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NEW BRIGHTON. The >~ew Brighton Borough Council met last night. . Present—The Mayor (Mr J. Gamble), and Crs. J. Shaw, J. Buxton. E. A. Leaver, 11. A. GlassoD, W. IL Gahagan, F. Ward, J. C. Scott, F. D. Muirson, and A. M, Chivere. Motions of sympathy were passeu with G'r. Buxton in the death of his father, and with , the relatives of the late Mr J. P. McMullar v who met his death by drowning in tho surf. The Department of Labour advised that a special meeting must bo held during the month of January to fix the statutory halfholiday. It was decided to hold tho meeting on January 19th. The Health Department requested the Council to serve notices on three property owners to install drainage. A p!an forwarded by Messrs Cimirigbam and Taylor showing- a proposed subdivision was approved. The Standing Committee recommended, regarding P.acecourso, road, that tho matter be referred to Cr. Muirson and the overseer to meet Waimairi County representatives and report; that the overseer's report regarding Union street be held over for the time being; that the gates of tho Pleasant Point Domain bo closed it 8 p.m.: that the matter of additional scats for the foreshore be left with Cr3. Muirson and Chivers to attend to; that MesSfs J. McLaren and Co. be informed that the Council is prepared to accept •i'2o for the old lire engine Extinguisher. Tho Finance Committee recommended that shopkeepers l>o written to asking them to make all efforts to destroy rats; that Mr H. Male's request for an extension of time to carry out certain cTrainago work bo referred to the Health Inspector for a report: that before approving of tho subdivision of Hawker's property, tho cost of asphalting und lighting- the. right-of-way be deposited with tho Council; that, plans of subdivision of certain land at South Brighton submitted by Jones, McCrostie Co., Ltd., be approved; that an application to run side-shows on the foreshore be refused; that the matter of the appointment of a caretaker for the Esplanade conveniences be dealt with by tho Mayor and Crs. Muirson and Shaw. The Summer Programme Committee reported that Mr I. Montague had applied for permission to . have a stall on the foreshore on Boxing Day and the following Saturday. Permission was granted on payment of a fee of £3 "s. the site to be dealt with by the town clerk. Mrs D'Arcv also applied for a similar privilege, offering £'2~TOs per month. It was resolved to grant permission on payment of £2 2s per week till the end of January, and' after that date at £1 Is pec week. It was decided that the Council employees, both permanent and casual, should be paid for the four Christmas and New Year holidays. On the motion of Cr. Leaver it was resolved that an .advertisement bo inserted in tho papers intimating that for the future | the by-law dealing with motor-cars being, left , unattended for any length of time in the public streets of the borough, other than the parking places provided, would be rigidly enforced. It was decided to take proceedings against certain persons for Infringements of the building by-laws. A letter was received' from Mr T. Adnams, secretary of the local Municipal Band, asking in what manner the Council proposed helping the band. On the motion of Cr. Leaver it was decided that the band be asked to give a limited number of concerts at £2 10s per concert, plus collections. The Mayor wished the councillors and staff the compliments of the season. SUMNER. A meeting of the Sumner Borough Council was held last night. Present—Tho Mayor (Mr W. H. Nicholson) and Crs. C. M. I{ H. W. Harris, E. Peek, P. Dick, J. H. Thomas, F. C. Cooper, H. C. Jones and H. C. Jamieson. Tho lighting manager reported that the gas manufactured in JJovembcr was 1,069,000 cubic feet, an increase of 60,600 cubio feet on the corresponding month in 19E3. Two new' connexions had been made. Four new electrical connexions had been made and the renewal work on the Esplanado resumed. The installation of street lamps in Sam and Arnold streets and Heberden avenue had been held up for lacik of poles.. There had been two failures during the month, the first caused by lightning aad the second by a severo gale. * Tho financial statement showed a dr. bank balance on November 30th of £I3OB lis 9d. The Standing Committee reported that in response to a letter from the Medical Officer of Health, instructions have been given to lay rat poison. The committee recommended that the Council approve of the line of the new street submitted by Messrs Ley and Co. on '* "Behalf of Miss Crosbie, a.n<J that a specification for formation of the same be forwarded; that proceedings be taken against a car owner who refused to park hia car in the correct parking place; that approval be given to a subdivision plan of a part of Mr Stapley's property on the Es-tuary road; that the usual concession be made to tJie Eedcliffs School Committee with regard to •water and sanitation fees; that alternative tenders be called, for earthenware and concrete pipes for the Redcliffs sewerage scheme. The report and re.commendationa were adopted. The matter of tenders for a supply of cast iron pipes was considered and as no further word has been received an extension of line was granted. Cr. Dick's reoort on excavations at Taylor's Mistake was received, and he was thaiiked for the time which he had spent on insi>ect'on. An offer made by tho Public Works Department for ft site for tho Redcliffo tanks was accepted. A letter from the City Council regarding tho extension of the -water mains was received, and it waa deoided to agree to tho terms laid downA letter from the returning officer regarding the poll in connexion with St. Leonard's square was received. Correspondence from the Progress League regarding administration was received. A letter from the Department of Labour regarding the weekly half-holiday was received. . J. Longton -wrote regarding cote. It was decided to invite offers for surplus coke over a period of twelve months. Concerning Mr Crawford.'s application for water connexion ho wae informed that he might connect not with the high pressor©, but with the low pressure from Heberden avenue. On behalf of the Redcliffs Regatta Committee, Mr L© Page wrote expressing appreciation of tho Council's work m connexion with the recent regatta, and especially that of Messrs Harper and Cheehwc. The Mayor reported* that tho Tramway Board had agreed to continue the strengthening of the causeway at the Clifton Bridge "it was decided that the holidays be observed by the Council 8 atan.

ashburton. The fortnightly meeting o! the Ashburton Borough Council was hold last Present—Tho Mayor (Mr K. Galbnuth) ««a Crs F Z. D. Ferriman, W. H. JWoods, K. M. Dunlop, J. W. Bowden, J. Watson, AV G. Hilliev, It. Kerr, H. R- C. McEirea, D. F. Keir. and R. A. Collins. Tho Gala Committee forwarded a cheque towards the cost of repairing the cycle track on the Domain. _ , Tho Ashburton Electric Power Board lequested the Council to fill the eeat onthe Board recently vacated b$ Mr F. W. Watt. Cr HcElrea referred to the delay of the Board in advising the Council of the vacancy. Thero was a tendency in instances for what was locally known as "cut and dried stunts," in which ho inferred that appointments were very often agreed upon between certain members of local bodies before meetings. He contended that such ectiass lfid to a misuse of power, and were not the correct manner in which to conduct business in the interests of the ratepayers. His motion that the Power Board be written. to and asked why such a lapse <sf time had occurred before the Council had been notified of the vacancy waa carried unanimously-. _ On the motion of Cr. Bowden, Cr. Woods was appointed to fill the vacancy. Cr. Bowden said that, in that appointment, there had been nothing of the nature to which Cr. McElrea referred. The Advance Ashburton Association requested the Council to apply to have that portion of the railway reserve between Havelock street and the goods sheds vested in the Council, to enable the Association to prooeed with its policy of beautifying. It was decided to write and ask the Government if it woold lease tflie reserves at a nominal rental. The Deputy Chief Inspector of, reported that a muted improvement in the storage methods of the varioue local ferns w ob apparent from the report on the recent visit of a departmental inspector. The report further stated that, with a few exceptions, the various depots were in accordance with the requiremente of the regulations. The report was considered very satisfactory. From three applicants, Mr J. McElhinney was appointed engivc-driffcr of tie Council's road roller. After considerable discussion upon tho suggested var memorial site, it waa considered inadvisable to remove the band ioUimj* injm gsiiiatja.

squaro West, and the following motion vas carried: "That it bp a suggestion | 0 tlie "War .Memorial Committee that, the prorosed memorial be erected ill the centre of Baring square East and tho Sou:h African memorial bo removed a littio to the south." It wa© decided to add 10 per cent. to all rate 3 unpaid after January COtli, 19-3. TIMARU. ISrECIiL TO "the tress.", TIMARU, December C*J. ! The Timaru Borough Council held its ordinary fortnightly meeting this evening. Present—The Mayor iMr G. J. "VS'i-,1 kit-c>. Cvs. T. W. Satterthwaite, A. M. H. Shirtcliff. J. Ar.stey, J. A. Hay, D. MeXab, V. G. liwin. !•'. B. Hawkey, -L\ W. Manchester and P. C. Yinneil. ifr W. Gib!) wrote suggesting thii. the name of Charles street, ai tho head of which the Timaru War Memorial is bein~ erected, shoulci be altered to Anzac avenue. Tiie Mavor said that he thought tho Council should not lose sight of tho idea, of renaming tJlc street, though he was not certain that tho name suggested would bo » suitable one. It might bo a. good idea to aik for competitive names. Gr. Sattcrthtraite eaid he thought that tho time for changing the namo of the street would be when the memorial -was completed, and by that time perhaps the Returned Soldiers' Association could make some suggestion. Cr. Shirtcliff suggested Commemoration avenue as o. suitable name. It was decided that the matter should be held over in the meantime and that Mr Gibb should be thaiiked 'for bringing the matter under the notice of the Council. Cr. Shirtcliff congratulated the Works Committee on the prompt action it had taken with regard to traffic control. Although there had been considerable improvement as regards the speed of cars, there was little difference in tho main street, cars wero still being parked in all places and nt all angles, thero being in some places scarcely room for two cars to pass. He would like to see tho traffic 'inspector, or better still, tho police, take tho matter of i parking firmly in hancb. Pedestrian's should also bo more careful in. their methods of crossing tho street. Yery often the motorist got tho blame for an accident which was tho fault o£ tho pedestrian. The Oamaru. United Friendly Societies wrote stating that they had decided to hold their annual picnic at Caroline Bay on Saturday, January 17th, and enquiring if the usual hot water and milk would bo available. Tho Ma-yor said that, in view of tho resolution of the Council that hot water and milk should not be supplied free by tho Council, except to schools, they would have to advise the Oamaru people to that effect. However, they could approach tho Carolino Bay Association, or the Publicity Association. and ask them to supply the hot water and milk. Cr. Yinneil said ho did not agree with tho Mayor's suggestion. They would have to stick to their previous resolution or rescind it. Cr. Satterthwaite thought -that the Council should reply that hot water and milk, would he available. The previous resolutions dealing with the matter were then read. The Mayor said that it was certainly implied that free hot water and milk could bo * supplied to school picnics only during 1 this year. In reply to Cr. Shirtcliff, the town cleric said that last year free hot water and milk had bean supplied to every picnic. Cr. Shirtcliff said the matter had been brought to a head by the requesj» of •tho Railway Department, which was a trading concern, for similar concessions. They wanted something for nothing. He suggested that ai small committee should be set up to to into the matter, with power to act. Tho Mayor agreed with this view, although lie felt that the Council really could not afford the expense. The mater could be well handled by the Caroline Bay Association. Cr. Sattcrthwaite: "Let the other fellow do it over}' time.' Ho thought tho inatter cf supplying facilities for excursionists was one for the Council to deal with, and tho Council should foot tho hill. Ho moveil that hot water and milk should he supplied free to tho Oamaru U.F.S. picnic. After further discussion th& motion was lost, and an amendment, proposed by Cr. Anstcy, that in future the Council would not .supply adult picnic parties with hot water and milk free, hut would oontinue to supsiy these commodities to visiting school picnics, was carried, only Crs. Satterthwaite, Shirtcliff, Hawkey, and Vinnell voting against it. On the motion of Cr. Shirtcliff, it was decided that the previous resolution cancelling the license held by D. Callaghan, licensee of tho Atlas Billiard saloon, should bo rescinded. The borough electrical engineer, Mr G. T. Wilson, reported that the Coleridge electrical power supply Had failed on November 28th and December 12th, and tho borough plant had earned the load for four hours and nine hours respectively on these occasions. He stated that ho must again tlia Council that it was unfair to the consumers to depend entirely upon Coleridge as a reliable service, as every {Tmo a severe . storm was experienced the line failed, and Timaru was hours without the Bupply. He could not too strongly urge the necessity of a modern plant for t]\reo reasons: (a) To avoid interruptions of more than one minuta and so keep faith with the consumers; (b) to he independent of any monopoly; and (c) to generate our own supply at a cheaper rate than the best terms offered by the Public Works Department. He could, definitely state that the borough conld generate its own current and give better service than the present bulk supply, and save hundreds of pounds per year. He recommended the Council to consider advisability of at once calling tenders for n Diesel-driven plaiffc. ■< It was decided that the engineers report should he held over pending the settlement of the terms oLtho supply of Coleridge power. T* The South' Canterbury Electric Power Board wrote Btating that it could admit that tho Council was entitled to "the same rates as it paid the Government, and asking if the Council was prepared to refer the question, to tho district electrical engineer, Christchurch, for final arbitrament. It was decided that the Coujjcil's claim to be supplied at the best Government rates, in accordance with Ministerial promises, should bo placed befoto tho Minister of Public Works for fulfilment, -and that the Power Board should be advised accordingly. At the conclusion of tho meeting the Mayor extended the compliments of the season to the members of the Council and to the Press.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18263, 23 December 1924, Page 14

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BOROUGH COUNCILS. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18263, 23 December 1924, Page 14

BOROUGH COUNCILS. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18263, 23 December 1924, Page 14