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PERSONAL. The Rev. C. S. Matthews left by the first express yesterday morning on a visit to Dunedin, and he will return on Friday. Messrs E. Bell and E. Kennedy have been appointed to represent the Canterbury Education Board on the Ashburton High School Board of Governors. Bishop West-Watson's Visit. At St. Stephen's Anglican Church, on Sunday, the Eev. J. F. Wiseman announced that the Eight Eev. Dr. Campbell West-Watson, Bishop of Christchurch, together with Mrs Watson, would visit Ashburton on May Bth, and they would be entertained at a welcome social in the Parish Hall during the evening. The Bishop would probably preach at the morning and evening services on Sunday, May 9th. Anzac Day Services.

The arrangements in connexion with the commemoration of Anzac Day iu Ashburton, on Sunday, are practically complete. The services have been arranged by the Ministers' Association, and the first of these .will be held at the South African Memorial in Baring square at 9.30 a.m. It will be attended by members of the Returned Soldiers' Association, and wreaths will be laid around the memorial. The next service, at 10 a.m., is to be conducted around the soldiers' graves at the cemetery, where wreaths from various public bodies and private residents will be laid. The principal service, to be held on the Domain oval 1 at 3 p.m., will be conducted by the Eev. A. G. Irvine, president of the Ministers' Association, and the principal speaker will be the Rev. E. B. Tinsley. The parading units to leave the Drill Hall, headed by the First Canterbury Mounted Riffes' Band, at 2.30 p.m., for the Domain, will be: Mounted Eifles, Territorials, A (High School) and B Companies Senior Cadets, returned soldiers, and veterans. The Ashburton County Pipe Band will lead the returned soldiers from the Club to the Drill Hall.

The firing party will be selected from the High School Cadets. All the school children in the county have been invited to attend the services at the Cemetery and the Domajn.

Tax-Sealing Tancred Street. That portion of Tancred street between East and Cass streets, which has recently been re-formed and metalled, received its first application of tar by the Borough Council works staff yesterday. Depressions which have developed in the surface have been asphalted, .and bitumen will be applied next November when the road has properly settled. Golf. A good number of members of the Ashburton Golf Club Visited the links on Saturday afternoon, where a men's bogey handicap match was played, and resulted in a win for Mr E. J. Tucker, who finished 7 up. Power Board. The final meeting of the present members bf the Ashburton Power BoarM was held yesterday. Present: Messrs J. Cow (chairman), W. H. Bundle, A. McFarlane, J. C. N. Grigg, E. F. Nicoll, H. Morris, H. J. Crothcrs, W. G. Galjaghor, A. Horsey, S. Smith, and W. Hi Woods. ' Correspondence was read 'from the South Canterbury Power Board thanking the Ashburton Board for the great assistance rendered in connexion with the recent very successful demonstration of electric cooking appliance's at Geraldine. Letters were read from Mr T. F. Martin, Wellington, and also from the Audit, Department in respect to the disqualification for three years of Mr F. Watt as a member of the Board, and stating that the disqualification had been removed, as it had been found on investigation that fhe fact of Mr Watt having been granted free current for his house for a month during, the time he was chairman .did not justify his disqualification. , On the motion' of the chairman it was decided to write to Mr Watt congratulating him on the decision which had been arrived at* and, upon the Audit Department's acknowledgment that the disqualification was not justified. The chairman expressed a hope u that Mr Watt would again occupy a seat on the Board. M* H. Wise, the assistant engineer, wrote tendering his resignation. The resignation was accepted with regret, and it was decided to write Mr Wise thanking • hipi for the good services he had rendered the Board for the two years.

The engineer-secretary (Mr H. G. Kemp) reported that the baling line was now fiaished. The secotfd wiring gang had completed the new high-ten-sion circuit from Mitcham to Lauriston, and had also overhauled the Holmslea, Three Springs, and one of the Lauriston branches. The gang was now engaged on the extension at Wheatst'one. Transformers had been erected,at Staveley, Mount Somers, BuccleUgh, Montalto, Carew, and Ealing, over 70 having been put in during the month. A special gang had been engaged in the Mayfield district in clearing the Post and Telegraph lines which had been affected by new lines in the district. The sub-sta-tion building at Springburn and the erection of the building at the Springfield Estate was'now well in hand. The dismantling of the 66,000-volt sub-sta-tion near Methven had been carried out as far as possible, and would be completed as soon as the opportunity occurred for having power off the main transmission line. As the main scheme of distribution would be completed as soon as the Coldstream line was finished, he suggested that the Board should consider making a tour of inspection of the whole system in the near future. The chairman remarked that he was quite in accord with the suggestion. It would take three days to tour the whole district and he would like to see every member at the Board present. It was decided that the inspection should commence at 9 a.m. on Saturday, May Ist, and that the Mayor (Mr R. Galbraith), Mr F. W. Watt, and members of various local bodies be invited to accompany the Board. The Engineer-Secretary, in a supplementary report, stated that during the month mi investigation of new prepared lines had been made as under:— Ruapuna extension, a branch line from Ruapuna township towards the Rangitata River, length 5.7 miles; estimated cost £llls 7s; revenue guaranteed, £106: consumers. 7; SeafieldKyle, a line which will tap off tl.e existing Seaview line and end practically the whole of the Seafield and Kyle districts, length 19.6 miles; estimated cost, - £2130; revenue guaranteed, £•363; consumers, 25. These installations were> authorised. The acting running engineer reported that the residences at Carew, Ruapuna. Lismore, and Montalto were now wired and .that more of them were connected up. The Mount Somers-Staveley tender was finished, and the contractor was now wiring the Coldstream area. Sixteen electric ranges had been 'connected during the month and eight water heaters had . been installed, fourteen new applications for current

had been received. During the month 81' new consumers had been connected. The financial statement showed tne revenue for March to have been: Domestic current, £1451 17s Id; commercial current, £2Bl 19s 3d; power £35-5 14s sd; sundry revenue, i-i*, total, £2132 10s 9d. . r.. The chairman thanked members lor the loval manner in which they had supported him during his term as chairman. The revenue was constantly increasing, and during the past year tne revenue had exceeded their estimate,' while the expenditure was just, about what it was estimated it would be. He hoped that the present members would be re-elected next month, though he was going to say that Mr A. McFarlane had announced his intention of not seeking re-election. Mr McFarlane had done a lot of work as a member of the Board, and had saved them a great deal of money. He moved that a vote of thanks be accorded Mr McFarlane for his valuable services and that it be mentioned in the minutes. Mr S. Smith seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr McFarlane said he would always take a deep interest in the Ashburton Power Board, and the only reason he was not seeking re-election was that he found that he could no longer travel from Oamaru to attend the meetings of the Boafd.

Induction Service. The induction of the Rev. E. B. TinsIcy, who has recently been appointed from Addington, to take charge of the Baring squaro Methodist Church, Ashburton, in place of the Rev. T. W. Vealie, who has been transferred to Auckland, was held in the church last evening. A largo crowd attended the services, and the welcome social which was afterwards held. Tho officiating minister was tho Rev. A. C. Lawry, of Timaru, chairman of the South Canterbury district. Messrs F. Franipton and S. J. Graham, tho church stewards, presented tho new minister to him. He very cordially welcomed Mr Tinsley and his family. He was quite sure that what he knew of him, the Rev. Tinsley was determined in his work to preach the doctrines of the church of Christ. He would do all in his power to uplift the congregation, for the speaker knew that it was his desire not to teach for gain, but in the interest of conviction, and earnest exaltation. "In token of our united joy in taking part in this service, I extend you my right hand, and may God bless you," he concluded, addrossing the Rev. Tinsley. He also thanked them for the opportunity to take part in the service. A welcome on behalf of the officers of the circuit, and church, and congregation was extended by Mr F. Frampton, who stated that their new minister had a great opportunity before him, and they would do all in their power to assist him.

"It is with a deep sense of responsibilty, that I stand'before you," stated the Rev. Tinsley, as he addressed the congregation. Continuing, he said that he was counting upon the wholehearted support of the congregation, as they were to work with God in the great life before, them. He then repeated the vows of his ordination, and concluded, "May God bless us as we together give ourselves to His work."

The service closed with the •pronouncing of the Benediction. At the social which followed, . the Mayor (Mr R. Galbraith) took the opportunity of welcoming the Rev. Tinsley and family on behalf of the town, Ensign G. H. Pratt on behalf of the Ministers' Association and Salvation Army, and Mr G. W. Leadley on behalf of the local preachers. Several musical items were given and supper was dispensed.

School Committee Nominations. The nominations for seats on the committees of the East Ashburton and Borough Schools closed with the respective chairmen, Mr W. S. Kerr and Mr John Watson, last evening. In the case of the first-named, a lady has been, nominated for the first time in the history of the school, and there are 'twelve aspirants for the nine seats on each School Committee.

HINDS. There was a record attendance at the annual meeting of the Hinds Ladies' 'Hockey Club in the school, on Saturday evening. Mr J. Cook, president of the club, occupied the chair. The balance-sheet showed a credit balance of £1 6s Id. It was decided to practise every Wednesday and to enter a team for the competitions. The following officers were elected:—President, Mrs Hampton; captain, Miss Fulton; vice-captain, Miss I. Hampton; secretary and treasurer. Miss L. Paterson; committee, the foregoing and Misses M. a,nd B. Hampton, M. Fletcher, M. Lowe. Representative- to Ashburton Hockey Association, Mr Humphreys; auditor, Mr T. Wells; coach, Mr J. Cook.

HIGHBANK. A very successful dance was held in the HLghbank schoolroom, where a large number danced to music supplied hy Mr Len Allred. The duties of M.C. were carried out by Mr Hugh Legerwood, extras being played by Miss Ellen Woods. Supper provided by the ladies was partaken of. Amongst the many present were:— Mesdames Grant, Miller, Mehrtens, MeGuinness. Paul, Cleeve, Ireland, Wallace. Smith, Stockdill. Browley, Misses Sloan, Stephens (2), Legerwood {'2), K. Woods, M. Stockdale, E. Smith, Simpson (2) Haskett (2), Paul. Smith (2). Wallace. K. McGuinness, Ireland, Miller, Cleeve, Spring, and many others. MOUNT SOMERS. The Et. Eev. Dr. West-Watson, Bishop of Christchurch, on Saturday inducted the newly-appointed vicar (the Eev. J. W. P. Dyer). Shortly after 1.30 p.m. the induction service took place in St. Aidan's Church. Archdeacon Taylor conducted the ceremonies, assisted by the Bevs. F. Tooley (Methven) and-J.F.. Wiseman (Ashburton). The Dean of Christchurch was present. There was a large congregation from surrounding centres (Anama, Mayfield, Euapuna,. and other places), and the churchwardens were present in full force. The Bishop said that this was his first visit in »n official capacity to one of his country parishes, and that though he knew little of the difficulties facing country vicars in New Zealand, he would, he hoped, soon learn. He trusted that the people and their vicar would be closely drawn together, and that the. church would advance. He spoke at some length, and to some purpose, on the spiritual gifts expected of ministers by their flock, and how few could really possess all these gifts. After the ceremony an informal gathering was held on the lawn of the vicarage, where afternoon tea, provided by the parishioners, was partaken of. Eev. F. Tooley spoke about the new pastor, urging the peoplo to get acquainted with him. He also thanked Mr and Mrs Jones (tenants of the vicarage) for always placing at the disposal of the vestry, the vicarage grounds, and helping at any of their functions. Mr Wiseman spoke about the duties of vicars ya the spiritual welfare of their flocks, and hoped that people and minister would work together for mutual happiness. Mr Boaler, vicar's warden, thanked the Bishop for coming so far, and hoped his visit would rouse greater spiritual enthusiasm in the district. The Eev. J. P.W. Dyer thanked all for making his welcome so cordial, and looked forward to a happy life- amongst them.

Musical duties were well carried out by Miss Mabel Harrison.

Visitors who attended the opening of the Catholic Church last Sunday were later entertained as the guests of Mr J. Connolly,' of Eakaia. Before a fair audience on Saturday night, the first prize-winners at the recent competitions gave a demonstration. At the conclusion, Mr Eutherford thanked the performers, especially those from a distance, and the public for their support, also the lady members of the committee for arranging tea and supper, the donors of special prizes, the doorkeeper, and other helpers. Items were given as follows:—Charles Stephen, recitation; Leila Todd, "Abou Ben AdhenV"; Dick Carson, piano solo; Winifred Nell, "Mustard Plaster"; Edna Whelham, "The Secret"; Alice Page, song, "Wai-iti Poi"; Bex Whelham, recitation; Eva Fagan, "The Clothes Line"; Isabel Pritchard, piano solo; Miss Harries, "Sherwood"; Marie Carson, recitation, "Wishes"; Mildred, Winifred, and William Nell, Connie* Beckley, and Joyce Smith, action song; Laurie Smith, vocal solo, "Good-morn-ing, Brother Sunshine"; Dudley 'Wood, championship recitation, "CaUed Up"; Miss Harries, humorous recitation, "Frenchman and Flea Powder"; Mrs Lush, piano solo; Mercy Cooper, monologue; Isobel Pritchard, vocal solo, "If no one ever Marries Connie Beckley, recitation, "Forgct-me-Not"; Alice and Mildred Page, vocal duet (encored); Katie Green, recitation, "Patria"; Donald Smith, piano solo; Messrs Lush and Naumann, impromptu debate, "That a man is the best judge of a woman's dress." Special prizes ■nf're also distributed. Other items were given by performers, mostly from As*burton, as follows:—Miss Kennedy, vocal solo; Miss Pctterson, story without words; Mrs Constable, vocal solo; Mrs, Smith vocal solo; Miss Mildred Page,' vocal solo; Miss Petterson "Minister to tea"; Mr and Mrs Lush, violin and piano duet; Mr Naumann, humorous recitation (encored); Miss Barber, vocal solo; Mrs Constable and Mr Lush, humorousvocal duet (encored).

METHVEN. The Methven Golf Club's team played a match against Hororata on Saturday on the latter's links, resulting in a win for the Hororata team by a good margin.

On Saturday t-ho weather was flue though dull. The principal attraction was the junior football match between Methven and Rakaia. After an interesting game the local team won by 25 points to 6. Mr C. Topp was referee. Before commencing the match, a meeting of the team to select a captain for the season resulted in 11. J. L. Duff beinc selected. The Ladies' Hockey Club held a practice, about 20 players taking part. Mr G. Anderson was present in the capacity of coach. The players showfcd keenness and good combination,-and by the time tho competitions commence, the club will he able t« place n strong team in the field. Miss May Dalton • was elected captain and Miss Doris Ireland vice-captain. Mr W. Fairclough, of Addington, has piven the club a trophy to be awarded as thev think- best. " Four rinks of Methven bowlers journeyed to Rakaia on Saturday, and in consequence, the local green was almost deserted. Methven were victors by a small margin.

As usual the tennis courts wore a scene of activitv during the afternoon, all four courts being in use. and some first-class names were witnessed. The Ladies' Croquet Club held another of the series of competitions. On tliis occasion a trophy was presented by Mrs Eector Reid and Mrs J. F. Newman was the winner.

Mr Rudman. at' one time stationmaster at Methven, and Mrs Rudman,

accompanied by Mr and Mrs Kemp (Ashburton) and Mr Andrew Macfarlane (Oamaru), were visitors to Metkven on Saturday. Mr and Mrs J. McD. Anderson and Mr F. A. Anderson left Methven on Saturday ; oh a visit' to the Dunedin Exhibition.' [ <;. ':-.-

Harvest thanksgiving services , were: held' at St. John's Presbyterian Church, Methven, on Sunday. The church was suitably decorated m for the occasion with produce, fruit, etc. The services, which were well attend-' eel, were conducted by the Rev. G. Hercus. r

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Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18670, 20 April 1926, Page 5

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MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18670, 20 April 1926, Page 5

MID-CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXII, Issue 18670, 20 April 1926, Page 5