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lbs number of sa'ea reported on Siodi MB week shows a tailing oa ;i " j ~ „i,j, U* TOk, mand for most, classe:- "f '■ a change securities. c tr „v one Recorded business in 4, P .c. Stock one in 1938 and 39SJ at £O7 l'Js show n change on that done 1.-fc</ cent sellers were declared buyers at £--' '• y ' Uo»d 3 m IS?3 «, , £97 10s and £57 l-'s wl shou an ad ' ls Fi^r b S Po'srOffice'Loan Sicck ness at J-'-- 1 -"■•" .or.,.; v^week and late buyers arc; = £33 for the Stcck and tno Bund* \u.-li .cut ■ holders responding. ; , c t For 5i per cent, toldier^ • -*ar the Stock at £lOl < s to and -101 ICL , last week the fctock sexd up ™- 10 i ■7s Gd and the Bonds to- £lOl lue. •• New: Zealand Breweries 10 per cent, debentures which sold last week upto 2£s have had further sales at that -figure,, and more aro available at -T_s, no quoted buyers. , • , ' Bank of Australia, shares, m which tie last recorded transactions about three weeks ago were at tlo les oa, are now on offer «-t £l3 1' s 6d, but buyers are.not responding. ' Bank of Victoria ordinary shares with business last week at £6 Ids, subsequent sellers at £6 14s, are now ' sought at £6 14s 6d, but sellers are asking £6 17s t>d. ' Recorded turnover of Commercial Bank of Australia shares at 30s shows a; slight improvement on last week's -sales at 29s lOd and 29s 9d. • National Bank of Australasia, fully paid shares have eased from business at . £ls -9s 3d last week to £ls $s this F<ir National Bank of New Zealand ' shares, which had recorded turnover at £6 los a fortnight-ago, there arc. unsupported. sellers at £6 14s 6d. "New Zealands .which h;icl business earlier in the week at -56s lOd, 56s 9d, pud' 575, rose sharply to CQs, and more are available at. that figure with ' quoted buj'ers 6d lower. An announcement has already appeared in the .•columns-of "The Press" with reference to a loan of £1.125,000 at 5J per cent, from this Bank to tho Government. ...

Royal Banks, £1 t>aid, were dealt in • at 33s 6d and-more "aro wanted at 33s 3d with sellers at 34s 3d. • TJnion Banks havobeen placed at £l4 15s 6d and £l4 16s- as against last . .week's-transactions at £l4 16s 6dj and -£l4 16s, and more are available- at £l4 16s 6d with., declared buyers at 6d slower. -- , ■ !, Bank of. New South Wales shares. ..changed hands this weeik at ,£4l 6s, on . advance on last, recorded sales a fort-' .Tjipht ago 2s atid, £4l. ' > Business in National Insurance at x 76s shows still further -tsaJos last 7os, 75s 3d and ton r Gd> and South British which sold a fortnight ago at 42s 9d■' changed hands ■tJfiis week at 43s 3d, 435, and 4-s «d. For the former buyers are quoting /os 6d without sellers responding, and for ...the latter sellers are offering at 43s 9d, with buverß Is lower. ' 'Ts'ow Zealands with business at 28s - *7d a.nd 295-6 d show no. change on last t week. Fpr Standards there are unsupported. sellers at 42s 6d -Inst re- ■ pbrted turnover'about a fortnight ago, -' cum dividend, was \at »435. 1 _' . -National Mortgage shares were placed •this week tat 7os 6d, a. rise of 6d on last ' recorded business,. with later buyers at ■ v 745, sellers at 77s 6d., . , • ;N.Z. Loan .and Mercantile Ordinary •-Stock, which, changed hands last woek ' at £B9 and'£9o, has since had enquiry, at the latter-figure, but holders were v asking.£93. . . • . Huddart. Parker ordinary shares were dealt in at 44s 9d as against 44s 9d

. : and-465. last week, and late sellers aro .offering at 45s (3d, with buyers Is lower. P.and O. Deferred Stock was turned

..-over at £295, which is on a par with • that.* reported last week and further buyers.are offering £294, with declared sellers at £307 10s. ; .Canterbury Frozen Meat shares, for ..which buyers were offoring £l3 19s, with sellers-af; £l4 6s 6d at the end

-of last week, are now in demand at .- .£14.15, with recent holders asking £l4 6Sj but no business has boon, recorded during the week. ; -N.Z. Refrigerating fully-paid shares have, been dealt in at 19s 6d, as against

recorded transactions about three weeks ago at ; 19s and 18s 6d, and the contributing .issue have been turned over at 9s and 9s 2d, showing a slight casing on those previously recorded at 9s 6d and 9s 3d. For the latter there are .quoted buyers at-9s 1 6d, with sellers at 10s, and the. former havo enquiry at 19s 6d, -without response. . North Cant-erburv Freezing are on offer at 48s 6d, without attracting a declared buyer. Mosgiel Woollens were turned over this week at £7 2s, as compared with £.7 Is a. month ago. .. Tauniri Coals have eased from last recorded business in the ordinary shares at- IBs 6d tp that this 1 week at :IBs and 17s 4d.

.TV estport-fetockioiif' ordinarv aiter a .. .temporary recovery from 3s to as high . as 4.s last week, have dropped again to business at 3s. The preference issue Jare also easier, being placed at 5s 6d as- against . last reported turnover a . month ago at 7s. ■ Brewery shares havo Seen dealt .in at .35s 6d, 3o& 9d, and 34s as compared "with last week at 34s 9d and 335, with further declared tellers at. 34s 3d, buyers 9i lower. Wards- have <?hanged hands at 52s od, ■ shouiDp; a slight easing on last -week s reported business at 52s 9d. and a Jf father unsupported tellers as o2s 6d.

N.Z. Bru~ Co.'s shares were placed, ; ? um ,. dl TM at 68s 6d and 68s 9d, show' '"v 7 r' Tal ' a ' iOll on * asl .j .Farmers' Co.-on. shares paid, vrith business at 12s, show~a , &nara dron as compared with • a S T,^T° rdedaEsaction s at. 14s and Sd'ritW 1 ! are offeriu S at 13s t> buyers responding. Oo" VT," :f aper •^ 1 '\ 3 have jeceded from j; 22s * rCporttd this week > LM U fuU - v -P aid shares, which last week at £IQ jfe, are

sought at £lO loa, but sellers are asking £ll. , , , „ 'Waihi Mining shares have been placed at f?Ss 3d, and Grand Junctions at 2- 3d. showing no variation on business reported at the closo of last week. Movements of Prices. The .foliowins are variations on last week's prices at. a glaiicc. r:R Bank of New Zealand ... - 3 . 0 Commercial Bank, of Aus. - National Insurance ... 0 o DOWX. Huddnrt. Parker ••• 0 3 Nat. Bank of Aus. (£lO pd) ... i 6 S.7i. Farmers 1 ' Co.-op. (£'2 pd) ~s" io 3s n!z. Refrigerating (Cont.) ... 0 4 Union Bank ••• 0 t> Ward's Brewery ... 0 J



"Wholesale merchants report business tins week to, bo much improved compared, with last, v.-eck. Tho warm weather has caused enquiries for summer lines, with a. fallinjcll in cages' of foodstuffs usually soid during tho winter period. Tho steamer Sussex arrived in Lyttelton on Thursday Iroui Sinsapors with Eastern produce. ilcr caj-go , should bo available cariv nest week, Tho nest steamer from with &ago, tapioca, ana pmetippie is ei.neduj.ed to, depart aDout Decemoer. Due here January.

riieiiy iiimonds are in short cupply. Prices are firming, due to the high cost of replacement. jNciv stocks should bo hero about JNovember. Values are-on the rise ah tho time.

Tho warm weather has caused a sharp, decline iu the sales of oatmeal, and othee breakfast, foods. So far there ia no indie tion as to the prico likely to rule for oaten looda when tho new season's grain is available.

Thi3 wcek'3 cable from Colombo advices tho tea market aa firm as ever, and no likelihood of a reduction for some time. Va.lues still continue to stand at a high level, due to very strons demand and limited supplies. " • ■ ; The Navua, from Auckland, with sugar, is duo on Saturday, having followed closely on the previous vessel. A limited supply of Java eugajr will bo available 'on this market, shortly, but thisarticle is not likely to bo seen iu tho retail shops. Manufacturers prefer it for certain uses, as it contains a.'higher proportion of Raccharinc than tho more refined typo sold for tablo use.

Stocks of pollard still very hard to obtain. Somo grocers complain that they are ■unable to get enough for their requirements.


■Registration of the following new companies is announced' in tliia week's "Mercantile Gazette"

PlimsoU's.-Ltd; aa a private ionpany September 12th, 1921. Otncc: Capital: £3OOO, into .3000 shares of £1 each. -Suticribcra: Cbristchurcb.— Gooi Plinuoll 2909, Susanna Pljinsoll 1. Objects: To. purchase or otherwise acquire tho business lately carried on at 78 Manchester street by Or. W. PJimsoli and to. carry on tho business of' hatters, mercers, and clothiers, and general' incidental. Dcnnifiton and Shipley, ..Ltd. Regd. as a privato company September 12th, 192-1. Office:, Timaru. Capital: £3500, into 2500 shares cf £1 each. Subscribers: Tunaru— P. R. Denniston 1250; Ohristchurfch—A. 13. Shipley 1250. Objects:-To acquire and take over "as a going concern the business of motor-car dealers, manufacturers, importers, and sellers of motor-cans and accessories lately carried on at Timaru. by F. R. Dcnniston. R. H. Joyce, Ltd. Regd. as a. private company September 13th, 1924.' -Office: Timaru. * Capital: £2500, into 2500 chares of £1 each. Subscribers: Timaru —R. F, .VaJlia 1000, B. H. Joyco 1000, Norah I. Joyce 500. ' Objects: To "carry on at Timaru and elsewhere tho business of commission and insurance agents, importers, exporters, general merchants, auctioneers, etc. Native H-acd-Mado Panama. Hat Company, Ltd. Regd. as a private company Auguet 22nd, 1021.. Offico: 36 High street, Dannevirke. Capital: £IOOO, into 1000 shares of £1 eacL. ' Subscribers: Dannevirke—H. E. Barnsiey 65, A. Malmanch© 50, J, Harvey 10, J. "W. Doboon 25, J. T. "Wilson 235, J. McPherson G5, L. Pceti £O, A. McLean 200 M. Pceti. 50, J. Halden. 100, E„ Graat 50;' To Rehunga—G. D. Turnbull 100. Oojocts: To carry on in Now Zealand the panama hat industry and exploit same. Vigor Brown Trading Company, Ltd. Regd. Bs.a privato comply Septembor 12th, 1924. Cffico: Tennyson street, Napier. Capital: into 15,000 shares of £1 cacih. Subscribers: Napier—J. Vigor Brown 1000, L. Stephenson 6000: Wellington— T. Levi 5000, A -E. Burch 1000, .F. W. Mooro 1000; Gisbornc—l. Stephenson 1000, . Objects: To carrj- on tho business of general merchants, importers, and wholesale dealers.

MEAT EXPORTS. Frozen meat shipped from TScxr Zealand during the 1023-24 season was as follows: -. Beef Mutton Lamb 1923. * Qrs. C'cs. C'cs. November t-». £,600 56,211 81.951 December •- 1,105 48,093 202,590 1921. Januarv •-*. 1.59 a 120,356 636,200 Fcbruarv •• 20,200 230,786 704,9>>3 March ' .. 58.65-2 382,159 636,618 April 31,637 139,730 512,739 Mnv .» 45,639 95,321 606,004 Juno 24,213 47,776 548,763 Ju'y »• 33,365 193,487 617,549 August • . 17,542 142,543 217,827 243,238 1,456,473 1,665,227 Killings at all works during tho season i-nmniCTcin- November Ist, 1923, to August 31.M, 1921, were:— North South' Mand. Island. Total. Beef (qrs..' l ~ 320,243 1 ; 906 32C,'55 Wether Mutton . (carcas&s)- '.. 864,283 141,545 1,006,133 Ewo Mutton (carcases) .. 634,20S 278,163 910.370 Larab (caroases) . 2,109,776 2,660,730 4,770,5C6 Sundries _ (Freight cajcascs) .. C 00.172 62,C9l 342,563 Stocks on hand in Now Zealand at AngTiCt Slst were: — ■ ' North South . If'.and. Island. Total. Beef. {quarter?) _ 63,073 831 63,909 Wether Mutton (carcaeesl _ 121,162 23,012 147,204 Ewe Mutton (carcases) 158,165 10T.761 265,926 Lamb (carcases') . 16,018 101,771 117.753 Sundries (Freish*. carcases) .. 57,103 20,470 77,554 • fclocis of frozen meat loaded inio st&amcrs j not departed from New Zealand, as at Aug|Tusi Slsi, vrero—Bee; (quarters), 19,£69; matton (carcases), 117,931; lamb (carcsees', 78,312. I j METHVEN STOCK SALE. j -The ■ fortnightly etock calo was held at I Methvcn on Thursday. There vis a very email entry of sheep, and tbeso changed bands -at satisfactory- prices. Tho balance of the yarding-consisted of .a. few . dairy cattle and .sopjo. rigs, and tho usual collecuons of sundries, all of which, found buyere at up to lato rates. The following wero lio.prin- , cipal taJer--—lO ewa hoggets at. SCte, IS wether hoggct3 at 28a Id, 14 fat wethers ot 42s 3d. 33 ewes and 38 lambs at 22s Id all .counted, 1 cow £4 15s, i cow .-at- £6 15s, and others down to £L. . ' Weanor, pigs , brought- from 20s to 35s according to quaii+.y and eize.- ... One draught, miro Bold ai £32, 1 'do., at, £l4j and 1 draaghl gcldins at 'X3 10a. - . .

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 12

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REVIEW OF THE SHARE MARKET. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 12

REVIEW OF THE SHARE MARKET. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 12