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Wl § », NS «*a ft w >?! <5 >fc <* £ >* i \ m s */ 6c »X & t& Wi % il't <*2 \ 4 55 /, «s* m ft KS ** S L V» M XX '.-.** aus brings Tons New Gifts and HI Armstrong's Great Xmas Carnival is now in full swing. Thousands of pounds worth of suitable gifts for men, women and children. The gifts they want at the price you want to pay. Don't miss this great MoneySaving Event. All goods have been bought for spot cash, and are offered to you at prices that bear no comparison. In addition, great reductions are of f ering in Holiday Wear, Manchester Goods, Men's and Boys' Mercery and Clothing, Ladies' Underwear, Travelling Goods, etc. Come and enjoy yourself, and bring the Children. GIFT SUGGESTIONS FOR EVERY MEMBER OF THE FAMILY Gifts for All at a big range of Prices SOS HOSE MAKE ACCEPTABLE GIFTS "Bonds" Heavy Plaited Silk How, in Mick, whit*, champagne,- silver,, light grey, mid grey, now fawn, bel£o, and asde; sizes S.W. and W. S/ll sale "Boris Triple Wear" Silk Hose, in sunburn, desert brown, stiver, light grey,' champagne, natural, putty, black and white; sizes S.W. and W. 8/11 pair "Burlington" Bilk Hsse, in champagne, pearl.light and dark grey, fawn, Beige, new nade, taabark, polo, nigeer, navy, • aid Hack 7/8 pair Phoenix Fare 80k Hose, in black, nigra - , piping, reck, grey, fawn, polo, beige, and silver; sises S.W. and W. 9/11 pr "Eayser" Pare Silk Hose, Is black, white, beige, fawa, pongee, grey, nigger, and nary; sises S.W. and W.— 14/6 pair Black SUk and Wool Hose, with "FlexoDe" tops; sises S.W. aad W. 7/6 pair Ladies' Heavy Pare Silk Hose, "Oneen Victoria" make, fall fashioned; in black and white .. 17/6 pair Everlasting "Satrite" Art Silk Hose, in pearl, grey, beige, champagne, cordovan, and black .. 8/6 pair Ladies' All-wool Black Caahmere Hoee, full fashioned ■■ 4/11 pair Hail Silk and Lisle Ribbed Hose, in black and white, coating, shoe grey, pearl, aad fawn .. ..8/6 pair Karl Silk aad Lisle Hose, in light grey, fawn, patty, aad litchen; sises S.W. aad W. .. 4/11 P«lr Black SUk and Lisle Hose, with Flexello tops; sises S.W. and W. 6/6 pair Mercerised' Lisle Hose, in assorted Fancy ribs; black and all wanted colours; sises B.W. and W. .. .. 8/6 pair Ladies' White Cotton aad Lisle Hose; in S.W. and W.—From .. 1/3 pair Children's Cream Spun Silk Half-Sox; sixes 0 to 4—From ■• 2/11 pair Children's SUk aad Wool Half-Sox, with lace tops; in grey, patty, and light brae; sixes 3 to 6—From 2/3 pair Children's Silk and Wool Half-Sox, in grey, saxe, and fawn, with fancy stripes; sixes * to 6—From 2/8 pair ■ C!hildrea's White Cotton Half-Sox, with coloured stripes; sises 3 to 6 From .. . - 1/8 pair "Kayeer" Silk Gloves, doable tipped flngers, black points; in navy, greys, beavers, fawas, black and white;, all sizes 6/11 Pair "Xayser" Pan Silk Elbow Gloves, doable tipped fingers; in French grey, mastic, ganmetal, African brown, navy, barfs, Mac, aad white; all sizes 10/6 pair Ladies' T"'«"— Lisle (Here*, 2-dome, in pastels, greys, beavers, nigger, and black 8/6 pair Ladies' Elbow-length Lisle Gloves, in white, pastels, beavers, and greys—--8/11 pair Ladies' Imitation Saede Gauntlet Gloves, with strap and dome; in champagne, chamois, pastels, greys, beavers, nigger, black, aad white .. 8/6 pair Aa External** Bange of limitation Saede Embroidered Gauntlet Gloves, in pastels, beavers, greys, nigger, black, aad white—From .. .. 4/11 pair Ladies' 2-Dome French Sid Gloves, in beavers, greys, aad nigger; all sines—--8/6 pair Ladies* S-Bame French Saede Gloves, in beavers, greyr, aad brown 7/11 pair Ladies' Saede Ganstut Gloves, with strap and dome; ia greys, beavers, aad brewa , 7/11 *** BJBB9BB ABB TEXLS AXE PZEASDTG GIFTS Terr Smart Black Figured aad Striped Effect Ore Bibboas; 4in to eia widefront *v y*** Sin Bea*7 Floral Silk Xibbons, ia all - - , ... „ .. »/ll yard Special Quality Kerr Silk Bibbons, ia All ehatteo; Sin, 4i», Sis, Gin wid»— From 1/6 yard Jeavy Silk Taffeta Bibben, in all shades; Bin, 4in, (in wide— From 1/8 yard Jin to tin Fancy Silk Bibbons, in great variety of shades and designs— From .. 4d yard ■mart Silk Xarocain Bibbons, in lemon, gold, flame, cinnamon, and jade; Sin and 4in wide—Frem .. 1/- yard "Phyllis" Storm Veils, in black, nigger, navy, grey; strong silk mesh 1/3 each Heavy Silk Embroidered AUever Veils, in a vast range of designs aad shades From 8/11 each Smart Veilings, with artistic geld and silver worked borders; in black, navy, and nigger 2/11 yard PLEASE HEK WITH A GIFT OF HAHBEEBCHTEFS Ladies' Perfumed and Hand-painted Silk Handkerchief Sachets—From .. 2/6 Ladies' Asserted Colours Oriental Design Handkerchiefs, with powder puffs From 9d each Ladies' White Hemstitched Embroidered Corner Lawn Handkerchiefs— ■ From 61 d each Ladies' White Hemstitched Embroidered Corner • Linen Handkerchiefs— From 1/- each Dainty Kail and Lawn Handkerchiefs, with guipure lace edge— From 1/- each. Fine Muslin Handkerchiefs, with embroidered corner and Val. lace edge— From 1/- each Ladies' Embroidered Xaslin and Lawn Handkerchiefs—From .. 1/- each White Crepe de China Handkerchiefs, with coloured and floral borders— .. Bd each Crepe de Chine Handkerchiefs, in coloured Oriental designs— From 1/8 each White Handkerchiefs, with coloured borders—From' .. • far 1/11 Ladies' White Mercerised Lawn Handkerchiefs, with coloured borders—6)d each Ladies' White Lawn Handkerchiefs, with fast-colour woven stripe— From 6 for 2/6 Ladies' White Hemstitched Handkerchiefs—From .. 6 for 1/8 Ladies' White Lawa Handkerchiefs, with veined sad satis stripe— From 6 far 1/11 Ladies' White Plain Hemstitched Linen Handkerchiefs— From 9d each Ladies' White Embroidered Corner Lawn Handkerchiefs, ia fancy boxes of 8 Handkerchiefs .. 1/6 box Ladies' White Embroidered Lawn Handkerchiefs, in fancy boxes of 6 Handkerchiefs—From .. 2/8 box Ladies' Embroidered Corner Irish Linen H« ldkerchiefs, in fancy boxes of 3 Handkerchiefs—From .. 4/6 box Ladies' Embroidered Corawr Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, in fancy boxes of 6 Handkerchiefs —From .. S/ll box Ladies' Embroidered Comer Handkerchiefs, t-doaen in fancy folder, with 1985 Calendar .. 1/6 folder Children's Printed Border Kandker- , ohiefs, in.all the newest -designs— Frssn ... 1/3 l-d-" •CASTES ABB COLLABS MAKE ACCEPTABLE GIFTS Ladies' Fiat and Heavy Whits Silk Knitted Scarves— Frem ■. ; •- lt/6 each Ladies' Coloured SUk Knitted Scarves, in various shades From 8/11 each Maltese Silk Laos Scarves— Frem 4/11 each Children's Silk Laos Kaltese Petar Pan Collars 4/11 each Fins Guipure Lace Bertha Cellars, ia Paris and white— From ~ .. 4/11 each Fine Coloured Embroidered Organdi Caffs and Collars, in various shades aad design. From .. 2/6 set Section Collaring, in lace, organdi, and embroidered muslin; in white aad all shades—From .. •• Sd section Lace and Hot Costume Fronts, with and without collars—From .. 1/11 Apache Scarves, in toe silk; various shades and designs .. 8/11 each Brown aad Black Leather Bags— Frem .. »/» Bead Bags—Frem 14/6 Silk Bags, in black aad nigger 27/6 Sunshine Purses From . .. .. 8/8 Needle Oases—Frem ,• 9d Classic Ptnonshiwas—From .. 4/9 Children's Work Boxes—Jrern .. 1/6 Aluminium Glove and Handkerchief Boxes From •• 8/8 Lscouer Trays—From ..8/8 Laceaer Boxes—Frem ..*/•, Antiqae Glove aad Haaakereaief Bexes Frem 4/11 Sdede Oseve Boxes .. 6/6 Cretonne Soxes—From .. ..111! Calenders—From .. .. M Children's Bags—Frets .. 2/11 Military Brashes, ia leather esse From '/8 Ladies' Dressing Cases—Frem ..8/11 Hair Brushes, Whaloboao—Frem .. 2/4 Bristle Hair Brashes—From . 2/11 Clothes Brashes—From ~ !/• Soldiers' Baskets—From .. 4/6 Aluminium Trinket Boxes—From 1/11 Attache Caaes—From .. 8/11 Postcards *& sack Postcards, Oil Paintings -.3d Packets Xmas Cards (Yeaag Folks) (6) 7Jd Packets Xmas Cards (1 des.) .. 8/4 Bexes Xmas Cards—From .. */■ Sports Bets—Frem .. !/• 20 Tons of Toys A Special Purchase of Sample Toys. Wonderful Variety. Toys that will delight the Kiddies at Prices that will delight you. Bring the Children along. ABTOIOHT WABE HAKES) 3MOX. GIFTS Hatpin Stands—From „ „ s/» Photo Frames—From .. .. 1/t Vases—From _■ »m ♦» */6 Pin Trays .. .« , .» .. V« Boxes From »-. 4/8 Weeds. Photo Frames Trove M GUt Frames Frem ~ »» M Strataoid Frames—From .« 1/11 Leather Frames—From •* %/tl Fancy Bexes Hairpins—Tram .. 1/6 Xylonite Toils* Tmys-tfreae w. fl/U Xylonite Pin Trays—Froau ~ 1/11 Gents' Dressiag Cases—From .. •/• Lambs' Wool. Powder Puffs, ia floral boxes—Prom . >....» t/f Swansdewn Powder Puffs, ia fleral basse - From .. 8/11 Handkerchief Powder Faffs Frem 1/i Veloar aad Lambs' Wool Pnejt faffs From . .. «d Ysrdloy's Fressia Face Pmitr 8/8 tax Pivor"s Face Powder—From .. «/. hex Assarted Paee Powder—From 1/8 box Swansdewn Powder Biffs, ' with bom handle .. 11/S Tardier's Lavender Wa**—From 2/8, 66 Lavaadar Water—Frem ... t^Ssj Orssssaifh's Baa do OeisgM, ia (aakads V» Beger and Ballet Kaa de Coiega. . Frem -.. J/t\ Tardley's Colgate's Pei fsates Frem, . M Bogor aad Gallet Perfama, ia.saflbi case »/ll Grossmith's Porfsmea—Press) .. 8/11 Fancy Bexes, oeat«lals« Xawdaasassisst aad Perxasae .. 8/t Seeat Sprays Tram .. 4/11 Taraley's Brifllantfaa, oesstreee asd lignid—From .. 3/M Bogor aad Galas*/ Brflliaasxae •., 1/* XardMy Scant Saehsa .. l/B>«sMk Asserted BaulwU Freau ..9* Xardley's Freeam Faas Oracm ... 8/8 Aaooried Face Oreasa—From ~ 1/9 Msrcolised Wax ..1/8 Pocket Maaiemrs lit* ~ »/ll Catex Sets—From .. .. t/E Xylonite Ball Brasai ~ Scissors—From Colgats's W"" From . r mf. Tardley's Beam Street Up gtlkk, tft metal case .- ~ S/l Opera Glasses, in case >.. 18/11 Colgate's Oosnpaet Powder,. SB nil ' •/• oBC* Xrlsattt'xin Staris .''., «/tt sash Xylonite Hspkta Btags- ... S/» ysdr ElMar-taofc Hand atUwiia . Jsaii 7/lt Pearl Beeklets—Frem .. , „ S/ll Large AasartßMßt Baai Bufctita , Frem */• Girdles Frem .. .. !/• Wristlets, with Brilliants— Frem .. S/t sjbjbb etrataetl Breoehas From .. 3/8) esssk Children's Library (fancy sisrt > t/9 ttak Wash Vaaitios—From «/il XylesdU Oast Heaters .. S/B Yardlay't Enchantress and SJsaaMaesssl Seap, 8 in box -•.,-• "/• Tardley's Laveader Seap ' Frem .. A/% tsst Asserted Boxes Seap—Frem ... 1/4 Tardley's Shaving Stick .. 1/6 Colgate's Shavian- Stick .. 1/1 Bexeaa Shaving Stick .. %h VPalm Olive Shaving Crsom .. »/• Bath Baits, Stea. bottl S/ll 28ex. bettte .. ... 4/8 ltes. bottle -. .. 9/t Bubber Sponges Frem .« .« VJ Syenge Bags—Frem Jass Bpeags Bags—Frem .. ..S/t Palm Olive Shampee, settte .. 8/TardleT's Talc Powder 'l*C± Tardley's Bese Powder .. 1/1 tia Colgate's Talc PowcW .. 1/t tia Colgate's Fieriest Talc PewAer, Utsa tins */* 1 Hair Clasps Trots' M v.mrv Hair Promrs—From .v 1/4 Brilliant Hair Clsrps Freta tfti BrUlisat Shoe BacMea geasa I/It pair Boxes Stationery—From .. 1/Boxes Christmas Btattaaery Fram S/S Compeadiums-—From If Xylesdte Kaaicare Sets .. 11/8 sat Shop Early and Shop in Comfort ARMSTRONGS

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 3

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Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 3

Page 3 Advertisements Column 3 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18264, 24 December 1924, Page 3