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SUPREME COURT. \-. r ■ '\l[Bafm-]uß:H4mo^i!fe.8 l asdoe''AdaiiM;) J- PROBATION GRANTED. John Fbcanois .Madden,, a youth' of 18 J, yeRTS, who 'appeaied 'for ion ,12. charges of receiving stolen goods, was ad; 1 J_' mitted to five years' probation. Mt. R. A. Cuthbert, -who appeared for the »< prisoner,:, stated that - Madden's employers J had .agreed ifl; their(eßtiaUish-! » ment^ r bj»t"' in a position : lower than the one '*» whidh'ho'had previously occupied. ■ J Mr A. T- Doiinelly, - for the Crown, pointI cd out Madden had «old« tho stolon goods 'withont difficulty- to his workmatea. ** His Honour agreed that thia was » dmwi hnck, hut .said. that after receiving « fresh Teport- )from--tho Probation Offioer, who § concurred in what' ha -propoeed -to do, -ho £ would ' giVe the _prisoner a "chance to xedeem flimsolf. He - would bo»put r<>n ! £ tion for five years, and in the .course ' of k> the next two years Tie. would bo required ; - to repay £25 17s 3 od, costs of the prosecution, 'And £3l lis 6d, the value of the goods 1/ admitted to have been received—total of b £57 9s 4d. . >.. The >. prijwner- ms «klso;<:directed- toy live , with ms mother,; and' not, to change , his residence or be absent from hornei between 8 •ft and - 7 a.m. without the; previous -cont' pent itt, writing of. the Probation Officer. V He was ordered, further, to, give the' Prce '• OfTicer a monthly account of his »nd expenditure. ■ V-V-' ' - ■ . '' ' V^ v ' ■ • ; MAGISTERIAL. & \ MONDAY. , (Befors Mr H. Y. "Widdowson, S.M.) ; - ' , DRUNKENNESS. • Two statutory first offenders'were «ach'«on--victed «nd- fined 20a, in default 48 hours' -imprisonment. l t , REMANDED, ?':■ Not guilty waa the plea entered by Steven. MoCartny, aged 21 years (Mr M. J. Burns) who ■ appeared- charged with having been dis- • ordorly while drunk in the-Caledonian Hall on Saturday night, and with having Also j • used, indooent language in the Hall. Mr: Burns asked his for a re- ' » T CounseL stated that he had only re- , s ceivod his that morning and , ; -I he would like to go more fully into the t matter. V-f McCarthy was remanded to appear to-' •- Tnorrow. ' Bail was . allowed on. the first * cuarge in tho sum'of £lO, and one surety of t t The second charge was. adjourned. Aoi 4 ousbd'-wias ordorcd to pay 20s, the amount J °fexpenses awarded two! witnesses. r J . A STRANGER CHARGED. A stranger to this city named Arthur. , Keay, aged 52 years, pleaded guilty-to a ' i "barge of being an . idle--and disorderly per- • " 'fc' that ho had insufficient lawful ww»ywa ; oi support. - .g. Sub-Inspector A- Cameron, ; "who prosecutI « cd, ©aid tho man. had ooroj© from iho ooun* * try; and boarded at an hotel for about e. ' iortn'gbt. However, it was discovered that he had no money wijh which to pay his board, and on ■ Saturday he was turned out. -y™ police then arrested him on the present .charge, and on searching him found certain - papers which ledxthem to believe that he had not given his correct same. Tho let- " " an'd:.. papers were addressed to : one ~Worcester, and the: police wanted to\make further-, enquiries .nt^ut^hiin.. For .that reason the Sub-Inspeotor asked for' «, *" r Acousedi vrao .remanded to,appear on Mon- - : -OTjr; for. sentence. " ••> ; : - ' \' REFUSAL TO QUIT HOTEL.'. - chirges of .having been found', drunk • ■ iu,. Lichfield street on Saturday, .«aj. of haying,;refused -to leave the "Wellington Hotel when requested to do so, Allen Joseph MoDonaJd, So years of age, appeared'and > pleaded guilty. " Sub-Inspeotor A. Cameron said that~when •• McDonald ; went to. the Wellington 1 , • Hotel drunk, ond the Hccnsee. put him oft "the'premises. Later," however, ha came back f and-endeavoured to gain admission. The ' police came on the scene and: arrested him. , - He had'a long; list of previous convictions : against him. His' "Worship convicted McDonald and on ' ' fhb firsl; chargo, fined him 10s, in default' ~ 24 hours' imprisonment, and cn the Et-oond ;> <ob -'and IDs ; costs, in deiault 12 days' te-'-J 1 ." gaol. : ■ j _ .

'.THEFT. ' William Scott,.; aged SI- yews,, and Samuel Lang, aged 40years, pleaded guilty to,;having stolen men's clotting-'Val-aod at £3 7s. Chief-Deteotive'T: Gibe6n, .who; piosecut-' cd,- said that the men'were sttangert. ,; It appeared .that;,they, had left • a. "Koine liner . at' the Biyfl.-* He".thought>that the men had given falso.'names. and for that rtason ho asked-for: ft enable thej'police to niakev enquiries. 1 * ■'; • , }.- '• His'.Worehip remanded, the accused to appießrjon ; . [SENTENCED.' ■ "Tbeiiwlke; at * Swnkton Junction call them hoSdluma" eaid Chief-Detective: T. Gib">whert;;Nelll Corrie,.-, aged 13 years, - and Lilian, Thompson,' ; aged 17 ; years,' two wollareqsed girle, Rppearcd jfor- -.sentence on > six joint charges .of; having stolen ladies' 1 , clothing valued at'£42. Four of the.thefts had taSen place in AVangaiiuii-and- Christchurch. ; . , *

Tie Ghief-Deteotive went on to- say that he" had received-,xeports:concerning the' girla from Auckland,: ( Wanganui, 'and- - Frank-ton J unction. Apparently they "knocbed" about the "streets- and\'-wonti around with young men. The wished .them to Lc senfc ; back'tq.'them. l " The Magistrate' &aid- th£, Probation. Officor had reported that each accused had seemed to have yielded to sudden','temptation, but ho did-not agreo with that. Corvie, it seemed, was wilful and.'was 'i- starting -on a downward course. He thought 'she was the ring-leader; They r had stolen at Wanganui, and had then come on to Christchurcli and had stolen' here. He' felt disposed' to, take a sorious view of the matter: ■>. Corrie was ordered to he detained in , the. -Female. Borstal .■-Institute,*' "S'elling- - ton,> for- a period of , two . years'. Thompson • was - ordered to be detained in the same Institute for 18 months. "Under the new Act it is not necessary for'roe' to enter a oonviction against them," ■ concluded hia Worship. INTOXICATED MOTORIST. Henry Denham, - aged -46 years, pleaded guilty to > charge of haying been ii* a state of intoxication while in.charge of a.'motorfar on 'the* Sumner road on Saturday. Sub-Inspector A. Cameron aaid tha-t Denham had boen-found sitting -by tho side of his motor-car in a state of, intoxication, by a constable" on-'-the Sumner road. The oar was in the middle of the joad, and something had gone wrong with the eteering gear. Two other motorists had narrowly missed the' accused and; hia car. He had a list of previous^convictions. Denham was convicted and fined £lO and ooets. , t ' INSURANCE CLAIM. The Yorkshire: Insurance Co. (Mr C. V. Quigley) claimed/' from The Supply Stores, Ltd. (Mr ,J. ;K./lioughnan) £ll 19s 4d, insurance ,premiums -due. , Judgment »was given for plaintiff for ' the amount claimed ' and costs.. ; MOTOR ENGINEERS' CLAIM. Savage and Clements, motor. . engineers, Christchurch (Mr G A. G. Connal) claimed •fsom A. D'risooll," Sockburn (Mi "W. F. Tracy) the sum of £6 19s for work done. The Magistrate:. said that the evidence given was unsatisfactory because the claim was an old one. -Judgment was given"''for: the plaintiffs for £l. . BROTHERS • IN, COURT. Gabriele Bcrgamini (Mr J. £. -Maloney) claimed from Ms brother Manuel Bergaminl the auin of £SO alleged to'be the valno of a motor-cycle said to have been taken . by the defendant in May, 1923. The plaintiff' said the cycle had been sold by his brother for £2O. . The witness had given authority to sell it for £SO, brtt not less. , The plainti£E was non-suitad snd-the cefendant waa i -allowed costs.' CONCERNING A FENCE. G-. W. Parker, tailor, Ciri3tchureh (Mrj H. D." Acland). claimed from' li. J. Holland (Mr'H. H. Hanna) the sum of £4 15s, being the amount due to plaintiff by defendant in respect of the" dividing fenca erected bei tween the property: of the plaintiff and the property of the defendant in Carnarvon street. Judgment was given for plaintiff for the amount claimed.' LAND AGENTS' CLAIM. 'JK; Gillies J. Yates, land, agents, Christchurch (Mr H D. Acland) sued Miss A. Page, Chnstchurch (Mr W. iV Tracy) for commission oil an exchange of property.' Mr Tracy saxd that' llisß Pa'ge had iclied. Khen exchMging her property, for another, 'on the value placed on that property bv la tea whom she. alleged had been ntgUeent in arnving at his valuation. His "Worship reserved;his decision.

CIVIL BUSINESS. * Judgment by default with costn wrs' given for "the-plaintiff 'in-each of -the following casjs.-—N.Z. Farmers' Co-op. Association Lid. 1 , v. H. J. Henry, £2 6s :8d; Kiwi'.Dairy . po. v. M.- E.- "Williams.. £l4; B. K,-. Chinnory r.'.G-. .Chick, ,£f 14s 7d.; .Vacuum Oil Co.'v.'A. Fitzgerald, £l7 18s 6d; H. Paniiell and Co. v. J. H. B. Oliver, £5 12s 6d; H. liannell and Co. v. \V. G. Anderson, £5 8s;, James JPegley v. Mrs G. Goocli, £3 16a 9d; W. H. Price and Son, Ltd., v. Leslie Glauvillo,' £SB ss: Cliff Kerr v. 'William Gray, £3 18s 3d; Charles' Butler v. E.' Attwood, £l-,' C. G; "Woods v. Edward Mayrick. 10a costs' only.; James Nelson v. James Barr, £2l; David. Rowse, sen., v; "W. Hamsay, £i 3s: 6dv Masscy-Harris . Co., Ltd., v. William Hasktt, £lO lis 3d; Tawnydale Wine Co. v. D."E. Cotton, £2 10s; H. Gresliam v. MrsH. E." Parish, £2 2s; Dominion Motors, Ltd., v. John Anderson. Thomson, £134; F. Fleming v. E. Henderson, 12s costs only aid possession of a' tenement: (Canterbury Freezing and .Related Trades Industrial Union of Workers v. N. Wylie, £1; F. and J. A. Taylor v. R. H. Moore, £1 13s; A. W. Forbes, v. Peter Bryson, £l7 3s Id; George Piercy, :Ltd.,' v. H. G. Robins, £3 6s; D. Baird v. E. Tarrant, 17s 6d; 'Stevens ami Sons, Ltd., v. F. J- Inwood and H. G. Hubbard, £36. lis 6d; T. IJ. Barfett v. W. Manttnn, £8 3s 6d; Sefton Dairy Co. v. J. E. Ashworth, £7,123 2d; Robert Francis, Ltd., v. G. Ashton. £5 4s 6d; J. G. "Ward and Co. v. E. G-. Grccnwald, £32 lis; C. E. Otley, Ltd., v. T. Christensen, £3l 19s 3d; Distributing Agency,-Ltd., v.. Commercial Motors, Ltd., £l4 17s lOd. _ R. Leathern was ordered to pay.-the N.-Z. Farmers' Co r op. Association. £1 17s- forthwith, in default two /days' imprisoniient. - ,F... J.. Hanghey was ordered.'to pay John McNamara, £l2 10s 6d,- in default Beven days' imprisonment, the warrant to be suspended so long as - the defendant pays 5s per week. . ■ . Annie -Ansley "uroceeded against John Cox for possession of a * tenement situated at George street, Now Brighton. Defendant was ordered to give up possession on or before -Fobruary 26th and to pay costs." ■

RANGIORA. , (Before Mr "Wyvern "Wilson, S.M.) Mary Batchelor, a clerk employed by P. J. Thorno, of tho Mutual Stores, Sefton, pleaded guilty to giving an unstamped receipt to the Hospital Board for an amount over two. pounds, and was fined 10s and costs 7s. In the adjourned case of J. Munro, Rabbit Inspector, y. J. A. Flesher, Christchurch, for failing to destroy rabbits on. a property of 1200 acres at Lobutn, of which he was mortgagee, defendant stated he had visited the farm and given instructions to poison the rabbits. The Magistrate said the case, was not . an ordinary one, where a farmer had failed to destroy when notified by the Inspector to do 60. The property had ocme . into the defendant's hands through having lent money on the farm and through misfortune ho had to realise on the place to savo himself. A fine of 403 was inflicted, ■Vfith costs 7s. Herbert Rowland Swindells, who was represented by. Mr E. D. R. Smith, pleaded guilty to supplying milk under the standard, to Inspector Cruickshanks, at Waikuku, and was convicted and fined 40s, with costs £2 9s 6d.

- Judgment for the plaintiff by default with costs was given in the following cases:—R. O. Bowman v. E. Barnett, £27 lls'4d; 1\ G. Burgess v. Jack £ingi, £9; J. Skilling v. R. J. Campbell, £l2 13s 3d; James Henry v. J. Olliver, jun., £3 6s 6d. • In Thomas Joyce v. W. D. Barrett, claim £32, dofendant admitted owing £22, and judgment for plaintiff was given for that amount, with £6 6s costs.

KAIAPOI. (Before Mr'Wyvern Wilson, Slil.)

." Ogden Law, charged with cycling on the 'footpath, was .fined 5s and costs 7s, and on a . charge of riding a bicycle at night without a. light was fined 10s and costs 7s. 1 H. J. Hassall, on. two charges of signing a .receipt liable to .duty without the same being duly stamped, was fined 20s and costs 7s on each charge. Kenneth Charles McKenzie, licensee of the Royal Hotel, Woodend, on a 1 charge of keeping open for the sale of liquor during a .time when such premises were required by law -to bo.closed, was fined £2 and.costs £5 Ifta 2d, and on two charges of selling liquor .to persons not lawfully -entitled tol be supplied was fined £2 and costs 7s oi each. In connexion with the same case. Daniel Gannon, ' being other than the licensee, was

charged on two charges with supplying liquor to persons mot then entitled to bo supplied, and wis. cbnrvfol and, fined. £2, swd costs 7s on each •chig^i/

T. G.,v for cycling on the fiotpatlj, was ordered to pay . costs'-7s, and {or cycling at night without'a light was fined 5s and costs 7s.' . . .




In the Police .Court John Lawrence Cosgrovo was charged that on September 7th, at AViri,' he unlawfully damaged a horse valued at £25 and' six cows valued at, £BS, belonging to 'Kenneth ■ KoLsey, - with causticsoda. He was remanded to ' appear o_n Fsbruary 19th. • • • •.*••;

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Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18309, 17 February 1925, Page 4

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THE COURTS. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18309, 17 February 1925, Page 4

THE COURTS. Press, Volume LXI, Issue 18309, 17 February 1925, Page 4