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The Lady Editor irfu he ploased to receive for publication .in the "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. .Snch items should bo fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting* or of interest to, women. Mrs Alfred Merton is visiting her daughtcr in Whangarei. Mrs Strathcrs (Murray place) has left for a short visit to Sydney. Misses Nita Batv" Josephine Duncan, and Ada Hall left Christshurch on Thursday evening for Auckland. The engagement is announced ol Agnes, only daughter of the late Air H. Anderson and Mrs Anderson ("Strathartkur," Lndurooks) and Alex., voungest son of Mr and Mrs K. S'os* ("Leamington Downs,".Cheviot). The engagement is announced of Mavsie. second daughter of Mrs-and tho late Mr It.- E. ' A'len. "Park terrace," Killinchy. to Tiiom'r.s D. Nairn, youngest son of Mr and Mrs John Nairn, St. Albans, Christchureh. Miss E. Beattie has returned to her home at Hornby, after spending a few days with friends at Sumner. Does the drapery trado exist mainlv for the sale of luxuries to woman? The "New Zealand Draper" says no, and adds .-/"The least knowledge of modern drapery stores will show- that thousands of articles of necessity to' >me.i, women, and children are on sale. Womsn are- the largest buyers simolv because that is their position in life. Man has his work to do, and as -a rule has not the knowledge to even buy for himself. If women folk admire pretty clothes it is no new trait in their character, nor is it unusual foi" their men folk to be gratifird when they look their best. As pointed out in a recant issue of 'The Draper,' all writers to men stress the importance of being well dressed, and if it is true in regard to the nominal head of the house,

sifely the real head goes under the same category;" . Ou Friday evening, in order to -wel-

come home Mr and Mrs Geo. Warren

from their wedding trip, a large number of their friends met at Churchlea, Darfield.- Formal greetings were'" extended to the happy couple, then an adjournment, was made to the grain barn, -which was quickly converted into a dancingroom, and,the piano, having been placed iii a commanding position ' dancing, games, competitions, and songs .contri-

buted towards a very pleasant evening, Mr R. Guhh, Raqccourse Hill, in a happy speech,, expressed' the good wishes of the party ..towards the guests ,o'i honour, George Warren responded. The competition was .son by Mrs Christchureh. Musical, items were contributed by-Mesdames J. H. Jafman, W. W. Mulholland a:nd Paton, and Mr E. Ridgen, Greendale., A very dainty sup.per'was provided-by the party; and tho singing of "Auld Lang Syne" brought I a very -evening to. a close. Among those jresent -were: Mr and.Mrs T W-i; Warren, Mr and ; 'Mrs"--S. Gurin, Mr and Mrs J. Reid, Mr and Mrs L. ) ' Paton, -Mr and Mrs W. W. Mulholland, Mr and Mrs Pole, Mr and Mrs T. Gough, I Mr and Mrs Hutchison, Mr and Mrs R. > Anderson, Mr and Mrs Painter; Mr and 1 Mrs.McSkimming, Mr and Mrs H. Ship- • ley, Mesdanies E. Ridgen, J. H. Jaraan, i Norton, Jarman, sen., Misses W. Jarman, H. Rudd, Joyce, Gillanders, Warren (3), l' Reveley Messrs G. JBoyce, H. Gillanders, E. Ridgen, J. Reid, T. W. Cooke, j Stephenson, and Q. Wright (Afinat).

All who can should make a point of hearing Dr. Lillian Storm's lecture on "Diet and Nutrition" ' at the Homo Economic Association meeting next Friday in the Y.M.C.A. Hall.. Members and their friends, are. promised an instructive and interesting evening.

A fine hall, artistically decorated, n good floor, spirited music, and a homemade suopcr are a few of the gooa things provided by the at its fortnightly dances, the first ot which will be held in St Mary's Memorial Hall to-night. Mr F. Keade AVaiichop and Miss Thelma Thompson will an exhibition of the latest ballroom dancing. * .

At Bnllantyne's. on Saturday momins Lady Boys gave a. very, pleasantlittle party as' a farewell to Miss Margaret .Ilnwcn and. Mr« Henderson Begg. who are leaving shortly for England. The guests of T,?dv Roys were Miss TJowpn Mrs Henderson UegT Mrs CVvisdailo TJowen. Mrs Maitland tti<h. Mrs Vernon. Mrs Macrlotifdd Moore, Mrs and Miss M'ildinT. Mrs G<v)rge liurnes. Mrs -Tack Amler.-nn. Miss Harlev. Mrs- K C. Crosse, and Mrs H. S. E.'Turner.

The ninnthlv meeting of the AV omen's Pi-'wrcesi.'-o dub (Governor's Ray") was he'd on T'r-rsiiiv Two new members wore elected. Mrs Newstead gave an interesting demonstration on "The Making of Artificial Flowers" in various materials suitable for millinery, d-ressmakin-g and decorative, purposes The inetriict'on was thoroughly practical and each member in a short time was deft enough to construct. " rose. n sweet pea., and various other flowers. Sirs Newsfcead was heartilv thanked for her demonstration and address. The animal meeting of the Pnrficld Ladies' Hookey (.'lab v,:is held <>n April 23rd. After Ihc minutes o!' th" previous meeting were cDiifirnicd, several matters in the inlercxls of the club were discussed. The following were then elected <ifiicor« for this season:—President. Mr 1). Mulhollnnd: Mcsdaincs G. Warren 5 , D. Gillaadcrs, .T. licid, AV. Olinton. Dunne, Gunn, and J. IT. Jarmaii: club captain, Miss J. Gillandcrs-: lion, secretary, Miss Dunne. The annual membership fee was fixed at 2s Gd.

The dancers at Dixieland on Saturday »LTu:— Itir and T.lis Cyril Ward, -ur and Alls iivmg Cauiey, Airs U. ClaiKsun, Mi aim Alia \v. Ji. tow-/ Dr. anu Alio l/uiiuan, Air and Airs dclieidenmii, Air and jii'6 \V . Caldwell, Air anu Airs i.'i.\.un, Airs kvans, Air and At is Ai. O Koike. Air aud Airs iiiss, Air and Airs Ji. Sundge, Atisses betty' Jiutlieribrd, lay Gibson, Sheena Aici'arlane, Audrey U'uorott Wilson, Joy .Andrews, Ruth \\yun "Williams, • Irene Edmonds, Nell Ltiddo, Lorna Saunders, llalniai Molly Black, Kathleen Gliu.sloite; Rita Woolridge, Doiis Dunnage, Nancy Taylor, Rata i'hilips, Rcna Matson, Grade Helinore, Joan Johnston, Vernor Selmore, Norah Helmore, Alice Cloudesley, HelenNapier, E. Pickles, Molly Campbell, Thelma Kibfilewhite, D. Baron, Pauline Kitto, James, D. Burns, Mary Morrw son, Madge McCleary, Hilda McC'leary, Mills, Molly Seymour, Lina Williamson, Marie ""Vaughan, Eona Vaughan, Meta "Nixon, Doris Robinson, Denton (2), 8. Jjucas, Camie, I. Mulvaney Gray, R. Hill, Ivy Davics, Margaret McTigue, K. Labatt, McGill, Edna Harper, Ross, Dunnage, Edjia Pedder,. Julie Lancaster, Rene Pedder, Thelma Hicks, .and Doris Tancred, Major Ashworth, Messrs J. Reid, Cowper, G. Bristed, Mcßeth, R. Cracroft Wilson,-Searle, G. Cotterill, ,D. 'Hall, H. Watts, Manhire, A. Giffney, A. McFarlane, Beckett, Darby. Lamb, Melvin Dearsley. W. R. Beattie, Geff SmitJi, Turrell, Ball. W r . Jamieson. B. Marlow, W. Leslie, Brightling, G. Parkinson, Cochrane, Wood, Pickles, Lee, Smith, G. Turnbull, f A. Johnstone, B. Cohen, Stent, Ensor, J. Johnstone, N. Shave, R. J. Roberts, P. Grant, Turret J. ConiiHons. 0. Johnston. P. Barrett. P. E<ran. S. Ling, Dpbson; C.H. Labatt; H.; Jolinstarie, IS: F. Jones,. F. Posmussen, :A. M. ■Hfttnlt. Avr«»R, Millar, Lncas, A. ■ .Tnpnbs. Dr. Fnldpate. Dr. Lf>mb. Capt. Walker and Mr Roland Smith (secrcItary). , ,:• The stage and cabaret classes now being formed by the Peters-Gray School of Dancing and Dramatic Art have still a few vacancies to complete. As the festive season has now commenced, Miss Mulvany-Gray is anxious that intending pupils for Ballet and Ballroom Dancing, Elocution, and Mime should communicate with her as early as possible. Telephone >3717. ■ , • , CHILDREN'S SHOES. Warm feet for children aro ensured with the Brown Sandal Strap Shoes with crepe rubber soles obtainable from Pannells', 105 Manchester street, at 4 to 6, 5s 6d; 7 to 9, 6s 6d; 10, 7s Gd; 11 to 12, 9s; 13 to 1, 9s 6d. P6655 PURE MILK ONLY. Faithful attention to quality of milk, deliverer! in sealed glass kittles, lias given very gratifying results. A. L. Thompson will now deliver only in Meri•vale. Papanui. St. Albans ahd Lower Riccarton. For prompt delivery ■write to-day to s St. Albans Dairy, MiFaddcn's road. i —G

You will certainly agree that Tabling is a big factor in the setting cji' a tabic, when you 6ee the display of Tabling at 'Manchester House. ' Bleached Dice Damask, 56iri. is offered at 2i 6d, and Unbleached, 52in. at Is lid.J All free from dressing and direct fronitthe Irish Mills, (Colombo street (next li. lieeoe. Ltd.) , 82859

A very pleasant "shower evening" was given by Mrs AV P. Mooney, f.t her residence, in honour ol" Miss DSilvester, who is shortly to be. married. Much amusement was caused by' %© opening of the parcels. The evenßjg was spent in music, games and : c»njjp?» titions. Those • present were Mesd3» ,WJ S H. Silvester AV. H. Simmons, TvJi H. King. AV. Turner, A.. Symo, liamson. Misses Simmons (3>, I>. hevester. R. Morgan, .S. .Silvester, Messrs A. C. Simmon-:, H. Silvester, E. R. AY. Brazil. R. Dunmill J. Dunmill \. Svme, T. E. H. King, I). Silvester' AY. •Turner,- AV. Silvester, J. Hartigan, W. H. Simmons H. Williamson, AV. Greig. and F. AYilliamsou. "

After'two postponements, the Rangiora Golf Club opened the season on Saturday. . There was an unusually large attendance of members, and visitors, from other clubs, and, the -weather being favourable, an enjoyable afternoon was spent by all. The president of the club, Mr Ronald Macdonald, in a happy little speech, welcomed the players, and after Mrs Macdonald had driven the first ball declared the season open. For a flag match about sixty players took the field, and in a close finish Mrs F. Tolmie and Mr E. 0. Heney won the first prize, the second prizes going to Miss F. Jennings ond Mr L. W: Harley. Mrs Macdonald then entertained the players and visitors at afternoon tea, after which an approaching and putting competition was held, the winners being Miss N. Morrish and Mr E. 0. Heney. Those present included: Dr. and Mrs L. M. King, Mr and Mrs G. Ward, Mr and Mrs W. Smith, Mr and Mrs Keetley, Mr and 'Mrs L. AV. Harley, Mr and Mrs F. B. Glasgow, Mr and Mrs AV. McKenzie, Mr and Mrs A. P. Strang, Mr and Mrs 11. Heney, Mr and Mrs T. Shankland, Mr (Hid Mrs L. Mcnzies, Mr and Mrs 11. K. Kippenberger, Mr and Mrs AV. Allison, Mesdamcs J. Hcnshaw, J. Leech, F. Tolmie, G. Heney, A. Reid, W. Prosser, J. Kiuley, A. P. Tutton, Shea-Lawlor. Misses Hayward, J. Macdonald, Is*. Purdic, Pearcc, A. Lynskey, C. Ambrose, A. AValker, R. Bowdcn, F. Jennings, M. Fear, E. Leech, Maur'ais, D. Webber, R. Ilorrell, Mcintosh, E. Pearcc, D. Leech, N. Morrish, Murphy, B. Boyd, D. Wagg, P. and E. Allison, Messrs R. J. Smith, H. J. Gulliver R. Gilmour, M. Leech, AV. Sherris, E. 0. Heney, D. Brown, C. Taylor, C. Devlin, L. Leech, F. Dogherty, J. Moir, and J. Aycrs.

PLUNKET SOCIETY., Tho monthly meeting of the Royal New Zealand Society for the Health of Women aid Children was held in tho Plunkct rooms. There were present Mesdamcs J. Cracroft AVilson (in the chair), H. 11. Smith, E. Harper, G. Lester, C. Chilton, J. S. Neville, A. R. BiOxam, Algar Williams, E. J. Corriner, J. Stevenson, M. H. Godby, B. H; Gilmour, Cecil AVood, and Missßagley. Apologies were received from Mesdamcs A.H. Bristed, L. Clark, and G. Aitken. , • Mrs E. J. Cordner was appointed to. act on the Hospital House Committee for one year.

Mrs *H. R. Smith, who recently accepted the office of president of the Papanui Sub-Branch, reported good progress. A parcel of Chinese embroidery had been sent to her for sale and the proceeds would be ndded to the funds of tho ("Mothers'.Cottage" fund as a contribution from the Papanui Branch. . ; ', A cheque f0r..£50 was...acknowledged with thanks from, the. Girl Guide Association. This sum ■ represented half the proceeds of the Russian cabaret organised by the Association. Remits wore discussed for the conference of country branches to bo-held in tho City Council Chamber,- which the Mjvyor had kindly promised should be lent for the occasion.

Mrs B. H. Gilmour, iconveiier of the "Mother's' Cottage" sHh-c'dmmittee.< reported the acceptance of a tender from Mr J. . Rutledge, contractor for tho Mothers' Cottage, to he commenced almost immediately at Karitaiie Hospital under the'supervision of Mr Gordon Lucas.

Thanks were expressed to the Henthcote County Council for their prompt action in erecting a street lamp at the entrance to Karitane Hospital. . Nurse MoClea, who hadi returned from. England; assumed duty on the staff on May Ist. I ■ For the office Nurse Allan reported 102 new cases, 012 (visits paid to homes, 566 adults and 374 babies visited'the rooms, 13 expectant mothers were ('interviewed ; at the Sydenham room seven new cases. 111 babies, 125 adults, and 22 older children were seen, i At the Papfiinui room 43 babies, \47 adults, and •18 older children , w«re seen; Leeston, one new case, 12 adnhs, 12 babies and fivo older children were seen;,. Springston, four babies, four adults, and four older children we seen ;-Southbridge, four babies, four mothers, and one older child were seei ; Lincoln,. seven babies, seven motheis, and two older children were seen; ~ three new. cases, 24 babies, 31 mothers, two older children were seeii, three visits paid to homes; Kaiapqi, three new cases, 30 babies, 44 mother!, seven older children were seen and tvjo home visits' paid. : _ With tho epidemic restrictions still in force, tho visits to the office hare been fewer in number this month. A'ejy littlo sickness of a general nature, apart from indigestion, wa s met with. ■ The ante-natr.l clinic, which wnscoinmenced on March 12th, has cominiicd every Thursday afternoon, Tweiitytwo visits have been paid by expectant mothers. Dr. Elaine Gurr has gifen' lectures to tho. nurses every Friday evening. |

For the hospital Matron Knight reported 13 babies admitted, 12 discharged. RJ in hospital, four mothers admitted, four discharged, and twolin hospital Three premature babies wro admitted during the month. Miss Titchell commenced duty as staff sister hn April 4th. Nurse, Hamilton compleWl her training; Nurse Hennah commenced her training; Narses Hilary,,,AVi'ckc, n . den Cox, Fish, Croft and sat tor their examination.

ANNUAL PARISH PETE. ST. MARY'S CHURCH. ADDINGTON. It was intended to'hold the annual parish fete of St. Mary's Church, jAddington, in the. vicarage grounds 1 on Saturday afternoon, but the wet Weather of the morning interfered with ,th{ arrangement, and the fete had to beheld, in the schoolroom. . . j . . There -was a good attendance, and'during the afternoon Derry's Band brightened the function with a programme of popular selections. The fete, which was in aid of the church funds, was opened by Canon W. S. Bean, and good business was done throughout the afternoon and evening. The stallholders were as follows: Sweets, Mrs Downing, Miss Smith, and Sunday school teachers; work stall, Mrs Lester, Mrs J. Lester, and Mrs Hawkins; prodnce, Mrs Smith, Mrs Brown,' Mrs Shrimpton, Mrs Capstick, Mrs Saunders, and the vestry; cak.e stall, Mrs Jeffries, Miss-Macleodsmith, and' choir members; afternoon tea, Mrs Hancox, Mrs Wilson, Mrs Simmons, Mrs Cook, Mrs Griffiths, Miss Bowen, and- Miss Beale; soft drinks, Bible class boye. No cold is NAZOL-proof. And rut cough and cold remedy.i 8 so economical as "NAZOL." Eighteenpence buys 60 doses— more than three a penny. —2


There was a. very good attendance of members and their guests at the AVent. worth Cabaret club's weekly dance in the Winter-Garden-on Saturday night. Excellent music was supplied "by Bailey's Jazz Band, and extras were played by Mr F. AV. Large. Amongst those present were the following :—Mr and Mrs H. J. Armstrong. Mr and Mis Kendall. Mr and Mrs H. G. Jones, Mr and .Mrs L. Campbell. Mr and Mm R. A. Batstono.Mr and Mrs H. T. Stubberfield, Mr and. Mrs D. Freeman, Mr and Mrs G. H. Robinson, Mr and Mrs C. A. G. Lange, Mr and Mrs H. Beauvais. Mr. and Mrs Hartley, Mrs E'| Knight. Mr and Mrs A. Ncwson, Mv and Mrs L. Lancaster, Mr and Mrs J. Baldwin, Mr and Mrs S. AV. Gelling, Mr and Mrs Sinclair, Misses Muriel Goodsir, Rene© Wrathall, Mavis Emerson, van Asch, Lena Graham, M. Retts, R. AVhitehcad. Ena Batstone, Myrtta AA'illiamson, Bessie Macdonald, K" Blunt, B. Sigley, Eileen Petersen, K. Kane,- B. Trethewey, B. Frazer, Tlielma Gelling, Emma Moore, Alice Liggins, T. Parker, Myrtle Tisch. Gwynneth Muff, Eva Welsh. D. Pointon, Eythell Robinson. Alma Lodge, Doris Sedman, Eileen Jerman, Myrtle Gray, Renec AA T arne, E. King, Irene Peart, Ena Gillespie, G. 'Mcintosh, Edna Chapman, Dolly Jeffries, Ann Duffy, Kathleen MoKee, D. Smithson, Florence Harris, Peggy Duffy, Grace Patterson, Margaret Halliday. S. Partridges Mariorie Chapman. Messrs T. Gibson, J. Moore, L. M. Delmonte, E. A. AValsh, E. Mahan, J. Stephens, Claude Muir. J. Jackson, M. Partes, E. Wilson, D. Montgomery, G. Vincent G. Anderson, Morris, AV. T. Thomas, S. Diaper. T H Moffatt, A. F AVoodham, Clark, P. AV. Large, L. C' Penlington, D. Cox, AV. T. Keesmg, p Prince, O'Reilly, A. C. Thomson, Barlow, L. C Robinson, -M. G. Moore, J Cannell, W. Clayton, P. AV. MeCaldon, - C Gilbert, McKcnzie, K. Campbell, N. AV. Robinson, N. Ball, R Gilbert, J. E, A Thompson, J. M Steinmetz, Russell Moore B. A. Palmer, W.G.Watson, F. N. Petne, L. Satchell, Henderson, Ellison, C. J. Robinson (hon. sec.), and others.

THE PRINCESS ROYAL. j (SY CABLE—PBES9 ASSOCIATION— COr-YBIGHT.) (BEDTEa'S TELEOBAIIS.) (Received May 3rd, 5.5 p.m.) LONDON, May 2. The Princess Royal had a severe gastric htemorrhage yesterday, followed by considerable shock and weakness. She had a restful night and regained some strength. [The Princess ' Royal (Dowager Duchess of Fife) was born in 1867, and is the eldest daughter of the late King Edward. Her husband, a well-known Whig politician, many years her senior, died in 1912, from an illness contracted from hardships following the wreck of a liner (in which he and his family were, passengers), off the North African coast, near Gibraltar. Her Royal Highness has two daughters, the eldest of. whom, is the wife of Prince Arthur of, Connaught. Tho youngest, Maud, married Lord Carnegie - about 18 - months ago. The •title of Princess Royal,is retained for. life, despite any .changes in the ■Monarchy, thoughvmany people imagine that the eldest daughter of.the reigning sovereign holds distinction. The present Princess Royal is tho King's eldest sister.]

One of the most curious traits in' the late Lord Curzon was his intense literary ambition. And above all, he aspired to wim fame as a poet. It was often remarked as a singular thing that a man who had filled perhaps tho proudest and stateliest position in the Empire, that of Viceroy of India, should covet, the humble and scanty laurel of a minor poet with a quite remarkable intensity. He had a-great admiration for M. Cammaerts, the Belgian war-poet, whose verses he set himself to translate. The version was not at all bad, and was another evidence of Lord Curzon's versatilitv.

BALL AT WEST MELTON. • A well-attended ball was held at- 'West Melton on Thursday evening to celebrate the non-official opening of the new hall. The proceeds will ho devoted to tlie Social and Hall Building Fund. An apology for unavoidable absence was received from Mr G. "Witty, M.P. The hall was artistically decorated with streamers, evergreens, and pot plants, and the supper-room with evergreens and bowls of chrysanthemums. The guests at supper were waited on by the ladies of the district. The chairman, Mr Hawke, and the secretary, Mr McLennan, and their committee, arc to be congratulated on the completeness of their arrangements. During the evening a waltzing competition, for prizes given by residents of the district, was won by Mr Crook and Miss Jack, and Mr Grieve and Miss Donaldson. The floor was in perfect order for dancing, and .over 100 couples took part in the grand inarch lancers, led by Mr and Mrs Hill©, the latter wearing a henna crepe de chine dress. The mnsic for the dance was supplied l>y Johnston's Jazz Band, and Miss I.' Chambers and Miss A. Langdale Hunt contributed extras. The M.C.'s duties were carried OTit by Messrs G. Jowers, L. Chambers, W. McKay, and R. Johnston. During aJi interval, Mr Hawke (chairman of the committee) thanked all those present for their patronage and said that hj« would be pleased to see [them present at the bazaar and the official opening of the hall, which will beiheld later on.

Amonprst those present -Were:—Mesdamrs Donaldson, who wore brown Bilk;. \\". Smith, shell pink brocaded satin;' McLaughlin, pink marocain: D. Grieve, blue floral voile; R. Roper, blue taffeta; W. Turner, naw blue marocain;"Willan. black .satin; R. Johnston, peacock gTeen satin channeuse; G. Hayes, peacock blue satin; 71. Foster (Kirwee), black; Summerfield, floral voile; M. B. Forrester, black safin beaded in Ted; W. McDonald, black charraeuse, with overdress of black lace; J. Chambers, brown brocaded marocain; G., Perry, pink brocaded marocain; J3. Martin, powder blue panne velvet; Jowers; C. Walker, saxe blue crepo de chine; D. McVinnie, black satin; H. Hawke, black crepo de chine with Toyal blue trimmings; G. Commons, black and gold georgette; R. K. Salt, mole dress: C. Whyte, black crepe de chine; M. Baker (Hornby), black crepe de chine relieved with white; S. Dunn, black satin trimmed with silk fringe; IW. Archie, black crepe do chine; R. Dawson, Princess Mary blue with beaded trimming; Hille, henna crepo de chine; D. M. Johnston, lemon silk oyer radium lace; J. Jack, powder blue georgette over blue duchess satin with silver trimmings; H. Winchester (Lakeside), black with Oriental trimming; J. Milne, black beaded charmeuse; S. F. Mcllwraith, navy dress with steel trimmings; Mrs Falconer (Kirwee), black iricrv; H. Cross, navy crepe do chine; G. Hutton (Templeton), black eatin relieved with henna; L. Chambers, brocaded satin marocain; E. Ford, kingfisher .blue satin, and radium lace, with feather trimmings; R. ■ Johnston, peacock green satin charmeuse; G. Hayes, peacock bluo satin; Misses Iris Chambers, orange crepe dn chine with ostrich feather trimmings; A. Dawsnn, white voile, embroidered; Joblct, fawn silk: Mildred Craze, powder blue marocain; Noeline McLaughlin, navy blue with, fur trimming; E. Cullen, mauve fugi silk: R. M. Freeman, brocaded satin; M. Griffiths (Prebbleton), pink brocaded marocain; A. Thompson, black and gold lace; Marjorie Robinson (Christchurch), powder blue satin, with fur trimming; Myra Pearce, vieux rose crepe de chine; M. ■; Redmond, shell'' pink taffeta; Gladys Claugh (Cliatham Islands) orange marocain; Morah Bone, pink crepe; L'. S. Kanhire (Hornby), grey jersey silk; Margaret Fahey (Templeton), green crepe de chine; Mamie Chambers, emerald green satin and lacs with 'gold streamers; Yiolet Bailey (Templeton), royal, blue crepe de chine with: wreath of roses;aty,the waist; R. Hughes, i.sea green taffeta; Rita-Jack, mauve marocain with flounce of georgette edged with 'fur;. Myrtle Bailey (Templeton), royal blue.'crepe-'de chine; X. Eaglesome, black satin; Mat,; Gunn, black marocain; A. Curragh,,- black velvet with'.jade! green trimming; L. Thompson, green satin; Jean Boyland,, jado, green crepe-de chino with;' fur; ■ trimmings;'■ G-wen' Hubbard"(Fendalton), black marocain embroidered in Oriental colouring; ~Eilean.,Boyland,.. black marocain and silver trimmings; Marie Jack, apricot brocadpd matoeain with, georgette trimming;. M. Milldr, mauve marocain and silver trimming; W. Hayes, apricot brocaded marocain; V. Jones, black velvet; I. Oliver, black taffeta; Rita Bisphan, royal bhie satin and silver trimmings; Evelyn Price, Ted silk trimmed with gold; D. Griffiths, nigger. brown taffeta; Thelina Whyte, jade green crepe de chine with spangle trimmings; T. Holmes (ChristcJrnreh), nary blue georgette; H. Calder, pink 'satin; In a McViimie, pink satiii and silk overdress with beaded trimmings; Klsie Watson, kingfisher'bra'e crepe'de chine with gold bead trimming; V. M. Watson, henna .silk with: bluo . and bronze trimmings; M. Wilson, apricot satin with purple collar; 'Sophie Boyle; -Annie McKay, sea green shot

taffeta; M. Willan, crepo dp chine: M. Turner, blue silk marocain; F. McDonald, pink and silver brocade: Gwen Whytc! apricot crepo de. chine with rosebud trimming; V. Roper, cream jersey silk; jr. Donaldson, rose pink crepe de chine;. Jean Thompson, blue satin; J.. Thompson, green satin; Mabel Griffiths (Prebbleton). mauvo crepo do chine; A. Lanedale-Hunt, navy satin, .beaded:; Jean Simpson (Hariibv), Jessie Thompson, brocaded silk with rosebud triramin I: K. Thomson: A. .Towers. cream crepo do chine: 11. A. Thompson, camellia crepe de chine: A. Summerfield. coral pink marocain: Kva Martin (Amberley), pink maroenin: P. Hipirs. apple preen msrocain with ostrich feather trimming: 11. Rankin, chiffon velvet trimmed cherry rose: M. Siimmcrfield. prren silk; K. More (Christchurch), blup bilk: Messrs T. J. Russell, H. H. Wright. H. Spiccr. J. Jowers. G. Hayes, K. Johnston. E. Ford. L. Chambers. <}'. Hutton, H. Cross, G. liannan, J. Jack. D. m! Johnston, Hille, W. Archie. S. Dunn S Minards. C. Whyle. R. K. Salt. G. Common (Bollestoa), Hawlre. D. McVinnie, C. Walker, Jowers. E. J. Baird, G. Perry, J. Chambers, J. Miller. W. McDonald, Summerfield, H. Foster (Kirwee), J. Tyndall, J. Calder, McLaughlin. W. Smith. R. Jackman. J. liobb fDarficM), r. IJiley. D. Thompson, fi. Cross. R. E. Sutherland, F. K. Jones (Upper Riecsrton), L. Cooke. R. R. Whitelaw (Hornby). X. Carter, C. McKav. F. "ft-. Mortlock, M. V. Davis, M. Willan, C. 1/ennox, D. Mack'e (Teraplctou). Pat McKay. H. J. Curraprh (To.mpleton), K. Sim, E. G. Hill (Springston), B. Oldridge, R. W. Johnson. .T. Grieve. H. Marshall, C. Jamioson, F. Whit-claw. R. Still, G. Brown (Christchurch), W. Mcllwraith. W. Davis, W. McKay, J. Stuart. D. Kellv, H. Hannan, J. Carter, B. Bedford. G. Wilson, J. H. Twomey, E. R. Hutton, R. Bedford, G. M. Watson, W. Harwood. P. Carver. E. McMeekan, L. E. Hill. A. Snowden (Taranaki), E. Murray, A. Calder, W. Grieve, R. McGrath. F. Foster, E. J. Chappie, C. Turner, R. Woodham (Hornbv), G. C. Jowers, B. Ford, TV Wilson. B. Stewart, W. Taylor, Perrin, Christie, McLauchlin, Croft, T. Johnston, Moir, S. Gibson, E. Gibson, W. Godfrey, H. Foster, Terry, H. Curragh, D. O'Brien, C. Voire and N. Harrison. WEDDINGS. TAYLOR—JONES. On Easter Monday a pretty wedding was solemnised at St. John's Church, Bfcmgiora, by the Hev. J. F. Feron, when Ella, -fifth, daughter of Mr and Mrs Walter Jones, of Raugiora, -was married to Francis Henry, eldest sou of Mr and Mrs Henry Taylor, of New Brighton. Mr Thompson presided at the oi"gan. The bride entered the church accompanied by lier father. She wore a dainty frock of iyory ninoni and lace, draped at the side and 1 held by a pearl horseshoe. Her embroidered veil fell from m coronet of pearls and orange blossom, and she carried a shower bouquet of white petunias and pale pink roses. Two bridesmaids were in .attendance. Miss Dorothy Jones, sister of the bride, wore a shell pink georgette frock trimmed with tiny fnus and finished at the waist with flowers amd ribbon streamers and hat to match. Miss Maisie Taylor, the bridegroom's sister, wore a mauve 'georgette frock, also trimmed with frills and flowers, and a mauve hat. They both carried beautiful bouquets of pink and mauve flowers.

The bridegroom was attended by Mr J. Jack as best man, and Mr J. Bird as groomsman.

After the a reception was hold i» the Parish Hall, which was decorated in pink and mauve for the occasion. Mrs Jones, who received the guests, numbering over seventy, wore a black inarocnin frock and a.'-.'smart black hat. She carried a posy of bronze chrysanthemums. Mrs Taylor, the bridegroom's mother, wore a fawn gabardine frook and hat to tone. Later Mr and Mrs Taylor left on their wedding trip, the bride wearing a fawn niarocain tunic frock smartly embroidered and fawn, and tangerine ha,t with ospreys. McLEAN—MASON. A very pretty wedding of/much interest to residents of Maungatapere and surrounding districts; at the TVhangarei'. Presbyterian •' '-CJijirch recently, when Miss Hope Mason, younger daughter of Mrs J. G, Draper, : and- granddaughter of the' late Mr and* Mrs James Bradford, of this city, was married to Mr TV. I. J. McLean, of Kaukapakapa. The church was prettily decorated by girl friends of the' bride. Mr A. Marsden Woods presided at the organ. The bride, who was given away by her father, Mr John. Draper, wore a beautiful dress of blush pink satin beaute, heavily embroidered in large pearls. Her long train, the £ift of the bride's sister (Mrs H. It. Burrett) was of cloth, covered withnicked tnlle, and caught at the shoulders with sprays of orange blossom. Her veil of gold net fell in long' graceful lines over the train, and she carried] a bouquet of pink and gjild flowers. . | The bridesmaids, Misses Ann TVigjey and Gwynne Stewart (nursing colleagues of the bride 1 ) were dressed alike [in frocks of pale pink crepe de chine wijth ostrich feather trimming around iho hem and sleeves., Their headgear of gold and silver tulle and they carried bouquets of pink and 'gold roses. each, wore a gold armlet, the gift of the bridegroom. Little Lenore Hajv■kin, as train-bearer, wore a pretty frock of pink crepe de chine trimniid with pink and gold hand-made rosts, and a wreath of gold leaves in her hairMrs Draper wore a frock of navy blue mousseline and cream lace and a modest hat was of blaok brocaded velvei; Mrs Burrett wore navy blue with red facings and a small navy blue hat with a red cockade. The bride's travelling dress was of silver grey heavily brai£ ed, worn with a hat of grey satin wiih blue trimmings. 1 The bridegroom was supported by his cousin, Mr Grayton Whittaker, as best man, and Mr N. A. Ching, as groomsman. Upwards of 140 guests attended fhe wedding breakfast at the Maungatapere Hall, which was beautifully decorated. The feature of the bride's table was a three-tier wedding cake, made as a* labour of love bv two esteemed lady friends. After the usual toasts had been honoured, the hall was cleared for dancing until midnight. Two tables were laden with valuable ahd useful presents. Before the happy ■couple took their departure, Mr IV. Jones,' on behalf of those present, wished them "God speed," and the whole company joined hands in a double ring around the hall to sing "Auld Lang Syne," with the bride and bridegroom and relatives in the centre. : Excellent music for the dance vas supplied by Mr Smythe, -wliile Mr, U. D. Dawson controlled the floor in efficient manner. I Mr and Mrs McLean, who will rekdo at Kaukapakapa, left for the soutlj by train amidst great showers of conjetti and good wishes. i

TALBOT—ABBOTT. i An exceptionally pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Peter's Chiircb, Temuka, recently, when Elsie, youjiger daughter of Mr and Mrs A. H. Abtatt, "Aralnen," Temuka, was married! to Lawrence Henry, son of Mrs andi the late Mr John Talbot, "Woodlands, '■' Rangatira Valley. The service ;' was choral, the officiating minister being the Rev. A. H. Norris, of Cashmere, Ohristchnreh. Miss D. Comer presided at the organ, and the church was prettily- decorated by Mr C. Bates, a big white bell being suspended over the altar. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a charming one-piece frock of ereme chenille georgette, beautifully draped. The ,long train suspended from the shoulders was of brocaded georgette finished with silver lace. Her veil of silk tulle was hand-embroidered, and arranged with a wreath of orange blossom, and she carried a shower bouquet of cream chrysanthemums, pale pink roses, and maidenhair fern. The bride was. attended by her sister, Miss Ethel Abbott, as chief bridesmaid, who wore maize erepe-de-chine with overdress of string-coloured Brussels lace finished with gold ribbon. Her tulle head-dress was wreathed with autumn-tinted leaves, and she carried a bouquet of

autumn-tiiited chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. Miss Mildred McKeown, ■ cousin of the bride, acted as second bridesmaid, and was dressed in a frock similar to the other bridesmaid, but of georgette. Little Joyce Finney, of Christchurch, acted as train-bearer, in a frock of gTcen and fawn taffeta, and hair-band of autumn leaves. The bridegroom was attended by his brothers, Mr F. Talbot and Mr E. Talbot. About one hundred guests were entertained at the wedding breakfast, held in the Parish Hall, which had been artistically decorated by Mr Bates. Mrs Abbott, who received the guests, wore a frock of black chiffon velvet draped, and hand-embroidcrod in royal blue. She also wore a scarf to match, and a black hat, and carried a bouquet of chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. The mother of the bridegroom wore a frock of grey satin channeuse with a cloak of black brochc marocain, and black panne velvet hat. Miss Morgan's orchestra was in attendance during tho wedding bicakfast. Among those present were:—Mr and Mrs 0. J. Talbot and daughter, Mr and Mrs J. J. McKeown, Mr D. Caird, Dr. and Mrs L. S. Talbot, Mr G. W. Talbot (Fairlic), Miss Melton (Clinton), Miss E. Young (Christchurch), Mr JR., Talbot, Mrs A. Talbot and daughter, Mr D. G. Caird, Mr E. Bcckinghiini, Mr E. McKeown (Woodbury), Mr J. Philip, Mr and Mrs P. E, Talbot, Mr and Mrs C. M. Talbot, Mrs Gappcr, Mr W. J. McKeown, Mr and Mrs O. V. Talbotj Mr and Mts G. Finney (Christchurch), Mr and Mrs R. J. McKeown (Woodbury), Mrs G. Talbot. (Christchurch), Mr F. M. Talbot, Mr and Mrs R. Brookland, Mr and Mrs F. H. McKeown, Miss K Harrison. Mr Jas. Brown, (Sutherlands), Mr Bernard Hughes, Mr and Mrs G. McCullough, Mr and Mrs J. B. Sinclair, Miss M. Robertson, Misses I), and E. Comer, Mr and Mrs S. G. McCnlloTigh, and others. Later, Mr and Mrs Talbot left bv car for a tour of tJie North Island, the bride travelling in a navy costume with fur trimmings, and hat to match.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18372, 4 May 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18372, 4 May 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18372, 4 May 1925, Page 2