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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication Is the "Women's Corner" item* ot social or personal news. Sneh Items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices moat bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence la Invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Miss L. Greenwood, of Auckland, who has !>een the guest, of Mrs H. Bucklev (Riccarton) left for Auckland on Wjfdnosdaj* evening.

Mr and Mrs Hugh Fox (Wellington, Somerset, England) aro tho guests of Mr and Mrs 0. E. Mannering, Fendalton.

' Mr and Mrs H. K. McDougall. who havo been spending F>ome months in Sumner, havo taken a house in Lein-sK-r road, and go into residence thero this week.

Misses T. and H. Zeislor (Timaru), who have becu visiting their sister, Mrs Orboll, tho Vicarage, Papanui, returned south yesterday. Mr and Mrs T. D- Harman (Fendalton) will spend the Christmas holidays in Timaru.

Mrs Ynyr Robinson (Kaikoura) is visiting her mother, Mrs Pyne, Liuwood House.

Mrs Arthur Thomson and her two daughters aro leaving next week to visit Mrs Thomson's parents in Dnne<lin. t

Campbell, who lias been on a holiday visit to Geraldine, has returned home.

Mr and Mrs Norton Francis returned yesterday from a. visit to Rotorua and Auckland.

Mr arid Mrs J. A. Oliver and Miss Phillips are motoring to Dunedin on 'Saturday to spend the Christmas. holidays. Misses Adinncll (West Eyrcton), Mrs W. Scales (Ohristchurch),, Mr and Mr W. Calder (Christchurch), Miss L. Scales (Christchurch), Misses Dixon (West Eyreton) arc. among, the recent' arrivals at the* Ncw'Brigbton Cafe. Dr. and Mrs W. 'H. Hargreavcs and Miss ' . (Geraldine) and .Mr riid Mi-s Godfrey Hall (Hororata) aro staving at the United Service Hotel. Miss Stansfield (Dunedin), Miss' D. Pinkorton (Hotherhain), Mr and Mrs E. W; (Griffith (London), Miss Guillv (Wellington);. Mrs .K. li'., iNewton 4 (Ashburtori)." Miss Douglas (Ethclton), Mrs U. Mathias (South Canterbury), and Mrs I#awson (Dunedinj are staying at Warner's Hotel.' : . . Mr and Mrs 12. V. Stare (Hamilton) and Mr and Mrs J. A. Forsyth (Wellington) are staying at the Clarendon Hotel. . , . *

Miss Spring, Plunket nurse in charge of the , Greymouth district, who lias has spending a "holiday in Canterbury, returned to the West Coast yesterday.

Tho engagement is announced of Ivy Lillian Dorothy Gray, eldest daughter of Mr J. Gray; of Spreydon, to Herbert Harold Jewell, only son of Mr and Mrs 11. J. Jewell, of Okawa, Mt. Somcrs. Mrs George Crichton-Smith and Mr Colin Crichton-Smith (Sydney) are spending a fow days with Mrs Arthur Wright (Cashmere Hills). Invitations have been issued for Madame Ahvyn's "break-up" on Monday next, which will take the form, of a cabaret carnival, introducing demonstrations by her pupils.' The sale of Eastern goods held at Everybody's Theatre yesterday morning was well patronised, and will be continued this morning, when the prices will be much reduced to obtain ii clearance. The ladies conducting the sale yesterday were Mesdames H. Herbert Smith, J. Russell Brunt, Roy Mathews, E. Moltkc, R. H. Bradbury, F. C. Penfold, and King (Victoria). .

Many visitors from South Canterbury ;ire expected in Christeburch today for tho Old Boys' Polo Matches to ! bo played at the Polo Ground, Ilaglcy I Park, to-morrow. The South Canter- ; ! bury Old Boys of Christ's College arc j I providing 011 c team and Christchuroh I j will have two representative teams. ! • Tea will be dispensed by the Hon. Mrs j j Tahu Rhodes. On Monday, the j ; Cup Tournament will be played, and it j |is expected tliat in this competition ] j there will be some closely contested j matches. Mrs George Gould will provide tea on Monday, and on both days I v-isitors will l>o cordially welcomed to | tho Polo Ground. Mrs Leonard Wilson was hostess at a delightful party'given at her home! in Kaiapoi on Friday. Hongs were con- j tributed by Mr Charles Clarkson and! Miss Nottingham, and dance music was • supplied hv Johnston's Jazz. Band, i Those present were: Mr and Mrs T. i R. Leithead, Mr and Mrs Geo. March, j Dr. and Mrs Ramsay, Mr and Mrs H. i Blackwell. Mr and Mrs Cbas. Clarkson. | Dr. and Mrs Gillett,, .Mr and Mrs Noel J Bowman 'Christchurcli), Mr and Mrs j Ogilvic, Mr and Mrs Fuldsoth, Misses J Nora Nottingham (Christchuroh), Helen j Pnrdic, Vera Papprill, G. Mcintosh, 'j Maisic Purdie, A. Lynskev, V. ("'lark- j son, B. Gillett, "X. Brundell, I{. Mcln- ' tosh, Messrs Nottingham (Chrift- i ehurch), T. Papprill, S. Papprill, W. ! "VVitte (Cashmere), J. McJntosh. A. | Johnson (Christchurcb), Corcoran, I Joyce, Ashby, Johnson (Christchuroh). j Appreciation of her valuabio services j At the conclusion of the Rovai : Christehureh Musical Society's per- ! formanee of "Elijah" last evening, tho ; Society's accompanist, .Airs J. F-. Rns- : sell, was presented by the chairman, i Mr T. Andrews, on behalf of the j chorus, with a handsome silk shawl and ; out glass bottlo of smelling salts as a j small token of appreciation of her j I valuable services. Mr Andrews, in pre- | I senting tho gifts, dwelt on .Mrs Rns- j i sell's many good qualities, her en- ; f.hnsiastic work for tho Socie'v, and f, the verv gre-at esteem in which she , is lield by the members of the chorus. ' , Tho recipient suitably responded and j tho little ceremony closed with the j singing of "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow,'' i

A DELIGHTFUL GATHERING. In response to the invitation of the Misses Helmorc, the parents and friends of their most engaging little pupils attended the annual distribution of prizes at St. Barnabas's schoolroom, Fendalton, yesterday afternoon. On arrival, visitors were gladdened by the sight of twenty-eight tiny girls and boys drawn up in marching order at the cntranco to the schoolroom. Very quietly they proceeded to their scats in tho front of tho stage and waited lor the great moment to arrivo when their names would be called by Miss llelmore. Major Spencer Westmacott presided, and after presenting each prize, he congratulated the tiny recipient, whose quaint acknowledgment of his courtesy was in most cases a joy to behold. The children then gave a short programme of choruses, marching, and drill, with an carnestnoss and freedom from self-consciousness that denoted pleasuro in their task, and spoke volumes for tho methods of their teachers. The visitors wero entertained at afternoon tea, tho little ones waiting carefully on their elders. Then they enjoyed their own "party tea," the table for which was gay with bon-bons, crackers, hundreds and thousands and all kinds of "goodies.'' The following . were the prizewinners:—Sheila Macdonald, Brownie Freeman, Jocelyn Freeman, BarUara. Nicholson, Marjorv Roberts, Ann Todhunter. Barbara Lawrence, Ann Morrow, Jim Pitcaithley, Stanley Oswin, Shona lvincaid, Ruth Baigent, Shirley Buchanan, Katherine Todhunter, Peter Snivthe, John Dob son, Lucy Sams, Brian Morrow. Joe Pitcaithley, John Lawrence, Kathleen Armstrong, Ngairo Roberts, Annette Sellars, Tottie Seymour, Janet Todhunter. Davi;l Tanner, Roger Mirams, Pac' Westmacott. Amongst those present were :—Mrs Kenneth Macdonald, Mrs R.. C. Todhunter, Mr and Mrs Donald Dobsoii, Major and Mrs Spencer Westmacott, Mr and Mrs F. W. Freeman. Mrs Buchanan (Nelson). Mrs G. H. Buchanan, Mrs L. H. Mirams, Mrs J. Todhunter, Mrs Walter Scott, Mrs D. Ma»bean Stewart, Mrs Freeman, sen., Mrs J. L. Turnbull, Mrs J. W. K. Lawrenoe. Mrs Minson, Mrs Pitcaithley, Mrs Nicholson. Mrs Ruddock, Mrs Jackson, Mrs Tanner, Mrs Roberts. Mrs Oswin .Mrs Kincaid, Mrs Arthur Thomson, Mrs Baigent. Mrs Sams. Mrs J. Smythe. Mi ss Smythe, Miss Mav Newton, Mr and Mrs A. T. C. Sellars, Colonel Snow, Mrs T. T. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs R. W. Morrow, Mrs and Miss Seymour, Mrs and Miss Ourrie, Mrs J. H. Stringer, Mrs L. Hewitt. Misses Oomyns Thomas, Marjoric Manning, and Sheila Tobin.

THE SHINGLE. The shingle securing for you just the very right effect is obtainable at the Egyptus Rooms, 769 Colombo street, under direction of Miss Cecile.Kennedy. Also Marcel Waving, Shampooing, Facial Massage, Manicuring, etc. 'Phone 5155. —6 \ > BABY'S WASHING. Doctors say that to keep Baby inflowing health —from the tips of his pink toes to the top of liis curly little head—clean, sweet clothes are vitally important. Thousands of Mothers find that the gentlo cleansing lather of Verbena | Soap gives them just the right washing help for keeping Baby's things sweet and safely clean. Mc"t>l2-1 i \ —:— White Canvas Half-price Shoes.— Ladies' best white canvas laco Shoes, were 13s 6d now (>s 9d; Courts, were 10s 6d now os 6d, were 15s now 7s 6il; Broguo 2-bar, wero 18s 6d now 9s 3d; White Buck Oxfords, wero 35s now Vs 6d, were 30s now 15s; White Buck Shoes, Louis heels, 10s, at Pannells', 105 Manchester street. —6 Something quite new. in floral ninon is now showing at "Minerva Salon." .See these first—they arc sure to please. Outsizes a specialty. 174 Cashel street (over Jones, McCVostie). 'Phone 3485. —6


I The Papanui Memorial Hall was } onlv just large enough to accommodate j the gathering of parents, friends, and I Old Boys who assembled last night for j the annual distribution of prizes in } connexion with St. Bode's College. The proceedings opened with a short concert programme, contributed to by the College Orchestra, H. Mitchell (pianoforte solo), E. Larsen (violin so.lo), A. Feeney (pianoforte solo), D. O'Brien ,ind C. .T. Ward (pianoforte duet 1 ), and the Bev. Father Outtrim, whose sinking of the '"Cradle »Song : ' | was so warmly received that he had to ; respond to an emphatic pncor<\ Then followed the performance of two scenes from "Julius Caesar " —a wise choice for a boys' school—as no women appeared in the east. There are few tortures like to that of the lad of seventeen who has to appear in public in feminine garb. Leo Spring, in his purple robes, was an impressive Osar, and after his death, lay wonderfully immobile, until an over-solicito»is friend tried, surreptitiously, to tuck a cushion under his ]! For an inst;in{, his gravity i trembled in the balance, but he quickly regained his composure and became j once moro ,v splendid corpse. The I liononrs of tho evening 'undoubtedly ] went to A. Rtsunlo.n, wee ha:: a mag - I nifirent. voice and wnch iiist/i-ioni'' ! abilih . A! 'nst year's perfnnpaare lie i was> outstandingly good, and h;,s i.m- j proved considerably since, (hen. ! Mt'Cullough, who rwo years ago r>uf. i:p • a splendid performance as. a. gir>, took : the part, last night, of Marcus Brutus I very creditably, with more than a hint-! of better work in the future, f'assius j (li, Brvce), by his fine stature not less than his arguments, fouad it easy to j dominate the rabble. j Olhers in the cast, were Eobcrts, j .1. Aheru, C. Shiel, R. Stopforth, 1". To j Aika, .T. Galvin, S. Barrett, 11. Lynch, .1. Loughnan, and F. "Walsh, the last, two-, being worthy of special mention because of their clear enunciation. Amongst those present, were his Lordship Bfshop Brodie, Dean Holley, T'ev. Fathers F. Bartley, J. Hanrahan, T. Hanrahan, Brother Gilbert, of Glenelg, Adelaide, members of the diarist Brothers' Teaching Staff, Barbadoes street, Mr and Mrs Walter Clifford, Mrs P. -T. Dunne, Mrs J. t). Lynch, and Miss 8. Lynch, Mr and Mrs P., J. Shea, Mr and Mrs Peter Walshe, Mrs Mackenzie, Miss Mildred Spain, Mrs and tho Misses Donohue, Mr and Mrs Cyril Ward, Mr and Mrs A. S. Nicholls, Mr • and Mrs Colin McDonald, Miss Nonie linright, Misses Daly, Misses Mina. and Mary Ward, Miss Noall, Mrs W. Cunliffc, Mrs and Miss Beryl Jvingan, Mr and Mrs McCullough, and Miss McCullough, Mr and Mrs McMenamin, Mr and Mrs Lane, Mr and Mrs Egden, Miss Kane, and Mrs Halley. Apologies received from the Rev, Father O'Council, S.M., and Sir George Clifford.

GARDEN PARTY. A garden party was held at the residence of Mr A. If. Lange, 368 Hills road, Marshland, on Saturday afternoon by the members of St. Mark's Guild, to raise funds toward tho rebuilding of St. Mark's Church, which was recently destroyed by fire. Tho various stalls were erected under the shade of the trees, and a brisk business was done during the afternoon —tho side shows being well patronised. Tlie Papanui Band provided an excellent programme of music, which was much appreciated. Tho following wero tho stalls and stallholders:—Work stall, Mrs Bond, Mrs D. Goodo, Mrs Hoare, and Mrs Watson; cake stall, Mrs IT. Freo, Miss Kass, and Mrs Kingston; sweets stall, Mrs Claude Rountree,VMisses Matheson .(2), and Miss Cook; bran tub, Miss Dorothy Goode and Miss Joyce Watson; ic» cream, soft drinks, Miss Ruby Free and Miss Dorothy Kass; competitions, Mrs Smedley, Mrs Jones, Misses Beck (2), Miss O'Carrol, Miss Misses Lange (3), and Miss Carpenter, afternoon tea, Mrs A. F. Lango, Mrs H. Rountree, Mrs McDiarmid and Mrs Beck. Altogether it was a most successful function, tho proceeds amounting_to over X'7o clear of expenses. DUNELM SCHOOL. Masses of artistically arranged antirrhinums, red roses, and delphiniums in varying shades of blue, transformed the interior of the Durham street schoolroom last night, when the ceremony of distributing the prices won during the year by the pupils of Dunclm School, was carried out in the presence of a keenly-interested gathering. The prizes were presented by Dean C'arrington, and amongst those present wero Archdeacon and Mrs Haggitt, Rev. Charles and Mrs Perry, Dr. and Mrs Nedwill, Mrs Isaao Thompson, Misses Buckhurst (2), Mrs Beryl James, Miss Gladys Mitcholl, Mrs 0. P. Agar, Mr and Mrs H. Rattray, Mrs A. M. Burns, Mr and Mrs Grainger, Mr and Mrs J. G. L. Vernon, Dr. Browne, Mr ajid Mrs Randal Hicks, Mr and Mrs H. R. Sellers, Mr and Mrs Bain, Mr and Mrs Oscar Anderson, Dr. and Airs Wales, Mrs Twentymau, Mi- and Mrs Brinkman, Mr and Mrs J. Monteath. Mr W. Irwin, Mr and Mrs Young, Air Arthur Lille, Mr Kenned v. Air Res Trott, Mr and Mrs Rankin, Mr and Mrs Finney, Mr and Airs Kastgate, Captain and Mrs Farthing, Mr and Mrs Trevor Foster,' Miss Thelma lies, Miss Marjorie Irwin, Air and Mrs Stanley Hughes, Air and Mrs N. Jones, Mr and Airs C. Bell, Mr and Airs Morten, Air and Airs Godfrey Hall, Airs .T. G. Hawkins, Air and AO-3 Hale, Miss Budden.

MADAME MENERE'S FURS. FURTHER SALE BARGAINS,, Hero are further bargains at the Christinas Sale of Madame Menere, tho Furrier, 127 Cashel street, opposite Heaths' (upstairs). 2 Only Coney Seal Coats, -ii-length, large crush collar, bell sleeves, lined satin brocade, u3ua? ]>rico 33 gns., Sale price 14gns.; 6 only French Coney Seal Coats, lull length, latest style, skunk collars, lined brocade, bell sleeves, usual pric© 4-igns, now 19gns; 3 only Electric Scai (.'oats' beautifully matched skins, made up into latest style, crush collar, bell .sleeves, usual price -logns., now l'3gus.-; 1 only Handsome .Russian Marmot (.'oat, real skunk collar, full length, beautifully lined satin brocade, usual price 7ogns., now 43gns.; 12 onlv Canadian Sable Fox Chokers, usuai prieo now Sgns.; 3 only White Fox Chokers. usuaJly now ; 3 only Largo .Natural .Russian Skunk Wraps. 4 strands, 2 yards long, usually logns., now logns.; 4 only Larko Kolinsky Coney A\ rap, sat ; in lined, usuallv 12gns.. now ogns. __g

A woman. Miss Enid Russell Smith, has the honour of being tlie first of her sex to pass the British Civil Service examination, which permits her to bold the higher posts, such as Under-Secre-tary, at a salary of £3OOO a year. •All Shakespeare's plays will shortly be published, translated into Japanese.


Tho annual meeting of tho Parents' National Educational Union was held last night at the residenco of Mr and Mrs A maud McKellar. Dr. John Guthrie presided over a largo attendance. After the minutes of tho last J annual meeting; had been read and confirmed, tho election of officers resulted as follows:—President, Mrs Norton Francis (re-elected); vicc-presi-■dents, -Mrs A. K. Firth, Mrs W. H. Clark. Alt's Douglas Anderson, Mrs A. A. Mclv.c!lar, Miss Holderne-ss,, Itev. Stephen Parr, Professor Shelley, Dr. Hisrht, and Dr. J. Guthrie; honorary secretary. Mrs J. L. Findlay; honorary treasurer, Mrs J. H. Wiliams; commute*:, Mrs Trevor Foster, Mrs It,. W allwotk, and Mrs Bloxa.m. . On thV motion of Mrs Norton Francis, vcryl he.arty votes of thanks were accorded to .Miss Sanders (retiring secretary) and Mrs Maurice Gresson (retiring assistant secretary) for the valuable work they had dono for tho Union during tho past year. Dr. Guthrie then pare an enlightening nd-drc-ss on "Education in the Home ' and quoted Sir James Barrie's famous sentence in his inaugural speech 0 3 C'hanedlor of i*it., Andrew's University, "The home. is the greatest university of :.11.' ; P: ant forte solos by Mrs Gresson and i Kanniiigly sung by Mrs R. J. were, mucli appreciated. Tho serving of supper was a pleasant finale i-j *.hc business of tho 19*25 session. A'r.oiigst those present were, Mrs AA. McKellar, Miss Agnes Hay, Mes-' da.rnes Norton Francis, Percy Overton. M. Gresson, A. K, Firth, Charles Cooper, "VY. Day, Denys Hoaro. E. J. Cordner, Malcolm Powrio, Maurice Fell, J. E. Russell, E. C. Huie. D. E. Hansen. Hubert Jones, Gerald Malins, blisses Heywood (2), Mesdames Claude Sawtell, Avery (Napier), Richardson. Douglas Anderson, C. L. Hart, Eric Harper, Leslie Molineaux, Percy AVynn Williams, George Buchanan, Buchanan (Nelson), ' Wooler, R. J. Loughnaai. Archdeacon and Mrs P. B. Haggitt, Mrs Trevor Foster, Mr and Mrs H. G. Livingstone.

GARDEN PARTY AT FENDALTON. Yesterday afternoon Mr and Mrs George Gerard entertained a very large number of their friends at an exceptionally delightful garden party, given at their home in Fendalton. And no more charming spot could bo found for su::h a gathering. The guests spent the afternoon discovering new delights 'in the beautiful grounds, through which a j.-retty .stream meanders. On one bank i.s a rockery of rugged beauty, while in the distance are rose gardens, ivith their woatlh of exquisite bloom. But the crowning glory of the grounds at present is tho irises, which cover an area, of fully a quaiter of an aero, with .1 picturesque old water-wheel in tho background standing out in hold relief against, tho green of the stately trees. Mrs Gerard, wfto was assisted in her duties as hostess l>y her sister-in-law, Mrs George/ .Murray Aynsley, ajid the Misses Gerard, woro a graceful gown of black georgette, with uncommon raised applique embroidery of gold, red, blue, and silver celophano. Her becoming black lace hat had a crown of shad,cd flowers, in which wero repeated tho colours on tho frock. Tea was served 011 small tables in a largo marquee, where sweet peas and American Beauty roses formed tho decorations. From tho balcony Margaret Middleton's Orchestra played bright selections.

The guests, amongst whom was an unusually large number of men, included : —Mr and Mrs G. Murray Aynsley, Misses Gerard (2), Mr and Mrs Gerald Gerard. Mr -Geoffrey Gerard, Mr and Mrs Henry Richards, Mr B. C. Rutherford, Miss Todhunter, Mr and Mrs Godfrey Hall. Mr and Mia Phillips, Miss Phillips, Miss Hawkins, Mr and Mrs Tan Deans, Mr and Mrs W. Deans, Mr and Mrs Jim Deans, Mr and Mrs Douglas Deans, Mr and Mrs H. A. Knight, Mrs Jim Williams, Mrs Scott, Mif*; Scott, Mrs Bowen, Dr. and Mrs Irving, Miss Irving, .Mr and Mrs Pascoe, Miss Pascoe, Mr and Mrs "W. B. Pox, Mr and Mrs Percy Wvnn "Williams, Mr .and Mrs McKellar. Miss Hay v Miss Pritis, Mrs Bailey, Mrs "Whifccombc, Mrs Theo Barker, Dr. and Mrs Neil Guthrie, Mrs John Guthrie, Mrs Guthrie, sen., Miss Greason, Mrs Hennah, Miss B. Hennah, Mrs Wethe.y, Mrs Gerald Westenra, Mrs Georgo Harris, Miss Bessie H arris, tho Misses Sanders (2), Miss Selby, Mrs Archer, Alias Archer, Mr and Mrs J. H. Buchanan, Miss Buchanan. Mr and Mrs Gerald Anderson, Mr and Mrs Blunden, Miss Turnbull, Rev. and Mrs Leach, Miss Leach, Mrs Mansel], Dr. and Mrs Seott, Mr and Mrs W. Moore, Miss Moore, Mrs Koddell, Miss Humphries, Mrs Kingscote, ALiss Alice Thomson, Mrs Thomson, Mrs Key, Misses Tabart (2), 'Mrs Black, Miss Black, Misses Reeves (2), Mrs Beckett, Miss R. Beckett, Mrs W. Reeves, Mrs Charles Bcadel, Miss Beadel, Mrs Moreland, Mrs T. F. Gibson, Miss Fay Gibson, Mrs Walter Fox, Miss Sylvia Fox, Mrs W. Day, Mr and Mrs R. C. Todhunter, Miss Beryl Bond, Mr and Mrs George Gould, Mr and Mrs Hugh Reeves, Mrs Kitson, Mr and Mrs Lvn Lawrence, Mrs Reg. Richards, Mrs Garbett, Miss Stoddart, Mr and Mrs Bevan-Brown, Dr. BevanBrown, Mrs Bruce, Miss Bruce, Mr and Mrs Edgar Stead, Miss Sniythe, Dr. and Mrs Aeland, Mrs Cracroft Wilson, Mrs Percy Overton, Miss Murray Aynsley, Mrs Murray Aynsley, Mrs B. Lane, Mrs Pyne. Miss Pyne, Mrs Georsio Buchanan, Mr and Mrs Derek Wcstenxa, Mr and Mrs George Aitken, Mr and Mrs Digbv Neave, Mrs Leonard Clark, Miss .Aitken, Mrs Vincent, Mrs Vernon, Miss Holdcrness, Mr and Mrs Alexander, Miss Moore-. Mrs Cooke. Miss Cooke. Mr and Mrs Wilfred Hall. Mr and Mrs D. Gouid, Mrs Kelsey, Mrs W. P. Reeves. Mrs Laser lies, Mr and Mrs J. Hall. Mr and Mrs O'Rorke. Mr and Mrs Freddie Cracroft Wilson, Mr and Mrs J. Montgomery, Mrs Rich. Mrs A. I\. Firth, Airs K. 15. Newton. Miss M. Newton, Mr and Mrs L. Rutherford, Misi Betty Rutherford, Mrs Million. Mrs Kric. ALillton. Dr. and Mrs Ncdwell, 3!is Kdward Hamper. Mrs T. B. Richards, tho Miesos Richards (2), Mr and Mrs Woodhouse, Mr and Mrs Crosse. Mrs Nancarm-.v, Miss Nancarrow. Mr? Bailey, Mrs Wells, Mis-s Wells. Miss Cotten, Miss Morten, Mrs George Haninrr. M:s;> I-fennah, "Miss Lowe. Mrs Wilkin. Miss Wilkin, Mr and Mrs Percy .V-f-on-Mrs Ynvr Robinson, Airs H. Cotterill. .Miss Betty Cotien'.i, Mrs Guy Cotterill.. Mrs Sinclair MuHm.on, Mr and Airs Ken Murehison, Mr and Mrs John Hall, .Mrs George Phillips, Airs Longden. Mr" A. Denniston. Mrs Samuel, and Mrs Maurice 'Grcsaon.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18568, 18 December 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18568, 18 December 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18568, 18 December 1925, Page 2