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The Lady Editor xrtll bo pleased to receive for publication in ths •'Women's Corner" Items of social or personal ugtts Such Item® should tos* fully authenticated, and engagement notices must bear tti® lignatnres of bath parties. Correspondence is invited on any matters affecting, or of iaterost to, women.

Mrs Burdon (Woodbury) is arriving; m Christehurch on Monday to visit Miss Bromley Cocks.

Mrs ITpnrv Cotterill is paying a short visit to Hanmer. Mr and Mrs Cyril Ward, who have been visiting Lady Ward (Heretaunga) are returning to Christehurch thi9 morning. Mrs C. Hamilton Gonld and her children are staying at the New Brighton Cafe. Mrs Claude Sawtell lias returned from a fortnight's visit to Diamond Harbour. Mrs Eric Harper has returned from a visit to Mt. .Peel and Timaru. Miss Dorothy Bowden is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs Randal! Burdon (Geraldine). Mr and Mrs Bevan Brown have returned from a visit to Kowai Bush. Dr. and Mrs Manning and Miss Marjorie Manning, who have been for a trip to Europe, are returning to Christchurch at the end of this month. Mrs A. K. Firth and family have returned from a holiday spent at Sumner. Mrs Douglas Anderson and her children are spending a holiday at the New Brighton Cafe. Miss Verna Hill (Rangiora) is coming to town to-day. to stay with Mrs Gudgeon. Miss Diana Moodie, Miss Eccles, Miss Wellesley, Mr Ward, and Mr Pirie Bush, of the Vanbrugh-Bonicault Company are staying at St. Elmo. Miss Jean Tench ("Balgowan." Bealey avenue) is the guest of the Rev. and Mrs Hay (Hiiids). Miss Cora Mulligan (Fendalton) is paying a short visit to Ashburton. Mr .and Mrs Aycrs and Miss Ayers (Rangiora), who have been on an extended visit to the North Island, have returned to Rangiora. Mr and Mrs W. If. Dunnage, who have been on a visit to Mrs M. Golding (Rangiora), returned to Invercargill yesterday. Mrs M. Golding (Rangiora) left yesterday on a visit to her daughter, Mrs J. Webster (Leeston). . Mr and Mrs M. G. Phelan and Mr and Mrs W. Ellis, who were staying at tho United Service for the Motor Traders' Conference, left last night for Wellington. Mr and Mrs Hugh Ensor (Rakahuri) came to the city for the YanbrughBoucicault performance last night, and aro staying at the United Service Hotel. Misses Marie and Pauline Kitto arc leaving to-day for Pahau Pastures, where they will be tho guests of Mrs Marmaduke Bethell. Amongst the recent arrivals at St. Elmo are: Mrs and Mies Caughley (Dunedin), Miss McDonald (Timaru), Mrs Rickman and Misses Rickman (Timaru), Miss Thompson (Dunedin), Mrs Gillespie (Gisborne), Mr and Mrs Ellis and family (England), Mr and Mrs Campbell (Wellington), Mr and Mrs Rhodes (Melbourne), Miss Buckland (Aknroa), Mr and Mrs Hetherington (Thames), Mr and Mrs Wiggs (Auckland). Mr Haagen Holenbergh (Sydney), Mr and Mrs W. Green (Christehurch), Mr Shand (Christehurch), Mrs Shine and two children (Christehurch), Mrs Wylie and Master Wylie (Christehurch), Mrs Denton and Miss Lucy Denton (Domett) are among the recent arrivals at the New Brighton Cafe. Mrs Donald Comer, Lyttelton, returned on Thursday from a visit to Sydney. Mrs D. H. Swanston, Upper Riccarton, and her three small children, who have been the guests of Mrs R. Kelly, Ashburton, returned home this week. Miss Catherine Ma/cPherson, 'Strath:illen," Fairlie, is the guest of Mrs H. Williamson, Waimate. Amongst visitors to the Ashburton races yesterday were: Mrs John Grigg, Mrs G. Macdonald, Mrs J. H. Grigg,' Mrs George RutLerford, Mrs George Murray-Aynsley, Mrs B, Todhunter, Mrs E. B. Newton, Miss Peggy Norton, Miss Upton, Miss Sanders, Miss Fulton, Dr. and Mrs Stevenson, Mrs Hugh Sleeves.

Miss E. Law, General Secretary of the .Christchurch Y.W.C.A., expects to leave New York for Canada this month, and will visit Toronto, Montreal, Quebec and "Winnipeg;, en route to Vancouver and Honolulu.

At the Convalescent Ilome grounds, Cashmere Hills, a sale of work, etc., organised by St. Augustine's Women's Guild, will be held ou Saturday next at 2.30 p.m.

Tho comniittco of tho North Canterbury Racing Club have issued invitations for a ball to be held in the Parish Hall, liangiora, on Friday, October 10th. The members of, tho Ball Committee arc Mcsdames D. Chapman, J. L. Ivinley, J. D. McCrackcn, N. Archer, L. W. Harley, W. Parsons, A. J. Tutton, T. Shankland, E. Fear, Messrs N. Archer, C. M. Archer, G. Cudby, E. Fear, H. K. Kippenberger, J. L. Kinloy, W. Moir, jun., E. D. R. Smith, A. J. Tutton, and K. J. Smith.

There was a large attendance at tho Y.M.C.A. Concert Hall last evening, when, under the auspices of tho Home Economics Association, Mr J. Hart gave an address on "Houso Planning." The address was illustrated with lantern slides. Mr F. A. Shurrock also spoke on colours in the kitchen and workrooms, and illustrated his lecture with coloured graphs. At the conclusion of the address votes of thanks were accorded the lecturer.

A committee of ladies, comprising Mesdame'g Gordon Lucaa, Peter \Vil3oll, A. E. Steere, and A. Derbidge aro organising a series of entertainments for their bran tub for tho bazaar to be held in November in aid of the Karicane Babies' Hospital. The first party of the series was held yesterday, when Mrs Leslie Dougall arranged a delightful tennis tournament at the Cashmere courts. A sumptuous afternoon tea was served, and the lucky winners of the tennis were Miss Eeid (Opawa) aud Mrs Morgan (Cashmere).

St. Michael's Hall was the scene of a jolly little' dance on Thursday evening when the Rose Social Club held one of their fortnightly dances, to raise funds for the Hall Improvement Fund, lied streamers and coloured lights/ together with foliage and flowers, completely transformred the hall. The supper tables were decorated with spring flowers. These dances are becoming increasingly popular, and on Thursday, as 011 previous occasions, tho many present spent a most enjoyable evening.

The Welsh Society hold their first public whilst drive of the season this evening at the Cecil Cafe (next to Graham, Wilson and Smellie's establishment), High street, at 7.45. Those who attended the society's successful drive last year will be sure to be present to-night, and, as tables are limited, they will be well advised to be there in good time. Prizes to the value of over £2 will be given, and a good supper provided after the drive. A surprise party, organised by Misses Mavis Moses and Doris Palmer, visited the residence of Miss Enid English, to welcome her back from Wellington. Musical items were given by Misses Hoar, Angus, and Moses, and Mr D. Jarvis. Amongst those present were: —Mrs English, Misses Enid English, Mavis Moses, Doris Palmer, Gladys Hoar, Daphne Giles, Sylvia Angus, Alma Whiting, Pat Flemingham, Kathleen Palmer, Phyllis Moses, Gladys Mowbray, Isobel Devereux, Margaret Lyons, Doris Acren, Winnie Maddren, Nera Curin, Beryl Newman, Messrs Jack Round, Don Jarvis, Jack Burrage, Vie Richie, Roy Woodward, Lionel Cavell, David Lee, Len Graham, Clarence Thornton, Jack Brown, Athel Brown, Roy Sullivan, Stewart Anderson, Hugh Burrows, Short, Burrows, Sansford, Trevor Richie, Ken. Hancock, George Tattle.

A delightful party was held at the residence of Mr and Mrs Les Holbrough (Ashley Bank), on. Saturday night, to celebrate the comiug-of-age of Mr Jack Holbrough. The large blue and rose dining-room was decorated with spring flowers and pink camellias, and a very pleasant time_ was spent in competitions, musical items, dancing, etc. A lucky-spot waltz was won by Mrs Bowbyes and Mr Jack Holbrough. Among those present, were: —Mrs Goodrick, Mrs J. Lund}, Miss Edith Lundy, Mr? Geo. Holbrough, Miss Thelma Robertson, Mr Ashby Robertson, Mr Dave Lundy, Mrs Les Holbrough, Mr Les Holbrough, Mr Charlie Lundy, Mr G. S. Smith (Addington), Mr L. Goodrick, Mrs Bowbyes, Mr J. Lundy, Miss Daphne Schmidt, Mr Jack Lundy, Miss Eileen Bowbyes, Mr T. Goodrick, Mr Geo. Holbrough, Mrs Schmidt, Mr W. Lundy, Mr Jack Holbrough. The Y.W.C.A. Sydenham Girls' Club was very gay and testive on 1 hursday evening, wnen the girls entertained their mothers at a banquet, 'ihe f o ®.™ was prettily decorated with dauodns and blossoms, and the tables gay with flowers and jellies and coloured drinks, in addition to the usual banquet faro of cakes, sandwiches and fruit. The guests were received by the Club see*retary, Miss Mochan, with two members of the ladies' committee, Mrs Cantrell, and Mrs Munday, and girls and mothers numbered about GO. The toast of the evening, after that of the King, was of course "Our Mothers," proposed by Miss C. Munro, and responded to by Mrs Cantrell, Miss Mona Carter singing "That Wonderful Mother of Mine." The next toast was that of the Sydenham Club and the Y.W.C.A., proposed by Miss Olive Holmes, who voiced the appreciation of the girls for their club, aud their sense of pride in belonging to a great movement; which stood for the development of the best in every girl. Miss Venie McLeod proposed the toast to "Every Girl." The toast of the "Ladies Committee" was proposed by Miss Evelyn Hamburger and replied to by Mrs Munday, and the last toast of the evening was "Our Fathers," proposed by Miss Althea Martin and responded to with enthusiasm. Others who contributed to the programme were Misses Mamaret Richardson, Doreen Hatchard, Winnie Goodall, with songs and recitations, and a happy evening ended with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne."

Shipments of fashionable Pura have just arrived from London, Paris, and New York for Madame Menere, corner Cashel and Colombo streets (Upstairs;. These are unfortunately too late for the winter, hence Madame Menere has decided to make a prompt clearance by selling them at practically landed cost. This represents a rare opportunity to buy furs of the linest quality at prices remarkably low. M 6512 DIRECT FROM CAIRO. Recently returned from a visit to Egypt, with added knowledge in the arts of the Toilet Specialist, Madam Egypt us is able to offer still more preparations which 6often the hand of time. Treatment for grey or failing hair, dandruff and baldness successfully given. 'Phone 5158 for appointment, upstairs, between Strand Theatre and G.P.0., Cathedral square. K4311 ''Patricia," ever-increasing an a popular shopping centre for ladies, has a very choice range of Knitted Frocks and Jumpers; also Smart Millinery and Dainty Baby Things. Her High-class Dressmaking will ever satisfy. Your early inspection (corner Montreal and Victoria streets) will be appreciated, or ring 'phone 234321. L 5273 Just to hand shipment of Ladies' Black Suede Shoes, elastic insertions, pump soles, square and Cuban heels, suitable for afternoon and evening wear 2os. Also in Glace Kid 22s 6d. H. PANNELL AND CO., 105 Manchester street. P6548-933.5


A successful and enjoyable children's fancy dress party was held last night, in the Art Gallrry in aid of the refreshment stall of tha forthcoming Catholic school fete at Barbadoes street. The members of tlio committee responsible for "the dancn were Mrs Nottingham, Miss Brophy, Misses Morkane, Nurse Doherty, Mrs 'W. Hoben Music was provided voluntarily by Misses Mary O'Bnen and Vera Rvan and Mr Blogg. , „ Mrs H. T. J. Thaeker and Mrs Stringer, who acted as judges of tho fancy costumes, awarded tho prizes as follows:—Girls' best fancy dress, Gwen Barrell (Italian Fruit Girl); most original, Nancy Manning (\ acuum Oil" Co.); special prize, Kathleen Gregory (Powder Puff). Boys Best fancy drr«s, Rodney 1/indsay (Mcphistopholes); most original. Ernest Bond (Cooper's Seeds) ; special, Ivan Soiiter (Littlo Boy Hluo), On behalf of the committee, Mr Ravmond Nottingham -thanked the judges for their kindness in undertaking such a difficult task. <\.mon<*st those present were: Joan Munnings (Red Cross Nurse), Nancy Mannings (Vacuum Oil Co.), Marine Tnbin (Japanese), Patricia To nn (Black and White Pierrot), Roddy Lindsay (Mcpbtstopheles). Hielma Arnold (Powder Puff), Eva Morris (Gipsy), Eileen Daly (I'airy), Stephen Daly (Pierrot), Aline McSwigan (Butterfly), Kathleen Way (Balloon Girl), Olca Way (Carrots), Zoo Lane (Lantern Girl), Joyce Gregory (Eastern Girl) Kathleen Gregory (Po writer Puff), Ivan Souter (Little Bov Blue), Harry Hewlett (Sailor), Dorothv Hanrahan (Carnival), Nellie Malioney (Japanese), Esme landsay (Oranges and Lemons), Nellie beoehegan (Boti-Bon),' Patricia Donnelly (Rainbow), Eileen O'Toole (Gerstena), Eunice Jones (Rose), Eileen Mallouk (Hawaiian Girl), Kitty Hallins (Rose), Dolly Hallins (Poppy), Dorothy Pearce (Sunflower), Gwen Johlin (Prince Arthur), E. Bond Cooper s Seeds), Kathleen Hooker (Powder Puff), Ruby Stokes (Pierrette), Marie Fahey (Spinning Top). R. Fahey (Dick Wliittington), Mollie Sutherland (Japanese San Toy), Lillian Brookes; Edna Lister (Rainbow), Eileen Lavery (Irish Colleen), Alma Gillespie; Olive Lawrence (Hollywood), Betty Pankhurst (Strawberries and Cream), Kathleen O'Toole; Joan Sutherland (Pierrette), Inez Paget (Flapper), Denise Shea (Ace of Hearts) Joan Cunliffe (Chinese Lady), Philip McGregor (Soldier), Francis McGregor (Cricketer), Lawrie Poison . (Cricketer), Kathleen Barraball (Green Pea), Gwendoline Barraball (Mixed Fruit), Myrtle Croe (Blue Pierrot), Vincent Wood (Mad Hatter)/Bernard Wood (Mad Hatter). Y. Flood (Pierrot), Mary Wall (TTiree Castles Cigarettes), Jack Wall (Jackie Coogan), Ravmond Wall (Indian Chief). Hahn (Dutch GH), Jean Hahn (Carniivl), Irene Gillin (Blue Bell), Grace O'Brien (Departed Spirits), Ethel Romer (When Winter Comes). Maud Holland; Veronica Sloane (Twilight), Mollv McTlroy (Spanish Dancer), Alice Brunie .Aernes Waleh Elsie Gallalier (Fairy), Daisy Collings (Rose).

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 2

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WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 2

WOMEN'S CORNER Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 2