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On Thursday evening the members of the Methodist Chureh choir were entertained at a social evening by rs Blair. The function was held jn the Sunday School building, and there was an attendance of about 40- Competitions, games, solos and other musical items were given by members ojchoir. There was also a choir competition. which caused a good deal oi merriment. After supper a hearty vote of thanks was accorded to Mrs Blair Jmd the Rev. C. Blair. During the evening the Rev. C. Blair, on behalf of the members of the choir, presented to .11 A Lane. a set of organ voluntaries, suitably bound, in appreciation or_ his services as organist. The recipient suitably rcsnonded. Mr and Mrs Dennis s:«ve a very enjoyable china evcnins at their residence, West Be't. Rtuigiora. 'on Tuesday ino:. in honour of their niece. , s Grace Churchill, whose welding took place on Wednesday. 'lho evening passe'd nuicklv with music, sonars and!"!'*. after the guest hau opened the gifts. KAIKOT'RA. At the second annual' r of the Suburban Public Hall Comniiitco, Mr G. D. Smith presided. The report and balance-sheet were satisfactory. The committee started the year with a deficit oi' £37 3s 9d. and ended with a credit balance of £l4 lon Bd, plus in hand £3 Gs i)d. It was decided not to pny dividends this year, but to iituis>"the funds for improvement. lhe following oificois were appointedl resident. Mr G. Wilson; vice-president, Mr F. Lawson; treasurer. Mr b. Sharps; auditor, Mr R. T. Pope; legal adviser, Mr S. J. Mogridge; general committee, Mesdames W. Collyns, E. Lawson, E. Wilson, Misses, M. aroham, and I. Wilson, Messis R. Boyd. T. Curtain, L. Grin;wood, and G. Iliggins. HANMER SPRINGS. A meeting of residents, convened b5 Mr J. Ashton, chairman of tho committee set up in connexion with electric current for the township, was held on Wednesday night. Tho chairman reported on correspondence received irom the .Minister of Health, and it was decided to write further l'or information. It was decided also that the Amurt County Council bo communicated with in reference to the electric wire canning poles erected in the streets. WAIAU. At the annual meeting of householders on Monday evening there was a better attendance than usual. A resolution was passed, urging the Education Board to install dual desks and[to attend to the drainage system. Tho election of a committee for tho ensuing year resulted as follows: —Messrs McKone, Oldman, Aitken, Croft and Rev. J. j\ T ewlands. , A sharp shock iof earthquake was felt at 9.35 p.m. on Thursday night. There was a distinct tremor for several seconds before the main quake, which appeared to be in the direction of from east to west. At 10.30 p.m. a second and rather sharper shock was felt, which appeared to he from east to west, and then sharply changing to north to south. The Girls' Hockev Club opened/ the ceason on Wednesday afternoon, when its members indulged' in a practice game. The polf links of the recently formed Amuri Golf C'nb are beins-lsid out on the proDerty of Mr W. D. Banks, almost directlv opposite tho railway station, and will in all probability be opened this month.

CULVERDEN. Warn, springlike weather still prevails in this district, and a good ram would be very welcome. The football season does not commence till May 16th next, when Culver-, den Seniors play Waiau at Waiau. The busy season for tho railway Hj now over. A large amount of stock and grain have gone forward. The motor lorries have had a very _ lean time, no "doubt due to the activities or the new business manager and to ""J 0 railway staff. One feature that is outstanding is the large amount of cattle that have been trucked from here, mostly from tlie back country stations, in the primest condition. A few days back a record train left here with close on sixty waggons, all sheep and lambs. - It took a couple of largo engines to take it over Weka Pass. The fishing season in this district hag been any tiling but a success this year. So far as salmon is concerned, no catches at all haive been reported. This refers to both the Hurunui and the Waiau Rivers. It is noted that the Council's two grader teams are now on the Main North road. The road was badly m need of repair and is already beginning to get back to its original good condition. LEITHFIELD. , Uniformly mild weather, with an absence of frosts, has been the order during the week. Heavy dews have also fallen. The weather has been ideal for potato digging and general farm work. Teams iliay bo seen on practically every farm. Mrs A. B. Watson, a former resident of the district and at one time a teacher in the local school, has returned to Christchurch after spending a holiday at "The Triangle," Leithnel-d. Mrs L. WomaH, "Glenlee,' J leaives shortly on a visit to England. Miss Marion May, "Tlie Triangle," has returned from a brief holiday spent in the south. CUST. A number of the ladies of St. James's Church met in the Sunday School on Thursday afternoon to form a Ladies' Guild. It was decided to form a Guild divided into two sections, one in Cust, and the other in West Eyreton. Miss Cooper was appointed secretary for Cust and Miss R. Addinell for West Eyreton. with Mrs Acheson as president of tho Guild. It was resolved to hold a coin afternoon on Mav 28th ior St. Anne's Home, and to procure a speaker from Christchurch to explain the work. Arrangements were completed for the parish tea. At the meeting over 30 names were handed in for membership.

BELFAST. The ladies of St. David's Church Sewing Guild held their annual sale of work on Wednesday. It was opened at 2.30 p.m., and continued during the afternoon and evening. The results obtained were very gratifying to those who assisted, the sum raised being sufficient to place the church in a sound financial position. The following were the stall holders: —Fancy stall, Mrs A. E. Clarke and Misses N. Anderson and C. Johnson; cake stall, Mesdames A. Johnson and A. Lawn; produce, Mesdames P. Mooro and F. Cookson; sweet stall, Mrs Wilsden and Miss Thiele; plain Bowing, Mesdames W. P. Anderson and CK B. Nanßon; tea room, Mesdames B. Harris, B. Smith, A. Blackburn, A. Huntington, Misses E. Smith and M. HaHigun. At the last meeting of Court Star of Belfast, A.0.F., the matter of sending 1 slcls member nwav for a chango of surroundings was discusaod, and it was decided to leave the matter in the hands of n sub-committee, consisting of the C.R. Bro. 11. Hibberil, P.C.R. Bro. E. J. Wotton, iiuil the secretary, P.D.C.R. Bro. E. ftudkin. 1'.C.8. Bro. J. Hey notillod tho Court that lie would be unable to attend the annual meeting of tho Canterbury district, and P.C. Bro. E. 11, .Ashby consented to net in his stead. OKAIN'S BAY. At the annual meeting of the parishioners of St. John's Church, the vicar, tlio Her. T. Thorpe, presided. The churchwarden. Mr W. Thomas, thanked tlie parishioners and congregation for their support, also all church workers. He referred to the retirement of Archbishop Julius as being the greatest event of the Church year. He regretted that the vicar's health had not been satisfactory of lute, and hoped that lie would return from his holiday completely restored in health. Since Mr Thorpe had been appointed tho congregations had increased considerably. The balance-sheet showed the receipts to be £lll 19s 9d, including balance from 1923, £G 4s 6d. Expenditure amounted to £lll Is 9d, leaving a credit balance of 18s. The election of church officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : Bishop's warden, Mr S. A. Harris; people's warden, Mr W. Thomas; vestry, Mesdames T. G. Ware and S. A. Harris, Messrs W. Robinson, H. Harris, _P. Moore, S. A. Harris, P. Cumming, E. N. Moore, W. Harris, S. H. Thomas; auditor, Mr "\V. Robinson. At the close of the meeting a social was held and a very enjoyable time was spent in songs, games, and dancing. Songs were sung by Miss Doreen Hammond (North Island), 'and Mr Bullen (Christchurcli). The. latter also gave an amusing recitation. At an interval, supper was handed round by the ladies. Music for the dance was provided by Mrs W. Robinson and Mr G. Graham.

Among those present were Mrs Arnold Ware, Mrs P. Cumming, Miss Doreen Hammond, Mrs S. H. Thomas, Mrs T. Ware. Mrs Alan Mason, Miss Rita Mason, Miss Alice Ware, Mrs Clarence Mason, Miss Elsie Harris, Miss G. Box, Miss Linda Mason, Mrs L. Harris (West Coast), Mrs Coffin, Miss Spurr, Mrs W. Robinson, Sirs Eric Moore, Mrs Len Craw (Chorlton), Miss Stella Harris, Mrs Joe Harris, Misses Ruby Haines, Daphne Harris, L. Harris, Grant (2), Winnie Robinson, Sylvia, Thora, Irena, and Rona Mason, and Betty Boleyn, Messrs W. Thomas, W. Robinson, S. H. Thomas, Arnold Ware, A. Coffin, P. Cumming, A. Spurr, Church, H. Holstein, C. Holstein, L. Harris, Reg Mora, E. A. Harris, Floyd Mason, Val Mason, Bullenj H. Mason, Jack Mason, Walter Harris, jun.,. George Graham, Masters E. Mason, C. Reed, and G. Ware. At about 9.45 p.m. on Thursday evening a slight shock of earthquake, accompanied by a loud rumbling noise, was experienced. Exactly an liour later another and heavier shock was felt, but no damage was done.^


The first practice of the Wairewa Ladies' Hockey Club was held on Thursday. There was a good muster of players. A meeting was held to consider the arrangements for the season. The club is likely to put a strong team in the field. ' ~ The usual fortnightly meeting of the St. Andrew's Ladies' Guild was held m the library yesterday. Present: Mosdames Smith, Webster. Gibbs. Ihompson Hunter, Marsh. Aitken, Reynolds, p. Giddcns, White, Styche, aind Wright. The arrangements for the forthcoming fete were considered, ana it was decided that the men s s l, (committee arrange the stalls on the Friday afternoon. A committee meeting was held, at which arrangements were made for the buying of the material for the winter's work of tne Guild. It was decided that Mesdames Marsh and Aitken be appointed buyers for the start'of the season. A meeting of the Little River returned soldiers and supporters was held on Wednesday evening m the Coronation Library. Present: Mesu«mes H. Marsh, E. Hunter and Messrs Hunter, Dawson, Marsh, .Tun, Roberts, Skipoer, McNaughton, Flynn, and Rev. Stych. The business of the evening. Mr G. E. Nicholl presided oyer of holding a returned soldiers' reunion ball. A committee was formed °f al' present and all returned soldiers in the district, with power to add. Mrs -H-. Marsh was appointed secretary. It was decided to hold the ball on July 3rd. ' An accident happened to H. -l-ic Conite on Monday while ho was engaged on Council work in Reynolds Gully removing slips from tlio road. An explosion of a blasting charge higher up the valley startled his horse, which, got out of control and backed tho dray over the bank. Lo Comte was tipped down the gully and narrowly escaped being crushed by the dray. His injuries consisted of two broken ribs and bruises. William Clarence Frewin wa9 charged at tlie Court on Thursday with, drunkenness and obscene language and assault. He was remanded to Paparua for a week for medical treatment. AYLESBURY. The annual meeting of householders was held in the schoolroom on Monday ] evening. Mr G. E. Nicholl presided over a very good attendance. The balancesheet disclosed a credit balance of £l4 ]7s lOd. The following committee was then elected:—Messrs C. B. Davis, I*. J. French, F. .Johnson, W. J. Whyte, and G. E. Nicholl. Tlie newly-elected committee met immediately after, when Mr G. E. Nicholl was re-elected cliairman. The following motion was moved bv Mr C. B. Davie and carried:— "'That tho fortnightly euchre and dance assembly start on Tuesday." SCARGILL. At the annual meeting of householders held on Monday evening the following School Committee was elected:— Messrs E. Gardner (chairman), T. O. Johnson (secretary), J. Morris, T. N. Gardner, and E. Harrison. SPENCERVILLE. ; The Reserves Committee of the Waimakariri River Trust, consisting of Messrs W. P. Spencer (chairman), R. 0 Dixon F. G. Horrell and J. Leslie, together with Mr J. Jeal (Overseer), paid a visit of inspection on Thursday to tho whole of tho reserves on the south side of the river. They found 1 the reserves in remarkably good order. Recommendations advising the grubbing ' of gorse, broom, etc., and tree-planting will come before the Trust at next meeting.

CLARKVILLE. On Thursday afternoon a large number of parents, friends and children assembled in the school playground on the occasion of the opening of the new school. The children marched into the old school and after a short address they sang "God Save The King." They then proceeded to the door of the new building. Mr "VV. Banks, member of the Education Board, addressing those present, congratulated them on having a new up-to-date school. _ After outlining the means by which the new school had been obtained, he unlocked the door with a key which was handed to him by Mr Frost, the chairman of the school committee. He then declared the school opened. The children marched through the corridor and sang "I Had Once a Gallant Comrade," v/hilst taking their places in the new desks. Mr Frost, after apologising for tfie unavoidable absence of Mr Bignell, chairman of the Education Board, thanked" the teachers for the preparations they had made for the opening of the school. Mr T. Marlow (headmaster), after thanking Mr Frost for the kind remarks which he had made, said that they were thankful that no child attending the school had suffered from the epidemic. The children showed their appreciation and thanks to the Education Board, members of the school committee, Mr Penlington (the architect) and Messrs Clark Brothers, of Kaiapoi' (builders). by giving three hearty cheers. The children sang "See The Shining Dewrdops"; "Flag of Britain" (patriotic song); "Johnny Schmoker" and "Lest We Forget Our Boys'' in memory of the old scholars who had paid the supreme sacrifice. The headmaster after advising the children to make a list of those attending the present school, hoped that they would he able to be present at the jubilee of the sehool in 1975. Mr Banks thanked the children for the pleasing manner in which they had entertained the visitors. After the assembly had been photographed in front of the new school, the children spent an enjoyable time in football, basket ball and rounders. The new school is built on the open-air system. At the end of the long, corridor is a teachers' room. It also has a hotwater heating system. SUMMERHILL. The following were elected a school committee at Summerliill: —Messrs T. A. Coulter (chairman), L. Leslie, A. McLauchlan, J. Beattie, J. Egan.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18371, 2 May 1925, Page 3

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NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18371, 2 May 1925, Page 3

NORTH CANTERBURY. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18371, 2 May 1925, Page 3