale of Feather Brand guaranteed fresh' Mgs was hsld in their rooms; 158 Serefora street, yestsrday afternoon. The following prices were realised:— Hen eggs, first graas- or over), 3s 9d to. 2s lOd; hen eggs, second grade (under 2oz), 2s 6d to 3s Si. —B


AUSTRALIA AND N.Z. (SFBCIIL TO "TS* PRESS "j . DUXEDIX, April 20. At a dinner giveu bv the Commissioners representing the overseas and New Zealand courts, to the directors of the Exhibition, Sir Heurv Barwell (Australia referred to the . reciprocal agreement between Australia nad New Zealand, which, he said, required reviewing. He had been asked by Government to impress on the Government here that they were prepared to review the relationship between the Commonwealth and the Dominion. Unity of tra,de relations was the idea of Australia, and the reciprocal tariff could be extended with advantage by both countries. They did not ask for navthing for nothing, ami they were prepared to give a quid pro quo every time.


The Department of Agriculture has received the following cablegram, dated the 17th instant, from the High Commissioner for New Zealand, London: — BUTTER. Market quiet. Official quotations are:— Sew Zealand: Finest salted. April 17th—172s to 174s per cwt (Is 6Jd April' 10th—172s to 174s per cwt (Is 6Jd Unsalted. April 17th —174s to 170s per cwt (Is 6}d to la 6Jd per lb). April 10th—176s-to 178s per cwt (Is 6Jd to Is 7d per lb). Other Qualities. April 17th—152s to 168s per cwt (Is 4Jd to Is 6d per lb) Australian (salted and unsalted): April 17th —170s to 174s per cwt (Is 6Jd to Is 6Jd per lb). April 10th —170s per cwt (Is 6}d per lb). ' • Other qualities (salted). April.l7th'—l46s to 166s per cwt (Is 3Jd to Is 53d per lb). Other Qualities (unsalted). April 17thr—156a to 166s per cwt (Is 4Jd to Is 5Jd per lb). • Argentine: .Unsalted. April 17th—154s to 160s per cwt (Is 4Jd to Is 5d per lb). Exceptional, up to 164s per cwt (Is 5Jd per lb). April 10th—156s to 182s per cwt (Is 4Jd to Is 5Jd per lb). Other Qualities. April 17th—144s to 152sper cwt,(ls 3Jd to-Is 41d per lb), Siberian. April 17th—157s to 160s per lb (Is 43d to Is 5d per lb). Exceptional up to 164s per cwt (Is sid per lb). • April 10th—158s to 164s per cwt (1« 4]d to la 5Jd per lb). 'Danish. ' April 17th—178s to 180s per cwt (1b 7d to Is 7|d per lb). April 10th—182s per cwt (Is 7Jd per lb). CHEESE. Market slow. Official quotations are:— .English: Finest Farmers; Unchanged and scarce. Canadian: Finest Coloured. April' 17th—106s to 110s per cwt (Hid to Hid per It). April 10th—106s to 110s per cwt (llld to HJd per lb).. ' . ' . i . ■ White. April 17th—106s to 110s per cwt (Hid to llfd per lb). ' # t3 April 10th—106s to 112s per cwt (Hid to Is per lb). New Zealand: 'Coloured: • April 17th—95s to 97s per cwt,(lold to 10id per lb). ■ April to : 98s per cwt (10ld to lOJdper lb). ■"'*•■' • White. April 17th—95s to. 96s per cwt (10Jd per lb). ~ April'loth'—9ss to 97s per cwt (10id to ' lQld per lb). .■.•'.'■ , ... Australian: Coloured, (in,accordance with ' . , • size); April 17th—92s to 94s per cwt (Bjd to lOd per lb).' ■•-■■■■■ April 10th —93s to 96s per cwt (lOd to 101 d per lb). - ' • - ' 'White. ' April 17th--92s to 93s .per cwt.(9Jd per lb). AprillOth—93s to 95s per cwt (lOd to lOid per lb). ■ . '. Shipment of New Zealand produce arrived ' this week per s'.s.'Middlesex. . APPLES. '. Demand only fair, and tendency easier. American still plentiful, and large quantities yet to arrive. The following are. prices for Port Denison and Port Hunter shipments:— Cox's Orange, 14s to 18g tip to 20s per case; 1 Jonathans, 14s to 18s per case; Rlbston Pippin, 14s'to 15s per-case; Dunn's Favourite, 12s 6d to 14s per case; Willie Sharp, 14s per case; Worcester Pearmain, 10a to 13s per case; Adam's Pearmain, 12s per case. ' Australian prices, for Victorian and Tasmanian apples:—Cleopatra, 13s to 14s per case; Jonathan, lis; to 13s per case; Dunn's Favourite, lis to 12» per ease; others, 10s 6d to 12s per' case. West Australian sorts 1 Is per case more. HEMP. ' Manila market'steadier. "J" grade AprilJune, shipments again sold at £39. .Sisal,dull and easier tendency. 'Number 1 Tanganyika, Kenya April-June shipments - offered .at £42 10s to £43, but no business reported. New Zealand weak, and sellers' quote high points April-June'shipments £36 10s, fair £33* 10s, bnt no buyers. Stocks in London, March 31st, 85 tuns, against 107 tons same time last year. i , '.',•■ " Wr ' ool '\ , Bradford market quiet but steady. Present quotations .are': —For tops: .64's warp (merino), 4s, Old; 64's average, 3s 101 d per lb; ; 56's super: halfbred, 2s 9d per lb'; 50's fine 'crossbred, 2s, 2d per lb. 40V prepared, is. 9d per lb. ' ' . ! : . ■ .' TALLOW. ' Spot market .quiet' but steady.' Present .quotations, are:— * Mutton—Fine, 44s to 45s'per cwt: fair to good, 42s to. 43s 6dlper cwt; dark to dull, 39s- to 40s per cwt. Beef—Sweet and (or) mixed, 4-2s to 43s pdr cwt;iair to good, 40s : 6d.'to 42g per cwt; dark to dull, 37s 6d to 39s per cwt. Mixed—Fair •to good, 40s 6d to 41s 9d per cwt; dark to dull, 37s 6d to 39s per cwt. Gut, etc., 35s 6d to 38s 6d per cwt. .' l ' . . ' • ' . FOREIGN EXCHANGE RATES. (B7 CABLfc—'nil's ASSOCIATION—COPrStOHT.) (AUSTaALUB 4KD M.Z CVSf.J ABSOCUTIOW.) (Received April iOth; .5.3 pirn.) -...,.. ■ ' LONDON,- April 19. The exchange rates are:

WHEAT. (Received April 20tk. 7.5 p.m.) . . . ~- JLpNDON. April 19. Wheat cargoes have firmed in eympatJiy with the American market. Enquiry is slow, but parcels of Australian are" active at Cd to 9d advance. .Sales took place <at. 58s 6d to 59s 3d. • Liverpool • future* , are quoted: May-July. Us Bd, October 10s !pd. FLOUR. (Received April 20th, S.lO p.m.)' SYDNEY. April 20. The wholesale 'price of flour baa increased by"~15« per ton. METALS. (Received April 20th, 3.10 p.m.) LONDON, April 19. Copper-nSpot, £57 6« 3d; fonrard, £SB 3s 9d per ton. Lead—Spot, £2B 6s 3d, forward, £35 16s 8d per ton. Spelter—Spot, £3l 7* 6d, forward, £33 15s per ton. Tin—Spot, £234 12s 6d; forward, £271 17« 6d per ton. Silver—Standard, 39 5-16 d; fine, 31fd per os. WOOL. <BT CiBUt—FRIS3 ASBOCUTIOX—COFVBIOHT.) (ACSTSAIJAK AST) R.S CABI* ASSOCUTIOX.) \ LONDON, April 19. At Bradford'th»,wool' njirk«ti» Mtrems1y q.ui«t owing to-ieattsof a. eo*A afcrike.

Par. April 15. April 19. Paris, fr. to £1 ... 25/22J 143.91' 145.55 Brussels, fr. to £1 .. 25!22J 180.87 132.45 Oslo, fcr. to £J ..■■ 13.159 '22;30 22.17 Copenhagen, kr. to £1 18.159* 18.58 .18.58 Stockholm, kr. to £1 18.159 ■ 18.15 18.16 Berlin, < Reichmarken to £1 ' ' ... —' ■ . 20.43 Montreal, dol. to. £1 4.86J 4.8}i 4.64 3-16 New Yofk, dol. to t £l 4.66J 4.86 4.861 Borne,; lira'to £t'.. 25.221 120.85 120.81 Yokohajma, st to .yen.. 24.5, , 23 23i Calcutta, it to rpe> 10 to gold £ 17 15-16 m Hong Kong, st. to dol. * : ■■»»- 263 Amsterdam, fl. ...;12.107d.' 12. UJ 12.131 Batavi* ' ..'. — .. .12.091 12.10J * Governed by price of'silv cr.'

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 10

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CANTERBURY MARKETS. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 10

CANTERBURY MARKETS. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 10