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ASHBURTON. PERSONAL. Miss Gwcn G. Matthews tendered her resignation as Commercial teacher, in j order to take up a position at Masterton, at the High School Board meet- j ing yesterday. The resignation was ac- | ccpted with regret, and it was agreed to write congratulating Miss Matthews upon her appointment, and thank her ior her services. A.O.F. Lodge. The ordinary meeting of the Court Ashburton No. 6709, A.O.F. Lodge, was held on Monday evening when P.C.R. Bro. Beach presided. The Woodwards reported that there were four members on sick leave, and sick pay amounting to £4 10s was passed for payment. The secretary of the Social Committee reported that the arrangements for the fortnightly euchre tournaments and dances were well in hand, and the opening night was set down for Thursday, April 29th. Two new members were initiated into the order, and ono was proposed. The receipts sinro last meeting were £SS 10s 6rl, and accounts passed for payment amounted to £3-1 10s lid. Prolific Potato Crop. The fact that this season has been exceptionally favourable, not only to green feed, but also to potatoes, was evidenced in some Dakota Bed variety which were submitted to a local grain merchant yesterday. The tubers, which were typical Dakotas, displayed evenness in size and shape, and averaged 21b looz each. For this time of the year, they were exceptional, and allowed signs of prolific growth. The crop is grown by Mr J. Ploan, on tho property of Mr A. Read, jun., at Willowby. Notifiable Diseases. The County Health Inspector (Mr E. N. Johnson) experienced a busy day among infectious diseases cases on Sunday, there being no fewer than eight cases of diphtheria notified. Two of tho notifications were from Allenton, two from Beach road, ono from Tinwald, and three from Wakanui road. High School Board. f The monthly meeting of the Ashburton High School Board of Governors was held yesterday, when thero were present: Messrs J. \V. Bowden (chairman), M. Bruce, J. Brown, R. Kennedy, R. Galbraith, F. Frampton, W. T. Lill, and tho headmaster (Mr W. F. Waiters). • The financial statement showed a debit of £3050 in the loan account and a debit of £162 13s 4d iu the general account. The chairman reported with reference to the conference with the Technical School Board, to make arrangements regarding the High School wood-work class, stating that he had discussed the matter with Mr R. Galbraith, the chairman of the Technical School Board, when the latter informed him that it was quite impossible for Mr R. J. Thompson, the Director, to take the class on Wednesdays, as it would interfere with the time-table. Ho did not think that a conference would be of any use. Thp matter was allowed to drop. The headmaster, in his report, stated that the school roll was 234 (133 boyp and 101 girls). Three boys and one girl had left while one boy re-entered. The average attendance for the month was 219 or 93.6 per cent, of the roll. Term examinations were in progress and the first term vacation would begin on May Bth. The arranging of a date for the conference between the Technical School and High School Boards, to discuss amalgamation, was left with Messrs R. Galbraith and W. J. Bowden, the respective chairmen. The Principal of the Technical School (Mr R. J. Thompson) wrote stating that in view of tho proposed confer* ence between the High and Technical School Boards, he invited them to inspect tho Technical School, when he hoped to fcliow them that technical education as carried out in. Ashburton was the nearest approach to that ideal secondary education, outlined by Mr F. Milner, rector of Waitaki High School, on his return, some few years ago, from tho Pan-Pacific Conference of Educationists. . If they could arrango a time, preferably between the hours of 10.30 a.m., and 3.30 p.m., on any day, he would be pleased to show them tho, school in operation, and to explain the aims and advantages of each course. It was agreed that the Board, as a body, accept the invitation, and attend upon some dato to be arranged. Messrs Lane and Kennedy were ap-» pointed a Visiting Committee for May. No tender was acoepted for the ploughing, levelling, and sowing of the playing area in Kitchener street, and the niatter was left in the hands of tho Agricultural Master (Mr R. M. McGregor). A. and P. Association. At tho General Committee meeting of the Ashburton A. and P. Association held yesterday, the president, Mr J. H. Gngg, presided. The nomination by the Canterbury A. and P. Association of Mr D. W. Westenra to a seat on tho Board of Agriculture, in the place of Mr H. S. S. Kyle, M.P., was approved. Mr A. Brown was appointed the Association's representative on the Commission to make arrangements in connexion with the Farm School to be held in Ashburton next month. The president introduced the subject of a ploughing match for this year, stating that it would require between £7O and £BO to b© raised by voluntary subscriptions. They seemed to be well served with ploughing matches by the surrounding centres. Mr A. N. Grigg said tliafa everybody seemed to be "tractor mad," and he did nob known what they would have to c:iter for. Mr A. Brown considered it a pity that the ploughing matches were getting away from the main centre. The idea of a match for this year was abandoned. Tho president stated that the next Show would be.their Jubilee, and thev should put forth a great effort to make it an outstanding success. They would havo to work up the stock section. Mr A. N. Grigg stated that there was a movement on foot to resuscitate the Canterbury Yeomanry Cavalry, and lie thought that they might revive the Lloyd Lindsay competitions, and stage them in connexion with the Jubilee. Further consideration was deferred until next meeting. In answer to Mr G. Bland, the president said he thought it advisable to keep to the one-day Show, as it would not affect the condition of cattle, which would be forwarded on to the Christchurch Show. The following sub-committees were appointed:—Sheep and ram fair, Messrs J. Bland, J. Bonifant, H. C. B. Wit hell, G. H. B. Lill, and E. D. Cochrane; cattle and pigs, Messrs H. Watts, A. E. White, J. Findlay, F. Frampton, and H. C. Barton; draught horses, Messrs W. A. Sheate, W. .1. T>oak. W. Boap, C. Hale, and SCrosson: light liorses, Messrs W. Z. D Ferriman, H. Brown, H. Morris, J A. Fleming, and A. NT. Grigg; farm and dairy produce, Messrs J. M. Hampton. F. Frampton, B. D. Cochrane, R. Houston, and R. Oakley; art

and industrial, Messrs A. Moore, It. Houston, J. M. Hampton, Mrs Prebble, and Miss Stringfeliaw; competitions, Messrs A. A. McDonald, A. N. Grigg, T. J. Bell, W. Z. D. Ferriman, and A. Brown; reception, Messrs John Grigg, W. J. Taylor, J. Findlay, J. Cow, and D._ G. bright; finance, Messrs John Grigg. A. Horsey, J. Cow, A. Brown, and H. Morris: ground, Messrs A. Brown. F. Merrin, J. Findlay, F. Frampton, and W. J. Doak; educational, Messrs R. Houston, J. Brown, M. P. W. Blathwayt. and R. M. McGregor; the president and vice-presi-dent are ex-officio members of all subcommittees. Basketball Association. The annual meeting of the Ashburton Basketball Association was held last evening wheu the president (Mr E. J. Thompson) presided. The annual report stated that owing to tho lateness of the season, when the Association was forced, only one round of the competition was played. The attendance of the public was disappointing at the competition matches, but the large crowd which assembled at tho scven-a-side tournaments -was an indication that basketball was coming into its own in Ashburton. The balance-sheet showed a credit of £1 7s. The report and balance-sheet were adopted. Ofliccrs for the ensuing year were elected as follows:—President, Mr R. J. Thompson; vice-presidents, Misses Tait, R. Marshall, Messrs W. F. Watters, O. G. M. Boyee, W. Ti. Lane, and •T. McElhinncy; secretary and treasurer, Miss E. Harries. It was intimated that there would either be ten or twelve teams entering the competitions. May 29th was set down as the opening date. School Committee. The Ashburton Borough School Committee mot last evening, when Mr John Watson presided. I ho Canterbury. Education Board advised that tho committee 1 s application for t-lic erection of one room as the nucleus of a new infant school had been forwarded to the Department. The head mater (Mr C. G. M. Boyce) reported that 19 pupils had been admitted in the last four weeks. Two had left, leaving 461 on tho roll. The average attendance was 412.8 ,or 90 pet .cent. This was not quite up to tho usual standard, tho increase in absentees being caused by visits to the Exhibition, and by chicken-pox. Miss E. Percy's position on the staff had been filled temporarily by Miss Eden and Miss King, who were leaving at the end of May to take up a position in Otago. It was decided to approve of the appointment! of Miss L. M. Hodgson as assistant, as recommended by the Education Board. Hockey Clubs. The Ashburton High School Old 'Girls Hockey Club held a meeting last evening, when Mr J. W. Bowden presided. The balance-sheet! showed a credit of £1 18s 2d. It was decided that) the Club continue, but the name should be changed to Old Girls Hockey Club. The resignation of Miss G. Mathews, secretary, was accepted with regret. The election of officers resulted:—. Patron, Hon. W. Nosworthy; president, Mr J. W. Bowden; vice-presi-dents, Messrs W, F. Watters and F. Watt; committee Misses C. Bowden, M. Bell, D. Knox, and E. Shaw; delegate to Hockey Association, Mr C. Bishop. It was agreed to enter one team in the competition. BARRHILL. The ladies of Barrliill held a kitchen afternoon in the Barrhill School in honour of Miss Ethel Bishop, who is to he married shortly. A very pleasant time was spent in musio and competitions. Several gramophone and piano selections were given, and competitions were won by Miss Gertie Bishop and Mrs Faire.v. A large and varied assortment of articles was presented to Miss Ethel Bishop, and the opening of the parcels caused much amusement. Miss Bishop thanked those present for their gifts. The ladies present were:—Mesdames Gemmell, Haywood, Hooper, Holmes, Gibson, Fairey, Dixon, Bishop, Penney, Le&man, Hurst, Tizzard, Cements, Misses Fraser, Gemmell, Farquhar, Bishop (3), and Hurst. 1 RAKAIA. The Rakaia Ladies' Hockey Club, will be represented in this year's competition by the following teams: —Senior A: D. Stubbs, A. Pluck, D. Haslett, H. Shannon, G. Hunt, A. Hurst, A. Wells, M. Tatterson, D. Brown, F. Cornelius, C. Shannon. Senior B: J. Turton, S. Collard, M. Evison, T. Gardiner, D. Kenn«tt, R. Evans, O. Stewart, M. Kaan, M. Collins, M. Kennett, M. Newman, Junior: I. Haslett, K.. Behrnes, E. Keen, M. Keen, M. Raple.v, J. Henderson, I. Behrnes, E. Houghton, G. Turton, V. Tatterson, P. Kennett. The fortnightly meeting of the Edith Cavell (Rebekah) Lodge was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening. There was a very large attendance of members presided over by Sister J. Stevenson, N.G. It was decided to meet the New Grand Master of the Order, who is visiting the lodg«s of the district on Friday evening, and, after the lodge business is concluded, to hold a social in honour of the visit. The monthly meeting of the Rakaia School Committee was held on Monday evening. There were present: Rev. A. S. Morrison (chairman), R. Breach, W. .T. Lee, A. Oliver, and C. Evison. The head teacher reported that the roll number was 131, but the average attendance was much reduced owing to sickness and children being away at the Exhibition. Two inspectors and an agricultural inspector -had visited the school. A letter of commendation had been received from the Education Board regarding the improvements to the school grounds. The Board's architect wrote that the memorandum regarding the shelter shed had been handed to the foreman for consideration, and that the foreman had been instructed to take early action in regard to the pump at the school residence. It was, decided to recommend to the incoming committee that the residence be painted and that the erection of the new shelter shed should ho proceeded with as soon as possible. PENDARVES. The first card tournament of the season was held in the hall by the < Hall Committee on Friday evening. The attendance was good and much interest was taken in the play. Mr A. P. Bruce controlled the games. Miss D. Watson won the ladies' prize, with 117 points, Mrs J. B. Lambie- being second, with 115 points, and Miss Alma Watson third, with 112 points. Mr J. W. Watson won the men's prize, with 138 points, Messrs J. Shelley (Seafield) and A. J. Watson tying for second place. In the play-oif Mr J. Shelley won. Supper and dancing followed, the music being supplied by Misses E. Malcolm, A. Watson, R. Ironside, and Mr E. Rankin. HINDS. There was a good attendance at the annual meeting of the Hinds Miniature Rifle Club on Monday evening. Mr A. McKenzie occupied the chair, and congratulated the club on its successful year. The balance-sheet showel p. credit balance of £l3 6s 3d. The election of officers resulted as follows i

Patron, Mr A. McKenzie; president, Mr James Holland; captain, Mr L. Chisnall; vice-captain, Mr W. Holland; secretary, Mr w. Holland; range officer, Mr J. MeSweeney; scorer, Mr A. Ellis; judge, Mr S. Watson; auditor, Mr J. Cook. It was decided to open the season next Monday and to count for aggregate purposes the shoots from, the first Mondav in May to the first Monday in October, and allow competitors two back nights. All entries for trophies, unless otherwise specified', are to be free in future. FAIRTON. The Canterbury Frozen Meat Co, have given a corner section on the main Fairfield township road for the erection of a hall. It was unanimously decided at a meeting of residents, to commence building operations at oncc. Tho total amount in hand up to the present is £460. Progressive euchre in aid of the hall building funds, have been resumed. A tournament was held in the school on Saturday evening. The prizes, for the evening were given by Mrs Huffam and Mr W. Brown. As Mrs Huffam herself won the ladies' prize, she gave it back to be played for at a future date. The men's prize was won by Mr J. E. Price. The consolation prizes were won by Mrs Paddon ami Master J. Lysaglit. Mr A. J. Bush-controlled the games.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 5

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MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 5

MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 5