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BOARD AND RESIDENCE. TO -STAT K GOVESSOS'S BAY. MES A. K. HARKER. PRIVATE BOARD »ad RESIDENCE, ■*■ Every homo comfort. Finest view of the Hirbour. Hot and cold luncheons to visitors. ' • H«V>9 Terms moderate TO COLLEGE AND COMMERCIAL MEN. EXCELLENT ACCOMMODATION. One Minute from Square. 'Phone 1456. ST. KILDA, 239 Cashcl street R3577 (just over Madras Btreot). ROYCROFT INN, 2 COLOMEO STREET SOXJTB, I Foot of Cashmere Hills, S an Ideal Home for Paying Guests. Every convenience and home comfort. Tariff moderate. M. K. TAYLOR. Phone 7237. "W8630 - 3G HEREFORD STREET WEST (Five minutes from G.P.0.). Superior Accommodation for Caaual and Permanent Guests. New hooee. Up-to-date appointments. BeautifuDv situated,- close to College, Gardens, and River Avon. 'Phone 1970. CASHMERE " KHARTOUM." (Late of 8G Armagh street), 78 DYER'S PASS ROAD BOABD AND RESIDENCE. /"VTAGO HOUSE, 269 MADRAS STREET, XJ LATIMER SQUARE. Excellent Accommodation. Paying Visitors received. "ST. ELMO PRIVATE HOTEL, 52 WORCESTER STREET SUPERIOR Accommodation. Permanent »-' guests from 50s per week, according to room snd house. Casual guests 19s 6d per day. 'Phone 872. M7lßl L ENILWORTH PRIVATE BOARDING l\. HOUSE. Quietest, Sunniest, and Best Position in City. Up-to-date bathrooms and Separate Shower. Permanent guests' £2 10s, casuals £3 3s per we«k. 'Phone 3839. 26 CASHEL. STREET WEST. H 6455 'ACANCTES fo7 PERMANENT OR » CASUAL BOARDERS. CITY, near Fire Station. Under new management iJin?* 173 LICHFIELD STREET. "BEACHCLIFFS," 7 HEAD. STREET, SUMNER. DEAL Situation. Spacious, Sunny Rooms, with separate balconies overlooking sea. Telephone 1549 K. nlt _ T MISSES HUGGINS sad SUCKLING. H 4214-4293 .. rpiMAßU—Comfortable Private Accomrnc-. -i- dation for Ladies or Gentlemen, close to Caroline Bay. Terms moderate. Write Smith, 16 Evans street. 9*31 i OOD Home offered free to Girl between v/ 1 six and eight years. Apply "Home," "Press," Ashburton. 9653 VACANCIES for Permanent Married Couple. Anply 830 Durham street. 1163 BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. WARRE, HOCKLEY and CO., LTD,, .mTtriKE AND SPIRIT MERCHANTS, .** ■ CATHEDRAL SQUARE. Established 1878. Tel. 161. P-O. Box 175. Celebrated for the quality of their Wines, Spirits, and Cigars. Canterbury Agents for Lindomaa's Cowarra Wines. , •. . , Hampers or Cases of Assorted Wines and Spirit packed; to order. W942o^m [AMES SHAND AND CO., LTD., 181 HEREFORD STREET (Opposite N.Z. Eapress Co.) Importers of WINES, SPIRITS, TEA, ETC. N.Z. Agents. ■RED and BLUE MONOGRAM , . CIGARETTES. New Supplies now to hand. 'PHONE 653. DAIRY FARMERS. BUTTER-FAT. HIGHEST PRICE PAID. iTE are paying for August and September > V Is 8d per lb Butter-fat—one shilling and oightpence. For all Cream put on Railway at country stations we pay railage or delivered at the Factory, 161 Lichfield street East. Consign your Cream to us To-day. For further particulars writs MID-CANTERBURY DAIRY CO., LTD , Box 562, P. 0., Chriatchurch. M 6571-8429 REMOVAL NOTICE. 'HE LONDON DENTAL INSTITUTE have MOVED from their old room* in HIGH STREET,, to. NEW. ONES, over ISITT'S BOOK SHOP, . 113 CASHEL STREET. G. C. Z. HARRIS, Dentist. i R A -N C I S CLARK, Electrical Engineer, Cr. Manchester and Worcester streets. 'Phone 2155. You can hear a pin drop with an "Accousticon" Whether you've been deaf for years or have just recently gone deaf, you can hear perfectly with the wonderful "Accousttcon.' TRY THE "ACCOUSTICON" FOR TEN DAYS FREE This is our offer to you. No deposit, no expense. Learn for yourself how distinctly you can hear with the "Accousticon." Call to-day. JOHN R. PROCTER Ltd. Consulting Opticians ... . Opp. Clock Tower Chrisfchurch BUSINESS ANNOUNCEMENTS. 4000 DELPHINIUMS. 4000 DELPHINIUMS. r*7E HAVE 4000 DELPHINIUMS TO VT. OFFER FOR PRESENT PLANTING. Thesa are raised from one of the Choicest Strains in the Do - '""' "* elude every shade of blue. They are erect in growth and'branching in habit. The plants we offer are sti bloom during the coming autumn. To obtain the best essential that deep cultiyatio: should precede the planting. . FUNERAL NOTICES. THE Funeral of the late Stephen Bawkm will leave his late residence, 152 Enroad, Woolston, on Tuesday, September 33rd, «it 5.30 p.m., for the Linwood Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. E Funeral of the lato Howard James J- Nash Strong will leave the ree'.denes £4th, at 11, for the Biomloy Cemetery. J. LAMB and SON. 9660 rnHB Funeral of the lato Maria (Msry) -I- Reddington will leave the residence of uuu,u i'^ euc ""= thcnce - to the L i nwo od Cemetery. MATTHEW PARK and CO., LTD., Undertakers, -2M ?RICE, 3s 6d PER DOZ.; • 20s PER 100. Caeliel street. 8623 I Friends of the l»te Annie Doak are -i- respectfully informed that her FuneNAIRN AND SONS, ral will leave the residence of Mr Percival Lincoln roasl Edmonds, Peraki street, Kaiapoi,* This Day w , v „,, m. -.i i. ' v (Tuesday), September 23rd, at 2.30 .p.m., Telephone 241. Chnatchureh. Church of England Cemetery, KaiaJm34 poi F. FISHER. 961? DAIRY FARMERS. DAIRY FARMERS. DAIRY FARMERS. LTD., have recommended final payments of threepence (3d) for the eight summer months, and fivepence . (sd) for the four winter months; ■ making the Tai Tapu Dairy Co's prices for the season as follows: 1923 August . ' m «. H 1> 9d September .. *. ». Is 7d, October November "•• ~ ». Is 8d December ■• .. >« Is 8d 1924 . ~ v . . January #» »« ». Is 9d February .. ..■ «. Is 9d March .« .. ... Is 8d April .. ~. .. Is 6d . May . „ ....*. ,1s 9d June .. .. •• Is lOd July Is lOd Or an average of Is B.Old for the season. TAI TAPU CO-OP. DAIRY CO.. LTD., 86-90 Mdorhouse avenue, T8673 Christchurch. GABIONS S E EDS. . TURNIPS, ,EAPE, SWEDES, MANGELS, MANGELS, . MANGELS. GARTONS. LARGE YELLOW GLOBE . . MANGEL. . The variety that gives.quality and quantity. Has produced N«w Zealand's record crop—--126 TONS PER ACRE. GARTONS PRIZE-WINNER' YELLOW GLOBE MANGEL. ■ Second only' to Garten*. Large Yellow Globe. . GARTONS MAMMOTH'. LONG RED .MANGEL. ; The mangel that has stood-the test of time. GARTONS GOLDEN TANKARD MANGEL. Bred for quality. GARTONS WHITE KNIGHT MANGEL, of highest feeding value and'size. YOU WANT RESULTSSOW GARTONS SEEDS. Sole agents. . ■-._ WRIGHT, STEPHENSON and CO.. LTD., 198 Cashel street,' CHRISTCHURCH. W9456-7593 ' : ' VELVET SOAP*: FOR QUALITY ' ~ " -FIRST FOR ECONOMY ..' ... FIRST FOR SATISFACTION ; FIRST ASK for VELVET and insist on getting it. VELVET is PURE • SOAP, ans made with COCONUT OIL, and. is agreeably perfumed, proved to be the best for' ail domestic purposes. EVERY BAB GUARANTEED. 8078-5265 . NOTICE TO 3ASMER9. LIME YOUR LANDB. ■ \ ■ ' IMING is.ahowing big results every day. J START . NOW and use - KAKAHU CARBONATE OF LIME. 6 tone or more." Free railage up to 100 miles. GUDSELL BROS.. WincUjter. J- burn are respectfully , invite _ .- tend her Funeral, leaving the residence of her daughter, Mrs W. 8. Busch, West Eyreton, on Wednesday, September 24th. JOHN RHHTD (Late Langford and Rhind). P.O. BOX 623. UNDERTAKER. OTOR Hearse and Carriage* for Fnn- - eralo iu Town »nd Country. , 106 Montreal street, Sydenham. 'Phone 1603; 19 London street, Richmond. 'Phone 689. Town Offioei 104 Caahel street 'Phone Sl2. . , ««* GEORGE BARRELL, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER. MOTOR HEARSES AND MOTOR CARRIAGES FOR FUNERALS ANY DISTANCE. Office: 221. Garage: 325 Durham street. •PHONE 1701 Night or Day. I &!• 82695. , E O B G E DIOIISSOS. FUNERAL FURNISHER, LATIMER SQUARE, CHRISTCHURCH. Latest Motor-Hearse and Carriages. ' For Funeralß to any pari of New Zealand. Telephone 2539, Night or Day. D 2774 J. LAME AND 80K. FUNERAL FURNISHERS. LICHFIELD ST. Q. •"°*PHONE SQQ e ESTABLISHED 18Z&. ATTHEW PARK .AND CO., LTD., ' FUNERAL FURNISHEBB. Latest .Motor.Hearaes'and Carriage* • For Funerals any diataace. 293 ,CASHEL STREET EAST. . •Phones 8379 and 2633. night or day. F. NEATE, P7119 M»nag»r. WANTED TO FTJBOfiABE. EFT-OFF CLOTHING—Mrs Pritchard, " 13 Victoria . street, 'Phone SS94, Cash Buver ofSll kinds' of Ladies', Gentlemen's, ani Portmanteaux, Bed Linen, Furuiture; also Old Gold and Bilver Jewellery. SPOT CASH. P7191 L EFT-OFF Clothing—M*» Meagher. Cash Buyer' of Gent's Misfits, Boots. Trunks, Portmoantaux, also Ladies' sad Children's ARTIFICIAL TEETH; Sound or Broken, up to per set paid. Pre-war preferred. Cash, per return mail. Pearline Co., 9 Security Buildings, Queen street, Auckland. •Phone 14.0*.. Temuka. Established over 81 years HAMPTON BROS.. Grain and Produce Merchants, 50-54 Tuam street. IASH BUYERS of Potatoes, Onions, Wanted—Prime Table Potatoes and Oataheaf Chaff; good prices for prompt delivery. HAMPTON BROS., ....... 50-54 Tuam street. 2939 HORSEHAIR -BOUGHT. BRUSH MANUFACTURERS. 26 Fyfe street, off Madras street. 4-heat "UNIVERSAL" 4-heat "UNIVERSAL" 4-heat "UNIVERSAL" 4-heat "UNIVERSAL" "UNIVERSAL" "UNIVEBSAL r ' G rillstoves—sss. G rillstoves—sss. Grillstoves—sos. G rillstoves—sss. Grillstoves—sss. Grillstovts—sss. C 2747-5541 IDWARD GREENWALD, I LICENSED CARRIER, Has commenced » General Carrying Business at 122 COLOMBO STREET, BECKENHAM With an up-t<?-date Motor-lorry, he is \ prepared to do carting of all description, i AT A MODERATE CHARGE. | . Special, attention will be given to the • removal of Furniture. No job too email or 1 too large. (A trial solicited.) Note Sdrest: 123 COLOMBO STREET, | BECKENHAM (just over Tennyson ] street). . G4266 , EW ZEALAND BOOKS FOR SALE. J j. ' Price includes postage free. _ | Please pass on to vour Book-loving Fnend. Kindlv send for this Catalogue. A. D. SMITH, Antiquarian Bookseller, 113 A Manchester street South, Christchurch, N.Z. Libraries and Small Parcels of Books purchased. e 59341-45 'Phone 6137. **»• IS7 HEREFORD STREET. DOMINION CLEANING CO. ' Spring Cleaning Houses, < ing, Interior or Exterior. _ , Estimates e»vea for any class of Cleaning. H 6119 STEWART ROBINSON'S GREAT 21 DAYS' SALE OF WHITE FOOTWEAR SPECIAL REDUCED PRICES. DON'T DELAY—BUY TO-DAY. A FEW EXAMPLES : LADIES' WHITE CANVAS DERBY SHOES, a (>/H and 8/6 very fine shape, with medium., flat heels LADIES' WHITE CANVAS, special quality, two-strap Shoes, \§/Q with flat heels CHILDREN'S WHITE CANVAS ONE-STBAP SHOES, in 3/9 babies' sizes, 3, 4, 5, 6, with leather soles LADIES' WHITE CANVAS ONE-STRAP SHOES, with flat f/Q heels, good fitting YOUTHS' WHITE CRICKETING BOOTS, with leather soles, JQ/g sizes 2-5 LADIES' WHITE CANVAS TWO-STBAP SHOES, with high Q/6 heels, covered MEN'S WHITE CANVAS CRICKET SHOES, with leather JQ/g soles MEN'S TENNIS SHOES, chrome soles 10/9 MEN'S WHITE CANVAS TENNIS SHOES, with thick crepe 12/6 rubber soles, with leather welts underneath LADIES', same 11/6 LADIES' WHITE TENNIS SHOES, with ehrome leather soles MEN'S WHITE CBICKETING BOOTS, with leather soles 11/6 9/9 11/6 70 PAIRS LADIES' EEAL GLACE KID DEBBY SHOES, IK/O " Welted Soles price 22/6, now LADIES' PATENT ONE-BAB SHOES, with imitation Brogue, 23/6 with buckle LADLES' PATENT LEATHER, cnt-away sades, one-bar, but- 32/6 ton, low flat heels, latest fashion LADIES' SUEDE SHOES, endless patterns and colonrs, high g2/6 and low heels Per pair ' GENT.'S GLACE KID DERBY BOOTS, patent cap, welted 24/6 GENT 'S BOX CALF DEBBY BAL png toe, patent toe-eaps, 24/6 extra cirele welt ?«toge ** Extra. ~ ' v STEWART ROBINSON 108 CASHEL STBBET WEST, AND 743 COLOMBO STBEET.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18185, 23 September 1924, Page 15

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Page 15 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18185, 23 September 1924, Page 15

Page 15 Advertisements Column 5 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18185, 23 September 1924, Page 15