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pf: : *■ — '4 RUGBY. i'f- •' — • UNLUCKY. ?1 4> - - ' I B — 6 - jjs(r*M3 trsoctinov txlhojuv.) Y- "WBIiIiINGTON, Airgaat 9. (Hffljngtoa net the Canterbury yesterday, and " close and interesting gante, the «X» fry ß p o^B <*r trios ' ' lUSmiwrted) to c points (one try ' penalty goal), i- kicked off against a I JSTtrind. Canterbury became agr -nd Welling* oll vrere k ard P n '< > I the wreesnrd. The local took a hand. Porter ivas I j Vfree kick was awarded to r££ did \ ot force and '' OWL"? 7 ' 1-Anfc un the pressure. mfcsJtt Srw •&. g^jDissed. Ji' , we rd Catting the tall, JlSd Shards working in nmson, n cro WVWellington forwards took Jd made a determined attack ' line, but the defence was sound and kept tho Wk f The Canterbury rear- ■ K *° n tfeUinfttn •• ••

tw*7 bttt his game va& fffsido breaches rushes «pe« °"gsh"* i.jSLni *k« services of DaJioj. V. , SSR ciaw awa* ftgam and had \\ eI£TW IS lohoils, MJfraV ftnd Walters -were playwas occa4BEf,I96Ki>F" Ws ' plar ' c " +'^ breaches of the* - spoil lie itidiilaed in Bsuio attractive solo work, S EwS ■§?*«»» by stopping Bereral detetrminod „ atta ? kß ' l —? SSie b*U td Niohttlls, who dummied to ws; ® Boorelat tfio corner. ISleholls digged. OanttrMry •• •• ® W«llla4fctti ' ! Nicholls tifexfc catte into the lime-1 liaht, launching attack after attack aftd. setting Wellington s. hacks 111 rtdtioni biit tfc-dgfrM* was. 6xcell«™. fibrief mad# & brilhfiftt dash, but was )m<! up Mi the lind. linttsbdi&tf'ly aftoi j* succeeded in grounding the ball, ind Mark JS'k&olk goaled, Wdßiagton .. . .;. 8 CinterburSr .. >« 6 Porter w*S playing brilliantly at 'sH} Btagoj bat towards-thtv end C<iubwNUHe aggfrfesSivd arid■ wore i ljttcking fhfeU. the gfcmo feadeti - : 4dm the run of the play the visitors |Ud hare won by a small margin of ISktha ;-tonka* t«pf666fctafcr?e gain©, Ifßajftftft Canterbury, the local Mfjjfo htif the best of the game and ■winners by 16 poinis to 8. :-#■■ ' •; ': 1


F, SOUTHLAND'S FRUingSSQUSST {WHiaa Assoattiotr rai£eßAM,l v - ■ t mv Tr . . „ NAPIER, . 9. TMi;B**rke».Bap. tbigby wpresoatatives y«4t«M4y 'toUysd the third natch of the V - .Wirt ia defence of tht> KSrfifarly Shield, ? v Tffw U«3r t by defeating Southland \v W to is. 3%8 Watlhte was Windy i/V. fW iwt A ixjwrji toU shortly b£ ? RtMted, but -tho *ind dried * agiiast thi winfc flVo AuVtrtea a kick through by fiHSSr '*® 9 rc^frls6< l hiltfe - ! W Oughtan. Jplwi. *J» refliftced slipped With, ■; v-jjKiJWlj bfia he could recover hi®;. . OH him add Haalett scored. 5, fiawka's 'Bay! 0. ftdtAnlaga of the -wind, ; .Wm tlSh *6* foH&Mlig wWlrtly, Jwlrt tgftitory, but ftet a solid - WIN*. SOll gqt awiijc iwt& 'a. eisfam, &Hd, •t , faming defenftft Ittto attack.ran -well into £ TWitW tertitofv. Othotir joined in the »ttaok, but Gienflifo was raised. Bubseste;s;4ta4ily from a scrum iJwnsido clacked round open fade and aatesd toM. lirtxvnlia, :Corkill camo up and ecottfl tnider the - Southland 5, Hawke's Bay 3. visiting forwards again were in action «ff, and soon- Bell took them the Bay line. Frorft a acruni, Kilby -.Oughton, who. m&Qe tut: ttfe&Ulg Kit 1 by toisaad the kick. pk&jL," 1 rttatiljtftd 9, Hawfce'ft ;S»y 3. Ww»r4s fco» doitig trtll in r v «J but &6 bfetyeafeaih&t «h« wiad difficult. four ..wßM64ed ?ftt& it passing ftiih, ftartwd nS by Grensido ottrMr. Irrtne landed a fine lfe ! *Jllr"' &> SoothlftOd 3. fa a tshie. Bay doinjj a hiSielrto. XhlHiv^

ft Southland attack Kilby efiiartly potted goal from a liandy position, Southland 12, Hawke's Bay B.

There "was no change in the score ni> to half-time.

It was quit© a different «torv in tho second ppell, when tha eun and wind handi6apped_the challengers. Kiroll did not come again, Yates appearing as full-back. The ,Bay forwards put up a great performance, and Southland seldom were permitted to bewjjtoo very dangerous. Mill. Paewai, and Blaxe wete ageociated in a movement which let the last-named over. Irvine missed tho kick. Southland 12, Hawie's Bay 11. Efforts by the visiting forwards were not effective, and the defenders soon were hamrr.ering at tho door. Walker broke through from a line-out and Irvine converted. Hawke's Bay IG. Southland 12. Another line-out not long after enabled Gemmell, who was tho star of tho forwards, to dive over well out. Irvin« missed the kick. Hawke's Bay 19, Southland 12. The Southland forwards essayed an. attack, bnit lacked finish, and were not sdundly supported by the back;. A splendid opening was made by Corkill and Falwaeaar scored. Irvine again missed tho kick. Hawke's Bay 23, Southland 12. T9w nest attack waa initiated by C. B*gw7ilie, who transferred at the right mofeent to allow his brother to ecore wide out. Yates missed the kick. Hawke's Bay 25, Southland 12. Play now was nearly all confined, to tie ♦iSitoft' half. M. Brownlie beat several | 6pponents and transferred to Kirkpatrick, who scored. Yates missed the kick. Hawke's Bay 28, Southland 12. The final ecorc originated from an ope Sing made by Palwasser, who passed to Ormond, to C Brownlie, to Gemmell, the last-named sprinting twonty yards or more m wing three-quarter style and touching down -under tho posts. Irvine's kick hit the post. Hawke's Bay 31, Southland 12.

Time -was then eounded. Mr "W. Or. Meredith (Auckland) n*B refewe,



Owing to the sodden condition of the grounds, no football matehos war# played in Christcliurch on Saturday.

BIG FIXTURES. August 10th and 13th—Secondary Schools' Tournament, at Lancaster Park. August 12th—Canterbury v. "Waixarapa, at Mastertoa. August 15th—Canterbury v. Auckland, at Auckland. August 15th—Old Boys v. Combined Senior A team, at Lancaster .Park. August 22nd—Canterbury v. Maoris, at Lancaster Park. August 29th—Payno Trophy Match, at .Lancaster Park, and Canterbury v. Otago jurtiors. September 2nd—-Now South Wales v. Can-terbury-South Canterbury, at Lancaster Park. September sth—Canterbury v. Otago, at Lancaster Park, and Canterbury v. Otago Juniors. September 12th —Canterbury r. South Canterbury, at Lancaster Park. September 19th—Test match, New Zealand v.New South Wales, at Auckland. September 26th —Canterbury v. Wanganui, at Lancaster Park.

CANTERBURY B Y. NORTH CANTERBURY. At Tuahiwi, the Canterbury senior B representative team defeated North Canterbury by 3 joints (a tty by Fyfe) to nil.


(press association telegram.) NEW PLYMOUTH, August S

The return, match between Taranaki and Wanganui was played to-day. in the presence 61 4000 Spectators. The weather was fiae but the ground heavy as a result of heavy vftin in tho mtoning, The Watch proved fast and interesting, being mainly confined to the forwards, though occasionally there -were flashes of back play. Wanganui had the better of the first spell, in which their backs handled well, whilst the tackling of the Taranaki men was weak. Early in the game O'Connell scored for Wanganui from a forward rush, whilst later, Klngi, the Wanganui half, made a fine opening Bnd Stewart, eenlre three-quarter, scored. Delves converted both tries-. Near the end of thfc first spell Walters started a forward rush from .which Ro-hjnson scored and Johnston converted, the spell ending: Wanganui 10, Taranaki 5. , ' Taranaki showed np well in the second irtiell, their backs handling better. .They l loffiid Wanganui several times, but could not Score. Infringements, however, enabled Biown to kick two penalties, Taranaki thus winning by 11 points to 10.

WAIKATO (20) V. WANGANUI (16) (PBESS ASSOCIATION aBLEOBAJt.) WANGANXTI, August 8. The touting "Waikato team defeated the TTangarlul home flftc&ii by 20 points to 16. Tho woathOr -rVas very bleak, and the attendance small. The game was of an uninteresting nature throughout, aiid thgro was little between the teatts. Two potted goals matefially assisted thb ' victors. - Buckingham, tb6 Waikatd half-back, had his left leg broken just above the ankle and was taken to hospital.

HOROWHENUA V. MANAWATU. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGBA3C.) PALMERSTON NORTH, August 9. Hororwhenua, defeated by 1# points to 6.

MOASCAR CUP. (PEES 3 ASSOCIATION TELEftRAM.) NAPIER, August 9. In a match played as a curtain-raiser to the Southland-HaWke's Bay game Te Auto College retained the Moaecar Cup against A plucky team of much iighter boys irom tho WhaSgarei High School. The holders won bv 4ft, points to 8. The vieitore had the adv&ati&e af the elements in the first half, aiid had a lead di 8 points to 6 at halftime. Heavy rain fell tlunfcg the oloeing stages.

COLLEGIATE TOURNAMENT. (PEBSB ASSOIJIAtIOIf WISOBAU.) ■WEiitilNdTON, Angtißt 8. In ths aefßi-flnalii of. tie Coll#glat6 tournament Wanganui beat Chtist's College by 1? points to 3» and Wellington defeated Ivelson by 11 points to 8.

ASHBUfeTON SUB-UNION. COMPETITIONS CONTINUED, Saturday's matches resulted as follows.—SENIOR GRADE. Hinds 9 v. Old Boys O. Celtic defaulted to Me'.hven. Ashburton 15 v. Rakaia 3. JUNIOR. Hinda defau'tcd to Allenton. Mothven U v* Old Boys 6. Msyfield 0 v. Spriogburn-Mount So mere u. THIRD GRADE. High Schol 12 v. Allenlon 3. Tinwald 11 v. Old Boys 0. . Technical School defaulted to Rakaia.. _ J. Murdoch, n ilayficld junior player, stufercd a frccture of tho right leg below tho knee. He v.a3 admitted to tha count\ hospital. Hinds (9) v. Old Boys (0). Rain fell in intermittent showers throughout. iho re-atcl', which was played on tiio Show O-rour.da. Tho ground was creasy, Ani both side 3 wer« forced for the most part to keep tho ball at their feet. Bet tho game in motion and attached. Ola Boys countered with solid tackling. Farreli (Hinds) buret through the Blinks' defence with tho ball at toe, and scored aiter outpacing tho opposition. Tlorgan failed -with tho kick. Hinds continued, to attack. Cowan effected a splendid save. Old Boys at this stage became aggressive and a forco resulted. From a scrum near the Blacks' line, Hinde hooked the ball, and Roach struggled across, but he was grappled and a scrum was awarded. Immediately after the change ever Scott (Old Boys), who was playing a good game in tho forward rank, succeeded m getting across with the ball at toe, tut lost it. Tho Whites removed play to within striking distance, and Roach got across from a scrum. Tho attempt at goal failed. Tho contest was kept in the "Whites' twenty-five, where a strong attack set up by Old Boys was stopped by Roach, who took a mark. Halftime eounded with Old Boys on the defonsive. On the resumption of piny, Hinds carried y>lay to Old Boy 3' line. Cowan saving by kicking into touch. Clark ' v old iioys) intercepted a Hinds r.asping rush, and pity was returned to rr.idfioM. A rtrocifr forward attack, led by Barrett ar.d MeCorm'.ck (Hinds), took play to within rtrikir.g distance, but David was instrumental in sending the ball cut. Hinds came hack with rer.cved vigour, and Arris failed v.ith a penalty lick immediately in front of the goal. At the chance over. Hinds wcro still on tho attack. Tho continual ram left puddles all over tiho field, and before tho match was concluded the ground greatly resembled a miniature lake. Farrell 'Hind?.) "was instrumental in scoring from play in the Blacks' territory, hut the kick-failed. The Blacks at this' staeo set up a stron? attack, and although they wero successful in taking 1 play to their opponents' territorv their efforts wero not rewarded. "Up-and-down play followed, resulting in a sli™ht ndvantage to the "Whiles. Time sounded with Hinds on the attack. Clark (Old Bovs) and Arris (Rinds) got their respective sides out of trouble on many occasions, ]VIr W. J. Douglas controlled the game. Ashburton (15) v. Rakaia (3). Ashburton travelled to Rakaia_ nnd defeated the local team by 15 points to 3, after a Solid game, in which the forwards had plenty of work. Pickering and Tatterson were conspicuous in the Eakaia forwards and Bogus and Hooper in the backs. Tattersor. kicked a penaltr for Rakn.ia and for Ashburton Tate, Little, and I/aming scored, Clothier converting all three tries. Mr A. Shannon was referee.


MARLBOROUGH BEATS GOLDEN BAY. (press association* telegbam.J BLENHEIM, August 8. The second Seddon Shield match of the season ibetween Golden Bay (challengers) and Marlborough (holders) was played to-day in good ■weather, but on « heavy ground. Tllero was a record attendance, including hundreds of visitors froifl the challenging district. The teams were very evenly matched until the last twenty minutes, when Marlborough assumed the ascendancy. The .game was full c-f excitement throughout, first one Side leading, then the other. The epectatores were kept at a high pitch of enthueiaatn

Phillips opened ilia scoring account by kicking a penalty for MarlbSrough, but a few minutes later Foskett scored for Bays and Bowers converted. Just o>n the interval Foskett again, soored, but the kick mis Jed • Ten minutes- after resuming Connolly scored for Marlborough, and Hodson converted, miking* the scores level. Ten minutes later J. Holyoake potted a beautiful £oal for Bays and" Hodson scored for Marlborough, leaving 1 the ecore 12-11 in the visitors' favour. Marlborough strained every nerve to overtaio the leaders and made repeated assaults on the Bay's line, but the defence held till just on the call of ing, -when Smith after a wonderful run se» Byrne and Phillies in action, the latter scoring a try in a perfect pandemonium of excitement. The kick failed, leaving Jiailborough winners by 14 points to 12.

A WIN FOR NORTH OTAGO. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELECHIAiI.) OAMARU, August .9. North Otago defeated the Country representatives by 9 points to 5. The ground was heavy and it rained heavily during: the £ame. *

WEST COAST UNION. (SPECIAL TO "THE PRESS.") GKEYMOTjTH, August 9. Conditions were all that could bo desired for the Bugby matches on Saturday, and tha absence of counter-attractions was responsible for the large crowd at Victoria Star seniors defeated United in the playoff for the senior cup. Faulty handling and too much close play robbed the game of a great deal of interest. Star were interior throughout, and the game was half-time. In the secondr spell failed scored two tries, one of which wa® Snwted, and the Star score was brought un to 16 points, Star thus winning by 16 to 8. Steel and Thomas soored a Sle of fine tries for tho winners, and JaS«on (United) ran in for a mentonoua Ending Off Steel and other opponents. Blaketown juniors defeated Cobden by rxiints to 5, thus winning the C ?P. B^yt-own. juniors defeated Lmted by B points to- 3. _____

IN OTHER CENTRES. (PBISS ASSOCIATION TBLBOEAMS.) AUCKLAND, August S. o v Marists 3, Orammar 6 v. 3 Gratton'li v. King's 5, University fs r. ManS 8 t College Kifles 19 v. Suburbs 3. iIASTERTON, August 8. T „j qtirs 5> v. Carterton 0; Gladstone 17 v. llastcrlon 12; Featherston defaulted to-play Red Stars are r.racl cally assured of the senior championwith Gladstone (last years premiers) runncrs-up. , | FRENCH RULES. | REMODELLING ON ALL BLACK LINES, ( DT CAiLE-rRESS ASSOCIATIOX-COPTEIGHT.) cr.EtrrEr.'s telegrams.) PARIS, August S. The newspaper " L ' Auto '' A* . 'li. of reincdellmjj French kngth fitpliiiw ofthe All Blacks.' play -!n U view°"f the imediocre results whieved by be appl.od baU ran cnlv be 9tr"ish+ into touch when ilia eido is kicked 1U its own twenty-fire is attactod within i I , l . en:;Jl Rup3>yj I £n y °a n ™t o£ the physical effort needed.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18456, 10 August 1925, Page 13

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FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18456, 10 August 1925, Page 13

FOOTBALL. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18456, 10 August 1925, Page 13