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AUGUST MEETING. i SECOND , DAY'S >, SPORT. J j After the rain of Thursday afternoon ] followed by a frost during tho night, ■ the weather promised well yesterday i for the second (lav of the New Zealand ! Metropolitan: Trotting Club's August , Meeting. During the early part, of the : afternoon the sun >liono brightly, but beforo the sixth race the sky became overcast, and a cold southerly rain set in. much to ihe discomfort of the public. Tho rain and tho frost had made the track in n bad state, but. the nso of a road grader got it in fairly good shape, and it was improving whilo the sun was shining, but when the rain wnie on it soon lxx;ame heavy again. Tho attendance was good for an off day, and among the sp«*t;iti>rs were, a number of officers and mon from tho American war>hips. The first two races were not very exciting, but after that the snort was full of interest, and was evidently keenly enjoyed by the spectators. The cliief cventj tho King Goorgo Handicap, was responsible for a very attractive performance on tho part of frlenelg, who led all tho way, and another very promising pacer who showed good form yesterday was Talaro, tho winner of the. Canterbury Handicap. The victory of Young Blake- in tho Avon Handicap provoked rather an angry demonstration, but a. protest against him on tho ground of inconsistent running was dismissed. Tho totalisat.or investments for the day wore I'l.i. WS ]os as compared with .k")3,3G8 on the second day last year. Tho following arc details of the. IMrnOVERS' HANDICAP .(in; harness), of ;:nn pots; second 60, third 40. Tor unhoppled trotters. 0.57 to 3.i7 class. 4 W. .T. Morland's b m ESCAPADE by Velsnn Bingen—Country Belle syrs 5( . r . . . . . . Owner t 5 C Davey's eh g Merry Trier aged 24 Owner 2 0. J. Bennett's bit c Burnic aged 3 ID Wee Olga, 5 Lonesome, 3 Hiiegood, 7 Tnunc Carbine. 2 Queen Ida srr and Marvin Drift -'4 bracketed; J2 Henry Trarey l_; 10 Lottie Direct 3*: 0 Hint 4«: It Pieter Timmerraan 60; 13 Johnnie Bells 60: 6 Ilerbilwin 72; It Young Blake also flarted. , . , , , Esrapade Van quickest to l'egin, and led out of tho straight from Hucgood, Merry ' Peter, Queen Ida, Young Carbine, and Lottie. Direct. In tho back strcteh Merry , Peter took second place behind Escapade and a little further on Lottie Direct moved < up into third place. In thin order they ; entered the last lap -with Qneen Ida and , Ilerbilwin next. Going along tha back >jKcapadc increased her lead and won casing . up by fifteen lengths from Merry Peter, who was six lengths in front of Buraie. Lottie Direct was fourth, and Horbilwin fifth. Times 3m 545; 3m 55 4-ss; 3m 56 4-ss. DASH HANDICAP (in saddle), of 300 kovs; second 60, third 40. 2,16 to 2.12 class. 1 j/Sesservey's b s KING DILLON by Harold Dillon —Ha Ha maro aged 12 J. Messervey, jun. 1 4. It. A. Anderson's b g Darknite aged 'A4, * It. B. Berry 2 J 3. P. Holmes, jun.'B b g Ben.Ohau aged 24 .. .. ■ • • Owner 3 2 Pakoti srr; 6 Lear Dillon 12; 7 Harebell Direct 12; 5 Hue Coronado 24; 8 . Bellfashion 24 also started. - Palcoti led for a furlong, bnt at the stand King Dillon headed her, with Hue Coronado third and " Lear Dillon add Bellfashion. In the back- stretch Pakoti. lost her position nn d Huo .Coronado took second place, ouly , to be displaced by Darknite at the tanks. Xing Dillon hejd .'his , advantage and won bv -four 'lengths from Darknite, with Ben dha'u, who finished well, two lengths away. Harebell Direct was fourth and Bellfashion fifth. Times—2m 15 4-ss; 2m 15 '3-ss; 2m 'ls' 4-'ss. ' KING GEORGE HANDICAP (in harness), of 1000 sovs; second 200, third 125, fourth 75. 4.32 class. 2m. 1. C. M. Ollivier's ch g GLENELG by ■ Great AuduCon —Nceratte 4yrs scr A. Butterfield ,1 6. D. Withers's V- m Logan Lou 6yrs 60 Owner 2 5. W. Kelsey's b p Hypo agod scr Owner 3 7. J. Duffy's b g Logan Chief Cyrj 34 J. J. Kennerley. 4 4. T. Rogal's ch h Dalnahine aged scr M. B. Edwards 0 3. G. Barton's br g Bell Harold aged scr .. AV. J. Tomkinson 0 11. Mrs F. C. Allington's b g Whispering Willie aged 12 J. H. Wilson 0 8. T. G. Fox's ch m Dolly Dillon 6yrs 24 Owner 0 9. <9. W. Deycll'a b g Alto Chimes aged i 36 .. J. Bryce 0 2. W. S. Wootton's br g Brutus aged 3G , A., Hendriksen ' 0 10. E. J. Smith's b m Vilo aged 60 Owner 0 12. P. Riddle's b h Sheik (Australia) aged 108 .. .. Owner 0 Dalnahine lost his chanco by refusing to begin properly, and Glenelg took up the running from Hypo, Whispering Willie, Brutus, Vilo, and Logan Lou. At the end of half a mile Glenelg was followed by Hypo. Vilo, Whispering Willie, Brutns, Alto Chimes, and Logan Lou. There was little change as they raced along the back, bnt at the tanks Alto Chimes had moved up into fourth place, with Brntus and Logan Lou next. Entering the last lap Glenelg was still in charge, and then in order came Hypo, Alto Chimes. Vilo, Brntus, and Logan Lou, while Dalnahine had made up a lot of his ground. Along the back stretch Logan Lou pnt in a fast run which took her into second place, Hypo then being third, and Logan Chief taking fourth place at the mile post. Glenelg always held his position in front, and finishing well, beat Logan Lou by two lengths, Hypo, who was a length away third, was two lengths in front of Logan Chief. Whispering Willie was fifth and Brntus sixth. Times—4m 40 l-ss; 4m 35 2-ss; 4m 40 3-ss. BELGIUM HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 sovs; second 100; third 50. 4.44 to 4.40 class. 2m. 4. S. Chambers's b g SUCCESSION, by Our Thorpe—Succeed 4yrs scr L. O. Thomas 1 8. J. G. S. Holmes's b g Transport aged scr N. L. Price 2 1. L. Cloake's blk m Pearl Coronado, aged 12 .. J. Fraser, jun 3 12 Plywood, 4 Shuve Soon, 7 Blue Star scr; 9 Ratana 24; 2 Bruce 24; 11 Bright Bell 24; 18 Haekthorne 24; 5 Buz Buz 24; 15 BarcelosMl SO; 10 Double Event 48; 6 Pointale&a 6Of 14 Peter Bingen 72, also started. Shine SMa, Bhw Star, and Hackthorne all lost ground at the staTt. With half a mile covered Bruce 'was allowing the way to Succession, Transport, Pearl Coronado. Double Event, and Bright Bell. In the back stretch Pearl Coronado headed Bruce, and then came Succession, Transport, Double Event, and Bright Bell. Entering the last lap, the order of tho leaders was Pearl Coronado. Succession, Bruce, Transport, . and Double Event, but in the back stretch Bruce lost his place, and Pearl Coronado,- Succession, and Transport drew well clear of the others. Succession took charge at the mile post, and finishing well, won by two lengths from Transport, who beat Pearl Coronado'by two lengths for second place. Shine Soon was fourth and Bright Bell fifth. Times, 4m 43 3-ss, 4m 445, 4m 43 2-ss. LINCOLN HANDICAP (in harness), of 500 sovs; second 1?5; third 75; 4.36 to 4.32 class. 2m. 4. Mrs I. E. Sweet-apple and J. S. Shaw's . b m FLOERIE BINGEN by Nelson Bingen—Harold Dillon mare aged *l2 J. S. Shaw 1 3. Jack and Stewart's blk h Prince Pointer 6yrs 72 .. R. E. Mills 2 2. A. E. Bussell's rn g Fight Ever bvrs 36 .. »• J- J- Kennerley 3 5 Teneriffe scr; 6 Partner 48; 1 Billy Sea CO also started. Billy Sea was slow to begin, but the field raced exactly in their handicap order for a mile and a qnarter. Then Prince Pointer ran past Billy Sea, who broke, and lost all chance. Going along the back the fieid, with the exception of Billy Sea, closed up. Teneriffe was still in front when the straight was reached, but she was beaten in the ■run home, and in a good finish Florrie Bingen -won bv three-quarters of a length from Prince Pointer, vbo was a length in front of Fight Ever. Teneriffe was fourth, nnd Partner fifth. Times, 4m 40s, 4m 35 3-58, 4m 38 4-ss. AVON HA.NDICAP (in harness), of 400 sovs; second 100; third 50. For unhoppled trotters; 4.46 class. 2m. 2. Young and Blake's b g YOUNG BLAKE by Wildwood Jun.—Daphne Dillon 6yrs 36 .. P. Riddle 1 5. J. Deyll's b g Proud Ata aged 60 Owner 2 9. D. Archer's br m Mangoutu aged 36 J. C. Wilson 3 6. A. and G. Fine's ch g Audominion 6yrs 12 . , . . J. S. Wilson 0 7. A. Grant's br g Little Logan aged 24 D. Withers 0 15. J. Trowbridge and G. H. Murfitt's b g Koraki aged 36 .. <f. H. Murfltt 0 11. M. McLean's b m Marietta aged 36 t» Clarke 0 1.. B. Ballantyne s ch m Blngenette aged 86 .. W. Warren 0 10. G. F. Robinson's b m Tiny Moon W«d 4& owsec 9 ■

4. K. Peters's oh g N'ijhborn aped 60 B. .Tsrden 0 a. E. 8. Bennett'* b g Kostretor aged 60 T\ H. Green 0 G. M. O'Brien'* b g Tete Peter aceH 60 A. Itendnksen 0 i:i. ,T. A. Mitchell's 1. m I>adv Nan aged GO . . li. C. Alexander 0 14 J M. Sarason'i 1> g Clonmel. ftged S4 ,T. J. Kennerley 0 I. P. Tcahen's cb g Lazarus Mangoutu and Tiny Moon broke nt.l.e start, and Lazarn* collided with the latte • JFi, driver was thrrnv,, fron, the suUj. b«t (inifklr regained bis scat, and set out aUe. the field, although bis chance was h ?P el *:_; Audominion. Little Logan.ounz Blake. Bin cenette Koraki. and Kostrevor the leaders in the early *<****■.. broke coinc ont of the straight .in _ bark stretch Little Lojran led fiom l ounff Blake. Proud Ata. and Roslrcvor. ba«l> Nan moving lip fast on the ou.side. n round to tro. ouns Blake was in • g• followed bv Little Loga-.i. Proud Ata. Binge - ptte. and Koptrevor. Gome along the back. Proud Ata took second ;>laee. w.n.e utu was making uj> her ground verj tas.. and was fourth at the links. \oung Make led into the straigb' from Proud Ata and Mansoutii. and 'bat order they Voung Blake being two lengths in front <n Proud Ata. v.ith MangoiHu a length a»iO. Audominion finished fourth. Uos.revor fifth, and Koraki sixth. Times. 1m 4s, -••>*, 4m •tf» 4m f'AXT?:RBt'KY lIANnH-AP (in harness - !, of -iO.i snv»: second U'O: tlr.rd Go. 4.40 to 4.::0 class. 2m. 2. c. T-. I.indsav b g TALAIK'. by Great Audubon —Coin ."yrs 1 •* . T . Holing n. r. C. Hogarth's ch g Haroldßurwo,.,l aged it" • ■ J - TT - u . llsn . n - 1 \ I' l.'pe's 111- g Koicole Mate King s ' Pride) aged fin . . -• Kennerley 4 liebel. 7 Oak-nut '.v: 1" (ioiden Sun U: fi T'eter King 1-: Harewood 12: 1J Princess /.oe 2 i: IT Itamaroa '-4; Kissing ('ui. 24: 14 Wharepiana 24: Ki Lord Nenean •M • 12 Latona 2t: ." liita Rye 21: f Piuevile "4- 1.1 Lr Todd .'Hi. also started. ' At the end of half a mile Oaknut wn.« leading from Rebel and Peter King who w-rro cleur of lUrfv.ood. Golden Sun. Vt liarepiaiw. and Kita live. This was the order as the.- raced along the back, with Harold Burwood at the head of the second division. and Koi.'ole moving up fast on the outside Si, furlong'- from home Kebei. Oaknut. and Peter King were racing in that order, several lengths in front of Harold | Burwood. I.'oi.'ole and Talaro. At the tank*. , these six horses bunched, end at the mile i post Peter King led from Koicole, Harold Burwood. Talaro. and Oaknut. In a great race home Talaro got up in time to win by a neck from Harold Burwood, who was half a length in front, of Roicole. Then fame Peter King. Rebel, and Kamaroa. Timet, 4ni :'.os, 4m :sj< 1--Is, tm'liS 2-os. SPEF.mVAY TIAVDfrAP (ill harness), of ( 400 sovs: second 100; third 50. 2.40 class. IJni. . 3 G W. Pransfield's b g LOGANWOOIj by Logan Pointer—Myrtlcwood aged 04 , . . . J. Bryce 1 6 A R. Tewksbury's b li Dclavan Quest, aged 24 . ... . . P. Kiddle 14 J. llislop's ch g Downcast aged scr A. Hendnkseu ,3 7. If. C. Yates's b g Paul 2 P <r Holmes's b m Bonny Logan Gjrs •).. .. Owner 0 8. Archer Bros.* b g Landlord aged 24 K. J. Smith. 0 5. A. Anderson's b h Jack Pottß eyrs 3b i B. Jarden 0 ; J. J. R. McKenzie's br h Great Bingen flvra iH .. ..D. WitberH 0 Paul Pufault, beginning quickly, showed tlie way to Boiiny Logan, Downcast, LoganWood, nnd Delavan Quest. This was the order in which they raced past the staud, with yreat Bingen and jack Potts next. (ioin E along tho back, Paul Ijufault led from Bonnv Logan, Loganwood, Dclavan and Downcast. At the tanks, Paul Dufault ■was beaten, and Bonny Logan took charge, with Loganwood, Delavan Quest, nnd Downcast racing in close order just behind her. Bonny Lo e an led into the straight, but in a great race borne Loganwood won by a loogth from. Delavan Quest, who was the same distance in front of Downcast. ± Bonny Logan was fourth, Great Bingen and Jack Potts sixth. Times,,2m d 1 --os, -m 51 J-as, 2m 53 4-ss. NOTES ON THE RACING. A Promising Young Trotter. Escapade, a five-year-old mare fcy Nelson Bingen (imp.) from Country Belte (winner of the 1915 New Zealand Trotting Cup) scored an easy win in the Imprpvers' Handicap. She began in great style, and at no stage of the race looked like being beaten. Esca--1 pade is owned and trained by Mr ,V. J. Morland, and during the past few weeks she had been responsible for some good track work. Merry Peter found the distance of thirteen furlongs to his liking and beat the others almost as easilv as Escapade beat him. Burnie and Lottie Direct finished third an( f fourth, but some distance back in front of a strung out field. Before half the journey was covered, Escapade such a commanding lead, that it looked as if quite a number of the competitors were not driven right out when theit chances seemed hopeless. A Consistent Performer. All the acceptors started in the .Dash Handicap. King Dillon, w | lo was favourite, began in great style. At no stage of tho race did he look like being defeated, and he WO J I most decisively, and demonstrated that no is more than useful with the weight up. Another New Brighton-trained horse, in Darknite, finished second, a position which he occupied behind Whetu in the Electric Handicap on the first day. Ben Ohau had ever ychance, but was beaten into third plate, with Rarebell Direct fourth. Pakoti and Lear Dillon were in the firing line for five furlongs, but like Hue Coronado and Bell Fashion will require to improve before they aTe entitled to much respect. A High-Class 4-Yeax-01d. The King George Handicap attracted a field uf tweive liorsea. Uieneig was favourite, and there was solid support lor .Brutus and .bell Harold. -vt tiio release of the barrier Ulenelg tools up the running, and leading the ueld at a solid pace, went on tu wm nicety from .Logan Lou, Hypo, and Logan Chief. '1 lie winner is a four-year-old gelding by Great Audubon from JNcer- ] atte. He was the champion three- j vear-old last season, and promises to | develop into a high-class handicap horse. Logan Lou paced a fine race 1 into seconci place, bne oegan smartly ' and was soon in a handy position, and l at. tho finish easily beat all but 1 winner. Hypo finished third, a posiItion which lie* occupied behind Ixigan Lou and Loganwood 111 the August Handicap 011 :the opening day. Lcgaii . Chief paced a good race, and earned ! fourth money. At the top ot the J straight he was within striKing diss tance of the leaders, but being short of 1 work did not finish with his usual dasli. : Whispering "Willie trotted well until ' tho last furlong, when he broke. Alto > Chimes, Vilo, and Brutus were promin- ' ent for three-parts of the journey. Ben 1 Harold, Dollv Dillon and Dalmahine lost their chances by refusing to begin * smartly, and Shiek was set a task be- |! yond his ability. The Belgium Handicap. The fifteen acceptors went to the j>ost for the Belgium Handicap, and turee horses on scratch, Succession, Transport and Shine Soon, played a prominent part-in the settlement of altairs, and finished first, second and fourth respcctivelv. Succession was always well placed,'and although Transport challenged strongly in tho final circuit, li e had the result in safe keeping a furlong from home. Transport, who has not"done much racing, gave his pilot, N. L. Price a hard drive, and staying better than Pearl Goronado, finished second, and paid a useful -dividend. Shine Soon loßt most of his handicap nt the start through not striking his gait correctly, - but once on the journey, showed up sufficiently well to suggest that a stake will soon come his way. Doublo Event went well for a mile and a quarter, but Bruce, who was heavily backed, made a poor showing. One for Auckland, A small field of six horses faced the the Lincoln Handicap. It was a'good betting raoe, with Billy Sea and Fight Ever much better backed than the other quartet. Teneriffe led until 150 yards from home, when Florrie Bingen challenged, and in a good finish won nicely from Prince ' Pointer and Fight Ever, Florrie Bingen stayed out the bet-

ter than in the Queen Mary Handicap on the first dp.y, and evidently benelited fiv the ra-ce. She is owned ard trained at Auckland, and was a r stake winner last season. Prince Pointer finished very fast in second place, covering a good deal of extra ground in the straight. Figlit Ever, an inmate of J. J. Kennerley's stable, was always in a good position. The | Australian-bred gelding was under pressure in'the last iurlor.g, but failed to put any dash into his final effort. Teneriffe lacked stamina, as also did Partner, while the favourite, Billy Sea. raced a long way below expectation :'.nd finished last. Young Blake Back to Form. Young Blake was supported with coi.*f.denoe to win the Avon Handicap, and after giving a finished display of trotting the Wildwood Jr. c;elditi<£ found no difficulty ii? disposing of the opposition. -\s a three and loiir-year-old, when trained by N. L. Price. loung Blake showed great promise, but lie trained tiff and was treated to a good spell. On b?iucr recomniissioned lie went ir.;o P. Kiddle's stable, and although his effort in the Improver* Handicap was not impressive, it is rpiito evident that he has again form. The of torm did not. find favour, as both horse and driver ■were >ubie:-t to a hostile demonstration on returning to the enclosure. Proud Ata trotted fast over the middle nine, and was scon in a good position amongst the leaders, and under pressure. he beat Mangoutu for third money. The last named lost all hoi handicap iiv the early stages of therace, and judging by the manner in which she finished it appeared as if she was very unlucky to lose. Audominiou showed a lot of speed in patches, but. lest too much ground by breaking. Rostrevor and made the best showing of the others. Tiny Moon did not. go a wax- correctlv. while Lazarus collided with her and lost his driver. T. Wallis, who regained his seat in the sulky, but was unable to make tip the lost ground. A Great Finirh. The. North Canterbury owned pacer Talaro registered a smart performance bv winning the- Canterbury Handicap from sixteen others, but only after a great finish with Harold Burwood and i Roicole." Four furlongs from home Talaro was in a good position, but shorilv after nassin-the'tanks he. made an effort to get through on the rails, when ho was stopped, and his pilot, F. Holmes, was then compelled to take the outside running, and mustering up a fine turn of speed Talaro scored in good style. Harold Burwood responded gamely under pressure and defeated ?ne favouirte, Roicole, by a small margill. ' Tho last named was beaten, but by no means disgraced, and he may bo expected to do better on a dry track. Peter King and Rebel threatened danger for p. mile and threequarters, and Golden Sun, Harewood and Rita Rye for twelve furlongs, but the other competitors failed to reproduce their best form oil 1 the heavy course. Consistent Loganwood. The Speedway Handicap was an interesting race, and the filial issue was in doubt until fifty yards from home, ■where Loganwood nut in his claim and beat the fast finishing Delavan Quest bv a length, followed by Downcast, Bonny Logan, Great Bingon and Jack Potts. .Loganwood lias won over all distanoes. He is a speedy pacer and should prove a good stake dinner this season. The going fa-vdured Delavan Quest, with the result that he beat all but the winner., Downcast, [ after beginning slowly, was beaten into third, place, with- Bonny Logan, close up fourth. The favourite, Great Bingen, was quite unable to handle the going. After losing ground at the start Jack •Potte .put in a well sustained run over the last four furlongs and was sixth to finish. THIRD DAY'S HANDICAPS. j MIDWINTER HANDICAP (in saddle), of J <IOO sovs. For unhoppled trotters. 3.57 to | 3.47 class, lm sf, ! Nelson's Guest scr Merrr Peter .. •>$ i.uia Son . . scr Renown .:. 4S Wee Olga . . for Hint '•'!?. Princess lleta .. scr The Toff .. 48 Hnegood . . scr Galway Abbey 60 Rouseabout sci rtudominion . . Ml Patard . . 24. Sol • • 6(1 Marvin ■ Drift .. 24 Johnnie Bells .: 60 Corwar . . 24 Merry Bingen . . 00 Dillon S. . . 06 Bonny Spec . . 'J6 LIGHTNING HANDICAP (in saddle), of 300 sots. 2.15 class lm. Pakoti .. scr Royal Ohance .. 12 Audacious . . scr Sir Henry . . 12 Lear Dillon .. scr Rose Pointer .. Harebell Direct scr Latona •. 12 Teneriffe .; 12 Hue Coronado 12 Ben Ohau .. 12 Pearlie Chimes 36 Rex Coronado ;; 12 Bonny Logan . . 116 Olive Huou .. 12 Landlord ■;: 48 Bellfashion . . 12 NATIONAL CUP HANDICAP (in harness), of 1200 sovs. 4.31 class. 2m. Whispering Away .36 Willie fit Vilo :: 48 Pearlie Chimes 3 2 Don Wild .. 48 Delavan Quest 12 Logan Lou . . B0 Dollv Dillon . . 12 Great Bingen . . 72 Lady Joan .. 24 Logan Chief <2 Alto Chimes . . 24 Sheik • • 9G Pedro Pronto .. 36 Onyx. .. 108 Jack Potts . . 36 FEDERAL HANDICAP (in harness), of 500 sovs. 10s limit, lim. Hopo Dillon . . scr Wakataua . . 12 Avenger . . scr Drone . . 12 Nepia . . sr.r Nyallo . . 24 Eileen Audubon scr Kotuku Jack .. 24 William the Nantwic.h .v 24 Great scr Eonr Bells . . 36 Stadium . . scr Gibraltar . . 36 Black Ballin . . scr General Bingen 60 Roscthorne > . ■ scr Koliara . . 108 Granite City . . scr Glenelg . - 120 Actor ■ ■ *cr HEATHCOTE HANDICAP (in harness), of . 500 sovs. 4.36 to 4.31 class. 2m. Teneriffe . . scr Partner . . 48 Browmvood . . scr Bell Harold . . 48 ' Koval Oak . . scr Billy Sea . . (SO » Royal Ohance . . 12 Loganwood . . <>o , Wild Thvme . . 12 Glenelg 72 Audacious . . 24 Prince Pointer 84 1 Plorrie Bingen 36 Brutus . . 84 ' Taurekareka . . 36 Jtinton Derby . . 06 [ Fight Ever . . 4 8 1 ADDING TON HANDICAP (in harness), nf 500 sovs. For unhoppled trotters. -1.44 . class. 2m. L Master Audo . . scr Lady Nan .. 36 ) Little Logan . . scr Young Blake . . 36 . Speculator . . .12 Nighhoru . . 30 . Koraki . . 12 Peie Peter . . 36 ' Mangoutu .. 12 Proud Ata .. 48 ! Marietta . . 12 Lazarus . . 60 .•Wild Hebe .. 12 Clonmel .. CO F Bingenette .. 12 Harold Child .. 60 ' Delville Wood . . 12 Hose Bingen . . 60 . Lackiewood . . 24 Kcan John . . 72 I Naplund . . 24 I.e Todd . . 72 } Tiny Moon . . 24 Peter Swift . . 84 Rostrevor . . 30 First Fashion . . S4 ; ISLINGTON HANDICAP (in harness), of 400 sovs. 4.40 to 4.3(i class. 2m. 3 Rebel . . scr Lord Nepean ... " I Oaknut . . scr Latona . . 24 Hackthorne . . scr Kita Rye . . 24 Colchester .. scr Pinevaic . . 24 Harewood . . 12 Countryman . . 24 (iulden Suu .. 12 Black Admiral .. 30 Peter King . . 3 2 L'ncoln Huou . . 36 Princess Zoe .. 24 King Dillon .. 36 t Native King . . 24 Peter Binren . . 36 0 Kamaroa . . 24 Quiver 36 t Kissing Cup ~ 24 Lear Dillon .. 36 Wharepiana .. 24 Tulero .. 72 ® Keau John . . 21 Harold Burwood 72 1 (Double Event ineligible.) ~ FAREWELL HANDICAP (in harness), of .1 400 sovs. 2.47 claps. lim. . Nelson Derby . . scr Prince Pointer . , 24 Hue Coronado . . scr Partner . , 8 Gleaming , . 12 Willie Logan . , 24 - Downcast . , 12 Bonny Logan , , 24 s Dolly Dillon . . 12 Landlord . , ;(6 I Paul' Dnfault . . 12 Away , ,';6 ; 1 Argus 12 Hreet Bingen i, 60 S Bessie Logan .. 12 Minton Derby ~ 84 i Hypo ..12 Logan Chief .. 84 Acceptances close »t noon to-dav. b l

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18461, 15 August 1925, Page 8

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METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18461, 15 August 1925, Page 8

METROPOLITAN TROTTING CLUB. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18461, 15 August 1925, Page 8