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INGTON SCHOOL. the break-up ceremonies at Adool were concluded. Father sited the infant room, where ho jr« to a. large number of wee a farewell token of esteem, Miss behalf of the pupils, presented Thomson with a handsome toilet Thomson feelingly replied. The were addressed by. Meeers Geo. ,ab) and Mr R. B. Clarke .(head- : he ' chairman congratulated the ind tiachers 'on their success, ntioning the teachers of Stanlose classes had dono exccptionso Dorothy Young and Rupert erg of dux prizes; Hilda Francig lains, winners of the headmaaairman's ■»ed*lfl,- i and Winnie d A. Wright, Thinners of the lampionshuvcH-f vfeiyen ljy Mrs Ir oEED. *»rs H. KenSEED, admaster re- .. iroui standard VI. E. Beck from Standard IV., . Hooker from tho B rounder J. H. Thomson formally handed j of tho iniant room to Miss newly-appointed infant mistress, kdy fairly well acquainted with ;ies. A pleasing function waa tion by Mr Archbold of the won by Muriel MaUueaoa to aayist whose composition gained recent competition open bools. ... t>. certificated. —Infants—Pnmer lass: June Long. Primer 111. ; Ruth Grif&thfl, Dons Sh*p•r IV— Fiiet-olasa: Edmund srnard Winfield. Seoond-c ass: [uia Moorland, Daphne Harland. —First-clans: Kcit-h Wootton, rimer. Second-class: Helen jorie Walton. L.—First-class: Robert BrownBurford, Reg. Foster, Gordon aret Claridgo. Florence Ditfort, :t. Second-claes •• Hunter BarCornish, Verdun ,P°wdle RaulKeith Tonkin, Henry Wisker, >n, Tli elm a Armstrong, Louise lie Smith. „ , ll.—First-class: Mervyn HutHwrd Shapcott. Second-class. Richard Clark, Kemieth HokLrudkins, Harry Tonkin, Henry sen Carson, Ma.vis Itowdle, K»ths, Nancy Petne, Jean Taylor, ipson, Lily Wisker* „ , XL—First-class: John Burley, Lawrence Hutchinson, Rol*nd a Clarke, Jean Gnmwood. Secames Dickson, Ro"land_Grey, igan, William Hayward, William jan Btreeter, Robert Suckling, bull, Alfred Wendelken Mimm Grey, Vera Long, Beryl MathieSmith, Alma , [V. —First-class: inward Har L Tinker, Elsie Bull, Enid Eal-nd-clMs : Ralph Ihtrles Cornish, Walter Giblett, idley, Kenneth Humm, Essie jssie-Bull, Blanche Cocker,- Mar- , Wito* OiW>» Gwca

Jean Hurd, Jar-et Ross, Phyllis Thomas. Catherine .Walton, Thelma, Wisker, Phyllis Wormald. ' Standard V.—Firat-claaa: Murray Car.v:n, Duncan Walton, Lorim-or, J<ian "Sttrdley. Secono-claas: Raymond - Cn.:npLeli, Stanley Cooke, Robert Edward, Clifford llenwood, Keith Lockwood, James Petrie, Douglas Ramsay, James Rennie, F.dwaM Wisker, Mary Aitohison, Olive Brown, Rita Mitchell, Gwendoline Kolan, Dorothy Paul, Ivy Wormald. Standard JVI. —First-class: Sinclair Bowden, William Browning, John Donaldson, Viotor Ewings, William Giblett, George Grose, Matthew Hall, Nelson Haxwell, Vernon Long, llupert Pcarce, Ronald Riellv, Cyril St-urge, Raymond Sturge, Allon Taylor. A'.an Thomas, George Wear, Joan Cornish, Manu Lockwood, Rita Petersen, Joyce Streeter, Dorothy Young. Second-class: Noel Bilicliff, Harold Brooker, Ralph Crammer, Alfred Hutchinson, Jack Keav, Keith 'Martin, Richnrd Otten, Trevor Watt, Guthrie Wilson, Delia Akins, Margaret Baldwin, Eileen Berry, Margaret Cossgrove V lo.ot Howard, Maisie Lawson, Marion O Farrel], Maudie Paul, Je»n Petrie, Ins Taylor. WARWICK SCHOOL. The prize-giving in connexion with tho Warwick School, Avon side, took place at the Eolleston street Hall. After the pupils had gone through a short programme of songs, action songs, dumbbell drill, recitationk and pianoforte music, and dancca by Miss Vaughan's pupils. The prizes wiero presented'by the Rev. O. I-iUserald as fol6chool,St»ndard V., and constant ftttdiidftncc; Iron© Vouii^. cuiidard IV.—Mabel Pnestnall 1, Selma BeumeS 2. Handwork: Mabel Priestworth 2. Handwo.rk: Patricia Vaughan. Standard 11.-Beity Pnestnall Standard 1. (upper)—W. A. Chrystal 2nd attendance. Lower: Boys Donald Vaughui * Alan A. MaePherson 2. Guls: Molho Dunn 1. Joan Drake 2; Peggv Dunn, progress" Margaret Liddon, attendance 2nd. Preparatory Classes—Evan Wright, Jean Godfrey, Graeme Cooper, Colin Vaughan, J» Duckworth, Lloyd Frost, John Orr, Warren Thompson, Valerie George, Gerald Priestnail Preston 81-swill, Norman T?oulsen, Telford' Ball. Lan Muirson, Billy Bridget. Each child in the kindergarten received ft book and every child in the Bchool was erven a Christmas present. Tea was provided for the children by ladies connected with the school. The children's present to the teacher was a silver-mounted salad bowl with services. Other presents wei« a silver pencil case, vase, china, and handkerchiefs. The teacher thanked the children for their gifts, and all those who had helped to gife the children such a happy evening.

FENDALTON SCHOOL. Tho distribution of prizes took place at the Fenda.lton school on Friday. In tho absence of- the chairman of tho school committee (Mr G. E. Itoyds), the Rev. H. S. Leach presented the prizes. Before the presentation, tho headmaster thanked the parents and friends for th?ir generous donations to the prize fund, both through the medium of the list ar.d by special prizes. On behalf of the parents, Mr Candy thanked tho chnirmsn, the committee, and: the teachers for their unfailing interest in the children. , At the conclusion items were given by some cf the pupils, as well as blackboard sketching. The folloivin;; is tic list of prize-winners:— Standard Vl.—Dux: Jack Hammond. Dux (girls): Dorothy Burns, Athol Arnott "2, Nancy Glen . 3. . Most ladylike girl in school: Madge Mulcock. Mcst popular gir! in school: Nancy McCrostie. Most popular boy in school: Mervvn Candy. Mrs Mu)cock' 3 special prize for homework: Stella Gatos 1. Flora Robinson 2. Drawing (Mrs Calvert's prize): Edith Smith 1, Athol Arnott 2. Mrs Muloock'a special prize for drawing: Dennis Magrath. Arithmetic dustry (Mr Anderson's prize): Grah&m Forbes. Process (Mrs R. A. Berry's and Mrs bos. Progress (Mr R. A. Berry's and Mrs "Warrington's prizes): Wenden Wade, James McColl, I'm May, Daphne Andrews. _Mrs Murray-Aynsley's prizes for essay on "Kindness to Animals'': Mervyn Anderson, Athol Arnott equal !. Mr A. E. Byrne's priso for best bat in cricket team: Harry Marshall. Mr G. E. Royds's prize for best bowler in cricket team: Mervyn Candy. Mrs Robinson's gardening prizes: Larry Berry, Athol Arnott. Beet-kept garden (boys): Harry Marshall 1, Robin Greer i Best-kepi garden (girls) (Mr G. li. Royds's prize): E. Smith, X- Glen, D. Byrne 1, N. Thomas, F. Robinson, S. Gates 2. Sewing (Mrs Bavliss'e prize and Mrs Dunkley's prize): M." Mulcodk and K. Smith equal 1. Prize for collection (boys): Harry Marshall. Piire for collection (girls): Nancy Thomas. Standard Y.—Sylvia Smith 1, Doreen Byrne 2, Elsie Killick 3. Mrs Mulcock's special homework prize: Elsie Killick. Progress (Mrs E. TV. Coop's prize): Roger Thompson. Arithmetic (Mr Peters's prize l : Jean Gebbie. Arithmetic (Mrs Hollobon's priie): Charles Lange. Sewing (Mrs Greer'3 prize): Vera Wilson. _Mrs Murray-Aynsley's prize for essay on "Kindness to Animals'': Doreen Byrne. Standard IV.—EUece Blank 1, Isti Coop 2, Joan Dunkley ri. Diligence: Edward Marriott. liiligenco and neatness: Joan McLaughlin. Diligence and conduct: Iris Manliire, Alison Greer. Reading and recitation, Moira Stringleman. History: Margaret Sinclair. Arithmetic: Eric HamptonComposition: Robert Perrott. Most useful boy: Alan Mortlock. Writing and drawing: Phyllis Gardiner. Sewing (Mr Peters's prize): Ellece Blank. Standard lll.—Nancy Prettyjohn I. Ruby Lukey 2, Reta Russell 3. Conduct and diligence: Berrace Smith, Mollie Hebden, Pat Byrne, Ray Calvert, Betty Carleton. Progress: Betty Stock. Spelling and neatness : Phyliis Beale. Most useful boy: Ken Greer. Arithmetic: Wilfred Jesson. History and geography: Doris Hai>good. Recitation and Bpcechmaking: Stuart Lec. Drawing: Wintcn Bristowe. Sewing (Mrs F. N. Thompson's prize): Phyllis Beale. Standard ll.—Lois Blank 1, Derek Hammond 2, Clarence Mulcock S. Arithmetic: U Falloon. Progress: David Dalzrll. Ruby Seeker. Vivian Were. Comprehension : Terras. Birch. Mcst helpful boyl>li. Rec?. Most useful moniurr: Brian Stringlemih. Writ Lnj;; Brett Thompson. .

Poetry and neatest boy in the room: Jack Stevens. Reading: Dorothy Steere. Poetry: Joan Owens. Sewing: Veronica, Berry. Prize for swimming at Tepid Baths carnival : Veronica Berry. Promotion prizes: Ronald Davis, Annio McLaughlin, Pcrcj Peters, Jack Marquet, Ray Elbrooke. Standard I.—ilvrtlc Firbh 3. Joyce Neil 2, Robert 'Warrington 3. Reading: Doreen Sparks. English: David Sinclair. Progress: Keith Manhire. Promotion prizes: Neville Peters, Nora Lanigan, Nancy Rcav, Margarat Marks, Kathleen Edbrooke, Frank Walton, Lester Davis, Reeves Harris. Sewing: Nellie Blackburn. i?. 4 —Rav Mavquet 1, Allan Hewson C, Freda Miuihire 3. P. 3—Joan llolkbon 3, Walter Dunklev 2, Charles Anderson Attendance Certificates—Standard VI.: Nancy Glen, Stella Gates, Flora Robinson, Daphne Andrews, ' Fred. Bender, Dennis Magratl). Standard V.: Vera Wilson. Len. Benger, Ralph Bushby, Francis Berry. Standard IV.: Joan McLaughlin. Standard 111 : Re til Russell, Ebio Sparks, Olive Firth, Moilie Heoden, lluby Lukey. Nancy Prettyjolins. Arthur Falloon, Alex. Walker. Standard II: Terras' Birch. Standard I: Joyce Neil, Myrtle Firth. ST. SAVIOUR'S ORPHANAGE. On Saturday afternoon, before, -a gathering of friefids and supporters, his Grace the Archbishop of New Zealand presented tiie following prizes:— . . Diocesan scholars' examination—Senior frade: Class 1., E. Riley, H. Hopkins H. Makinson; CSass 11., A. Parker. Middle grade: Class 1., J. Clennick. F. Hopkins, P. Clennick, H. Smith. M. Seyb, A._ Ru>, B. Waters. Junior grade: Class 1., 0. Gallagher. P. Anton, L. Mukinson, b. Keen D. Smith. C. Seyb: class 11., M. Rule; class 111., E. Clear, D. Hawkes. School Prizes—S. Schultz, G. Halnghan, H. Jones, A. Ur«juh3rt, J. Clennick J. Lvncli. B. Heasley, I. Con nop, IT. Smith, A. Martin, D. Smith, D. Criv. C. Seyo, PClennick. C. Warr. N. Mcx>r;<x>t. M. Lu.e. M King, R. Halligan, L. Makinsou, L. Biddock, J. Harris. B. Keen A, ■M Woodburv, P. Giles, D. Giles, h. -0.chard V. Tolchard, G. King. W. Kin?. I ■ Bull 'B. Sampson, F. Sangster, A. Leisuman I. Olliver. R. Shepard, and to the m,pr> Hevwarf). B. Heeler, His Grace also opened the new tennis court, and a bazaar concluded a very successful afternoon. _

OMIHI SCHOOL. Hie annual break-up of the Omihi School took plac« on F rida T night. On lons tables, wera displayed painting, rancy work, modelling, weaving, etc., which was greatly admixJd. A short but enjoyable concert was by the children, the following contributing items-Pianoforte soio, K. Alexander" drill display, iiHants; __ songa, K. Alexander, M. and B. Love. X. Alexander, J Soss M. Baxter, C. Halt; recitations, A Slosb', h. Baxter, I'. Symonds, 3. Humphreys L. Russell, R. Brydon, J. Stackhouse,' E. Sloss, G. Brydcn, Keith Alexflr.der, and A. Hall. Several *chool chorused were sung, the. accompanist being Miss Jones. The prizes were then d'striautcd M" Korsvtli. chairman of the School Conr miuecj w ho the wcit done bj- the-

teachers, and medo encouraging remarks to the children. Owing to the residents' generosity in subscribing to the prize fund, each child was presented with a book, the three highest in each class receiving a handsome prize. The following is the prizo list — Standard Vl.—Maggie Love, dux of school and winner of gold raedaj presented by Mr J. Sloss; Bertha Love, runrier up, book preBented by Mr J, Baxter; Maggie Love 1, Bertha Love 2, Laurence 'Baxter 3. Standard V.—Leslie Russell 1, Ruby Hall 2, Nancy Alexander 3. . Standard IV. —Robert Brydon 1, Jack Stackliouee 2, Alan Sloss 3. .Standard lll.—Jean Sloss 1, Ronald Alexander 2. Standard II. —Robert Sloss 1, Catherine Hall 2, lan Munro 3. P. 11. Mabel Sloss 1, Keith Alexander 0, John Rowney 3. P. I.—James Humphreys 1, lan Forsyth Adeline Hall 3. Progress—Mario Baxter (Mrs Sloss). Sewing—Seniors, Ruby Ha-11 (Mrs Brydon); juniors. Jean Sloss (Mrs Jones). 'Attendance: Nancy Alexander (Mrs Hill), Laurence Baxter {Mrs Alexander), Bertha Love (certificate). Conduct: Kathleen Alexander iMra Forsyth), Ray Sloss (Mr Forsyth). Certificates were gained as under:—Proficiency, Maggie Love, Bertha Love, Laurence Baste;-. Endorsed competency, Ray Sloas and Leslie Ss'monds. Competency, Kathleen Alexander. Navy League—Standard VI.: Bertha Love 1. Leslie Symonds and Laurence Baxter (equal) 2. Standard V.: Nancy Alexander 1, Ruby Hall 2. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals certificates—Standard Yi: Leslie Symonds. Standarde V.: Nancy Alexander. Standard IV.: Jack Stackhouec aijd Robert Brydon, equal.

MEAD SCHOOL. At the break-up o? tie Mead School, the following- were awarded prizes, ihe names being in order of merit: Standard VJ. —Joan Burns 1, Norman Breading 2. Standard V.: Ina Cornelius 1, Roy Corneinis 2, Edmund Patrick 3, Gwen Pannet 4, Sidney Shellock 5, Selwyn 'Watta 0. Standard III.: Dorothy Weaver 1, Keith Cornelius 2, John Sheehan 3. Standard II.: Reuben Cornelius I, Hannah Taylor 3, Frank Cornelius 3, Nick Sheehan 4, Arthur Wylie o. Standard I.: Noel Cornelius 1, Phyllis Sheehan 2, Daisy Sheliock 3, Lionel Weaver 4, Ivy .Sheliock 5 Primer III.: Daphne Cornelius 1, Kenneth Taylor 2, William Sheehan 3, Albert Wylie i. Primer II.: Dorothy Taylor 1, Charlie Sheehan 2. Primer 1: Betty Cornelius 1, Lance Cornelius 2. Mise Haye's special prizes for attendance were won by the following:—Selwyn Watts (present evc-ry day), Ina Cornelius (missed two half-days), Roy Cornelius (missed two half-days), Norman Breading (missod four half-days). Mrs Taylor's special prizes for sewing were won by Ivy Sheliock (junior division) and Dorothy .Weaver (senior division). The Standard VI. pupils, Joan Burns and Norman Breadiflg, both gained proficiency certificates. -

ASHBURTON FORKS SCHOOL The annual break-up and school sports, held fn connexion with the Ashburton Forks School, took place in the school grounds on Saturday. There was a large attendance ot parents and friends. During the afternoon the Mayfield Bandi arrived and greatly added to the day's enjoyment Before presenting the prizes to the children, Mr Thomas- Green (chairman of the School Committee) tendered the oommittee's thanks to &-1 who had assisted in making the gathering 6uch a success, and to Miss Moffitt, tho~-school teacher! Several of he.r pupi'.s gained proficiency certificates. Votes of thanks were also passed to Mr Harvey, who. gave prizes for a quoit competition; to Misa Clarke, for sweets, and to Mr Archard, for a Christmas cake. The gold medal for most points was won by Mr Jade Smith. Mr Ben Evans, the secretary, carried out his duties in a most efficient manner. . The prize-list was as follows: Infants —Clms I : Vera Green. Class II.: Mat Wighlman and Olga Hydes. Class III.; Katie Green and Albert Hydes-. Standard I.: Hazel Wight-man, Lilah Green, and Gordon Kceley. Standard II.: Jessie Green. Blanche Lamb, Agnes ilvdes, and Enid Hvues. . Standard III.: Vera Hvdeg and John Connolly.- Standard IV.: Hazel Hydes, Charlie Lamb, and Percy Hydes. Standard VI.: Frank Evans and Fred Hvdes. Attendance Prize—Girls: Agnes Hydes, Enid Hydes. Boys: Percy Hydes and A!bcri Hydes. Sewing—Hazel Hydes }, Hydes 2; Mesdainea Buchan's and Horsey's special prize. Hazel Wightnmn. A lengthy sports programme was presented, and the races were keenly contested, the day ending with pillow tights and a "wild west" pony race, which was won hy Jack Donald. Messrs F. G. Evan* and R. Lamb were handicappera, Messrs W. 1. Smith, C. and F. Hydea starters; Messrs W. Buchan *Jid Angus Horsey judges. Messrs John Hydes aad Connolly "ere in charge of the children's events. The follo*in£ are the reeults of the races: Girls Under 14: Hannah Smith 1, Hazel Ilydes 2, Jessie Groen 3. Under 12: Hazel Hydes and Jessie Green, equal, 1, Vera. Hydea 2. Consolation race: Vera Greon 1, Blanche Lamb 2, Enid Hydes 3. Threeiegged race: B. Lamb and V. Hydes I, K. Green and H. Wight-man 2, H. Hydes arid J. Green 3. Girls' race, under 1!: Haze! Wightman I, Enid Hydes 2, Olga Hydes 3, Rene Urquhart i Under 10: Lilah Green and Katie Green, equal, 1. Olga Hydes 2. Infants: Freda Hydes 3, Tom Gibb 2, Vera Green 3. Visitors' race—Hannah Smith 1, Sheila Campbell 2, Rene Urquhart, 3. Boys—Under 15: Frank Evans ", I red Hydes 2, Charlie Lamb 3. Under 14: Frtui: Evans 1, Fred Hydea and C. Lamb, equal, 0. Under 13: Albert Hydes 3, Percy- Hydes 2, Gordon Keeley S. Under 12: John Connolly 1. Albert Hydea 2, Hugh Urquhart Sack race: Hugh Uiquhart 1, Duncaa Smith 2, Frank Evans 3. Consolation race: Vei•.-••• Hydes 1, Gordon Keeley 2, Fred Hyd^s 3.- Three-legged race: H. Urquhwt and D. Smith 1, A". Hydes and M. \V:> o 'h'.inan 2, I'. Hydes #Jid G. Keeley 3. Visitors' rice—XJudfir Alan Mciarlace 1, M. Wight man 2, A. Urqiihari S"i> ond race: Neil CVm-.i-cll H. I'rn'ibiu-i Alaji McFarlase J.

Married women's race—Mrs Wightman 1, Mrs W. T. Smith 2, Mrs R. Cass .1. Young women's race: Miss B. Moffitt. 1, Miss N. Smith 2, Miss D. Urquhart 3. Boys—loo yards (maiden): Arthur Smith 1, ' E. Banks 2, C. Sloper 3. 100 yards (open): J. Connolly 1, A. Smith 2, J. O'Bhea 3. 440 yards (oper,): H. Aschcn 1, E. Banks 2, F. Cass 3. 880 yards (open): 11. Aschen 1, E. Banks 2, F. Evaijs 3. Hurdle race: C. Lamb 3, J. Smith 2, M. Hunt 3. Hop, step, and jump: Ben Evans 1, Fyfe McFarlane 2, Jack Smith 3. Quoits (prizes given by Mr Harvey): E. Richardson 1, W. Smith 2. Pillow fight: Jack Smith. 'l'ug of war: Married beat single. FAIRTON. The annual break-up picnic and prizegiving were held in tho Fairfield sports grounds on Friday, a marquee being supplied by the Frozen Meat Co. for the occstsion. The chairman, Mr J. T. Oram, the f,ecretary, Mr P. A. Cootc, and other member of the committee were present together with the headmaster, Mr Marriott, and spared no efforts to give the children an enjoyable time, in spite of tho somewhat showery weather. Toys, sweets, and nuts were distributed, and races were run for children arjd grown-ups. .ic married women's race was won by Mrs J. 11. McKftv, and tho married men's by Mr A. Bush, the tingle women's race fcv Mies A. Lemon, and tuie single men's by Mr A. Errans. After :ea the prizes were presented by tile chairman, Mr Oram, who congratulated the master and teachers on the manner in which they hed conducted- the school during tho year. Good progress bad been made, tho disciplino had been good, and the inspector's report pleasing in every respect. The attendance was improving evory year, there bein? no fewer than 21 certificates this year, against ton last year and five the year before. Outdoor games had been encouraged, and at football, cricket, and basket-ball the children had dono weiL In tho proficiency examination the following had passed—Allison Cootc, Jamca Beird, Douglas Gibson, and Maurice Ward. Mt Oram also congratulated Maurico Ward aud Gordon Willis on romingsecond and third in the schoolboys' event in the United Fire Brigades' .A»=oci*tion's.competitions, held on Labour Day in the Ashburton Domain. The medals given by tiie Association were presented. Credit was due to the local members of the Fairfield Bri- ! gade. who had coached the boys, and ho /concluded by thanking all who had assisted the committee of the school during the past year. The following is the prize list: Stamps—Standard VI.: Gordon Willis. Standard V.: Doreen Lemon. Standard IV.: 1 Oigi, Heaiev. Standard in.: Olivo Evaas. 1 Standard 1 j.: Lorna. Cootc. Standard F.: Be;t~ Marriott. P. III.: Edward Ward. I'. II.: Patricia Bsird. P. I.: Christina Oiuning-haai. Merii,—Sti.r.ia»d VI.: James B«;rd (dux) !, Jwr. Lemon 2, Douglas Gibson 3. Siands'd V.: Patricia Oram 1. Anuie McKj»y 2. D -rfen Lemon "■ Stan-lard IV.: Ronald viis 1, Daisy Cunningham -# Oeorge Baird Standard III.: P«SS}' siin 01ivK Duluie Manchester 1, T.oraa Coote 2, John Drake Standard I.: Betty Marriott 1, r.f.b!> B'.ifh' 2, Grace T-Vitss 3. P. 111. "•J-.rard Ward !. Margaret Marriott 2. Barbara "Sim 3. Special progress prisa, Isabel

Donald. P. 11. •- Patricia Band 1, DonnanS Hanrkhan 2, Tbouu Bualt 8. P. L: Christina Cunningham 1, Lorn* Thorn*# 3, Doreen Rattray 3. Sowing—Standard VI.: Allison Coote, Standard V.: Doroon Lemon. Standard IV.: OJga Healcy. Standard HI.: Olive Evans. Standard 21.: Dulcie Manchester. Standard I.: Lola Powell. Tho tuiwingj w«g judged by Mrs J. Heaeltino, and in Standard V. it was found so difficult to cbooao between Dorean Lemon ami Mollis Drennan that Mrs Heseltine h«ieolf gave a spetfiai priia to the latter.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18263, 23 December 1924, Page 7

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PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18263, 23 December 1924, Page 7

PRIZE DISTRIBUTIONS. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18263, 23 December 1924, Page 7