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AUCTIONS. H. MATSON AND CO. YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR SUCCESS. VVf tfcUuKE Service is all one has to aeH, its * ■ quality must l>c superior if the patron ® business is to be retained. That is oar poa> i ion. We moat rely on livo etock shipper* tor our living"—not alone on initial bnsinefla bui on continuous pittonage. PoMirity draws .4541,' "fat performs nos hoiis it. To thHintain lughgrade organisation, .competency of help, efficiency and experience of salesmen, accuracy of accountancy,.. promptness of remitting. ' Wo solicit vour business. MATS OK and CO. HOES&- oALES. TATTKBSAWfi. ' TATTERSALL'S. TATTERS ALL'S. TATTERSALL'S. OTVIXC i-o the fnjnfic bo Meg rusli by Returned isldiers <wd Boom Jlaniwa to acquire c.i classes of hoses, aided by extensive credit, Hie fanning community and dealers took advantage of the enormous prices offering in their osro particular districts, with -a result that hitherto ahnost unheard of HORSE SALES sprang up in the night. ALAS! The crash cams too suddenly , fraying power departed from tho ringside like ft flash. As before the War, these saSes have sunk into almost oblivion, nevertheless, dealers stUI wait there in Tain to catch the unwary, and fanners mindful of successful eaica in the past occasionally offer their horses in these salc3. hoping perhaps they might get cwav with it. The farming community and public generally, judging by recent successful sales in TATTEBSALL'S HORSE BAZA ATI, are realising that by consigning horses to MATSON'S, CHRISTCHURCH, they have still a reliable, consistent market to depend on. The fact that TATTEBSALL'S ie the oldest Horse Repository in Canterbury, in spite oi all kinds of opposition, i* unquestionable evidence of efficiency, and reflecta great credit on H. MATSON and CO., the Proprietors. High-class management and old and established principles which protect both BUYER AND SELLER from the pit-falls of tho Horse Trade has built up in TATTERS ALL'S ;i very, very valuable asset to the farming community and public generally. Therefore,if yon are cither a BUYER or SELLER, do not hawk your horses or attend every sale in CANTERBURY, CENTRALISE at TATTEBSALL'S, and you will be assured of MARKET VALUE for your consignment, and business-like methods for handling same. H. JCATSON and CO. INVESTMENTS. INVESTMENTS, rpo-DAY there are numerous holders of money who axe at a L 063 as to what tp do with their cspital. In tho great majority of cases the money is customarily invested on the Stock Exchange, or lent to Banks, Public Bodies, and Commercial Firms on short-dated loans. A few months ago such methods of handling capital "would not have been considered by the Owners thereof, but to-day they seem to btj money sick, and are driven to the abova expedients. B. MATSON and CO. desire to advise such Ijoldcrs of money that to-day there aro all _ the fair plains of Canterbury awaiting their conSdeuce. There are hundreds of Farmers whose Mortgages have to bo renewed, and "who are prepared to borrow «.(: froin ss'per cent. to 6| per cent, for periods varying from three to «#v«n years, interest payable half yearly. What other Investment is so safe? The land will be h®re wbep the present generation is dead ■»» d gone, and put prosperity of the Dominion has been boilt on agrarian production, and assuredly snch also will be the case in the future. We have a per®one! and direct knowledge of the varioms districts and veins of land in Canterbury, and we offer otrr services and a&rooe to holders of capital who are prepared to invest their : moray upon 'First' Mortgage upon reliable and good security. .-Eft thfl® iwldara of Froehojdv wljo are deemma of edjtarting their Mortgages we ate© o®* ap4 will do oar best tozoeet their requirement®, providing that ottr own ywoe of the land is compatible with the margin necessary and partomftry in such investments, and subject of ooorse to the apof fhg partUs lending the money. . For oara fajwesrtment and reliable valtte wmiariTnonsta -with— H. MAT&ON «wl CO., .? Caahel street, Chrietcfcaroh. TK> I CAPH!AUSTSI TO TO THOSE WHO HAVE AT CALL OR WAITING- INVESTMENT. IL MATSONsid CO. would be '-""V gW to wtmiew any oi the above, and would .point out wajs sod -for a, safe eod satisfactory way of placing such oqntal. A» ten obserwrs wo note tho inflated ■mm oi the daily report on the Stock Exchange of the different shares, also tho high iHisos oi, ftU sorts af aomxaoditios. There » anjy one investment that Trill never let yon down, and that ia GOOD BROAD ACBES. It ie like water, it will always aomo to SB Own level. of many yoam of iieeahip to » aad Station buanees has piaeed qa m a poeition; .>o know tho values current in yariptw localities, and -the po6«ibilitifie % psfa iwrestnleni. If ?oa rittwld hm« aimer to ivrmi, COME AND HAT® A CHAT WITH US. - If you 6ont rat a Jmn for yaozself, thero is nothing to etpp yoa Jjeu® "dog in ihe> vaevngm* to tbe oetsiasnt of your felio«r . x&o. >Bwr» are hundreds of men, pßg6L_oacwgy, and go, ajtd aleo Wi& knowlaage, =. dying -te get «n to the Isnd. We can place before you piopcrtipe Tr«jcth ■£}» money t»4*y, and which will contiwue iinprovii»g in **lne. We can put yoa in toceh with youstg farmora capable of going on laad ina working it, either paying rents, joint partnership, or a pariicipatioa m the eatraing power. YOTJ HAVB A DUTY TO YOUR COTHETEIn Too have made youx i»oney in New Zea r Msad, and the oely thing thai -mil wy tiw delate •of this country is'. INCREASED PRODUCTION. "WHY BE A LAGGARD ? PUT YOTTR CAPITAL INTO TgE DIFPBRENTIAI, OF mLAND'S AWD TTKT'P ®0 OBANK •THE BA>n>l«E. - w.,iwraoii ALDINGTON LIVB STOOK MARKET. ADiDDfGTON LIVE STOCK MARKET. B, MATSON AND CO.'S ACTUAL FACTS. TTTSNDOBfI stock to mli|» T ho well advised to efttnj«t pnch to H. MATBON md CO., giro penaoital and direct attention. The feUowing figures epeak fox tljemaalvee. ADDINGTON YARDS. Perik^!—J»nasiry to Jane, J922, 1888, and 190*. ■ © s .J* 5 . ■ax S°K i°e« „ _ hs 3Sg sSftS Cattle—--1922 . . 6,771 86.1 2923. 99,539 8,341 40.1 Kg#—'' - .'1922 .. • 1923-. ciajt, i. 18,192 8,323 <5.8 Shesip^1922 .. 633,08!) 96,780 15.8 ■ 1923 .. .541,45(5 83,161 15.4 19M -• 595,337 98,408 16.5 Each dsfpaxtment is Wider tB« control of officer® and competent' salesmen, and tbe wiiolti v supervised by the principals, '■swio hav« had a lifetime *pprentic«ahip to Paymente made promptly. Our ,«?wtem« *nd our methods ore generally xeeog.aised ly all those connected with tho trade ■to leave little -to be desired, i Consigi.. 1 H. MATSON *nd CO., Addington. WOOL GROWERS ft WOOL SELLERS. :WUO.M GROWERS & "WOOL SELLERS H MATSON and CO. will * fw.; yoa. Reasons why ; ynu Bbonu moa your baeineas to H :MATBONAND CO.:- ' X. Put Fam is »rPrxv»ie Pirm, ead xfb and direct attention. 2- Our KOT neld the first Wool Sale Kttd m Canterbury. %Wp, luxe fiten conduew-o evidenoe cyer . a ponod of yesra of our to conduct oar business and tho fact that we can and do produce tba: absolute best results % *ll markets. If yon «ra a free jg«nt, do sot hesitate. Send year goads to MA37SON sod CO., »nd start in by consigning your Wool to H. MATSON and CO.. APDESGTON. Oor- Prin<fi|»iß h*re aerved « good in his buainess, ai>d they a» responsible, steady-going business bk»i. «s4 : undoubtedly aio good " jodges. sSey pernonally and directly look «fter yottr bwiijwsa, e»4 «| SjriftßiMn t» ap»Js. Our Stare and cgnvenieooee ate i&o best .sin Christchureh. Our paddoekiag aobboswodatioß is iar the beet asnongat thow round Chjjsfcclnjich, aod "▼o »fe "givjog the farmer and- produoer Vnoro than good service for the remunerartioi}. that yon have to pay a medippra repre«sn«*hve. WOOL ; PACKB, BINDER TWINE. BRiS'DING OIL, MANURES, SEBDs! gLQTOE§,. CORN SACKS,, FJ3NCING AND ALL STATION REQUISITES } m> Piocraable from MATSON wd CO. at fOra lowest current, rote#. :. H. MAXSON and CO.,

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Press, Volume LX, Issue 18152, 15 August 1924, Page 16

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Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18152, 15 August 1924, Page 16

Page 16 Advertisements Column 1 Press, Volume LX, Issue 18152, 15 August 1924, Page 16