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The Lady Editor trill be pleatad to receive f or publication in the 'women'* Corn«r" Items of social or personal news. Such Items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices most bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of Interest to, women.

Mrs H. S. Lawrence (Fendalton). who has been visiting her sister, Mrs \Vray Nolan (Gisl>orne), returned to Christchurch on Saturday.

.Mrs Neill Rattrav (Waimato) is visiting her mother, Mrs George llelinore (Fendalton). Mrs John Deans f'"Kirkstvlo">. who has been for a visit to the"North Island, returned to Christchurch on Saturday.

The Misses Jolly (Hamilton) are the guests of Miss Helen Heywood for the Grand National gaieties.

Mr'and Mrs_ W. Bullen (Kaikoura), who hare been in town for some weeks, have returned to Marlborough. Mrs Robin Stackivood is visiting her mother, Mrs Fisher, Murray place. . Mr and Mrs Gilmour (Irvercargill). who arrived in Christchurch last week, Mr and Mrs Morse (Waiau), and Mr and Mrs C. Ij. Orbell (Timaru), who arrived yesterday, are staying at Warwick House.

Amongst visitors expected in Christchurch to-day for the races are Mr and M. rs Herbert Elworthy. Mrs Arthur El worthy, Mrs Howard Tripp and Miss lnpp, Mr and Mrs E. G. Kerr, all of whom will stay at Warwick House.

Mr and Mrs L. R. Hanna (Cave), and Mrs Littlejohn (Umaru) are guests at the Eoyal Hotel.

s ' s E. McDonald (Masterton) Mr v? J, rs 'L' Steven (Timaru), Mr and Mrs G. Robertson (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs D. Kilkelly (Invercargill), Mr and Mrs G. Mathias (South Canterbury) Mr and Mrs F. L. Gordon (Hawke's Bay) are staying at the Clarendon Hotel.

.Mr and Mrs J. Mowbrav Tripp arrive in Christchurch to-day for the races. They will be staying at Warwick House.

Among recent arrivals at Warner's Hotel are Mr and Mrs P. D. Russell (Gisborne), and Mr and Mrs G. Eeid (Kotnerham).

Mr and Mrs W. A. Scott (Wellington), Mr and Mrs S. G. Potts (Wanganui), Air, Mrs and Miss A. Fueurheerd (Oporto), Mrs W. M. Tripe (Wellingj '-»»Chaytor (Blenheim), Mr and Mrs W. H. Gaisford (Dannevirke). Mr and Mrs P. Wall (Hawke's Bay), Miss B. -Harper (Timaru). Mr, Mrs and _ Miss Edgar Jones (Timaru) are staying at the United Service Hotel.

Mrs John Stevenson, who takes a practical sympathetic interest in the progress of the Mothers' Cottage at Cashmere Hills, is organising a large garden fete to be held in the grounds of her home at Fendalton in the middle of September.

The Sisters of the Mission, Ferry road, received news "by cable from England yesterday that Eeverend Mother St. Basil, Provincial of • the Christchurch Province, has been elected Superior-General of the Order, and will, therefore, remain in England, whither she Trent from New Zealand a few months ago. After five years' work on the Presbyterian Mission Fields in China, Miss F. G. Ogilvie has returned to New Zealand on furlough. She arrived .in Christchurch from Wellington, where she has been staying with her people, on Saturday morning. Miss Ogilvie represented KnoxChurch, Christchurch, on the mission field, and is enjoying a year's furlough. - ' ;

Much interest is being evinoed in the Citizens' Ball.' to he'held on Wedl- - night in the Caledonian Hall in honour of the officers of the United States Fleet. Tlie large committee are working earriestly to make the ball a record success. Amongst the decorations will, be scores of tree-ferns which are being railed from the West Coast: for -the occasion. Tickets, the number of TVhich' is limited to 450. are obtainable from members of the committee or at-The Bristol, and Webley's. . , The Christchurch Hunt Club's ball, to be held at the Caledonian' Hall tomorrpw night, promises to eclipse ail previous social functions organised by the club. The decorations will be novel and appropriate, and the supper arrangements are in capable hands. .Fifty officers of the American Fleet . been invited, by the committee, which comprises Mesdames' D. W. Westenra, J. H. Grigg, Gilbert ■'Grigg, Misses' Olive Sylvia Fox, Jb'an Fulton, Messrs Gilbert Grigg, Maurice O'Rorke, and It. M. D. John.son. , . , '

- - In spite of weather there was a large attendance, on Saturday night at the Sydenham Y.W.C.A. Club for girls .« r^ o X, s .. In- addition to the customary programme; of dancing and games, a. short entertainment was contributed b>-u party 0 f Canterbury Gollego students. An elocutionary item by one of the men and an admirably Wrlesqijed moving picture called /'\\ild Nell of the Plains," by the wompn students, were especially appreciated:' Mr Ivan Withell and 'Mr Geo. Dickie acted as M.C.'s. Hostesses for the, eyening were Miss ,Law and, Miss Clark; secretaries of the Association. •The jtimble sale held during'the week resulted iir an addition of £ls 10b to the funds of the club.

Tho iWoolston Methodist Ladies' Guild held a very successful "gift afternoon," in aid of Mrs Iladcliffe's China stall at the forthcoming spring sale. Mrs Allan; Mrs Southon, and Miss Thorne rendered musical. items, Miss ' Thorn being the • accompanist. Mrs Turner won an interesting competition. .Rev. Mr Speer addressed the meeting. Afternoon tea was served, after whioh the meeting; was closed with the thanks of the president (Mrs lJottornley) .to those who had helped tothe success of the afternoon.

MAKING HOUSEWORK EASIER. Thousands of women in New Zealand have discovered that nothing can tako the place of Verbona Soap. Since they have found a way to make housework easier why shouldn't you get its benefit toof Get a golden bar or two of Verbena Soap from your grocer to-day and let it prove its extra helpfulness. :$

The Peters Gray School of Dance Drama, and Mime, 08 Victoria street' has commenced new term. Eing 'phone 3717. . 0

The fashionable shades of Brown Willow Calf aro essential for shoes at the races and also real Lizards, in brown and grey, procurable at PanneQs' 106 Manchester street, 'phone 694, ' 6

Hostesses at the Y.W.C.A. Cafeteria on Tuesday will be Mrs Geo. Bowroti Mrs J. I?. Evans, Mrs J. Gore Newell! Miss Elsie Batcher and members of the Cafeteria, who will serve coffee and refreshments, and will provide entertainment for men of the visiting Fleet. The Information Bureaux at the railway and in the Square will be staffed on Tuesday by Mrs Steere Misses E. Bowron, Robinson, Harlett' Hunter, Dinnacombc, L. Whittington' V. Pollock, E. Batchelor, F. Candv and A. Hardv.

A euchre and dance was held in the Bromley School on Saturday evening in aid of the funds of the Linwood Rugby League fifth grade team, and in spite of the stormy weather there was .a very good attendance. Miss LuhiHugginrs won the first-prize and Mrs Desmond second, while Miss Fyfe socured the consolation prize. Mr *G. Dryden won the gentlemen's prize, M r -\y Penrose being second, while Mr E-an was awardod the consolation prize ° \ handsome cake presented bv Mrs j Steele was won bv Mrs Scott*. The president, Mr Chick, and the secretary Mr W. Desmond, were indefatigable in their efforts to make everyone hannv Mr J. Chalmers was M.C. * y '

BIRTHDAY PARTY. At her studio in Victoria street on Saturday afternoon. Miss Irene Mulvany Gray gave a novel and delightful birthday party, which was attended by her own and her sister's D upils and a very large gathering of parents. Miss Grav had asked the children to bring to the party, not the conventional gifts usually bestowed on the guest of, honour at her birthday party, but a. poem or play, written by the pupils themselves or, if they preferred to come prepared to contribute to the afternoon's programme, an original dance. The result' was astonishing. A surprising amount of talent was displayed both in composition and execution. The programme opened with a scene depicting "Nymphs and the Wind at Play in the Forest," and was followed by the recitation of a poem of her own composition entitled, "Spring." bv Lois Ollivier. A dance by Cicely Clif-ton-Mogg, a poem "Rainbow" by Ann Harper, dance bv Nanov Buchanan; a poem "Beautiful Wood" bv Judith Barker, a dance by Margot Wallwork, and another poem, "The Moon" by Nancy Buchanan, were given in rapid succession. The first part of the programme ended with a play "Cinderella'' by the members of St. Margaret's College elocution class. The Second part comprised a ballet, "A Myth" by Miss Colt-Williams, recitation "The Cat," by Lewis Rudkin. a rose-petal dance Nora Quarrell and Cicely Clifton-Tvtogg, recitation by Evie Exton; play, "The Heart of a Knave," Jill Barker: dance, Marjorie Williainson: recitation, Joan Rudkin; fairy dance. Joan Cswper; and a foxtrot bv Miss Gray's Cabaret class in Spanish dress. The dispensing of tea termin- : ated a very pleasant gathering.-

STUDIO PARTY. An enjoyable party was given on Saturday afternoon by Miss Margery Myers at her studio, 49 Salisbury street, for her operatic dancing pupils. In spite of the stormy weather about sixty children and many parents were present. A programme of ballets, learnt during the term, provided the first half of the afternoon's entertainment, and these were thoroughly appreciated by the visitors. The humorous item of the afternoon was an eccentric dance, in costume; : l>y the junior pupils. Afternoon tea was served a la Japanese, the novelty causing much amusement to yourfg android. Games and dancing, a novel cross-word puzzle dance, which was won by Di Woodhead and V. Peppier, eccupiedthe remainder of the afternoon. Amongst those present were: Mead am cs Wilkinson', Simon Lynch, Garlyte, pooley, Dickey, Burgess, Dickson, Brown iand Woodhead. Misses. R. Vaughan. E. Gill,.J.Dickson D. Woodhead, if. Hall, R. Hall, J. Smith, P. Hart. P. Boon, P. Wilkinson,: G. Gnffen, J. Wilkinson, J. Simon,' J. Lynch. K. MeNamara, R. Wilkinson, M. Pyne, E. Sandall, J. Wilkin&on, S. Ragg, S. Smith, B. Smith, S. Clarke, K. Wilkinson, t. Wilkinson', G. Boon, 0. Wendelbourne, N. Cook, N. Corby, A. Carlyle,, M. Webley, P. Cameron, P. Bull, J. Pooley, D. Dickey, N. Pooley, P.. Dickey, St. Burgess, M. James,. F. Threlkeld, L. Oeilvie, J. Steeds, ,P. Ballin, V. Peppier,. B. Simon, J. Brown, J. Hughes, K. Ed-' brooke and Terry Vaughan. ■

DIXIELAND. Amoiigst the dancers' at Dixieland on Saturday night were; Mr and Mrs William Anderson, Mr and Mrs Baker, Mr and Mrs Pennington. Dr. and Mrs Grundy, Mr and Mrs Havcraft, Mrs Barker; Mr and Mrs Laybourne; Mr and Mrs G. Virtue, Mr and Mrs S. Lucas. Mr and Mrs W. Vaughari, Mr and Mrs C. Surridge, Mr and Mrs F. H. Wise, Mr and Mrs Pileher. Mr and Mrs F. T. Anderson (Dunedin), Misses; McDougall, .Alix. . Kirk, Blackler, iSouth Canterbury), Gracie Helmore, Rita Woolridge Nora Helmore, Nesta Murphy, Vernor Helmore, Phyllis Leighton, Molly Stevenson, Lulu Hannay. Marpiaret Tripp, Louie lies. Hutton, _ Essie Otvles, Pet re, Helen Flood,; Winifred Reed. Ruth' Turner. Betli--11 ne, Janofc York, Malloy, Dorie Walsh, Fleming, Pocock, Dulcie Bovce. Winnie Greig, Hoare. Sutton, Sellars, Alice Champion. Ailsa McCoombe. Brook, Carey, Doris Heard, Partridge. Phyllis MeCredie, A. McKellar, G. Mitchell, Winnie Parrott, Nora Rich, Marjory Wilson, Eileen Bonnington, Carey, Ooldie, Lorna Muir (Gisborne), Meg Wiceins. Lieut.-Commander Boyle (retired). Messrs lan Buchanan, McCabe (Wellington), Laughan (Auckland), . Manhire, Manning, Turrey, Christie, Miller, McKenzie, T, Blunden. J. ■ Carrick, A. Blunden, H. Monro d'Auvergne, W. Machin, Fish. A. Gillies, Rennett, A. R„ Menzies. Edwards, H. Menzies. Taifc, G. Bristed, Mcßeth, Masters. .Boucher, Basbv. J. Hunter' Paterson; Perrin, K. Bailie. T. Danks' Ritchie, English. H. W. Macfarlane,' Malloy, Cornaga. H. Sinclair, C. Quane, HisWj, A. W. Smithson, e! Brodie, J. Lawlor, A. Moore, Seymour, Scott r F; Parris. B. Rennell and Roland Smith (secretary).

I The United,Bestaurant Owners' Asao-elation-of New York has completed a poll of a million patrons w:*h the object of discovering New York city's favourite dish This'enquiry shows that Americans are discarding such meals as English beefsteak and ham and ejres which tend to torpidity. One of the most jk>]iular" dishes in this age of efficiency is what is termed, according to the time of day, a vegetable luncheon or dinner. This consists of from half a-dozen to a dozen fresh vegetables daintily arranged'on a platter. Amon* the unrcgenerate, corned, beef and eaif bage still hold first place. Chicken .*-M. for' second i

j BALL AT ELLESMERE. I " j The third annual ball of the Ivilcsi mere County Trotting Club took place j on Thursday night in the Lees ton Town Hall. Patrons came from far and near, [ and the gathering -was representative j of a wide area, although the numbers did not reach those of last year. Mesdames McMillan and McGill and other ladies, who-arranged the decorations, succeeded in obtaining a highly artistic-effect. From a hoop suspended from the ceiling stretched narrow streamers of red, green and pale yellow. The same colours draped the windows and front of the stage, where Miss Tilleysliorts' orchestra was stationed. The ante-room was furnished as a lounge room, and a marquee* was specially erected for serving supper. Messrs R. T. Buchanan and T,. W. Prosser conducted the ceremonies. The first dance was led by the president. slr R. T. McMillan and Mrs McMillan, who wore a frock of black satin with white feather trimmings. Mr F. Ttawell is the vice-president, Mr C. G. Fisher the secretary, and Mr S. John- I ston treasurer.

Others present were:—Mesdames McGill, black . maroeain. with jet trimmings; Buchanan, saxe bine crepo de chine; Fisher, saxe blue georgetto with bead trimmings; Hampton, sand georgette and lace; J. Coe, black georgette: W. Lemon, black satin with fur trimming; R. McOlure. black maroeain; W. O'Boyle, black velvet; G. Nairn, Jinvy Batin with touches of cream; H. Schnelle, silver brocade; F. B. Clausen, beaded black satin and net; J. H. Jones, coral crepo de chine with feather trimmings; P. ■T. Knowles, navy satin ; G. J. Benny, powder blue georgette; R. Gilbert, ivory satin charmeuse and radium ]aco; J. Winchester, pink Batin witli. lace overdress; " G. Osborne, black frilled ninon; J. Anderson, black maroeain and ostrich trimming; S. Johnston, black beaded maroeain, ermine wrap; H. G. Ryan, flame chiffon taffeta and black lace; A. Williams, peacock crepe de chine with overdress of gold loce; Townshend, cherry and gold Ehot taffeta; Neave, black maroeain with Kgyptian trimming; Mclntyre, pink and white striped brocade; Woodard, saxo blue maroeain and fur trimming; Cunningham, black maroeain; Misses C. M. Winchester, emerald green satin; Robertson, black georgette; M. Cunningham, cinnamon brown satin atfd georgette; V. Brown, pink and silver satin with pearl trimmings; J. Jfaher, Same satin and tulle; C. Teale, .'ilk taffeta and radium lace; Daphne Buckley, bjfcck chiffon velvet; Stella Schnelle, cyclamen maroeain, with feather trimming; B. Hampton, apple green satin and radium lace; Graham, black velvet and georgette; Ruby Neave, mauve satin; Tilly Allen, black panne velvet; Laurel Doyle, sunset pink and silver shot satin with overskirt of silver lace; ' Patricia Smith, Nile green satin with gold . trimmings; J. Holley, pale blue georgette;: Lydia Boyce, turquoise broche satin; Laura ' Boyce, geranium crepe do chine with ostrich plnme; E. Clausen, pink crepe satin, with sequinned trimming; M. Woodard," pink crepe de chine and brocade; Doris Dibert, black velvet; Gwen Nairn, sea green maroeain; Nessie McGill, rose chiffon velvet; Maud Winchester, gold silk maroeain; Jessie Robb, silver and blue satin maroeain; M. Jackman, powder blue jersey silk; Molly Moore, navy repp; Howell, lemon georgetto with overdress of radium lace; F. Bridge, black crepe de chine, trimmed with grey fur; Nellie Cairns, eau de nil maroeain; L. Lemon, black velvet relieved with tomato; L. Lochhead, cerise ninon with bead trimming; Roi, terra cotta satin with white fur trimming; Bohan, saxe blue georgette and bead trimming; M. Greenslade, mauve and pink georgette; Maher, apricot satia with overdress of French lace; Carran, jade crepe de chine; M. Bohan, peacock blue- Batin and fur trimming; A. Little, black satin with apricot brocade trimming; M. Johnson, peacock blue saxe and gold brocade; M. Chisholm, mauve maroeain with feather trimming.

BALL AT KILLINCHY. All available space at- the Killinchy Hall was. utilised by dancers at the annual ball of the bachelors and spinsters, the second held since the Great War. The night was fine and there was an attendance thoroughly represen-, tative of the whole district. The; decorations were carried out in blue and gold, with coloured balloons, and large brightly. ,coloured butterflies and elec-: trie light shades. Musio was provided by McDonald's orchestra. Supper was served in the 'schoolroom adjoining, the hall, where dancers were (served »n relays;, ' ": ;:

_ Among; the ladies present were the following:—Mesdames Ij. Lemon, who wore navy, satin tunic frock; -H. R. Boat, shell pink: crepe do chine; W. Millar, black crepe" de chine with silver trimmings; U. McDonald,: navy blue silk; Burt; fawn {rock, beaded; T. Robertson, nigger marocain; H. O. Smith, crocus mauve crepe de chine and silver rose; J._ Millar, black silk with gold trimmings; 'Misses- E. Brocherie, pink satin' marocain; with ostrich feather trimmings; D.. Patterson, pink shot taffeta; Lily Marshall, sage green .fuji silk, trimmed with cream; M. Mcllraith,: salmon frock; E. Burt, peacock blue beaded in silver; M. Bunny, salmon pink marocsih; 0. _H. Isles, pale green silk; E; Tod, blm> satin; I, Ohappell, flame satin marocain with feather . trimmings;* Lemon, black crepe de chine with jazz trimmings;' Annie Upston.j blue figured jersey silk; N." Patterson, emerald green radium lace; A. Gibson, heliotrope satin, .marocain; Hetty Cruse, silver . green 6hot satin marocain, beaded in gold;: Maud Allen, cyclamen pinjc satin with rose on shoulder; May'sie Allen,' sunset pink,brocaded marocain; Vera Burt, brocaded crepq de chine with floral spray;- Murgin (Horoi rata), black satin with emerald beads; N.' Alien, tomato red crepe de chine; D. McCabe, pink and gold shot taffeta ; "R. Dixon (Ohrietchurch), pale blue patterned marocain; Y. Brown, pink satin marocain; E. Cameron,, sunset souple satin; .McLenaghen, apri?ot crepe de chine; Mollie Lill, coral pink crepe de chine," Mavis Macpherson, blue marocain;' McKenzie, blue velvet; Anne Macpherson; turquoise crepe'de chine and .silver lace; ; Rene Lill, saxe marocain; Tilly. Allen, mauve taffeta and silver lace; Mabel Gudsell, apricot georgette with osprey trimming;' Jean > Maher, tangerine satin with overdress of French lace; L. Spence, mauve satin marocain with bead trimmings; Mcllraith, pink brocaded crepe de chine; M. McLenaghen, peach crepe de chine; S. Adams, blue satin; B. McLenaghen, flamingo pink satin; Rene Lemon, sunset marocain and lace; Daphne Buckley, blaek chiffon velvet; J. Buckley, ruby velvet; M. Tod, apricot satin.

WENTWORTH CABARET CLUB. Despite the unfavourable weather on Saturday night, the attendance of members and guests at the Wentworth Cabaret Club's dance in the Winter Garden was most satisfactory. Music was supplied by Bailey's Jazz liand. Amongst those present were the following: Mr and Mrs M. Hughes (Sydney), Mr and Mrs H. G. Jones, Mr and Mrs Seaton. Mr . and Mrs G. Gray (Auckland), Mr and Mrs H. J. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs L. Baker, Mr and Mrs' G. H. Robinson, Mr and Mrs Livingstone (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Carter, Mr and Mrs De Latour, Mrs O'Malley (Auckland), Mr and Mra Bradley, Mr and Mrs E. Weßton, Mrs Green, Mr and Mrs Hunt (Dunedin); Misses Bessie Macddnaidj G. Stevens; Adeline Turner, Mi Williamson, Lily Raivson, i'reda Asqurith; "Hart," I'': Sisson (Melbourne),. - Clive Hill U.' Neate, Emrne Moore, Beenie, Frazer, Lena Graham, Ursula Callaghan', Muriel Goodsir, N. O'Brien, Ana Pope ? M. Williams, Ada Rawson, Marjoria Beattie, Beniipe Thorn, K. Blunt, Eyni McKee, C. Clark, L. McKenzie, Gladys Scott, Enid Lawson, Mavis Emerson,Isobei Harland, Doris Sedman, Slaxind McGill, Betty Fraier, Ivy Jensen, • Ci Peck, Madge Osborne, Alma Firmerty, Nellie Davie, D. Blunt, C. Williams; D. Newrv, Ethyl Robinson,. Alma Lodge; Ann Duffy, Kathleen Kane, B. Patterson, I. Henderson Messrs J. E. A. Thompson, D. MeLeisn, S. Ramsay,: G. Shepherd, Doug. Cox, W. £>. Clayton, A. King, R. L. Johnson, L. Reid, J. Woolcock, T. Tyrner, Ericf Ellison, 6. Jacobson, (Wellington), 11. N. r Thomas,. R. C. Gilbert, A. H. Sprattv N. W. Robinson, C. W. Collins,, M. M. -Black, C. Petheridge,- M. .G. Moore, J. Jackson, C. Mitchell, Ll C. Penlington; D. O'Connor, Russell Moore, J. M. Glasson, O. F. Gilbert, ■ J. R. Westropp (Invercargill), William >heridan, Eric Baker, J. M. Steinmetz, OV Blunt, Perc Russell, F. W. McCallon, A. Robertson, F. N. Petri©, B. R'inthrop, L. Russell, L. O. Robinson, i. Woods, D. Ellis, A. Clark, D. MacLaren, and C. J. Robinson (hon. secretary). (

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18456, 10 August 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18456, 10 August 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18456, 10 August 1925, Page 2