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RANGIORA. Tho quarterly summoned meeting of the Loyal Rangjora Lodge, ■ M.U., j 1.0.0. F., was held on Monday night. N.G. Bro. 31, A. Scott presided, and I there wis a good attendance- iho members of the Loral Addington Lodse having expressed a desire to pay a visit to the lodge, it was decided to fix June 29th as a suitable date to receive them. Officers for the <?nsnui<? half-vear were elected »is follows : >■ .G., Bro. P. W. White: V.G., Bro. W. Feron; E.S., Bro. J. Cooke: Warden, Bro. P. V. Luisetti; Guardian. Bro W. Wilson; supporters to N.G., Bros. \\. S. Mardon and F. W. Reynolds; supporters to V.G., Bros. G..Mardon and J. H. Horrell. The officer.-, were installed by tho 1.P.N.G., Bro. W' A. Horrell. The retiring I.P.N.G. (Bro. Horrell) was accorded a hearty vote of thanks for his services, and it was agreed that he receiive a framed' Past Officer's certificate and he recommended for the Purple Degree. Reference. was made to the success of the church parade. It was resolved to extend the thank* of the lodge to the Brass Band for their services on that occasion and to erive £1 Is to their funds. The Social Committee were asked to make provision for the holding of an open lr-dee night at an early date. One candidate was proposed for membership. Two maternity bonus claims were passed for payment. The annual sale of giftsof produce, fruits and grain in connexion with the harvest thanksgiving effort of the Methodist Church was held.-on Monday evening in the Methodist schoolroom. During the first part or the evening .% short programme of musical items _ was_ giveu bv members of the choir, assisted by a quartette party from tho Salvation Annv, after which gifts were auctioned by Mr J. Stanton. There was also a sweets, cake find- fancy a;oods .stall, at which good business was done, the funds from which are in aid of the Ladies' Guild. .

Tho annual meeting; of the North Canterbin-v Ploughing Match Committee was held yesterday morning Mr W. A. Keloher. president of the Northern Agricultural find Pastoral Association, presided. The secretary lead the annual balance-sheet. The receipts were £IU 10s. of which £37 Is 3d was brought forward from the previous year. The expenses amounted to £l-to Is 2<l. leaving a, credit balance of £&> 8s lOd. The chairman said that there was a recommendation from the A. and P. Association to form a ploughing match association, to be independent of the N. A. .and P. Association, but in view of the small attendance and the lack of interest shown he thought it best to carry out tho arrangements as in past vears for another year at all events; he moved to that effect, and the motion was carried. It was • decided to leave the appointing of a chairman and the election of a ploughing match committee to . the annual meeting of the X. A. and P. Association.

KAIKOURA. 'Air enjoyable dance was held at the Drill Hall on Saturday night in honour of the visit of the Waikari football players. Dr. G. I. Miller, in extending a welcome to the Waikari players, congratulated them on winning the senior match, arid' the Kaikoura juniors on scoring a victory. Mr Honeyboue • responded on behalf of the "Waikari players. Mr "W. Thomas supplied the music, extras being played by Mr Surridge Messrs C. Reeves and Rob Clarke acted as M.C.'s.

Wet •weather again prevails, with cold conditions. ,

The Hon. J. G-. Coatcs is expected'to visit Kaikoura this week or early next, after performing a ceremony at Hawarden. He will visit the Hapukii bridgOj with a view, to seeing what, plans, adopted to get over the present awkward predicament, owing to the stream changing its course.

OHOKA. The fortnightly social 11614.157 tho Oddfellows' Lodge dro'w the usual;full attendance. Prizes in the euchre competitions wcrowon as follows:—Ladies: First, Miss Dorothy Lynskey; second, Mrs T. Harkness. Gentlemen: First, Mr James Lynskey; second, Mr Bert Martyn. At tho conclusion of tho competitions a dance was held, : for which -the music .was provided by Miss K. Lynskey and the Misses Reynisli. As no team can bo raised to-morrow, 1 tho tennis match-against Oust has been postponed till Thursday..week. On Sunday, a memorial service, in honour of tho late Mr Masscy, was conducted at the Ohoka Anglican Church by the Rev. H. H. Matthias, who said that Mr Massey had • lived a life exemplifying many of tho Christian virtues. Ho instanced in particular his steadfast work and service, his horiesty and lovo of truth, his forgiveness of his enemies, his modesty, and finally, and particularly, his moral courage. It was announced that the Sunday school would open on - Sunday next at 10 a.m. with three lady teachers, and it' is understood that already somo sixteen pupils havo been enrolled.

BURNHAM. A master mariner, - who could tell many tales of the sea, passed away on May loth at the residence. of his son-in-law, Mr R. McGlashen, of the Military Camp, in the person .of Mr Charles Nelson. The late Mr Nelson travelled to and from many ports of the world in sailing ships. On Tuesday last he celebrated his eightyfourth- birthday, and three days later his end came suddenly. t He suffered little physical disability, and retained his faculties to the end. He was laid to rest at the Weedons Cemetery, on Monday, and the service at the house and graveside was conducted by the Rev. J. Parker, of Springston. A number of residents were in attendance to pay their last tribute to one who had endeared himself to all sections of the community. At the Methodist service, on Sunday afternoon, reference was made to the death of the late Prime Minister, and a motion was passed expressing appreciation of the public service and sterling character of the late Mr Massey and deep sympathy with Mrs Massey and family. The service was conducted by the Rev. J. Parker, of Springston. •Mr E. Coleman met with a very painful accident on Monday night. He was adjusting a primus- lamp, and it blew up in his face, causing painful burns, which necessitated the calling in of medical aid. . Miss White, sister of Captain, \\ hite, has returned to Burnham after an absence of several months. Miss I. T. Ellis, sister of Mrs Lewis, returned to Christchurch on Saturday after spending a holiday at Burnham.

LEESTON. The Rev. A. J. Seamer, Superintendent of the Methodist Home Missions, visited Leeston circuit last week-end. Ho was accompanied by four representatives of Maori tribes. On Sunday evening, the Rev. Seainer conducted' the service at the Leeston Methodist Church, and on Monday addressed a meeting at Brookside, where the Maori party gave a programme.

OKAIN'S BAY. Tho first euchre tournament of the season was held in the .Athenaeum on Saturday night. There was a good attendance of'about sixty people. The winners were: Ladies, Mrs E. Hall; gentlemen, Mr Arnold Ware; consolation, Miss M. Moore and Mr Graham. At the close of the game the floor«was cleared for dancing. Music was provided by Mrs W. Robinson, Miss Waghorn (Chorlton), a nd Mr G. Graham. Those present were:—Mrs P. Harris. Mrs Reg. Mason. Mrs James Haines, Miss Rosie Gallagher (Lyttelton), Mrs Ernest Mason, Mrs Ann "Ware, Miss Mary Moore, Miss Euby Haines, Mrs S. H. Thomas, Mrs. J. "Harris, ■' Miss Rita Mason, Mrs Roger Mason, Mrs E. Moore, Mrs E. Hall, Miss Daphne Harris, Miss Dorecn Hammond, Miss L. Moore, Miss Alice Ware, Mrs W. Robinson, Mrs E. Waghorn (Chorlton), Miss G. Box, Miss Stella Harris, Mrs Alan Mason, Mrs Clarence Mason, Miss W. Robinson, Mrs George Harris, Misses Waghorn.(3). (Chorlton), Misses Betty Boleyn, and Sylvia Mason, Messrs E. Moore, Ware, G. Graham, G. Harris, G. G. Mason. S. H. Thomas, C. Mason, R. Haines, V. Mason, J. Haines, J. Hunt, R.' Mason, E. Waghorn, C. Mould, I). Waghorn, J. Harris, senr.. J. Mason, R. Waghorn, L. McEwan. A. Spurr. J. Haines, R. Mould, R, Mason, E. Hall, IR. Moira, P. Harris, C. Priest, Craw (Chorlton), G. Boleyn. G. Moore, Holstein, and T. Mason*.

Okain's Bay met \Jnited Bays on. the Recreation Ground on Saturday for the second match of the first round. The game resulted in a win for Okain's bv 6 to 3.

The weather, which for the past fortnight, has been dull and misty, has cleared at .last, and sharp frosts arc being experienced. . The dairying season ia practically at an end. The factory shut, down on Thursday, the milk supply having dropped to 25001b. Thoso whose. herds are not yet dry will probably separate and churn for homo consumption. Miss Maude Hartley, who has been spending an extended holiday with her sister, Mrs Shirley (North Island), returned to her home last week. Mr and Mrs. Arehie Ware and little son have returned after spending a few days with Mr and Mrs ,Bailey ..(Harewood road). Mrs John Hartley is at present on a visit to Christchurcli. Slio is accompanied by her' son, Lester.

Miss Bosic Gallagher (Lyttelton) is on. holiday with her cousin, Miss Ruby Haiues.

Nurse McConnel .(Christchurch) is at present staying with her sister, Mrs P. E. Moore ("Lyndhurst''). Mrs H. D. Muir," who spent a few days in Christchurch' last week, returned on Saturday.

AKAROA. The south-easterly rain that blew up suddenly into the middle of a mild late autumn morning on Monday, was cold enough to leave its wintry touches behind. There were' three inches of snow on the summit of the ranges, with more than a . 'smattering lying below th« ridges. The night cleared for a.frost. The sad news .of the death of Mr Arthur Goodwin, of Pigeon Bay, though. not unexpected, was received, with expressions, of general regret in Akaroa, where the deceased gentleman had always been held in the highest esteem. This end of the Peninsula, in common with the whole district, owes him a debt of gratitude for his splendid services in initiating, the Peninsula,' electric power scheme. His energy and enthusiasm were contagious, and it was largely owing to his untiring efforts that the farmers of tlio Peninsula made such offers "of assistance and that the Peninsula Power Board came into being; He reaped liis Teward'in seeing practically the whole district feticulatedyand .as.oiie pi the members', of the fiVstf Board, lie was unanimouslyelected chairman as some, slight/ recognition of his services." 'The 'funeral last Saturday, afternoon in Pigeon Bay, was very largely . attended. Practically every local body on the Peninsula was represented, while every Bay numbered some of:'itis more prominent residents, among the gathering. The Pev. Mr Morgan, an old friend of the bereaved family, conducted the service. •

SOUTH MALVERN. ; At tho usual fortnightly meeting ,of the. Loyal Coleridge Lodge; M.U., 1.0.0. F., the following officers were present: 1.P.N.G., Bio. James Charles, P.O. (acting); N.G.,. Bro. John Tizzard; R.S.N.G,, Bro. D. Hartstonge; L.S.N.G., Bro. F. Isherwood; V.G., Bro. F. W. Hunt; R.S.V.G.j Bro. W. G. Hunt; L.S.V.G., Bro, E. Charles, P.G. (acting),; Warden, Bro. T. M. Bain; Guardian, Bro.. P. C. Prestidge, P.G. (acting); E,S., Bro. W. B. Powell; F.S., Bro. A.' "M. Wilson'; treasurer, Bro. W J. The sick visitor reported that Bro. J. Tarling was making slow progressl Five members wero reported on the, sick .fund.. Sick pay amounting to'£7 3s -Id was passed for payment, and other claims-, amounting to. 25s were passed.. A-motion of sympathy with Bro.. C. .C.. Pearson, P.p.," was. passed, members standing. Nominations were received.for the election of officers for' tho ensuing half year. During the evening a debate ■was. held, the subject being • "Is the modern moving .picturo an • asset to humanity?" Brother Hartstonge took the affirmative, arid Brother E. Charles the negative. Several other members spoke for and against, and tlie result was- an amusing and informative half hour.

A memorial service in memory of the late Prime Minister was held .at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church last Sunday. There was •a • large congregation. Rev. J. J. Bates spoke feelingly of the death of Mr Massey, and mentioned also that they had to mourn the death of an old resident or the district,- Mrs Thomas Brown, of Coalgate. The hymns "Nearer My God to Thee," "When the' Day of Toil is Done," "For-all Thy Saints," and "Aoide With-Me," were sung. Miss J. Barlow was the organist 'and sang the anthem "Crossing the Bar." The pulpit was draped with . black and purple, and the floral decorations were in white and mauve. Recent visitors to Glentunnel were Mr Parker McKinlav, Miss Kate McKinlny. and Mi6s Evelyn McSkimming, of Benhar, Otago, and Mr A. R. Lambert, of Kensington, Dunedin. . The usual winter nuisance of straying stock is at its worst at present, and apparently the family cow and horse are turned into the road at all times. Sunday was a warni day for this time of year, and towards evening a nor'wester sprang up, and continued all night. On Monday morning the weather suddenly turned to the sou'-west, and much colder conditions prevailed. The rainfall for the month to date is 3.37- inches. There have been eight wet days, and the land has received a thdrough soaking. The Selwyn river has continued''thigh' for nearly two weeks, and thr> crossing at Hororata is unfordable. Consequently '.there is increased traffic down the CoalgateGreendale road. '

HORNBY-ISLINGTON. A .euchre tournament .was lieid in the Orange Hall, Hornby, on Saturday evening. • There was a good, attendance, and prizes were .awarded. as follows:—Ladies'.first prize,; Mrs G. Earnshaw (aluminium kettle) ; second prize,

(Continued at foot of next column.)

Mrs Davis (set of jugs); third prize, Mrs Lenuox (evea^ 1 .iug: :in d -• sugar basin). Men: First prize, Mr Knox (cardigan); second prize, Mr C. Lennox (t-velc lamp); third prize, Mr Kelly (tic).

GREENDALE. -."' Fine weather favoured the second Saturday's play in the Malvern Ladies' Hockey Association's competition. The results of.the games were: Sheffield 2 v. Springfield 1, Referee, Mr W. Sturgiss; Greendale 3 v. Darfkld 0, Referee, Mr W. Pole. Owing to the state of the ground at Darfield, the six-a-side tournament will be held at Sheffield, at the end of the present month, and not at Darfield, as previously. Thefollowing is the position of tho teams: Sheffield 3 points, Greendale 3 points, Springfield 1 point. Darfield 0.

KILLINCHY. Kiilinchy people attended the public hall, in large numbers on a recent evening,. for the purpose of bidding farewell to members of tho Tod family, who are leaving the district after a long residence, during which they have taken a practical interest in all its .social and othe: activities. Dancing iook place, and musical items were given. On behalf of the residents, Mr W. Chappell assured the guests of the good wishes of tho friends they were leaving. Mrs Tod was presented with- a travelling rug, 'Miss M. Tod with a ladv's companion, and Miss E. Tod with a handbag. Messrs M. O'Brien and 0. lies also spoke in praise of the guests. •

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18386, 20 May 1925, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18386, 20 May 1925, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18386, 20 May 1925, Page 3