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Fo'O-xinr :« 'n» pr:T»-.".F': — !.»■!» T.e?ler TjS'iren?on. Me;* 'jd-iike j ~:' ] Mart7ieri'e M'nsen: runner-un 'Mr! Cstt'? Ti7ir,et. MV:iy Siand. Mo?'. cn,va!rous ' "n.-r • 0o! ; n Kvle. runner-up. Bn.-e W»lrb. .V- North's r-pecia-i :Starcard VT.i: Join Hanr*. Mr Isitt's jperia'-! 1 Standard VI. : • '.'-.t:l Es«on. \Hnwn : M»r?aret Mar- ' 'in. 2nd in class and composition: Wvcdham BarTtt.. ."rd in rla?s and^rjetie; Ber-••ar.-i fut'erfh. jrcnerai proSricnrr; rTthei r)?--.-T. zt.r,e-.»\ pronc-rK-v: Roo-rt A'i:»n. 1 pr-:ne: c n'-.: : Hilda Jackson. ;ene-ai rror.e. -r-.-v d*iwm£. .■;undard VI F.-?x-»!:»_ White ?. B»'.tv T-'r-'e :. ("a*» Wood- ?. ' *-*:■•'*, .1. fi'-'C-'-v- ■ G-ven J Mui:"' H:;ica:n6on. Mr In'.*:'<= spec;a; :cT;'i--,r-f e Fcr-r - Hansen. \ «rs . iTu'rbiri'o': 1. Lr.ri;pe Georre 2. KrrtI ->-.-.rV- TTr-ir- Ba'riwir.. ) r --ihi<i V. A—rMwin d-1 '.!■■■■ 1 ' -. Joan Tav-raon .", Ockcn- , d-n <. V.';:fr»d Rim. ;ene:v.i prn£c;»n'-y: -;• ' I.::ne, u'cnr-a! i-.'-cici-en.—. : Wji.'-ed P »'-e. reneral proficiency and ar:th.met:c. >.-irriarc. V. B-^ Lanio i'lrher '. Joe'; Xorrie 2. Stanmcre Ba'netr 3. (ior--1 r'iT, Sni/lh i. Betty Cocks 3. His.tor- : F-van j IVnham. Geography: Jove? P-:a:. Pro- \ rrre?i and '.*ood rocduet: Nancy Green. ;)!;!■.'.'eiic : Eva Chapman (Mrr Cor.-bie's ::■ "o'. Arithmetic: Ola Murphy. Seeing: : K.--a f'liariman 1, Pnra Deal •>. Tinrpestie I .-..^,-- r /M r YV. Jena's <pec : rj priry;: .T'nit War-. i Hfan.-lard IV. A—Profiriency : Keith prich--1 i'-d ind l?t dTawinr and Ist writing 1: i i'l =.e .-evmo ! ir and Ist cotppo-si'ion 2; .!aek ' Itear.'ey 3; Jean Hunter and 2nd cotnposiI t;;>n and Ist 'equali f p;:, graphy 4; Joyro ! r.<i'kh;ir?t and (2nd drawiny) S: Jack j Wuhan '-*, (equaii, geographv (2nd equal), I drawing: Mrs Corsbie's special prise for ! progress: Nola Shznd. Sewing: Hunter 1, Olive Wendeiborn 2. Standard 111. A—Pr:ficienry : Mac McLean t:nd Ist erf]ual yeographv 1; Billi-j Thom-eon and Ist composition 2; Reg. Allen 3: Margaret Weblev and Ist equal -eography 4; arithmetic. Jack Batee: I/Orna Staveley Ist '"quail English and 2nd composition: drawiar, nnp.i Paterson: sewine, Edna Stavelev 1. Jean Tingey 2. S'andard IV.—Proficiency: Pbyi!;s Simpron. Ist 'equali arithmetic. 2nd Enslish, Ist writing 1, Tim Maehin, Ist readinsr. 2nd corapositie.ii. 2nd geography 2; Dorothv Allan, 1.-.t. English 3; Ernest Anderron. Ist georraphy, 'ft (equali arithmetic, Ist drawing 4: Phyllis Cameron, Ist (equal) composition -i. Procrresc.: Jean Asmect, Gwynneth Hobbs, Mab"! Andrews, P-ri Easterbrook, Torn White. Srardard 111 V— Merit: F.ctty Banks 1, Marjn'ie Tinyey •;, Dick Neaie 3, Leslie Pvichrrd -t. Shirley Johns 5. Progress: Ronald Gibbons, Dick Martin. Neatness: Dorotbv Liobert. Standard 11. B—Proficiency: Wilbur Glue 1. Myrie C'orrick 2, Nancy Piko ■", Ettol Gimson i. Constance Hodge 5. Diligence and pvogref*: Jack Mitchell, Arthur Aircy, Broidbent, Jean DtummoDd, Dora ITafclifle. Sewing: Gi:ta Drcwers- I, Iris Mi'es 2. Standard 11. A—Proficiency: Freda Lane 1, Avrii Southen 2. Iris Miles 3, Pat Seymour 4. Diligence and progress: Olive Brookes, Teddy Uirich. Standard I." A—Geoffrey Green 1, Lucy Airey 2. Marjorie Wood 3, Colin Cutforth 4, Mollic Marris for good work. Joan Stavelcy, Edward Kerr, Shirley Sandford, Patricia Johns. Sewing: Lucy Airey. Standard I. B— Proficiency: Patricia Ambridge 1. Aiastair Sams 2, John Hobbs 3, Jean Wilkinson t. Diligence: Len McNichol. Jar.ksou Kich. Sewing: Patricia Cunningham. HALSWELL SCHOOL. In fhe Haiswell Public, Hall, the prizes were distributed to the scholars of the Halswell School by the rhairman of the School Committee, Mr J-'. G. Smith, who presided a.t the concert giv;n in celebration of the prize-giving. . The items were given by the school children, Mrs- G. Whiteiaw playing the pianoforte accompaniments, ;i.nd consisted of an improvisation of "Ten Little Nigger Boys'" in character and of other negro melodies by the children of the upper room, of "Falling Leaves" and other items" by tho children of th© lower room, and of recitations by Rita Mann, Tom Wilhelm. Eric Amyes and Walter SpaTk*. A very delightful exhibition of step dancing was grren by Melva Barson. Tho chairman eulogised the assistance given by Mrs Whiteiaw in preparing tho pupils for the concert, and also her able and voluntary services in assisting in the teaching of the upper room throughout tb« year. Tho prize-li3fc was aa follows: Primer I.—Richard Brown, Lloyd McDowell, Clarence Nicholl, Douglas Ridder, Leslie Rhodes, Lilus le Comte, Helen Bidder, Edna Rogers, Maggie Sparks, Rita Storer,. Olivo Streeter, Jean "Wilhelm. Primer ll.—Warner Dempsey, .Douglas le Comte, Harold Novis. "Willie Popkin, James Rhodes, Selwyn Wilbolm, May Hayes, Mavis McLood, Jean Paterson, Daisy Rogers, Nellie Wood. Standard I.—Eric Amyes, Bruce Dempsey, Fred le Comte, Jack McDowell, Jack Sparks, •Willie Wood, Doris Brown, Stella Dow, Alma Everest, Edith Hann, Gladys Kolkman, Ruby Obcry, Edith Popkin, Grace Thompson. Standard ll.—Harry Hamilton, Fred Popkin, Rees Rogers, Raymond Storer, Teddie I StTeeter, Doris McDowell, Rence ■ Harm, Emilv Popkin, Lily Sparks, Jessie Wood. ! Standard lll.—Conrad Hann, Reggie Hann, Lewis N'icboll. Laurie Edgar Robertson, Alfred Sands, Harry Sparks, Leslie Sparks, Joyce Pickering, Mavis Pike, Edith Savage, Audrey Sendall. Standard IV.—James Batchelor, Stanley Hann. Colin Hobson, Fred Kolkman, Edwin Savage, Lester Smith. Charles Sparks, Walter Sparks, Forrest Wood, Esther Cox, Olivia Ferguson, Rita Hann, Margaret McLcod, May Obery. Violet Smith, Alice Thompson, Lottie Mcrrin, Violet Menin, Standard V.—Clarence Brooks, John Ferguson, Ernest McLeod, Thomas Wilhelm, Winnie Hann, Beatrice Obcry, Fanny Wilhelm. Standard Vl.—Eric Hann, Alex. Nicholl, Leo. C. Yellande, Kenneth Merrin, Dorothy Savage. Sewing prizes—L'pper room. Hit* Hann (Mr 3 Ferguson's special prize) 1, Olivia Ferguson 1. Lower room : Reneo Hann (Mrs Ferguson'? special prize) 1, Rita Storer 2. Mrs Wbitelaw's special prize for Standard Vl. Dorothv Savage. Mrs Briton's special prizea (upper "room): Audrey Sendall; lower room, Ray Storer (carvvas work). Attendances—Mrs F. W. Robertson's special prize for attendanc; in Standard III.: Conrad Hann. Reggie Hann, Edgar Robertson (equal). Board of Education attendance certificate: Walter Sparks (full attendance for last three years), Alex. Nicholl, Leo. C. Yelland, John Fcr?u?o- Fr»d Ko'kman, Conrad Hann, Reggie Hann. Edgar Robertson, Margaret Mcleod, Violet. Smith, Alice Thompson, Rees Rogers, Daisy Rogers (full attendance for 192-0. Standard Vl.—Certificates of proficiency: Eric Hann, Alex. Nicholl, Leo C. Y-elland, Kenneth Merrin. Certificate of competency (endorsed for handwork): Dorothv Savage. Certificates given by S.P.C.A. for best essays on "Kindne3s to Animals'' : Eric. Hann (Standard YD. Winni<- Hann iStandsird V.), Colin Hobson (.Standard IV.). WEST OXFORD SCHOOL. On Friday laat, the West Oxford School held iu> anuual excursion, which was to the Gardens at L'hristchurclt. As the morning was fine, a-11 the pupils and most ot the parcn's ma<ic the Uip, -many taking the- opportunity of doing tneir Chrustma* shopping. The children w«re fascinated 'with tttc display ot toys in many of the shops, and t«xji some getting away, and the parents must have been picased when the time came to make the return trip. However, a very enjoyable day was spent, and tho committee i-av.' to it trtat botn cliildrcn and parents wire well provided ' with refreshments and sweots on the inward and'outward journeys. Saturday afternoon, was tho occasion of ths distribution ot prizes, the children »nd par-, enta being the gueste of Mrs W. Martin and Mrs P. J. Knowlee, who treated toem to afternoon and refreshments in abundance, m th* West Oxford Hall. The chairman of tie School Committee, Mr'T. Doody, presided. In presenting toe prizes Mr Uoijdy congratulated both scholars and teachers on the success they had attained in the year's work, the examination 'proving one of tho best in Canterbury. In expressing the thanks ot the parents and committee to Mrs Martin and Mrs Knowles, he «o!ogised the good -sort done by them, and also those thai harped in makirj th* .childtren'e fa-noy. dress bail the success it bad been, it being through theox energy and the -desire to help the little ones, that the committee was in a position to givß a prire to every child in the echool. The first and second prizes in each dais were awarded to the following:— Standard Vl.—FrancAe McCoraaek l, ""Willie Morris 2. Standard V.—Jean McLeod 1, Eileen Harris 2. • Standard TV.—3-Msy Roriaidson, Marjorie Mussel!, Ruth Jones, and Leslie Jones (equal) L Starißasd llL—Daphne -Wright 1, Colin Moore 2. Standard ll,—Nancy Harris I, Nancy Doody 2. Staiod»i-d I.—Teddy Sextota 1. John Morns 2.' ■e-3-Madg-e Duoa 1. 01r*« JUc-L-aod i

LADBROOKS SCHOOL. The, distribution »; priiw to i-he pupils of L»dbrooks Soiol Jooi piaco on Friday nrternoon. Althougn ,the weaker »« coid 3:: i we!. tiicic was a large attendance 0; parent? and inends, and an enjov-xbie. a;i.ernooD war *pen f . Se.vpral pianoforte selecTione, played br Maeter Ray Ware, ?r,ri ?onn bv Mr iafps, made a introd-Ktion ;o the mere scnoas p.--:'.. o; top cereraon". Mr ..I. W. Tayio,. chairman o: the 0 ; Coir.rai'■T. -prssidea. -vnd p/wnte-i '.ye ■!3?5 yn:fs -0 tr.e pir : :s. lie expressed rm .> 4; seeing such 3 rcprrecr.-.Ji , i"r :ra.thenng. but deplored the adverse, state ot th* weither. Hnwcver. the Ha'i Committer- hid crmrlwus--1 ;-.- placed ihc ball and :W a.ppurlrn:-mr?.- a! toe-r and th*; 'r-ncaaei'.'n w.i? high:;. »r>pr*r.'.a'cd. Thanks in the li o-i-al re<=T,nj]f;» jto an aprwai for riids. the com.m-.-.fce hid I been abie "1 procure a prize f':r over/ i-'.r.'d in ;)*? sehool, f o make an -uidnr'ri ""> in. 1 ! cri<a> 1 "" ont-it. *nd "* i - - vr s ;-r::;'i cop-rib'.-f;rn towards th* sprr's ; '"'nd. M- -J. had g:vcM it tin of W.ips. and •b" Tv T»yi ' u»d*PT-' p hsd f'irp'ie-i '""* "tid f=w«t<i for Mr? Ic-bn Wi:»'f br=n mi--. '.'*;:-■'-? r'-d ~:veri 3pe*i;*! vr." T. 0. Mo: ? sn. Mr? J. Wst-vr.. and M:?; Sounder--. Th» o-:rr.mii?e«'? 'hanks wr? who had assisted ?n mass the r.inrtien a. ?ij. - «->. F.ferrirg to rr.hcn! 11 .if ers caew!!:, iir .vsid ho bibc-ed :'ha- -he- -rn'-bloT;? tinw were over, and a n <--•>,- era had downed. ThlicniiwT." 01 'he c'.afc' were capable snd_ experienced, and were. c.u"ry:nr: nr. the •.'.-•->rk of the schoni with energy and goodwill. He pointed ou; the need for rpspjlar attendance. This year the'- arfn perilo-.siv near !o->-irg thoir a»sistant. and, :i3l?£3 there wj= * ini'iistaii'-al inrrea,;c in the sr-<>M.e;-- at'endaiee r.ext miarter, no perrmrcr.t appo-in'ment would i?e made. Mr YaM-.i, the heaiirna?tcr. Khnwcrl' rxrw had .itt;ndauce arTeofeW the v.ork of ihe school, and explained a. system of awards which -.voTud rorce '.t:to vogiic next year, it? objeet being to increaso attendance, stir up emulation, and reiuc.-. corporal puniahrn»n'. to a roinim'jm. At the request of the rhairman, Mr Morgan, of the Tai Ta-pu Schcol Coramiltec, ?a-c both parent 3 and. pupils some advice from his long experience of education matters. ReguWr attendance v.'a.s an absolute essential, and he would like to see the bov« well trained in the elements of agriculture and the guis in sewme and housewifery. Afternoon tea wa; then served. ( in the hall for the btile ones and -pinning a,nd cyc'.infr events for the older children passed au-ay a. pleaaint hour or two. Mr Yeatraan, a. former chairman of the school, npokc in highlv flattennir ferms o? the good work being done by the piese-i'. committee, and expressed the thanks aid. appreciation of the. parents for this sstisiactorr 6tat« of I Tho prizes.—Every child in the schcol r' ceived a «rift book. prize for best sowing in the school (Mr? 'Watson). Eunice- Jlvcr*, for most progress in jcwin? i'Mi«« John T r r "'—ocd. 'onobtaining highest marks in echool games IMI Bniwra Yates. L'lil obtumiii',highest mark.' in school games (Mr Emmeline Davison, girl obtaining highest marks in he- class CSU Morgan). T!iU Spark?, passed proficiency examination (Committee). BROADFIELD SCHOOL. The annual breaking-up ceremonv took place at the Broadficld school on Inday. There to a large, attendance of pa,rents and friends. Mr J. Gallagher, chairman of the school committee, presided. Ine schcol children commenced proceedings by a chorus, "I/and of Hope and (llorv," followed »y songs, recitation?, and a rose dance, all or which were heartily received. At the conclusion- of the programme, the younger children were happily surprised by a. Christmas tree of rare pine (given by Mrs S. Smith) and glittering with various toys, which gave general delight, K'ulogiatie speeches were <"rven br the chairman and Mr James Cunncen of the teacher and the work of ths school, a,r,a thanks expressed to Mrs Carpenter for her gift. Mr Carpenter also spoke in congratulatory terms of the school committee and the management, of hi 3 old school, and gave reminiscences of his own schooldays. The prize* were then presented by ♦he chairman, each pupil rccerring a, prize. Th= following are the special prizes given br Miss E»ga.n (teacher) and Mrs Carpenter: Leonard Hamilton, attendance (unbroken): Mona, Cunneen, attendance 1. Alma Smith attendance 2; Maurice Butcher, diligence; Emily Gallagher, neatness; Ronald Campion, merit ■writing. GRETA VALLEY SCHOOL. Th« prizes of the Grefa, Valley School T*ere presented by the chairman (Mr G. Tomlinson) in tho schoolroom. There was a fair attendance of parents and friends. Afternoon tea, was provided by the ladies and brought a pleasing little function io a close. The prize-list is as follows : Standard V.—Merit: Charles TomlinßOn 1, Murrav Li Hey 2, Muriel Lilley 3. Standard IV.—Archibald McKay 1. Standard lll.—Jack Price 1, James Fenwick 2. Goorge Price, James Eoberts, D»vid Roberta. ' Standard ll.—Marion Lilley 1. Stanaa.rd-I.—Nellie Price 1, Eileen Tomlinson % Linda Anderson, Elizabeth Anderson, Betty Fenwick. P. 3—Ronald McKay, Gladys Price. P. I—Eric Roberts. Johmon Anderson. Sewing—Eileen Tomlinson. Attendance—Linda Andsrson, Elizabeth Anderson. Progress—James Fenwick. LINCOLN SCHOOL. The Lincoln School prize-giving was held in the echool on Friday afternoon. A ebort musical programme was given by the children. Tne junior boys saJig "Tho Railroad Train," the junior girls .-uid boys "Flower Bells," while the senior scholars sang: "The Huntsman's Chorus," "Tho Golden Vanity" and "The Mormaid." The prizes and certificates were presented by the headmaster b.z fellows: PI: Billy Peryman 1, Cissio Thompson 2, Foster Mackintosh S. P2: Vi,noent Townahend and C-eorgc Gillatt (equal) 1, Ken Cameron 2, Walter Toryr 3. P3: Queenio Lowry 1, IVorma. Peryman 2, Bob Chapman 3. Standard I.: Noleen Thwaites 1, Noel Peryman 2, Gordon Cameron 3. Standard 11.: Joe Crisp 1, Nancy Reetall 2; Billy Templeton 3. Standird HI.: Edna Pascoe 1, Nola Arpa 2, Eva Rolston 3. Standard IV.: Verney Peryman 1, Eileen Zuppicich 2, Irene Woods 3. Standard V.: Noeline Keetlcy ], Murray Hilgendorf 2, W. Crisp S. Standard VI.: Beryl Restall 1 and dux of school.- Maurice Templeton 2 and dux of boys, jack Crisp 3. » ' - _ The following were awarded prizes and certificates for full attendance;— S6: Mauric.o Templeton anri Gladvs Marnell. So: ELmb Kord and Jovce Haskett. ?t: Verney Peryman and-Noelinc Foid. S3: Ethel Marr.cll. P3: Ken Cameron. ]n addition to these the following received certificates for not more, than five half days' absence:—Willie Cameron. James Rolston, Cordon Cameron and Nola. Arpfi. Special prizes—Behaviour and diligence ■'praocnted by Miffl B. Hurley); Njraire Stodd»rl. Junior sewing (presented by Misa B. llurlev): Hazel Birch. Senior sewing presented bv Miss K. Hurley): Audrey Moreland Excellence in arithmetic (presented by L. J. Thwaites): Edward Alexander. Gilt books weir, distributed to those children in the prirnar classes who had not received a prize. • Tho pchoo! picnic, wa* held at Corsair Lay, about 150 journeying thither. On arrival at, Lyttelton » laree party were, shown oyer the W«hine, and this proved of great interest aj-id value. Thanks are duo to the Town Clerk, the branch manager of the "Union SteMn Ship Company, to the captain of the Wahine and to the officer who conducted the party over the ship. Somo made, their way on foot and some by launch to Corsair Bay. Swimming was greatly enjoyed, as were also tho launch trips out on the harbour, this being an entirely new experience for many. The hot water and other arraneements wcro excellently carried out bv tho caretaker, Mr Torrenfi. The following programme of eportn was carried ont ; t r Swimming, boys: Jeffrey Kcetley 1. »'. Crisp 2, -I. Criep 3. Girls: Mary Greaves 1 Elsa Mackintosh 2, BcrjJ Restail 3. 'Ranning evente—Boys under 15: J. Keetlfy 1, W..Criei) 2, J. Cri-tp 3. Girls: Beryl Restall 1, M<m» Arps 2, M*rr Greases 3. Bova under 12: Harry Knight 1, Bob lantern 2H. Samueb 3. Girls: Noelina iorr} 1 sos» Aros 2, Ethel Marnell S. 'Boya under 10: S. I>uncan 1, E. Aleiander 2, N. Peryman 3. Girls: Venic Lowy 1 Bawl Birch 2, Nancy Restall 3. 'Boy* under 8: Ron Keetley l..Fort« M»cTrintJTh 2. Dici Oddy 3. Girls: Peryinan 1, Qneeme Lowry 2, >.olwn Thre«-le«awi T*ce—Boys : Ron Keet!«y_wd B*cl Oddy 1, Stan Duncan and >o«l Pw"' man 2, Eddie Alexander and Herbert S«na»U 3. Girls: Eth«l MarneU and >oel«« Ford 1, Mary Grea-ro* and Gladys MJkrneil " Barrl Bestall and Rastail 3. 'Men's raco: J. J. Keetley 1, G. Peryman 2, C. Mills 3. Married women's raoe: Mrs Millo 1, Mrs Keetley 2.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 8

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 8

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 8