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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication In tbo "Women's Corner" Items of social or personal news. Scch Items should be folly authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Mrs Hamish McLean and Miss' McLean (Waimate) are the guests of Mrs J. M. Turnbull, Dorset street. Miss McLean will bo one of the Grand National Week's debutantes.

Mrs Tery Wilder (Hawke's Bay) is visitit'g her parents, Mr and Mrs George Hanmer, "Tilford." Miss Kathleen Cracroft Wilson, who went to Wellington for the intercollegiate football tournament, .will be amongst Canterbury visitors at the Fleet Week gaieties in. Wellington. Later she will go to Napier to visit friends there. Mrs R. C. Todhunter (late Heron Homestead) is spending a week at. "Haeremai," Sumner. Mrs Euan Troutbeck (Hawke's Bay) is the guest of Miss Humphreys, Fenddton.

Miss Betty Roberts (North Island) is visiting Mrs Seth-Smith, Garden' road, Fendalton.

Miss Frances Ogilvie, who has just returned on furlough after five years' work on the Presbyterian Mission "fields irj India, is at present the guest of Dr. and Mrs Erwin. On Thursday, Miss Ogilvie, who is a daughter of Mr C. G. Ogilvie, formerly manager of the Christchurch branch of the Union Bank, will leave for Dunedin, returning to Christchurch later.

Tur rjid Mrs Scott Stevecson and Miss Joan Fulton have left for a trip to Sydney. Mrs Melville Jameson (Timaru) is the guest of Mrs James Hay, Chartoum. Miss Munro and Mrs M. E. Hill (Auckland) and Mr and Mrs Douglas Deans aire also staying at Chartoum.

Colonel and Mrs Lawrence Chaytor (Marshlands, Marlborough) and Mrs J. 11. Tripe (Wellington) are staying at the United Servico Hotel.

Miss Alice McLaren (Timaru) arrived in Christchurch yesterday and is staying at "St. Elmo." Miss Phyllis Murray ("Wharemii," Marlborough) is staying with Mrs James Cooke, Rugby street. Miss Robit'son (Xelson) is the guest of her sister, Mrs Brice, for race week. Mr and Mrs P. and party, including Mr and Mrs W. It. Knowles and Miss lnger McLennan and Mr T. J. Halliburton, have returned from a trip to Mt.-Gook. , *

• Tho engagement lis announced! of Catherine J3., elder daughter of Mr and Mrs L. B.Hart, Papanui, to John A:, votinger son of Mrs and the late J. A. Paton. St. Albans.

A special, euchre tourney will be held to-night by the Excelsior Euchre Assembly in the Hibernian Hall.

Amongst the recent arrivals at StElmo are • Captain Kerr, Mrs Kerr and Miss,Kerr (Geraldine), Mrs Smith (Geraldine), Miss Aitken (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs D. McDonald, Misses McDonald (Timaru)y Mrs E. S. Quinn (Invercargill), Miss B. Loughriaji (Palmerston North), Mis 3 Wilson (Palmerston North). Miss L. Cartwright (Timaru), Mrs R. L. King (Wellington), Miss Moore (Hokitika), Mr and Mrs B. Keesing (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Doyle (Timaru), Miss McQueen (Dtanedin), Misses Douglas (Poukawa), Miss Barr (Australia). Mrs Denniston Cuthbertson (Invercargill), Miss Priest (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs Kerr (Timaru), Mrs Tanner (Timaru), Mr- and Mrs -Thompson (Oamaru), Mr and Mrs J. B. Taylor (Oamaru), Mr and Mrs J. &. Dickson (Auckland), Mr and Misses TSparrow (Ashburton), Mr McDonald (Timaru), Mr J. Maccassey (Dunedin), Mr M. Priest (Dunedin), Mr Owen Longuet (Invercargill), Mr Longuet (Invercargill), Mr Dobson (Timaru), Mr J. McQueen (Dunedin). Mr Evans (Australia), Rev. Mr Barr (Australia), Mr Tanner (Timaru), Mr Loughnan (Palmerston North).

FURS FOR THE RACES. By a remarkable bit of luck a new shipment of the latest Continental and English Furs has just reached Madame Menere, 127 Cashel street, in time for the Races. Madame Menere has been very fortunate indeed, but Burely no more fortunate than the lucky purchasers of these furs. . —6 SUPERFLUOUS HAIR.

All who are afflicted with superfluous hair will be interested 'to learn that under the special Egyptus process such can 'be removed permanently and quite painlessly without the employment of needles at all. Ring up 'Phone 5158, and arrange consultation with Egyptus, Hair Specialists, Fletcher's Buildings. 769 Colombo street. —6

HOW TO GET THIN. Right in the privacy of your own home you can reduce all superflous flesh inexpensively and easily by the French treatment of Clark's Thinning Bath Salts and Reducing Paste, obtainable from E. Cameron Smith, Royal Exchange Buildings, Cathedral square. Think of the pleasure of regaining the slim loveliness of youth. —6

A MAN WRITES: : This winter has been the first in many years that my mother's hands have not become painfully chapped from housework, and she attributes her good fortune entirely to the fact that she uses Ivory Soap exclusively for ing them. Ivory Soap is obtainable from Chemists at 9d a cake. MC6662-1


Even dirt ground into the veryfibres of a fabric lets go and slinks away when Verbena Soap tackles it. Use water" of any temperature with Verbena. Boil clothes with it if you prefer to. You are bound to get good results any way you use it. 6

Fashionable shoes now at th©- races include Brown Willow Calf and real Lizards in brown and grey, procurable at Panne Us', 105 Manchester street, phone 694. q

Mrs Vernon, Mrs Godby, Miss K. Bristed and Miss Edna White-Parsons intend taking part in the golf tournament at Timaru next week.

The following are among the guests at the Excelsior Hotel: —Mr and Mrs J. Page, Mr Mussen (Invercargill), Mr Condon, Mrs Deidrich, Mr S. Rose (West Coast), Mr Welch, Mr O'Dtiscoll (Nightcaps), Mr and Mrs Power (Mount Nessitig, Albury), Mr r.nd Mrs Broad, Mr C. E. Broad (Wellington), Mr O'Leary, Mr Sullivan (Wellington), Mr Finney, Mr McLaren (Dunedin<), Mr J. H. Wright, Mr F. Wright, Mr Guthrie (Hawarden), Mr Taylor (Sheffield), Mr Maurice O'Shea (Oamaru), Mr Harndeu (Hastings). The Excelsior Euchre Assembly are making preparations for a recordbreaking euchre -party, to be held on Wednesday at the Sydenham Football Hall.

The Y.W.C.A. library has just received an addition of 150 new volumes given by various friends of the Association, as a result of an offer of the first 20 books from an anonymous donor. A part of the library will be transferred to the Cafeteria for the use of members of the Cafeteria. Anyfurther donations will be given to the library of the Sydenham Girls' Club.

Preparations are proceeding apace for the children's annual plain and fancy dress ball, to be held in Dixieland' on Fridav. August 21st. in aid of the Lewisham General Hospital Building Fund. A number of valuable prizes are to be awarded for the best and most original dresses and for the best poster dress, and for the purposes of judging, the children will 'be divided into two classes—those under 10 years and those 10 years and over—■ and prizes will be awarded in each section.

Durino- a brief visit to their son, Mr J. Spence, of Keppell street. New Brighton, Mr and Mrs Spence, of Hororata, on Saturday evening entertained a number of friends at a most enjoyable social and dance at the "Oasis. Parlour games, competitions and dancing, interspersed with vocal and instrumental items rendered by Mrs Spence, Miss 31. P. Hopkins, Mr U. Webster, Mr J. Spence, jun.,, while the music for the dances and the accompaniments for the vocal numbers were rendered by Mr Whitworth and Miss Dawson, extras being played by Mr W. P\ Hopkins. "Auld Lang P.yne" and "For They are Jolly Good Fellows" brought to a close a ]ol!y evening.

The New Brighton Branch of the British and Foreign Bible Society heio. its annual meeting at the* residence of the Misses Harband on Friday last. when the Rev. D. Calder, general secretary for New Zealand, addressed a representative gathering from the Anglican, Presbyterian and 3lethodist churches. The streets of Central, North and South Brighton have been allocated, and the collectors will begin calling on the residents forthwith. On Sunday the Rev. D. Calder advocated "the claims of this great missionary society from the pulpits of the Presbyterian Church' in the morning; Baptist, in the afternoon, and Anglican in the evening, while the Rey. F,, T.j Read, in the Methodist Church, tookj for his evening subject "The Bible in the World." j A very- pleasant little function was .held at the residence of Mrs R. G. Wolff. «'Totara," Horrelville, on Thursday last. It was a "blue gift" afternoon, given in honour of Miss Margaret Thompson, who is shortly to be married to Mr A. G. Hurley. Both Miss Thompson and Mr Hurley have lived a.ll their lives i.n the district aiul, are not leaving after their marriage. In handing over an assortment of beautiful gifts, Mrs Wolff expressed the feelings of all present and of those who w.ero .unable, to come, in wishing the guest of honour a- very happv and prosperous future in her new life. Miss Thompson suitably replied. Amongst those present were. Miss Thompson, Mesdames Wolff, Thompson, Elliott, Anderson. Graham, Blunden, Hurley, Reid, Gilling, D. Bradley, Sheat, Boyd, Woodfield, tho Misses *W. Thompson, Hurley, Forrest, Elliott,. Burns, and Addiwell (3). By'the China mail just to hand news has been received from Miss B. M. Brunt, of the C.M.S. Hospital, Hangchow, China, who l-eports 1 that she is safe and well. She, however, gives a graphic account of the recent' riots in Shanghai and Hangchow. Early in June tho roits.were very severe. Some thousands of excited Chinese students and other rioters paraded past the hospital pates with many anti-foreign banners flying. At the time of writing (June 18th) affairs had settled down somewhat. Dr. and Mrs Main, who have had charge of the hospital for over 40 years, were much concerns;?. Miss Brunt mentions that Miss Woods, a member of the C.M.S., wm about to leave on furlough for New Zealand, and would probably be arriving in Christchureh early in September. Miss Woods is bringing a parcel of Chinese goods for the C.M.S. Missionary display, which takes place during September.

Mrs E. J. Hatherley, assisted by Misses E. and G. Lumsden, gave a delightful party at her residence, Strowan road, on Saturday afternoon, in honour of her daughter, Molly's, twelfth birthday. The breakfast room, where tea was dispensed, was decorated with coloured streamers. A merry time was spent dancing, playing and games. Most of the children contributed musical items, the accompanists being Mrs Hatherley and Miss G Lumsden and the competitions wero won by G adys Twose and Dorothy Liebe-rt. Amongst the children "present were: Molly Betty, Margaret and Jean Hatherley Penny Marshall, Lesfe«v ™wV 118 " Ford > atalie Banks, Phyhs Crompton, Ph v lis Ford Dorothy Liebert, Dor\>th™&ykes Matthews, Madeline Pvne Mavis £'™b ?eth Baker. Irene Forbes Is? be! Mac Donald, Bee Salt, Monl 'Pine and Masters Vane, Redruth, and Edwin Hatherley. -LMUience The Bromley Ladies' Hockey Club held a very successful euehrp Zlu , dance in the Breeze's road 10l Saturday. The . dance-room tily decorated in the. club CLi„ red and white. lan'a Or?hl ° UrS ' vided the music an? ■*?s*s* P r °- xvas M.C, In the absence dent, Mr. D.. & BuffivL? *&*"£ Aston, vice-president, *£ prizes to the following ?^ ted the Euchre, Mesdames uZIJ Hill, Moses, %"*' ABhbolt, Hull. Messrs Bowse L, MI " T M ' Stokes, Wheeler and Venne* ' eg .°' tion, Mr Xankivell 5 , c?mpetlwaltzes, Miss Basher and M ?t y ' Bpot Miss Shamy and Mr fi„s' prizes were 7 given * jg**"* The and Corson (Aranui) Hulf S ? rOSCn (New, Brighton), TriS °", a * d Hill D. Bain, W. Walk"? wl Denton ' Candy, and Hall (Bse y) Madden and


Despite the inclement weather, the usual monthly concert, arranged by Mrs Ben Seville, was given at the General Hospital on Friday .afternoon. The programme comprised instrumental trios by Miss Gladys Vincent (violin), Miss Hilda Crosier (piano), and -Mr Keith Merry ('cello'). "Songs and recitations by Mrs Saville, violin solos by Miss Vincent, and piano solos by Miss Crosier.

The spinsters of Jubilee avenue. North Beach, gave a most enjoyable social in the school on Saturday evening, when there was a large attendance of young people in spite of the very unfavourable weather conditions. The chaperons were Mcsdames R--I'arker, Thompson, Legg, Bent and Duncan. The music for the dancing was supplied by Mrs Henry (piano), and Mr W. Stevens (cornet), while for the games Miss Gowanlock played. Durinp the even in si the electric current went off, but even" this emergency had been prepared for, candles being forthcoming, and the fun proceeded without a break. Mr A. Henry was M.C.

Before leaving Christchurch, Mr Roland Foster, of the iSydney Conservatorium, who was here last week, took the opportunity of renewing his acquaintance with Miss Stella Murray, for whom he predicted a successful career upon hearing her when he visited Christchurch with Madame Clara Butt and Mr Kennerley Rumford ten or eleven years ago. Mr Foster has followed Miss Murray's career with great interest and has been glad to hear from private sources, as well as through the columns of the London musical Press, that she has gained high nraise from critics whose favourable opinion is not easily won. "In mv iud<nnent," writes Mr Foster to a "representative of "The Press." Miss Stella Murrav now ranks as an artist of whose gifts and attainments New Zealanders may well be rsroud."

BALL AT WEST MELTON. A most successful ball was held in the West Melton Hall by tho residents of tho district. Tho large gathering presont spent, as is usual in West Melton, a most enjoyable evening, although there was in prospect a journey homewards through a heavy rain. Visitors were present from Halkett, Avlesbury, Kimberley, Kirwee, Christcliurch, Templeton and Rolleston. The hall was artistically decorated with streamers, artificial butterflies, and evergreens, while the floor was in excellent condition. Splendid music was supplied by Mr C. Wells's Orchestra and extras were played by Misses J. Thompson 1 and, A. Langdale-Hunt. The grand march was led by Mr and Mrs j. Knight, asicl the duties of M.C. were capably carried out by Messrs H. Hawke, R. Northcote, G. Jowors and N. Carter. During i:n interval in the dancing Mr H. Hawke thanked all those who had helped to make the function.' such a great success.,

Amongst those present vere:—Me=dames C. Walker, who wore navy crepe de ch'nc; T. Donaldson, mole satin, with ostrich feather trimmings; X. Baiky, white crepe de chine; S. McCauslar/d, shell pink peorgette, heavily beaded; H. Ilavke, loyal blue and. b'ack inarocaiu; 11. Northectt, silver satin; R. Mulligan, ivory georselte,' beaded and embroidered with silk lloweis; W. Archie, rose pink de chine, with frold rose at waist; Jas. Chambers; Jas. 'Curras'lt; 1). Grieve, saxe blue satin; C. Whyte; R. Henderson, navy marocain; T. Mcllwriith; J. Milne, Muck with Oriental trimmings; W. F. Turarr, brown jersey silk; G. Perry, pink ..brocaded marocain; Carter; 0. Hutton, silk marocain, with Oriental trimming?; T. Summerfield, mole frock; "W. Whyte,.black JVepe de ch'ne; J. Knight, brocaded satin,,'k radium lace sleeves; D. McVinnie; E. S. Roper, blue silk; J. McLaughlin, prey jersey silk; Simtns, black satin; R. A. Cox, black crepe do chine, with white trimiminßS; Jlisjes D. Beaman (Kimberley)', red crepe do chine, wil;h black fur trimmings; A. LanßdaleHunt, ma lire georgette, with fea*iher ornaments ; M. Turner, white marccain, with fur' trimming; M. A. Thompson -ramcl'.ia crepe de chine; Hilda Whyte, pink georgette, with berd trimming: V. B. Roper, cerise shot silk; Mabel Donaldson, saxe blue satin, with rosebud trimmings.; Richardson (Christchurtih), lavender georgette, worked in fjjver btadi; K. Calder, pink satin, trimmed with brilliinlsv B. Frazer •(Christchurch), flame panne velvet; V. Curragh, pink satin; A. Curragh, Vus shot taffeta: M. Boyd; E. Martin, figured jmarocain; V. M. "Watson, kingfisher blue crepe da chine, with gold lace; C. Wairi, pale pink merv; B. Carter, cameo pink gecrpettc, with floral girdle; L. Rickerby; •B. "Petry, nile green georgette: • D. ' Bailey, jade groen rr.arrcain, trinmed with, .marabout; J. Thomson, black voile,' with silver rosetta and streamers; G. Clough, flame crepe do chine; M. Rarvkin, lemon and silver shot taffeta; I. McVinnie, orange taffeta and ostrich trimming 3; E. Tuonipscn, talk marocain; \G. Whyte, lemon, georgette;. A. SummerfiehV spricot crepe <Ju chin»; J. Thompson, pink brocaded silk;. A. Jowe'rs, champagne crepe do chine; D. Marshall, w!hite georgette; ,E. Cross, cinnamon mirocairi: M. Summerfield pink gjlk; 'Me ars G. "Watson, N. Carter. iB. Ford, W. Griev-, B. Hayes, L-. Davis 1 , A;. Donaldson, R. Mulligan, E.' R> Hutton, C. J. Robinson, W. Davis. Ma<-. "Wilson, J. Grieve, Di WiVn. C. McCausland (Kimberley), N. Perry (Ohristchurch), 1.. Bailey, D Minnie, W. Tavlcr. P. Roper, M. Langdale-Hunt, J. Sutherland (Scotland), J. R. Mareon 'Kimberley), A. Calder, G. C. Jowers, H. E, Cross, W. F. Turner, G, Perry, J. Hutton, W. Whvte, J. Kni<rht, R. S. KcTier, J. McLaughlin, R. A. Cox, C. Wk", T. Donivldron, N. Bailey, F. Malgatt. H. Hawke, R. Northcott, R. Mulligan, "W". A-chi?, L. Cliambers, Ji>6. Curragh. H. Walker, C. Whyte, R. Henderson, T.. Mellwwith, J. Milne, J. Taylor, J. Simnw.


The Benedicts' ball was held last Friday night in the Staveley Hall. The attendance was affected by the weather, but the function was so well arranged that those who braved the wintry night spent a joyous time dancing to spirited music supplied by Macdonald's Band (Rakaia). The Benedicts had given much care to the decoration of the hall, and the result was a striking design of coloured ribbons relieved with tree-fijrns and greenery. A bounteous supper, laid on decorated with roses, was supervised by Mrs Timpson, assisted by lady friends. An .extra was played by the Messrs Chapman Bros., and the duties of M.C. .were well placed in the care of Mr E. Grieve. A Monte Carlo waltz was avou by Miss Wiggins and Mr Chapman.

Among those present were: Mesdames John Sa'wers, who wore black marocain heavily beaded; F. Chapman, cream jersey silk; Stringer, pale green marocain with radium lace; D. A. Syme, navy blue velvet; Bentley, kingfisher blue satin trimmed with silver lace; Hannan, shot jersey silk; A. Wright silver pink marocain; Allen Lockhead, blue marocain; C. Joli, black velvet with silver trimmings; L. Hicks, lemon marocain with silver and rosebud trimmings; W. Wright, powder" blue satin marocain with gold trimmings; R. Young, pale green satin with radium lace sleeves; J. Hooper, saxe blue marocain; E. E. Burgess, lemon crepe de chine; Donohue, henna crepe de chine; E. ■\Volfrey, navy jersey silk; R. Grieve, black marocain, gold bronze tissue, and Misses N. Hannan, pink satin radium lace over skirt; Webster, kingfisher blue velvet; Syme, black velvet; Jessie McClimont, sky blue satin; Wiggins, black marocain trimmed with white embroidery; R. Chapman, black velvet red radium lace sleeves; A. Green, salmofa jersey silk; Dorothy Burgess, red velvet; Kittv Uannan, Princess navy blue crepe de chine; M. Wolfrey, blue velvet; G. Grieve, striped fugi silk; G. Chapman, black velvet trimmed with radium lace; Margaret Fag&n, sky blue taffeta; Mary Chapman, red crepe de chine trimmed with gold radium lace.

WEDDINGS. WHITE—RULE. . The sun shone brightly on Thursday last for the wedding of Miss Lucy Millieent Rule, only daughter of the Rev. Frank Rule, and Mrs Eule, of Fizgerald avenue, to Mr Thomas White, youngest son of Mrs Thomas White, of Mackaytovvn, Thames, and the late Mr T. White, of Thirsk, Yorkshire. The ceremony took place at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, which was tastefully "decorated for the occasion with red" and white camelias and red japouiea. The bride, escorted by her father, entered the church to the happy strains of the Wedding March. The ceremony was conducted by the bride's father, assisted by the Rev. W. Bower Black, and there was a large congregation. Both the bride and bridegroom were members of St. choir, Mr Eaynor White, brother of-.tho bridegroom, presided at the organ. Miss Alice Paterson and Miss Muriel Dpuds were the bridesmaids, Mr Edgar West was best man, and Dr. John Rule, brother of the bride, was groomsman.

The bride's artistic frock was of ivory crepo touraine, made on simple linos, with the long tunic embroidered in pearls and crystal beads. The long veil of tulle, hand-embroidered by the bride herself, was held by a band of silver and worn over the face, and fell at the back to form a short train. A cluster of orange blossoms were placed at each side of the head, and her bouquet was of white hothouse flowers. Jliss Paterson's dress was of eau ,de nil crepe de chine maelc with straight bodice and the side panels edged with swansdown. A scarf of tulle the same shade as the dress was worn in her hair and the fan-shaped 'bow at one side .fell gracefully over the shoulders. Her bouquet toned with her frock. Miss Douds was similarly dressed, but her frock and headrdress were of an apricot shade. After the wedding ceremony a reception was held "at the "Winter Gardens, where Mr and Mrs Rule received their guests, the latter wearing a pretty navy blue costume with hat to tone and carrying a beautiful bouquet of', daffodils'" and yellow chrysanthemums.

At the wedding breakfast, the toast of the bride and bridegroom was proposed by the Rev. W. Bower Black; thaf of the bride's parents and the bridegroom's mother was proposed by tho Rev. E. M. By burn, a friend of twenty-nine years' standing, and was ■responded to by the Eev. Frank Bale and Mr Baynor White. When leaving later for the wedding tour in the North Island, the bride wore an attractive frock of reseda .green marocain with braidings of navy blue and a hat to match. She wore a Himalayan fox fur and carried a mole velour coat trimmed and lined with fur. Their future home will be at "Napier. Among thoso present were:—Rev.~ and Mrs Frank Rule, Mr and Mrs Raynor White and two children, Mr and Mrs Thomas White, Miss McCabe (Mornington, Dunedirt, aunt of Mr and Mts R. D. Rule, the bride), Pr. A. K., Rule. (Jacksonville, Illinois, U.S.A./ Pi, Victor ;A. Rule (Phcehis, Arizona, U.S.A.)/ rDr. John Rule (Pukemiro, N.Z.),. Mr-'Erio M. Rule and Master Frank Rule, Mrs Victor Rule, Rev. and Mrs N. It D. Webster; Rev. Dr. and Mrs Robert Erwin, Rev. and Mrs.R. M. Rvburn and Miss' Ryhurh, Rev.' and Mrs W. McAra (Sumner), Rev. Thep. Paterson (Kirwee), Rev. and Mrs Georfie Aitken (Kaiapoi), Rev. and Mrs W. Bower Black, Dr. F..J. Borrie and the Misses Borrie (2), Mr and Mrs P. Jackson, Mr and Mrs R. Nairn; Mr J. Tait and Miss Tait, Mr and Mrs H. Gresham, Mrs T. D. Boag, Mrs and Miss Munro, Mrs and, Miss Askew, Mrs T. Macgibbon, Mr and Mrs James Cow (Tin-' wald), Mr and Mrs Wm. Gobs, Mr and Mrs: J. G. Herdman, Mr and Mrs W. H. Rose, Mr and Mrs Robert Malcolm, Mr and Mrs Neal, Mr and Mrs J. Patterson, fl Mr and Mra J. F. Patterson, Misa Margaret Patterson, Mr and Mrs AH. Paterson, Mr and Mrs Logan Paterson, Miss Alice Paterson, Miss. Muriel Douds, Mrs and Miss Stinson (Ti-' mam), Miss Bruce fTimaru), Miss Murray, Mrs A. E. Crai»r, Miss Elsa Reid, Miss McFarlane, Mrs C. Brown (Otira), Mr and Mrs T. Douds and Master Douds, • Mrs dimming (Harewood), Mm Gordon Joneg (Ha'swell), Mr and Mrs E. Jones. Mr and Mrs G. Callender, Mrs George Whitelaw" (Halswell), Mr and Mrs P. Hercus, Mr and Mrs ; A. Robb, Mr and Mrs J. Hutchison (TimaruV Mr and Mrs R. F. Sutherland. Mr A. if.: Wilson (Coalgate), Mr Edgar West. : ...,

. CHISNALL—MAIDENS. A very pretty wedding of much interest to residents of Hinds and surrounding districts took place at: St. Luke's Churchy Hinds, recently whet. Miss Minnie Evaline Maidens, second daughter of Mr and Mrs 8,. O. Maidens, was married to Harold Linton C'hisnall, -fifth son of Mrs and the late Mr W. Chisnall, of Hinds. Th«. Rev. J. Hay was the officiating clergy man and Miss Cook presided at the organ. The church was prettily decorated by girl friends of the bride. The bride, who was given away tocher father, wore a beautiful frock of ivory satin marocain, heavily embroid'ered with pearls and draped with georgette. Her veil of siik net was held with a coronet of orange blossom, and. she carried' a shower bouquet of choice flowers and maiden hair fern, with satin streamers.

The bridesmaid, Miss Margaret Maidens, sister of the ' bride, wore powder blue satin marocain trimmed with silver and a powder blue tulleveil arranged in cao fashion with silver leaves. She carried a shower bouquet of mauve flowers and m,aidenhair fern with satin . streamers. LittleMary McCounell, niece of the bridegroom acted as flower girl, wearing ;>ale blue silk trimmed with rosettes and lare frills and carrying a posy ,of pink flowers with blue and pink streamers.

The bridegroom was supported by his cousin. Mr H. Gardiner (of P.urau} as best man.

As the bride left the church her little nephew, Hugh McTague, prepented her with a silver horse-gfcoe. The bridegroom's gifts to the Vide and flower girl were gold bangles, and to the bridesmaid a gold armlet. After the ceremony, the guests were entertained by the bride's parents at the Hinds Hail, where the usual toasts were honourea. The bride's mother wore a smart nigger brown costume and black toque and carried a bouquet of mauve flowers with streamers to match. The bridegroom's mother wore a navy tailored costume and hat to match and carried a bouquet of violets.

When the bride and bridegrom left for their wedding tour, going south amid showers of confetti, the bride travelled in a fawn costume and blue hat trimmed with fawn ospreys. In the evening the young people were entertained at a dance in the hall, music being supplied by Mrs Mitchell and Mrs White (of AsbJburton). Mr E. Hurley acted: as -M.C. During- the evening, Mr M. Farrell sang a bolo which was much applauded. i .

$ #'-«iia- Mrs Boper Johnson (WaiMiss Tripp (Orari (Jorge), and %&V r Tm PolhiU (Botherham) are at tiic Clarendon Hotel. Ce»t a" 1^ 18 at the S r rvice i- B f wlnai:—Mr and Mrs J. A. *•£ rwAterock). Miss M. Wry L ttav), Mr and Mrs M. H. gg£ (S Coleridge), Mr and Mrs (Hororata), Mr and Mrs *££££ Duncdin), Mr and Mrs } B Sff(oW»™), »»d MissM. *_£ (Whitecliffs). the jruests at Warner's Hotel i: ■* and Mrs Acton-Adams (Kai*?e:T«f and Mrs and Miss Kobinson *?**,& Palm), Mrs and Miss .Macfar<tfon«JvSra), Mr and Mrs .W. laßfl Mr and Mrs W. £*fiTsStntVMr and Mrs Findby SoiirMr and Mrs G. O. KutherMr and Mrs R. B. Si(Tinianx). jgg LATE MRS G. DENNIS. 1 Tie fuoeral of the late Mrs George tfc-jrig tfko di** l at her Jato residence - New Brighton, on FriaTW P lico J estcrda y at tne Brom- . rvmAerr. The service at tho iZJaffwis conducted by the Rev. rt I Maclaverty. The palljLJ™ were Messrs T. Broadbelt, W. ffiv, W- W. Vaughan, J. MoThe chief mourners were Mr Wnnis Mr and Mrs B. Dennis. Mr Jjdjffif Denton and Mrs McCafwere received from Mr and tin F. KibWewhite, Mr -and Mrs P. LPavies, Mr, and Mrs F, Muirspn ' S „„Atfrs H J. Turner Mr and, V and family Mr and HE Tillyshort. Mrs Doak and family, I t~LI nXhton Mr and Mrs BeardsWSli. M. Chivers. Mr S Mrs R. D. Benjamin Mr and Mrs W Britten, Mr F. Bradshaw. Mrs March Mr W Mrs W. H. Denton and BKMrS-MrsVM. Farland, Mr \ Sunifi. Wilson. Mrs; Edwards and r&i &5 Pwamount Taibrme Co T Mr ff M. Smith, Mr and Mrs S D. Benton. Mr-Geo'; Hoffman, Mr <J. Han- ! ««* Mr'A-'-E Steere, Mr and Mrs 8. W. Hudson, fir and Mrs Aayward, Mr and Mrs b. gymester ind, family, and others.

BALL AT HINDS. ' Theanniialtallof theLO.O.F.. M.U., i, was held on Friday evening. The hall which was.not oVerrorowded owing to ' the inclemency, was decorated, with light-shaded streamers,: looped across the building. The music was supplied bv Mr and Mrs D. T, Paterson and L. Holland;, and Mr extra fcy Mrs Mitchell and Mr R. C Maidens, I owing to Dtyboutne's orchestra being i unable to travel on the flooded road from Ashburton. Mr W. Holland was V-C ' ".■■■■.", .. feme ot those present were: Mrs B. 0. Vildens i\3 chaperon, and Mesdames W. tfit^ell,'.who wore, pink souple satin and SMttttte; S. ,in*lirillißnt trimmings ;-H. McDowell, black - rttja marocain *Xtft georgette "sleeves; C. j KnM>Wr lawn cape- dtf chine headed in ; ' crepe de chine with T»dhnn lace.sleßvea; Wyndhain, cream figured 'si'fWhiesinfeJE}. T. Paterson, black lace over cmtrtW crepe de chine; Misses D. Baldock, Mem satin 4nd lace trimmed with silver ''' md pearls; : ;E:,So*al (Waterton), black velvet vith.radlnm lace sleeves; L. Holland, black rdwtwUh varicoloured bead trimming; I. He?»n4,» brown marocain; h. Paterson, black nthiJMnsßeline with gold trimmings; M. JletyWt maroon frock; M. Maidens, black : vtmjiifch' cire lace sle&ves; E. Maidens, trimmed in w.hite; E. Smith, : . tpaftfftWd frock; Messrs Maidens (2), Hoi--irtsfj), E. Ashton, Elms (3), D. T, Fater(Timaru); -•!/." *Mu«ier, •B. Jwivten, R. Hawke, C. Fletcher, E. Hurley, i /i/Bcatock (RangiUta), D. Butterworth, E. JfiHe, A. Pratley (WiHowbyV, D. Rennie, I Bmkin (Ohriitchnrch), D. Brdwn, 0. Pater|X>ftii (Waterton), and others.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18457, 11 August 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18457, 11 August 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18457, 11 August 1925, Page 2