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RANGIORA. The fortnightly euchre party, under the auspices of the Celtic Club, was held on Tuesday. The prizes wore won by Miss K. Cole and Mr S. Delvin. A plain and fancy dress dance was held on Wednesday night in the Parish Hal], in aid of the electric organ blower, which the vestry of St. John's Church are installing. There was a very large attendance, and dancing was indulged in till one o'clock. The prizes were won as follows.:—Most original costume, Miss X. Lamb and Mr E. Barker; best fancy costume, Mr and Mrs Pembroke. Mrs A. Fmser and Mr .T. C. Thompson won the lucky-spot wa.\tz. The music was supplied by Mrs C. E. Bell, and Messrs It. T. Simpson, J. C. Hancox, and G. Harlow. HANMER SPRINGS. Heavy rain fell from midnight on Monday until Wednesday, when the weather cleared, 2.47 inches being registered at State Forest iService Station. The surrounding hills are under snow. ; Reports have not yet come through from the bnok country. WAIAU. The opening of the recently completed Waiau Anglican Church took place on Sunday, when there was a very large congregation, the edifice being crowded to overflowing. The- clergy present at the ceremony were Bishop Sadlicr, of Nelson, Canon Smith, of Wakefield, until recently vicar of the Amuri diocese, Revs. Saunders CKaikoura) and Dyer (Amuri). Apologies were received from the Ven. Archdeacon York and the Rev. E. C. W. Powell. Tho service commenced with the reading of the 122 nd Psalm, which was followed by tho singing of the hymn, "We Love the Place, O God." Tho dedication of the church, under the name of "All Saints," was then performed by Bishop Sadlier. This was followed by tho singing of the hymn, "Tho. Church's One Foundation." Major Northcote read the first lesson from First Kings, Bfch chapter, verses 22-30, and Mr M. Bethell, the second lesson from First Corinthians, 3rd chapter, verses 10-17, whilst tho morning prayers were taken by the Revs. Canon Smith and C. F. Saunders. The, hymn, "O, Word of God Above" was then sung. Tho address was given by Bishop Sadlier, who took his text from St. John's Gospel, 4th chapter. 38th verse, "Other men laboured and ye have entered into his labour," from which he preached a -touching and eloquent sermon. He traced the growth of the Church from the early days, when one diocese stretched from Christchurch to Nelson, up to the present time. He made feeling reference to the late Rev. W. R. Campbell, and expressed deep gratitude to tho Presbyterian Church people for the use of their church for so many years, also to the Rev. J. Newlands," for putting off his service at Waiau that morning to permit all to attend the dedication service, and his evening service at Rotherhani, for the induction of the Rev. J. Dyer, and expressed an earnest hope that the Bame Christian spirit that had so long prevailed between the two churches would continue in the future. Special reference was made "to the late Mrs D. D. Macfarlane, whose munificent gift had made the erection of the church possible. The Chancel was specially dedicated to her memory, and a, plate at the entrance hears the inscription, "To"the elory. of God, and injnemory of Mary Frances Macfarlane iii.'tnankful remembrance of her gener'ou's,: gift." The service concluded with the singing of the hymn, "Lord, her ' watch thy Church' is .Keeping," [ : and the pronouncing of the Benediction by the Bishop. The following gifts have been made to the church:—Bell, Mr and Mrs H. Sharpe; brass book rest, Canon and Mrs Smith, and family; pair brass .vases, Rev. E. C. W. Powell] brass cross, Mrs H. T. Knight; brass alms dish, Mr H. T. Knight; font, (in memory of Cpl. Thomas Derrett, who was killed in action), Derrett family ; lighting plant, Mr J. M. Tritt; chair, Rev. J. Dver: Bible and prayer book, Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge. A number of other gifts, including a set of Communion dishes -by'the Bishop of Nelson, have heen promised. ~.,„. .The church, which is built of riverbed boulders and roofed with slate, presents a most picturesque appearance. t ' CULVERDEN. Wintry weather is being experienced, and "the Mils in the back-country, are well covered with snow. Most of the rivers are in flood, also the;creeks. School, creek, Culverden township, was in-heavy flood on. Tuesday night, and waVe a good deal of trouble to motorTsts. : A temporary bridge is. to be erected over the creek in the near future, pending suitable tenders for the erection of a permanent structure. I The rainfaj for the month of May was 3.69 inches. Bain fell-on 11 days, tho maximum fall being 1.71 inches on tho 14th. Tho Railway Department has installed several very up-to-date , carriages on the Culverden line. The local branch of tho Farmers' Union is | agitating for a morning service to the city. Enquiries made at the Amuri County Council office show, that out of a number of. approximately 320 motor-cars registered in tho county,'only 120_ owners have so far applied ' for a driver's license. Considering that tho Act came into force on April Ist, these figures -are very small. It would not be surprising if the Council take's steps to enforce the Act. On Saturday the Kaikoura seniors came to Culverden to play tho local seniors. The local team were fielding a fairly strong fifteen, including McCleary, S. Maxwell, and B. Diedrich. Culverden won by 29 points to 6. Mr H. G. Bruce was referee. AMBERLEY. On "Wednesday evening a team representing the Rangiora Oddfellows Lodge journeyed to Amberley to play a friendly card match against the local I Oddfellows. After a very close and exciting match the supper was partaken of. P.P.G.M. Bro. Bell announced the scores were: Amberley 072 points, Rangiora, 671. , ROTHERHAM. His Lordehip the Bishop of Nelson held- an induction service at St. Mark's Church, Rotherham, when the new vicar, the - Rev. J. W. P. Dyer, was instituted to the cure of Amuri and Hanmer Springs. There was a large congregation, and <-the Bishop was assisted bv the Rev. Canon Smith and the Rev." C. F. Saunders (vicar of Kaikoura). Mr W. Lunn, of Christchurch, presided at the organ. Owing to the bad weather, the fortnightly meeting of the Literary- anil Debating Society, which was to have been held on Tuesday evening, had to . be postponed. The opening of the recently formed Amuri Golf Club, which had been arranged for June 3rd, had to be post-noned-pwinc to- the wet weather.

BALCAIRN. The fortnightly euchre tournament and dance were held in the school on Wednesday night, there being an unusually Jorge attendance in spite- of the weather conditions. The iadios' prize, was won by Mrs J. Fitzpntrick and the consolation prize l>y Miss E. Carrol. The gentlemen's prize- was won by Mr G. Cooper, wlio tied and played oft with .Mr J. Kelcher. and the consolation prize by Mr A.'St-reeter. For the next tournament prizes have been offered by Mr J. Fitzpatrick. OXFORD. Mr F. E. Ward, of the Agricultural Department met the local committee at Oxford on Tuesday afternoon to settle the programme, and make arrangements for the Farm School, which will be held on June 22nd and 23rd. It was decided to open the school at 9 a.m. on the 22ud with introductory addresses l)3 r representatives. The following time-table'and programme were approved. Monday, P. 30 to 10.4-5, lecture on wool, its texture, etc., br Mr A. H. Cockayne-: 11 •to 12.30, cropgrowing and manuring (wheat, potatoes rape, turnips), Mr F. E. Ward; 2 to 3.30, the draught horse (points and demonstration), Mr H. E. B. Watson; 3.30 to 5, sheep diseases, Mr JKerrigan ; 7.30 to 9. pasturo management, Mr A. 11. Cockayne'; Tuesday, 0 to 10.30, pastures and top-dressing Mr W. Hudson; 10.4.5 to . 12.1o„ wheat diseases, Mr A. H. Cockavne; 2to 3.30, the dairv cow (demonstration), ill- H. E. B. Watson; 3.30 to '). pigs and pic breeding, Mr J. Kerrigan. There will be no session on Tuesdar evening. It was decided to secure the Town Hall, and the lectures will be- illustrated with lantern slides. The local secretary has provided and issued 300 circulars to farmers in the Oxford and adjacent counties, and it is expected that, given fine weather, there will"bo a, large attendance. The instructional course is being looked forward to with a great amount of interest. In view of the unique opportunity, it is boned that, so far as circumstances will permit, farm activities will be suspended during the two dnvs to enable, not- only farmers, but their employees to attend. -CUST. The monthly meeting of the School Committed was held" on Monday evening. Present: Messrs S. Smith .'chairman), Wood (secretary).. Cowans, Struthers, Tallott. Tho secretary reported that bo had interviewed tho Education Board re the committees application for new tables and chairs. A Lumber of these had been grantedand supplied to the school. The, tennis club organised a.-Hare drive on Wednesday. The heavy ram of Tuesday and the threatening morning made' it doubtful if it could be held. However, "the weather cleared, and 20 guns turned up, and a start was made for Summerhill alxnit noon. In spito of the soggy ground a- -fine afternoon's sport was enjoyed and a- bag or 80' hares accounted for. Mrs Ax. Cowans and Mrs L. Leslie and the Misses Leslie provided afternoon tea for the sportsmen. SPRINGSTON. A car travelling from Christchurch to Sclwyn, and driven by Mr E. Washbourne, met with an accident at the Blandvillo corner, Jand went headlong into the drain. Mr Washboumo emerged from tho car unhurt.' ( With the help of Mr Milner?s motor truck.the car was pulled out and driven away.. At the third of a,series, of euchre parties and dances the winners were Mrs J. Lancaster and Mr Selwyn Reid. After supper the room was cleared and a daneo held; Mr Rob. Wall supplying thp music. At the.annual meeting of the various Presbyterian congregations of . the charge the following management committees were, elected: —Lincoln: - Mr John Marshall (hon. secretary , and treasurer, also of the -whole charge); committee, Mesdames Brown,. Marshall, and Munro,. Messrs Anderson, Curric, Thwaites, and Ward Smith;. Tai Tapu: Mr J. Hunter (hon. secretary and treasurer); committee,, Mesdames Dowkcr, Hunter, R. Macartney, Suckling, Tanner, Messrs James Macartney, J. Michael, John Mackenzie, jun., and A.. Tanner. Prebbleton: Mr G. L. Millar (hon. secretary and treasurer); committee, Mesdames Kiugan,. Messrs Fleming, Kingan, , Macdonald, and Murison. Springston: Mr" J. Marshall (hon. secretary), Mr A. Thompson (treasurer); committee, Messrs Benny, Kimo, Lancaster, and W. J. Wilson; session clerk, Mr W. Clarke. " The minister for the charge, the Rev, F. Robertson. To-morrow, the United senior and junior teams meet Lincoln College, the 'juniors on the College ground at I>3o, and the seniors at Springston at 2.45. The United'senior team is:—Milne, WatThe United senior team" is:—Milne, WatChapman" Hoskins, Walker, Ditfort,L. Payne, Cox, Miliard, \ Fleming, Wright, Sail, A. Payne, G. Kimbcr. ' The third grado team, at Southbridge, at 1.30 p.m. (cars leave Mouncc's corner at 12.15) is:-—Watkins, Black, Mitchell, Schaffer, Powell, Jordan, C. Kimber, Musson, Hamilton, Prirker (2), P. Kimber, Benny,' A. • Kimbcr, S. Birch; emergencies: Sillo, ffcmpleton. GREENDALE. On Tuesday afternoon a number of" friends gathered at the Methodist Parsonage to say farewell to Miss Needham, who is leaving tho district. A solo was given by Mrs Frew and afternoon tea was handed round. The Re v. O. Burnet, on behalf of the ladies of the Methodist Church, expressed regret? at the departure of Miss Ncedham and asked "her to accept an attache case as a token of affection and appreciation. Miss J. Sloan, captain of tho ladies, hockey team, conveyed the good wishes of the hockey club and presented Miss Needham with a letterette. Mr Needham replied for his daughter. Amongst those present were Mesdames Russell, Ridge'n, Early, Frew, Clucas, Cullen, Bunton, Burnet, Needham and Misses N. and M. Gillanders, D. Warren, L. Russell, W. Rudd, K. and H. Rudd, C. Welsh, Smith, Sloan and Adams. The fiftv-first anniversary of the Greendale Methodist Church was cele- [ brated on Sundav. The preacher for the day was the Rev. A. O. Harris, of Lecstoh. The celebrations were continued on Monday when a tea. meeting was held in the Orange Hall. The tables were tastefully decorated and sumptuously laid out. The ladies win assisted were ifesdames Early and Russell, and Misses S. Needham. A. and J. Lamb, K. and L. r.nd EL Rudd and L. Russell. At the public meeting which followed the Rev. O. Burnet took the chair. Mr E. Ridgen, the Trust secretary, gave a comprehensive report of the activities for the vear. Mr J. W. Warren, on behalf of the Greendale friends, extended a cordial welcome to the Rev. J. Bootbroyd, of Waddtngton. Mr Boothroyd, in replying, spoke of his early associations with the circuit and expressed his pleasure at being in the district once more. A splendid musical and elocutionary programme was given by the following": Misses Booth, Harris;Stephens and Sealey and Messrs Hieks.Ussher. Stephens. Lord, Green and Sealev, of Waddington, and Mrs Frew, Misses J. Sloan and A. Shipley, and Mr F. Early, of Greendale. Mrs J. W. Warren, and Miss Stephens were the accompanists. A hearty vote of thanks moved bv Mr J. Rudd and seconded by ifr E. Ridgen, was carried with accla.i »vation.

AKAROA. General regret was expressed in Akaroa when news was received that Mr Cower Pilkington bad died while on a visit to the old Country with his wifo and youngest daughter. It is 14 years since the late Mr Pilkington came to Akaroa and commenced the first motor service betwen the town and the railway terminus at Little River. Later on ho extended the service to tho City. A few years ago, he relinquished the control of the business to his ilr Xorman Pilkington, and went travelling with Mrs Pilkington. On his return to New Zealand he settled in Christchurcb until some months ago, when he set out on another trip to the Old Country via the United States. The deceased had lived an active and varied life, and had spent considerable time in different-parte of the world. At the time of his death he was visiting Bolton, in Lancashire, where in former years he had controlled cotton mills. He leaves a widow, three daughters and one son. Tlie Citizens' Committee controllingthe local Boy Scouts has arranged a series of "talks"' to tho boys by some of tho more prominent townsfolk. Tho first of these was given Ijv the Mayor, ilr Geo. Armstrong, on "Reminiscences of Early Days on the Peninsula." He kept the boys keenly interested as he spoke.of the trials, the tribulations, and tho hardships of pioneering life. The Rev. A. C. Purchas, as Scoutmaster, expressed appreciation of tho Mayor's interesting narrative. A "Gift Evening," arranged by the officials of the Ladies' Guild connected with the Presbyterian Church, was tho means of affording a very pleasant timo to a large gatherir-r in the Bible Class Rooms on Tuesday, and incidentally, of adding an appreciable sum to a special fund for reducing the debt on fife manse. The Rev. F. J. Tylee. who acted as chairman,, expressed pleasure at the interest shown by so many friends in the movement, and warmly thanked all those who had helped. A good programme of vocal and instrumental music was givenby Misses Hilda. McKillop, McNab, E Potrie, Kathleen Curry, Myrtle Fyfe, Alice Hall, Nancy ifunro, and Nurses Capstick and Joan Miller, while tho chairman gave a recitation. OKAIN'S BAY. The second progressive euchro tournament of the season was held in tho Athena;um on Wednesday. There was not such a good attendance as on the previous occasion owing to counter-at-tractions; nevertheless, a very enjoyable time was spent. All the games were keenly contested, tho winners bring Miss Rita Mason and Mr Reg. Mason. The consolation prizes fell to Miss Daphne Harris and Mr George Moore. A dainty supper was partaken- of in the supper room, after which the hall was cleared for dancing, music being supplied by Mrs S. H. Thomas, Miss Ruby Haines, and Miss Daphno Harris. Those present were: Mrs Erie Moore, Miss D. Hammond, Mrs E. Hall, Miss G. Box, Mrs S. H. Thomas, Mrs W. Robinson, Miss R. Mason, Mrs Percy Harris, Miss Alice Ware, Miss Daphne Harris, Miss Ruby Haines, Mrs H. .Muir, Miss Cissy Harris, Miss Mary Moore, Miss Lizzie Moore, Miss W. Robinson, Messrs G. Harris, Reg. Mason, S. H. Thomas, E. Moore, F. Mason, E. Mason, E. Spurr, J. Harris, sen., R. Haines, P. Cumming, C. Holstein, H. Mason, and H. French.. Miss Cissy Harris (Oxford) is th'c guest of her grandmother, Mrs W. Harris.

.At a meeting of subscribers of the Public Library, the secretary reported that' the Government subsidy was to hand. It was decided to add... to it, and purchase now books to tho value of j£l2. On the motion of Mr E. Moore, seconded- by Mr H. Muir, it was decided to have the library painted and renovated, and also to install an electric radiator. -Alterations to the rules were made as follows:—All subscriptions to be payable in advance, and to be 10s per annum or 4s 'per quarter, instead of 10s per annum and 2s 6d per quarter as at .present. The Okains football team journeyed to Le Bons on Saturday. The match resulted in a win for Okains by 3 points to nil. Mr L. Mcintosh. was referee. Prior to tho senior match, schoolboy teams from the same Bays played a curtain-raiser. After a fast game Lo Bons won by 10 points to 3. Mr J. Harris, jun., who dislocated his shoulder whilo playing football a fortnight ago, is still incapacitated, and, will be unable to play for some time; Mr and Mrs J. E. Thackcr have returned from their wedding tour of tho North Island.

Mr Lester Hartley, who underwent an operation at' Lewiflham Hospital last week, is progressing' favourably, and expects to be home this week*" LE BON'S BAY. . The weather has taken, on a correct wintry air. During the week-end it was cold and dull. On Monday a light drizzle set in, and on Tuesday rain( fell all day. LINCOLN. To celebrate its anniversary the Lincoln Baptist Church.hold a tea meeting, followed by a concert, both of which were well attended. "Recitations were given by Miss Hazel Birch and Master Habgood, . songs by Misses Mona Arps, Edna Pascoe,. Audrey Morland; a trio by Misses Audrey Morland, Nola Asps, and Eva Ealston; a sketch by Miss Taylor, and quartets by Mesdames Kobertson and Thwaites, and the Rev. Mr Robertson and Mr Thwaites. Mr v ßarnett (chairman) introduced the guest of the evening, the Rev. F. E. Harry, president of the Baptist Union, who gave a- humorous address on "The Blues, and How to Cure Them." The Rev. Mr Barbour, of Opawa, ex-pastor of Lincoln Baptist Church, was also present. Mr C. Wolfe presented the annual report', and spoke in appreciative terms of Miss Taylor and Miss Keast, who conducted the 'Sunday school. The prizes were then distributed to the scholars. Another successful dance in aid of the Recreation Ground was held in the Druids' Hall. SHEFFIELD. The committee of the Malvern A. and P. Association met recentiy, Mr J. H. Jebson (president) presiding. The president moved a motion of sympathy with the relatives of the late Prime Minister, the Right . Hon. W. F. Massey, also to the relatives of the late Mr Butler and Mr and Mrs E. E. Jenkins (Dimsandel) on "the death of their son, and to Miss Howarth. of Sheffield. Messrs Johnson and Jenkins reported on the Federation pointing out the advantagee to be gained which led to Malvern agreeing to join the Federation. The subcommittee appointed reported interviewing Mr A. TV. Adams with a view to securing a .lease of a section suitable for a showground. The matter was held over for three months. Senior and junior judges were nominated. TEMPLETON. The monthly meeting of the Templeton branch of the "W.C.T.U. was held in the Methodist Church, there being a fair attendance. Miss Harband, of New Brighton, delivered an address. One new member was initiated. Afternoon tea was dispensed by the ladies. ,

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/marshland. At the annual meeting of the parishioners of St. Mark's Church the Rov. G. B. Nanson, who presided, reviewed the work of the sub-district during thb past year, and thanked the various church workers for their assistance. Mr J. Bond, secretary to the vestry, read the annual report and balancesheet, which showed a credit balance of £2l 16s Id. Mr Bond afterwards presented the Sunday school account, .which showed a credit balance of £7 16s 6d. Out of this a sum was voted for prizes for the past year's work. Mr. J. E. M. Rountrec offered to entertain the children at his residence on the occasion of the prize distribution. Votes of thanks were accorded to the organist, Miss Mattcrson, for her gratuitous services during the year, to the wardens, 'vestrymen, and all church workers. The following officers were appointed:—Wardens: Mr G. Sands (bishop's), ami Mr W. Blank (parishioners'); vestrymen: Messrs J. Bond, J. E. M. Rountrec, F. Jesson, J. L. Lange, W. M. Blank, and Mesdames Bond, Jesson, Lange, Mattcrson, and Miss Materson. WEST EYRETON. A bare drive .was held on the King's Birthday, in aid of tho Pavilion Fund for the Domain. In spite of the wet state of the country 4-1 guns assembled on Mr Busche's property. It was not a very gpod day for shooting, as .hares;' lay yery close and frequently doubled back. The properties shot over were those lying along the South Evre road. The bag totalled 86 hares and 63 rabbits. The ladies regaled the hungry sportsmen with luncheon and afternoon, tea.

The monthly meeting of the Cust and West Eyreton Branch of the Farmers Union was held in West Eyreton Hall on Tuesday. • It speaks well for the enthusiasm of members to seo 30 men>

bers out, on such a cold, wet evening. Mr Colin Mcintosh was in the chair. Mr F. E. Ward, Departmental Instructor in Agriculture, announced that ths Farm School would bo held in Oxford on June 22nd and 23rd. Five new members were elected. Mr Ward gave a most interesting and instructive lecture on "Observation in Canterbury Farming." He illustrated his lecture wita some fine lantern' slides showing tho improvements in wheat crop.* made by (a) selection (b) cross fertilisation. He detailed the results of experiments in manuring carried, out by tho Department and showed slides of the crops grown under tho various conditions. He then showed an interesting series of bakers' tests of different kinds of wheat and how Velvet was most suitable for bakers. The last series was some slides on "Potato Diseases of Canterbury." After a hearty vote of thanks to the lecturer, the members adjourned for refreshment*. LADBROOKS. At the first of a series of euchre tournaments, held in the Town Hall, there was a good attendance. The prizes wero won by Mrs V. Yc'atman and Mr T. Lcgg. Tho music for the dance was supplied by Mr F. Meyerhoff. Mr J. Brown was M.C.

At the annual .meeting of the Town I Hall Committee Mr H. Watson pre,-: sided. The secretary (Mr A. Pickering) read the report and balance-sheet, which showed a very creditable balance, arid no debt on the hall. The election of a committee for the ensuing year resulted as follows:—Chairman, Mr H. Watson; secretary, Mr A. Tickering; treasurer, Mr F*. W. Meyer; Messrs H. Pickering (sen.), J. Brown, G. Birss, F. Meyerhoff and G. Habgood. A meeting of the bachelors of the district was held on Monday evening to make arrangements in connection' with, the annual ball. A strong, committee was formed, with Mr G. Birss as chairman and Mr A. secretary. » The/load fjoutacfi ja£ lbs La.'ateQfli&

railway station yard baa beea planted with flowering shrubs. ' The plots <ra each side of the station have faeem relaid and replanted, and the whole thrall in the spring bear a tidy appearance ELLESMERE. At the fortnightly enehrc party a*i , dance the winners of the euchre prizes were Mrs W. Waterson (half a durca afternoon tea cups and saucers) ani Master L. Kcid (a shaving outfit}. Th* music for the danee was-supplied by Miss P. Elford, while Mr L. State aa 4 Mrs T. Clephane played extras. Dariag the evening a solo, was- sung by Mil T. Clephane. °

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18400, 5 June 1925, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18400, 5 June 1925, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18400, 5 June 1925, Page 3