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On the well-known grounds of. and in conjunction with the ufHli annual show of. the Manawatu A. and P. Association, is to be held the First Royal Agricultural Show oi' New mation of a Society to apply " t " or " nc * hold a Koyai Charter has taken some vears to accomplish, in which a S ro ' lt deal of time and labour was gncn by those gentlemen concerned ia\mg i good of their country at hear.. me forthcoming effort will be a most important, not to say historical, occasion A generous allocation of prizes has been made largely through the lojal support, of the various breed societies and lar 0 e entries are anticipated aliquarters of the Dominion, Iho - . i,,; no . Kennel Club's annual dog snow held also in conjunction, and in h°"°" r of the occasion the New (I Kennel Club has granted an Ad th^ ,en -° Show. All information mny_ be obtained from the joint secretaries. Box S.l, Palmerstou North. Entnes tor dogs, art and industries, schools, etc., will close on October 4th, and tot live stock on October 11th.


Some sheep in the Ida Valley district have gone "cogly," to use a sh«pherd s expression (telegraphs our Dunedin correspondent). If moved to activity by a dog they stagger and tail, then, if left alone, they get up and '-'run like mad" till t.hev are again taken with the staggers. The heads of one or two were split to try to discover the cause, and in each case it was found tha a fly had deposited its eggs_ in the upper part of the nostril, causing cxtcnsi\c inflammation. NVhence comes this y. Nobody seems to know. The a\ ten Lion of the' Stock Department has been called to the occurrence. The symptoms read like those that come from tutu, but local people who shonld know it there is tutu on the unplouglied ridges haic a suspicion that irrigation may have something to do with the trouble, because it is noticed that the sheep so affected are on irrigated pastures.

A Hastings telegram states that reports confirm tho presence of a fatal disease affecting sheep ill certain localities. The victims show 110 indications of sickness, but aro iound dead, and a post-mortem fails to disclose any cause.


A social was hold in the schoolroom last Wednesday, when a large number of residents took the opportunity of bidding farewell to Mr and Mrs Henderson and family, who have left the district to reside "in Eangiora. On behalf of the residents, Mr J. Fitzpatrick asked the gnests of the evening to accept two handsome seagrass chairs. In making the presentation, lie said that those present regretted losing such a highly respected family who were always* willing to assist in any work for the benefit of the community. Mr J. Henderson suitably _ responded. The evening was spent in dancing, under tho able direction of Mr W. Dermott, the music being voluntarily supplied by Mesdames Gregorv, Sangster, Hahgood, Misses P. May, G. Hibbard, and Messrs Sangster, C. Hahgood, B. Hahgood, T. Smith, and A. J. T. Withers. Among those present were. Mesdames T. James, J. FitzPatrrck, A. Douglas, Henderson, Clothier, M. O'Connor, Sangster, Gorrie, S. .Tones, C. Smith, Eobertson, W. Hobbs, A. Gregory, Jamieson, W. Haigh, Habgood, J. Flemming, Dermott, E. Giles, A. FlemmLng, Misses A. Dron, Tullct, Kennedy, E. Martin, D. Habgood, M. Henderson, Jamieson (2), E. Carrol, Moore (2), Jones (2), M. Flemjning, May (2), Hibbard (2), A. Fitzpatrick, Kinley, Douglas, T. Gorrie, Clothier (2), Patty i Flemming, and Esther Henderson, i Messrs E. Henderson, J. Henderson, L. Curry, F. Hibbard, J. Kennedy, Hemming (3), Ashworth (2), A. Douglas, McAdam, A. Dron, Batchclor (2), Hunter (2), J. Gorrie, Habgood (3), R. Giles, E. Ilanna, G. Cherry, T. James, Sangster, A. Flemming, Jones (2), C. Smith, T. Smith, McDonald, G. Trail, J. Ivelcher, Henry Jamieson, Eobertson, W. Dermott, -J. Fitzl'atrick, and "\N - Ilobbs. Supper was dispensed by the lady members of the committee. CUST. The ladies of .the Presbyterian Church have organised a uum'bei evenings during the winter to im funds tor church renovations. Ihc&e have been varied and all most enjojablo. The res have been several social evenings, with music, games, ctc.-Um-this week a moek breach ot Promise case was heard, when Miss \ era V cry Short (Mr IL Howes) claimed from Mr Jeremiah Long (Mr M. Richardson) the sum of -it'OOO for alleged breach ot promise. Mt: J. Smith acted as judge, while Mr W. House appeared as counsel for the plaintiff, aJid Mr 11. Gardner for the defendant. The witnesses tor the plaintiff were Miss Fewdothcs (Mt Alan Gartery), Miss Robust (Mr Arthm Garterv), Mr Benjamin Shorter (Mr b. Ducat), and Mr Billy BulLswool (Mr J. McLay). For tho defendant there appeared Colonel Sword (Mr A. Campion), llamsav McDonald, J.P. (Mr A. Smith), Gwendoline Beatrice Murray (Mr M. "Forbes), Susannah Simpkins, M.A. (AH s Tull). Mr J. Gilbert tilled the role of Clerk of the Court, and Mr C. Forbes that of Registrar, while Mr G. Mcintosh made an efficient Sergeant of Police. The jury consisted of tho Lev. G. Howes (foreman), Mesdames Fisher, Lang and Gardner, Messrs H. Hcinisch . and J. Struthers. Counsel were very amusing and the cross-questioning of tho witnesses was decidedly humorous to say the least of it, and brought forth peals of laughter from the large audience which uecessitated usual command "Silence in the Court" from "Senior-Sergeant Mcintosh." \Mien the j plaintiff was put in the witness box ''she" was so overcome with grief and sobbed so persistently that '"she" was allowed to resume "her" seat. After '■counsel"' and the judge had addressed . the jury, the latter retired for about 10 j minutes, and then returned with a rrer- j diet for tho plaintiff with one farthing j damages and costs on the highest scale. Counsel for the defendant immediately roso and applied for a rehearing lor various reasons: this was granted and the "Court" then closed. A recitation was given by Mrs Tull and then supper was handed round by the iadies. WOOD END. . ! The quarterly summoned meeting of j the Loyal Woodend Lodge, M.U., j 1.0.0. F.," was held on Thursday evening. Zs'.G. Bro. 11. A. Pateman pre- . sided, and there was a fair attendance of members. Interest was added to the proceedings by the presence of the Ashley District Officers and visitors from the Phillipstown and Eangiora Lodges. It was'resolved to apply for permission to appropriate irom the surplus capital of the lodge the sum. required to pay the levies to the War Members' Belief Fund, Deficiency Lodges Relief Fund, and to the United Westland District Belief Fund. The District Officers addressed the meeting, and the visitors returned thanks for their reception. At the conclusion of the business, those preaent were entertained, at supper by B/o. Allan Smith. 1

RANGIOKA. The quarterly summoned meeting of Court LoburnNo. 7759, A.0.F., was held on Thursday evening, Bro. L. Comyns. C.K.. presiding over a good attendance. Bro. NY. Fabey was installed to the office of J.W., which had been rendered vacant by Bro. G. J. Bichanls removing from tho district. Iwo candidates were initiated into the Order, and one was proposed for membership. BELFAST. Hie annua! meeting of the tennis section of the Belfast Sports Clnb was held on Thursday, Mr A. E. Clarke presiding over a fair attendance of members. The report and balance-sheet, which were adopted, showed the section to be in a very sound position. The membership was over tiO, and the general account showed a profit of £2O 7s on the year's working. During the year the club had lost by removal from the district ;; number of players, among them bring Tlrv. H. X. Roberts, 'Messrs James Goss and f \ Barnes, all players and workers for the club. Two* teams competed in the Suburban Competition, and some enjoyable games were played. F. Smaill was successful in wiuning the Suburban Singles Championship. The club had supplied the winner of this event two years in succession. The thanks of the club were extended to Mr NY. E. Brown, of New Plymouth, who presented a cup for competition among the members, and to Mrs W. P. Anderson for a gift of a kerosene stove and kettlo for the use cf the players. A donation of £4 lis 4d was received from the original Belfast Tennis Club, which is now defunct. It was decided to open 'the season on October -Uh with progressive doubles, and to euicr a senior and a. junior team in the suburban competitions. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: General committee, Messrs C. Croll, J. Halligan, F. Miller, Mesdames J. Johns. G. Arps, and J. Martin; secretary, Mr G. Brown; handieappers, Messrs Brown and Halligan; refreshment committee. Mesdames Arps, Johns, and Martin.


At a meeting of the Tai Tapu branch of the Fanners' Union, held in the Town Hall, Colonel Stafford, of Lincoln Agricultural College, gave a most interesting lecture on "The Dairy Cow.'' Mr 11. E. Pervmau (president) presided.

At the weekly meeting of the Wes--1 ova 11 Church Guild, Mr Graham gave an interesting lantern lecture on "The Life and Travels of David Livingstone."

A committee consisting of Messrs E. Tobcck, D. Watson, A. McLachlan, and K. Dulieu, arranged the programme in connexion with a social evening and savelov supper, which was held in aid of the" trust funds for the forthcoming bazaar, which is to take place at tho end of October. The Rev. W. Laycock presided, and items were contributed bv "tho boys," Mesdames B. Peryman, McLachlan,' Messrs Morgan, A. Page, E. Tobeck, D. Watson, Jean McLachlan, and L. Dowker.


The Domain Tennis Ciub opened its season on Thursday. The Mayor (Mr Geo. Armstrong), in carrying out the official opening ceremony, extended to members good wishes for 'a successful season. Both courts were busily occupied. Afternoon tea was served by I the ladv members under tho superintendence of the secretary, Miss McNab. The Akaroa Golt' Club's Concert Party appeared at Dittle River on, Thursday to a crowded house. The performance was followed by a dance. The weather continues uncommonly drv and warm. It is well over a month since this end of this Peninsula had anv rain, but in spit" ->f this the district is looking remarkably well. Earn, however, is badly needed here to ensure a continuance of summer feed, and farmers will gladly welcome a few days' steady downpour.. ALLANDALE. Mr Harry Hall's home at Governor s Bav was tho scene of a surprise party in honour of Mr Percy C. Jones. Mr Hall kindly placed liis spacious homo at the disposal of the party. After an evening spent in dancing and games for the younger members, a presentation of a* handsome wallet was made to Mr Jones by the parents of the school children of Allandale,_ as a token ot their appreciation of his kind action in taking them to school by motor. __ The wallet was presented by Miss Nellie Harris. A dainty sapper was partaken of and an enjoyaoTe evening came to a close. LEESTON. At yesterday's meeting of the Canterbury Education Board, held in Christchurch, a deputation of Leeston and Southbridgo residents waited on the Board, regarding the establishment of a manual training centre at Leeston. The Department, required tho Board's opinion of the matter. Tho Board decided that in its opinion Leeston was the natural centre, and that if arrangements were made to convey the children from Soutbbridge, the Southbridge people should acquiesce in tho change. At yesterday's meeting of the Canterbury Education Board, members received an, invitation to be present at the unveiling of the Leeston War Memorial, by the Governor-General on October 19th.

Tho congregation of St. John's, Leeston, held a social evening in honour of Miss May Free. Miss Free has been organist, at" the Church, but owing to the fact that she is about to remove to Southbridge, she has resigned fmm the position. Musical items were given by l?ev. Uphill and Messrs Beveridge, R. Poore, F. B. Woodard, and Ryde. Miss A. Alexander was the pianist. Competitions were won by Messrs Beveridge and O'Council. The guest was presented with a cake stand with plates, and a Doulton vase. Mr J. C. Free returned thanks on behalf of his daughter. DARFIELD. Mr J. G. Cook ; the Government- expert in wool and sheep-breeding, is to give a lecture at Dartield next week. This was arranged at the last meeting ot the Darfield Branch of the Farmers' Union, when Mr K. Murdikoa presided over a fair attendance of members. Tho chairmau undertook to provide sample fleeces, ranging from very high-grade merino to threequartcr-bred. The meeting also instructed tho secretary to write a letter of appreciation to the late chairman, Mr lloht. Reid, who had held that office sines the inception of tho Farmers' Union in Canterbury until this year—probably a record. A scheme was agreed to for the co-opera-tive purchase of various farm requisites on very advantageous terms. , DUNSANDEL. Court Star of Dunsandel. A.O.F. , celebrated its 36th. anniversary by holding a ball, which was very well patronised. Representatives were present from the Druids' Lodge (Doyleston), Hibernian (Leeston), Oddfellows (leeston), Court Star, A.OJF. (Eakaia) and Court Richard Stephens, A.O.F. (Greenpark). Tie official set comprised Bro. G. McDonald and Mrs McDonald, Bro. W. Chappell and Mrs W. Ballock, Bro. J. S. Skinner and Mrs Skinner, Bro. N, Walker, and Mrs Walker. Bros. R. Chatterton, W. Chappell, andG. McDonald woro M.O.'e. The music hr McDonald's Jvzz Band.


A billiards tournament between teams from Brooksido and Southbridge was played during tlio week, Southbridgo winning by 312 points. The scores were as follows:'Brooksido: S. Candv 71), K. Hall 42, AY. Neal 5-4. G. Gilbert- 04. C. Hastings SI, G. Kendall SO, ,T. Hesloyi (52, Tl. Grim wood 100, C. Lawrence 100. B. Taylor St;, E. Heslop 10. A. McCallum 100. H. Heslop -52. Total Pot>. Sonihbridpo: K. Hopa 100. J. Bcnnv 100. C. Gilbert. 100. E. Burcess 100. F. Hemminc 100. P>. C. Kidd "100. It. Hannah 100, M. Dovle 02, R. Hampton S3, G. Hamnton 100. J. Free 100. S. McCartin 37. (\ Kidd 100. Total 1212. A plain and fancv dress ball in aid of the Renovation Fund of St. James's Sunday School was held at Southbridge on Thursdav evening. The members of the Ladies' Guild were responsible for the organisation. Music was played by McDonald's Jazz Band, and Misses 7. Allen, A. Alexander, G. Kidd and Mrs S. Me«":irtin rdnyed extras. Supper was served in the :;nte-rooni. Prizes for fancy costume \viv awarded a-s follows: —Ladies: Most comic dress. Misses Mnv Smith and McCabe (Blaek Joe and His Wife'): most original dress, Miss E. Griffiths (Query). Gentlemen: Most comic dress, Mr M. Doyle (Gorilla): most original dress. Mr M. Ilantz (Yes, "We Have No Bananas). The judges were Miss Bridge and Mr Webb.

There was a fairly good attendance at a picture talk given by Dr Thacker in the Town Hali on Thursday. The evening was arranged by the Ellesmere branch of the Plunket Society in aid of tho mothers' cottage in connexion with the Karitane Hospital. Mr John Cunningham, chairman of the Ellesmere County Council, presided. In the course of his lecture, Dr. Thacker described his recent tour of the United States, French NVar Zone, and the British Isles, and showed an interesting series of pictures. Musical items were given by Mrs J. Coe and- Misses M. Cunningham and G. Brooks. On the motion of Mr A. J. Gray, a hearty vote of thanks was passed to Dr. Thacker.


A movement has materialised to fittingly recognise the very high esteem in which Dr. and Mrs Sheffield arc held by the Eakaia community. For the past five years they have resided in the district, and are now leaving for tho Old Country. The doctor is esteemed for the skill and attention ho has bestowed in so many cases of sickness, as well as for his personal qualities. Mrs Sheffield, too, has won the esteem of many friends. On Monday evening a farewell function and presentation will take place in St. Mark's schoolroom. The monthly meeting of the Eakaia brauch of tho Mothers' Union was held in St. Mark's schoolroom on Thursday afternoon, Mrs E. N. Blakiston presiding over a good attendance of members and friends. The meeting took the form of a social afternoon, and was very enjoyable, Songs were contributed by Mesdames 0. Osborn, C. W. Wcndelken, Arthur Mead, and Miss K. Turnbull; a duet by Mrs E. Breach and Miss X. McCoy; a pianoforte solo by Miss Margaret Henderson; recitations by Mesdames A. Mend and W. Palmer, and Miss Emmie Trevella; and readings by Mrs Blakiston. Afternoon tea was served, and a collection was taken up in aid of the St. Saviour's Orphanages, a substantial sum being realised.


A special meeting of the Loyal Methven Lodge, M.U., 1.0.0. F., was held oil Thursday evening to consider matters iu connexion with the social arrangements of the Lodge. There was a good ntV3ndancc of members, and Bro. E. A. Mangin, N.G., presided. The question was considered of altering tho date of tho next social avening, at present set down for September 25th, owing to the fixture clashing with a function being organised by the ladies of the Loyal Ashburtou Lodge, which a number of Mcthven members wished to attend. It was decided to alter the date to October 10th. This will be the last of a series of social evenings organised by the Lodge. The annual meeting of the Methven Collie Club was held in the Alford Forest School, when about 20 members attended. In the absence of the president, Mr G. L. Nell occupied the chair. The report showed that the recent trials has been an unqualified success, running into four days. The entries numbered over 150 for the three events.

The report, together with tho bal-ance-sheet, which showed a credit balance of £6l 7s 3d, were adopted unanimously. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year:— Hon. life members, Mrs W. T. Pollock, Messrs Joseph Batty, Jas. Trumper, Chas. Lock, and J. F. Poff; patron, the Hon. \V. Nosworthy; president, Mr M. McLeod; vice-president, Messrs M. Lewin, T. S. Harrison, H. Smith, L. Hicks, C. Urquhart, L. Nell, W. T. P. Lock, A. McLennan, S. Richards, L. Richards, R. C. Todhuntcr, A. McLeod, C. T. Jcsscp, W. J. Cooksley, H. A. Nickolls, Major Bond, and J. Morgan; treasurer, Mr L. Hicks; secretary, Mr F. W. Fagan; committee, Messrs W. Carney, F. W. Fagan, E. Grieve, A. McLeod, We Grieve, F. Chapman, W. Pollock, H. Wilsou, S. Eichards, L. Richards, T. S. Harrison, G. Taylor, F. Mcßae, L. J. Hicks, D. Middleton, A. Stewart, P. M. Bates, D. Clifton, If. Bates, H. E. Jessep, E. A. Grigg, G. L. Nell (chairman), J. Chapman, J. Wolfreys, G. Martin, and W. Wilson; timekeeper, Mr G. L. Nell; head shepherd, Mr W. G. Grieve; sub-committee, chairman, head shepherd, and secretary. Another very successful progressive euchre tournament was held at Highbank on Wednesday evening in aid of tho funds of the new Sunday school. There was a large attendance. The ladies' prize was won by Mrs A. J. Ireland, qnd the men's by Mr F. G. Miller, w'iiile consolation prizes were awarded to Mrs D. Clecvc and Mr Keg. Vaughan. LYNDHUBST. The Lyndhnrst Tennis Club held a most enjoyable concert and dance on Wednesday evening last. The hall was well filled, and all the items were well received. Much credit is due to Miss Kudd for the management of the stage, which was gaily decorated with spring fiowers and flowering shrubs. Mr Lillcy was chairman, and at the close of the concert thanked the performers for making the function a success. He called for three hearty cheers for those who had helped, and they were willingly given. The hall was then cleared for the dance, for which McDonald's Band supplied the music. Mr F. Hardy acted as M,C. The following contributions made up the programme: Pianoforte solos by Jean McDonald and Hector McDonald; songs by Misses A. C. Duff, T. McKendry, Mrs Parsons, and Messrs G. McDonnell, J. Woodcock, and G. Struthers; duct by Miss A. C. Duff and Mr G. Struthers; recitation by Mr Elliott; exhibition of conjuring by Mr Parsons; mandolin, solo by Miss Mabel McDonald; monologue by Mr G. McDonnell, and ventriloquism by Mr Parsons. IRWELL. A number of residents in the vicinity of Coe's Ford have been working at the old bridge washed away by floods last year. When in position the bridge will be open to light motor traffic.

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 3

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THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 3

THE COUNTRY. Press, Volume LX, Issue 18183, 20 September 1924, Page 3