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The Lady Editor will be pleased to receive for publication in the "Women's Comer" items of social or personal news. Such items shonlcT be folly authenticated, and engagement notices must bear tbe signatures of both parties. CorI respondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, women. Mrs Moore is ariving from England nest week to visit her sister. Mrs Vernon (Uolieston avenue). Mrs Moore will be accompanied by Lady Mary Campbell, who will spend some weeks in Christchurch. Mrs and Miss Xancarrow (Armagh street West) will spend Christmas and Xew Year with Mrs Maclean (Little River). The Misses Buckley (Leinster road) haTe taken a 'house at Muritai, Wellington, for the holidays. Mrs Arnand McKellar and her family are spending the holidays at the 11akaia Huts. Mrs G. A. U. Tapper and family are going to Geraldine for a week's holiday. Mrs Percy Wynn Williams and her children are spending the school holidays at the Rakaia Huts. Miss Ir.a Robertson (Leeston) has left for Auckland, where she will spend some months with her aunt, Mrs E. H, Reid (Grafton road). Miss Olive Lvon (Timaru) is now in tho North Island. She will visit Auckland and Rotorua before leaving for England. Miss Irene Mulvany Gray will spend the Christmas holidays at Mt. Cook. The engagement is announced of Gladvs, younger daughter of Mrw and the late' Mr T. Lewis, of Christchurch to Annesley, younger son of Mr and Mrs T. D. Harman, of Fendalton. The engagement is announced of Ida. eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs John Mortfand, of Taihane (late of Kaiapoi), to Captain G.'H. Boles, D.C.M. (late Ist Battalion 3rd N.Z.E.8.), fourth son of the late Mr and Mrs John Boles, of Thames. Miss L. Loversidge has left for Oamaru, where she intends spending her Christmas and New Year holidays. Miss Thelma Geddes intends spending her Christmas and New Year holidays in Dunedin, where she will be the guest of Mrs Todd. Mrs T. "W. Lewis and family are motoring to the Hermitage and Southern Lakes, where they will spend the Christmas and New Year holidays. Mrs Brewins (Christchurch), who ha* been visiting her daughters, Mrs 0. Burnett (Greendale), and Miss Brewins (Russell's Flat), returned to her home in Christchurch on Friday. Mrs Stanley Maginness (Waddington) left on Friday to visit her mother, Mrs J. Griffiths (Kilbirnie terrace, Wellington). In the recent Gregg shorthand examination held at Banks' Commercial College, the following students were successful in gaining theory certificates, the three first-named passing with distinction: F. Morgan, D. Gillespie. I). Baron, I. Cattrall, M. Lyons. Mrs EricMarchant (Wellington), who is spending a few weeks in Christchurch, has taken a furnished house at 25 St. j Albans street. Mr and Mrs Harry Harley (Fendalton) are going to Sumner for Christmas. Mr and Mrs Reeves (Reefton) are visiting Mrs J. B. Beckett (Victoria street). Mr and Mrs W. J. Scott, Mrs Scott and Miss A. Scott are motoring to Lake Tekapo, where they will spend the j Christmas and New Year holidays. Mr and Mrs H. P. M. Berry, of Sydney, are at present in Christchurch, and aro the guests of Mr and Mrs Howard James (Rolleston avenue). Mr and Mrs J. Cowan and Mrs .Mallett leave on Friday on a motor trio, to Mount Cook and through Central Otago. Mr and Mrs D. I». Rutherford, Mr and Mrs S. L. P. Free (Masterton), and Mr and Mrs J. Bee (Sydney) are at the Clarendon Hotel. Miss R. C. Porteous (Dunedin), Mr and Mrs F. Fussell (Napier), Mrs and Miss Tringham (Wellington) and Miss Clay (Wellington) are at Warner's Hotel. Recent arrivals at the United Service Hotel are Mr and Mrs E. Le Febre (Melbourne), Mr and Mrs F. Reading (Wellington), Mr and Mrs J. Christensen (Marton), Misses L. Douglas, B. Meade and M. Allen (Dunedin). Mr and Mrs S. Minn (Dunedin) and Mr and Mrs AVells (Melbourne) are staying at the Royal Hotel. Miss M. G. Farquharson, M.A., who has for the past six years held the pesition of senior mistress in the Southlend Technical College, has been appointed senior mistress in the Hamilton High School, with charge of the Gfrls' Hostel.

' Mr and Mrs It. T. Tosswill are leaving to-day on a trip to Queenstown. Mrs Harold Gardiner. Kiki Station, Purau. has returned home, after undergoing a serious but successful operation at a private hospital in Christchurch. Miss Addinell (West Eyreton), Miss Horrell (Horrellville), and Miss Petrie (Swannanoa) are spending the Christmas holidays on a walking tour over the Milford track. Mrs Louisa Callcott, of Aikman's road. Christchurch. has presented to the Public Trust Office an enlarged photograph of the lat-e Mr Jonas "Woodward, the first Pußlic Trustee of Zealand. The late Mr Wood-ward was' the grandfather of Mr Arthur Callcott, late husband of the donor. Miss Dorothy Wicks gave a "breakup'.' party for her junior pianoforte pupils, at her home on Monday afternoon. A happy time was spent by the children in musical items, games, and competitions. Those present were: Freda Williamson, Jean Staunton. Nola and Inez Donovan, Bettv Findlay. Edna Lister. Rona Beveridge. Doris Stuart. Joan Hughes, Rita Hutchinson, Brenda Edwards, Xoolene and Gwen Whittington, Maxwell Davies, Cyril Blanchaid. and Bert Hughes. i Under the auspices of the Christchurch Rotarv Club a, tent has been erected in the Christchurch Cathedral Grounds, at which Christmas gifts of toys, books, and other articles are being received on behalf of children in the Hospitals and Orphanages. A good response was made to the appeal yesterday, and it is expected that better results will be obtained to-day. The annual recital hy the pupils of Miss Nora Nottingham was held in the Halswell Town Hall on Monday evening, in the presence of a large audience. Mr Patrick Burns presented the prizes, which were won by Misses OHivier Ferguson, Florence Clark, Amy Clark, Ella Sparks, Elsie Adams, Gwen Mullins, Winnie Ilann. Phoebe Hart, Ellen Leathara and Masters Roger Parish and Clarence Brooks. The first part of the programme was contributed "hy the pupils and the second part by a concert party including Miss Nora Nottingham. Messrs Trewern, Sheridan, Black and Burns. Mr H. Handisides acted as stage manager. Our London correspondent, writing on November I.3th. mentions that the workmen are very busy on Cromwell House, which is to be the new base in England of the Mothercraft Training Society. It is hoped that this new hom<o will be ready hy about the middle of February. So far enough money to i build a hostel for the students has not come in. but it is felt that it will be and in the meanwhile the committee will take a. house for their ■ use a*s close to Cromwell House as 1 possible. There will shortly be a "Pound Dav" at Trebovir road, when H.R.H. Princess Louise, Duckets of Argyll, will be present and will receive the "gifts, which m«y be in money or in kind. On Saturday evening a surprise party, organised by Miss N. Baxter, visited the residence of Mr and Mrs Meaclem (Slater street, Richmond), to celebrate the birthdays of their daughters, Elvie and Mabel. The "surprisers" received a cordial welcome and a jolly evening was passed all too quickly with games, dancing and competitions. The competitions were won bv Mrs Meaclem, Mrs Robertson, Misa M. Meaclem and Messra E. Miller, Sooane and Secum. Those present were: Mr and Mrs Meaclem, Mr and Mrs E. Milne, Mr and Mrs Secum, (Auckland), Mrs Robertson, Misses E. and M. Meaclem, A. Champ, J. Meyer, E. Laine, N. and P. Baxter, P. McClure and N. "Withers, Messrs E. Meaclem, jun., E. Miller, M. Andrews, W. Ambrose, M. Scoane, D. and G. Lawson, and W. Bax.

FURS REMODELLED—NOW. Get your furs remodelled now —now while the hot weather is on and you can with safety and comfort dispense with them. Madame Menere, the wellknown furrier, 129 Cashel street, Christchurch, is at present taking in a limited number of remodels, and will be pleased to quote you for your work. 6 EGYPTUS TOILET SPECIALISTS wish to notify their clients that they have removed to more commodious rooms in Fletcher's Buildings, 769 Colombo street, near Cook and Boss. | AH branches of Toilet Work, including Shampooing, Manicuring, Pace and Sealp Massage, and the permanent removal of superfluous Hair. Ring ' 'phone 5158 for consultation. K4311 "Patricia" spells "Good Value 7 " to the discriminating woman. Whether for beach, for sports or street wear our summer frocks are cool and smart. Our millinery is exclusive and the dressmaking is in the capable hands of Miss Garrig, comer Montreal and Victoria streets. Phone 2343 M. —6 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Most suitable gifts. Women's Tennis Shoes, crepe rubber soles, prices from 7s 9d to 18d 6d; Ladies' Cosy Slippers, in all colours, 7s 6d, 9s 6d; Men's Bowling Shoes* soft, sp'ringy red rubber, 22s fid. Pannell and Co., 105 Manchester street, Christchurch. P. 6506-8046 Dainty afternoon frocks, charming in quality and design,, are now being shown at Minerva Salon for Christmas week; also smart tennis and party frocks—outsizes in all are a speciality —designed and cut by Miss Kathleen Fuller (late John Court, Auckland), over Jones, McCrostie, corner Manchester and Cashel streets. 'Phono 3485. —6 Smart Autumn Coats, made in latest shades, Wraps, modern in cut and style, made to order —all moderately priced. Wedding Gowns, in new, simple lines, trimmed with ermine fur, are a special feature with Madam Marchant, Designer, Parisian Parlours/Fletcher's Buildings, Colombo street. 'Phone 3183. 6 ' For milk to be free from filth, and germs gathered through careless handling on the round, doctors advise delivering in sealed bottles, which have been hygienically filled in a clean dairy. To ensure this, place your order to-day, with A, L. Thompson, St. Albans Dairy, McFadden's road. —6 NO BETTER PRESENT FOR THE HOME. Pure Irish linen supper cloths, handdrawn work, 37s 6d, Richelieu supper cloths 37s 6d, all pure linen lace pillowshams, extra fine, 29s 6d pair. These" and numerous others are now being displayed, as suitable Christmas and New Year gifts, at Manchester House (next E. Reece, Ltd.), Colombo street. —6 Attractive Beach Frocks, Jersey Jumpers, Silk Summer Frocks, and Choice Season Millinery, all low-priced, are now a special feature at "Westway," 100-102 Cashel Street (just past Stewart Robinson's). Early inspection invited. Ladies' own material made up on premises. —58675-5896. SPRING TIME IS BEAUTY TIME, "rtie complexion needs rejuvenation after the activities of the winter season; and the scalp should be invigorated to impart sheen to the hair. Shalimar skilled treatment will bring you both quickly. 'Phone 628 for appointment or call in for free consultation. SHALIMAR TOILET ROOMS (Principal, Mrs S. Vaughan), 240 HIGH STREET (above Simpson » I v and Williams). V 8665-4

On Monday evening Mr and Mrs Dingle, at their home in Fitzgerald street, entertained the meml>ers of the •Shirley-Richmond Choir, -who gathered to bid farewell to Mr C. J. Lloyd, who since left for Dunedin. Tlie evening was spent with musical items and games, and after supper Mr Lloyd was presented with a silver ETersharp nencil. Anions those present were Misses Murray, G. Murray. I. Johnston. Stewart. I. Stewart, S. Brown, .T. McLeod. Phvllis and Jovee Dingle Mes*ra C. J. Lloyd, F. Murray, A dim. Henderson, Adam (West Coast), and Colin Dingle. The St. John's Youn<r Women's Guild ' and St. John's Young Men's Guild gave a most enjoyable Christmas part v. combined with a kitchen evening, in honour of Miss Sadie Dobson and Mr Cocil Pennev on the eve of their marriage. Miss Dobson was a member of the Y.W.G. and on occasions lectured mi musical subjects to her fellow -members. Mr Pennv also gave a series of lectures to the Young Men' 6 Guild throughout, the winter, and both were connected with the Tennis Club. The evening passed quickly with dancing and games, and slipper was served in the committeeroom, which was tastefully decorated with scarlet geraniums and streamers. Among those present were the Rev. J. F. and Mrs Coursey, Mrs H. Nelson Wright, Mrs Dalby," Mrs and M.s? Stewart. Mrs Brooks. Mr and Mrs O. Tfogers, Mr and Mrs Ball, Mr and Mrs Burknell, Mr and Mrs F. Bullock, Mr and Mrs Archbold, Miss Barry, Missi Ness, Miss Puttiok, and the members of the Guilds and their friends. PERSONAL NOTES FROM HOME. Craoa otra oww correspohtekt.) LONDON, November 13. I Miss M. J. Denniston (Christchurcii) , spent some time in Canada on her way to England. At Regina she visited her eousins. Dr. Grace Armstrong and Miss Nora Armstrong (formerly of Dunedin). Liverpool was reached a month ago. Miss Denniston expects to remain in London until after Christmas, and then to go to France and Belgium. She will be on this side of the world for some time. Mr and Mrs John Kermode and the Misses Kermode (Christen urch) have been touring generally in the British Isles and have seen many notable places of interest. They have booked their passages rin Suez and Australia for December sailing, and they hope to be in New Zealand again early nextyear. Mr and Mrs R. Gibbs and Miss B. Gibbs (Christehurch) are leaving by the Mooltan, joining her at Marseilles on September 26th. Leaving England on November 20th, they will go first to Paris, make <i tour of the battlefield area, and then visit Italy and Switzerland'before joining their steamer. Mr . and Mrs Gibbs have been travelling extensively m England and Scotland, ami recently they have been resting at Eastbourne preparatory to their final departure. RUSSELL'S FLAT CHRISTMAS TREE. So well and faithfully did the children, big and little, of Russell's Flat attend to their school work that Father Christmas made a special effort to visit them at their school on Thursday afternoon, to hand them beautiful gifts and toys from a wonderful Christmas Tree that surely the fairies had planted overnight. Gaily coloured balloons, shining globes of silver balls, trails of silver rope glinted amongst the green boughs from which alluring toys and gifts were suspended by gay streamers of red raffia. Games and afternoon tea passed the time until the arrival of Father Christmas in his flowing robes and long white beard. There was not a child in all the district but received a present, bonbons and a basket of sweets. When Father Christmas had said good-bye, the distribution of school prizes was proceeded with. At this ceremony Mr Williams (chairman of the school committee) presided, and the prizes were presented by Miss Brewins. Prizes were awarded to:—Std. VI.: Gertrude Searle, Laurie Rutledge; Std. IV.: Josephine Searle, Ella Martin; Std. III.: Tom Williams, Vera Cole; Std. II.: Fiona Wason, Dorothy Adkins. Phyllis Searle. Lilian Martin; Primer III.: Ken Riutledge, Kathleen Searle, Monica ' Duncan, Stuart Wason, Alice Williams, i Lawrence Madely; infants: Alison Cole, < Jean Searle, Graham Bruere. All the tiny tots present were also given a pic- : ture book. In conclusion, Mr Williams , called for cheers from the children in appreciation of their teacher, Miss : Brewins. i <

WEDDINGS. PENNEY—DOBSON. Clouds gave way to bright sunshine on Tuesday, when at St. Jonn's Church, Latimer square, in the presence of a large number of friends, the marriage was solemnised of Sadie, -daughter of the late John Dobson, and Mr s K. L. Dalby, and Cecil, the youngest son of Mrs Chas. Penney, and the late Rev. Mr Penney, of Christchurch. The church had been' prettily decorated by girl friends of the bride, and the service was conducted by the Rev. J. F. Coursey. The bride, who entered the church on the arm of her brother, Mr J. M. Dobson, wore a beautiful frock of white brocaded marocain cut on simple lines, with wide sleeves and pleated 6ide panels of georgette. The slight draping at one side was fastened with a horseshoe of orange blossoms. The veil of prettily embroidered Brussels net was held in place by a circlet of orange blossom and she wore an uncommon necklet of gold beads, the gift of the bridegroom. A shower bouquet of white sweet peas and Christmas lilies completed a charming toilelte. Miss Elsie Hampton, a friend of the bride, and Miss Rita Penney, the younger sister of the bridegroom, attended the bride. Both wore frocks of apple green brocaded crepe do chine, draned to the side, where they were finished with ribbon streamers of pink, heliotrope and blue. The small Victorian crinoline bonnets of the same shade of green were effectively trimmed with small posies and long ribbon streamers. Both bridesmaids carried bouquets of pink and heliotrope 6weet peas and cream arum lilies. Mr P. W. Campbell was best man and Mr F. TV". "Wilson was groomsman. Miss Edna Penney, sister of the bridegroom, presided at the organ. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Winter Garden, where about eighty guests were received by the bride's mother, who wore a smart tunic frock of black crepe de chine relieved with white and a chic black and white hat. She carried a posy of deep red carnations. The bridegroom's mother wore a handsome gown of black marocain and a black hat and carried a posy of pink carnations. After the reception Mr and Mrs B. C. Penney left by motor, the latter wearing a becoming frock of grey marocain and grey radium lace, relieved with red. and a cloche hat of georgette to match.

The inspecior of Kangitoto Rabbit Board (Bulls) reports that all colonics of rabbits have been destroyed, and the time has come when scattered rabbits are to be attacked in earnest. Tt is •hoped that within 1- months rabbits will be entirely wiped, out.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 2