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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Snch items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must hear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Mrs .1. Turubull is visiting Wellington

Mrs C. J. Ronaldson has returned from Timaru. accompanied by her sister, Mrs Barron. Miss Bettv Overton ;has returned from a visit to friends in Blenheim. Advice has been received by cablegram from England of the engagement of Janet, second daughter of . Sir Andrew and Ladv Russell, to Commander Kemball, R.N., son of General Kemba.ll. Miss Fanny Middleton is returning to Christchurch to-morrow.from Auckland, where she ha 6 .been spending some months. Her' cousin. Miss Mollie Reeves, will accompany her. Miss Gillingham (Palmerstrm North) is at present the guest of Mrs Frank Cowlisliaw.

Major and Mrs Sewell (Carlisle, England) are at Teviotdale spending a few days with Mr and Mrs G. D. Greenwood.

Mrs- G. Jones (Little River) is. the guest nf Mrs Vivian Line ("Katooniba," Kipling street). Mr and Mrs Joseph McLean (Greymouth), who have been staying at Warner's since Thursday, intend returning to the West Coast to-morrow.

Mr and Mrs H. B. d'o3'ley (Feilding), Mr and Mrs Barron (Hastings), and Miss D. Bunbury (Dunedin) are staying at Warner's Hotel. Mrs C. J. le Cren (Timaru,) Dr. R. G. Patterson (Wellington), and Mr and Mrs D. H. Cunningham- (Greymouth) arc among the guests at the. Clarendon Hotel.

Mr and Miss Meldrum, who- have been spending a month in Christchurch., returned to Greymouth 'on Saturday. The engagement is announced of Edith Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs G. Harris, of Christchurch, to William Anderson, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Mitchell, Lowor Riccarton.

The engagement is announced of Miss Kathleen Hill, only daughter of Mr and Mrs Hill, "The Thatch," Essex, England, to Norman T. Sinclair. Trinity Col'egs, Cambridge, England, -elder sou of Rev. and Mrs W. A. Sinclair, "Roviana," Empire road, Epsom, Auckland. \

Tho president. and committee of the Canterbury Club have issued invitations for an Home" to celebrate the opening of their new clubrooms in Manchester street, opposite tho Municipal Chambers. The East Bcltj Wesley- institute held ■its opening social iii the schoolroom last week, when thejfe "was a good muster of old and new members. Items given by-.Miss .Simpson, Miss O'Keefe, and Mr .Eickard were much enjoyed, and' the. games and competitions, together with tho jovial spirit prevailing, made a very pleasant evening. On Saturday afternoon, at Jier home at. Fcndalton, Mrs Porcy Overton gave a very pleasant little party as a farewell ro Mrs C. C. Davis. Amongst the guests, most.of whom are members of the Parents' National Educational Union, .with.-.which .both tho hostess and guest-of-honour are associated, were: Mrs Davis, Mrs Foster, Mrs J. E. Kussell, Mrs .Percy Wynn Williams, Mrs John Guthrie, Mrs Dampier Crossley, Mrs Leonard Wilson, Mrs E. C. Huie, Mrs Maurice Gresson, Mrs W. H. Clark, Mrs P. B. Haggitt, and Miss Sanders. A euchre tournament will be held to-morrow evening at the Art Gallery by the Christchurch, Euchro Assembly. To-morrow night euchre players will Jiave tho opportunity of playing for eighteen valuable prizes, including suite of furniture, two bicycies, wardrobe, gramophone, sideboard, two tea-sets, etc. \ . .

. Correct speech and deportment are qualities to be admired, and are essential, to those who seek society. The Peters-Gray School of Dance, Drama, and Mime hold a class in speech at 10.30 a.m., and' dramatic rehearsal at ~4 p.m. on Fridays. 'Phone 3717. 6

Cleans Suede Shoes. Finest cleaner for Suede Shoes is Staso, procurable in fashionable shades from Pannell's, 105 Manchester street. Large tin for-warded-to any address for Is. —4) You cannot'beat this—Doctor Planner in white and natural, 2s 6d yard, Colonial Flannel in white and grey, Is lid a yard, and 36in cream flannelette Is 3d yard. See them to-day at Manchester House, direct importers, Colombo street (next E. Reece, Ltd.).

The season's vogue for sports wear from early morning; till changing into evening dress has. brought a new garment into existence—thft blouse-knick-ers (says a London paper of April Bth). This latest ■'example' of fashion's' tendency to compromise is a charming creation in pastel and other shades of hravy crepe dc chine, cut with tailored precision and decorated with dainty stitehery and embroidery. In actual Wear, of course, it is merelv a smart shirt blouse, neat and practical, but if on the tennis court or the coif course the short wrap-over sports skirt should .yield a glimpse of the garment beneath, all that the onlooker will observe is a fold of the same crepe de chine as the blouse. '

On Saturday afternoon, nt her home in Colombo street North. Miss Tui Barnett was hostess at a "toilet shower" for Miss Hazel Faville, whose marriage takes place next week. A pleasant afternoon was spent in vocal and instrumental music, after which a dainty afternoon tea was served. Those present were: Mesdames M. F. Barnett, T. 0. Faville, Lance Jewell. W. A. Scott (Dunedinl. R. Arlow, F. Champion, Claude Mills (Blenheim - ), Miss Whelan, Misses Tui Barnett, Hazel and Rona Faville, Agnes Richardson, Annie Moiv, Doris Tankard, Olive Colthart. Lily Anderson, Jill and Roie Carrick. Lona Smith, Thelma and Mavis MeKenzie, Eileen McDavitt, Esmc Lamb, and Beryl James.

Miss Eda Forbes was hostess at a very charming party given in Dixieland on Saturday night, when she entertained thirty guests. Supper was served in the palm room, and the tables were artistically decorated with chrysanthemums and autumn foliage. Amongst those present were:—Mr and Mrs John MeKenzie, Misses Eda Forbes. Kitty Hart, Esita "Watts, Waverney. Bowbyes, Sadie Scales, Rita Johnston, Julie Lancaster,' Kathleen P;>ne. Peggy Hart,' Muriel, Rita Xutt. Edna Miles, Eileen Xutt, awl Xesta Murphy, Messrs M. C. Simes, Wyles, E. Brightling, S. Jones, L. Stevens, Hctherington, C. Collins, K. McMillan, Coster, T. S. Harris, Borgfeldt, J. W. Murray, D. M. Richardson, and Hamilton Baird.

Mrs Colin Mcintosh's resirtem.'i (West Eyreton) was the scene of a very successful function on Friday afternoon. Being president of the loeail branch o/: the Plunket Society, Mrs Mcintosh lent her home for a gift afternoon, in aid of the society's funds. There was an attendance of about 80, and a most enjoyable afternoon wo* spent. During the afternoon competitions were held, and Mesdames Tull, Finlay, and Burgess won tho prizes. A dtiinty afternoon tea was dispensed. A large and assorted number of gifts wern brought, and brisk business was done, the amount realised being over ,£!?. Amongst those present Averc:—Mesdames Colin Mcintosh, Banks, Blair, Lane, Cook, Foster, Hanna (Rangiora), Forsyth, Allison, Chapman, F. Early, Burgess, Rands, Robinson, W. Rowo, Croft, C.' Martin, Gardner, Henderson, Heindish, Burns, Horrell, J. Horrell, Blaekmore, Ryde, Wolff, Anderson, Walker, G. Cowans, J. Cowans, A Smith, Bennett, Wayland, Wood, Finlay, E. Smith, Busch, Burt, G< H. Jackson, H. Jackson, MeKenzie, A. Campion, L. Campion, Gartrey, A. Forbes, 0. Forbes, T. Jackson, W. G. Bradley, Brunaden, Tull, Boyd, the Misses Rowc, Howat, Thompson (2), Addwell (3), Dixon; Dalley, Smith, Cook, Cooper, Foster (Christchurch), Sheat, Maindonald, Chambers, Horrell, Burns, Smith, Cowans, the Rev. G. G. Howes, Messrs Gardner, J. Smith, Rands, Robinson. Mcintosh, An apology was received from Mrs Acheson, who was unable to bo present.

•Miss Olive M. Eowe,- upon whom/the degree ,of M.A. with, double honours (in Latin, and' in English) .was- conferred on Thursday, is the youngest member of a family whose academic history, is unique. Her parents, Mr T. W. Eowe, : M.A., LL.B., and Mrs T. W. Eowe, BiA. (the first pair of graduate's in New. Zealand to marry), and her three ■ brothers, Messrs A. L. Eowe, M.A.,' LL.B., H. T. Eowe, M.A., and E. A. Eowe, M.Sc, as well as . herself, graduated 3s members of Canterbury! College. Each one'eutered the University with . an Entrance Scholarship. Mr T. W. Rowe (in Latin and English, and also in Botany), Mr H. V. Eowe (in j chemistry), and Miss Eowe (in English),, have' been senior scholars; Mr H. V.. Eowe-.was the holder of a Government Eesearch Scholarship; and Mr E: Al Eowe was prosecuting his studies as holder of an 1851 Exhibition' Science Eesearch Scholarship at the London University when he died in July, 1921. Every member of the family is dither an Exhibitioner or prizeman of Canterbury College. Miss Bowe's ;8.A.. course was remarkable, including no fewer than, four advanced subjects (Latin, Greek, English, and French), and pass mathematics. Sho was ,the first John Connal Scholar. Taking advantage of the regulation permitting honours to be obtained in a fifth year,, she proposes to sit for further honours this year in Greek and French. In addition to prosecuting her studies in Greek and French, Miss Eowe is this year student assistant to the Professor of v Classics at Canterbury College, lecturing in preliminary Latin and preliminary Greek. ♦ She is also coeditor of the "Canterbury Collegb Review," as she was last year.

I A very successful dance was held in Dixieland on Saturday evening when 90 couples were present. The lounge was decorated with roses, evergreens, and pot plants, and the supper tables with daisies anS chrysanthemums. Sutherland's Orchestra supplied the music. Among the guests present were: Dr. and Mrs Maurice Louissbn, Mr and Mrs Ernest Boulton, Mr and Mrs Crust. Mr and Mrs J. B. Neale, Mr and Mrs 1 Weilbrock, Mi- and Mrs R. T. Tosswill. Mr and Mrs Bngshaw, Mr and Mrs Walter Caldwell. Mr and MrsE. H. Clark, Mr and Mrs Newburgh, Mr and Mr s Robertson, Mr and Mrs J. Ferrier, Mr and Mrs Schneideman, Mr and Mrs Lucas, Mr and Mrs J. McKenzie, Mrs Godfrey, Dr. and Mrs G. Russell, Misses Audrey Cracroft Wilson. Nancy Beadel, Ruth Wynn Williams Mary Morrisonj Fay Gibson, Irene Edmonds, Joy Andrews, Sheena McFarlane, Molly Black, Nell Buddo, Marjory Denton, Betty; Overton, Lulu Hannav, Cherry Smith. Maud Kitto, Stevens, Nancy Taylor, Kathleen Bristed, Alwin," G. Burns, Ozanne, Lettice Tapper, Joyce Seth Smith, Gwen Jones, Mavis Ritchie, Anita Winkle. Eda Forbes, Kitty Hart, Esma Watts, Peggy Hart, Joan Smith, Leckie, Walker, Waveney Bowbyes, Rita Johnson, Muriel j Siiues, Julie Lancaster, -Kathleen Pyne, | Nesta Murphy, Eileen Nutt, Edna Miles, Rita Nutt, Sadie Scales, Burns, Schneideman, Marshall, Walker, Raphael, Sutherland (2), Caldwell, Doris Robinson, Doris Baron. Irene Mulvany Gray, Dorothy Bowden, Eona Vaughan, Nona Munro, Captain.Walker, Messrs D. Cotterill, D. Boyle, P. Bovle, G. Cotterill. W. Bailev, G. Cawleyf P. Hall, Harley, Turrell, G. Bristed) R. Beadel, J. Bristed, J. Commons, Wyn Cowlishaw,; Godfrey (2), £. Lunelev, H. Shaw, Okey. M. Gold, Edwards, "Wilkins, Partridge, J. Gunn, Hamilton Baird, Bernie, Wyles, E. Brightling, M. C. Simes, S. P. Jones, Simpson, Darby, Smith, R. Cracroft Wilson: McDonald. C. T. Cooper, Duncan, Ronalds, Mcßeth, L. Stevens, Coster, D. Richardson, J. W. Murray, I. S. Harris, Borgfeldt. O. Collins, Hetherington, Hunter Weston, Seymour, Scott, Waite, P.Egan, E. Mahon, Shave, C. Ferguson, Edmunston, Humphries, Stallman, and Roland Smitii l (secretary).

The Wembley Club is holding a carnival dance at St. Mary's Memorial Hall, Manchester street, to-night. Many attractive i)oveiHo« will be introduced, and as is usual with functions arranged by this popular club, the music and supper will be excellent. Mr Furness-James, the svell-kuown teacher of dancing, who has just returned to Christchureh after a successful tour abroad.- has taken thc-Te Whare rooms, iu Hereford street. Te Whare lias been refitted and made .into it most up-to-date' dancing studio. This, combined with the experience recentlv guincd. by Mr Furness James, should affora the dflncing public of Christchurch n good opportunity for acquiring the latest in ball-room dancing. The Wentworth Cabaret. Club's week-" ly dance in the Winter Garden was very successful, there being a good attendance of members and guests. Music, was supplied by Bailey's Jazz Band Amongst those present were the following:—Mr and Mrs R. A. Batstone, Mr and Mrs W. B. Grade, Mr and Mrs H. Gray. Mr and Mrs H. Mr and Mrs C. A. G. Lange, Mr and Mrs E. A. "Welsh, Mr and Mrs Patterson, Mr and Mrs G. 11. Robinson, Mr and Mrs H. J. Armstrong, Mr and Mrs Carter, Mr and Mrs 11. G. Jones. Mr and Mrs J. Baldwin, Mrs Walter Helsdon, Mr and Mrs D. Brown, Mr and Mrs A. Dillimore, Mr F. H. Wise, Mrs C. Suridge (Hawarden), Mr and Mrs Cooke, Mrs E. Cooke, Mian d Mrs F. Duncan, Mrs G. Lisle, Mr and Mrs G. Harrison, Misses Dolly Townsend, Eenee Wrathall, K. Player, Molly Brian, Freda Halford, Flo Whitelaw, A. Cowell, B. Frazer, D. Martin, Celia Williams, Maxinc McGill, Doris Sedman, Eenee Warne, L. Tompkinson, Olive Greig, Marjorie. Chapman, Rae Baird, Mabel Jones, D.-Simmons, K. Kane, Ann Duffy, Alma Lodge, G. Patterson, M. Williams, Jean McGill, Irene Leggett, Ena Batstone, Bessie Macdonald, F. Harris, Dorothy Stevens, Emma Moore, Clark (2),. Doris Sedman, Edna Chapman, Mavis Emerson, Eileen J.erman, L. White, Peggy Duffy. ■N. Hart, Mabel Hobbs, Kath McKee, Ethel Robinson, Kathleen Haynes, L. Joyce, Messrs Russel Whale, J. M.. Steimnetz, J. Cannell, T. Danks,.T. H. Moffatt, A. Bonnie, L. C. Penlington, F. Fisher, C. Gilbert, Storey. Keesing, L. C. Robinson, J. E. A. Thompson, F. W. Large. A. F. Woodham, Snratt, R. Wilson, W. A. Erasniusori, K. S. Brown, G. Hatton, N. W. Robinson, Russel Moore, J. J,aekson, Jones (2), R. Gilbert, Morris, Whyte, W. Clayton. D. Cox, A. C. Thomson,' D. Ferguson. J. Rattray, P. Anderson, Allen, Oakes, O'Reilly, Parkinson, Petric, Henderson, C. J. Robinson, lion, secretary, and others.

RACES AT RANGIORA. Amongst the many who spent a very enjoyable day at the Eangiora races on Saturday were: Mr and Mrs George Gould, Mr and Mrs Arthur Blunden, Mr and Mrs G. L. Eutherford, Mr and Mrs J. Cracroft Wilson, Mr and Mrs Courage, Mr and. Mrs Derrick Gould, Mr and Mrs Gordon Fulton, Mr and Mrs Erik Estherford, Mr and Mrs Hugh Eeeves (Hororata), Mrs Dawson (Rangiora), Mrs W.' Parsons (Eangiora), Mr and Mrs, Frank Graham, Mr W. H. Norton and the Misses Norton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dampier Crossley, Mr and Mrs Herbert Acton-Adams, Mr and Mrs. T.. C. Eobinson, Mrs Jack IQinley (Rangiora), Mrs Tutton (Eangiora), Miss Lynskcy (Rangiora), Mr and Mrs Algar Williams, Mr W. Clifford and Miss A. Clifford, Mr and Mrs Leonard Harlcy (Rangiora), Mr and Mrs Vesey Hamilton, Mr and Miss Ballantyne, Mr and Mrs Jack Newton, Mr and Mrs Frank Cowlishaw, Mrs .W. Smith .(Bangiora), Miss Leech (Rangiora), Miss Boyd (Rangiora), Mrs Hutchison (Rangiora), Dr. and Mrs John Stevenson, Mr lad Mrs J. H. Watherston (Lobixrn), Mr.and Mrs John Clarkson,' Dr.: and rMrs' F. Scott,' Miss Bathgate, Mr and Mrs George Eutherford, Mrs George Buchanan, Mrs B. L. Blunden,; Mrs G. L. Donaldson, Mrs William Anderson, .Misses May Newton, Biickham, Hester Gould, Harrison. (Amberley), P. Boyle, D. Bowdeh, Brcrida Clarkson, Dora Waircn, Hunte, (Wairarapa), Goldingham ' oPalmerston North) ' and' Betty Rutherford. ' V .

SEFTON SOLDIERS' DANCE. •'"•-».'. . • • • ■ ■.\ The annual dance promoted by the .Returned'.Soldiers of the district in aid of the Rannerdale Comforts. Fund' was held in the Rink Hall, Sefton, on Friday night. Although the rain undoubtedly kept a number away, a very enjoyable, time was spent dancing to the strains of the Sefton Jazz Orchestra. Mr C. Petrie (secretary of the, local Returned Soldiers' Committee) and Mrs Petrie. led the grand march; Messrs 6. T. McNally and L. McGowan acted as M.C.'e, and extras were played by. Mrs A. McNally and Mr A. J. T. Withers.

Among those present were Mrs Scott, Mrß S. Tallott, who wore jade green eatin; Mrs El Withers, green crepe de chine; Mrs C Petrie;; Miss El Boyce,. emerald georgette; D. Hales, blue satin marocain; N. Tallott, pink satin; h. Tallott, floral frock; E. Scott, blue jersey ailk; I. Ellmera,. almond green georgette; H Schaffer, blue crepe de chine; E. Dobson, pale blue taffeta; B. Eder, shot taffeta; G. Eder, green • silk; M. Eder, whitesilk; A. Demmocks, white crepe do- chine; L.' Booth, blue silk; G. Stringer, T»urple satin; D. Habgood, rosa silk; V. 'Stringer, tangerine .eilk;. ( P. Dobson, Mrs W. Jamieson, shot satin; Mrs R. Harris, black velvet; Mrs Toohey, satin marocain; Miss B. McLean, black marocain; Mrs F. Kelcher,-brown crepe de chine; N.. Binnie, mauve crepe de chine; Mrs H. Gorrie (Christchurch), shoji- satin; D. Binnie. pink] marocain;. ,Nora Keig ley), flesh pink marocain: E. Carrol, blue silk; A. Tallot (Leithfield) powder blue marocain; P. Judson (Leithfield), flame geor- ' gette'; Mrs J. S. Sim (Balmoral), black sequined frock; J. C. Helsen, Misses M. and W. Miller, A. Dalz'ell, M. Batchelor, M. Wilson, Quick, k Brown, - Baird, and Mesdames Champion, McGowan, A. Ashworth, C. Ashworth, A. Withers, McNally, G. James, F. James, A. Fussell, G. Hales, Cameron, Ditzoht, Schaffer, Mehrtens, 1 White and Hanna. Ritchie, Messrs Dalzell McNally (2), Miller (2), Withers (2), J. Quick, C. Petrie. S. Ashby, G. Clarke, McGowan (3). M. Fletcher, Ashworth (2), A. Fussell C. Armstrong, B. Brown, Ritchie. Whitty, Hanna, Wylie, Mitchell, Orchard (3), Scott, Topp, Stringer, Quick <2), Henderson, Jarrtfeson, White, Holbot'ousfh, James, H. Ashby, Binnie, D. Wilson, Donald, Stace. .

HIGHBANK HARVEST BALL. \ A very successful Harvest . Home Dance was held. in the Highbaak Schoolroom on Friday evening. There was a very large attendance, visitors coming from Lyndhurst, Methven, Urrall and Barrhill. The room was prettilv decorated with mauve and lemon streamers, and balloons. Music . was supplied,by Mac Donald's Orchestra of Itakaia, and an extra was played by Mrs Finlay. Mr J. Miller; on behalf of the committee, announced that it had been"" arranged to have -electric-light installed in the schoolroom.

Among those present were- ' Mesdames Ireland, who wore mole velvet; C. Smith, brown knitted silk; Findlay, silk marocain; Cleve, black silk; Paul, brown • velvet; Killer, jade green; Grant, grey; Woods, black jersey silk; Misses Gilpin, pink jeraey silk; - L«djrerwood, powder blue souple satin; A. Ledgefwood, emerald green; Merry, henna shantung; Spring, white silk; Simpson, pale pink; V. Simpson, ease blue; Paul, pink jersey silk; Smith, white charmeuse; V. Smith, black velvet; Stockdill, lemon \ crepe'de chine; Wallace, creme jersey silk; 0. Smith, organdi muslin; Miller, maroon velvet; Stack, creme silk; Ireland, saxc blue velvet; E. Woods, emerald green satin; Woods, pale blue eilk.

BOBBED HAIR CRAZE. FASHION'S-ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES. The "Hairpin ~Ring' K of America has arrived -in London to decide what lie is going to do about the' bobbed hair .craze. His name is Mr Sol. Goldberg, and the "Morning Post", „discovered him on April 6th at his luxurious suite at the Savoy, surrounded by hairpins, and issuing the most solemn warnings against the evils of bobbed, shingled, or bjngled hair. The "King of Hairpins" makes about 50 millions of hairpins a his American hairpin factory. He dreams of hairpins,- and the pockets of his coat actually bulge with them. The genial "King" distributes packets of his produce wherever he goes, and the immaculate tidiness of the "Hairpin Queen's" hair testifies to their efficiency.

The'"Hairpin King'' told a reporter that the Sphinx was the first "bobbed haired baby." It was built' as a- monument to the "flappers of the Nile," he explained. Mr Goldberg called at Paris on his way to London, and says that he noticed that none of the "girls in Paris who have bobbed their hair were kissed on St. Katherine's Day. "I asked a Parisian friend if all the girls in Paris wore their hair bobbed,'' said Mr Goldberg. "Mv friend answered that the girls who had bobbed their" hair had riot been able to find husbands. "Women do not know the risk they are running bv bobbing their hair. A girl who cuts her hair short finds that she develops a mane like a horse soon-er-*or later. The necks of these women tend, also, to become red and rough." . Some peonle might' think that the "Hairpin King" mieht be. prejudged in the matter of bobbed hair. They would be altogether wrong. Mr Goldberg has brought oyer a special hair-pin-making machine with him, and he showed the "Morning Post" reporter how hairpins can he made to order. "I have soTd three or four times as many hairpins since bobbed hair came." he said. "The pins are a. quarter of the size of the ones women used to wear, so that bobbed hair has not really done me a bad turn. Also, it is much harder to keep pins in bobbed hair, so that women lose many more, and that is another source of satisfaction to me. "Hairpins 'are like mustard. I do not make money on the pins.women wear, but on those they lose. I believe that v over 60.000 hairpins are lost every dav in America." Mr Goldberg has decided to hold a "World Hair Fair in Chicago next summer. ' This fair will-be the first of its kind, and Mr Goldberg says that not will it teach women how to dress their hair, but it will also help in the wa'v against baldness. .Faced with'the question of whether he was definitelv for or against bobbed hair, he said, that he could not make up his mind. "If low? .hair comes 'hack, women will not lose so many Dins." he said. "I am over here to try to settle the whole question in my own mind."

RAKAIA LADIES' HOCKEY CLUB. ; V The Rakaia 'Ladies' ; Hockey Club gave a ball in the Town Hall on Friday evening, to celebrate the opening: of the season. Although the weather' was wet, there was a very large-attend-' ance, and the ball was a great:success.! "Visitors were present from: Leeston, A6hburton, Lauriston, Mitchamj Dorie, Mead and Riokeby, and the'.High 1 School Old Girls and TeMiharo. Clubs were represented. The hall was beautifully decorated with.twisted stream-' era of red and blue, the club's colours, arranged'in. a tent shaped: canopy over the heads of the dancers. , The walls were covered with clematis and;*treamers, and the stage adorned with' bowls of chrysanthemums. Tne'cluV* masot>ts and'crossed hockey sffeks occupied prominent positions. The.grand march, which was led by the club captain, Miss F. Cornelius, and Mr !*• Connolly, displayed tbS , van-coloured frocks of the ladies to advantage. Music was supplied by Bettel's Orchestra, and extras were played by Misses V. Fox and M. "Wilfers (Asnburton). Messrs E. Fox and C. Evison were tee M.C.'s. l During an interval,'Mr E. Fox', on behalf of the Ladies' Hdckey Club, thanked all who had helped fo make the function such a success.

-Among those present . were:—Mesdames Fox, wearing black marocain "with-Oriental trimmings; .Penny, white lace over cream satin; Cordner, flame georgette embroidered in gold; Black, nigger- brown with Paisley silk;' G. Shannon, black'and blue floral silk; Henderson, saxe blue frock; Nelson, rose pink satin; McPhail, nigger - brown frock; Cromie, pale blue figured art silk; G-. Pluck, pillar-box' red crepes do chine with sleeves of georgette; L. Cox,«'blue embossed m'arocain.; O. Smith, kingfisher blue souplo eatin; H. Stanlake, cameo pink satin,, net overdress; A. Rule; salmon pink crepe de chine;- Mra Kaan, black -velvet; Misses C. Shannon, blush "pink charnieuso with ostrich feather trimming;- B. Stewart, kingfisher blue velvet;. K. Stewart, scarlet panne velvet; D. Kennett, white taffetae with crystal heads; P. Brown,' blue shot taffetas; M. McNamara, heliotrope figured inarocain; A. Gburley, wine coloured shot taffeta; M. Henderson, navy blue figured mlarocain; H. Penny, pale lavender silk; T. Hood, blaok velvet;. McPhail, shell pink georgette j Tregenza, mauve crepe marocain; Stubbs, pink georgette: O. Stewart, emerald brocaded fuji; M. : Morey, navy blue figured niarooain with fur trimmings; T>: ■ Brown, navy blue silk with oeriso B*eeves; N. McCoy, blue and gold shot taffeta; H. Shannon, saxe blue fuji with net overdress and silver girdle; J. Turton, black velvet with . fur trimmings; A. Stevenson, pink silk with mauve trimmings; M. Willers, Princess Mary bine velvet; C. Bowden, cream net; 37. Bowden, red velvet with white fur; E. Milllch.amp, ealmon pink velvet with side panels of georgette; M. Bell, apple green satin with ostrich feather trimmings; W. Goodwin, lemon satin with overdress of radium lace; N.-- Kerr, apricot crepe de chine trimmed with mauve; I. South, orange panne velvet with sleeves of 'radium lace; K. Brosnahan, jade green crepe de chine; Vi Fox, pale pink satin with insertions of radium lace; M. Dixon, turquoise blue; crepe de chine; R. McLennan, old gold andbiue figured marocain; A. Thompson, royal blue satin de : chine; Cornelius, lavender 6triped crepe de chine with lavender cape at back; Bulls, jade green figured marocain; E. Trevella, shell pink figured art silk; McDonald, Nile green crepe de chine; Haslett, red and blue- figured silk; ' M. Pluck, jpale blue eilk with overdress of white net; Maidens, shell pink crepe de chine headed; McDonald, geranium red taffeta; Edgington, black satin, marocain with sleeves of georgette;_ E. McDonald, kingfisher blue crepe-de chine-with goldrcsette on shoulder; M. Kenr.ett, lavender georgette with black velvet rosettes; Burns, cinnamon brown art marocain; R'.. Johnson, navy blue jersey - silk banded with satin;, pale blue silk marocain with georgette. sleeves; G. • Haslett, lemon art silk figur»d; K. Carney, navy ' blue silk;* A. Weaver, henna georgette; A. Wells, pale blue art silk; E. PlucK, electric'bluecrepe de. chine.: M. Newman, apricot silk; L. Newman, pink cire satin.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18384, 18 May 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18384, 18 May 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18384, 18 May 1925, Page 2