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The Lady Editor win be pleased to receive for publication in tie "Women's Corner" items of social or personal news. Such it"" should be fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear the signatures of both parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of interest to, •women.

Sister Martin, who has been engngcxl in private nursing in Christchurch the past two years, is spending a fe days with Mrs Wylio (Kaiapoi) before leaving for Dunedin. Mrs B. West (Christchurch) has gone to Waimate to stay with Mrs L. O. d'Auvergr.c for the wedding of - Hazel Manchester and Mr Bean. Miss Dorothy Garrick is leaving on Fridav for a trip to Suva, Fm, where she will spend several months visiting relatives. "Mr and Mrs J. A. Efford left by the West Coast express yesterday for their home in Greyiucuth sifter spending their honeymoon in the North Island. Mrs Michael Campbell and Miss Campbell, who have been spending the winter in the north, returned lo Christchurch yesterday. Mrs P. R. Sarpood (Dunedin) and Mr and Mrs R. Hooker (New Plymouth) are guests at the United Service Hotel. Mr and Mrs C. Oliver (Culverden) and Mr and Mrs E. Good (Kekerangu) are staying at tho Clarendon Hotel. Mrs S. Gibbs and Miss Gibbs returned yesterday morning from the North. Miss Duffy (Palmerston North) arrived in Christchurch yesterday, and is the guest of Miss Odie Kerr (Chapter street).

The engagement is announced of Miss ]>oris Moreland, younger daughter of Mrs E. Moreland (Melbourne, and late Napier), to Mr Daniel W. Beese, elder son of Mr and Mrs T. W. Beese(Christchurch). Mrs "W. Brown will be in charge of the cake stall at the fair at the East Ohristchurch school on Saturday. Everything will be home-made. On Friday evening, Miss Oldridge entertained her pupils at a party at her homo in Clivo street, Linwood, when a large number of pupils attended. The junior pupils were entertained at a tea party, and the senior pupils in the evening. After tea, musical games were greatly enjoyed by the little ones, and the time passed all too quickly with pianoforte solos, songs, and games. The following were guests at Godley House, Diamond Harbour, during the past fortnight:—Mr and Mrs Grantley Norton and child, Mrs Claude Sawtell, Mrs Patchett, Mrs Jones and two children, Mr and Mrs Buulun, Mrs Williams and child, Mrs Edmonds, Mrs Breward, Mr and Mrs Beadel, Mr Beeby, Master Budkin,' Misses Lawrence (2), Rudkin, Osborne (2), Tsewnham, Moncrieft', Brown, Moore, Morrison, lEdmonds, Haxdie, Hall, Alison, Burns, Hastie (Dunedin), Bell (Dnnedin), Breward. and also 33 members of the secondary schools' branch of the Students' Christian Union.

The St. George's Hospital market, which will l>o opened in the Art Gallery next Tuesday at 2.30_ and will continue for the tliree following days, promises to be a great success. Yesterday an anonymous welhvisher bought tliree of the entrance tickets a.nd paid £3 Gs 8d for each. A beautiful old-fashioned, gold set with precious etones, also arrived anonymously through the post.

A gift evening and danco will be held in Disband to-night for the nurj>ose of raising funds and gifts for .Mrs Calson's emporium at the forthcoming bazaar in aid of the Church of England Hospital. Arrangements for the monster fair and jumble sale to be the East Christchurch School on Saturday, in rjd of the bath improvement fund, are ■well in hand, and the various stallholders are working hard to ensure its success.

A very successful progressive euchre evening "promoted by the lady members of the Sumner Lifo-Saving Club was held in the Town Hall supper-room on Monday. The prizes were won by Mrs Miller, Miss Jones, Mr Allen and Mrs T. Newburgh. Amongst tnose present were: Mrs W. H. Nicholson, Mr and Mrs C. Booth, Mr and Mrs G. Foster, Mr and Mrs Graham, Mr and Mrs T. Newburgh, Mrs F. J. Glackin, Mrs Wykes, Mr and Mrs H. D. Bates, Mr and Mrs S. Johnston, Mrs Pye, Mrs Bowman, Mr and Mrs Crisp, Mrs Cray, Mr and Mrs 11. Woolcock, Mr and" Mrs Topping, Miss Jones, Mrs R. Ogier, Mrs It. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs C. M. Koswell, Mrs H. Miller, Mrs Liddiard, Mrs D. Coleman, Mrs J. Neilson, Miss Murphy, D. Cosset, Messrs P. Dick, Coleman, jun., Neilson, iun., C. Ogier, Gese, and A. Allen!

On Saturday evening the members of the Christchurch Garrison N.C.O.'s Club and their friends held the ninth dnnce of the season in the club rooms, which were suitably decorated for the occasion. Mr L. Colbert's orchestrasupplied the music, and those present spent a very pleabant evening. Among the dancers were Mr and Mrs A. Clemens, Mr and Mrs H. H. Wilson, Misses F. Dini, D. .Welsh, V. White. M. Button. J. Lester, D. Harris, D. Har~ourt, D. Tucker, P. Thornton, A. Tretheway. D. McNae, A. Brown, R. Halstead,"F. Robertson, and Messrs B. Henwood, M. J. Dini, L. Pickering, Cyril Poulton. A. Still, C. O'Callahan, J.' Lester. E. Humm. J. Bigg, R, Bennetts, J. Bird, G. O'Reilly, L. Thompson, H. Hall, A. Gillespie, J. McGoldrick (Wellington A.S.C.) H McCleary, a,nd T. M. Atmore. Mr M. J. Dini was M.C. At their residence Church road, Templeton, Mr and Mrs Spittal, entertained a number of their friends at a social evening in aid of No. 5 candidate for the coming Queen Carnival. The evening passed all too quickly with music, singing and games and a dainty supper was served in the din-ing-ropm. During the evening a good sum was contributed, which goes to show how popular the candidate is. Amongst those present were Mr and Airs Spittal, Mr and Mrs Gilmour, and their daughter, little Miss Ngaire (candidate), Mr and Mrs F. H. Simpson, Air and Miss Chatterton, Alesdames Joblin, Dowe, Williams, Davison and Carey, Afissc3 V. and M. Gilmour and Miss Carey, Mr and Mrs J. McLauchlan, Air and Mrs Stewart, Aiasters Spittal (2). Simpson (2), McLauchlan (2), and Joblin. At the Y.W.C.A. Cafetaria, High street, the girls of Weeks Ltd., and their friends held their final party of the season. It took the form of a carnival evening, fancy dress, streamers and balloons all adding to the merriment. Air F. Candy was M.C. The prizes, which were presented by Mr W r . F. Soper, were won by Miss Lolo Walker (Gipsy) and Aliss Ina Davidson (Baby), Air H. Hill (Alexican) and Air J. AlcKay (Red Indian) carried off the men's prizes. The competition winners were Aliss J. Forbes and Aliss E. Graham, and the lucky spot waltz was won by Miss O. Caven and partner. A solo dance was contributed by Miss Marjorie Shaw. Those in fancy dress included Alesdames Woods (Gipsy), Hill (Ancient Egyptian), Walker (Nurse), Mann (Early Victorian), Misses Cain (Mars). Walker (Chinese Lady), Barclay (Japanese Lady), Barker (Indian Girl), Andrews (Harem Girl), Hardy (Early Victorian), Schofield (Japanese Lady), E. Cain (Harem Girl), Styran (Nurse Girl), Holland (Queen of Clubs), Brewer (Follv), Duffey (Pierrette), Hawthorne (Georgian Lady), Thornton (Early Victorian), Gray (Harem Girl), O. Caven (School Girl), A. Caiven (Pierrette), T. Brightmore (Mechanic), H Brightmore (Pierrette), E. McKay (Black and Orange), White (Pierrette), Stewart (Gipsy), N. Avrey (Daisy), Aiessrs Dick (Indian), Taylor (Arab), Cain (Uncle Sam), Fellingham ton), Walker (Cook). Beckett (.Parson), Alann (Pierrot) and many others. On Saturday afternoon at her liomo on Cashmere Hills, Aliss Hazel Faville was hostess at a kitchen afternoon in honour of Miss Doris Taylor, who is to be married shortly. Miss Fayille received her guests wearing a pretty frock of lavender georgette. Miss Taylor wore a charming gown of shellpink georgette with inset bands of guipure lace. The room was decorated with bowls of spring flowers and japonica. A "programme of music was carried out and later a dainty afternoon tea was served. Those present were: Mesdames Taylor, Faville, Jewell, Geddes, Taylor, jun., Misses Doris Taylor, Hazel and Rona Faville, Renee Mahon, Eileen McDanritt, Tui Ba.rnett. Thelma and Mavis McKenzie, Thelma Hicks. Flo AlcDonald, Doris Tankard, Thelma Thompson, Jill Carribk, Rona Monro, Cris Stewart, Esma Watts, Thelrna Fraer and Pon Sladen.

A September exposition of fashionable Furs is being held by Madame Menere, corner Cashel and Colombo streets (Upstairs). The showing comprises modes that will receive the acclaim of the smartly-dressed woman, and the garments are being sold at special after-season prices that offer unusual opportunities for • substantial savings. M 6512 PERSONAL CHASM. Personal Charm is not so much a matter of proportioned features as it is careful attention to the toilet. Hair health, clear skin, cared-for hands and nails, are the happy possessions of the many women who have had treatment from "Shalimar." To know the confidence of jjersonal charm is the birthright of every woman. For appointments ring 628. SHALIMAR TOILET ROOMS (Principal, Mrs S. Vaughan), 240 HIGE STREET (above Simpson and Williams). VBG6S-2 Just to hand shipment of Ladies' Black Suede Shoes, elastic insertions, pump soles, square and Cuban heels, suitable for afternoon and evening wear 255. Also in Glace Kid 22s 6d. H. PANNELL AND CO., 105 Manehester street. P6545-9315

By the death of Mrs Jane Cockbum at the residence of her son-in-law, Mr W S. Busch, "West Eyreton, on Monday another link with the cany historv of Oxford is broken. Alary Jane "McDowell, for such was her maiden name, was bom in kilmore. Countv Cavan, Ireland, en June Ot-h. IS4o. "in 18-34 she came to New Zealand in the ship Ivanhoe, and after a brief residence at Cust went to Oxford in 1865. Two years later she married Mr Allan Cooper Cockburn who established what became a well-known shoeing forge and smithy at the foot of the terrace at West Oxford, and was carried on bv him for 2-3 years, till he died in IS9O. Mrs Cockburn was a. resident of Oxford for 54 years during which time she endeared herse.t to her neighbours, to whom she pave great help and assistance m times of sickness. Five vears ago she went to live with her Youngest daughter at West Evreton, with whom shft died m her 80th year She leaves a lami.v oi three sons, six daughters, 23 grandchil'dren. ftnd three greatgrandchildren.

A v»ry successful euchre party and danco was held in the Papanui Memorial Town Hall about 400 guests being present. The hall was tastefully decorated with streamers, spring flowers, and not plants. Woods's Band supplied "the music, extras being supplied hv Mr C. Smith. Messrs Camngton, Munro, and Rouse were the M.C.sThe committee comprised Messrs Chatfield (chairman), J. H. Reynolds (secretary), C. Smith, T. Grose, S. kruso, Carrington, Tapper, Clough and <B. Derrett, Mesdames Burred (convener) wore black beaded jersey silk ; C. Smith (ladies' secretary), peacock blue jersey silk; Clough, grey beaded satin; Faith, black satin; Hern, black marocain; Cartncr, black velvet: Blackmore, brown silk; Berry, black satin; Tapper, navy blue frock; Grose, navy blue crepe do chine; Misses Burke, salmon pink creoe de chine; Tansey, champagne marocain overdress of champagne radium lace. The stage decora tions were kindly lent by Mr Yates. The euchre nrize-winners were: Ladies, Mrs Berry Ist, Mrs Clough 2nd, Mrs Barry 3rd. Gentlemen, Mr J. Kettle Ist, Mr Orchard 2nd, Mr Cooper 3rd. A comnetition was won bv Mr R, Hill and a "lucky spot waltz by Miss Jack and Mr Thomson.

THE LATE MRS JOB OSBORNE. The death occurred last Friday, at the age of 74 years, of a ivery well known" and highly respected ex-resident of Doyleston, in the person of Airs Osborne, wife of Mr Job Osborne, of Fendalton. Born at Paisley, Scotland, the late Airs Osborne arrived at Lyttelton in 1860 by the ship Alatoaka, with her mother and brother (Air W. H. Jamieson, one of the best known farmers in the Leeston district). She resided for a time at Hornby, then at Prebbleton. and from there was married in 1867 to Air Job Osborne, who had taken up land at Doyleston in 1864, having arrived in New Zealand in 1859. The journey to "Winfield/ Doyleston, was made in a trap drawn by draught horses, the vehicle becoming bogged at a point near where the Irwell school now stands. The golden wedding celebrations took place in the Durham street Alethodist Schoolroom, Christchurch, in 1917. Airs Osborne, like a number of other early settlers m the district, bravely faced the trials and difficulties associated with the pioneering days, and proved to be a citizen of the" very Jest, type. Air Osborne, as is well known, invented a well-sinking plant in the early days, and his business frequently took him away from home. At such times Airs Osborne managed the farm affairs with conspicuous ability. After residing <-i "Winfield," Doyleston, for 43 Mrs Osborne removed with her husband to Fendalton, when Air Geo. W. R. Osborne took over his father's extensive farming interests. Throughout her long period of residence in' the Ellesmere district (Airs Osborne was a staunch member of the Leeston Methodist Church, and a loyal worker in con. nexion with all the activities of the church. On her removal to Fendalton she associated herself with the Durham street Alethodist Church. She is survived by her husband and a family of one son and two daughters. The funeral, which took place on Sunday, was attended by a very large number of people from all parts of the Ellesmero and Springs Counties as well as by many friends from Christchurch and other parts of Canterbury. The cortege of motor-cars was one of the longest seen in the Leeston district for a number of years. Service was conducted in Christchurch bv the Rev. W. A. Hay, and when the cortege reached "Winfield," a pause of several minutes was made before the old home. The Rev. A. 0. Harris, minister of the Leeston Alethodist Circuit, conducted the service at the grave. The pallbearers were Messrs W 0. Rennie, Chas. AlcLachlan, M. Carr and A. S. Nicholls.

Floral tributes were received from the Durham street Methodist Ladies' Guild, Ellesmere A. and P. Association, the- Rennie family, Mr and Mrs John Wheeler and family, the Werner family. "Strathlachlan," Mrs G. Barrell rnd family, Messrs Adams, Ltd., Mr \j Matson and family, Mr and Mrs A. S. Nicholls, Mr and Mrs G. Judd, Mr and Mrs T. Smith, Mr and Mrs S. Boyce, grandchildren, Mr and Mrs A. E. Nicholls, Mr and Mrs R. W. Lochhead, Mr and Mrs Redpath, Mr and Mrs D. Redpath and family, Mr and Mrs J. C. Lochhead, the directors of Andrews and Beaven, Ltd., (45 years' friendship), MrsS. Chapman and family, Leeston Methodist Church. Mr and Mrs K. J. Smith, Messrs Nairn and son, Mr and Mrs C Overton, Miss L. Calvert, Mr and Mrs F. J. Carr, Mr and Mrs J. Chamberlain, employees of "Winfield," Mrs F. J. Clark. Mr and Mrs Henry Jamieson, the Redpath family, and Mrs H. Chapman.

Smart Summer Frocks, priced from 5s lid to 6 guineas', should be sufficient inducement to invite an inspection, but there is also a wide range of Model Spring Millinery and Linens, easily the best value in town, being offered at WESTWAY, 100-102 Cashel street, just past Stewart Robinson's. Ladies' own materials made up on premises, style and lit being guaranteed. 6*

SKIN DISEASE SPECIALIST. The Christchurch Branch of the wellknown and successful Kiexeins Treatment is ccutroiiea by a Specialist, who has spent years in the s&uuy # or skin diseases, their treatment ana remedies. For ail skin diseases, especially Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, ana iiaby Eczema, the Klexema treatment has a wonderful list of successes to its credit. Recently an American visitor, suffering severely from Eczema, underwent a course of this treatment, and left the Dominion free from the dread disease. And so it is wherever the treatment has been taken advantage of—it has meant a new outlook on life for hundreds of one-time sufferers. Sufferers from skin diseases are invited to interview Nurse Sturgeon, who will gladly give advice about the Klesema Treatment. Hours of consultation: 10 a.m. to 4 pjn., or by appointment. 'Phone 451 D. THE KLEXEMA ROOMB, High Btreet Chambers, Chnstcharch, and at Wellington and Dunedin. i- &


A jolly dance took place last night at the Jellicoc Hall, given by the Returned Soldiers' Association for all those who had helped at. th.» "Reveille." • which was produced recently at the Theatre Royal. The hall was prettily decorated in pink and green. Music was supplied by Marsden's Jazaramba Band. The small children wera entertained from 7 p.m. till 9 p.m., and seemed to enjoy themselves thoroughly. There were treasure hunts, balloon races, and musical chairs, and a recitation was given by Joan Hughes. Tho competitions resulted: —Girls: Balloon raco. Miss Newsome 1, Miss Tobin 2. Hoys: Balloon raco, Master 0. Fairbrass 1. Musical chairs: Miss M. Campbell. Treasure hunt: Miss Tobin. The prizes wera presented by Professor Hugh Stewart, president- of the R.S.A., who took the opportunity to thank all these who had assisted with the "llsveilb." Among those present were:—Mrs Geo. Rhodes, Mrs M. Cummins," Mrs J. S. Kelly, Mrs Fleck, Mrs Blackburn, Mrs Wright, Miss McKume, Mrs Holmes and Harbour Light girls, Misses Shona Rhodes, Madge Wilson, Millicent Jennings, Lulu Hannav, E. Whits-Parsons. W. White-Parsons, R. Faville, M. Rankin. Betty Macdonald, M. Graham, M. McGill, J. McGill, Lorna Martin, I. Graham, M. Helliwell, F. McDonald, D. Tankard, E. Peverill, J. Hicks, C. Christian, M.; Jennings. G. Joseph, L. Flanagan, S. Marshall, B. Renaut, D. Wilson,' K. Biss, A. Gimpbell, K. Campbell. A. Martin, D. Dickinson, O. Round, M. Pottinger, G. Young, N. Miller. G. Trapnell, K. Campbell. R. Eldred. A. Poison, N. Leitch, D. Harr, L. Willialms, L. George, J; Wallis, E. Mc-Lennan, J. Rippin, M. Jones, F. Roulton. I. King, M. Kerr, D. Kiver, E. Wall. B. Webb. M. Trent, S. Tobin, C. Ledger, B. Flesher, M. Whitton, J Sorenson, L. Broughton, B. Clavdon, M. North, V. Cane. R. Wood, D. Quill. F. Middleton, P. East, R. Vaughan, K. Hndfield, H. Rich, Professor Hugh Stewart. Messrs M. Cummins, W. E. I>adl-<v, Fleck, Blackburn, Hartigan. Wright. Gee. E. Kelly. A. K. Johnston. D White-Pnr-snns, C. S. Wilson, H. Sinclair, W. Diamond, R. W. Moir. Jenninrs (Dunedin), M. Graham, Joseph, H. Ford, A. Johnson. E. Re<d, Mtirrie, T Matsort. B. F lf> ld. Pol ton, s^ith, "WMsiri. O. K. Paxtor, F. McDonald. A. BorcrfeWt S. Hardv, A. Vizor. J. B"rr*fre. Jj. Graham. H. Fowler, N. Hadfield, and many others.


McCLELLAND—ADDI3STGTON. On Saturday last, September 20th, at "River View." Kimberley, Mr and Mrs Henry McClelland entertained a number of their friends, the occasion being their silver wedding. Mrs McClelland received the. guests wearing a frock of silver soft satin, relieved with pink. The tea table was prettily decorated with spring flowers, and a cake skilfully iced by Mr George Batstone, of Kirwee, was placed in the centre. The cake was finished with the original flower of the wedding cake of 25 years ago. Before tea all joined in singing the 100 th Psalm, Mrs Moffat presiding at the piano. Mr C. Johnston assisted. Mr McClelland in eutting the cake. Mr Westwood, an old friend of the family for the past 44 years, proposed the health of Mr and" Mrs McClelland, and Mr Ernest Wells responded on behalf of his uncle. Mr and Mr 3 McClelland . received many congratulations by letter and telephone. During the evening gongs were given by Mrs A. Anderson, Mr Belgravc, Mr Westwood, and Miss Janie McClelland, Mrs Moffat and Miss Marjorie McClelland playing the accompaniments. Musical items were given by the Misses Janie, Marjorie, Gladys, and Hilda McClelland, and recitations bv Mabel McClelland and Master J. Moffat.

Amongst those present were Mr and Mrs Willie McClelland, Mr and Mrs Robert McClelland and daughter, Mr and Mrs Ernest Wells, Mr and Mrs Jack Weils, Mrs Courtenay Wells and daughter, Mr and Mrs Belgrave, Mr and Mrs Westwood, Mr and Mrs Moffat and son, Mr and Mrs 11. Marsh,. Mr and Mrs Arthur Anderson, Mr and Mrs W. Syme and Mary, Messrs Johuston and Hall. Apologies were received from Mr Fred and Arthur Addington. Mr and Mrs McNae, and Miss Shier.

The alluring display of now season goods now showing at Minerva Salon is featu/ing something quite different in Fuji frocks. These beautiful garments are designed and made under the supervision of Miss Kathleen Fuller (late John Court, Auckland), and are priced at 2 guineas for plain,' and 2£ guineas v.-itn a very smart stripe. The limited window display, in Cashel street, offers no conception of the extensive range of select gowns, frocks, and costumes in the rooms upstairs, over Jones, McCrostie, corner Manchester and Cashel streets. 'Phone


BALL AT TAI TAPU. Tlie Town Hall was the scene of a pay throng on Friday evening, when the residents of Tai Tami entertained their friends at a bell, over 100 couples being present. The excellence of the arrangements were due to an energetic committee, consisting of Mesdames Jones. 'Lareombe, Herrick, Gaxnelt, Dowker, Branthwaite, Misses Suckling and Herrick, Messrs J. Jones (chairman). E. Jones, F. Hanschild, McLaughlin. R. Wllan, Dowker, and Mrs Suckling (secretary). Tlie spacious hell was very prettily decorated with greenery and blue and sold streamers, ;:.nd the iStage was adorned with large howls of yellow daffodil* from Otahuna. Mr C. Wells's Orchestra flayed delightful music. Among those- present were: — •

Ifesdimes J. Jonp.s, bi-owu silk and lace; PI. T&nner, grey siik inarocuin; J. Bowden, black marocair.'. 11. Payne, blue jersey silk; F. Meyerhoff, sage green georgette; F. Pickering, block crepe cle chine; J. Gallagher, black ruoiv silk; Fisher i.lJangiora}, gold shot taffeta; F. McLaughlin, (/old shot satin, beaded in bronze; A. E. Jone?., kingfisher blue ollk; T. Bra-k?, black beaded velvet; L. Scott, biue rrarocrin with steel beads; Wallace sen., black crepe de chine; Bramhwaite, sen., black m:;rc-ci»in; Bing, black silk: Herrick, cherry red . brocaded crepe de ckiso; Wills; F. .Bennett; Paull, black silk frock; John Mackenzie, Lottie-green velvet; John Braulhwaite, black velvet, with radium lace; Jojin Wallace, 6teel-b!uo marine taffeta; Prentice, navy blue frock; J. Nimrno, pale pink foulard sill:, with lace; Dowker, bronze rnarocain, with radium lace; Garnott, black eilk; £. Flood, white crepe de chine, radium lace: Berry, cream crepe de chine; G. A. Marsh, brown; J. Hunter, black silk; 0. Rennie, blue velvet, georgette sleeves; J. Michael, white'crepe de chine, with narrow frills; A. Brown, black silk; J. Savage; G. Spencer, black silk; Morsel, navy blue; G. Peryman, red velvet; Watson, black crepe de chino; Hanschild, Ecn., black silk; Plumridge, green marocain; Findhvter, black velvet; Suckling, black eatin, with silver and blue trimmings; Laroombe, green marocain, with floral ornaments; Misses. E. Schmidt (Weilinglor)." white silk, beaded in navy; F. MoLrfi'Jgnlin (jticcarton), sunset shot eatin; M. House (Gust), salmon-pink marocain; 11. Spensley, fawri vehei; Rudkm, black velvet; KatU McKeo, primrose georgette, pastel streamers; Ida Herrick, paon blue taffeta, ■ gold trimmings; H. Jones, white georgette and radium lace; D.irby; G. Merriman, blue .shot taffeta with ruched frill; Branthwaite, shell-pink marocain; A. Anderson, mauve satin; W. Dowse, emerald eatin and lace; A. Bing, bronze crepe de chine; Prentice, preen velvet, with large shaded rose; D. Heinzmann, pretty cream satin frock, with shaded ribbon rosette; H. Heinzmann, lavender petal frock; A. Welsh, pale eau de, nil taffeta; S.' Wateon, nigger chiffon velvet, relieved with orange; M. Kelly, mauve crepe de chine; E. Redmond, rose taffeta; Ledgard, pink taffeta; Steinmetz, black velvet, with floral girdle; R. Costello, cherry brocaded satin; E. Craig, pale pink georgette; A. McLean, flame-col-oured georgette; Suckling, black velvet, large red cabochon; Rita Fox,, kingfisher blue jersey silk; C. Ryan, pale green silk, beaded overdress; I.- Gilmour, turquoise blue volvet; R. Phrmridge, floral eilk; F. Plumridge, blue fuji silk; Plumridga, black eilk taffeta; E. Macartney, pale pink tnffeta; A. Steinmetz, pale blue taffeta;. L. Pickering, green taffeta; E. Pickering, gTey tafieta.; Auatard, green taffeta; O. Joblin, apricot taffeta; Joblin, emerald green crepe de chine; R. Bowden, bright pink marocain.; White, black satin with emerald green berthe; A. Fitzgerald, pTetty frock of tucked taffeta; C. Paull, pale apricot crepe do chine, berthe of silver lace; iScholard; R. Roberts, lemon crepe <le chine; E. Ashworth. GOLDEN WEDDING.

Two old and highly respected residents of Little Akaloa, Banks Peninsula, Mr and Mrs Arthur Waghorn, celebrated their golden •wedding at their residence on September Bth. Over fifty relatives, were present at the wedding breakfast, some of whom came from Christchurch and Linton, North Island. The usual toasts were honoured, the Rev. F. H. Thorpe presiding and reading congratulatory letters and telegrams from Christchurch and also from local friends. In proposing; the toast of "The Bride and Bridegroom, Mr Thorpe paid a high to the work and worth of the favoured couple and the esteem in • which they were held by all. Breakfast was served in the dining-room, the walls of'which, were- hung with horseshoes and bows of gold, the ceiling being festooned and fights shaded in the.same colour. A Large horseshoe of daffodils was hung at the entrance to the dining-room, cuso a huge' wedding bell of daffodils at the entrance hall. The decorations of the tables were carried out very tastefully with violets and daffodils. The children's tablo, decorated with daffodils, was also set in the dining-room. A special- feature of the breakfast was the wedding cake, the top tier being supported by four gold pillars. On the top was a vase of primroses. The rest of the cake was adorned with bells, horseshoes and leaves of gold, the number 50 showing prominently in gold figures among enpids and sprays of flowers. In the afternoon a reception was held, all the. residents of the Bay being present. Mr and Mrs Wa-ehom received their guests, Mrs Waghorn wearing a j handsome frock of fawn gabardine. 1 heavily embroidered, with shoes and stockings to match. She carried a beautiful bouquet of narcissi ami freesias, tied with gold ribbon, mado and presented by her niece, Miss Una Waghorn. There were many grandchildren present, some of whom contributed to the harmony of the gathering. In the evening the drawingroom, hall and balcony were used for dancing and were very prettily decorated with ferns and streamers of gold. •The balcony was gloriously illuminated with coloured electric lights installed for the occasion by their grandson. Arthur Priest. The opening dance was led by the happy couple of fifty years ago. Confetti was showered over them <is the dance proceeded. The young people indulged in games and dancing imtil the early hours of the morning. During the evening an excellent supper ; was served in the dining-rom, where over a hundred were present. Among those present v.erc Per. F. H. and Mrs Thorpo, Mr and Mrs C. Priest, Mr and Mrs Clarence Waghorn, Mr and Mrs C. Gilbert, Mr and Mrs Halrm Waghorn, Mr and Mrs Guard Waghorn, Mr and Mrs W. Craw,' Mr and | Mrs L. Waghorn, Mr and Mrs J. Priest (CliristcburcM, Mr and Mrs E. Waghorn, Mr end Mrs Loyal Craw (Linton). Mr and Mrs & Gilbert, Mr and Mrs Mcintosh. Mr and Mrs IX Waghorn, Mr and Mrs F. Hunter, Mr and Mrs R. Craw, sen., Mrs Shand (Christchurch),, Mr and Mrs L. Craw, Mr and Mrs C." Craw, Mr and Mrs Marshall, Mrs Barkle, Mr and Mrs Clvdo Waghorn. Mr and Mrs H. M. Hale. Mrs* J. Craw, Mrs A. Shuttleworth, Mr and Mrs R. Bailey. Mr and Mrs Asliton, Mrs Cunningham. Mr and Mrs Kay, Mr' and Mrs R. Craw, jun., Mr and Mrs Gardiner, Mrs D. Waghorn and Mrs Gaijdiner, Misses Gipsy Shand, U. Waghorn, L. Waghorn, Linda Waghorn, T. Craw, K. Craw, A. Craw, M. Craw, L. Craw, E. Hampton, M. Hunter, L. Herriot, Chisnall, Messrs N. Waghorn, D. Waghorn, B. Waghorn, It. Waghorn, S. Waghorn, J. Herriot, R. Herriot. T. Craw, H. Craw. Len Gilbert, C. Shuttleworth, D. Gilbert, 0. Gill>ert, C. Marshall, V. Jagaer, and S.' Watts.

Mr and Mrs Waghorn received many useful and handsome gifts. The singing of* "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows" brought a happy and eventful day to a close.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18186, 24 September 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18186, 24 September 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18186, 24 September 1924, Page 2