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♦ RICCARTON. A meeting ol the Riccarton Borough Council was held last night. Present—The Mayor (Mr H. S. S. Kyle), and Crs. A. F. Fisher, A. E. Steorc, H. Gudscll, H. Manhire,' T. M. Ford, J". F. Peters and R. H. Rankin. Tha Works Committee reported that since last meeting patching and rolling work had. "own done on Riccarton road, Clarence afreet, Lowe 6treet, and Dosus avenue. Princess street had been scanned, rccrowned and rolled. The. holding up o: the storm water at the south-west corner of Kata and Striven streets was caused by the sitting up of the old I2in roam, the c-vciflow pipe from the sump into the new 18m main being Oin higher and ."in smaller thsn thr inlet. It was chopped out and a 9m pipe put in r.t the proper grade, thus relieving' the trouble.

The drainage at the north-west corner op:Ksit€ was badly designed, it being similar in outlay to the. drain at Haslam's corner. Owing to the amount of bad weather all attention had been given to the roads, making it impossible to get on with Uookery's job. but the slabs were in the making, and the asphalting in front of the shoo hid been completed. Two culverts had been put down at tram steps it,t the corners of Pitriri street and Riccarton road, and the seat shifted to suit. Levels taken over a direct line, :S chains 2 yards in tength from Haslam's corner to the ditch in the park, showed a fall of Fin, the depth c-t cut varying from Ift tin for Hi chains, to Ift 9in for J chain. The approximate cost of a line of FJin pipes would be ±3O, including' the coat of laying. The corumittrc recommended that-a- price should be obtained for sinking a well at BeardsWy's Store; that the trees in Division road and Picton avenue be removed. • Th'e report was adopted. The Finance Committee recommended that the. plan of subdivision for Messrs P. Kirby and Co. should be approved; that the Waimariri adjustment, account for the trotting ground area, be passed for payment; that the town clerk be authorised to purchase 20 copies of the Christchurch traihe regulations tor the use of the motor inspector. The report was adopted. The Electricity Committee reported that eleven consumers had been connected to tha supply. The strengthening of the Haglev etraet" mains had been completed, and the voltage in that locality considerably improved. A new main had been run down Rotherham street. No fault in street lighting had occurred throughout the month. The report was idopted. ( The. Domains Board notified that the curator. Mr James Young, had instructed to report on the suggested improvements in P.iccr.rton avenue. The Wharenui School Committee wrote regarding stock wandering about the borough. It was decided to leave the matter in the hands of the Mayor and the Town Clerk. It "was decided to draw the attention of the police to the number of stock being driven in the streets at night. Wi'th reference to park and road _ lightin" Crs. "Wise and Ford were appointed to°represent the Council, at a conference of local bodies, to be held to-morrow. The Christchurch Drainage Board wrote stating that in view of the number af applications for the installation of sub-soil drainage schemes in various parts of the drainage district, the Board the cooperation of the Council in the matter. Large areas of land had been subdmded which were totally unfit for building purposes. The Board ™ of the °P»"on that before building permits were granted, the application, should be referred to the Board It it was found that the land ™ lilting and *«t the Board would UAe Zpi to compel the owners to provide adf-quatc drainage. ' f The letter was received.

SUMNER. The Sumner Borough Council met la«t evening. Present-The Mayor (Mr Tft . H. Nicholson), and Crs. W. H. Harris, C. I. Cinham; A. Tutill, A. Holden, E. A. Johnson, and F. C. Cooper. An apology for absence was received Irom Cr. B. J. Ager v

The Standing Committee's report contained the iotlowing information:—The very heavy rains had caused, slips on the hill roads, resulting in s* great deal of damage from the blockage of water-tables. In some cases the roads were completely blocked. Tracks had been cut to let vehicles through and the removal altogether would be put in hand as soon »a> possible. A blocked culvert on Hill View terrace had been cleared and another culvert on the same road, whioh was blocked regularly in wet weather, was being attended to. A storm water drain in Alexandra terrace had been constructed to ta&e the drainage in that street. All the man-holes required in the effluent pipe line along the Esplanade had been constructed a.nd the cleaning of the pipes would ba put in hand at once. This work has been greatly retarded by tho wet iwoather. 'The 'Oliftion tank is mow in operation and is working satisfactorily. A gang of men were regrading the lower portion of the Dyttelton Hill road and were repairing the stone wall carried away by the slip. Three additional sets of 9in pipes would be laid to carry off storm water. The road would be made -up with scoria, metalled blinded and rolled. A commencement had been made with the laying of sewer--age pipes in Cave terrace and tho work j was profeiessing satisfactorily, considering the weather conditions, and the nature of the material to be excavated. About ten chains of trenches were open, and four chains of pipes laid, and tho first manhole constructed. The cost of this work had been increased owing to the depth ot the excavation. The fencing, of St. Leonajd'a square was finished, but the gate posts and the, gate had yet to be erected Owing to the wet weather, the sowing of gxuThad been held up. This would be started as soon as possible. The contractor has commenced the construction of No. 1, Monck's Bay. The committee recommended that a letter of appreciation be sent to the Mayor of Lyttelton for his efforts to obtain assistance from his Council for the maintenance |of the Lyttelton Hill road. It was recommended that a final payment be made to tbc contractor for the Clifton sewerage tank. A complaint regarding drainage by Mr John Cock had been referred to the foreman to jeport. An application for permission to build a bath at Taylor's Mistake was declined. The plan of a subdivision of property on the Esplanade was refused. It was recommended that Mr f. Bowman, examiner for motor drivers' licenses, be authorised to ascertain if drivers cf motor vehicles are licensed. The Town Clerk has been instructed to take steps to raise the loan authorised for making connexions in the Redclifis sewerage area. The Christchurch City Council sent correspondence dealing with heavy traffic bylaw and motor drivers' licenses. Mr J. Carter, Superintendent of the Fire Brigade, wrote regarding the transference of his house. It was. decided to proceed with the erection of necessary buildings m connexion with the pumping plant at Woolstoh. A letter was received from the Christchurch City Council enclosing copy of ii letter from the Minister of Internal Affairs regarding the recent visit of the officers and men of the American Flecty. The Mayor (Mr W. H. Nicholson) said he and the Mayoress washed placed on record the whole-hearted support they had received from the ladies of the borough when the men of the Fleet- were entertained in Sumner. That their efforts had been appreciated was proved by the faot of the American flag now hanging in the Council Chambers. These colonrs were presented to him, but he considered they belonged to the borough, as he was merely the representative of the residents.

Cr. Johnson said he was sure he expressed the opinion of the Council and the residents when ho tendered to the Mayor their appreciation of his public-spiritedness in presenting the flas to the borough.

NEW BRIGHTON. The New Brighton Borough Council met last night. Present—The Mayor (Mr J. Gamble) and Cra. J. H. Shaw, F. "Ward, E. A. Leaver, B. Snell, K. A. Glaraon, J. C. Scott, E. A. Langford, W. H. Gahagan, and I\ J. L. Soott. Tho Ghriatcirarch City Council forwarded copy of letter irom tie Minister of Internal Affairs, thanking all who assisted in the entertainment of the officers and men of tho United States Fleet on the occasion of its recent visit to Canterbury The City Council asked if the Borough Council would be willing to have a further conference regarding the matter of an increase in heavy traffic license fees. It was agreed that there should be another conference, and Cr. Snell was appointed tho Council'e delegate. The Heathcote County Council wrote that, owing to the financial position, of the Bromley riding, the Council could not do anything in the nature of improvements to ike river-bank at New Brighton this year $Qx» JCiwajraa Bowsd •wrote, staging "thai

the Inter-City bus was net starting from George street" a"? directed by tie Council.— A re°)lv be sent etaiing that the iratter was being, attended to. The Municipal Electricity Department ad_vised that the erection of seven street lamps on the west side of George street will not ircrease the price per l&mp per annum. The local Fire Br.gacie asked 'hat fire alarm hello be placed in each fireman's house.—Referred to the Fire Prevention Committee.

The South Brighton Burgesses'' Association thanked th* Council fir its attention to the League's requests and aeked that four chutes bo Uaced in position at Pleasant Point IV main before L-sbour Day.—Referred t<-. Crs. Gahagan and Glasson. The New Bri<rh!cn Cricket Club requested the- Council to receive a deputation regarding improvements to the sports ground, and a!aa implied for the use of the sports ground for' th;> cricket season as from October Ist.

Mr 0. Mamon Stewart zsked that a deputation o; ratepayers from the extreme end o; Sout'n Brighton re received regarding tha formation o: a Toadway through rural sections 30,402 and 3?64

The. 10.-al Methodist Church Sunday school t. rote applvmi for permission to hold a picnic in Jellicoe street reserve on Show Hay and to have a stall in Union street.— Granted. Mr F. I). Hi.rvey applied for permission to hove' a stall on the beach for the Bale of. ice cream and soft drinks.—Referred to the committee. Mi- A. 11. Scrimshaw drew attention to the state of Brighton terrace.—Referred to Works (Ymmittee. An apr.lkaiion was received from Mr W. Clements to erect a pleasure wheel on the' beach. -Itewrred to committee. In reiilv to Mr V. A. Pickles, in the matter ii the Jesiso of the lea ;.nd refreshment ro.-m at Pleasant Point Domain, it was decided to state that tenders would be cailed tor the lease. A dev. utation from the South Shore Syndicate and ether ratepayers interested in part rural sections :10«>2 and 3054 v/aited upon the Council with a view to the Council <dvin" some means of access to the locality. "Mr".). Mawson Stewart eaid they were not asking for the formation of roads, but just a track of some sort, enabling timber for building to be brought on to the several sections. ' Crs. Gahagan, Shaw, Langford, and Glasson were appointed to meet members of the deputation and others interested on the ground a-nd discuss the matter more fully. . A deputation from Ibo aw Brighton Cricket Club waited upon the Council in tho direction oi improvements being effected to the sports' ground. Mr S. C. Thompson said the present pitch was reallv unsafe. What tho club wanted was a concrete pitch. The club itself would help in this direction and subscribe £lO towards the cost. Mr F. Falk said practice pitches were also necessary. The deputation having retired, a subcommittee was set up to deal with the matter. The Works Committee recommended that tenders be called for the supply of sanitary pans in quantities of 50 to 100; that the matter cf repairs to the manuka, fences on North Beach be dealt witli by the chairman and overseer; that the filling in of tho water hole in Jellicoe street be yone on with; that notice bawds be placed on the children's playthings in Pleasant Point Domain warning persons over the age of 15 years against using them.-Adopted. The chairman of the Fire Prevention Committee reported that the fire engine had pumped for four hours m Rawhiti Domain, and thet the fir c alar-n system had been installed in the borough. 'lt was agreed that the overseer have the sports ground rolled. It was decided to accept the invitation of the North Beach Burgesses' Association to be presenti at its next meeting. It was agreed that the. Council allocate sites for the buses in Sea View load, between George street and the westward mark now on tbe kerb. ' It was agreed to contribute £36 6s towards the Canterbury Court at the Dunedin and South Seas Exhibition. Crs. Leaver, Ward and Glasson were appointed a committee to'go into the matter of municiDil band concerts. A committee consisting of Crs. Glaseon, Ward, F. J. L. Scott, Leaver, Shaw, and J. C. Scott was appointed to attend to the. question of fixing sites for stalls and attractions on the beach. An application from Mr W. Watts for a sito for a staAl on the foreshore was re- ■ ferred to the Summer Programme Committee. The chairman of Works was authorised to experiment with' one ton of mix-phalt by top<lressing Sea View road. The HeaUicoto County Council asied for payment of outstanding tccounts amounting to £2OO for maintenance of Page's road. The Finance Committee trecommended fthat ia reply be sent ta the efleot that this Council was dissatisfied with the work done, and before the account was paid, the road be regraded free of cost to the Council. It was decided to call a conference flt delegates of local bodies concerned regarding the declaration of Page's road as & main highway. On the motion of Cr. Langford, it was resolved that the Tramway Board be aeked to have tixe starting and stopping place of the No. 10 tram moved to a point further north. On the motion of Cr. Glasson, it .was resolved that Messrs Toogood and Jones b* instructed to prepare the plans of tho new bridge to be erected at South New Brighton, and that the Council exercise its right under the option to complete the purchase of the land forming tho approaches to the proposed bridge. Cr. S-nell drew attention to the very bad 6tate of tho road fronting Mr A. Wilson's property.—Chairman of Works and the foreman to inspect.

On the motion of t,h6 Mayor, it -was agreed to afford Mr *Wilker9on relief in the matter of the drainage in front of hia property. At the conclusion of the bnsineas. the Council sat aa the- Rawhiti Domain Board. A letter was Tecerved from the School Committee applying for a piece of land in the Domain, as a site for a manual training school.

On the motion of Mr E. A. lieaver, it was resolved that the matter be further considered at a round-the-tablo talk.

ASHBURTON. The Ashburton Borough Council met last evening. Present—The Mayor (Mr B. Oralbraith), .and Crs. 1?. Z. D. Ferriman, W. H. Woods, B. M. Dnnlot>, J. W. Bowden, W. G. Hillier, K. A. Collins, F. "W. Seidon, J. Donn, W. H. Kohinson and "W. Kerr. The Town Clerk, Christchurch, forwarded copy of a letter received by the Mayor of Christchurch from the of Internal Affairs, conveying the appreciation of the Government for the manner in which the men of the American Fleet had been entertained. The Citizens' Committee and all others who had assisted were thanked. It was considered that the visit of the Americans "was a memorable one. The cordiality of the welcome jwould do much to strengthen the bonds of, friendship between the two nations. t The Finance Committee recommended that Inspector Bichardson's application for an increase in salary be held over and considered at tho beginning of the next financial year. The Fire Brigade Committee reported thai it had approved the alterations in the rules as submitted by the Brigade. The borongh inspector reported that five licenses to drive motor vehicles had' been issued since tho last meeting and five building permits, totalling £l7lO, had been granted. ' The bad 6tate of the borough roads through the continued wet weather was mentioned by Cr. Kerr, who said that with the present staff of seven men and four drays, it was impossible to keep up with the maintenance work. The Council-"gave him permission t-> hire two more drays. The Advance Ashburton Association was given permission to plant climbing roeos on the water tower reserve, the Council agreeing to provide the supports required.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18487, 15 September 1925, Page 12

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BOROUGH COUNCILS. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18487, 15 September 1925, Page 12

BOROUGH COUNCILS. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18487, 15 September 1925, Page 12