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, W |OBV^ NH) ' V - j * ;of the Ctnterbary Bugoy j *<l m»iw. when ih : n - we „7; £« |M» brt . E ' jloPhail (chairman). £-*?' f McCully, S. F. Wilson, ( . V B. N«rth, C. W. Allard, ! iad Dr. S ' fa " ' &'*<s*' »« i« inaUUmcnl ,T ( b ecn 1 ' »PP Ii ) C 4 ,; K ZeaSub- i «- ll » -phfes4&5 s S2£X^ if# of clubs and pUyers Wjm jamb** ® -..itions is BUoh a , 9 09 teams have &%'&&&§ *OO tt*V ~n | o o teams, and It >» o%M.auw J" 1 ;?"., of the county % ££? socb conditions. IWj| iji6r<rt«d w»y hostile Tttfl. (Si «»« i, „ 1 £ m cu r relations it i» J' 14 SfcSK 3tb your Union baa flttjtt wl'"" I-.; Jiff ObJ^o* 10 ®* , . ~ _ I «. ii nld there w»» no objection £ Canterbury Union was fel...«id the Sub-Union would b»£ tft'tfttW! ftfld obtain tiw &HII iti 1 Sub-Unions. They ihal the latter would not ippiio*tion would not get KSjjjrSri and the boundaries ,ffiV..TdA «« »»l niU !, U, ,V the boundaries. (Wellington) wrote fSlflwjl' Cui B v inr Its continued conftHfiM'&i&t delegate to the M*i.?ftWed trrn the North Cann« *hat assistance would Iffiffi eltVeM hurt I" f«end>* matches, Td had three or four matchoa-W. Drags, J. ikr mi«"«rroi to the Insurnnce ! StafcMM *• U«riT»le.' iiPSi fsrtived from tho Merivale ifitie Set on th* previous Saturday . TOmSmm* Thlfd Grade team was set JHT&, Old Bom' B team on No 12 •it-miri. H«lej Park. The Merits!* lull nutter, but Old Boys ihTerilx ihort and without a captain. fVwjWet offered to take the match as iWld loy. objected, »« hs *as Sv tt# Miflrale twm. Mr W.Bulli'JoTd Boji 1 suppMtsr, r«fui«d to act.. & 11 of ttliMnfletltlons ruler was earItoV thi Mmltsls teapi, the olub ssksd thl match. Tho Old Boys HW wtt, iMlhirlhit it* te«n had obKpkrtia It *lB 'thought the referee KBi wmbir ei the Beureti AnoclaHffW Iwttirir that Merivale was enKfltSl ttateh, Old Boya' Olub express■QiUMitlllt ItsUndsr Nineteen team MHp&a* wstHisd for the default of its HHmm9 B l«ua. Hid the, membera of HHetoM'lllw*'th|t tho match .would nmm'tli* club iilti aura that It would awarded to Merivale. It nHMJllt;thi Old Boyi' team had withHHpfnwlMltn. wis carried drawing HiMitjtfK'attention to Bule il. WninMrQltlb wrcta 'adtiilng that- A. BjgjjltW.glndi f y<| deglrou» of playing WBw'tlPi carrettt aeaaon. A telerram Mmtiiipt y l«hb»rtoii t^tJnlm> BilBrfel" iliried granting McCorwWMktt te play, aubjectr to his <fomtli?. pamit iul»a. t , '',(h«tiw tt Balis. ,of the. North Canterbury lot • cporrect fuHng on S.tS™*'"*! 0 4 P l *y #r 111 th# field of * from tho mark makes JfWjf Wok » goal, firom what point ?he rule stated "oiver »««(., .What it was desired to know JMhwamag o( this term, Th« apJWftrta a teferea for thia information 'Sft&L! PoiPt h«rtw«<«r hipwelf •io whara rolsd MO » «*«. «» argument BA^uL > i5 3r ! 1 % ball Affl? •Wh ti» g««l. a«lßk>n y,u '«Trn., , . muat • he taken f rom » j toueh-lino. W of tlla ftjgby Union's notifying noting) wotjdd be hold' on - ;iasaii4 toijw. ' P»>«»d "MitiaW tulsa t«. SJP», by tb EbiM. Union KM W Wli 4iswitk' iomo. If. Md nwf >wy Udly worded, b» ttfamd bwk its interpret*. JJWtloa *ll Ml itconded. **9. alterations. It *♦«« the rules Wi appoints ;t6 oonf«r .with °ii WUj l * ,MeßC * to ;■ ;v sSSISJttK in whiS •«ontar» °»iy £S «0 awMth. mm to SKSJs? 4^ !?«4f^-33a£ ©ea&r^ g*.w« th? # holders .£tUtf£aeeg •hStd lß be S'ttSrJ'!! l IIM wE&Hj*. not they ws

importance had been attached to captaincy /'recommendation wgs received from the rhrlstchureh Club that two Senior B selectors should be appointed to co-operate with the other (electors, for the purpose of selecting Senior B teams. It waa held over until after the annual meeting of the New Zealand Union, when the Union would have definite information as to the number of representative IDR Tlie e, *following nominations for selectors were received:—Senior: P. Harvey (Christrhurch). H. E. Davis (Linwond), T. Milliken (Old Boys). 0. Hegartv (Merivale). P. Storey (Technical), J. Weston (Albion. Second Grade: A. Kirbv (Christchureh). J. Youne (Sydenham). J. Darrocli (Linwood). C M. Shcppard (Old Boys), W. T. Smitli (Merivale). C. J. Ooldstone (Technical). C. Cassin (Albion). Third Grade: D. McKne (Christchureh). H. HinnWi (Kniapoi). £. Collins (Sydenham), W. Vateß (Linwood), M. Cooper (Old Boys), D. Sandman (Merivale), W. I>. Johnston (Technical), and M. Clark (Albion). A ballot resulted in the election ot the following:—Senior: .Messrs Harvey, Davis, and Milliken. Kerond Grade: Messrs Kirbv, Smith, and Goldstone. Third Grade: Messrs Yate?, Cooper, and Sandman. THE DRAW. The following grounds ami referees have been allotted for matehe» on Saturday:— Senior A —fjinwood v. Old Boys, Lancaster Purk Oval, W. B. Puller: Christchureh v. 'Varsity, Lancaster Park South, K, H. Perrin; Albion v. Merivale, Lancaster Park West, E. Emji'son. Senior B —Technical 0. Boys v. 'Varsity, Show Grounds No. 1, D. Friedlander: St. Andrew's 0. Boys v. H.S.O. Boys, St James P»rk, Papanui, L. Cade; Christchureh v. Merivale, Christchureh No. 24, N.P., M. O. Sinclair; N. Canterbury v. Linwood, Show Grounds No. 2, F. Schmidt; Kapnki, a bye. Second Grade—Kaiapoi v. .Sumner, Sumner. C?. 'S. Blltcliff; Merivale v. Sydonham, Polo No. 1, S.P., M. Campbell; Christchurch v Old Collegians, Elmwood Park No. I. J. R. .Murphy: Linwood v. Albion, Polo No. 2, K.P., J. McCormack; 'Peclmic.-.l 0 Jloys v. Halswell, Polo No. 3, S.P., E. Bu.ikin; Ric- 1 carton v. West 0. Boys, Kiccartoit No 1, 0. A. Clark: 'Varsity v. H.S.O. Boys, Polo No. 5, (!. McLauchlan. Third Grade. A Section—lJiilsweK v. 'Varsity A, Hjiisfwoll, A. Woodsford; I.inwood v. H.S.O. Boys A, Linwood Park, E. Cock'oft; Merivale v. West 0. Boys, Spreydon Park. A. Hooper; Rapaki v. North Canterbury, Polo No. 7, S.P., S. Barnett; Old Collegians A v. Christchureh A, Elmwood Plfrk No. 2, E. Luttrell; Albion, a bye. Third Grade, B. Section —Kaiapoi v. H.S.O. Boys B, Kaiapoi No. 1, P. Lindsny; Old Collegians v 'Varsity B, 'Varsity N:. 5, N.P., R. T. Collins; St. Andrew's O. Boys v N. Brighton, Now Brighton, H. T. Fuller; Albion B v. Sydenham, Opawa Park No. 2, 11. Walker; Christchureh B v. Aranul, Polo No. 8, 8.P., D. Barrett. Under Twenty—H.B,o. Boys A, a bye; Technical 0. Boya v. St. Andrew's College, Ensor's road, Ij. Hunt; 'Varsity v. Merivale, St. Albans Park, J. Gray; B.H. School v. St. Bede's College, B.H. School ground, No. 27, N.P., S. C. Murray. Under Nineteen—Merivale v. B.H. School, Merivale Ground, No. 28, S.P., 1), Lawson; Christchureh v. 'Varsity, 'Varsity No. 29, N.P., S. Hickmott; Technical 0. Boys v. H.S.O. Boys, Technical Ground, No. 13, N.P., A. Kirby; West O. Boys v. Belfast, Old Boys' No. 25, N.P., G. James; Albion v. Sydenham, Sydenham Park, W. Harman. Under Fiighteen—Jlerivalo v. Jjinwood A, Merivale No. 6, N.P., J. B. Dowling: Linwood B v. H. 8,0. Boys, Old Boys' No 12, N.P., W. Beattle; Christchureh v. Technical, Christchurch No. 7, N.P., G. H. Robertson; N. Brighton, a bye. Under Seventeen—Technical A v. Albion, Albion No. 21, S.P., A. E. Ludecke; Merivale v. Albion A, Polo No. 4, S.P., E. E. Mayes; Albion B v. Technical B, Old Boys' No. 14;• N.P., 0. P. Phil pott; N. Canterbury v. Sydenham, Bangiora No. 1, W. C. Templeton; Kaiapoi v West 0, Boys, Kaiapoi No. 2, E. G. Wiitklnn. Under Fifteen and a Half—Technical A. v. Technical C, Lancaster' Park South, 1.30, 0. J. Goldstone; Technical B v. Sydenham, Lancaster Park West, 1.30, A. J. Mason; Linwood v. Merivale, Lancaster Park Oval, 1.80, P. Harvey. NORTH CANTERBURY SUB-UNION A meeting of the Notth Canterbury Rugby Sub-Union was held in the pavilion, Sefton, on Monday night. There were present: Messrs A. Cameron (president), W. A. Koloher (vice-president), J. Sloes, J. H. Wathereton, Q«o. James, C. Hadley, Qeo. Bwington, W. Watson, C. R. Wat3on, Bruce Henderson, and A. Burke (secretary). Applications for reinstatement na junior players were received from twolve players. Meesrs W. A. Kelcher and J. Slosa were appointed to represent North Canterbury SuD-Union on Tu«sday night to reconsider Glonmnrk'a application to play in North Canterbury Rugby Sub-Union.. Mr Fary waa asked to referee matches when convenient. N. Stewart'# application to play for Waikari was held ovor until next meeting or tlio- Sub-Union,, . - * The application "for reinstatement of C. Adams' was nbt granted. The applications of J. Galletley ana N. Brown were granted. The application* of T. Huria and L. McQuillan were refused. The application ot Bert Hack was granted to play for Eyre juniors. The applications of h. Cowens, Allan Gartery. and Arthur Gartery were granted. Tho applications of J. M. Forbes, 0. Watkins, and H. Sail were refused. Meters J. H. Parker and A. Burke were appointed selectors of senior Sub-Union representative team. Messrs Angus Cameron, A. R. Ward, and D. MoPhee were appointed selectors of the junior representative team. The following is the draw for Saturday:— Seniors—Tuahiwi v. Kowai, at Tuahiwi, referee, Mr A. R. Ward; Loburn v. Oxford, at Loburn, Mr J. Wilson; Gltnmark a bye. Juniors—Glenmark v. Loburn, at Omihi, referee, Mr W. Boyce; Cust v. Amberley, at Cust, Mr C. FiUpatriok: Oxford v. Eyre, at Oxford, Mr Bruc« Henderson; Woodend, & bye. ELLESMERE SUB-UNION. The following are the matohes and referees for the first - three weaka of the Ellesmere Rugby Sub-Union's shield competitions:— Senior competition—April dith: United v. Waihora, at United (Mr Conway); Lees ton v. Irwell, at Leeston (Mr Simpson); College V. Southbridge at College (Mr Harris); Dunsandel a bye. May Ist: Irwell v. College, at Irwell (Mr Jones); Waihora v. Leeiton, at Motukarara (Mr Simpson); Duneandel v. United, at Dunsandel (Mr Thwaites); .Southbridge a bye. May Bth: Leeston v. Dunsandel, at Leeston (Mr Beatnsley); College v. Waihora, at College (Mr Jones); Southbridge t. Irwell, at Southbridge r (Mr Dalley); United a bye. Junior competition—April 24th: Waihora v. United, at Waihora (Mr Waghorn); Irwell v. Leeston, at Irwell (Mr Dalley); Southbridge V. College, at Southbridge (Mr McLachlan); Dunsandel a bye. May Ist: College v. Irwell, at College (Mr Howell); Leeston v. Waihora, at Leeston (Mr Beamsley); United v. Dunsandel, at United (Mr Wheeler); Southbridge a byn. May Bth: Dunsandel v. Leeston, at Dunsandel (Mr Conway): Waihora ▼. College, at Waihora (Mr Bailey); Irwell v. Soutnbridge, at Irwell (Mr Chambars); United a bye. RUGBY LEAGUE. DRAW FOR SATURDAY. The following is the draw for Saturday:— Senior Grade—Hornby v. Marist A, at Monica Park-No. 1, Mr J. J. Stevens; Sydenham v. Waimairi, at Monica Park No. 8, Mr H. Lawrence; Marist B v. Woolston, at Woolston Park, Mr H. Read; Adtflngton v. Linwood, Addington Reserve, Mr T. Kirton. Junior Grade—Addington v. Hornby, at Hornby, Mr C. Tillyshort; Sydenham v. Waitnairi, at Waimairi, Mr C. Johnson; Marist v, Linwood, at Linwood Park, Mr P. Kirton; West Coast v. Woolston, at St. Albans, ,Mr D, Mcßae. Third Grade—Woolston v. Marist, at Woolston, 1.30 p.m., Mr B. Stapley; Linwood v. Sydenham, at Sydenham Park, Mr F. J ago; Hornby ▼. Templeton, at Templeton, Mr A. Davis; Addington a bye. Fourth Grade—Hornby v. Marist, at Hornby, Mr A. Cox; Addington v. Sydenham, Aldington Reserve, 1.30 p.m., Mr A. Leitch. Fifth Grade—Addington v. Woolston B, Monies Park No. 2, at 1.30, Mr R. Kelleber; Sydenham v. Woolston A, Monica Park No. 1, at 1.30, Mr D. Wilson; Marist v. Waimairi, 'Waimairi, 1.30 p.m., Mr P. Chick; Linwood a bye. Sixth Grade will be drawn to-night. Remainder of Draw. The following is the draw for the remainder of the first round:— SENIOR GRADE. May Ist—Marist A V. Waimairi, Sydenham v. Linwood, Woolston v. Hornby, Addington v. Marist B. May Bth—Addington v. Sydenham, Marist A v. Linwood, Waimairi v. Woolston, Hornby v. Marist B. . May 15th—Addington v. Marist A, Hornby v. Waimairi, Woolston v. Linwood, Marist B v. Sydenham. May 23nd—Marist A v. Sydenham, Waimairi v. Marist B, Addington v. Woolston, 'Hornby v. Linwood. • May 09th—Addington v. Hornby, Waimairi v. Linwood, Woolston v. Sydenham, Marist A v. Marist B. JUNIOR GRADE. May Ist—Sydenham v. Woolston, Hornby i *v Marist, Addington ▼. West Coast, Linwood v. Waimairi. , May Bth—Hornby v. Waimairi, Addington

v. Woolston, Marist v. We«t Coast, Sydenham v. Linwood. May 15th—Sydenham v. Addington, West Coast v. Waimairi, Marist v. Woolaton, Hornby v. Linwood. May 22nd—Sydenham v. Hornby, Woolaton v. Waimairi, Linwood v. West Coast, Addington v. Marist. May 29th—Sydenham v. Marist, Woolston v. Linwood, Waimairi v. Addington, Hornby v. West Coast.THIRD GRADE. May Ist—Woolston v. Templeton, Addington v. Sydenham, Linwood v. Marist, Hornby a bye. May Bth—Woolston v. Linwood, Hornby v Sydedvun, Marist v. Addington, Templeton a bye. May 15th—Marist v. Hornby, Templeton v. Sydenham, Linwood v. Addington, Woolston a bye. May 22nd—Addington v. Woolston, Marist v. Templeton, Hornby v. Linwood, Sydenham a bye. May 29th—Woolston v. Sydenham, Linwood v. Templeton, Addington v. Hornby, Marist a bye. FOURTH GRADE. May Ist—Hornby v. Addington, Marist v. Sydenham. , • May -Bth—Hornby v. Sydenham, Addington v. Marist. FIFTH GRADE. May Ist—Woolston B v. Marist, Waimairi v. Linwood, Sydenham v. Aldington, Woolston A a bye. _ May Bth—Sydenham v. Woolston B, Waimairi v. Woolston A, Linwood v. Marist, Addington a bye. May 15th—Woolston B v. Linwood, Addington v. Waimairi, Marist v. Woolston A, Svdenham a bye. 'May 22nd—Marist v. Addington, Sydenham v. Waimairi, Linwood v. Woolston A, Woolston B a bye. May 29th—Woolston A v Woolston B, Sydenham ». Marist, Addington v. Linwood, Waimairi.a bye. . , _ _ , June 6th—Waimain v. Woolston B, Sydenham v. Linwood, Addington v. Woolston A, Marist a by®.

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 13

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 13

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18671, 21 April 1926, Page 13