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♦ The Lady Editor will ha pleased to receive for publication In the "Women's Comer" items of social or personal news. Such Items should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices mnst bear tho signatures of both parties. Correspondence Js invitod on a "J matters affecting, or of interest to, women.

Airs A. H. Bristed and Mr Jack Bristed left yesterday for a weeks visit to Dunedin.

Mr and Mrs Irving Carney are leaving shortlv for a visit to America, Britain and the Continent. Mrs H. S. Lawrence left yesterday for Dunedtin, where she will take part in the golf tournament beginning" at Balmacowen on Wednesday. Br. and Mrs Thacker have left tor a trip to America r.nd Ireland.

Miss Molly Hume (Wairarapa) is the guest of Miss Brcnda Clarkson (lliccarton).

■Mrs H. C. T>. ' an Ascli is paying a short visit to Wellington. Sirs Finch is visitinsr her mother. Mrs W. H. Hamilton (Cashmere Hills).

Mrs McKn'ght is visiting her daughter. Mrs Holford.

Miss Nanrve le Cren is spending a holiday at the Franz Josef Glacier. Mrs W. E. Whitcoml>e_ is leaving this week for a visit to the North Island-. Dr. Eva' Day is at present staying with Dr. Hazel Allison.

Mr and Mts T. W. le Cocq (Cashmere Hills) have, let their house, and will spend the winter months in Australia and Tasmania.

Miss Gladys McClelland (River View, Kimberley) left on Wednesday for Temuka, where she will be the guest of Mrs McClelland (Birkett street).

Mrs A. Mason has returned north aftei; spending the Easter holidays with her sister", Mrs S. Ballagh. Mr- B. Collings (North Brighton) and Mr H. Oliver (Hororata) left on Wednesday for a trip to Sydney. Mr and Mrs Preston (Waikouaiti) are guests at Warner's Hotel. Miss Ivy Webb returning to Christchureh on Wednesday after spending six months in Calcutta with her brother, Major E. Webb. Miss Dickens (Masterton). Mr and Mrs F. E. Newall (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs K D. MoCJee (Tiniaru). and Miss E. H. Simmons (Eketahuna) are staying at the Clarendon Hotel. Miss Gladys Webster (London), Mrs Ida Webster (San Francisco): Miss Madge North (New York), and Mr and Mrs B. Clayton (Gisborne) are recent the United Service Hotel. The L.G.TT. monthly medal played 011 Friday by members of the Hagley Ladies' Golf Club, resulted in a win for Mrs .0, H. Burns in the silver medal division, and Mrs Watts Ryan in tho bronze medal division. •

To-morrow evening at the Grand Teai Rooms will be the second last opportunity of winning a prize or an order in the' £BO euchre tournament. Those who* win a prizo or' an order to-morrow night will be eligible to compete in the final. Attendance on previous nights is not necessary. ■

The Executive Committee of the Girl Guides, met at'Ballantyne's on Friday morning to. say good-bye to Mrs Henderson Begg and Miss Julius, both of whom have been interested in the Guide movement, and aro leaving early next month for England. Amongst ■ those present were: —Mrs Begg, Miss Julius, the Hon; Mrs Tahu Rhodes, Miss Bromley Cocks, Mrs R, Hennah, Mrs v J. B. Beckett, Mrs J. A. Flesher, Miss Boyle, and Miss Bennett.

The news hr.s arrived at Wellington by cable of the, death of Mrs C. W. Tanner, which occurred at St. Helier, Jersey. Mrs Tanner, who was formerly Miss Annio Kebbell, elder daughter of the late Dr. Kebbell, a pioneer resident of Wellington, had many friends iii New Zealand who will hear of her .death with regret. One of her daughters was with her at the time of her death.

A pleasant little children's party was given at the residence of Mr and Mrs P. J. Boyd,, Mangamau, Kaikoura, to Celebrate tho birthday of their littlo daughter, ' Myrtle. Tho evening was spent in dancing, music, and games, and gramophone selections by Mr Arthur Hynman. During the evening fancy dancing by Mrs Guinane's pupils was much appreciated, particularly a four-hand reel by Pat and Jimmy Boyd, Molly Guinane, and Jean A clog 1 dance by Ralph Parsons, Ernie: Garratt, Abe Boyd, and Jackie Burland and a Highland fling by Maurio Morrison, and Bert Smith, who had to respond to an encore - Miss Lee and Mr Frank Douglas won the spot waltz. • Amongst those • present were Mesdames J. Boyd, Jones (2),' Elle'rm,t Shand, Burrows, Giiinaric,' Burland, Roberts, Parsons, Misses Jones, Leo (2), Boyd (3), Parsons, Burrows.

Amonigst the many re"ent parties for brides-to-be was a delightful "recipo •/ternoon " given by Mis* Barbara Webb at her home in Fendalton, in honour of Miss Marjorie Meßout'oll. who is to be married next week. The guests, each of whom brought a copy of her favourite recipe, ware: Marjorie and Jean MeDnugiiil, .Mrs Graham Jamieson. Mrs Ronald Cutli!>ort, Mrs MaiHce .Johnson, Mrs.Cvril Stringer Mrs Robert T.Vingstone. Mrs W. J. Mrs Geoffrev Hamilton, Mi=s Maberley Ben del M*ss Connie Ledger, Mifw Ali?c Ivirk Miss Darhuo tteadel. Miss Rosamond Wood, Miss Doris Thacker, and Miss Gwen Jones.

Th© fortnightly mating of the Christchureh brr.r.Hi of the W.C.T.U. was held on Wednesday. Mrs Richards reported on the public meetings held in D'nnedin in connexion with the recent Convention. A'l these meetings were of a very fine character, and were attended by crowded audiences, nirticulnrl-" th"«e addressed hv Mrs Din and Mi's Henderson? who have recently returned from America, their accounts of the working of prohibition in that ronntrv being received with much enthusiasm.

At B-vllantviie's, on Friday morning, the meml>ers of the executive and renoral committee of the Creche and Kindergarten Association entertained one of their members, Mrs H. T. >J. Thacker, on the eve of her departure, with her husband, for a six months' trip to America rjid the United Kingdom. Amongst tl'Ofe present were: Mpsdames Thacker, Peppier, J. R. Evans. T. J. Bettle. Poverill, Marshall, Muff, H. S. Bntdiclor. Horace Thompson. E. Willitims, \ incent, Williamson, Misses Hull, Gordon, and I>. Garrick.

The death of Lady Frederick Cavendish recalls the Phoenix Park muiders of 1882 of which her husband was one victims. She and her sister, the Hon. Mrs Talbot, who also died oir tho same day as Lady Frederick, were daughters of the 4th Baron Lyttelton, whose association with Canterbury is well known. MSnv of their eight brothers achieved distinction, one of the best known beincr the Hon. Alfred Lyttelton, K.C.. M.P., who in his younger days was a famous cricketer, especially a? a wicket-keeper. Another brother. Edward. was headmaster of Eton, and General Lyttelton commanded troops inAfrica and Ireland.

A most enjoyable morning tea was given at Ballantync's on Friday morning by Miss Roma Carey, in honour of Miss Dorothy Diamond, whose marriage to Mr Ross Lasc-elles takes place on Wednesday. The tea-room was artistically decorated in autumn tints, the table was beautifully decorated with cosmeas, and a posy was provided for each guest. The guests were:—Miss Dorothy Diamond, Miss Gladj-s Diamond, Mrs L. V. Comerford, Mrs Cyril Stringer, Mrs. Vernon Matthews, Mrs Herbert Hill, Mrs Maurice Johnston, Misses Enid Minty, Rene Edmonds, Kathleen Lascelles, Nancy Mitchell, Alix Kirk, Molly Hume (Wairarapa), Brenda Clarkson, Nell Buddo, Dora Warren, Margaret Adams, and Gwcn Jones.

In appreciation of the hospitality shown her by her many friends in Christchureh, Mrs Peter Hervey.. on Friday afternoon entertained a number of her bridge-playing friends at a delightful party given at theßeresford. The hostess wore a handsome gown of black marocain, draped with black 'Spanish lace and lightened with crystal bead ornaments, and a becoming black panne velvet hat. Bridge was played at tea, tables in the reception room, and) tea was served in the outer room ; where the tables were decorated with roses and violets. The guests were; Mrs Guthrie Moore, Mrs Harrield Baxter, Mre Walter, Mrs Croxton, Mrs J. J.' Collins, Mrs Graham, Mrs Mcßride. Mrs McCredie, Mrs H. H. Knight, Mrs W. Diamond, Mrs G. D. Greenwood, Mrs Thornhill Cooper, Mrs M. C. Keane. Mrs A. L. F. Ledger, Mrs J.'-R. Evans, Mrs W. E. Whitcombe, Mrs G. L. Donaldson, Mrs Moray Smith. Mrs Henry Harris, Mrs Bethnne, Mrs G. C. Z. Harris, Mrs Rotlienberg, Mrs Menlove. Mrs S. Gordon. Mrs J. S. Neville, Mrs C. Woddorspoon, Mrs W. F. Tracy, Mrs Quarrell, Mrs Steere, Mrs A. H. C. Orr, Mrs F. A'Court. Mrs S. J. Sampeon, Mrs-P. A. Ardagh, Mrs Friedlander, Mrs H. R. Sellers, Mrs Morgan. Mioses Morkane (2), Cotter, and Evelyn Gresson. Mrs Hervey is leaving to-morrow for Invercargill. and returning in a fortnight to Christchureh. .

A very happy time was spent on Friday evening, when Miss Margery Myers held a dance to celebrate the opening of her new studio, which she has just had built in Salisbury, street. Tho dance hall, with its large double doors openning on to a lawn where, in suitable weather, open-air dancing could be indulged in, and its effective decorations of stained wood and deep Oriental friezo is all that a dancing hall should be. The hangings are mauve and orange, and the tangerine lamp : shades cast a cosy glow over the scene.- - During the evening Miss Rona Vaughan and Miss. Edna QUI gave several dancing items, which were enthusiastically received. Thoso present were:—Mr and Mrs'Bayfield, Mr and Mrs Burns, Mr and Mrs Burry, Mr and Mrs Delahunty, Mr and Mrs Dolph, Mr and Mrs Seed, Mr and Mrs Arlow, Mr and Mrs Champion, .Mr and Mrs Pullon, Mrs Baker,. Misses Peggy Ferrier, Anita Bridge, Rona Vaughan, Carmen Gundersen, Ila Harris, Phyllis Wilkinson, Edna Gillj Alico Candy, and Rao Myers, Messrs B. Murray, B. Francis, N. Reese, Mackay, Ferguson, N. Coxhead, J. Wilson, G. Parkinson, Holder, J. Fabian, R. Wilkinson, and D. Candy.

Miss Jessie Wilkie, 'who is shortly to bo married, was tlio guest of honour at a very enjoyable party given recently by her mother at her residence, Mowbray street, -Walt-ham. A pleasant evening wfts spent in. dancing,' games, and various competitions, which were won by Miss D. Deibert and Mr N. Moulin. Musical and vocal items were contributed by Messrs G. O'Connor, V. Askew, A. Peters, M. Egglesome, and Messrs M. Carr and N. Morrison. A dainty supper was served in the diningroom to about fifty guests. Mr B. Vivian, on behalf of Miss J. Wilkie, thanked tho guests for their many useful presents which they had brought to the bride-elect: Tho evening, which had passed altogether too quickly, was brought to a closo with tho singing of 'Tor They Are Jolly Good Fellows" and "Auld Lang Syne." Among those present were: Mrs- C. Wilkie, Misses J. Wilkie, M. Robinson, V. Ingham, M. Wilkie, M. Goodwin, D. Deibert, E. Wilkie, D. Ostler, V. Storey, I. Wilkie, M. Moloney, L. Egglesome, V. 0. Seymour, E. Wilkie, A. Machelle, A. Peters, E. McGrath, G. O'Connor, E. Vivian, E. Roberts, E. Grant, A. Wells, Messrs B. Vivian, T. Hay, E. Askew, K. Wilkie, R. Beveridge, C. Austin, M. Carr, N. Morrison, A. . Thompson, T. Waller, N. Moulin,- W. Gardner, \Y. Hartnell, J. Hartnell, C. Wilkie, Stucky, L. Wells, W. Maloney, F. Grain, L. Chapman, and L. James.

A curious and probably uriquo stipulation appertains to tlie • appointment of Hulsean Lecturer, for which Dean Inge has just, been selected. In founding it as a Cambridge analogue of the Brampton Lecture, at Oxford, Mr Jphn Hulse sought to safeguard the high standard of the discourees delivered under its auspices by grimly decreeing that any lecturer judgeS not to have performed his duties satisfactorily should be deprived of his salary, which should be distributed among the six Senior Fellows of St. John's College. Ono can imagine these six Senior Follows as keqn critics!


The opening dance of the Christcluirch Jazz Club's 192;") season was held on Friday evening at the Winter Gardens. There was a large att'end- ! ance of members, and a lengthy list of : guests, which augurs well for the suc- ! cess of the coming season. Bailey's ! and Sutherland's Bands supplied continuous music during the evening. Among those present were:— Mrs Neill Rattray, tunic frock of cerise and gold brocade over apricot ! satin, sash of cerise velvet; Mrs E. B. : Davison, green brocaded tissue pat- | terued in Oriental colourings, border of : black fur; Mrs Algar Williams, attrac- | tive frock of black crcpe maroeain; Miss J. Fulton, black figured maroeain; Miss Geraldino Anderson, frock of sil- ! ver lame, tunic ba»ded with black fur; Miss Lattice Tapper, jade green georgette; Miss Xell Buddo, deep blue maroeain with touches of heliotrope, hem of mole fur; Miss Kathleen Helmore, white georgette, effectively trimmed with loops of turquoise blue velvet from girdle at waist; Mrs Leslie Biss, white georgette, tucked, hanging to wide border of white ostrich feathers at the foot; Miss Isa Angus, deep red satin; Miss Margaret Adams, cameo pink taffeta banded in cream lace, girdle of folded roses of the material; Mrs J. B. Neale, crystal beaded georgette over f pale heliotrope satin; Miss Meta Nixon, white georgette over silver tissue', girdle of scarlet velvet; Mrs P. F. Peoples, pastel blue georgette, flounce of silver lace, with handkerchief drapes of georgette from girdle of shaded pink flowers; Miss Gwen Jones, twilight-blue georgette, heavily beaded in silver, posy, of palo pink flowers; Miss Janet York, black maroeain, with long bodice and circular flounce at hem; Mrs F. W. Flannigan, black georgette, panels of silver lace; Miss Peggy Reeves, wall-flower-rcd panne valvet; Miss Aileen Dcarsley, tomato-red satin maroeain; Mrs W. A. Caldwell, mauve maroeain, apron panel of white net fembroidered in silver; Misses Helen Flood, shaded frock of heliotrope georgette over rose pink, tinted flower at one side; Dorothy Diamond, pale blue panno velvet; Enid Minty, deep blue maroeain, brilliant ornament at one side; Molly Stevenson, shell'pink maroeain with inset with silver lace; Olive Mcllraith, apple green taffeta, embroidered in silver; Lorna Broughton, blush-pink taffeta, flounced frock, touches of diamente trimming; E. Davies, powder blue embossed georgette; Merle Buxton, black velvet frock; Nancy Taylor, heliotropo and silver brocade;. Ann Pope, geranium-red maroeain; Rima Pope, apricot georgette with inset medallions of pastel shades; Mrs A. G-. Dunn, vicux rose "/repc maroeain; Mrs F. W. Freeman, black crepe maroeain with bands o*' Oriental embroidery,' Mrs Patterson, Llaek tatin veiled in lace; Mrs Prestjn, tunic frock of scarlet patterned maroeain, over black; Misses Betty Petr?. ale blue figured maroeain; S. Woolridge, cinnamon brown georgette, touches of brown fur; Monica Petre, rose pink taffeta, trimmed wifc'i narrow bands of white net; Ethel ie Cren (Timaru), flesh "pink georgette, side panels with narrow frills of silver lace; P. Cur*an, maize maroeain frock; C. Smith, cerise georgette tunic frock, skirt of paler tone bordered in ostrich feathers; Mrs Mark Armstrong, heliotrope maroeain, crystal beaded, and inlet with gold tissue; Misses Kathleen Spc'nce (Dunedin), gobelin blue maroeain frock finished with an effective rucked border of the material;. G. McPhail, shell' pink, georgette, trimmed with nar-. row moire ribbons and vari-coloured flowers; Lorna Herdman, black georgette over black maroeain, touches of jet; Irene Edmonds, tunic frock of ruby panne velvet, with border and underskirt of gold lace; Marjorie Manning, jade green satin; Betty Black, pretty frock of gold lace; Alix Kirk, scarlet georgette, heavily embroidered in crystal and black; Audrey Cracroft Wilson, black maroeain, with bands of silver lace inset on skirt; Mrs Maurice Johnston, black crcpe maroeain tunic frock bordered with seal; Miss Lulu Hannay, deep blue george.tto with allover design in silver; Mrs E. Boulton, frock of oyster-groy crystal beaded georgette; Mrs H. E. Crust, tunic frock of gold lam 6; Mrs H, IT. Wauchop, black maroeain, with floral design in Oriontal colours; and Miss Eileen Peterson, palo blue panne velvet, -


A meeting of the Society Imperial .Culture was held at "Te AVliare," 53 Hereford street, on Saturday evening, Mr A. K. Anderson, M.A. (St. Andrew's College) presiding over a large attendance of members and guests. The decorations wero specially artistic, large masses of golden poplar and autumnal foliage, mixed with the late hydrangea blooms, forming; a charming colour scheme. The paintings and sketches for the evening were contributed by Mr Cecil Kelly. At the commencement of the evening the chairman asked those present to stand in silence in memory of those who fell on Anzac Day.

The lecturer for the evening was Mr W. T. G. Airey, M.A., late Rhodes scholar and a lecturer in England for the League of Nations, who dealt with "Tho Spirit of the Eighteenth Century." Tho lecture was introductory to a study of the development of various forma of art in the late eighteenth oenturv. thus continuing the studies made last year in the development of tho arts in the Renaissance period. Subsequent lectures will deal with the literature, drama, painting, music, dance', and crafts of the century. On the motion of Professor J, li. Condliffe and Mr W. J. Carlisle, the lecturer was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. During the evening musical items were contributed by Mrs Anne Harper, Miss Eileen Twomey, and Mr R: P. Jones.

The new members elected for April were Mrs Montague Lewin, Mr Lovell Smith, Mrs Algar Williams, Miss Blanche Atkinson. Mr C. R. Thornton, Miss Evelyn Comyns-Thomas, and Miss Betty Hannam.


The Citizens' Benevolent Association held its annual meeting in the City Council Chambers on iriday morning, tbo Alayor (Mr J. A. i'lesher) presiding over a large attendance. Xhe financial statement showed a credit balance of £B3 3s 4d. On tne motion of Sister A. Tocker it was decided to extend the scope of the Association's activities to include an educational and organising programme, with a view to enlisting the co-operation of all social workers in the city, and prevent overlapping of social work.

A special committee was 3ppointed to go into the matter and report at a further meeting of the Association. Sister A. Tocker was appointed- secretary and the Rev. I?'. Rule treasurer for the ensuing year.


TAYLOR—CARSON. A wedding was celebrated at tbe Sydenham Methodis', Church recently, when Agnes Emily, second daughter of Mr and Mrs T. J. Carson, of liotnerham, was married to George Louis Tavlor. son of Mr and Mrs S. Taylor, Xgohere, West Coast. Tho Rev. Mr. Paris was the officiating clergyman. The bride, who was given away by Sir T. Oxenham, wore an attractive frock of ivory crepe de chine, trimmed with pearls, and a veil snd wreath of orange blossoms. A shower bouquet of hot-housj flowers completed a verv dainty toilette. Miss Florence Carson attended as bridesmaid, and wore a smart frocK of flame coloured maroeain and pale orev panne velvet hat. She also coined a bouqnet of beautiful pink roses and autumn flowers. Mr Errol Hardie carried out the duties of best man. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of Mrs F. I>. Smith, 446 Wilson's road, Opawa, an aunt of the bride When the bnae and bridegroom left for their wedding tour, the bride travelled in a rrrey maroeain frock, and panne velye hat to match, also a smart navy blue velour coat.

MILNES- HUME. The evening wedding took place at the residence of tbe bride's father, 36 Puriri road, Riccarton, Chnstchurcn, recently, of Helen Matlueson. eldest daughter of Mr Alex. Hume, to Jonn Murdoch, elder son of Mrs and the late Mr Thos. Ingham Milnes, of Dunedin, (late of Queenstown). t The bride, who was given away t>y her father, wore a beautiful dress ot ivory silk velvet, very simply made, with two' rows of lace on. the skirt, and short lace sleeves. She wore the orthodox veil and orange blossom. Tiie bride was attended by her sister, Miss Jessie Hume, who wore a frock of apricot satin sultan, and carried a bouquet of roses. Mr Lunan Dewar acted as best ™*n and the Rev. A. B. Kilroy performeo end Mrs Milnes left on their honeymoon, the bride wore a three piece costume of dark brown relieved with fawn, a long overcoat was trimmed with fur, and a small brown V *M> and' Mrs Milnes will reside in Timaru.

BUXTON —DERBETT. A very pretty wedding was solemnised at St. Paul's Presbyterian Church. Christeliurc.l). on Tuesday morning. by the Bev. W. H. P. McKenzxe, 8.A., when Mary Boss Dorrett, only daughter of Mr Owen Dcrrett and the late Mrs Derrett, of Leeston. was earned to Mr Ernest Laurence Buxton, eldest son of Mr and Mrs Buxton, of New Brighton. The church was artistical y decorated by the B** *V whrte bride with autumn folia &® a . , ® chrysanthemums. A beautiful in front of the altar over the young couple. The organist, Mr Raynor White, played suitable music. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of hor father, to the strains of the "Wedding March," wore a simple frock of pale cream brocaded crepe de chine. Her veil, which had come from Scotland, and was beautifully embroidered, was held in place by a wreath of orange blossoms, and she carried, a beautiful bouquet of white chrysanthemums, fern, and hot-house fLoworSi The bridesmaids were Miss Etta Seatoil, cousin of the bride, and Miss Eileen Buxton, sister of the bridegroom,, the former weiaring a pretty frock ol silver-blue inarocain, and the latter palp pink brocaded crepe de chijie. Both wore circles of silver leaves ana blue rosettes round their heads, and carried pretty bouquets to. tone with, 'their frocks. < , 'Mr George Sincock, cousin of the bridegroom, was best man, and Mr Russell Buxton attended as groomsman. A reception was held at tho Winter Gardens, where a number of guests were entertained. , The popularity of the young couple was shown by the number of telegrams received and the beautiful and useful presents, including a number of cheques. The happy couple left for the North amid showers of confetti and good wishes, Mrs Buxton travelling in a costume of dove-groy gabardine, stitched in Oriental colours, and hat to match, relieved with touches of blue. The bride's future home will be in Auckland.

WATSON—BEATTIE. The wedding of Miss Clara Uillian Beattie, youngest daughter of Mrs E. Beattie, of the West Christchurcli District High School, and. Mr Frederick William Morgan Watson, youngest son of Mr and Mrs F.Watson, of Ashburton, was recently solemnised at St. Andrew's Church by the Kev. N. L. D. Webster.

The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr E. J. R. Beattie (Mcthven), wore a beautiful dress of ivory brocaded satin, trimmed with radium lace, and the orthodox veil and orange blossom. Her shower bouquet was of cream roses and begonias. She was attonded by Miss Dora WatBon, cousin of the bridegroom. Miss Watson wore a pretty frock of autumn-tinted floral imusßseline, with touches of cherry colour and a black hat, and carried bouquet of autumn flowers and foliage. Mr Reece was best man. A reception was held at Thomson's Refreshment rooms after tho ceremony, about fifty guests being present. - The bride's travelling dress was of mole gaberdine trimmed with blue Persian lamb, and hat to match.

MATTHEWSON—VENABLES. At St. Andrew's Church, Oxford terrace, on Tuesday, the Rev. Norman L. D. Webster solemnised the marriage of Kathleen Margaret, younger daughter of Mr and Mrs P. H. Yenables, Christchurch, and Olive Burton, eldest son of Mr and Mrs G. Matthewson, Kelburn, Wellington. Mr R. E. Lake was organist, Mr Ronald McCracken was best man, Mr Alan Grammar groomsman, and Mr Venables gave away his daughter. The church decorations of Canadian maples, palms, and autumn foliage made a charming setting for the bridal group The bride wore a beautiful frock of ivory georgette with wide tucked panels back and front, gathered at sides and finished with beaded clasps Her embroidered tulle veil was held by a circlet of orange blossom, and a shower bouquet of hothouse flowers completed a dainty toilette. The bridesmaids, Miss Grace Venables and Miss Bertha Wade, we're dressed

alike, each wearing a frock of salniontiink satin charraeuse The low waist Sine was defined with hand-made flowers, from which fell an overdress of accordion-pleated georgette. Streamers falling from the shoulders wero loosely knotted at the back. Quaint black panne velvet poke bonnets with cliinstrap and streamers of narrow, black velvet ribbon, were finished on the right side with drooping ostrich feathers to tone with the frocks, and they carried shower bouquets of pink toscs On leaving the church the bride ■Ras presented by Master J. Gaskin with a golden horseshoe The reception was held at the Winter Garden. Tho bride's mother wore navy crcpe de elienc with pleated panel, and embroidery of grey, and a smart navy hat and grey ostrich feather stole. S!u carried a bouquet of rod roses and autumn -foliage Mrs Matthcwson, the bridegroom's mother, wore a tunic frock of black silk maroeain. with deep bands of silk fringe, a brown hatter's plush hat trimmed with ostrich feather mounts, and a brown ostrich feather stole. She carried a bouquet, of bright 'autumn flowers. Miss . Matthewson (Dunedin), aunt of the bridegroom, wore navy blue, a smart grey hat, and carried a posy of scarlet flowers. When the bride and bridegroom left by motor for the honeymoon the bride was wearing a model frock of sagegreen wool maroeain with narrow, pleated panels, finished with pockets embroidered with gold thread. Her gold tissue hat had an upturned brim in shaded velvet flowers. She wore a silver fox fur stole, the gift of the bridegroom, and carried a cinnamon vclour. coat with fur collar and cuffs.

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18366, 27 April 1925, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18366, 27 April 1925, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18366, 27 April 1925, Page 2